day. today's tel^w^fcjgnewg - chronicling...

T.« *fr~' >DA1 rV-MSO. JAW. 1, 1»10- A HAPPY Nm Y»ar. bapp/, aod if joo cso't be bippy be as cappy t»a y. cio. T^EOAZETTES aREEIINO. The Uiz t e ttatts oo Iu ooe huodred * ,'l tleveiith volume t>day, aod lo doirg ro eiteod* tbe compiimeots ol tbe seaaio 11 j'.a mary readers, and with the caroiat tbat tbe sime traoqiility with which oor city ha» beeo blessed doriog the pau jear may be contioued. 8im»- hr gteeliogs buve tot over a ceotory b3.'o tendtred hy tbe (».«tte. Tbe cacly aiJresaia weiet3 maoy who were eg.:mtiaeaul solJier', sobi qieotly to Viterius ol the s>ciod war for lodepeod- W, ihea io Amtricsoa retoroiog bome ffC_ Mcx'co, aod iu ibls day to tbe rem- oaat oi another baod of patriota who nrfivedtbefoartwr-dfil war. Maoy chaogta bave takeo plaoe ia oor beloved city doriog all theae years, aod generi- tioa has ^uccseded geoeratioD, but the iotcrsat ia the old home paper bas beeo traoamitteri from oae to the other, aod t;iay it ia beiog read by maoy wbo cao- not reatember the Spaoish Americeo war. XhaOtsMU baa ever toeo a moch- pritxl atfjioct to Alexandria homes aa well as to maoy tbrougbout tbe Ooogres- sioaal district, and in by-gone years, -baa but ooe mail a w*k reached cer- tvn local.tles, the arrival cf the paper <va< earnistly aoticipated, aod lt waa raid aod reread by sobacribers aod ceighbors. Xl_« cbaoge aod people obaoge wiib tbem, and much more is expected frow a oew*psper now ibaa io by-gooe dayr. 'fbetc la a g'e^tr tlemand opon the Oi- Dtte'scolumasaatimegoes oo, aod to meet all thtsa rt<i'Juemeo:s will be tbe atsady tilm of its pobllsbers. The telcgraj-b aad ttlephooe service Las almo-t soperseded the exchaoge list eod tho ouotry letter*, depended opon io paat years in the prepaiation of a nenn»sp?r. There is no socb thiog as waiting lor news, but lt is flattericg aboal tba ifliior's htad all the time, aod luo grgspicg of tbe sltoatioo aod tbe svritini; up and corr.piling ofa modero newspaper erery day nquires tbe closest applicstion ar.d obsErva i>n, as well as noraaaitttoi labtr. Notwlthataodirg all tbesf, the Gasstte, to use a modern pfeme, ia sfcldom "bCDOped," each laaoe inog all ihe imporlaot oewa Jcf the world, sta'.e aud city. Tne pablisbers will, as ever, glve tbe Gaaattatbeli uodivided atteotioo, aod aof-uaaot expeuBe will be apated io contiaaia^ i!s staodard and lo makiog it 4 0 ea*eot al to all classes. NbW VEAk'S DAY Frrm llrr.c Iromcmcrial every nallon baa ctlebratrd its new jear. Thia Is bbowb k;. 'ftr lack aa history gces, and «lrncBl Bitico ihebtglnning of tbe prta- rnt cra civilired caliooi bave obaervcd in one «.ty or ano.her the firat day of Jsrutrv. It litBbt<n shown that the tlay aaii'b;erved ln Kome astar back aa the timoof tbe Julian reformation of the calend&r, It wbb for a lorjg time linked wilh ilio celtbrstlon of Salnicalia of tbe laBi <?a;s nf the |>recediag montb, bot later New Yesr'a day aiaatned an iadi- vido&lity which it atill malntainr. Ii was r.t one time looked opon aa a holy day when the tatlier Cbriatlans read taetf sacred writingi and eogaged in aieditation end acts of chailty. It ia alill ctinrved in tbe aame aplrit In aome firia (if the wnrld. la ciir Bouihern coaolry New Year's Day bris never adpealed Io moat pecple, prulably from the fact tbat it followi io ckfldy io the wske ol Ohriatmii. bnt in ibe nnrtbern scction the reverae pre- vftila. Tnere mnre intercat centsrs on Kew Ym.'s Day than on ObrialmiB. 'Jhfre Krt>, however, tnaoy in tbe south arao kr>p or d bouae and cxchange vlaits oa tbat day. Thla, bowever, ia io a aieature owirgto tbe fact that ihefiist of January is tbe eodicg of the Obrlat- tn«B*fas)u, and tbe cbeer Incident to New Ycst'a Day ia regarded aa tbe laat act of tbe aeasoo. Apart from Hallcy'i comet there are ¦e ettaoge cilestisl or terrestrial algca before os at present, and, ao far aa can be seer, ihtie is every reasoo to belicve that the UafOrj cf the yrar upon wbich vr have cnteied will be aimilar to tbat cf ita prcdrcessoi. Cbriaimaa cbioaea are itlll rirging io enr esrs, and the aogela' worde, "P'-aoe on eartb, good will to rner," taken op over nineleen honcird y> ars ago and rtpeated tbrcngh- eai tka civ 1 wtrld but a week ago are sitll iu the air. May tbey continne to be btard tinul they miogle with tbe bells wbich will ring in the yrar 1911, MaaB. 1K TaTOBttasa alrtady comecnt with ber propbecies for tbe year 1910. 8be ief ma to bave aorv.ved all the revo* lntlons, aocialopheavalaacd eartbquakei abe predic'.ed in previooi yeara. Ac- oordiog to tbe "propbeteaa," the year J910 will be ooe of fire, It will be an. der the icflaeoce of the soo, aod tbe re¬ salt will be that bomao miod>, like thiogs materlal, wl!l become overbeated. Fraoce will experieoce it at Its wore', .od will be, ao to aptak, locaodeaceot. Ojmmerce will exteod aod arta will itach the plooacleof perfectloo. Ppriog will tske tbe place of wioter aod earth- qaakes aod volcaoos will brlog disaster tomaoy localiiiea. Meo's)braics, again, will be io rcbeiiioo, aod eavaots wil> make am&rog discoveries, especially lo aviation. Ojmmoa morlals wiil be seizMi with cacoetbesseribeodiaud many ao editor will be smothered to dea.h aa- der hugo hesps of rtjec'.td macu'criptr. Toe FretiCa ia to be impli- cattd io a great coospiracy. Eoglacd eill bave artvolotiooary cxplosiot; Basaia aod Belgiam wiil uodergoguat cbaoges; Bpain aod Germaoy will be a'.irred by pjpalar movemeota aod a great coiflxt will be brewiog between Eorope aod Aaia. The year will be a Incky ooe for all iboae boro betweea Jaly 21 and Au- gust 21. Tbe coocladiog prophrcy is comfortiog. Women's fasbioas are to improve, aod the prcseot mooalrooa ha'.s will gire way to irmortatlaoa of "petlts cheptaax." The obatiratlon ot ihe great apoatle thai ricbea take uoto tbemtelves wiogs is often verlfied. Grtatly ctatgd by his three mcotb's locarceratioo, Oarl Fischer Baosen, the well-koown New Yoik philar.ttr phiet lawyer, was re- leased froa tle Blackwell'a Island peni- tentiary yesterday, baviog served bia aenteccs for subornatioo of perjury iu tbe Macalase casr. Be declsred tha' his entire wcrldly poaseaalons wtre tbe black suit of clothes and five dolla-s whicb are given to all prlaonera. Bis wife, who waa the ooly daogoter oi Isaac Jlrokaw, the milliooaire clothiog maoolsc'.arer, hsa atterly caet bim cll; he baa been dlabancd by the ccuria aod be declarea tLat be hf»s oot a frleod or a single biig,ht prorpectin the world. Be aaja he doea not koow wbere to go or wbat to do. A British rallway tra'n ia tbe aafest p bcs on eartb, bs only one pai- isngir in every 70,000,000 ia killed aod one in evtry 2,800,000 Icpred. Thla dtdncatlon is based opon a care- fal inrrey of tbe board of trade rap^rt on rallway acoldents doring the ysar 1907, and la atal commentary on tbe ¦afety of railroad travtl In tbia country. COlaUtBH ia about to inveatigate the high coBt of livinr- Ooogrrai wont have to go far bebiod Ihe tariff to fiad one of the evawt._ From Waahington. Corrajtpondenae of the Alexandria GaaatU j Waahington, Jan. 1. W. P. Huhtard, reprcsenlative of the Firat West Virglnla dia'.ricl, has form- illy announcei blacandldary fortbesra' of N. P. Scott ln ibe Ualted Htatea Seoa e at the explration of Scotl'a term iu 1911. The ronfrrence b*ing held here atlempting to trl.ct mediatir.n for ihe aiwtchmen'a atrike ia St, l\i.l b a been hiiioverl r Monday laorning. Preaident H. B, Perliam. htad oi tberail »y bran.h of the A. F (¦( h, hopts on Mor iay to complcte hia argument for the awit< »,u»eu'a tide and to a»ait on tinal conaid- erat'on of the poiuts in dUpote. The tase of the railroad has been pre^aalel in a brief Mr Perhim is today in conauhat on with of- tieials cf the American Federati^a of Labor. Arrlval ot Survlvora. New York, Jar. 1.. Cap<. 0. Nlcker- soo, of tbe loondf red Biiilsh abip Jo- haoDR, wbich salled fio-n lloilo, ln the Phlllpp'nea, on April 27, with . vala- able ca'go ol sogar, aod went down (fl Oape Batterss oo November 26, aod 11 of tbe aurviviog members of tbe crew, atrived here today aboard the <{iebcc linealeamer K,rona. The seoood beat, cootainlog twelve of tbe crew, has not] been heard from sioce it pat (fl frjm tbe Jobanoe aod here is little doobt tbat tbe boat was pat. LAST OHARTErToF THE YEAR. Tbe last charter of the year waa Is- sued by the 8:ate Oorporation Oommls- sloo lo Ricbmond yesterday, wben the papers allowiog the Atlaotlc Ice aod Ooal Oorporation of Richmood to begin busiotas were algaed aod amitted to record. The state recelved a fee of |600 Lr thechsrter, that beiog tbe lee for a concero wbich has ao authorVd maxi- room capital oi $8 000,000. The mini- mom capital is $30,000. Tbis it, perhaps, tbe largrat coccero that haa been chsrterid sioce tbe Oar- porstlon Oommitsioo wss crgaoi£3d. Tbe promoters are all residents ol tbe .ooth with Eroeat Woodrcff, of Atianta, president. The promoters are aathorlz'd electric and power plaols, cold-atorage bouaes, ice factoriea aod to eogsge In tbe mloiDg of coal 01 the euthorizsd cap!- tal $8,000,000 is to be preferred aod $5,000,000 comenon elock. The ahares are placedat $100 each. TELEGRAPM1C BREViriP.S. Tweoty-teo peraons were ir>jared as tbo resalt of tbe ga«. txploslon at tbe Piace Viger slatloo of the Oanaiian Pa cific Railwiy, at MootrealCaoada, early today. Wireless mrasagea recelved today lo New York, tell the breaking c>own at eea of tbe third C'yde lioe vesael to aofler miabap io tbe past few weeks. Tbe latest victim »ai tbe Algorqaio, a pasaenger .teamer, tow io tbe freight trsdp. After two days of severe blizzard, tbe Algoo- qaio, from Bostoo lo Oalveston, broke i.fl her| tail shafl cfl Body islaod, oo the North Carolina coas', iest night at mldoiiht. A'gocqaio is now bound for New York, io tow of tbe Apacbe. The rlat declarstion that there are inbabi- tants on Mara and that they are at prcaent rrpidly adding to the leriea of canala on that LUnet, the ttatemert by Prof, Percival owell, i* today excitiog great intersat in Boatou aeiectific t'ircle?. Head-on ColllalOD. Wilmington, Dtl.. Jan. 1. -Io the worst head-on collieion n tha bia'ory of Itbe Wil¬ mington, Newcaatle and Soothern Railway todav, seven peraons were hnrt, one pernapa fatally. ThamcstaerionslyinjoredisSamoel Toppin, motorman on one of tbe cm. Ihe acciJent oocurred aaven milea below tnia city on a aingli Ina of tra/k andwasdnetoa heavy fog, tbe road being aloog the Deleware rivar. Tne o«rs c*l|ided witb ancb foreathat tkaypiUd ioto aacbothir haji tbair Japgth, News of tbe Day. Many belat'i Ohrls'.maa pickagea were burned when fire destroyed ofhcea aod warehoosea of tne American Expreaa Company io New York city yeaterday. Tbe loss amonoted lo about $500,000. Obaries W. Morae has made bls laat fight and will go to Atlanta Saoday morning tbere to b'gin ibe aeotence of fi'tcro tcars impoted cpon him io New York more tban a year ago for violatlng tbe banking !awa. F. J. JerrojD, declared (o be a rn'in- ber of tbe mlllionaire 6cranton, Pa , family ol ccal operativea, wai knocked down by a street car lo Sao Fraociaco today and very leriooaly Itjared. He waa ru-lud to a bnapilal wbere, itiaaaid, hia recovery la improbable. William II Bhaw, a familiar flgnre in Wasbington, conspicaoua aa a newa paper correapondent aad aaid to be the firat to senrj newi from there by tele- graph to any oot-of-town paper, diid at bia bome lo Waahington yeaterday even- lor. He waa 80 yeura old. With S-na'or Hale, of Maine, chair- man of tbeommit'.ee on appropriatioos, tbe preaident Ulked over tbe questioo cf govrrameot expense yfB'srday It was uadarctood tlter the conference that he was in tborough acc >rd with M'. Taf. He believed It was pr.ssible for tbe gov- eromeot to aave almwt $100,000,000 eacb year. Tbe governora of tbe Now Yotk Block exchange have rrceived Ihs report of th- committee appolnted to invratiga o the Hock Island acaoda! of Monday morning, whec tbe atock advaoced from 601 to 81 a ld aa suddenly weded agafn. Tbe rfp.ii will be acled on or January 1?. Altbongh the atrictnt resme ia btlog maictsioed, it ia geuerally believed that ihe cbsing of tbe "Rook la'and loci- denl" will be accompaoied by diacipli- nary meaauris, F >rfy.fatir tuonaand acrei of tha Dii- mal Saanup waa sold toiay by William N. Camp and wife, of Oceola, Fi»., to ibe Oamp Maaofioturing Cmpany, ol Franklin. Tb? price was oot given ont, the consideration ineniioned In tbe deed being fr>, This property waj granted to Na'baolel and William Nelson by tbe O'jmmonwraltb of Virginia In 1781 It is vsluable chi< lly for tbe timbrr and as- aoc'ations, romantic and biatoric, nnleaa .ome miliions of anakei, deer, wlldcats and other j loglebeasts may be tccounted aiaeli. Two womeo, on? a girl of tweoly, half claJ and ch'mring, wjre rescaed by deteciivrs from a Obinese deo on the sevenih fl or ol aa old baildiog in Ohica- g i la'e Thursday sfteroooo. Lti King, a Coineas nairchaot, foaod wltb tbe womeo, arder arrest. "I wsot to leave tbis place, bat tbe Obioaman mn\ glve me my clothiog," said one ol tbe girl* aa sHe ahiverer1. "Yes, tbey brlog other girla huo. 6 imelimes thtra are 16 or 10 girls." King denied the young w.iman'e story, and said he had never refased te give her her chthi' g. Three ha ldrrd feet of the false struc- turo cf ibo McKiolcy bridge, oow under coas'ruct.oa acrcsa tbe Missis«ippi river at H i.iui*, w#s i:ooct'ed ont by ao ice j tm yesterday evening. 8ixty men were ihrowo into tbe river, aad some ol them mgy bave been drowtiel. Ooe haudred aod thir'.y men wwe at wo»k nn the slructorrt wbeo the jim began to movr. Seventy t.f ihem tuard the waroingsnapof tbe timb-rs In time to escape to ihe stetl eork, bot M fdl with luo iwiated m taa u/ timbera, three hols'.log eoglnes aad a .ravHiog ereaa The dama,e la eati uaaltd at $20,000. Virgioia New*. The ordiraocfl providing for the re- oronl ol all banging sigr.s snd awnings io S'.atintop, went into tfiet today. Marriage licenaes were lained ln Waahington yeaterday to William H Oornell and Daisy f. Hlodmao, both of Purcellviile, aod io OharleeH H. Oobb aod Margoerite V. Drowna, bitb of Al¬ exandria. Raw, Robert Ui'.ewooJ.for many years promioent in Norfolk, as a clcrgyman and edaca'cr, died yestorday from tho ttt'Cta ofparalyaia. Be was (20 years old and a na'.ive of Norfolk. r.tllowing a slroke of paralysis sns- tained a week sgo, Miss Harritt Oioper, member of an old and weil-known Oiarke conoty family, died a'. her bome at B>yce, a few days sgo io the sixty- ¦eveoth year of her age. Dr. Lawrcoce T. Price, a csp'atn of tbe Firit bsttalhr, First regimeot, baa been elected rrwpr of tbe battalino, aac- ceeding Maj lianadon Cary, reslgnet*. Dr. Price has been sorgeoo of the bat- taiioo for several years. J. W. Hongb, of Norfoik, formerly of Loodouo, wbo waa tendend a poaltion on tbe iltfl of tl .vrrnor-clcct Mmn, baa decllncd tbe honor. Um-nnr Mann will, it Ib aated, appoint Mr. Hough to a p^sitio'i on the atate board of cbaritiea nnd conectionr. The r.iar'uge of Miaa Beaaie B. Ball to Mr. Joaeph Bbue, of Parksley, took place Tbonday at tbe home of the btidb'a parenta, Mr. and Mn Saoacl H. Bill, of Leeeburg. The ceremony wii performed by Hjv, W. H. Bark- bsrat. a two-year trial of no aaloon-, B rryvilld Rgsia went "dry" la a local Gp'.ion election be'd in B.ttlelown msg- isteria! dis'.rict. Tae "diy" m>j .rity waa increated eight vot;a out of a total of 231 votei over the resultof twa yia*a ago. The vo'.e aaa 15- for tbe "drya" and 79 for the "wets " Taio yeara ago the "dry" ra»jority was 6' Miataken for a burglar, R 9 Jeter, a fireman on tbe Bmthern Rallway, wbo resides at Bun.b Bjstoo, was sbot three times Toursday nlght by Jeff Cblei, a merchant of Danville Coles sleeps in hia atore near tbo rallway yards aod wai aronsed about midoight by ths craahing of a paoe of glaas aud aeeing iome ooe sppareotly tryirg to enter the atore. Oilea immeiiately telepbooed the police. Jet?r It ia tbnught, waodrred t) tbe a'.ore wbile in a drunken condition. Pttitiona calliog up n the anlUalooo leagne of Virginia to drclaro for atate* wide pnblbition and npon the Wgiila- tore to provide an election at which the people of the ata'emayraf whelberrrnot tliemanufacureand aaleof Keioraballbe inppreaied In tbe ala'.e aa a wbole are now beiog circolatedin Norfoik. Theie petlt'ons aent oot by tbe antiaalooo league headqttartera in Richmond, tall for proropt actloo aod aak that the pe- tliiona be in by January 17.b, Tbey came to J. W. Hoogh, preaident of the aoti-solooo lragoe of Norfoik. T>o Markau Oaorgftowa, D. C Jaji. 1, Wbest Ji#-lJ» Today's Telr^fBssj^hicNews The President'a Receplloa. Waahington, Jaoaary 1 .Today waa held the first aonual New Yeai's rr- ception of the new admiolatratioo, which waa attended by thoaiands.frcni the coattly members of tbe dlplomatlc norps '.o the plalnest of tbe p«oplr. Long before tbe White Hoasa doors were opeoed tbe crowds begao to as- semble lo the prr-aident'i froot yard. It was a motley gatherhg. As the ball clcck io ue Wbite Booae atrack elevea aod four tiglers stepped from tbe baud aod sanoded tbe p-esl- deolial faolare, the preetdeot aod Mr*. Tafi left tbe secand flaor and staited down the _sla staircss.r With the vice-presldent and Mrs. Shcrmsn aad tbe cabloet members and their wives, tbey took op their posllioo at the soothero eod of the blae room. The ladies atepped to the right aod formed a part of the receiving lioe. Than began tbe brllliant, formal recep loa of the dlplomatlo corps. Oaly ooe tninac that haa characterfd Whito Bonae Ntw Year's recep'.iooi in the past waa lacking. That was the gstheriog of specially invited gaeats wfco io former adminis'.ratioos ciowdtd tbe blue rocm. Tne sole permaoeot occopaoti of tbe room today were Presi. dfiot Taft aod bia cfficial family. Mrr. Taf.'a hcalih haa forced the cnrtall- ment of aaclal feativitiec at the Wbite Bonae, and it waa thougbt best to coo- serve her streog'h on (his occasi >n by omi'ting ibe p>rjnoal guests. A gorgeoo* procession ofd'p'omals, ol td lo brilllaot panoply of toe coor; ocs'amea ol iheir vsrioui nations, wes tbe specaole cf the occaaiou. Lid by the Italiao amfcamdor, Baron Mayor des Plaocbes, the deao of ths diplorn-1 c co'pj, aod failowcd by tbe entlre body of accredited forelgo repreaeotatives, tbey entered fram ihe aoutb door aod with gr al formality made their way to the hoat aod hoatess. With each am- basubor were, the membets of his salte and tbeir wlvea. At the rear of (he ambiaaadoria! pro- risftion camc tbe brill.'aat suito of Bsran Yasnya Uchids, the oew Jspaoeso am- baasador, who arrived in Washicgton a little mcre tban a week ago. Tbe mlolsterlal parade was ltd by tbe repreienta.ive from C sta Rica, Benor Oalvo. Chang Yia T«r>g, the new Chl- ce<e mioieter, was ifBcially received only atiout a week ago, aod be was tbe Issl of the diplomis, but tbe brilliant OrieoUi appearsneg of his tnin more tban made up for ths re«r eod pcsll'.on. Wor-o tbe ga;ly spparelled riip'omsts bad filrd pas ibereceiviog lioe, aod had beeo cordlslly greetcd, tho veoenble Obief Juarice Fulier led tbe aeaoclete jmiires ol the Sapreme Oourt r>,od other members of the judiclarr. Tbnn csme former cnbioet meobers, United 8 ates imbsiiidors and 'ninis «'ra aod membcr* of (bngress. Tliere were but \tv of the IfttcT, the bol'day sano baviog sent most of tbem u. _tff ' omei. Tbere were eame iotereatiogeitoatloca aa a resalt of ihe pre*eot statjs of nat- lunsl politlcr. Among thjae In tbe small coigreaaiona) delegation tbat at a^ended v>*3 rrprespatatlve Llardock, etdit ol tbe Houae irmirgen'.s, an avow- cd foe of the coogrersiocal orgsDlxatiop. Deapite bis loaurgiog, Mordock waa gr- e'td warmly by tbe presi Jeor. Another strangcr wlibio ihe gate waa G.ffard Pinchot, of the Furea ry 8 rvice, whoae borisa ia to be inves'lgatad by uoogreea aa a reaolt of the Uiliinger-Pinobot con- iroveray. Piochot waa a!ao greetcd warmly by the p.eaident, aad a moment Ister was vlgtr usly sbskirg tbe baud of u:eercttry of tle laterlor Billingar, a little way down tbe rtctlviog line. Spesker Oancon breez d in jost sbcat an bottr a'ter the congresalonal delega¬ tion bad been recelved. Tbe boglera eaondtd another cal!, and i?pteseot«tiirf« of tbe atrny and narj flled in'.o tbe room. Detk-.d In sll the ghry ol fall dreas oniforme, tbe miliUry aod naval otticers made a brililant show- Iog. ftey were the laat of tbeoolformid vlaltors. Tbey were followet by the civlllan ofikials ol the goverameot and repre- senta.ives of varlons organ aalons. Some delay end coo.'uaioo reaolted becauae tbo members of tbo aocletlea were aboot fWteon mioutes bchlnd tbeir scbedule. The llne had besn movlng with great rapidity aod for a few moments the receiving lino wai Idol. Wben tbis delay ocenrred the common people wera atarted in shsad of their tnro. Alter a gaodly nomber had paased tbroogh tbe clvil officiali ap- peared acd the p!aio pfople's lioe was brokea to allow to flle tbroogh the blae room. Th» d'ffljulty was aoon atraigbtened oot Tben there waa a pause. Mu. Taft and the ladiei of ihecibiott depirted f « the refreshments wbich the hoateas al- wsya aerrca oo New Year'a Day, to the wlvea ol the csblntt memberi. Tbe preaident extcnded hia amlle a llttle more, the cabinet membfra braced them- aelvea, aod iho plalo people were glven a chancc. Tbere wai nogorgeooidliplay tojgreet the tbrooj that caroe throogh. There was no fiVacveltlan horry aboat tha prcceaa, eeeryooe had time to »ay "Happy New Year, M-. Prealdeot," aod to receive a digoiflsd haodabake, and a word of greelioR ln rsturn. The Marlne Band, which op to now b»d been filllog the White Houie with tho impreaaive i rains of clasalcal maaic, br&kelotj'Hall, the C.uqu?rlog Hero Oamea." Bit (here waa not ipeed eooogbt lo that and ioon they were enliveolng iha occaiion witb ragtime makiog tho lioe move faater to keep op with the moa'c. 8«veral lecret eervlci men itood joit down the line of calleri abead of tbe pres'deot keepiog a keen watch on erch man or woman tbat pasatd. They made anre tbat none carried a packBge aod they aaw to It that no ooe approacbed the preaident with a baud behind hia beck, Gr in bia pockrf. White, blick, yellow, and red were In the lengthy line tbat filed in and oot of the blue room. There were all ihapes, ilz-s, and manner of meo womeo and cbildreo. Qorgeoosly arrayed diplomsti canae and weot; tombre jadgea panel; amart army offleera atrode bj; plalo American citizjoa butrifd tbrougb; but lolld aod ¦tatiooary, oo cona'ait dnty, expreaaiog greetiog and larewell nntil tbe laat of tbe commoo pnopls bad filed on*, waa tha ' jilly giod Itllow" Taft amlle. Alleged Aiaaaalnation Plot. NewOrlsaru, lan. 1 -That four aasaaains have been hirtd aiil to Katrada, leader of tbe Nicaragun rerr Intion that ended In the tlight of Preaident Zalaya to Mexico, ia tha newa that caroe today tg Eatrada's repreMutaUraa bart, New Vrari Fatalitles. Nev Yotk, Ja«. 1..New Year1! rev elry ended iu three trag:c deatba today on the Hudson aod ManbaUan Ralway, knowo as the FfnJion lonrel system conceetiog New Yoik and New Jeraey ucd r tbe Hudsoo river. Irvlng P. Lov j y, of New York, Auguat Walker, of Jeraey city, met death at an early hour in an elevator accident at tbe ex- ehanre place atatton in Jeraey city, aod Oharlra Sswiog, of New York died from Irjurhi rreeived In falling doan tbe Tarenty-tbird atreet atrpa. Obicago, Jao. 1..Ooe alleged mur¬ der aod two atiempted killings, all the direct reiolt of New Yeat'i eve celebta- tioni were reported to tbe police to^ay. Irvlog Btifford was aeeiog tbe old year aaltb his sweetbeart, Mabel Naosen, when tbe coople got ioto a qoatre'. After a wsr of words, tbe glrl snddenly ae;zed a case koife and plaoged it ioto Biafford'e hratt, ktlling bim inatantly. Bhe waa arreated. Harry M. O.ts, an eleolrlciao, after a New Yfars celebratiou went to call on Mrs. Florencs Oalver, bia iweetheart, he fonnd ber la company of Ooroeltui Lottcrmao, aod ahot Luttermso five timaa lo the head and breaat. La.ter- m n will dte. Harry Fia baatone ia dyiog In a local hoapital witb two bullela io bia Inogs, firtd from tbe tevolver of Police- man Malooey dnring a disturbancr. Mlis de Janon'a Wbereabsutl. Polladelphia, Jao. 1..Tbat Rjberta de Jauoo, tbe iG-year-old daugbter of Ferdlnand de Janon, a New Yotk brokrr; aod heireaa and granddaughter of a mtlllonalre aeod merchant of tbia city, ia in New York city pennileu and abaudonedby Frederlck (Jobeo, a formtr Ballevne-Btra'ford hotel walter, with wliom ihe la alleged to bave eloped iev> crrl daya ago, la tbe lateat con-jlu'ion of tbe police baied on a myaterioua letter aaid to bave been received by special de- livery from that city today. Tbe letter, addreaicd to Robert BjIbI, grandfatber of tbe miaaiog glrl, it is as- ser'td, wai In tbe fcirl's handwriting. The coctenta cl tbe letter have not been rovealed, but it is iatimated tbat tbe epislle cootalas informatioa regardiog tho whereabouia of the girl. Police be- lieve tbat Oobeo, Irightened by the no- torltty wbich has followed tbe elope- meot, abaudooad tbe girl, Mrs. Ellls'a Injurles Serloua. New Yoik, Jan. 1- Swaihed ln band- ages, Mrs. Charl s E. Eills, who was boracd almoat to death beforu hundreds of mcrry gatsts celebratiog the birth of tbe new year at tbe Oofe Martln lasi oigbt, ii l>lDg today at tbe New Yoik hospital la a s'upor, ooder the iiifjoence of powirful druga admiolstered to quiet ber agony ol pain. Neck and ahouldera, face aod baada wrra aoarched almost to a crisp by tbe ri .mes wbich formed o plllar aboqt tbe «:ieaming wamao io a balcany corner of tbe rafe whlle lerr- fled guests rosbed to her a'd or H;d in panic from tbe room. Physiciacs aod naraea are today exeriiog every elf rt to ssve ber life. Ber beau;y Is gace. And if she ever leaves the iiospltal it will b for her home, never ngaia to j )in auch briliiaot MiembUgee es that ln whicb sbe moved lo ihe time of the acciient wbich pat ihe stsmp of irsgedy oo one uf New Yark's great new yeai's cele- bralions. Physiclaas wbo ara a'.tending ber declsre Ua'. ber coodi^ioo is suloue. Arrest of Suapccta. 8ao Lucar, 8p»lo, Jao 1 .The po- lijo are convloced today that tbe arrest last nlgbt ef threp Q.rmana, tao ".ancuuieu and so ttslisa'ed t rffcic do p!ot, of wh'cb _ og Alfaaso was to ra70 b -eo tho vlciim. King Alfjnia pissed thr'Utjh Han Lucar jeUerdsy eu rjute to Qaasda, lor tbe New Yea/s fetes, an I the aaa- pects wbo, lt develops, ar? weil-known anarcbiats, were attracted here by hi« prea>Doe, Tbeir eomlng, bowever, bal been tipped of} to the police and they wrre ar- reited befnre hiving achance to get near Alfonso. Tbe palice at first aoiiounced that tbe men were arrraied almply be- oaase they coold oot explaio their prei- ence la the city. Tbe Morse Case. New York, Jan. 1. -Tbe appeal of Obarlei W. Morae, former ice kiog, a'.eamiblp magoale and frenzied flnaocier for a pardon, as hia laat bopeof eacap'rg a fificen year aenteoce in the federal priaon In Atlanta, G\, will meet witb the blttereat kind of oppoaitioo, Morae and bia friendi admlt tbat he Ii doomed to go to priion In the loutbern city on- leaa Preaident Taft interferea with ex- eculve clemency, aod it is their ioten- sion aoon to appeal to the preaident to exarciae hia power. Ao appeal for par- doo wlil ba met with oppoai'ioD, Collapse of Oaeka. BiHimorc, Jab. 1..The 'tween d.cka of the tramp ateamer Luckenback, lying cfi lower Oanton, in Battltnore barbor, collapsed tida/, bqrjlog a number of men. Four bodiei have clready been taken out of the bold and more can be .een. Just wbat cauaed the accident Is not as yet koow, Toe oumber ot kill¬ ed or irjared will not be aicertiloed on* til a thorough aurvey ol tbe veaael Ii made. Osyoor Afanmea Mayoraliy. New York, Jao. 1 . Wm. J. Gayoor walked into tbe muyoialty fBae at nioo today, and George B. McClellao waiked oot.the firat with a atride, which bis more eotbosiaatlo Irleods are alraady predictiog, will land him io tbe White House if be cao keep lt np; the seeond relriog with few ngreu fr:m aoy qiar- tsr loto sometbiDg not far from politioal oblivioa. Earthquake Shocki. Pt. Lcoir.Jin. 1 . An eartfcqaake ibock wai recorded cn the lelimograph at Bi\ Loula Uolvenlty early (oday. Ibe diaturbaace contlnaed «birty-four mioutea acd twenty leconds. Father Ojeaae of the Univeralty, aaya tbe abcck n oved from weet to eaat and be bellevea it ¦ arted tomewbere in the Paciflc Octaa and moved towarda the Atlaotlc coait- Albany, N. Y. J*n. l.-An earthrjnake ahock lasting about two r.oura ware reorded today in ihe Biismog-sph at the State Mo- aenm. The ahock began at 6.08 and altboogh the instrnment regiaterad dhtnrbancei for two hoore tha moat violsnt pariod waa at 6.19. it ia thooght hera that tha earthquake occoi- red in Mexico._ WOMEN OALLED DOWN. The tioit of P. P. Munay, tbe pro- prletor of Park Hotel, Blohmond, In teeking toprocoraa liqior lioeniectneed a deaaooitration io the Hoatloga Ooun of that city yeaterday, wbeo a bavy of W. 0. T. U. workers iaoghed derlaifely at ibe testimony of coe of Murray's wil* nesaee, wbo termed the proprietor a Oniis.iao geotlemsn. Tba conrtroom waa ibronged with ladies. Wheo the eppli- csnt for liceose appeared with bis wit- neases aa to cbaracter, the womeo sa op aod llstened. "Mr. Murray bas tbe repotatioo of a Obrisiian geotlemao." said a w.tocs-, aod tbe womeo broke cnt io laoghter. With a baog Jadge Wells, of Maacher- ter, who wss presiding io tbe abseoce of Ibe rega'ar jadge, broght his gavtl dowo aod, with some degrea of feeliog, reprlmaoded tbe ladies, caatiooiog tbem sgaiost aoy farther dierespeci to tho coart cr tbe witoeeees. Fur'.ous blashe* over«pread the facts of the white rlo- booers. Marray ia a traveliog saleamao. lle knows notbicg of Ihe whisky bualneas, The liceose of Park Hotel waa revoked receotly. Murray baa aasamed chsrge as macager. Be bas condacted tbe ho.el aloag clean llnes siooe he bas had the bas'.oese. Tbe llqaor liceose waa graoted. VIRGINIA HIGHLAND3. Virgioia Mighlaoda ia to be tbe oarxe of a flre-proof, aubuibso aettlemeot oo- cupyiog the beauiifol billa aootb of Arlingtoo. Work will ioon be itarted oo one of the moat iotareating subuiban de- vclcp.-meut enterptiiei ia thii vicinity. The ilte lelected ia an ldeal one, being on a plateau bigher tban tbe pinnacleof tbe Oapitol dome, and t fford- ing a wondtrful vlew over Washington acd tbe Potcma". It haa a fron'.8ge of ibveral thcuiand feet on Mount Vernon avenae, which will be made a Natlocal Boulevard, and ia ar'jiceot to crr llnea, with only a few minutea ride to thia city. Tnia aiil be a rnral aud at the aama time a coovtnient home plaoe. It ia propoaod, at once, to conitract an attraciive eleciric car itatiou, and in ibort make every city improvemeot. Tbe laod bai already beenaabdividtd, atreeta have been laid oot and £raded, aod upon aome of the avenuea treea have beeo planted. The work will be raahed, aldewalka, watrr tervice, aod trif-a planteJ, ao tbat with the ten resl- deoces complete In tha spring, thia attraolive home place will appear aa almoat lo have built by maglr. It la propoied to make aale of housti and loti on eaay termi. Cooatractlon will be largely of briek ¦od concrete, aod the entlre groop of houaei will be flre-proo'. The maj .rity of the homea will be of a fcor, five and six room type, tbe buogalow type will predooiiuat\ Many boojn will have flat toola, and theea will be utillt'd aa roof gsrdeni, from which an exqaislte view can he enjoyed. The company will be compoaed of men hlgb la baainess aod p.ofeaalocal circles, and the enterprise will be cspi- tslired largely by Nea York par.iei, althoogh It ia propoied to p'ace a amall porlion of the stock lo thla oity. The eoterprisc is being uodertaken froui a commercial, rather tban from a pbilanthropct I'aodpolai, althongh it ia prcpoaed to demooitrate here, near the' t-ational rapital, the possibllity of construc'.ion by uiodrra metbods artfit'.c, ¦lubstautlal, aod aaoitary bomea at moderate coat, Tbe fiiatl-.ts wlllbeaolJat approxlma- tely the ccat of Improvcmeota and the land will advance rapidly io valne ei thess Improvemeots are eirrled out. Tbe trar; purcbmed la known as AddUon flelgb *, compriaiog over one bunilred acres, j aat aoulh of Arllogton. Aoiong thosa who will be prominent ln the direciioti of the eoterpriae will be Ife, A. B. ajvernforovr c Mt fxecntlve f tbe aifkj aetvice commWaion; Mr. BalpbHone, of ths Ojologieal Barfey; Mr: 0 0. Leadbeater, seoior member ol the firm of E S. Leadbeater aod Som, wboleiale druggists, of AUxandria, Vir- gloie. The membera of the coropauy bave had cooiid&rable experieoce la real estate operationa, and their pait eoter- prisea bave (teea. eairled ont witb mark- ed tuece:s. Owlng to the care aad atudy given to every detall tendtng to make bomea cooveoieot and attraolive. The plan ia that of a young Waiblog- ton architect, Milton Daoa Mjrrill, aho for some yeara wn deiigoer of publlo bulldingi ln the Treaaury Departraent. He baa made a great atudy of model houaei aod lettlemeola, both In thia country and abrcad, and haa rquipped himielf for tbis type of work. the concrete work in thla new aettlemeot, slaodard atcel moolds bave been invented, and a thoaiaod bomei may be cast by one aet of there moulds, haviog been ao dea'gned that tbey are eaally pnt op, locked together, and a* eaally laken down. The waite in the wood moolds and rxpense of building new foiraa for each home ia ellmlnated. The platca are ao fioiahed tbat when they are nnlock.d froaa tbe walli tbe aorface la perlectly amootb, rrqaltlng no plsaterirjg er other fiolah. Mr. Morrill, thearchlteet, haa already bnilt a model bouae ia a demenatratioo of the praotirability of bia plan, thla la loea'ed on Ivy atreet, at Brentwood, Mary land, jiat outaide the Diatrict llte. There la a large apring of dellclona water at Virginia Hfgblandi, on the property, whlcb will be piped for oae. In every way tbe alte aelected icemi idealy lulted to thia mcit intereatlng nodertakiog. A rather onlqae adveitlilog feature will be employed. One of tbe houaei will be oonatrocted in the rongb, and will be filled witb combnitlble materlal, aod aet oo fire, to demooitrate ibat they will not boro. Tbii together with tbe o.her oovel featarei ibonld afford much ot publie intereit, duriog tbe carryiog oot of tbe work. Tbe efficen of Ihe company dealra tbat Virgioia Hlghlandi aball point the way toward belter bouaea, not only for WaabicgtooiaoB, bnt be ao example of tbe poeaib'.lities In home building to the tbonaand of viaitora wbo snoually vlalt ont bfaotitol Capital Oity._ ~"AM(JSEMENT8. Opera Housf TONTGHT ^ TBE GLY JOHNSON CO. WH.L PBESENT 2 BigFuony Coniedy Acts-2 3 Reels Moving Pictures Vaodeville Specialties Prices lftc and 15c-at Wgrfitldi, i List of Unelaimed Lettera. The following iaa liat ofthe leticr- renisia- iug io the Alexandria, Va., poetolfaVe up to Janaary 1, 1910: Ar-hy, Samue 1 Hooft, Mr«, .lohu Allen. UraS.llie Hyden, Hi I B«Ler, Oold.e Johns, Via Bannaker. Mary E Johns, Mra Brch, Orlando King, F f Piab, Mrs Alire Leuuiox, Mra L aee Brajnt, Janote i.owe, lioracx Bryan, M Magruder, MrsErama liuble, Minnie M tthuws C i arma But er, Mrs Jam-s McAdm, M< II (' Cakara, Mrs David Murrhine, John Carwood. Enima lf Nor: ia, Mra B, 11 Cap>r«letti, Herculea Pinuer. Msry Certer, Mr, Maria Po.l^, WE riipper, L Rani'S-er, J F Cook, Lula Fehina* ii, Alma Pavia, Mra L RoMnscn. Mra Smlr I>olen>an,JUpahnr(2) Boaian, Mrs A dieO i'ugl*s. Harriaoa Kc»s, Mra It 1. (J) Estee, Ltllian Ruat, Mra Johu Ererbart, Mra Kalie Suihard, Gco U Flo.cnce, Miaa 'Ihomaa, Bell ( Tbonipaon, MreAdaT Oiddings C F VaugbP, Irsnk (Irayaon, Julia Waltera, l.inwood A llansome, C C Waters. B L Hobba. Rev (' K Watkina, Mra Martha H»rri«, Williaui We<ver, H C Harriaos.MraSimpaon Williama, Gua Henry, Miidred Williama, Mra Hattie llolbrcoks, N'ora Wright, Mrs J K Hollany, Wm Youug, M THOMAft BUKi{< H'llliH, p. lf. DKY OOOLM. We Start the New Year With a Rousing REHftliT SALE The Most G.gantic Remnant 5ale Ever Held, 5,000 yards of Remnaots of miscellaneous staple dry goods, the culmina- tion of a very large hol¬ iday seaaon's selling. Remnants of Silks, Dref s Good a, White Goods, Embroidcries, Ging- hams, Percales, Outings, Hosiery, 5weaters, Un- derwear, &c, &c, at al- most give away prices to effedt a rapid clear-- ance before stock taking. All Furs, Cloaks, Ladies' Suits, Blankets and Com- forts radically reduced, Sale Starts at 9 o'Clock Monday Morning. 0. Bendheim and 80115 316 King Street BELL 'PHONE. HOME 'PHGJ_ Wboleaale Prlees or Proiln «» FlourEitra.. 6 75 a 600 Family. 6 2 a 6 75 Fancy branda. 6 50 a 7 00 vVheat, longberry.- 119 a 1 20 Mixed. 1 a 120 Fn.U. IV a 118 Dsuapand toagh. 100 a 105 Oorn, white. 070 a 0 75 Mixed.-. OfiO a 065 Yellow. 0 00 a 0 70 CornMeal. 072 a 0 75 Bye. 075 a 0«f> Oata, mixed. new. 0M) a OFi* White. new. 05f- a 067 ClorerSeed. «<» . 9 6t> Tirnothy. 17° * *oi Hay....... 18 80 a 1«0> Elgin Prtit Buttar. 032 a 031 Bntter. Vlrginia, packed. 018 a 020 Choioe Virgiaia. 0 20 a Common to middling. 014 a 016 Kegfl. 0 31 a 033 Live Chiekena (hens). 0 11 a 0 1* Bpring Chiekena ,.<M.M. 010 a 0 2? Potatoes, per du. 65 a 70 Sweet PoUtoea bbl. 1 90 a 2 00 Oniens, per buahel. Iu) a 1 IO Appisa, per bbl. 300 a 5 00 Dried Peachea. peaied. 00f>> e 0 Pork, per 100 Ibe. 9 50 a 10 60 Bacon, eountry harns. 017 a 0 IS Beat sugar-cured bama. 0 IS a 019 Breakftut Bacen. 017 a 0I7# Bager-eured shoalders. 0 00 a 013 Buik ahouidere. 0 12 a 013 DrySaltsidea. 0 1*J a 014 Bugar. 0(0 a 00) (5fl A. 610 a 615 Conf. standard. 612 a 61* Oraniilated. 6 20 a 6 50 Cofleee-Rio. 0U a 016- LaGuajre. 016 a Olt Java..'. 018 a OM Molaaaea B. B. 0 15 a 0 IS C. B.~. 017 a 02* New Orleana.. 030 a 045 Bogar 8.vpa.. 016 a 031 PortoRieo._ 022 a fJ*A 9alt-G.A. 060 a 0 65 Fine. 0r* a 090 aool-lon*. nnwaahed- 028 a 029 Waahed. 032 a 0M Menno, unwaahed. 028 a 029 Do. waahed. 024 a 08* Herring, Eaateru per bbl. 675 a 76W Potomac family roe. 003 a 000 Do. half barrel. 326 a 30U Mackerel. small per bbl. 1300 a 14 0* No.Smedmm. 1400 a 14*; plaeUr, ground, per ttm.. 4 50 a ow Oroandlnbaga. 6 60 . ««. The late tammer and fall it o- e ofJ^'^J times ia tbe jear te psint yonr^L«u .. «o torget that asj are heedquartx" fcr tvery thing-lht paint f&ASmFmS elaee your order, _ 8, Leadbaaw * i-! ba, i

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>DA1 rV-MSO. JAW. 1, 1»10-

A HAPPY Nm Y»ar.

bapp/, aod if joo cso't be bippybe as cappy t»a y. cio.

T^EOAZETTES aREEIINO.The Uiz t e ttatts oo Iu ooe huodred

* ,'l tleveiith volume t>day, aod lo doirgro eiteod* tbe compiimeots ol tbe seaaio

11 j'.a mary readers, and with the caroiat tbat tbe sime traoqiility with

which oor city ha» beeo blessed doriogthe pau jear may be contioued. 8im»-

hr gteeliogs buve tot over a ceotoryb3.'o tendtred hy tbe (».«tte. Tbe

cacly aiJresaia weiet3 maoy who were

eg.:mtiaeaul solJier', sobi qieotly to

Viterius ol the s>ciod war for lodepeod-W, ihea io Amtricsoa retoroiog bome

ffC_ Mcx'co, aod iu ibls day to tbe rem-

oaat oi another baod of patriota who

nrfivedtbefoartwr-dfil war. Maoychaogta bave takeo plaoe ia oor beloved

city doriog all theae years, aod generi-tioa has ^uccseded geoeratioD, but the

iotcrsat ia the old home paper bas beeo

traoamitteri from oae to the other, aod

t;iay it ia beiog read by maoy wbo cao-

not reatember the Spaoish Americeowar.

XhaOtsMU baa ever toeo a moch-

pritxl atfjioct to Alexandria homes aa

well as to maoy tbrougbout tbe Ooogres-sioaal district, and in by-gone years,-baa but ooe mail a w*k reached cer-

tvn local.tles, the arrival cf the paper<va< earnistly aoticipated, aod lt waa

raid aod reread by sobacribers aod

ceighbors.Xl_« cbaoge aod people obaoge wiib

tbem, and much more is expected frow

a oew*psper now ibaa io by-gooe dayr.'fbetc la a g'e^tr tlemand opon the Oi-

Dtte'scolumasaatimegoes oo, aod to

meet all thtsa rt<i'Juemeo:s will be tbe

atsady tilm of its pobllsbers.The telcgraj-b aad ttlephooe service

Las almo-t soperseded the exchaoge list

eod tho ouotry letter*, depended oponio paat years in the prepaiation of a

nenn»sp?r. There is no socb thiog as

waiting lor news, but lt is flattericgaboal tba ifliior's htad all the time,aod luo grgspicg of tbe sltoatioo aod tbe

svritini; up and corr.piling ofa modero

newspaper erery day nquires tbe closest

applicstion ar.d obsErva i>n, as well as

noraaaitttoi labtr. Notwlthataodirg alltbesf, the Gasstte, to use a modern

pfeme, ia sfcldom "bCDOped," each laaoe

inog all ihe imporlaot oewa Jcf the

world, sta'.e aud city.Tne pablisbers will, as ever, glve tbe

Gaaattatbeli uodivided atteotioo, aod

aof-uaaot expeuBe will be apated io

contiaaia^ i!s staodard and lo makiog it4 0 ea*eot al to all classes.

NbW VEAk'S DAYFrrm llrr.c Iromcmcrial every nallon

baa ctlebratrd its new jear. Thia Isbbowb k;. 'ftr lack aa history gces, and«lrncBl Bitico ihebtglnning of tbe prta-rnt cra civilired caliooi bave obaervcdin one «.ty or ano.her the firat day ofJsrutrv. It litBbt<n shown that the

tlay aaii'b;erved ln Kome astar back aa

the timoof tbe Julian reformation of the

calend&r, It wbb for a lorjg time linkedwilh ilio celtbrstlon of Salnicalia of tbelaBi <?a;s nf the |>recediag montb, botlater New Yesr'a day aiaatned an iadi-vido&lity which it atill malntainr. Iiwas r.t one time looked opon aa a holyday when the tatlier Cbriatlans readtaetf sacred writingi and eogaged inaieditation end acts of chailty. It iaalill ctinrved in tbe aame aplrit In aome

firia (if the ciir Bouihern coaolry New Year's

Day bris never adpealed Io moat pecple,prulably from the fact tbat it followi io

ckfldy io the wske ol Ohriatmii. bnt inibe nnrtbern scction the reverae pre-vftila. Tnere mnre intercat centsrs on

Kew Ym.'s Day than on ObrialmiB.'Jhfre Krt>, however, tnaoy in tbe southarao kr>p or d bouae and cxchangevlaits oa tbat day. Thla, bowever, ia ioa aieature owirgto tbe fact that ihefiistof January is tbe eodicg of the Obrlat-tn«B*fas)u, and tbe cbeer Incident to

New Ycst'a Day ia regarded aa tbe laatact of tbe aeasoo.

Apart from Hallcy'i comet there are

¦e ettaoge cilestisl or terrestrial algcabefore os at present, and, ao far aa can

be seer, ihtie is every reasoo to belicvethat the UafOrj cf the yrar upon wbichvr have cnteied will be aimilar to tbatcf ita prcdrcessoi. Cbriaimaa cbioaeaare itlll rirging io enr esrs, and theaogela' worde, "P'-aoe on eartb, goodwill to rner," taken op over nineleenhoncird y> ars ago and rtpeated tbrcngh-eai tka civ 1 wtrld but a week agoare sitll iu the air. May tbey continneto be btard tinul they miogle with tbebells wbich will ring in the yrar 1911,

MaaB. 1K TaTOBttasa alrtady comecntwith ber propbecies for tbe year 1910.8be iefma to bave aorv.ved all the revo*

lntlons, aocialopheavalaacd eartbquakeiabe predic'.ed in previooi yeara. Ac-oordiog to tbe "propbeteaa," the yearJ910 will be ooe of fire, It will be an.

der the icflaeoce of the soo, aod tbe re¬

salt will be that bomao miod>, likethiogs materlal, wl!l become overbeated.Fraoce will experieoce it at Its wore',.od will be, ao to aptak, locaodeaceot.Ojmmerce will exteod aod arta willitach the plooacleof perfectloo. Ppriogwill tske tbe place of wioter aod earth-

qaakes aod volcaoos will brlog disastertomaoy localiiiea. Meo's)braics, again,will be io rcbeiiioo, aod eavaots wil>make am&rog discoveries, especially loaviation. Ojmmoa morlals wiil beseizMi with cacoetbesseribeodiaud manyao editor will be smothered to dea.h aa-

der hugo hesps of rtjec'.td macu'criptr.Toe FretiCa ia to be impli-cattd io a great coospiracy. Eoglacd eillbave artvolotiooary cxplosiot; Basaiaaod Belgiam wiil uodergoguat cbaoges;Bpain aod Germaoy will be a'.irred bypjpalar movemeota aod a great coiflxtwill be brewiog between Eorope aod

Aaia. The year will be a Incky ooe forall iboae boro betweea Jaly 21 and Au-

gust 21. Tbe coocladiog prophrcy is

comfortiog. Women's fasbioas are to

improve, aod the prcseot mooalrooa ha'.s

will gire way to irmortatlaoa of "petltscheptaax."

The obatiratlon ot ihe great apoatlethai ricbea take uoto tbemtelves wiogsis often verlfied. Grtatly ctatgd byhis three mcotb's locarceratioo, OarlFischer Baosen, the well-koown NewYoik philar.ttr phiet lawyer, was re-

leased froa tle Blackwell'a Island peni-tentiary yesterday, baviog served biaaenteccs for subornatioo of perjury iu

tbe Macalase casr. Be declsred tha'his entire wcrldly poaseaalons wtre tbeblack suit of clothes and five dolla-swhicb are given to all prlaonera. Bis

wife, who waa the ooly daogoter oiIsaac Jlrokaw, the milliooaire clothiogmaoolsc'.arer, hsa atterly caet bim cll;he baa been dlabancd by the ccuria aodbe declarea tLat be hf»s oot a frleod or a

single biig,ht prorpectin the world. Be

aaja he doea not koow wbere to go or

wbat to do.

A British rallway tra'n ia tbeaafest p bcs on eartb, bs only one pai-isngir in every 70,000,000 ia killedaod one in evtry 2,800,000 Icpred.Thla dtdncatlon is based opon a care-

fal inrrey of tbe board of trade rap^rton rallway acoldents doring the ysar1907, and la atal commentary on tbe

¦afety of railroad travtl In tbia country.

COlaUtBH ia about to inveatigate the

high coBt of livinr- Ooogrrai wont

have to go far bebiod Ihe tariff to fiad

one of the evawt._From Waahington.

Corrajtpondenae of the Alexandria GaaatU jWaahington, Jan. 1.

W. P. Huhtard, reprcsenlative of theFirat West Virglnla dia'.ricl, has form-illy announcei blacandldary fortbesra'of N. P. Scott ln ibe Ualted HtateaSeoa e at the explration of Scotl'a termiu 1911.The ronfrrence b*ing held here atlempting

to trl.ct mediatir.n for ihe aiwtchmen'a atrikeia St, l\i.l b a been hiiioverl r Mondaylaorning. Preaident H. B, Perliam. htad oitberail »y bran.h of the A. F (¦( h, hoptson Mor iay to complcte hia argument for theawit< »,u»eu'a tide and to a»ait on tinal conaid-erat'on of the poiuts in dUpote. The tase ofthe railroad has been pre^aalel in a briefMr Perhim is today in conauhat on with of-tieials cf the American Federati^a of Labor.

Arrlval ot Survlvora.New York, Jar. 1..Cap<. 0. Nlcker-

soo, of tbe loondf red Biiilsh abip Jo-haoDR, wbich salled fio-n lloilo, ln thePhlllpp'nea, on April 27, with . vala-able ca'go ol sogar, aod went down (flOape Batterss oo November 26, aod 11of tbe aurviviog members of tbe crew,atrived here today aboard the <{iebcclinealeamer K,rona.The seoood beat, cootainlog twelve

of tbe crew, has not] been heard fromsioce it pat (fl frjm tbe Jobanoe aodhere is little doobt tbat tbe boat was

pat.LAST OHARTErToF THE YEAR.Tbe last charter of the year waa Is-

sued by the 8:ate Oorporation Oommls-sloo lo Ricbmond yesterday, wben the

papers allowiog the Atlaotlc Ice aodOoal Oorporation of Richmood to beginbusiotas were algaed aod amitted to

record. The state recelved a fee of |600Lr thechsrter, that beiog tbe lee for a

concero wbich has ao authorVd maxi-room capital oi $8 000,000. The mini-mom capital is $30,000.

Tbis it, perhaps, tbe largrat coccerothat haa been chsrterid sioce tbe Oar-porstlon Oommitsioo wss crgaoi£3d.Tbe promoters are all residents ol tbe.ooth with Eroeat Woodrcff, of Atianta,president.The promoters are aathorlz'd

electric and power plaols, cold-atoragebouaes, ice factoriea aod to eogsge In tbemloiDg of coal 01 the euthorizsd cap!-tal $8,000,000 is to be preferred aod$5,000,000 comenon elock. The aharesare placedat $100 each.

TELEGRAPM1C BREViriP.S.Tweoty-teo peraons were ir>jared as

tbo resalt of tbe ga«. txploslon at tbePiace Viger slatloo of the Oanaiian Pacific Railwiy, at MootrealCaoada, earlytoday.

Wireless mrasagea recelved today loNew York, tell the breaking c>own at eea

of tbe third C'yde lioe vesael to aoflermiabap io tbe past few weeks. Tbe latestvictim »ai tbe Algorqaio, a pasaenger.teamer, tow io tbe freight trsdp. Aftertwo days of severe blizzard, tbe Algoo-qaio, from Bostoo lo Oalveston, brokei.fl her| tail shafl cfl Body islaod, oothe North Carolina coas', iest night at

mldoiiht. A'gocqaio is now bound forNew York, io tow of tbe Apacbe.The rlat declarstion that there are inbabi-

tants on Mara and that they are at prcaentrrpidly adding to the leriea of canala on that

LUnet, the ttatemert by Prof, Percivalowell, i* today excitiog great intersat in

Boatou aeiectific t'ircle?.

Head-on ColllalOD.Wilmington, Dtl.. Jan. 1. -Io the worst

head-on collieion n tha bia'ory of Itbe Wil¬mington, Newcaatle and Soothern Railwaytodav, seven peraons were hnrt, one pernapafatally. ThamcstaerionslyinjoredisSamoelToppin, motorman on one of tbe cm. IheacciJent oocurred aaven milea below tnia cityon a aingli Ina of tra/k andwasdnetoaheavy fog, tbe road being aloog the Delewarerivar. Tne o«rs c*l|ided witb ancb foreathattkaypiUd ioto aacbothir haji tbair Japgth,

News of tbe Day.Many belat'i Ohrls'.maa pickagea

were burned when fire destroyed ofhceaaod warehoosea of tne American ExpreaaCompany io New York city yeaterday.Tbe loss amonoted lo about $500,000.

Obaries W. Morae has made bls laatfight and will go to Atlanta Saodaymorning tbere to b'gin ibe aeotence offi'tcro tcars impoted cpon him io NewYork more tban a year ago for violatlngtbe banking !awa.

F. J. JerrojD, declared (o be a rn'in-ber of tbe mlllionaire 6cranton, Pa ,

family ol ccal operativea, wai knockeddown by a street car lo Sao Fraociacotoday and very leriooaly Itjared. Hewaa ru-lud to a bnapilal wbere, itiaaaid,hia recovery la improbable.

William II Bhaw, a familiar flgnre inWasbington, conspicaoua aa a newa

paper correapondent aad aaid to be thefirat to senrj newi from there by tele-graph to any oot-of-town paper, diid atbia bome lo Waahington yeaterday even-lor. He waa 80 yeura old.With S-na'or Hale, of Maine, chair-

man of tbeommit'.ee on appropriatioos,tbe preaident Ulked over tbe questioo cfgovrrameot expense yfB'srday It wasuadarctood tlter the conference that hewas in tborough acc >rd with M'. Taf.He believed It was pr.ssible for tbe gov-eromeot to aave almwt $100,000,000eacb year.Tbe governora of tbe Now Yotk Block

exchange have rrceived Ihs report of th-committee appolnted to invratiga o theHock Island acaoda! of Monday morning,whec tbe atock advaoced from 601 to81 a ld aa suddenly weded agafn. Tberfp.ii will be acled on or January 1?.Altbongh the atrictnt resme ia btlogmaictsioed, it ia geuerally believed thatihe cbsing of tbe "Rook la'and loci-denl" will be accompaoied by diacipli-nary meaauris,

F >rfy.fatir tuonaand acrei of tha Dii-mal Saanup waa sold toiay by WilliamN. Camp and wife, of Oceola, Fi»., toibe Oamp Maaofioturing Cmpany, olFranklin. Tb? price was oot given ont,the consideration ineniioned In tbe deedbeing fr>, This property waj granted toNa'baolel and William Nelson by tbeO'jmmonwraltb of Virginia In 1781 Itis vsluable chi< lly for tbe timbrr and as-

aoc'ations, romantic and biatoric, nnleaa.ome miliions of anakei, deer, wlldcatsand other j loglebeasts may be tccountedaiaeli.Two womeo, on? a girl of tweoly,

half claJ and ch'mring, wjre rescaed bydeteciivrs from a Obinese deo on thesevenih fl or ol aa old baildiog in Ohica-g i la'e Thursday sfteroooo. Lti King,a Coineas nairchaot, foaod wltb tbewomeo, l» arder arrest. "I wsot toleave tbis place, bat tbe Obioaman mn\

glve me my clothiog," said one ol tbe

girl* aa sHe ahiverer1. "Yes, tbey brlogother girla huo. 6 imelimes thtra are

16 or 10 girls." King denied the youngw.iman'e story, and said he had never

refased te give her her chthi' g.Three ha ldrrd feet of the false struc-

turo cf ibo McKiolcy bridge, oow undercoas'ruct.oa acrcsa tbe Missis«ippi riverat H i.iui*, w#s i:ooct'ed ont by ao icej tm yesterday evening. 8ixty men were

ihrowo into tbe river, aad some ol themmgy bave been drowtiel. Ooe haudredaod thir'.y men wwe at wo»k nn theslructorrt wbeo the jim began to movr.

Seventy t.f ihem tuard the waroingsnapoftbe timb-rs In time to escape to ihe stetleork, bot M fdl with luo iwiated m taa

u/ timbera, three hols'.log eoglnes aad a

.ravHiog ereaa The dama,e la eatiuaaltd at $20,000.

Virgioia New*.The ordiraocfl providing for the re-

oronl ol all banging sigr.s snd awningsio S'.atintop, went into tfiet today.

Marriage licenaes were lained lnWaahington yeaterday to William HOornell and Daisy f. Hlodmao, both ofPurcellviile, aod io OharleeH H. Oobbaod Margoerite V. Drowna, bitb of Al¬exandria.

Raw, Robert Ui'.ewooJ.for many yearspromioent in Norfolk, as a clcrgymanand edaca'cr, died yestorday from thottt'Cta ofparalyaia. Be was (20 yearsold and a na'.ive of Norfolk.

r.tllowing a slroke of paralysis sns-tained a week sgo, Miss Harritt Oioper,member of an old and weil-known Oiarkeconoty family, died a'. her bome atB>yce, a few days sgo io the sixty-¦eveoth year of her age.

Dr. Lawrcoce T. Price, a csp'atn oftbe Firit bsttalhr, First regimeot, baabeen elected rrwpr of tbe battalino, aac-

ceeding Maj lianadon Cary, reslgnet*.Dr. Price has been sorgeoo of the bat-taiioo for several years.

J. W. Hongb, of Norfoik, formerly ofLoodouo, wbo waa tendend a poaltionon tbe iltfl of tl .vrrnor-clcct Mmn,baa decllncd tbe honor. Um-nnrMann will, it Ib aated, appoint Mr.Hough to a p^sitio'i on the atate boardof cbaritiea nnd conectionr.The r.iar'uge of Miaa Beaaie B. Ball

to Mr. Joaeph Bbue, of Parksley, tookplace Tbonday at tbe home of thebtidb'a parenta, Mr. and Mn SaoaclH. Bill, of Leeeburg. The ceremonywii performed by Hjv, W. H. Bark-bsrat. a two-year trial of no aaloon-,B rryvilld Rgsia went "dry" la a localGp'.ion election be'd in B.ttlelown msg-isteria! dis'.rict. Tae "diy" m>j .ritywaa increated eight vot;a out of a totalof 231 votei over the resultof twa yia*aago. The vo'.e aaa 15- for tbe "drya"and 79 for the "wets " Taio yeara agothe "dry" ra»jority was 6'

Miataken for a burglar, R 9 Jeter, afireman on tbe Bmthern Rallway, wboresides at Bun.b Bjstoo, was sbot threetimes Toursday nlght by Jeff Cblei, amerchant of Danville Coles sleeps inhia atore near tbo rallway yards aod waiaronsed about midoight by ths craahingof a paoe of glaas aud aeeing iome ooe

sppareotly tryirg to enter the atore.Oilea immeiiately telepbooed the police.Jet?r It ia tbnught, waodrred t) tbe a'.orewbile in a drunken condition.

Pttitiona calliog up n the anlUaloooleagne of Virginia to drclaro for atate*wide pnblbition and npon the Wgiila-tore to provide an election at which thepeople of the ata'emayraf whelberrrnottliemanufacureand aaleof Keioraballbeinppreaied In tbe ala'.e aa a wbole arenow beiog circolatedin Norfoik. Theiepetlt'ons aent oot by tbe antiaaloooleague headqttartera in Richmond, tallfor proropt actloo aod aak that the pe-tliiona be in by January 17.b, Tbeycame to J. W. Hoogh, preaident of theaoti-solooo lragoe of Norfoik.

T>o MarkauOaorgftowa, D. C Jaji. 1, Wbest Ji#-lJ»

Today's Telr^fBssj^hicNewsThe President'a Receplloa.

Waahington, Jaoaary 1 .Today waaheld the first aonual New Yeai's rr-

ception of the new admiolatratioo,which waa attended by thoaiands.frcnithe coattly members of tbe dlplomatlcnorps '.o the plalnest of tbe p«oplr.Long before tbe White Hoasa doors

were opeoed tbe crowds begao to as-semble lo the prr-aident'i froot yard.It was a motley gatherhg.As the ball clcck io ue Wbite Booae

atrack elevea aod four tiglers steppedfrom tbe baud aod sanoded tbe p-esl-deolial faolare, the preetdeot aod Mr*.Tafi left tbe secand flaor and staiteddown the _sla staircss.r With thevice-presldent and Mrs. Shcrmsn aadtbe cabloet members and their wives,tbey took op their posllioo at thesoothero eod of the blae room. Theladies atepped to the right aod formeda part of the receiving lioe. Thanbegan tbe brllliant, formal recep loaof the dlplomatlo corps.Oaly ooe tninac that haa characterfd

Whito Bonae Ntw Year's recep'.iooiin the past waa lacking. That was thegstheriog of specially invited gaeatswfco io former adminis'.ratioos ciowdtdtbe blue rocm. Tne sole permaoeotoccopaoti of tbe room today were Presi.dfiot Taft aod bia cfficial family. Mrr.Taf.'a hcalih haa forced the cnrtall-ment of aaclal feativitiec at the WbiteBonae, and it waa thougbt best to coo-

serve her streog'h on (his occasi >n byomi'ting ibe p>rjnoal guests.A gorgeoo* procession ofd'p'omals,

ol td lo brilllaot panoply of toe coor;ocs'amea ol iheir vsrioui nations, wes

tbe specaole cf the occaaiou. Lid bythe Italiao amfcamdor, Baron Mayordes Plaocbes, the deao of ths diplorn-1 c

co'pj, aod failowcd by tbe entlre bodyof accredited forelgo repreaeotatives,tbey entered fram ihe aoutb door aodwith gr al formality made their wayto the hoat aod hoatess. With each am-

basubor were, the membets of his salteand tbeir wlvea.At the rear of (he ambiaaadoria! pro-

risftion camc tbe brill.'aat suito of BsranYasnya Uchids, the oew Jspaoeso am-

baasador, who arrived in Washicgton a

little mcre tban a week ago.Tbe mlolsterlal parade was ltd by tbe

repreienta.ive from C sta Rica, BenorOalvo. Chang Yia T«r>g, the new Chl-ce<e mioieter, was ifBcially receivedonly atiout a week ago, aod be was tbeIssl of the diplomis, but tbe brilliantOrieoUi appearsneg of his tnin moretban made up for ths re«r eod pcsll'.on.

Wor-o tbe ga;ly spparelled riip'omstsbad filrd pas ibereceiviog lioe, aod hadbeeo cordlslly greetcd, tho veoenbleObief Juarice Fulier led tbe aeaocletejmiires ol the Sapreme Oourt r>,od othermembers of the judiclarr. Tbnn csmeformer cnbioet meobers, United 8 atesimbsiiidors and 'ninis «'ra aod membcr*of (bngress. Tliere were but \tv of theIfttcT, the bol'day sano baviog sentmost of tbem u. _tff ' omei.

Tbere were eame iotereatiogeitoatlocaaa a resalt of ihe pre*eot statjs of nat-lunsl politlcr. Among thjae In tbesmall coigreaaiona) delegation tbat ata^ended v>*3 rrprespatatlve Llardock,etdit ol tbe Houae irmirgen'.s, an avow-cd foe of the coogrersiocal orgsDlxatiop.Deapite bis loaurgiog, Mordock waa

gr- e'td warmly by tbe presi Jeor. Anotherstrangcr wlibio ihe gate waa G.ffardPinchot, of the Furea ry 8 rvice, whoaeborisa ia to be inves'lgatad by uoogreeaaa a reaolt of the Uiliinger-Pinobot con-

iroveray. Piochot waa a!ao greetcdwarmly by the p.eaident, aad a momentIster was vlgtr usly sbskirg tbe baud ofu:eercttry of tle laterlor Billingar, a

little way down tbe rtctlviog line.Spesker Oancon breez d in jost sbcatan bottr a'ter the congresalonal delega¬tion bad been recelved.Tbe boglera eaondtd another cal!, and

i?pteseot«tiirf« of tbe atrny and narjflled in'.o tbe room. Detk-.d In sll theghry ol fall dreas oniforme, tbe miliUryaod naval otticers made a brililant show-Iog. ftey were the laat of tbeoolformidvlaltors.Tbey were followet by the civlllan

ofikials ol the goverameot and repre-senta.ives of varlons organ aalons.Some delay end coo.'uaioo reaolted

becauae tbo members of tbo aocletleawere aboot fWteon mioutes bchlnd tbeirscbedule. The llne had besn movlngwith great rapidity aod for a fewmoments the receiving lino wai Idol.Wben tbis delay ocenrred the common

people wera atarted in shsad of theirtnro. Alter a gaodly nomber hadpaased tbroogh tbe clvil officiali ap-peared acd the p!aio pfople's lioe was

brokea to allow to flle tbroogh theblae room. Th» d'ffljulty was aoon

atraigbtened ootTben there waa a pause. Mu. Taft

and the ladiei of ihecibiott depirted f «the refreshments wbich the hoateas al-wsya aerrca oo New Year'a Day, to thewlvea ol the csblntt memberi. Tbepreaident extcnded hia amlle a llttlemore, the cabinet membfra braced them-aelvea, aod iho plalo people were glvena chancc.

Tbere wai nogorgeooidliplay tojgreetthe tbrooj that caroe throogh. Therewas no fiVacveltlan horry aboat thaprcceaa, eeeryooe had time to »ay

"Happy New Year, M-. Prealdeot," aodto receive a digoiflsd haodabake, and a

word of greelioR ln rsturn.The Marlne Band, which op to now

b»d been filllog the White Houie withtho impreaaive i rains of clasalcal maaic,br&kelotj'Hall, the C.uqu?rlog HeroOamea." Bit (here waa not ipeedeooogbt lo that and ioon they were

enliveolng iha occaiion witb ragtimemakiog tho lioe move faater to keep opwith the moa'c.

8«veral lecret eervlci men itood joitdown the line of calleri abead of tbe

pres'deot keepiog a keen watch on erchman or woman tbat pasatd. They madeanre tbat none carried a packBge aod

they aaw to It that no ooe approacbedthe preaident with a baud behind hiabeck, Gr in bia pockrf.

White, blick, yellow, and red were Inthe lengthy line tbat filed in and oot ofthe blue room. There were all ihapes,ilz-s, and manner of meo womeo andcbildreo.

Qorgeoosly arrayed diplomsti canaeand weot; tombre jadgea panel; amartarmy offleera atrode bj; plalo Americancitizjoa butrifd tbrougb; but lolld aod¦tatiooary, oo cona'ait dnty, expreaaioggreetiog and larewell nntil tbe laat oftbe commoo pnopls bad filed on*, waatha ' jilly giod Itllow" Taft amlle.

Alleged Aiaaaalnation Plot.

NewOrlsaru, lan. 1 -That four aasaaainshave been hirtd aiil to Katrada, leader of tbeNicaragun rerr Intion that ended In the tlightof Preaident Zalaya to Mexico, ia tha newathat caroe today tg Eatrada's repreMutaUraabart,

New Vrari Fatalitles.Nev Yotk, Ja«. 1..New Year1! rev

elry ended iu three trag:c deatba todayon the Hudson aod ManbaUan Ralway,knowo as the FfnJion lonrel systemconceetiog New Yoik and New Jeraeyucd r tbe Hudsoo river. Irvlng P.Lov j y, of New York, Auguat Walker,of Jeraey city, met death at an earlyhour in an elevator accident at tbe ex-

ehanre place atatton in Jeraey city, aodOharlra Sswiog, of New York died fromIrjurhi rreeived In falling doan tbeTarenty-tbird atreet atrpa.

Obicago, Jao. 1..Ooe alleged mur¬der aod two atiempted killings, all thedirect reiolt of New Yeat'i eve celebta-tioni were reported to tbe police to^ay.Irvlog Btifford was aeeiog tbe old yearaaltb his sweetbeart, Mabel Naosen,when tbe coople got ioto a qoatre'.After a wsr of words, tbe glrl snddenlyae;zed a case koife and plaoged it iotoBiafford'e hratt, ktlling bim inatantly.Bhe waa arreated.

Harry M. O.ts, an eleolrlciao, after aNew Yfars celebratiou went to call onMrs. Florencs Oalver, bia iweetheart,he fonnd ber la company of OoroeltuiLottcrmao, aod ahot Luttermso fivetimaa lo the head and breaat. La.ter-m n will dte.

Harry Fia baatone ia dyiog In alocal hoapital witb two bullela io biaInogs, firtd from tbe tevolver of Police-man Malooey dnring a disturbancr.

Mlis de Janon'a Wbereabsutl.Polladelphia, Jao. 1..Tbat Rjberta

de Jauoo, tbe iG-year-old daugbter ofFerdlnand de Janon, a New Yotkbrokrr; aod heireaa and granddaughterof a mtlllonalre aeod merchant of tbiacity, ia in New York city pennileu andabaudonedby Frederlck (Jobeo, a formtrBallevne-Btra'ford hotel walter, withwliom ihe la alleged to bave eloped iev>crrl daya ago, la tbe lateat con-jlu'ion oftbe police baied on a myaterioua letteraaid to bave been received by special de-livery from that city today.Tbe letter, addreaicd to Robert BjIbI,

grandfatber of tbe miaaiog glrl, it is as-

ser'td, wai In tbe fcirl's handwriting.The coctenta cl tbe letter have not beenrovealed, but it is iatimated tbat tbeepislle cootalas informatioa regardiogtho whereabouia of the girl. Police be-lieve tbat Oobeo, Irightened by the no-torltty wbich has followed tbe elope-meot, abaudooad tbe girl,

Mrs. Ellls'a Injurles Serloua.New Yoik, Jan. 1- Swaihed ln band-

ages, Mrs. Charl s E. Eills, who wasboracd almoat to death beforu hundredsof mcrry gatsts celebratiog the birth oftbe new year at tbe Oofe Martln lasioigbt, ii l>lDg today at tbe New Yoikhospital la a s'upor, ooder the iiifjoenceof powirful druga admiolstered to quietber agony ol pain. Neck and ahouldera,face aod baada wrra aoarched almost toa crisp by tbe ri .mes wbich formed o

plllar aboqt tbe «:ieaming wamao io a

balcany corner of tbe rafe whlle lerr-fled guests rosbed to her a'd or H;d inpanic from tbe room. Physiciacs aodnaraea are today exeriiog every elf rt tossve ber life. Ber beau;y Is gace. Andif she ever leaves the iiospltal it will bfor her home, never ngaia to j )in auchbriliiaot MiembUgee es that ln whicbsbe moved lo ihe time of the acciientwbich pat ihe stsmp of irsgedy oo oneuf New Yark's great new yeai's cele-bralions. Physiclaas wbo ara a'.tendingber declsre Ua'. ber coodi^ioo is suloue.

Arrest of Suapccta.8ao Lucar, 8p»lo, Jao 1 .The po-

lijo are convloced today that tbe arrestlast nlgbt ef threp Q.rmana, tao".ancuuieu and so ttslisa'ed t

rffcic do p!ot, of wh'cb _ og Alfaaso wasto ra70 b -eo tho vlciim.King Alfjnia pissed thr'Utjh Han

Lucar jeUerdsy eu rjute to Qaasda,lor tbe New Yea/s fetes, an I the aaa-

pects wbo, lt develops, ar? weil-knownanarcbiats, were attracted here by hi«prea>Doe,

Tbeir eomlng, bowever, bal beentipped of} to the police and they wrre ar-reited befnre hiving achance to get nearAlfonso. Tbe palice at first aoiiouncedthat tbe men were arrraied almply be-

oaase they coold oot explaio their prei-ence la the city.

Tbe Morse Case.New York, Jan. 1. -Tbe appeal of

Obarlei W. Morae, former ice kiog,a'.eamiblp magoale and frenzied flnaocierfor a pardon, as hia laat bopeof eacap'rga fificen year aenteoce in the federalpriaon In Atlanta, G\, will meet witbthe blttereat kind of oppoaitioo, Moraeand bia friendi admlt tbat he Ii doomedto go to priion In the loutbern city on-leaa Preaident Taft interferea with ex-

eculve clemency, aod it is their ioten-sion aoon to appeal to the preaident toexarciae hia power. Ao appeal for par-doo wlil ba met with oppoai'ioD,

Collapse of Oaeka.BiHimorc, Jab. 1..The 'tween d.cka

of the tramp ateamer Luckenback, lyingcfi lower Oanton, in Battltnore barbor,collapsed tida/, bqrjlog a number ofmen. Four bodiei have clready beentaken out of the bold and more can be.een. Just wbat cauaed the accident Isnot as yet koow, Toe oumber ot kill¬ed or irjared will not be aicertiloed on*til a thorough aurvey ol tbe veaael Iimade.

Osyoor Afanmea Mayoraliy.New York, Jao. 1 .Wm. J. Gayoor

walked into tbe muyoialty fBae at nioo

today, and George B. McClellao waikedoot.the firat with a atride, which bismore eotbosiaatlo Irleods are alraadypredictiog, will land him io tbe WhiteHouse if be cao keep lt np; the seeondrelriog with few ngreu fr:m aoy qiar-tsr loto sometbiDg not far from politioaloblivioa.

Earthquake Shocki.Pt. Lcoir.Jin. 1 .An eartfcqaake

ibock wai recorded cn the lelimographat Bi\ Loula Uolvenlty early (oday.Ibe diaturbaace contlnaed «birty-fourmioutea acd twenty leconds. FatherOjeaae of the Univeralty, aaya tbe abcckn oved from weet to eaat and be belleveait ¦ arted tomewbere in the PaciflcOctaa and moved towarda the Atlaotlccoait-Albany, N. Y. J*n. l.-An earthrjnake

ahock lasting about two r.oura ware reordedtoday in ihe Biismog-sph at the State Mo-aenm. The ahock began at 6.08 and altbooghthe instrnment regiaterad dhtnrbancei fortwo hoore tha moat violsnt pariod waa at ia thooght hera that tha earthquake occoi-red in Mexico._

WOMEN OALLED DOWN.The tioit of P. P. Munay, tbe pro-

prletor of Park Hotel, Blohmond, In

teeking toprocoraa liqior lioeniectneeda deaaooitration io the Hoatloga Oounof that city yeaterday, wbeo a bavy of

W. 0. T. U. workers iaoghed derlaifelyat ibe testimony of coe of Murray's wil*nesaee, wbo termed the proprietor aOniis.iao geotlemsn. Tba conrtroom waa

ibronged with ladies. Wheo the eppli-csnt for liceose appeared with bis wit-neases aa to cbaracter, the womeo sa opaod llstened.

"Mr. Murray bas tbe repotatioo of aObrisiian geotlemao." said a w.tocs-,aod tbe womeo broke cnt io laoghter.With a baog Jadge Wells, of Maacher-ter, who wss presiding io tbe abseoce ofIbe rega'ar jadge, broght his gavtldowo aod, with some degrea of feeliog,reprlmaoded tbe ladies, caatiooiog tbemsgaiost aoy farther dierespeci to thocoart cr tbe witoeeees. Fur'.ous blashe*over«pread the facts of the white rlo-booers.Marray ia a traveliog saleamao. lle

knows notbicg of Ihe whisky bualneas,The liceose of Park Hotel waa revokedreceotly. Murray baa aasamed chsrgeas macager. Be bas condacted tbe ho.elaloag clean llnes siooe he bas had thebas'.oese. Tbe llqaor liceose waa graoted.

VIRGINIA HIGHLAND3.Virgioia Mighlaoda ia to be tbe oarxe

of a flre-proof, aubuibso aettlemeot oo-cupyiog the beauiifol billa aootb ofArlingtoo.Work will ioon be itarted oo one

of the moat iotareating subuiban de-vclcp.-meut enterptiiei ia thii vicinity.The ilte lelected ia an ldeal one,

being on a plateau bigher tban tbepinnacleof tbe Oapitol dome, and t fford-ing a wondtrful vlew over Washingtonacd tbe Potcma".

It haa a fron'.8ge of ibveral thcuiandfeet on Mount Vernon avenae, whichwill be made a Natlocal Boulevard,and ia ar'jiceot to crr llnea, with onlya few minutea ride to thia city.

Tnia aiil be a rnral aud at the aamatime a coovtnient home plaoe.

It ia propoaod, at once, to conitractan attraciive eleciric car itatiou, andin ibort make every city improvemeot.

Tbe laod bai already beenaabdividtd,atreeta have been laid oot and £raded,aod upon aome of the avenuea treeahave beeo planted. The work will beraahed, aldewalka, watrr tervice, aodtrif-a planteJ, ao tbat with the ten resl-deoces complete In tha spring, thiaattraolive home place will appear aaalmoat lo have built by maglr.

It la propoied to make aale of houstiand loti on eaay termi.

Cooatractlon will be largely of briek¦od concrete, aod the entlre groop ofhouaei will be flre-proo'.The maj .rity of the homea will be of

a fcor, five and six room type, tbebuogalow type will predooiiuat\ Manyboojn will have flat toola, and theeawill be utillt'd aa roof gsrdeni, fromwhich an exqaislte view can he enjoyed.The company will be compoaed of

men hlgb la baainess aod p.ofeaalocalcircles, and the enterprise will be cspi-tslired largely by Nea York par.iei,althoogh It ia propoied to p'ace a amallporlion of the stock lo thla oity.The eoterprisc is being uodertaken

froui a commercial, rather tban from a

pbilanthropct I'aodpolai, althongh itia prcpoaed to demooitrate here, nearthe' t-ational rapital, the possibllity ofconstruc'.ion by uiodrra metbods artfit'.c,¦lubstautlal, aod aaoitary bomea atmoderate coat,Tbe fiiatl-.ts wlllbeaolJat approxlma-

tely the ccat of Improvcmeota and theland will advance rapidly io valne eithess Improvemeots are eirrled out.Tbe trar; purcbmed la known as

AddUon flelgb *, compriaiog over onebunilred acres, j aat aoulh of Arllogton.

Aoiong thosa who will be prominentln the direciioti of the eoterpriae will beIfe, A. B. ajvernforovr c Mt fxecntlvef tbe aifkj aetvice commWaion; Mr.BalpbHone, of ths Ojologieal Barfey;Mr: 0 0. Leadbeater, seoior member olthe firm of E S. Leadbeater aod Som,wboleiale druggists, of AUxandria, Vir-gloie. The membera of the coropauy bavehad cooiid&rable experieoce la realestate operationa, and their pait eoter-prisea bave (teea. eairled ont witb mark-ed tuece:s. Owlng to the care aad atudygiven to every detall tendtng to makebomea cooveoieot and attraolive.The plan ia that of a young Waiblog-

ton architect, Milton Daoa Mjrrill, ahofor some yeara wn deiigoer of publlobulldingi ln the Treaaury Departraent.He baa made a great atudy of modelhouaei aod lettlemeola, both In thiacountry and abrcad, and haa rquippedhimielf for tbis type of work. the concrete work in thla newaettlemeot, slaodard atcel moolds bavebeen invented, and a thoaiaod bomeimay be cast by one aet of there moulds,haviog been ao dea'gned that tbey are

eaally pnt op, locked together, and a*eaally laken down. The waite in thewood moolds and rxpense of buildingnew foiraa for each home ia ellmlnated.The platca are ao fioiahed tbat when

they are nnlock.d froaa tbe walli tbeaorface la perlectly amootb, rrqaltlng no

plsaterirjg er other fiolah.Mr. Morrill, thearchlteet, haa already

bnilt a model bouae ia a demenatratiooof the praotirability of bia plan, thla laloea'ed on Ivy atreet, at Brentwood,Mary land, jiat outaide the Diatrictllte.There la a large apring of dellclona

water at Virginia Hfgblandi, on theproperty, whlcb will be piped for oae.In every way tbe alte aelected icemiidealy lulted to thia mcit intereatlngnodertakiog.A rather onlqae adveitlilog feature

will be employed. One of tbe houaeiwill be oonatrocted in the rongb, andwill be filled witb combnitlble materlal,aod aet oo fire, to demooitrate ibat theywill not boro. Tbii together with tbeo.her oovel featarei ibonld afford muchot publie intereit, duriog tbe carryiogoot of tbe work.Tbe efficen of Ihe company dealra

tbat Virgioia Hlghlandi aball point theway toward belter bouaea, not only forWaabicgtooiaoB, bnt be ao example oftbe poeaib'.lities In home building to thetbonaand of viaitora wbo snoually vlaltont bfaotitol Capital Oity._


Opera HousfTONTGHT ^


2 BigFuony Coniedy Acts-23 Reels Moving PicturesVaodeville Specialties

Prices lftc and 15c-at Wgrfitldi,i

List of Unelaimed Lettera.The following iaa liat ofthe leticr- renisia-

iug io the Alexandria, Va., poetolfaVe up toJanaary 1, 1910:Ar-hy, Samue 1 Hooft, Mr«, .lohuAllen. UraS.llie Hyden, Hi IB«Ler, Oold.e <» Johns, ViaBannaker. Mary E Johns, MraBrch, Orlando King, F fPiab, Mrs Alire Leuuiox, Mra L aeeBrajnt, Janote i.owe, lioracxBryan, M Magruder, MrsEramaliuble, Minnie M tthuws C i armaBut er, Mrs Jam-s McAdm, M< II ('Cakara, Mrs David Murrhine, JohnCarwood. Enima lf Nor: ia, Mra B, 11Cap>r«letti, Herculea Pinuer. MsryCerter, Mr, Maria Po.l^, WEriipper, L Rani'S-er, J FCook, Lula Fehina* ii, AlmaPavia, Mra L RoMnscn. Mra SmlrI>olen>an,JUpahnr(2) Boaian, Mrs A dieOi'ugl*s. Harriaoa Kc»s, Mra It 1. (J)Estee, Ltllian Ruat, Mra JohuErerbart, Mra Kalie Suihard, Gco UFlo.cnce, Miaa 'Ihomaa, Bell( Tbonipaon, MreAdaTOiddings C F VaugbP, Irsnk(Irayaon, Julia Waltera, l.inwood Allansome, C C Waters. B LHobba. Rev (' K Watkina, Mra MarthaH»rri«, Williaui We<ver, H CHarriaos.MraSimpaon Williama, GuaHenry, Miidred Williama, Mra Hattiellolbrcoks, N'ora Wright, Mrs J KHollany, Wm Youug, M

THOMAft BUKi{< H'llliH, p. lf.


We Start the New YearWith a Rousing


The Most G.ganticRemnant 5aleEver Held,

5,000 yards of Remnaotsof miscellaneous stapledry goods, the culmina-tion of a very large hol¬iday seaaon's selling.

Remnants of Silks, Dref sGood a, White Goods,Embroidcries, Ging-hams, Percales, Outings,Hosiery, 5weaters, Un-derwear, &c, &c, at al-most give away pricesto effedt a rapid clear--ance before stock taking.

All Furs, Cloaks, Ladies'Suits, Blankets and Com-forts radically reduced,

Sale Starts at 9 o'ClockMonday Morning.

0. Bendheimand 80115316 King Street


Wboleaale Prlees or Proiln «»

FlourEitra.. 6 75 a 600Family. 6 2 a 6 75Fancy branda. 6 50 a 7 00

vVheat, longberry.- 119 a 1 20Mixed. 1 >» a 120Fn.U. IV a 118Dsuapand toagh. 100 a 105

Oorn, white. 070 a 0 75Mixed.-. OfiO a 065Yellow. 0 00 a 0 70

CornMeal. 072 a 0 75Bye. 075 a 0«f>

Oata, 0M) a OFi*White. new. 05f- a 067

ClorerSeed. «<» . 9 6t>Tirnothy. 17° * *oi

Hay....... 18 80 a 1«0>Elgin Prtit Buttar. 032 a 031Bntter. Vlrginia, packed. 018 a 020Choioe Virgiaia. 0 20 a 0»Common to middling. 014 a 016Kegfl. 0 31 a 033

Live Chiekena (hens). 0 11 a 0 1*Bpring Chiekena ,.<M.M. 010 a 0 2?Potatoes, per du. 65 a 70Sweet PoUtoea bbl. 1 90 a 2 00Oniens, per buahel. Iu) a 1 IOAppisa, per bbl. 300 a 5 00Dried Peachea. peaied. 00f>> e 0 (»Pork, per 100 Ibe. 9 50 a 10 60Bacon, eountry harns. 017 a 0 ISBeat sugar-cured bama. 0 IS a 019Breakftut Bacen. 017 a 0I7#Bager-eured shoalders. 0 00 a 013Buik ahouidere. 0 12 a 013DrySaltsidea. 0 1*J a 014Bugar. 0(0 a 00)

(5flA. 610 a 615Conf. standard. 612 a 61*Oraniilated. 6 20 a 6 50

Cofleee-Rio. 0U a 016-LaGuajre. 016 a OltJava..'. 018 a OM

Molaaaea B. B. 0 15 a 0 ISC.B.~. 017 a 02*New Orleana.. 030 a 045

Bogar 8.vpa.. 016 a 031PortoRieo._ 022 a fJ*A

9alt-G.A. 060 a 0 65Fine. 0r* a 090

aool-lon*. nnwaahed- 028 a 029Waahed. 032 a 0MMenno, unwaahed. 028 a 029Do. waahed. 024 a 08*

Herring, Eaateru per bbl. 675 a 76WPotomac family roe. 003 a 000Do. half barrel. 326 a 30U

Mackerel. small per bbl. 1300 a 14 0*No.Smedmm. 1400 a 14*;

plaeUr, ground, per ttm.. 4 50 a ow

Oroandlnbaga. 6 60 . ««.

The late tammer and fall it o- e ofJ^'^Jtimes ia tbe jear te psint yonr^L«u .. «o

torget that asj are heedquartx" fcr tvery

thing-lht paint f&ASmFmSelaee your order, _ 8, Leadbaaw * i-!ba,
