db2 and sql

1.2.1 What is SQL?  Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standardized language for defining and manipulating data in a relational database. In accordance with the relational model of data, the database is perceived as a set of tables, relationships are represented by values in tables, and data is retrieved by specifying a result table that can be derived from one or more tables. DB2 transforms the specification of a result table into a sequence of internal operations that optimize data retrieval. This transformation occurs when the SQL statement is prepared. This transformation is also known as binding. 1.2.2 Static SQL  The source form of a static SQL statement is embedded within an application program written in a host language such as COBOL. The statement is prepared before the program is executed and the operational form of the statement persists beyond the execution of the program.  A source program containing static SQL statements must be processed by an SQL precompiler before it is compiled. The preco mpiler checks t he syntax of the SQL statements, turns them into host language comments, and generates host language statements to invoke DB2.  1.2.3 Dynamic SQL  A dynamic SQL statement is prepared during the execution of an SQL application, and the operational form of the statement is not persistent. The source form of the statement is a character string passed to DB2 by an application program using the static SQL statement PREPARE or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE. DB2 also uses dynamic S QL for sys tem-directed access (1) .  1.2.4 Interactive SQL  In this book, interactive SQL refers to SQL statements submitted to SPUFI (SQL processor using file in put). SPUFI prepares and executes these statements dynamically . 1.2.6 Indexes  An index is an ordered set of pointers to rows of a base table. Each index is based on the v alues of d ata in one or more columns. An index is an object t hat is se parate from t he data in the table. When you define an index using the CREATE INDEX statement, DB2 builds this structure and maintains it automatically.  Indexes can be used by DB2 to improve performance and ensure uniqueness. In most cases, access to data is faster with an index. A table with a unique index cannot have rows with identical keys. 1.2.7 Keys  A key is one or more columns that are identified as such in the descriptio n of a table, an index, or a referential constraint. The same column can be part of more than one key. A key compos ed of more than

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1.2.1 What is SQL? Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standardized language for definingand manipulating data in a relational database. In accordance with therelational model of data, the database is perceived as a set of tables,relationships are represented by values in tables, and data is retrievedby specifying a result table that can be derived from one or more tables.

DB2 transforms the specification of a result table into a sequence ofinternal operations that optimize data retrieval. This transformationoccurs when the SQL statement is prepared. This transformation is alsoknown as binding.

1.2.2 Static SQL The source form of a static SQL statement is embedded within anapplication program written in a host language such as COBOL. Thestatement is prepared before the program is executed and the operationalform of the statement persists beyond the execution of the program. A source program containing static SQL statements must be processed by anSQL precompiler before it is compiled. The precompiler checks the syntax

of the SQL statements, turns them into host language comments, andgenerates host language statements to invoke DB2. 

1.2.3 Dynamic SQL A dynamic SQL statement is prepared during the execution of an SQLapplication, and the operational form of the statement is not persistent.The source form of the statement is a character string passed to DB2 by anapplication program using the static SQL statement PREPARE or EXECUTEIMMEDIATE. DB2 also uses dynamic SQL for system-directed access (1) . 

1.2.4 Interactive SQL 

In this book, interactive SQL refers to SQL statements submitted to SPUFI(SQL processor using file input). SPUFI prepares and executes thesestatements dynamically.

1.2.6 Indexes An index is an ordered set of pointers to rows of a base table. Eachindex is based on the values of data in one or more columns. An index isan object that is separate from the data in the table. When you define anindex using the CREATE INDEX statement, DB2 builds this structure andmaintains it automatically. Indexes can be used by DB2 to improve performance and ensure uniqueness.

In most cases, access to data is faster with an index. A table with aunique index cannot have rows with identical keys.

1.2.7 Keys A key is one or more columns that are identified as such in thedescription of a table, an index, or a referential constraint.The same column can be part of more than one key. A key composed of more than

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one column is called a composite key. A composite key is an ordered set of columns of the same table. Theordering of the columns is not constrained by their ordering within thetable. The term value, when used with respect to a composite key, denotesa composite value. Thus, a rule such as, "the value of the foreign keymust be equal to the value of the primary key" means that each component

of the value of the foreign key must be equal to the correspondingcomponent of the value of the primary key. A unique key is a key that is constrained so that no two of its values areequal. The constraint is enforced by DB2 during the execution of the LOADutility and the SQL INSERT and UPDATE statements. The mechanism used toenforce the constraint is a unique index. Thus, every unique key is a keyof a unique index. Such an index is also said to have the UNIQUEattribute. Subtopics1.2.7.1 Primary Keys Foreign Keys Primary Keys A primary key is a unique key that is a part of the definition of a table.A table cannot have more than one primary key, and the columns of aprimary key cannot contain null values. Primary keys are optional and canbe defined in SQL CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements. The unique index on a primary key is called a primary index. When aprimary key is defined in an SQL CREATE TABLE statement, the table ismarked unavailable until the primary index is created by the user. When a primary key is defined in an SQL ALTER TABLE statement, a uniqueindex must already exist on the columns of that primary key. This uniqueindex is designated as the primary index. Foreign Keys A foreign key is a key that is specified in the definition of areferential constraint. A foreign key refers to or is related to aspecific primary key. A table can have zero or more foreign keys. Thevalue of a composite foreign key is null if any component of the value isnull.

1.2.8 Storage Structures In DB2, a storage structure is a set of one or more VSAM data sets thathold DB2 tables or indexes. A storage structure is also called a pageset. A storage structure can be one of the following:

 table space A table space can hold one or more base tables. All tables

are kept in table spaces. A table space can be definedusing the CREATE TABLESPACE statement.

 index space An index space contains a single index. An index space is

defined when the index is defined using the CREATE INDEXstatement.

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1.2.9 Storage Groups Defining and deleting the data sets of a storage structure can be left toDB2. If it is left to DB2, the storage structure has an associatedstorage group. The storage group is a list of DASD volumes on which DB2can allocate data sets for associated storage structures.

1.2.10 Databases In DB2, a database is a set of table spaces and index spaces. These indexspaces contain indexes on the tables in the table spaces of the samedatabase. Databases are defined using the CREATE DATABASE statement andare primarily used for administration. Whenever a table space is created,it is explicitly or implicitly assigned to an existing database.

1.2.11 Catalog Each DB2 maintains a set of tables containing information about the dataunder its control. These tables are collectively known as the catalog.The catalog tables contain information about DB2 objects such as tables,views, and indexes. In contrast, the catalogs maintained by

access method services are known as "integrated catalog facilitycatalogs." Tables in the catalog are like any other database tables with respect toretrieval. If you have authorization, you can use SQL statements to lookat data in the catalog tables in the same way that you retrieve data fromany other table in the system. Each DB2 ensures that the catalog containsaccurate descriptions of the objects that the DB2 controls.

1.2.12 Views A view provides an alternative way of looking at the data in one or moretables. A view is a named specification of a result table. Thespecification is an SQL SELECT statement that is effectively executedwhenever the view is referenced in an SQL statement. At any time, the

view consists of the rows that would result if the subselect wereexecuted. Thus, a view can be thought of as having columns and rows justlike a base table. However, columns added to the base tables after theview is defined do not appear in the view. For retrieval, all views canbe used like base tables.

Views can be used to control access to a table and make data easier touse. Access to a view can be granted without granting access to thetable. The view can be defined to show only portions of data in thetable. A view can show summary data for a given table, combine two ormore tables in meaningful ways, or show only the selected rows that arepertinent to the process using the view. 

Example: The following SQL statement defines a view named XYZ. The view

represents a table whose columns are named EMPLOYEE and WHEN_HIRED. Thedata in the table comes from the columns EMPNO and HIREDATE of the sampletable DSN8310.EMP. The rows from which the data is taken are foremployees in departments A00 and D11. 




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An index cannot be created for a view. However, an index created for atable on which a view is based might improve the performance of operationson the view. Read-only views cannot be used for insert, update, and delete operations.Read-only views are discussed under the CREATE VIEW statement in Chapter 6of SQL Reference.

 Like all result tables, the table represented by a view is not persistent.On the other hand, the definition of a view persists in the DB2 catalog.An SQL DROP VIEW statement can drop a view, and the definition of the viewis removed from the catalog. The definition of a view is also removedfrom the catalog when any view or base table on which the view depends isdropped.

1.2.13 Application Processes All SQL programs execute as part of an application process. Anapplication process involves the execution of one or more programs, and isthe unit to which DB2 allocates resources and locks. Differentapplication processes may involve the execution of different programs, or

different executions of the same program. The means of initiating andterminating an application process are dependent on the environment.

1.2.14 Packages and Application Plans A package contains control structures used to execute SQL statements.Packages are produced during program preparation. The control structurescan be thought of as the bound or operational form of SQL statements takenfrom a database request module (DBRM). The DBRM contains SQL statementsextracted from the source program during program preparation. All controlstructures in a package are derived from the SQL statements embedded in a

single source program. An application plan relates an application process to a local instance ofDB2, specifies processing options, and contains one or both of thefollowing elements: _ A list of package names_ The bound form of SQL statements taken from one or more DBRMs. Every DB2 application requires an application plan. Plans and packagesare created using the DB2 subcommands BIND PLAN and BIND PACKAGE,respectively.

1.2.15 Authorization and Privileges

 Before it can execute a specific SQL statement, a process must haveappropriate DB2 authority. A process derives this authority from itsauthorization IDs. These supply the needed authority in the followingways: _ By their ownership of objects referred to in the statement_ By their possession of various DB2 authorities and privileges. 

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2.1.1 Result Tables The data retrieved through SQL is always in the form of a table. In theDB2 library, this table is called a result table. Like the tables fromwhich the data is retrieved, a result table has rows and columns. A

program fetches this data one row at a time. 

Example: This SELECT statement: 


 gives this result: 

LASTNAME FIRSTNME PHONENO=============== ============ ========ADAMSON BRUCE 4510


 The result table is displayed in this form after it is fetched andformatted by SPUFI. Your results might not look the same.

2.1.3 Selecting All Columns: SELECT * You do not need to know the column names to select DB2 data. Use anasterisk (*) in the SELECT clause to indicate "all columns" from eachselected row of the named table. This SQL statement: 


FROM DSN8310.DEPT; gives this result: 

DEPTNO DEPTNAME MGRNO ADMRDEPT LOCATION====== ==================================== ====== ======== =============A00 SPIFFY COMPUTER SERVICE DIV. 000010 A00B01 PLANNING 000020 A00C01 INFORMATION CENTER 000030 A00D01 DEVELOPMENT CENTER ------ A00

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H22 BRANCH OFFICE H2 ------ E01I22 BRANCH OFFICE I2 ------ E01J22 BRANCH OFFICE J2 ------ E01

 The SELECT statement example retrieves data from each column (SELECT *) ofeach retrieved row of the DSN8310.DEPT table. Because no WHERE clause isspecified, data from all rows are retrieved. The dashes for MGRNO in the fourth row of the result table indicate thatthis value is null. It is null because a manager is not identified forthis department. Null values are described under "Selecting Rows withNull Values" in topic 2.1.4 Selecting Some Columns: SELECT column-name 

Select the column or columns you want by naming each column. All columnsappear in the order you specify, not in their order in the table. This SQL statement: 


 gives this result: 

MGRNO DEPTNO====== ======000010 A00000020 B01000030 C01

------ D01000050 E01000060 D11000070 D21000090 E11000100 E21------ F22------ G22------ H22------ I22------ J22

 The example SELECT statement retrieves data contained in the two namedcolumns of each row in the DSN8310.DEPT table. You can retrieve onecolumn or up to as many as 750 columns.

Use a WHERE clause to select data from only the rows that meet certainconditions. A WHERE clause specifies a search condition. A searchcondition consists of one or more predicates. A predicate specifies atest you want DB2 to apply to each table row. 

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When a predicate is evaluated for a row, it yields one of the following: TRUE Apply the operation to the row. FALSE Do not apply the operation to the row. UNKNOWN Do not apply the operation to the row.


+------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦ Table 2. Comparison Operators Used in Conditions ¦+------------------------------------------------------------------------¦¦ Type of ¦ Specified ¦ Example ¦¦ comparison ¦ with... ¦ ¦+--------------------------------+--------------+------------------------¦¦ Equal to null ¦ IS NULL ¦ PHONENO IS NULL ¦+--------------------------------+--------------+------------------------¦¦ Equal to ¦ = ¦ DEPTNO = 'X01' ¦+--------------------------------+--------------+------------------------¦¦ Not equal to ¦ <> ¦ DEPTNO <> 'X01' ¦

+--------------------------------+--------------+------------------------¦¦ Less than ¦ < ¦ AVG(SALARY) < 30000 ¦+--------------------------------+--------------+------------------------¦¦ Less than or equal to ¦ <= ¦ AGE <= 25 ¦+--------------------------------+--------------+------------------------¦¦ Not less than ¦ >= ¦ AGE >= 21 ¦+--------------------------------+--------------+------------------------¦¦ Greater than ¦ > ¦ SALARY > 2000 ¦+--------------------------------+--------------+------------------------¦¦ Greater than or equal to ¦ >= ¦ SALARY >= 5000 ¦+--------------------------------+--------------+------------------------¦¦ Not greater than ¦ <= ¦ SALARY <= 5000 ¦+--------------------------------+--------------+------------------------¦¦ Similar to another value ¦ LIKE ¦ NAME LIKE '%SMITH%' or ¦¦ ¦ ¦ STATUS LIKE 'N_' ¦

+--------------------------------+--------------+------------------------¦¦ At least one of two conditions ¦ OR ¦ HIREDATE < ¦¦ ¦ ¦ '1965-01-01' OR SALARY ¦¦ ¦ ¦ < 16000 ¦+--------------------------------+--------------+------------------------¦¦ Both of two conditions ¦ AND ¦ HIREDATE < ¦¦ ¦ ¦ '1965-01-01' AND ¦¦ ¦ ¦ SALARY < 16000 ¦+--------------------------------+--------------+------------------------¦¦ Between two values ¦ BETWEEN ¦ SALARY BETWEEN 20000 ¦¦ ¦ ¦ AND 40000 ¦+--------------------------------+--------------+------------------------¦¦ Equals a value in a set ¦ IN (X, Y, Z) ¦ DEPTNO IN ('B01', ¦¦ ¦ ¦ 'C01', 'D01') ¦+------------------------------------------------------------------------+

 You can also search for rows that do not satisfy one of the aboveconditions, by using the NOT keyword before the specified condition. See"Selecting Rows Using the NOT Keyword or Comparison Operators" intopic for more information about using the NOT keyword. Subtopics2.1.5.1 Selecting Rows with Null Values2.1.5.2 Selecting Rows by Character or Numeric Data Values2.1.5.3 Selecting Rows Using Inequalities

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WHERE column-name IS NULL You can also use a predicate to screen out null values, specify:

 WHERE column-name IS NOT NULL Selecting Rows by Character or Numeric Data Values Use the equal (=) comparison operator to select data only from the rowsthat contain a data value in the specified column that is equivalent tothe value specified. To select only the rows where the department numberis A00, use WHERE WORKDEPT = 'A00' in your SQL statement: 



The statement retrieves the department number and the first and last nameof each employee in department A00. Selecting Rows Using Inequalities You can use the following inequality comparison operators in predicates: _ less than (<)_ greater than (>)_ less than or equal to (<=)_ greater than or equal to (>=). To select all employees hired before January 1, 1960, use: 


 The example retrieves the date hired and the name for each employee hiredbefore 1960. Selecting Rows Using the NOT Keyword or Comparison Operators 

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Use the NOT keyword or comparison operators (<>, >=, and <=) to select allrows except the rows identified with the search condition. (2) The NOTkeyword or comparison operators must precede the search condition. Toselect all managers whose compensation is not greater than $30,000, use: 


WHERE NOT (SALARY + BONUS + COMM) > 30000 AND JOB = 'MANAGER'ORDER BY WORKDEPT; The following WHERE clauses are equivalent: _ WHERE NOT DEPTNO ='A00'_ WHERE DEPTNO <> 'A00' The NOT keyword cannot be used with the comparison operators. Thefollowing WHERE clause results in an error: 

Wrong: WHERE DEPT NOT = 'A00' You also can precede other SQL keywords with NOT: NOT LIKE, NOT IN, orNOT BETWEEN are all acceptable. For example, the following two clauses

are equivalent: 

WHERE MGRNO NOT IN ('000010', '000020') 

WHERE NOT MGRNO IN ('000010', '000020') (2) Although the not sign (¬) can be used with comparison

operators, it is not recommended. See Chapter 3 of SQLReference for more information on basic predicates. Selecting Values Similar to a Character String Use LIKE to specify a character string that is similar to the column value

of rows you want to select: _ Use a percent sign (%) to indicate any string of zero or more

characters._ Use an underscore (_) to indicate any single character._ Use the LIKE predicate with character or graphic data only, not with

numeric or datetime data. Subtopics2. Selecting Values Similar to a String of Unknown Characters2. Selecting a Value Similar to a Single Unknown Character Selecting a Value Similar to a String Containing a % or an _ Selecting Values Similar to a String of Unknown Characters

 The percent sign (%) means "any string or no string." The following SQL statement selects data from each row for employees withthe initials "E. H." 



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The following SQL statement selects data from each row of the departmenttable where the department name contains "CENTER" anywhere in its name. 



Assume the DEPTNO column is defined as a three-character column of fixedlength. The sample SQL statement 

...WHERE DEPTNO LIKE 'E%1'; could be specified to select all department numbers that begin with E andend with 1. If E1 is one of your department numbers, it is not selectedbecause the blank that follows 1 is not taken into account. If the DEPTNOcolumn had been defined as a three-character column of varying-length,department E1 would have been selected because varying-length columns canhave any number of characters, up to and including the maximum numberspecified when the column was created. The following SQL statement selects data from each row of the departmenttable where the department number starts with an E and contains a 1.


FROM DSN8310.DEPTWHERE DEPTNO LIKE 'E%1%'; Selecting a Value Similar to a Single Unknown Character The underscore (_) means "any single character." In the following SQLstatement, 


 'E_1' means "E, followed by any character, followed by 1." (Be careful:'_' is an underscore character, not a hyphen.) If two-characterdepartment numbers were also allowed, 'E_1' would select onlythree-character department numbers that begin with E and end with 1. The SQL statement below selects data from each row whose four-digit phonenumber has the first three digits of 378. 

SELECT LASTNAME, PHONENOFROM DSN8310.EMPWHERE PHONENO LIKE '378_'; Selecting a Value Similar to a String Containing a % or an _ 

To search for a % or an _ as a literal part of your string, use the ESCAPEclause and an escape character with the LIKE predicate. In the followingexample the ESCAPE '+' indicates that the + is the escape character in thesearch condition. For example: 

...WHERE C1 LIKE 'AAAA+%BBB%' ESCAPE '+' searches for a string starting with AAAA%BBB. The escape character (+) infront of the first % indicates that the % is a single character and thatit is part of the search string. The second %, which is not preceded by

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an escape character, indicates that the string can be followed by anynumber of (or no) characters. In this example, putting '++' in the stringwould allow you to search for a single plus sign (+) as part of thestring.

2.1.6 Selecting Rows Subject to Multiple Conditions The following sections explain ways to use more than one predicate. Theorder in which the statement is processed does not depend on the order inwhich you specify comparisons. Using parentheses with multiple searchconditions can help control the order of processing. Subtopics2.1.6.1 Using AND, OR, and Parentheses to Relate Predicates2.1.6.2 Using BETWEEN to Specify Ranges to Select Using IN to Specify Values in a List Using AND, OR, and Parentheses to Relate Predicates

 Use AND, OR, and parentheses to form Boolean combinations of predicates.Use AND to specify multiple predicates that must be satisfied: 


 This example retrieves the employee number, date hired, and salary foreach employee hired before 1965 and having a salary of less than $16,000per year. Use OR when specifying two predicates, of which at least one must besatisfied: 


 This example retrieves the employee number, date hired, and salary foreach employee who either was hired before 1965, or has a salary less than$16,000 per year, or both. If you use more than two conditions with AND or OR, you can useparentheses to make sure the intended condition is interpreted correctly. For example, this WHERE clause: 

WHERE (HIREDATE < '1965-01-01' AND SALARY < 20000) OR (EDLEVEL < 13) 

selects the row of each employee that satisfies at least one of thefollowing conditions: _ The employee was hired before 1965 AND is paid less than $20,000._ The employee's education level is less than 13. Based on this WHERE clause, the selected rows are for employees 000290,000310, and 200310. With the parentheses moved, however, the meaning of the WHERE clause

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changes significantly: 

WHERE HIREDATE < '1965-01-01' AND (SALARY < 20000 OR EDLEVEL < 13) This clause selects the row of each employee that satisfies both of thefollowing conditions: 

_ The employee was hired before 1965._ The employee's salary is less than $20,000 OR the employee's educationlevel is less than 13.

 Based on this WHERE clause, two rows are selected: one for employee000310 and one for employee 200310. The following SQL statement selects the employee number of each employeethat satisfies one of the following conditions: _ Hired before 1965 and salary is less than $20,000_ Hired after January 1, 1965, and salary is greater than $20,000. 


WHERE (HIREDATE < '1965-01-01' AND SALARY < 20000)OR (HIREDATE > '1965-01-01' AND SALARY > 20000);

 When using the NOT condition with AND and OR, the placement of theparentheses is important. In this SQL statement, only the first predicate (SALARY >= 50000) isnegated. 


 This SQL statement retrieves the employee number, education level, and jobtitle of each employee who satisfies both of the following conditions:

 _ The employee's salary is less $50,000._ The employee's education level is less than 18. To negate a set of predicates, enclose the entire set in parentheses andprecede the set with the NOT keyword. 


 This SQL statement retrieves the employee number, education level, and jobtitle of each employee who satisfies at least one of the followingconditions: 

_ The employee's salary is less than $50,000._ The employee's education level is less than 18. Using BETWEEN to Specify Ranges to Select You can retrieve data from each row whose column has a value within twolimits; use BETWEEN.

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 Specify the lower boundary of the BETWEEN condition first, then the upperboundary. The limits are inclusive. If you specify WHERE column-nameBETWEEN 6 AND 8 (and if the value of the column-name column is aninteger), DB2 selects all rows whose column-name value is 6, 7, or 8. Ifyou specify a range from a larger number to a smaller number (for example,BETWEEN 8 AND 6), the predicate is always false.



 The example retrieves the department number and manager number of eachdepartment whose number is between C00 and D31. Example 


 The example retrieves the employee numbers and the salaries for allemployees who either earn less than $40,000 or more than $50,000. You can use the BETWEEN predicate when comparing floating point data inyour program with decimal data in the database to define a tolerancearound the two numbers being compared. Assume the following: _ MYTABLE is a table in the database that has a decimal column named

COL1. _ There is a row in MYTABLE that has a value of 113.01 for COL1. _ The host variable HOSTVAR is a floating point number that represents



To compare HOSTVAR (3) to COL1, DB2 has to convert 113.01 to a floatingpoint value. Because floating point numbers are approximations, thefollowing query might not yield the expected result (that is, a hostvariable floating point value for 113.01 might not be consideredequivalent to the floating point representation of the decimal value,113.01, that DB2 uses for the comparison). 

Possibly wrong:SELECT *


 The following embedded SQL statement uses a host variable, FUZZ, that

contains a tolerance factor. 

Better:SELECT *


 (3) The HOSTVAR cannot be issued interactively because a host

variable is used. See "Accessing Data Using Host Variablesand Host Structures" in topic 3.1.4 for more information

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about using host variables to access data. Using IN to Specify Values in a List You can use the IN predicate to retrieve data from each row that has acolumn value equal to one of several listed values.

 In the values list after IN, the order of the items is not important anddoes not affect the ordering of the result. Enclose the entire list inparentheses, and separate items by commas; the blanks are optional. 


 The example retrieves the department number and manager number fordepartments B01, C01, and D01. Using the IN predicate gives the same results as a much longer set ofconditions separated by the OR keyword. For example, the WHERE clause inthe SELECT statement above could be coded:


 However, the IN predicate saves coding time and is easier to understand. The SQL statement below finds any sex code not properly entered. 


2.1.7 Using Concatenation Operations: CONCAT You can concatenate strings by using the CONCAT keyword. You can use

CONCAT in any string expression. For example, 


 concatenates the last name, comma, and first name of each result row.CONCAT is the preferred keyword. See Chapter 3 of SQL Reference for moreinformation on expressions using the concatenation operator.

2.1.8 Using Calculated Values Calculations can be performed on numeric data or datetime data. SeeChapter 3 of SQL Reference for detailed information about calculationsinvolving date, time, and timestamp data.

 Subtopics2.1.8.1 Using Numeric Data2.1.8.2 A Warning about 31-Digit Precision for Decimal Numbers Using Datetime Data Using Numeric Data You can retrieve calculated values, just as you display column values, forselected rows.

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 For example, if you write the following SQL statement: 



you get this result: 

EMPNO SALARY/12 SALARY/52====== ============== ==============000010 4395.83333333 1014.42307692000110 3875.00000000 894.23076923000120 2437.50000000 562.50000000200010 3875.00000000 894.23076923200120 2437.50000000 562.50000000


Here a name is given to each unnamed column to help you follow theexample, although the name shown (for example, SALARY/12) does not appearwhen the example is executed through SPUFI. If a column in a result comes

directly from a column in a table, SPUFI uses the column name as aheading; if the column is the result of a calculation made by DB2, SPUFIdoes not give it a heading. The SELECT statement example displays the monthly and weekly salaries ofemployees in department A00. To retrieve the department number, employee number, salary, bonus, andcommission for those employees whose combined bonus and commission isgreater than $5000, write: 



which gives the following result: 

WORKDEPT EMPNO SALARY BONUS COMM======== ====== ============ ============ ============A00 000010 52750.00 1000.00 4220.00A00 200010 46500.00 1000.00 4220.00 Using Datetime Data If you will be using dates, you should assign datetime data types to allcolumns containing dates. This not only allows you to do more with yourtable but it can save you from problems like the following: Suppose that in creating the table YEMP (described in "How To Create a New

Department Table" in topic, you assign data type DECIMAL(8,0)to the BIRTHDATE column and then fill it with dates of the form yyyymmdd.You then execute the following query to determine who is 27 years old orolder: 


 Suppose now that at the time the query is executed, one person represented

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in YEMP is 27 years, 0 months, and 29 days old but is not shown in theresults. What happens is this: If the data type of the column is decimal, DB2 regards BIRTHDATE as aduration, and therefore calculates CURRENT DATE - BIRTHDATE as a date. (Aduration is a number representing an interval of time. See Chapter 3 ofSQL Reference for more information about datetime operands and durations.)

As a date, the result of the calculation (27/00/29) is not legitimate, soit is transformed into 26/12/29. Based on this erroneous transformation,DB2 then recognizes the person as 26 years old, not 27. If, however, thetable is created with BIRTHDATE as a DATE column, CURRENT DATE - BIRTHDATEis a duration, and the problem is resolved. If you have existing date data that is not stored in datetime columns, youcan use conversions to avoid errors. The following examples illustrate afew conversion techniques, given the existing type of data: _ For DECIMAL(8,0) values of the form yyyymmdd in column C1, use SUBSTR

to isolate the pieces and then use CONCAT to reassemble them in ISOformat (with hyphens):




2.1.9 Using Built-In Functions Two types of built-in functions are available for use with a SELECTstatement: column and scalar. Subtopics2.1.9.1 Using Column Functions Using Scalar Functions

2.1.9 Using Built-In Functions Two types of built-in functions are available for use with a SELECTstatement: column and scalar. Subtopics2.1.9.1 Using Column Functions Using Scalar Functions Using Column Functions A column function produces a single value for a group of rows. You canuse the SQL column functions to calculate values based on entire columnsof data which can then be retrieved. The calculated values are based onselected rows only (all rows that satisfy the WHERE clause). The column functions are as follows: SUM Returns the total value.MIN Returns the minimum value.AVG Returns the average value.MAX Returns the maximum value.

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COUNT Returns the number of selected rows. The following SQL statement calculates for department D11, the sum ofemployee salaries, the minimum, average, and maximum salary, and the countof employees in the department: 


FROM DSN8310.EMPWHERE WORKDEPT = 'D11'; The following result is displayed: 

SUM MIN AVG MAX COUNT(*)(SALARY) (SALARY) (SALARY) (SALARY)========= ========= =============== ========= ========276620.00 18270.00 25147.27272727 32250.00 11


DISTINCT can be used with the SUM, AVG, and COUNT functions. DISTINCTmeans that the selected function will be performed on only the unique

values in a column. The specification of DISTINCT with the MAX and MINfunctions has no effect on the result and is not advised. In this case SUM and AVG can only be applied to numbers. MIN, MAX, andCOUNT can be applied to values of any type. The following SQL statement counts the number of employees described inthe table. 


 This SQL statement calculates the average education level of employees ina set of departments. 


 The SQL statement below counts the different jobs in the DSN8310.EMPtable. 

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT JOB)FROM DSN8310.EMP; Using Scalar Functions A scalar function also produces a single value, but unlike a columnfunction, a scalar function's argument is a single value. If the scalar

function has several arguments, each argument results in a single value.The SQL statement below returns the year each employee in a particulardepartment was hired: 


 gives this result: 

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 The scalar function YEAR produces a single scalar value for each row ofDSN8310.EMP that satisfies the search condition. In this example, thereare three rows that satisfy the search condition, so YEAR is applied threetimes resulting in three scalar values. Table 3 shows the scalar functions that can be used. For complete detailson using these functions see Chapter 4 of SQL Reference. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦ Table 3. Scalar Functions ¦+------------------------------------------------------------------------¦¦ Scalar ¦ Returns... ¦ Example ¦¦ Function ¦ ¦ ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦

¦ CHAR ¦ a string representation of ¦ CHAR(HIREDATE) ¦¦ ¦ its first argument. ¦ ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦¦ DATE ¦ a date derived from its ¦ DATE('1989-03-02') ¦¦ ¦ argument. ¦ ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦¦ DAY ¦ the day part of its ¦ DAY(DATE1 - DATE2) ¦¦ ¦ argument. ¦ ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦¦ DAYS ¦ an integer representation ¦ DAYS('1990-01-08') - ¦¦ ¦ of its argument. ¦ DAYS(HIREDATE) + 1 ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦¦ DECIMAL ¦ a decimal representation of ¦ DECIMAL(AVG(SALARY), 8,2) ¦¦ ¦ a numeric value. ¦ ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦

¦ DIGITS ¦ a character string ¦ DIGITS(COLUMNX) ¦¦ ¦ representation of its ¦ ¦¦ ¦ argument. ¦ ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦¦ FLOAT ¦ floating-point ¦ FLOAT(SALARY)/COMM ¦¦ ¦ representation of its ¦ ¦¦ ¦ argument. ¦ ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦¦ HEX ¦ a hexadecimal ¦ HEX(BCHARCOL) ¦¦ ¦ representation of its ¦ ¦¦ ¦ argument. ¦ ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦¦ HOUR ¦ the hour part of its ¦ HOUR(TIMECOL) > 12 ¦¦ ¦ argument. ¦ ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦

¦ INTEGER ¦ an integer representation ¦ INTEGER(AVG(SALARY)+.5) ¦¦ ¦ of its argument. ¦ ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦¦ LENGTH ¦ the length of its argument. ¦ LENGTH(ADDRESS) ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦¦ MICROSECOND ¦ the microsecond part of its ¦ MICROSECOND(TSTMPCOL) <> 0 ¦¦ ¦ argument. ¦ ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦¦ MINUTE ¦ the minute part of its ¦ MINUTE(TIMECOL) = 0 ¦¦ ¦ argument. ¦ ¦

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+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦¦ MONTH ¦ the month part of its ¦ MONTH(BIRTHDATE) = 5 ¦¦ ¦ argument. ¦ ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦¦ SECOND ¦ the seconds part of its ¦ SECOND(RECEIVED) ¦¦ ¦ argument. ¦ ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦

¦ SUBSTR ¦ a substring of a string. ¦ SUBSTR(FIRSTNME,2,3) ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦¦ TIME ¦ a time derived from its ¦ TIME(TSTMPCOL) < ¦¦ ¦ argument. ¦ '13:00:00' ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦¦ TIMESTAMP ¦ a timestamp derived from ¦ TIMESTAMP(DATECOL, ¦¦ ¦ its argument or arguments. ¦ TIMECOL) ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦¦ VALUE ¦ the first argument that is ¦ VALUE(SMLLINT1,100) + ¦¦ ¦ not null. ¦ SMLLINT2 > 1000 ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦¦ VARGRAPHIC ¦ a graphic string from its ¦ VARGRAPHIC (:MIXEDSTRING) ¦¦ ¦ argument. ¦ ¦+-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------¦¦ YEAR ¦ the year part of its ¦ YEAR(BIRTHDATE) = 1956 ¦

¦ ¦ argument. ¦ ¦+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Subtopics2. Examples Nesting Column and Scalar Functions

2.1.10 Putting the Rows in Order: ORDER BYORDER BY lets you specify the order in which rows are retrieved. Subtopics2.1.10.1 Specifying the Column Names Specifying the Column Numbers Specifying the Column Names The order of the selected rows is based on the column identified in theORDER BY clause; this column is the ordering column. To specify that the result will be retrieved in ascending order by thevalues in the HIREDATE column, state: 


 This is the result: 

EMPNO LASTNAME HIREDATE====== =============== ==========000110 LUCCHESI 1958-05-16000120 O'CONNELL 1963-12-05000010 HAAS 1965-01-01200010 HEMMINGER 1965-01-01200120 ORLANDO 1972-05-05


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The example retrieves data showing the seniority of employees. Rows areshown in ascending order, based on each row's HIREDATE column value. ASCis the default sorting order. 

To put the rows in descending order, specify DESC. For example, toretrieve the department numbers, last names, and employee numbers offemale employees in descending order of department numbers, use the



 It gives you this result: 

WORKDEPT LASTNAME EMPNO======== =============== ======E21 WONG 200330E11 HENDERSON 000090E11 SCHNEIDER 000280E11 SETRIGHT 000310

E11 SCHWARTZ 200280E11 SPRINGER 200310D21 PULASKI 000070D21 JOHNSON 000260D21 PEREZ 000270D11 PIANKA 000160D11 SCOUTTEN 000180D11 LUTZ 000220D11 JOHN 200220C01 KWAN 000030C01 QUINTANA 000130C01 NICHOLLS 000140C01 NATZ 200140A00 HAAS 000010A00 HEMMINGER 200010

 Rows are sorted in the EBCDIC collating sequence. To order the rows bymore than one column's value, use more than one column name in the ORDERBY clause. When several rows have the same first ordering column value, those rowsare in an order based on the second column identified in the ORDER BYclause, and then on the third ordering column, and so on. For example,there is a difference between the results of the following two SELECTstatements. The first one orders selected rows by job and next byeducation level. The second SELECT statement orders selected rows byeducation level and next by job. 1) This SQL statement: 


 gives this result: 

JOB EDLEVEL LASTNAME======== ======= ===============FIELDREP 14 LEE

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 2) This SQL statement:


 gives this result: 


FIELDREP 16 ALONZO When a null value is encountered, its value is treated as if it werehigher than all other values. Therefore, a null value appears last in anascending sort and first in a descending sort. A field procedure can also be used to change the normal collatingsequence. See SQL Reference and Administration Guide for more detailedinformation about sorting (string comparisons) and field procedures. Allcolumns identified in the ORDER BY clause must be identified in the SELECTclause. For example, the following SQL statement orders the selectedinformation first by department, next by job, and lastly by date of hire. 


ORDER BY WORKDEPT, JOB, HIREDATE; Specifying the Column Numbers A column derived from a function or an expression is an unnamed column andevery column in the result table of a UNION ALL statement is an unnamedcolumn. To order the rows of a result table by an unnamed column, use itsnumerical position in the series of columns listed in the SELECT clause.For example, ORDER BY 3 orders the rows by the third column of the resulttable. The following SELECT statement example calculates the length of service ofevery employee in Department E21. The results are put in descending order

by length of service. The ORDER BY clause says, "Order the results by thevalues in the third column of results, in descending order." 


 gives this result: 

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EMPNO LASTNAME====== =============== ========200340 ALONZO 450830000340 GOUNOT 450830000320 MEHTA 270628000330 LEE 161110200330 WONG 161110

000100 SPENSER 120715 You can use the column number even if the ordering column has a name. The following SQL statement lists names and phone numbers of all employeesin ascending order by LASTNAME. 


2.1.11 Eliminating Duplicate Rows: DISTINCT 

The DISTINCT keyword removes duplicate rows from your result. Each rowcontains unique data. The following SELECT statement lists the department numbers of theadministrating departments: 


 which produces the following result: 


E01 Compare the result of the previous example with this one: 


 which gives this result: 



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 When the DISTINCT keyword is omitted, the ADMRDEPT column value of eachselected row is returned, even though the result includes severalduplicate rows.

2.1.12 Summarizing Group Values: GROUP BY 

Use GROUP BY to specify the application of a column function to each groupof column-name values. Except for the grouping columns (the columns named in the GROUP BYclause), any other column value that is selected must be specified as anoperand of one of the column functions. The following SQL statement lists, for each department, the lowest andhighest education level within that department. 


 You can use ORDER BY to specify the order in which rows are retrieved.

GROUP BY accumulates column values from the selected rows by group, butdoes not order the groups. The following SQL statement calculates the average salary for eachdepartment: 


 The following result is displayed: 

WORKDEPT AVG(SALARY)======== ===============

A00 40850.00000000B01 41250.00000000C01 29722.50000000D11 25147.27272727D21 25668.57142857E01 40175.00000000E11 21020.00000000E21 24086.66666666

 The average salary for each department is calculated. The GROUP BY clausein this example specifies that you want DB2 to apply a function (AVG) toeach group of column values (SALARY) and return one row for each group ofdepartment numbers (WORKDEPT). WORKDEPT can be selected without a columnfunction because its value determines the group (that is, every member ofeach group has the same WORKDEPT value).

 You can also specify that you want the rows grouped by more than onecolumn. For example, you can find the average salary for men and women indepartments A00 and C01. The following SQL statement: 



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gives this result: 

WORKDEPT SEX AVG(SALARY)======== === ===========A00 F 49625.00000000A00 M 35000.00000000C01 F 29722.50000000

 The rows are grouped first by department number and next (within eachdepartment) by sex before DB2 derives the average SALARY value for eachgroup. If there are null values in the column you specify in the GROUP BY clause,DB2 considers those values equal and returns a single-row resultsummarizing the data in those rows with null values. When it is used, the GROUP BY clause follows the FROM clause and any WHEREclause, and precedes the ORDER BY clause. The SQL statement below lists, for each job, the number of employees withthat job and their average salary. 


 For static SQL, GROUP BY can be used only in cursor declarations. UsingGROUP BY in any other way (SELECT INTO statement, for example) results inan error. See "Chapter 3-2. Using a Cursor to Retrieve a Set of Rows" intopic 3.2 for more information on cursors.

2.1.13 Selecting Groups Subject to Conditions: HAVING Use HAVING to specify a condition that each group to be retrieved must

satisfy. The HAVING clause acts like a WHERE clause for groups, and cancontain the same kind of search conditions you can specify in a WHEREclause. The search condition in the HAVING clause tests properties ofeach group rather than properties of individual rows in the group. This SQL statement: 


 gives this result: 

WORKDEPT AVG(SALARY)======== ===============A00 40850.00000000C01 29722.50000000D11 25147.27272727D21 25668.57142857E11 21020.00000000E21 24086.66666666

 Compare the preceding example with the second example shown in

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"Summarizing Group Values: GROUP BY" in topic 2.1.12. The HAVINGCOUNT(*) > 1 clause ensures that only departments with more than onemember are displayed. (In this case, departments B01 and E01 are notdisplayed.) The HAVING clause tests a property of the group. To specify that you wantthe average salary and minimum education level of women in each department

in which all female employees have an education level greater than orequal to 16, you can use the HAVING clause. Assuming you are onlyinterested in departments A00 and D11, the following SQL statement teststhe group property, MIN(EDLEVEL): 


 The SQL statement above gives this result: 

WORKDEPT AVG(SALARY) MIN(EDLEVEL)======== =============== ============

A00 49625.00000000 18D11 25817.50000000 17

 When GROUP BY and HAVING are both specified, the HAVING clause must followthe GROUP BY clause. A function in a HAVING clause can include DISTINCTif you have not used DISTINCT anywhere else in the same SELECT statement.You can also use multiple predicates in a HAVING clause by connecting themwith AND and OR, and you can use HAVING NOT for any predicate of a searchcondition.

2.1.14 Selecting From More Than One Table (Joining Tables) Data from two or more tables can be combined or joined. To join data, youneed to do the following:

 1. In the FROM clause, identify the names of the tables to be joined. 2. In the WHERE clause, specify a search condition for the join. 

The search condition for the join is the link between the tables thatrestricts the selection of rows. For example, the search condition couldidentify two columns that must be equal (one from each of the tables beingjoined) in order for the rows to be joined and included in the result. Each row of the result table contains data that has been joined from bothtables (for rows that satisfy the search condition). Each column of theresult table contains data from one, but not both, of the tables. 

If you do not specify a search condition in the WHERE clause, the resulttable contains all possible combinations of rows for the tables identifiedin the FROM clause. If this happens, the number of rows in the resulttable is equal to the product of the number of rows in each tablespecified. Subtopics2.1.14.1 Example: Joining Two Tables2.1.14.2 Example: Joining a Table to Itself Example: An Outer Join Using UNION

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DSN8310.DEPT and DSN8310.EMP and lists them in an order based ondepartment number. This SQL statement: 


 gives this result: 

DEPTNO LASTNAME FIRSTNME DEPTNAME====== ========= ========= ====================================



The SELECT statement example displays data retrieved from two tables: _ DEPTNO and DEPTNAME come from DSN8310.DEPT._ LASTNAME and FIRSTNME come from DSN8310.EMP.

 The WHERE clause makes the connection between the two tables. Columnvalues are selected only from those rows where MGRNO (in DSN8310.DEPT)equals EMPNO (in DSN8310.EMP). The following SQL statement lists (in descending order by education level)education level, first name, last name, and department name for eachemployee whose education level is greater than 18. 

SELECT EDLEVEL, FIRSTNME, LASTNAME, DEPTNAMEFROM DSN8310.EMP, DSN8310.DEPTWHERE (WORKDEPT = DEPTNO) AND (EDLEVEL > 18)ORDER BY EDLEVEL DESC; Example: Joining a Table to Itself The following example joins table DSN8310.PROJ to itself and returns thenumber and name of each "major" project followed by the number and name ofthe project that is part of it. In this example, A indicates the firstinstance of table DSN8310.PROJ and B indicates a second instance of thistable. The join condition is such that the value in column PROJNO in

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table DSN8310.PROJ A must be equal to a value in column MAJPROJ in tableDSN8310.PROJ B. This SQL statement: 



gives this result: 

PROJNO PROJNAME PROJNO PROJNAME====== ======================== ======= ========================AD3100 ADMIN SERVICES AD3110 GENERAL AD SYSTEMSAD3110 GENERAL AD SYSTEMS AD3111 PAYROLL PROGRAMMINGAD3110 GENERAL AD SYSTEMS AD3112 PERSONNEL PROGRAMMG...OP2010 SYSTEMS SUPPORT OP2013 DB/DC SUPPORT Example: An Outer Join Using UNION The query in the following example is often called an outer join. Thisquery returns rows for the following: _ All employees assigned to departments_ All employees that are not assigned to departments_ All departments that do not have employees assigned to them. 


WHERE MGRNO = EMPNO -- first condition






2.1.15 Specifying UNION 

Using the UNION keyword, you can combine two or more SELECT statements toform a single result table. When DB2 encounters the UNION keyword, itprocesses each SELECT statement to form an interim result table, and thencombines the interim result table of each statement. You use UNION tomerge lists of values from two or more tables. You can use any of theclauses and techniques you have learned so far when coding SELECTstatements, including ORDER BY. UNION is often used to eliminate duplicates when merging lists of valuesobtained from several tables. For example, you can obtain a combined list

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of employee numbers that includes both of the following: _ People in department D11_ People whose assignments include projects MA2112, MA2113, and AD3111. For example, this SQL statement: 




PROJNO = 'MA2113' ORPROJNO = 'AD3111'


gives the following combined result table containing values in ascendingorder with no duplicates: 



Any ORDER BY clause must appear after the last SELECT statement that ispart of the union. In this example, the sequence of the results is basedon the first column of the result table. ORDER BY specifies the order ofthe final result table. To specify the columns by which DB2 is to order the results, use numbers(in a union, you cannot use column names for this). The number refers tothe position of the column in the result table. To identify which SELECT statement each row is from, a constant can beincluded at the end of the select list of each SELECT statement in theunion. When DB2 returns your results, the last column contains theconstant for the SELECT statement that was the source of that row. Forexample, you can write: 

SELECT A, B, 'A1' ... UNION SELECT X, Y, 'B2' When a row is returned, it includes a value (either A1 or B2) to indicatethe source of the row's values.

2.1.16 Specifying UNION ALL 

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If you want to keep duplicates in the result of a UNION, specify theoptional keyword ALL after the UNION keyword. This SQL statement: 




PROJNO = 'MA2113' ORPROJNO = 'AD3111'


gives this result: 




2.1.17 Retrieving Data Using System-Directed Access System-directed access allows one DB2 to execute statements at anotherDB2. If you are using DB2's system-directed access, the statements youcompose for remote objects differ from those you compose for local objectsin the way they identify tables and views. For remote objects, you mustuse either three-part table and view names or aliases. Subtopics2.1.17.1 Using Three-Part Table and View Names

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A three-part table or view name consists of three identifiers separated byperiods: _ The first identifier is the location name for the object._ The second identifier is the owning authorization ID._ The third identifier is the actual table name. For example, the name DALLAS.DSN8310.EMP could represent a table at theDALLAS location. The owning authorization ID is DSN8310., and the tablename is EMP. The location name could be the name of your local subsystem,instead of a remote location. Suppose that you want the name, employee number, and department ID ofevery employee whose last name ends in "son" in table DSN8310.EMP atlocation DALLAS. If you have the appropriate authority, you could run the

following query: 

SELECT LASTNAME, MIDINIT, FIRSTNME, EMPNO, WORKDEPTFROM DALLAS.DSN8310.EMPWHERE LASTNAME LIKE '%SON'; Using Aliases An alias, like a synonym, is a DB2 object that represents a table or aview. Unlike a synonym, an alias can represent remote tables and views,and it can be used by anyone, not just its creator. In addition, you donot need DB2 authority to use it. However, you must have authority to usethe table or view that it represents. 

A reference to an alias could be a one-, two-, or three-part name. Therules are basically the same as those used to refer to a table or a view: _ A one-part name refers to a local alias. If the statement being

executed is dynamic, the owner of the alias is your current SQLauthorization ID. Otherwise, it is the value specified on theQUALIFIER bind option. If a value is not specified on the QUALIFIERbind option, then the owner of your package or plan is the qualifierof the alias.

 Example: A reference to EMP in an interactively executed query couldrefer to the alias SMITH.EMP if your current SQL authorization ID isSMITH.

 _ A two-part name also refers to a local alias. As is true for a table

or view, the first qualifier identifies the owner. 

Example: JONES.NEWTAB could refer to an alias named NEWTAB and ownedby JONES.

 _ A three-part name could refer to either a local or a remote alias. As

is true for a table or view, the first qualifier specifies thelocation, and the second qualifier identifies the owner. If the aliasis remote, it must represent a table or view at its own location. Thealias for a remote object is resolved at bind time, and existence

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checking is performed at execution time. 

Example: A statement issued at the SAN_FRANCISCO subsystem refers toan alias at DALLAS. The alias referred to must represent a table orview at DALLAS and nowhere else.


Assume now that the alias SMITH.DALEMP has been defined at your localsubsystem for the table DALLAS.DSN8310.EMP. You could then substitute thealias for this table name in the previous query. The result would look like this: 


 An advantage to using a locally defined alias is that the SQL statementsin which it appears need not be changed if the table or view for the aliasis either moved to another location or renamed. To make these statementsvalid, drop the original alias and create it again, and, for imbedded SQL,rebind the program in which it appears Creating Aliases To create aliases, you need either SYSADM authority or the CREATEALIASprivilege. If you do not have that authorization, you must use aliasescreated by others. With SYSADM authority, you can create aliases to beowned by others. For example, you could create the alias appearing in theprevious example, with the statement 

CREATE ALIAS SMITH.DALEMP FOR DALLAS.DSN8310.EMP; For more on aliases and their creation, see the description of CREATEALIAS in SQL Reference.

2.2 Chapter 2-2. Creating Tables and Modifying DataThis chapter summarizes these features: _ "Creating Your Own Tables: CREATE TABLE" in topic 2.2.1_ "Modifying DB2 Data: INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE" in topic 2.2.2_ "Dropping Tables: DROP" in topic 2.2.3. See SQL Reference and Section 4 (Volume 2) of Administration Guide formore information about creating tables and modifying data. Subtopics2.2.1 Creating Your Own Tables: CREATE TABLE2.2.2 Modifying DB2 Data: INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE

2.2.3 Dropping Tables: DROP

2.2.1 Creating Your Own Tables: CREATE TABLE Use the CREATE TABLE statement to create a table. The following SQLstatement creates a table named PRODUCT: 


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 The elements of the CREATE statement are: 

_ CREATE TABLE, which names the table PRODUCT. _ A list of the columns that make up the table. For each column,


- The column's name (for example, SERIAL). 

- The data type and length attribute (for example, CHAR(8)). Forfurther information about data types, see "Data Types" intopic 2.1.2.

 - NOT NULL, when the column cannot contain null values and does not

have a default value. 

- NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT, when the column cannot contain null values

but does have a default value, as follows: 

- For numeric fields, zero is the default value. 

- For fixed-length strings, blank is the default value. 

- For variable-length strings, the empty string (string ofzero-length) is the default value.

 - For datetime fields, the current value of the associated

special register is the default value. 

You must separate each column description from the next with a comma

and enclose the entire list of column descriptions in parentheses. Subtopics2.2.1.1 Creating Work Tables2.2.1.2 Creating Tables with Referential Constraints2.2.1.3 Defining a View2.2.1.4 Changing Data through a View Creating Work Tables Before executing sample SQL statements that insert, update, and deleterows, you probably want to create work tables (duplicates of the

DSN8310.EMP and DSN8310.DEPT tables) that you can practice with so theoriginal sample tables remain intact. This section shows how to createtwo work tables and how to fill a work table with the contents of anothertable. Each example shown in this chapter assumes you are logged on using yourown authorization ID. The authorization ID qualifies the name of eachobject you create. For example, if your authorization ID is SMITH, andyou create table YDEPT, the name of the table is SMITH.YDEPT. If you wantto access table DSN8310.DEPT, you must refer to it by its complete name.

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If you want to access your own table YDEPT, you need only to refer to itas "YDEPT". Subtopics2. How To Create a New Department Table How to Create a New Employee Table How To Create a New Department Table Use the following statements to create a new department table calledYDEPT, modeled after an existing table called DSN8310.DEPT, and an indexfor YDEPT: 



ON YDEPT (DEPTNO); You must use two statements to create YDEPT and its index as shown above.

If you want DEPTNO to be a primary key as in the sample table, you mustexplicitly define the key. Use an ALTER TABLE statement: 


 An INSERT statement is used with a SELECT clause to copy rows from onetable to another. The following statement fills the table: 


FROM DSN8310.DEPT; The INSERT statement is explained in "Modifying DB2 Data: INSERT, UPDATE,and DELETE" in topic 2.2.2. How to Create a New Employee Table You can use the following statements to create and fill a new employeetable called YEMP. 



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 This statement also creates a referential constraint between the foreignkey in YEMP (WORKDEPT) and the primary key in YDEPT (DEPTNO). Now, createan index with the following statement: 

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX YEMPX ON YEMP (EMPNO); The following statement fills the table: 


FROM DSN8310.EMP; Creating Tables with Referential Constraints The CREATE TABLE statement can create tables with primary keys or foreignkeys in order to establish referential constraints. You can define a single primary key composed of specific columns. (These

columns cannot allow nulls.) However, the definition of the table isincomplete until its primary index is created. The primary index is aunique index that matches the primary key and enforces the uniqueness ofthe primary key. When you specify a foreign key, a referential constraint is defined with adelete rule. Delete rules are described in "Deleting from Tables withReferential Constraints" in topic Examples of creating tableswith referential constraints can be found in Appendix A, "DB2 SampleTables" in topic APPENDIX1.1. When the referential constraint is defined, DB2 enforces the constraint onevery SQL INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE operation, and through the LOADutility. 

For an example of a CREATE TABLE statement that defines both a primary keyand a foreign key, see "How to Create a New Employee Table" intopic Defining a View A view does not contain data; it is a stored definition of a set of rowsand columns. A view can present any or all of the data in one or moretables, and, in most cases, can be used interchangeably with tables.Using views can simplify writing SQL statements. Use the CREATE VIEW statement to define a view and give the view a name,just as you do for a table. 



 This view adds each department manager's name to the department data inthe DSN8310.DEPT table. When a program accesses the data defined by a view, DB2 uses the viewdefinition to return a set of rows the program can access with SQL

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statements. Now that the view VDEPTM exists, you can manipulate data bymeans of it. To see the departments administered by department D01 andthe managers of those departments, execute the following statement: 



 When a view is created, the USER and CURRENT SQLID special registers maybe referenced in the CREATE VIEW statement. When the view is referenced,the value used for USER or CURRENT SQLID is related to the personexecuting the SQL statement (SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE) ratherthan the person who created the view. In other words, a reference to aspecial register in the definition of a view refers to its runtime value. You can use views to limit access to certain kinds of data, such as salaryinformation. Views can also be used to do the following: _ Make a subset of a table's data available to an application. For

example, a view based on the employee table might contain rows for aparticular department only.


_ Combine data from two or more tables and make the combined dataavailable to an application. By using a SELECT statement that matchesvalues in one table with those in another table, you can create a viewthat presents data from both tables. However, data defined by thistype of view can only be selected. You cannot update, delete, orinsert data into a view that joins two tables.

 _ Perform functions or operations on data in a table, and make the

resulting data available to an application. For example, theresulting data computed by DB2 can be:

 - The sum of the values in a column

 - The maximum value in a column


- The average of the values in a column 

- The length of a value in a column 

- The value in a column converted to another data type 

- The result of an arithmetic expression applied to one or morecolumns, such as (COLB + COLA)/COLC. Changing Data through a View Some views are considered to be read-only, while others are subject updateor insert restrictions. (See Chapter 6 of SQL Reference for moreinformation about read-only views.) If a view does not have update

restrictions, there are some additional things to consider: _ The owner of the plan or package that contains the program must be

authorized to update, delete, or insert rows into the view. You areso authorized if you have created that view or have privileges for thetable on which the view is based. Otherwise, to bind the program youhave to obtain authorization through a GRANT statement.

 _ When inserting a row into a table (via a view), the row must have a

value for each column of the table that does not have a default value.

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If a column in the table on which the view is based is not specifiedin the view's definition, and if the column does not have a defaultvalue, you cannot insert rows into the table via the view.

 _ Views that can be updated are subject to the same referential

constraints as the tables upon which they are defined.

2.2.2 Modifying DB2 Data: INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE Tables can be modified using the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. Subtopics2.2.2.1 Inserting a Row: INSERT2.2.2.2 Updating Current Values: UPDATE2.2.2.3 Updating Tables with Referential Constraints2.2.2.4 Deleting Rows: DELETE2.2.2.1 Inserting a Row: INSERT Use an INSERT statement to add new rows to a table or view. Using anINSERT statement, you can do the following: _ Specify values for columns of a single row to be inserted in the

INSERT statement. _ Include a SELECT statement in the INSERT statement to tell DB2 that

data for the new row (or rows) is contained in another table or view."Filling a Table from Another Table: Mass INSERT" in topic,explains how to use the SELECT statement within an INSERT statement toadd multiple rows to a table.


In either case, for every row you insert, you must provide a value for anycolumn that does not have a default value. You can name all columns for which you are providing values.Alternatively, you can omit the column name list; when the program isbound, DB2 inserts the name of each column of the table or view into the

column name list. By naming the columns, you need not list the values based on theirposition in the table. When you list the column names, supply theircorresponding values in the same order as the listed column names. It is a good idea to name all columns into which you are inserting valuesbecause: _ Your source statements are more self-descriptive._ You can verify that you are giving the values in order._ Your insert statement is independent of the table format. For example, 


 Because LOCATION column is a 16-character field, the single blankspecified for insertion is automatically padded with enough blanks to fillin the 16-character field. After inserting a new department row into your YDEPT table, you can use aSELECT statement to see what you have loaded into the table. This SQLstatement:

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 shows you all the new department rows that you have inserted:

  DEPTNO DEPTNAME MGRNO ADMRDEPT LOCATION====== ==================================== ====== ======== ===========E01 SUPPORT SERVICES 000050 A00 --E11 OPERATIONS 000090 E01 --E21 SOFTWARE SUPPORT 000100 E01 --E31 DOCUMENTATION 000010 E01 --

 There are other ways to enter data into tables: _ You can copy one table into another, as explained in "Filling a Table

from Another Table: Mass INSERT" in topic _ You can write an application program to enter large amounts of data

into a table. For details, see "Section 3. Coding SQL in Your Host

Application Program" in topic 3.0. _ You can use the DB2 LOAD utility to enter data from other sources.

See Command and Utility Reference for more information about the LOADutility.

 Subtopics2. Inserting into Tables with Referential Constraints2. Using an INSERT Statement in an Application Program Filling a Table from Another Table: Mass INSERT Inserting into Tables with Referential Constraints 

If you are inserting into a parent table: _ If the primary index does not currently exist, then define a unique

index on the primary key. _ Do not enter duplicate values for the primary key. _ Do not insert a null value for any column of the primary key. 

If you are inserting into a dependent table: _ Each non-null value you insert into a foreign key column must be equal

to some value in the primary key (the primary key is in the parenttable).

 _ If any field in the foreign key is null, the entire foreign key is

considered null. _ If the index enforcing the primary key of the parent table has been

dropped, the INSERT into either the parent table or dependent tablefails.


For example, the sample application project table (PROJ) has foreign keys

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on the department number (DEPTNO), referencing the department table, andthe employee number (RESPEMP), referencing the employee table. Every rowinserted into the project table must have a value of RESPEMP that iseither equal to some value of EMPNO in the employee table or is null. Therow must also have a value of DEPTNO that is equal to some value of DEPTNOin the department table. (The null value is not allowed because DEPTNO inthe project table is defined as NOT NULL.) Using an INSERT Statement in an Application Program If DB2 finds an error while executing the INSERT statement, it stopsinserting data. Nothing is inserted into the table, and error codes areset in the SQLCODE and SQLSTATE fields of the SQLCA. If the row isinserted without error, however, the SQLERRD(3) field of the SQLCA has avalue of 1. SQLERRD(3) is the third of six integer variables namedSQLERRD. INSERT with subselect can insert more than one row. The numberof rows is reflected in SQLERRD(3). See Appendix C of SQL Reference formore information. 

Examples: This statement inserts information about a new employee intothe YEMP table. Since YEMP has a foreign key WORKDEPT referencing theprimary key DEPTNO in YDEPT, the value being inserted for WORKDEPT (E31)must be a value of DEPTNO in YDEPT. 


'5678', '1983-01-01', 'MANAGER', 16, 'M', '1943-07-10', 24000,500, 1900);

 The following statement also inserts a row into the YEMP table. However,several column values are not specified. Because the unspecified columnsallow it, null values are inserted into columns not named: PHONENO,EDLEVEL, SEX, BIRTHDATE, SALARY, BONUS, COMM, and HIREDATE. Since YEMP hasa foreign key WORKDEPT referencing the primary key DEPTNO in YDEPT, the

value being inserted for WORKDEPT (D11) must be a value of DEPTNO inYDEPT.


(EMPNO, FIRSTNME, MIDINIT, LASTNAME, WORKDEPT, JOB)VALUES ('000410', 'MILLARD', 'K', 'FILLMORE', 'D11', 'MANAGER'); Filling a Table from Another Table: Mass INSERT Use a SELECT statement within an INSERT statement to select rows from onetable to be inserted into another table. This SQL statement is used to create a table named TELE: 



 This statement copies data from DSN8310.EMP into the newly created table: 



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The two previous statements create and fill a table, TELE, that looks likethis: 

NAME2 NAME1 PHONE=============== ============ =====


 The CREATE TABLE statement example creates a table which, at first, isempty. The table has columns for last names, first names, and phonenumbers, but does not have any rows. The INSERT statement fills the newly created table with data selected fromthe DSN8310.EMP table: the names and phone numbers of employees inDepartment D21. (The SELECT statement within the INSERT statement

specifies the data you want selected from one table to be inserted intoanother table.) 

Example: The following CREATE statement creates a table that contains anemployee's department name as well as the phone number. The SELECTstatement within the INSERT statement fills the DLIST table with data fromrows selected from two existing tables, DSN8310.DEPT and DSN8310.EMP. Theexample also illustrates a join of two tables. 




SELECT DEPTNO, DEPTNAME, LASTNAME, FIRSTNME, MIDINIT, PHONENOFROM DSN8310.DEPT, DSN8310.EMPWHERE DEPTNO = WORKDEPT; Updating Current Values: UPDATE To change the data in a table, use the UPDATE statement. You can also usethe UPDATE statement to delete a value from a row's column (withoutremoving the row) by changing the column's value to NULL. 

For example, suppose an employee has been relocated. To update severalitems of the employee's data in the YEMP work table to reflect the move,you can execute: 


 The SET clause names the columns you want updated and provides the values

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you want them changed to. The value you specify can be: 

A column name. Replace the column's current value with the contentsof another column in the same row.

 A constant. Replace the column's current value with the constant.


A null value. Replace the column's current value with a null value.The column must have been defined as capable of containing a nullvalue when the table was created or when the column was added, or anerror occurs.

 A host variable. Replace the column's current value with the contentsof the host variable.


A special register. Replace the column's current value with a specialregister value:




An expression. Replace the column's current value with the value thatresults from an expression.


Next, identify the rows to be updated:

 _ To update a single row, use a WHERE clause that locates one, and only

one, row _ To update several rows, use a WHERE clause that locates only the rows

you want to update. 

If you omit the WHERE clause; DB2 updates every row in the table or viewwith the values you supply. If DB2 finds an error while executing your UPDATE statement (for instance,an update value that is too large for the column), it stops updating andreturns error codes in the SQLCODE and SQLSTATE fields in the SQLCA. Norows in the table are changed (rows already changed, if any, are restored

to their previous values). 

Examples: The following statement supplies a missing middle initial andchanges the job for employee 000200. 



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The following statement gives everyone in department D11 a $400 raise.The statement can update several rows. 

UPDATE YEMPSET SALARY = SALARY + 400.00WHERE WORKDEPT = 'D11'; Updating Tables with Referential Constraints If you are updating a parent table, you cannot modify a primary key forwhich dependent rows exist. (Doing so would violate referentialconstraints for dependent tables and leave some rows without a parent.)Also, you cannot give a primary key a null value. If you are updating a dependent table, any non-null foreign key valuesthat you enter must match the primary key for each relationship in whichthe table is a dependent. For example, department numbers in the employeetable depend on the department numbers in the department table; you canassign no department to an employee, but you cannot assign an employee toa department that does not exist. 

If an UPDATE against a table with a referential constraint fails, allchanges made during the operation are rolled back. Deleting Rows: DELETEYou can use the DELETE statement to remove entire rows from a table. TheDELETE statement removes zero or more rows of a table, depending on howmany rows satisfy the search condition you specified in the WHERE clause.If you omit a WHERE clause from a DELETE statement, DB2 removes all therows from the table or view you have named. The DELETE statement does notremove specific columns from the row. This DELETE statement deletes each row in the YEMP table that has anemployee number 000060. 


 When this statement is executed, DB2 deletes any row from the YEMP tablethat meets the search condition. If DB2 finds an error while executing your DELETE statement, it stopsdeleting data and returns error codes in the SQLCODE and SQLSTATE fieldsin the SQLCA. The table's data is not changed. Subtopics2. Deleting from Tables with Referential Constraints Deleting Every Row in a Table Deleting from Tables with Referential Constraints If a table has a primary key and dependent tables, an attempt to delete arow must obey the delete rules specified for the table. All delete rulesof all affected relationships must be satisfied in order for the deleteoperation to succeed. If a referential constraint is violated, the DELETEfails. 

Delete Rules:

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The row can be deleted only if no other row depends on it. If adependent row exists in the relationship, the DELETE fails.

 For example, you cannot delete a department from the department tableif it is still responsible for some project, which is described by a

dependent row in the project table. DELETE SET NULL

Each nullable column of the foreign key in each dependent row is setto null. This means that a nullable column is set to null only if itis a member of a foreign key that references the row being deleted.Only the dependent rows that are immediate descendents are affected.

 For example, you can delete an employee from the employee table evenif the employee manages some department. In that case, the value ofMGRNO is set to null in the department table.


First the named rows are deleted, then the dependent rows are deleted,honoring the delete rules of their dependents.

 For example, you can delete a department by deleting its row in thedepartment table; that also deletes the rows for all departments thatreport to it, all departments that report to them, and so forth.

 If all is successful, all descendent rows are either deleted or theirnullable columns have been nullified depending on the delete rules.Encountering ON DELETE SET NULL ends one branch of the cascade.

 For example, deleting a department from the department table setsWORKDEPT (in the employee table) to null for every employee assignedto that department. Because no rows of the employee table areactually deleted, the delete does not cascade any further.

 If a descendent table has a delete rule of RESTRICT and a row is found

such that a descendent row cannot be deleted, the DELETE fails. 

The number of rows deleted is returned in SQLERRD(3) in the SQLCA. Thisnumber includes only the number of rows deleted in the table specified inthe DELETE statement. It does not include those rows deleted according tothe CASCADE rule. 

Self-Referencing Tables and Cycles: Special restrictions apply if thetable is a member of a cycle of relationships or is self-referencing. SeeChapter 6 of SQL Reference for more information about these restrictions. Deleting Every Row in a Table The DELETE statement is a powerful statement that deletes all rows of atable unless you specify a WHERE clause that limits the deletion. (Withsegmented table spaces, deleting all rows of a table is very fast.) Forexample, this statement: 

DELETE FROM YDEPT; deletes every row in the YDEPT table. If the statement is executed, the

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table continues to exist (that is, you can insert rows into it) but it isempty. All existing views and authorizations on the table remain intactwhen using DELETE. If you use DROP, all views and authorizations aredropped which can invalidate plans and packages. Refer to "DroppingTables: DROP" in topic 2.2.3 for a description of the DROP statement.

2.2.3 Dropping Tables: DROP This SQL statement drops the YEMP table: 

DROP TABLE YEMP; Use the DROP TABLE statement with care: When a table is dropped, it losesits data as well as its definition. When you drop a table, all synonyms,views, indexes, and referential constraints associated with that table arealso dropped. All authorities granted on the table are lost. Similarly,a view can be dropped, using the DROP VIEW statement. This does not causea loss of data in the table on which the view was created. With the proper authorization, you can also drop a database. When adatabase is dropped, all tables, views, indexes, and referential

constraints defined on that database are also dropped. DROP TABLE drops all constraints in which the table is a parent ordependent. When a table is dropped, all indexes on the table (includingthe primary index) are implicitly dropped. If a primary index isexplicitly dropped, the definition of its table is changed to incompleteand an SQL warning message is issued. If a table is defined asincomplete, programs cannot use the table. Dropping a table is NOT equivalent to deleting all its rows. Instead, whenyou drop a table you also drop all the relationships in which the tableparticipates, either as parent or dependent. This can affect applicationprograms that depend on the existence of a parent table, so use DROPcarefully. 

For more information on the DROP statement, see Chapter 6 of SQLReference.

2.3 Chapter 2-3. Using Subqueries This chapter presents a conceptual overview of subqueries, shows how toinclude subqueries in either a WHERE or a HAVING clause, and shows how touse correlated subqueries. Subtopics2.3.1 Conceptual Overview2.3.2 Using Subqueries

2.3.3 Using Correlated Subqueries

2.3.1 Conceptual OverviewSuppose you want a list of the employee numbers, names, and commissions ofall employees working on a particular project, say project number MA2111.The first part of the SELECT statement is easy to write: 



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. But you cannot go further because the DSN8310.EMP table does not includeproject number data. You do not know which employees are working onproject MA2111 without issuing another SELECT statement against the

DSN8310.EMPPROJACT table. You can nest one SELECT statement within another to solve this problem.The inner SELECT statement is called a subquery. The SELECT statementsurrounding the subquery is called the outer SELECT. 



 To better understand what results from this SQL statement, imagine thatDB2 goes through the following process:

 1. DB2 evaluates the subquery to obtain a list of EMPNO values: 





 The evaluation results in an interim result table:

 (from DSN8310.EMPPROJACT)+------+¦000200¦


 2. The interim result table then serves as a list in the search condition

of the outer SELECT. Effectively, DB2 executes this statement: 


 As a consequence, the result table looks like this:


Fetch +------------------------------+1 --_ ¦ 000200 ¦ BROWN ¦ 2217 ¦

+---------+-----------+--------¦2 --_ ¦ 000220 ¦ LUTZ ¦ 2387 ¦

+------------------------------+ Subtopics2.3.1.1 Correlation2.3.1.2 Subqueries and Predicates2.3.1.3 The Subquery Result Table

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The purpose of a subquery is to supply information needed to qualify a row(WHERE clause) or a group of rows (HAVING clause). This is done throughthe result table that the subquery produces. Conceptually, the subqueryis invoked whenever a new row or group of rows must be qualified. Infact, if the subquery is the same for every row or group, it is executedonly once. A case in point is the previous query. Its content is the same for everyrow of the table DSN8310.EMP. Subqueries like this are said to beuncorrelated. Some subqueries do vary in content from row to row or group to group. Themechanism that allows this is called correlation, and the subqueries aresaid to be correlated. Correlated subqueries are described on page 2.3.3.All of the information described preceding that section applies to both

correlated and uncorrelated subqueries. The Subquery Result Table A subquery must produce a one-column result table unless the EXISTSkeyword is used. This means that the SELECT clause in a subquery mustname a single column or contain a single expression. For example, both ofthe following SELECT clauses would be acceptable: 


 The result table produced by a subquery can have zero or more rows. For

some usages, no more than one row is allowed. Subqueries with UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT When you use a subquery in an UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT statement, thesubquery cannot be based on the same table as the UPDATE, DELETE, orINSERT statement.

2.3.2 Using Subqueries There are a number of ways to include a subquery in either a WHERE orHAVING clause. They are as follows: _ Basic predicate

_ Quantified Predicates: ALL, ANY, and SOME_ Using the IN Keyword_ Using the EXISTS Keyword_ Correlated subqueries. Subtopics2.3.2.1 Basic Predicate2.3.2.2 Quantified Predicates: ALL, ANY, and SOME2.3.2.3 Using the IN Keyword Using the EXISTS Keyword

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 For example, the following SQL statement returns the employee numbers,names, and salaries for employees whose education level is higher than theaverage company-wide education level. 


(SELECT AVG(EDLEVEL)FROM DSN8310.EMP); Quantified Predicates: ALL, ANY, and SOME You can use a subquery after a comparison operator followed by the keywordALL, ANY, or SOME. When used in this way, the subquery can return zero,

one, or many values, including null values. You use ALL, ANY, and SOME inthe following ways: _ Use ALL to indicate that the value you have supplied must compare in

the indicated way to all the values the subquery returns. Forexample, suppose you use the greater-than comparison operator withALL:

 ...WHERE expression > ALL (subquery)

 To satisfy this WHERE clause, the value in the expression must begreater than all the values (that is, greater than the highest value)

returned by the subquery. If the subquery returns an empty set (thatis, no values were selected), the predicate is satisfied.

 _ Use ANY or SOME to indicate that the value you have supplied must

compare in the indicated way to at least one of the values thesubquery returns. For example, suppose you use the greater-thancomparison operator with ANY:

 ...WHERE expression > ANY (subquery)

 To satisfy this WHERE clause, the value in the expression must begreater than at least one of the values (that is, greater than the

lowest value) returned by the subquery. If what the subquery returnsis empty, the condition is not satisfied.


The results when a subquery returns one or more null values could in somecases surprise you. For applicable rules, read the description ofquantified predicates in Chapter 3 of SQL Reference. Using the IN Keyword 

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You can use IN to say that the value in the expression must be among thevalues returned by the subquery. Using IN is equivalent to using "= ANY"or "= SOME." Using the EXISTS Keyword 

In the subqueries presented thus far, DB2 evaluates the subquery and usesthe result as part of the WHERE clause of the outer SELECT. In contrast,when you use the keyword EXISTS, DB2 simply checks whether the subqueryreturns one or more rows. If it does, the condition is satisfied; if itdoes not (if it returns no rows), the condition is not satisfied. Forexample: 



FROM DSN8310.PROJWHERE PRSTDATE > '1986-01-01'); 2.3.3 Using Correlated Subqueries

 In the subqueries previously described, DB2 executes the subquery once,

substitutes the result of the subquery in the right side of the searchcondition, and evaluates the outer-level SELECT based on the value of thesearch condition. You can also write a subquery that DB2 has tore-evaluate when it examines a new row (WHERE clause) or group of rows(HAVING clause) as it executes the outer SELECT. This is called acorrelated subquery. Subtopics2.3.3.1 An Example of a Correlated Subquery2.3.3.2 Using Correlated Names in References2.3.3.3 Using Correlated Subqueries in an UPDATE Statement2.3.3.4 Using Correlated Subqueries in a DELETE Statement In the example, the search condition holds if any project represented inthe DSN8310.PROJ table has an estimated start date which is later than 1

January 1986. This example does not show the full power of EXISTS,because the result is always the same for every row examined for the outerSELECT. As a consequence, either every row appears in the results, ornone appear. In a more powerful example, the subquery itself would becorrelated, and would change from row to row. As shown in the example, you do not need to specify column names in thesubquery of an EXISTS clause. Instead, you can code SELECT *. You canalso use the EXISTS keyword with the NOT keyword in order to select rowswhen the data or condition you specify does not exist; that is, you cancode 


2.3.3 Using Correlated Subqueries In the subqueries previously described, DB2 executes the subquery once,substitutes the result of the subquery in the right side of the searchcondition, and evaluates the outer-level SELECT based on the value of thesearch condition. You can also write a subquery that DB2 has tore-evaluate when it examines a new row (WHERE clause) or group of rows

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(HAVING clause) as it executes the outer SELECT. This is called acorrelated subquery. Subtopics2.3.3.1 An Example of a Correlated Subquery2.3.3.2 Using Correlated Names in References2.3.3.3 Using Correlated Subqueries in an UPDATE Statement Using Correlated Subqueries in a DELETE Statement An Example of a Correlated Subquery Suppose that you want a list of all the employees whose education levelsare higher than the average education levels in their respectivedepartments. To get this information, DB2 must search the DSN8310.EMPtable. For each employee in the table, DB2 needs to compare theemployee's education level to the average education level for theemployee's department. This is the point at which a correlated subquery differs from anoncorrelated subquery. In the earlier example on subqueries, the purposewas to compare the education level to the average of the entire company,

thus looking at the entire table. With the correlated subquery, only thedepartment which corresponds to the particular employee in question isevaluated. In the subquery, you tell DB2 to compute the average education level forthe department number in the current row. A query that does this follows: 



 A correlated subquery looks like a noncorrelated one, except for the

presence of one or more correlated references. In the example, the singlecorrelated reference is the occurrence of X.WORKDEPT in the WHERE clauseof the subselect. In this clause, the qualifier X is the correlation namedefined in the FROM clause of the outer SELECT statement. X is introducedas the name of one of the instances of the table DSN8310.EMP. Consider what happens when the subquery is executed for a given row ofDSN8310.EMP. Before it is executed, the occurrence of X.WORKDEPT isreplaced with the value of the WORKDEPT column for that row. Suppose, forexample, that the row is for CHRISTINE HAAS. Her work department is A00,which is the value of WORKDEPT for this row. The subquery executed forthis row is therefore: 


WHERE WORKDEPT = 'A00'); Thus, for the row considered, the subquery produces the average educationlevel of Christine's department. This is then compared in the outerstatement to Christine's own education level. For some other row forwhich WORKDEPT has a different value, that value appears in the subqueryin place of A00. For example, for the row for MICHAEL L THOMPSON, thisvalue is B01, and the subquery for his row delivers the average educationlevel for department B01. 

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The result table produced by the query has the following values: 


Fetch +------------------------------------------+1--_ ¦ 000010 ¦ HAAS ¦ A00 ¦ 18 ¦


2--_ ¦ 000030 ¦ KWAN ¦ C01 ¦ 20 ¦+---------+-----------+----------+---------¦3--_ ¦ 000090 ¦ HENDERSON ¦ E11 ¦ 16 ¦

+---------+-----------+----------+---------¦4--_ ¦ 000110 ¦ LUCCHESI ¦ A00 ¦ 19 ¦

+---------+-----------+----------+---------¦_ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ Using Correlated Names in References A correlated reference can appear only in a search condition in asubquery. The reference should be of the form X.C, where X is a

correlation name and C is the name of a column in the table that Xrepresents. The correlation name is defined in the FROM clause of some query. Thisquery could be the outer-level SELECT, or any of the subqueries thatcontain the reference. Suppose, for example, that a query containssubqueries A, B, and C, and that A contains B and B contains C. Then acorrelation name used in C could be defined in B, A, or the outer SELECT. You can define a correlation name for each table name appearing in a FROMclause. Simply append the correlation name after its table name. Leaveone or more blanks between a table name and its correlation name, andplace a comma after the correlation name if it is followed by anothertable name. The following FROM clause, for example, defines thecorrelation names TA and TB for the tables TABLEA and TABLEB, and no

correlation name for the table TABLEC. 

FROM TABLEA TA, TABLEC, TABLEB TB Any number of correlated references can appear in a subquery. There areno restrictions on variety. For example, one correlated name in areference can be defined in the outer SELECT, while another can be definedin a containing subquery. Using Correlated Subqueries in a DELETE Statement When you use a correlated subquery in a DELETE statement, the correlationname represents the row you delete. DB2 evaluates the correlated subqueryonce for each row in the table named in the DELETE statement to decidewhether or not to delete the row.

 For example, suppose that a department considers a project to be completedwhen the combined amount of time currently spent on it is half a person'stime or less. The department then deletes the rows for that project fromthe DSN8310.PROJ table. In the example statements that follow, PROJ andPROJACT are independent tables. 



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 To process this statement, DB2 determines for each project (represented bya row in the DSN8310.PROJ table) whether or not the combined staffing forthat project is less than 0.5. If it is, DB2 deletes that row from theDSN8310.PROJ table.

 To continue this example, suppose a row in the DSN8310.PROJ table has beendeleted. Rows related to the deleted project in the DSN8310.PROJACT tablemust also be deleted. To do this, use: 



 DB2 determines, for each row in the DSN8310.PROJACT table, whether a rowwith the same project number exists in the DSN8310.PROJ table. If not,the DSN8310.PROJACT row is deleted. 

A subquery of a DELETE statement must not reference the same table fromwhich rows are deleted. In the sample application, some departmentsadminister other departments. Consider the following statement, whichseems to delete every department that does not administer another one: 


WHERE ADMRDEPT = X.DEPTNO); The result of an operation must not depend on the order in which rows of atable are accessed. If this statement could be executed, its result woulddepend on whether the row for any department was accessed before or afterdeleting the rows for the departments it administers. Hence, the operationis prohibited. 

The same rule extends to dependent tables involved in referentialconstraints. If a DELETE statement has a subquery that references a tablethat is involved in the DELETE operation, the last delete rule in the pathto that table must be RESTRICT. For example, without referentialconstraints, the following statement deletes departments from thedepartment table whose managers are not listed correctly in the employeetable: 



 With the referential constraints defined for the sample tables, the

statement causes an error. The delete operation involves the tablereferred to in the subquery (DSN8310.EMP is a dependent of DSN8310.DEPT)and the last delete rule in the path to EMP is SET NULL, not RESTRICT. Ifthe statement could be executed, its results would again depend on theorder in which rows were accessed.

2.4 Chapter 2-4. Using SPUFI: Executing SQL from Your Terminal This chapter explains how to enter and execute SQL statements at a TSO

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terminal using the SPUFI (SQL processor using file input) facility. Youcan execute most of the interactive SQL examples shown in "Section 2.Using SQL Queries" by following the instructions provided in this chapterand using the sample tables shown in Appendix A, "DB2 Sample Tables" intopic APPENDIX1.1. The instructions assume that ISPF is available to you. statement from

your terminal. This chapter also describes how to use SPUFI to performother tasks: _ Display the names of tables you can use_ Display the names of the columns in a table_ Allocate a partitioned data set to use as an input data set_ Change the SPUFI defaults. Subtopics2.4.1 Step 1. Invoke SPUFI and Allocate an Input Data Set2.4.2 Step 2. Change SPUFI Defaults (Optional)2.4.3 Step 3. Enter SQL Statements2.4.4 Step 4. Process SQL Statements2.4.5 Step 5. Browse the Output

2.4.6 More SQL Examples

2.4.1 Step 1. Invoke SPUFI and Allocate an Input Data Set To invoke SPUFI, select SPUFI from the DB2I Primary Option Menu as shownin Figure 6. 

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦ ¦¦ DSNEPRI DB2I PRIMARY OPTION MENU SSID: DSN ¦¦ COMMAND ===> 1 ¦¦ ¦

¦ Select one of the following DB2 functions and press ENTER. ¦¦ ¦¦ 1 SPUFI (Process SQL statements) ¦¦ 2 DCLGEN (Generate SQL and source language declarations) ¦¦ 3 PROGRAM PREPARATION (Prepare a DB2 application program to run) ¦¦ 4 PRECOMPILE (Invoke DB2 precompiler) ¦¦ 5 BIND/REBIND/FREE (BIND, REBIND, or FREE plans or packages) ¦¦ 6 RUN (RUN an SQL program) ¦¦ 7 DB2 COMMANDS (Issue DB2 commands) ¦¦ 8 UTILITIES (Invoke DB2 utilities) ¦¦ D DB2I DEFAULTS (Set global parameters) ¦¦ X EXIT (Leave DB2I) ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦

¦ PRESS: END to exit HELP for more information ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 

Figure 6. The DB2I Primary Option Menu with Option 1 Selected The SPUFI panel is then displayed as shown in Figure 7. 

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Data you enter on the SPUFI panel tells DB2 how to process your input dataset, and where to send the output. When the SPUFI panel is first displayed, enter the name of an input dataset (where you will put SQL statements you want DB2 to execute) and anoutput data set (where DB2 will put the results of your queries). You canalso enter new processing option defaults to specify how you want the next

SPUFI processing sequence to proceed. The next time (and subsequent times) the SPUFI panel is displayed, thedata entry fields on the panel will contain the values that were set onthe panel previously. You can specify data set names and processingoptions each time the SPUFI panel displays, as needed. Values you do notchange will remain in effect. 

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦ ¦¦ DSNESP01 SPUFI SSID: DSN ¦¦ ===> ¦¦ Enter the input data set name: (Can be sequential or partitioned) ¦¦ 1 DATA SET NAME..... ===> EXAMPLES(XMP1) ¦

¦ 2 VOLUME SERIAL..... ===> (Enter if not cataloged) ¦¦ 3 DATA SET PASSWORD. ===> (Enter if password protected) ¦¦ ¦¦ Enter the output data set name: (Must be a sequential data set) ¦¦ 4 DATA SET NAME..... ===> RESULT ¦¦ ¦¦ Specify processing options: ¦¦ 5 CHANGE DEFAULTS... ===> Y (Y/N - Display SPUFI defaults panel?) ¦¦ 6 EDIT INPUT........ ===> Y (Y/N - Enter SQL statements?) ¦¦ 7 EXECUTE........... ===> Y (Y/N - Execute SQL statements?) ¦¦ 8 AUTOCOMMIT........ ===> Y (Y/N - Commit after successful run?) ¦¦ 9 BROWSE OUTPUT..... ===> Y (Y/N - Browse output data set?) ¦¦ ¦¦ For remote SQL processing: ¦¦ 10 CONNECT LOCATION ===> ¦

¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ PRESS: ENTER to process END to exit HELP for more information ¦¦ ¦+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 

Figure 7. The SPUFI Panel Filled In 

Fill out the SPUFI panel as follows: 1, 2, 3 INPUT DATA SET NAME

Identify the input data set in fields 1 through 3. This data setcontains one or more SQL statements that you want to execute.

 _ Allocate this data set before you invoke SPUFI. The name must

conform to standard TSO naming conventions. 

_ The data set can be empty before you begin the session. You canthen add the SQL statements by editing the data set from SPUFI.

 _ The data set can be either sequential or partitioned, but it must

have the following DCB characteristics: 

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- A record format (RECFM) of either F or FB 

- A logical record length (LRECL) of either 79 or 80. Use 80for any data set that was not created by the EXPORT commandof QMF


_ Data in the data set can begin in column 1. It can extend tocolumn 71 if the logical record length is 79, and to column 72 ifthe logical record length is 80. The last 8 bytes of the recordsare assumed to be reserved for sequence numbers.


If you use this panel a second time, the name of the data set youused previously appears. To create a new member of an existingpartitioned data set, change only the member name. If you need toallocate an input data set, refer to ISPF/PDF Version 3 for MVS Guideand Reference for information on ISPF and allocating data sets.


Enter the name of a data set to receive the output of the SQLstatement. The data set need not be allocated previously.

 The simplest choice is shown in Figure 7. In this example, RESULTwas entered. SPUFI allocates a data set named userid.RESULT andsends all output to that data set. If a data set named userid.RESULTalready exists, SPUFI sends DB2 output to it, replacing all existingdata.

 Look at the processing options: 5 CHANGE DEFAULTS

The SPUFI defaults need not be changed for this example. However, ifyou specify Y(YES) you can look at the SPUFI defaults panel. See"Step 2. Change SPUFI Defaults (Optional)" in topic 2.4.2 for moreinformation about the values you can specify and how they affectSPUFI processing and output characteristics.


To edit the input data set, leave Y(YES) on line 6. You can use theISPF editor to create a new member of the input data set and enterSQL statements in it. (To process a data set that already contains aset of SQL statements you want to execute immediately, enter N(NO).Specifying N bypasses the step described in "Step 3. Enter SQLStatements" in topic 2.4.3.)


To execute SQL statements contained in the input data set, leaveY(YES) on line 7.


To make changes to the DB2 data permanent, leave Y(YES) on line 8.

Specifying Y makes SPUFI issue COMMIT if all statements executesuccessfully. If all statements do not execute successfully, SPUFIissues a ROLLBACK statement, and changes already made to the file(back to the last commit point) are deleted. We suggest that youread about the COMMIT and the ROLLBACK functions in "The ISOLATIONOption" in topic or Chapter 6 of SQL Reference.


To look at the results of your query, leave Y(YES) on line 9. Theresults are saved in the output data set. You can look at them at

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any time, until you delete or write over the data set. 10 CONNECT LOCATION

Specify the name of the application server, if applicable, to whichyou want to submit SQL statements for execution. SPUFI will thenissue a type 1 CONNECT statement to this application server.


An installation job is added to bind SPUFI remotely. SPUFI is boundlocally as a package. Subsequent processing of SQL statements in theinput data set is based upon successful execution of the CONNECTstatement. If the connect request fails, SQL return codes and errormessages are placed in the output data set.


When you finish with the SPUFI panel, press the ENTER key. Because youspecified YES on line 5 of the SPUFI panel, the next panel you see is theSPUFI Defaults panel, as shown in Figure 8. 

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦ ¦

¦ DSNESP02 CURRENT SPUFI DEFAULTS SSID: DSN ¦¦ ===> ¦¦ Enter the following to control your SPUFI session: ¦¦ 1 ISOLATION LEVEL ... ===> RR (RR=Repeatable Read, CS=Cursor Stability) ¦¦ 2 MAX SELECT LINES .. ===> 250 (Maximum number of lines to be ¦¦ returned from a SELECT) ¦¦ Output data set characteristics: ¦¦ 3 RECORD LENGTH...... ===> 4092 (LRECL= logical record length) ¦¦ 4 BLOCKSIZE ......... ===> 4096 (Size of one block) ¦¦ 5 RECORD FORMAT...... ===> VB (RECFM= F, FB, FBA, V, VB, or VB) ¦¦ 6 DEVICE TYPE........ ===> SYSDA (Must be a DASD unit name) ¦¦ ¦¦ Output format characteristics: ¦¦ 7 MAX NUMERIC FIELD . ===> 33 (Maximum width for numeric field) ¦¦ 8 MAX CHAR FIELD .... ===> 80 (Maximum width for character field) ¦

¦ 9 COLUMN HEADING .... ===> NAMES (NAMES, LABELS, ANY, or BOTH) ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ PRESS: ENTER to process END to exit HELP for more information ¦¦ ¦+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 

Figure 8. The SPUFI Defaults Panel

2.4.2 Step 2. Change SPUFI Defaults (Optional) 

Default values are provided for each user the first time SPUFI is used.Defaults are set for all options except the DB2 subsystem name. Anychanges you make to these values remain in effect until the values arechanged again. Initial default values are shown in Figure 8 intopic 2.4.1. Specify values for the following options on the CURRENT SPUFI DEFAULTSpanel: 1 ISOLATION LEVEL

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See "The ISOLATION Option" in topic for more information. 2 MAX SELECT LINES

The maximum number of output lines to be returned as a result ofexecuting a SELECT statement. To limit the number of rows retrieved,enter another maximum number.


3 RECORD LENGTHThe record length must be at least 80 bytes. The default valueallows a 4092-byte record.


Follow normal block size selection rules. For F, the block size isequal to record length. For FB and FBA, choose a block size that isan even multiple of LRECL. For VB and VBA only, the block size mustbe 4 bytes larger than the block size for FB or FBA.


The record format default is VB (variable-length blocked). 6 DEVICE TYPE

SYSDA specifies that MVS is to select an appropriate direct access

storage device. 7 MAX NUMERIC FIELD

The maximum width of a numeric value column in your output. 8 MAX CHAR FIELD

The maximum width of a character value column in your output.DATETIME and GRAPHIC data strings are externally represented ascharacters, and so they fall under the default values for characterfields.


You can specify NAMES, LABELS, ANY or BOTH for column headings. 

_ NAME (default) uses column names only.

_ LABEL uses column labels. Leave the title blank if there is nolabel.

_ ANY uses existing column labels or column names._ BOTH creates two title lines, one with names and one with labels.


When you have specified SPUFI options, press the ENTER key to continue.SPUFI continues by processing the next processing option for which YES hasbeen specified. If all other processing options are NO, SPUFI continuesby displaying the SPUFI panel. If you press the END key, you return to the SPUFI panel, but all changesmade on the SPUFI Defaults panel are lost. If you press ENTER, yourchanges are saved.

2.4.3 Step 3. Enter SQL Statements Next, SPUFI lets you edit the input data set. Initially, editing consistsof entering an SQL statement into the input data set. You can also editan input data set that contains SQL statements and you can change, delete,or insert SQL statements. The ISPF Editor shows you an empty EDIT panel. 

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On the panel, use the ISPF EDIT program to enter SQL statements that youwant to execute, as shown in Figure 9. Move the cursor to the first input line and enter the first part of an SQLstatement. You can enter the rest of the SQL statement on subsequentlines, as shown in Figure 9. Line indentation and entry on several linesare not necessary, although this format is easier to read.

 You can put more than one SQL statement in the input data set. You canput an SQL statement on one line of the input data set or on more than oneline. When the data set is processed, DB2 executes the statements oneafter the other. Do not put more than one SQL statement on a single line.The first one is executed, but other SQL statements on the same line areignored. When using SPUFI, end each SQL statement with a semicolon (;). This tellsSPUFI that the statement is complete. When you have entered the SQL statements that you want, press the END PFkey to save the file and to begin execution. 

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦ ¦¦ EDIT --------userid.EXAMPLES(XMP1) --------------------- COLUMNS 001 072 ¦¦ COMMAND INPUT ===> SAVE SCROLL ===> PAGE ¦¦ ********************************** TOP OF DATA *********************** ¦¦ 000100 SELECT LASTNAME, FIRSTNME, PHONENO ¦¦ 000200 FROM DSN8310.EMP ¦¦ 000300 WHERE WORKDEPT= 'D11' ¦¦ 000400 ORDER BY LASTNAME; ¦¦ ********************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************* ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 

Figure 9. The EDIT Panel: After Entering an SQL Statement Pressing the END PF key saves the data set. You can save the data set andcontinue editing it by entering the SAVE command. In fact, it is a goodpractice to save the data set after every 10 minutes or so of editing. Figure 9 shows what the panel looks like if you enter the sample SQLstatement, followed by a SAVE command. The editing step is bypassed when you reset the EDIT INPUT processingoption by specifying: 

EDIT INPUT ... ===> NO 

Subtopics2.4.3.1 Comments in Your Input Data Set Comments in Your Input Data Set You can put comments about SQL statements either on separate lines or onthe same line. In either case, two hyphens (--) are used to begin acomment. Everything to the right of the two hyphens is ignored by DB2.

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2.4.4 Step 4. Process SQL Statements SPUFI passes the input data set to DB2 for processing. The SQL statementin the input data set EXAMPLES(XMP1) is executed. Output is sent to theoutput data set userid.RESULT. The DB2 processing step is bypassed when you specify the EXECUTE

processing option: EXECUTE ..... ===> NO

 Subtopics Quitting While the Statement Is Executing Quitting While the Statement Is Executing Your SQL statement might take a long time to execute, depending on howlarge a table DB2 has to search, or on how many rows DB2 has to process.To interrupt DB2's execution, press the PA1 key and respond to theprompting message that asks you if you really want to stop processing.This cancels the executing SQL statement and returns you to the ISPF-PDF

menu. What happens to the output data set? This depends on how far executionhas progressed before you interrupted the execution of the input data set.DB2 might not have opened the output data set yet, or the output data setmight contain all or part of the results data produced so far.

2.4.5 Step 5. Browse the Output SPUFI formats and displays the output data set using the ISPF Browseprogram. The output from the sample program is shown in Figure 10. Anoutput data set contains these items for each SQL statement executed byDB2: 

_ The SQL statement that was executed, copied from the input data set _ The results of executing the SQL statement _ A set of messages about the execution of the SQL statement 

When executing a SELECT statement using SPUFI, an error-free result isindicated by the message "SQLCODE IS 100." If the message SQLCODE IS100 is the only result of a SELECT statement executed using SPUFI, DB2was unable to find any rows that satisfied the condition specified bythe statement.

 For all other types of SQL statements executed with SPUFI, anerror-free result is indicated by the message "SQLCODE IS 0."


_ Errors return an SQLSTATE code to the SPUFI panel _ At the end of the data set are summary statistics that describe the

execution of the input data set as a whole. 


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¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ BROWSE-- userid.RESULT COLUMNS 001 072

¦¦ COMMAND INPUT ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE¦¦ --------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ ¦¦ SELECT LASTNAME, FIRSTNME, PHONENO00010000 ¦¦ FROM DSN8310.EMP00020000 ¦¦ WHERE WORKDEPT = 'D11'00030000 ¦¦ ORDER BY LASTNAME;00040000 ¦¦ ---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ ¦


¦¦ STERN IRVING 6423¦¦ WALKER JAMES 2986¦¦ YAMAMOTO KIYOSHI 2890¦¦ YOSHIMURA MASATOSHI 2890¦¦ DSNE610I NUMBER OF ROWS DISPLAYED IS 11¦¦ DSNE616I STATEMENT EXECUTION WAS SUCCESSFUL, SQLCODE IS 100¦¦ ---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----¦

¦ ---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----¦¦ DSNE617I COMMIT PERFORMED, SQLCODE IS 0¦¦ DSNE616I STATEMENT EXECUTION WAS SUCCESSFUL, SQLCODE IS 0¦¦ ---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----¦


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Figure 10. Result Data Set from the Sample Problem Subtopics2.4.5.1 Format of SELECT Statement Results Content of the Messages

3.0 Section 3. Coding SQL in Your Host Application Program Subtopics3.1 Chapter 3-1. Basics of Coding SQL in an Application Program3.2 Chapter 3-2. Using a Cursor to Retrieve a Set of Rows3.3 Chapter 3-3. Using DCLGEN

3.4 Chapter 3-4. Embedding SQL Statements in Host Languages

3.1 Chapter 3-1. Basics of Coding SQL in an Application Program Suppose you are coding a COBOL application program to access data in a DB2database. When your program executes an SQL statement, the program needsto communicate with DB2. When DB2 completes processing an SQL statement,

DB2 sends back a return code; your program should test the return code toexamine the results of the operation. To communicate with DB2, you need to: _ Delimit SQL statements, as described in "Delimiting an SQL Statement"

in topic 3.1.2. _ Declare the tables you use, as described in "Declaring Table and View

Definitions" in topic 3.1.3. (This is optional.) _ Declare the data items used to pass data between DB2 and a host

language, as described in "Accessing Data Using Host Variables andHost Structures" in topic 3.1.4.


_ Code SQL statements to access DB2 data. See "Accessing Data UsingHost Variables and Host Structures" in topic 3.1.4.

 The SQL language is described in "Section 2. Using SQL Queries" intopic 2.0 and in SQL Reference. Details about how to use SQLstatements within an application program are described in "Chapter3-4. Embedding SQL Statements in Host Languages" in topic 3.4.

 _ Declare a communications area (SQLCA) or handle exceptional conditions

that are indicated with return codes from DB2, in the SQLCA. See"Checking the Execution of SQL Statements" in topic 3.1.5 for moreinformation.


In addition to these basic requirements, you should also consider severalspecial topics in "Chapter 3-2. Using a Cursor to Retrieve a Set of Rows"in topic 3.2 and "Chapter 3-3. Using DCLGEN" in topic 3.3. "Chapter 3-2.Using a Cursor to Retrieve a Set of Rows" discusses how you can use acursor in your application program to select a set of rows and thenprocess the set one row at a time. "Chapter 3-3. Using DCLGEN" discusseshow to use DB2's declarations generator, DCLGEN, to obtain accurate SQLDECLARE statements for tables and views. This book includes information about using SQL in application programs

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written in assembler, C, COBOL, FORTRAN, and PL/I. You can also use SQLin application programs written in the following languages: 

Ada. See IBM Ada/370 SQL Module Processor for DB2 Database ManagerUser's Guide for more information about writing applications in Ada.

 APL2 (*). See APL2 Programming: Using Structured Query Language (SQL)

for more information about writing applications in APL2. BASIC. See IBM BASIC Language Reference for more information aboutwriting applications in BASIC.

 IBM SAA AD/Cycle* Prolog/MVS & VM Version 1. See IBM SAA AD/CycleProlog/MVS & VM Programmer for more information about writingapplications in Prolog/MVS & VM.

 (*) Trademark of the IBM Corporation. Subtopics3.1.1 Conventions Used in Examples of Coding SQL Statements3.1.2 Delimiting an SQL Statement3.1.3 Declaring Table and View Definitions

3.1.4 Accessing Data Using Host Variables and Host Structures3.1.5 Checking the Execution of SQL Statements

3.1.1 Conventions Used in Examples of Coding SQL Statements The SQL statements shown in this section use the following conventions: _ The SQL statement is coded as part of a COBOL application program.

Each SQL example is shown on several lines, with each clause of thestatement on a separate line.

 _ The APOST and APOSTSQL precompiler options are assumed (although they

are not the defaults). Character string literals within SQL and hostlanguage statements are delimited by apostrophes (').

 _ The SQL statements access data in the sample tables that are shipped

as part of DB2. Those tables contain data that a manufacturingcompany might keep about its employees and its current projects. Theyare described in Appendix A, "DB2 Sample Tables" in topic APPENDIX1.1.

 _ An SQL example does not necessarily show the complete syntax of an SQL

statement. For the complete description and syntax of any of thestatements described in this book, see Chapter 6 of SQL Reference.

 _ Examples do not take referential constraints into account. For more

information about how referential constraints affect SQL statements,and examples of SQL statements operating with referential constraints,see "Chapter 2-2. Creating Tables and Modifying Data" in topic 2.2.


Some of the examples vary from these conventions. Exceptions are notedwhere they occur.

3.1.2 Delimiting an SQL Statement Bracket an SQL statement in your program between EXEC SQL and a statementterminator. The terminators for the languages described in this book are: 

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Language SQL Statement Terminator Assembler End of line or end of last continued line C Semicolon (;) COBOL END-EXEC

 FORTRAN End of line or end of last continued line PL/I Semicolon (;) 

For example, use EXEC SQL and END-EXEC to delimit an SQL statement in aCOBOL program, like this: 

EXEC SQLan SQL statement


Before your program issues SQL statements that retrieve, update, delete,or insert data, you can declare the tables and views your program accessesby including an SQL DECLARE statement in your program. You do not have to declare tables or views, but there are advantages ifyou do. One advantage is documentation; for example, the DECLAREstatement specifies the structure of the table or view you are workingwith, and the data type of each column. You can refer to the DECLAREstatement for the column names and data types in the table or view.Another advantage is that the DB2 precompiler uses your declarations tomake sure you have used correct column names and data types in your SQLstatements. The DB2 precompiler issues a warning message when the columnnames and data types do not correspond to the SQL DECLARE statements in

your program. A way to declare a table or view is to code a DECLARE statement in theWORKING-STORAGE SECTION or LINKAGE SECTION within the DATA DIVISION ofyour COBOL program. Specify the name of the table and list each columnand its data type. When you declare a table or view, you specify DECLAREtable-name TABLE regardless of whether the table-name refers to a table ora view. For example, the DECLARE TABLE statement for the DSN8310.DEPT table lookslike this: 





 As an alternative to coding the DECLARE statement yourself, you can useDCLGEN, the declarations generator supplied with DB2. For moreinformation about using DCLGEN, see "Chapter 3-3. Using DCLGEN" in

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topic 3.3.

3.1.4 Accessing Data Using Host Variables and Host Structures 

You can access data using host variables and host structures. A host variable is a data item declared in the host language (in thiscase, COBOL) for use within an SQL statement. Using host variables, youcan: _ Retrieve data and put it into the host variable for use by the

application program _ Use the data in the host variable to insert into a table or to change

the contents of a row _ Use the data in the host variable when evaluating a WHERE or HAVING



A host structure is a group of host variables that is referred to by asingle name in an SQL statement. Host structures are defined bystatements of the host language. Subtopics3.1.4.1 Using Host Variables Using Host Structures Using Host Variables Any valid host variable name can be used in an SQL statement. The name

must be declared in the host program before it is used. (For moreinformation see the appropriate language section in "Chapter 3-4.Embedding SQL Statements in Host Languages" in topic 3.4.) In your application program written in the language of your choice, thehost variable declaration should as close as possible match the types ofthe associated data in the data base to get the best performance. Formore performance suggestions, see "Section 5. Additional ProgrammingTechniques" in topic 5.0 and Volume 3 of Administration Guide. A host variable can be used to represent a data value but cannot be usedto represent a table, view, or column name. (Table, view, or column namescan be specified at execution time using dynamic SQL. See "Chapter 5-1.Coding Dynamic SQL in Application Programs" in topic 5.1 for moreinformation.)

 Host variables follow the naming conventions of the host language. (Inthis chapter, COBOL is assumed to be the host language.) Host variablesused within SQL statements must be preceded by a colon (:) to tell DB2that the variable is not a column name. (4) Host variables outside of SQLstatements must not be preceded by a colon. For more information about declaring host variables, see the appropriatelanguage section: 

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_ Assembler: "Using Host Variables" in topic C: "Using Host Variables" in topic COBOL: "Using Host Variables" in topic FORTRAN: "Using Host Variables" in topic PL/I: "Using Host Variables" in topic (4) The colon is required by the SQL standards and other

implementations of SQL. (Although the colon is currentlyoptional in certain contexts, this feature could be withdrawnin future releases of DB2. Therefore it is always best touse the colon. A message is issued when a colon does notprecede the name of a host variable in an SQL statement.)

 Subtopics3. Retrieving Data into a Host Variable3. Inserting and Updating Data3. Searching Data3. Using Indicator Variables with Host Variables Considerations Retrieving Data into a Host Variable

 You can use a host variable to specify a program data area that is tocontain the column values of a retrieved row or rows. 

Retrieving a Single Row of Data: The INTO clause of the SELECT statementnames one or more host variables to contain the column values returned.The elementary data items involved correspond one-for-one with the list ofcolumn names in the SELECT list. For example, suppose you are retrieving the EMPNO, LASTNAME, and WORKDEPTcolumn values from rows in the DSN8310.EMP table. You can define a dataarea in your program to hold each column, then name the data areas with anINTO clause, as in the following example (where each host variable ispreceded by a colon):



END-EXEC. In the DATA DIVISION of the program, the host variables CBLEMPNO, CBLNAME,and CBLDEPT must be declared such that each is compatible with the datatype contained in the DSN8310.EMP table columns EMPNO, LASTNAME, andWORKDEPT. If the SELECT statement returns more than one row, this is an error, andany data returned is undefined and unpredictable. To avoid this error see

"Retrieving Multiple Rows of Data." 

Specifying a List of Items in a SELECT Clause: When specifying a list ofitems in the SELECT clause, you are not restricted to the column names oftables and views. A set of column values intermixed with host variablevalues and constants can be returned. For example: 


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The results are shown below with column headings that represent the namesof the host variables: 

EMP-NUM PERSON-NAME EMP-SAL EMP-RAISE EMP-TTL======= =========== ======= ========= =======000220 LUTZ 29840 4476 34316


Retrieving Multiple Rows of Data: If you are unsure about the number ofrows that will be returned, or if you expect that more than one row willbe returned, then you must use an alternative to the SELECT ... INTOstatement. DB2 has a mechanism called a cursor that enables an application to process

a set of rows and retrieve one row at a time from the result table. Thismechanism is described in "Chapter 3-2. Using a Cursor to Retrieve a Setof Rows" in topic 3.2. Inserting and Updating Data You can set or change a value in a DB2 table to the value of a hostvariable. Use the host variable name in the SET clause of UPDATE or theVALUES clause of INSERT. This example changes an employee's phone number: 



END-EXEC. Searching DataYou can use a host variable to specify a value in the predicate of asearch condition or to replace a constant in an expression. For example,if you have defined a field called EMPID that contains an employee number,you can retrieve the name of the employee whose number is 000110 with: 



END-EXEC. Using Indicator Variables with Host Variables Indicator variables are small integers that are used to: 

Indicate whether the values of associated host variables are null 

Verify that the value of a retrieved character string has not beentruncated when retrieved

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 Insert null values from host variables into columns.


Retrieving Data into Host Variables: If the value for the column you are

retrieving is null, DB2 puts a negative value in the indicator variable.If it is null because of a numeric or character conversion error, or anarithmetic expression error, DB2 sets the indicator variable to -2. See"Handling Arithmetic or Conversion Errors" in topic for moreinformation. If you do not use an indicator variable and DB2 retrieves a null value, anerror results. When DB2 retrieves the value of a column, you can test the indicatorvariable. If the indicator variable's value is less than zero, the columnvalue is null. When the column value is null, DB2 puts nothing into thehost variable; its value is unchanged. You can also use an indicator variable to verify that a retrieved

character string value has not been truncated. If the indicator variablecontains a positive integer, it specifies the original length of thestring. You specify an indicator variable, preceded by a colon, immediately afterthe host variable. Optionally, you can use the word INDICATOR between thehost variable and its indicator variable. Thus, the following twoexamples are equivalent: +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦ EXEC SQL ¦ EXEC SQL¦¦ SELECT PHONENO ¦ SELECT PHONENO¦

¦ INTO :CBLPHONE:INDNULL ¦ INTO :CBLPHONEINDICATOR :INDNULL ¦¦ FROM DSN8310.EMP ¦ FROM DSN8310.EMP¦¦ WHERE EMPNO = :EMPID ¦ WHERE EMPNO = :EMPID¦¦ END-EXEC. ¦ END-EXEC.¦+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You can then test INDNULL for a negative value. If it is negative, thecorresponding value of PHONENO is null, and you can disregard the contentsof CBLPHONE. 

When a column value is fetched using a cursor, you can use the sametechnique to determine whether the column value is null or not. 

Inserting Null Values into Columns Using Host Variables: You can use anindicator variable to insert a null value from a host variable into acolumn. When DB2 processes INSERT and UPDATE statements, it checks theindicator variable (if it exists). If the indicator variable is negative,the column value is set to null value. If the indicator variable isgreater than -1, the associated host variable contains a value for the

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column. For example, you could put a value in a column (using INSERT or UPDATE),but you are not sure whether the value is always specified with the inputdata. To allow the possibility that the column's value might be null, youcan code: 


END-EXEC. When NEWPHONE contains other than a null value, set PHONEIND to zero bypreceding the statement with: 

MOVE 0 TO PHONEIND. Otherwise, to tell DB2 that NEWPHONE contains a null value, set PHONEINDto a negative value, as in the following statement: 

MOVE -1 TO PHONEIND. Considerations If you transfer data between a DB2 column and a host variable, and the twodo not have the same data type or length attribute, you can expect thedata format to change. Values might be truncated, padded, or roundedsomehow. If you transfer or compare data, see Chapter 3 of SQL Referencefor the rules associated with these operations. Using Host Structures A host structure can be substituted for one or more host variables and,like host variables, indicator variables (or structures) can be used with

host structures. Subtopics3. Example: Using a Host Structure Using Indicator Variables with Host Structures Example: Using a Host Structure In the following example, assume that your COBOL program includes thefollowing SQL statement: 




 In this example, if you want to avoid listing host variables, you cansubstitute the name of a structure, say :PEMP, that contains :EMPNO,:FIRSTNME, :MIDINIT, :LASTNAME, and :WORKDEPT. The example then reads: 



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END-EXEC. You can declare a host structure yourself, or you can use DCLGEN togenerate a COBOL record description, PL/I structure declaration, or Cstructure declaration that corresponds to the columns of a table For more

details about coding a host structure in your program, see "Chapter 3-4.Embedding SQL Statements in Host Languages" in topic 3.4. For moreinformation on using DCLGEN and the restrictions that apply to the Clanguage, see "Chapter 3-3. Using DCLGEN" in topic 3.3. After the host structure is defined, you can refer to it in an SQLstatement instead of listing several host variables (that is, the names ofthe data items that make up the host structure). Using Indicator Variables with Host Structures You can define an indicator structure (an array of halfword integervariables) to support a host structure. Indicator structures are definedin the DATA DIVISION of your COBOL program. If the column values yourprogram retrieves into a host structure can be null, you can attach an

indicator structure name to the host structure name. This allows DB2 tonotify your program about each null value returned to a host variable inthe host structure. For example: 












 In this example, EMP-IND is an array containing six values, each of whichcan be tested for a negative value. If, for example, EMP-IND(6) containsa negative value, the corresponding host variable in the host structure(EMP-BIRTHDATE) contains a null value. Because this example selects rows from the DSN8310.EMP table, some of theEMP-IND array values are always zero. The first five columns of each roware defined NOT NULL. In the above example, DB2 selects the values for arow of data into a host structure. Therefore, you must use a

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corresponding structure for the indicator variables to determine which (ifany) selected column values are null. For information on using the ISNULL keyword phrase in WHERE clauses, see "Chapter 2-1. Retrieving Data"in topic 2.1.

3.1.5 Checking the Execution of SQL Statements

 A program that includes SQL statements needs to have an area set apart forcommunication with DB2; this area is called the SQL communication area(SQLCA). When DB2 processes an SQL statement in your program, it placesreturn codes in the SQLCODE (5) and SQLSTATE fields of the SQLCA. Thereturn codes indicate whether the statement you executed succeeded orfailed. Because the SQLCA is a valuable problem-diagnosis tool, it is a good ideato include the instructions necessary to display some of the informationcontained in the SQLCA in your application programs. For example, thecontents of SQLERRD(3), which indicates the number of rows updated,inserted, or deleted by DB2, could be useful. If SQLWARN0 is set to W, atleast one of the SQL warning flags (SQLWARN1 through SQLWARNA) is set.See Appendix C of SQL Reference for a description of all the fields in the

SQLCA. The WHENEVER statement can be used to make a decision in your programbased on a condition that is indicated in the SQLCA. +--- Batch, CICS, IMS, and TSO ------------------------------------------+¦ ¦¦ The -911 SQLCODE indicates that a unit of work has been rolled back. ¦¦ If the impact of this action is not taken into consideration when ¦¦ writing the code, the data integrity of your system can be ¦¦ compromised. ¦¦ ¦+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (5) SQLCODE can be a stand-alone integer variable. SQLCA is

not used if SQLCODE is a stand-alone integer variable. Subtopics3.1.5.1 SQLCODE and SQLSTATE3.1.5.2 The WHENEVER Statement3.1.5.3 Handling Arithmetic or Conversion Errors Handling SQL Error Return Codes SQLCODE and SQLSTATE Whenever an SQL statement is executed, a return code is placed in theSQLCODE and SQLSTATE fields of the SQLCA. Although both fields servebasically the same purpose (indicating whether the statement execution wassuccessful or not) there are some differences between the two fields.


SQLCODE: DB2 returns the following codes in SQLCODE: _ If SQLCODE = 0, execution was successful._ If SQLCODE > 0, execution was successful with a warning._ If SQLCODE < 0, execution was not successful. SQLCODE 100 indicates "no data" was found. 

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The meaning of SQLCODEs other than 0 and 100 varies with the particularproduct implementing SQL. 

SQLSTATE: SQLSTATE allows an application program to check for errors inthe same way for different IBM database management systems. See AppendixC of Messages and Codes for a complete list of possible SQLSTATE values. The WHENEVER Statement The WHENEVER statement causes DB2 to check the SQLCA and continueprocessing your program, or branch to another area in your program if anerror, exception, or warning exists as a result of executing an SQLstatement. Your program can then examine the SQLCODE or SQLSTATE fieldsto take an action specific to the error or exception situation. The WHENEVER statement allows you to specify what should be done whenevera general condition is true. You can specify more than one WHENEVER

statement in your program. When you do this, the first WHENEVER statementapplies to all subsequent SQL statements in the source program untilanother WHENEVER statement is specified. The WHENEVER statement looks like this: 

EXEC SQLWHENEVER condition action

END-EXEC There are three conditions you can specify: SQLWARNING Indicates what should be done when SQLWARN0 = W or SQLCODE

contains a positive value other than 100. SQLWARN0 can beset for several different reasons. For example, if a column

value was truncated when it was moved into a host variable;it is possible your program would not regard this as anerror.

 SQLERROR Indicates what should be done when DB2 returns an error code

as the result of an SQL statement (SQLCODE < 0). NOT FOUND Indicates what should be done when DB2 cannot find a row to

satisfy your SQL statement or when there are no more rows tofetch (SQLCODE = 100).


You can also specify the action you want taken: 

CONTINUESpecifies the next sequential statement of the source program.

 GOTO or GO TO host-label

Specifies the statement identified by host-label. Forhost-label, substitute a single token, optionally preceded bya colon. The form of the token depends on the host language.In COBOL, for example, it can be section-name or anunqualified paragraph-name.


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 The WHENEVER statement must precede the first SQL statement it is toaffect. However, if your program checks the SQLCODE directly, the checkmust be done after the SQL statement is executed. Handling Arithmetic or Conversion Errors

 Numeric or character conversion errors or arithmetic expression errors canset an indicator variable to -2. For example, division by zero andarithmetic overflow does not necessarily halt the execution of a SELECTstatement. If the error occurs in the SELECT list, the statement cancontinue to execute and return good data for rows in which the error doesnot occur, if indicator variables have been used. For rows in which the error does occur, one or more selected items have nomeaningful value. This error is flagged by a -2 in the indicator variablefor the affected host variable, and an SQLCODE of +802 (SQLSTATE '01519')in the SQLCA.

3.2 Chapter 3-2. Using a Cursor to Retrieve a Set of Rows 

DB2 has a mechanism called a cursor to allow an application program toretrieve a set of rows. "Chapter 3-1. Basics of Coding SQL in anApplication Program" in topic 3.1, showed how to use a SELECT INTOstatement to retrieve a single row of data. This chapter explains howyour application program can select a set of rows using a cursor, and thenprocess the set one row at a time. Subtopics3.2.1 Cursor Functions3.2.2 How to Use a Cursor: An Example

3.2.3 Maintaining Cursor Position

3.2.1 Cursor Functions 

DB2 can be used to retrieve and process a set of rows. Each row in theset satisfies the criteria specified in the search conditions of an SQLstatement. However, when a set of rows is selected by your program, theprogram cannot process all the rows at once. The program needs to processthe rows one at a time. To help illustrate the concept of a cursor, assume that DB2 builds aresult table (6) to hold all the rows retrieved by executing the SELECTstatement. DB2 uses a cursor to make rows from the result table availableto your program. A cursor identifies the current row of the result tablespecified by a SELECT statement. When you use a cursor, your program canretrieve each row sequentially from the result table until end-of-data(that is, the not found condition, SQLCODE=100 and SQLSTATE = '02000') isreached. The set of rows obtained as a result of executing the SELECTstatement can consist of zero, one, or many rows, depending on the number

of rows that satisfy the SELECT statement search condition. The SELECT statement referred to in this section must be within a DECLARECURSOR statement and cannot include an INTO clause. The DECLARE CURSORstatement defines and names the cursor, identifying the set of rows to beretrieved with the SELECT statement of the cursor. The result table of a cursor is processed much like a sequential data set.The cursor must be opened (with an OPEN statement) before any rows areretrieved. A FETCH statement is used to retrieve the cursor's current

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row. FETCH can be executed repeatedly until all rows have been retrieved.When the end-of-data condition occurs, you must close the cursor with aCLOSE statement (similar to end-of-file processing). Your program can have several cursors. Each cursor requires its own: _ DECLARE CURSOR statement to define the cursor

_ OPEN and CLOSE statements to open and close the cursor_ FETCH statement to retrieve rows from the cursor's result table. 

Declarations for host variables that are referred to in a DECLARE CURSORstatement must precede the DECLARE CURSOR statement. Refer to Chapter 6of SQL Reference for further information. You can use cursors to fetch, update, or delete a row of a table, but youcannot use them to insert a row into a table. (6) DB2 implements the concept of a result table in different

ways, depending on the complexity of the SELECT statement.However, the concept is the same regardless of theimplementation.

3.2.2 How to Use a Cursor: An ExampleSuppose your program examines data about people in department D11. Thedata is kept in the DSN8310.EMP table. The following shows the SQLstatements you must include in a COBOL program to define and use a cursor.In this example, the cursor is used by the program to process a set ofrows from the DSN8310.EMP table. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦ Table 5. SQL Statements Required to Define and Use a Cursor in a COBOL ¦¦ Program ¦+------------------------------------------------------------------------¦¦ SQL Statement ¦ Described in Section ¦+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------¦¦ EXEC SQL ¦ "Step 1: Define the Cursor" in ¦

¦ DECLARE THISEMP CURSOR FOR ¦ topic ¦¦ SELECT EMPNO, LASTNAME, ¦ ¦¦ WORKDEPT, JOB ¦ ¦¦ FROM DSN8310.EMP ¦ ¦¦ WHERE WORKDEPT = 'D11' ¦ ¦¦ FOR UPDATE OF JOB ¦ ¦¦ END-EXEC. ¦ ¦+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------¦¦ EXEC SQL ¦ "Step 2: Open the Cursor" in ¦¦ OPEN THISEMP ¦ topic ¦¦ END-EXEC. ¦ ¦+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------¦¦ EXEC SQL ¦ "Step 3: Specify What to Do When ¦¦ WHENEVER NOT FOUND ¦ End-of-Data Is Reached" in ¦¦ GO TO CLOSE-THISEMP ¦ topic ¦

¦ END-EXEC. ¦ ¦+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------¦¦ EXEC SQL ¦ "Step 4: Retrieve a Row Using ¦¦ FETCH THISEMP ¦ the Cursor" in topic ¦¦ INTO :EMP-NUM, :NAME2, ¦ ¦¦ :DEPT, :JOB-NAME ¦ ¦¦ END-EXEC. ¦ ¦+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------¦¦ ... for specific employees ¦ "Step 5a: Update the Current ¦¦ in Department D11, ¦ Row" in topic ¦

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¦ update the JOB value: ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ EXEC SQL ¦ ¦¦ UPDATE DSN8310.EMP ¦ ¦¦ SET JOB = :NEW-JOB ¦ ¦¦ WHERE CURRENT OF THISEMP ¦ ¦¦ END-EXEC. ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ ¦¦ ... then print the row. ¦ ¦+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------¦¦ ... for other employees, ¦ "Step 5b: Delete the Current ¦¦ delete the row: ¦ Row" in topic ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ EXEC SQL ¦ ¦¦ DELETE FROM DSN8310.EMP ¦ ¦¦ WHERE CURRENT OF THISEMP ¦ ¦¦ END-EXEC. ¦ ¦+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------¦¦ Branch back to fetch and ¦ ¦¦ process the next row. ¦ ¦+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------¦¦ CLOSE-THISEMP. ¦ "Step 6: Close the Cursor" in ¦

¦ EXEC SQL ¦ topic ¦¦ CLOSE THISEMP ¦ ¦¦ END-EXEC. ¦ ¦+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Subtopics3.2.2.1 Step 1: Define the Cursor3.2.2.2 Step 2: Open the Cursor3.2.2.3 Step 3: Specify What to Do When End-of-Data Is Reached3.2.2.4 Step 4: Retrieve a Row Using the Cursor3.2.2.5 Step 5a: Update the Current Row3.2.2.6 Step 5b: Delete the Current Row3.2.2.7 Step 6: Close the Cursor Step 1: Define the Cursor To define and identify a set of rows to be accessed with a cursor, issue aDECLARE CURSOR statement. The DECLARE CURSOR statement names a cursor andspecifies a SELECT statement. The SELECT statement defines a set of rowsthat, conceptually, make up the result table. The DECLARE CURSORstatement looks like this: 


SELECT column-name-listFROM table-nameWHERE search-condition


 The SELECT statement shown here is rather simple. You can code severalother types of clauses in a SELECT statement within a DECLARE CURSORstatement. Chapter 6 of SQL Reference illustrates several more clausesthat can be used within a SELECT statement. 

Updating a Column: If you intend to update a column in any (or all) ofthe rows of the identified table, include the FOR UPDATE OF clause, whichnames each column you intend to update. The effects of the FOR UPDATE OF

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clause are affected by the NOFOR and STDSQL precompiler options. Theseare described in Table 24 in topic If you do not specify thenames of columns you intend to update, and you do not specify theSTDSQL(86) option or the NOFOR precompiler options, you receive errorcodes in the SQLCODE and SQLSTATE fields of the SQLCA. A column of the identified table can be updated even though it is not part

of the result table. In this case, you do not need to name the column inthe SELECT statement (but do not forget to name it in the FOR UPDATE OFclause). When the cursor retrieves a row (using FETCH) that contains acolumn value you want to update, you can use UPDATE ... WHERE CURRENT OFto update the row. For example, assume that each row of the result table includes the EMPNO,LASTNAME, and WORKDEPT columns from the DSN8310.EMP table. If you want toupdate the JOB column (one of the columns in the DSN8310.EMP table), theDECLARE CURSOR statement must include FOR UPDATE OF JOB even though JOB isomitted from the SELECT statement. 

Read-Only Result Table: Read-only result tables cannot be updated using acursor. Read-only result table specifications are described in greater

detail in SQL Reference. Step 2: Open the Cursor To tell DB2 you are ready to process the first row of the result table,have your program issue the OPEN statement. When this happens, DB2processes the SELECT statement within the DECLARE CURSOR statement toidentify a set of rows using the current value of any host variablesspecified in the SELECT statement. The result table can contain zero,one, or many rows, depending on the extent to which the search conditionis satisfied. The OPEN statement looks like this: 

EXEC SQLOPEN cursor-name

END-EXEC. When used with cursors, the CURRENT DATE, CURRENT TIME, and CURRENTTIMESTAMP special registers are evaluated once when the OPEN statement isexecuted; the value returned in the register is then used on allsubsequent FETCH statements. Step 3: Specify What to Do When End-of-Data Is Reached Test the SQLCODE field for a value of 100 or the SQLSTATE field for avalue of '02000' to determine if the last row of data has been retrieved.These codes occur when a FETCH statement has retrieved the last row in theresult table and your program issues a subsequent FETCH. For example:


 An alternative to this technique is to code the WHENEVER NOT FOUNDstatement. The WHENEVER NOT FOUND statement can result in a branch toanother part of your program, where a CLOSE statement is issued. TheWHENEVER NOT FOUND statement looks like this: 


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END-EXEC. Your program must anticipate an end-of-data condition whenever a cursor isused to fetch a row, and it must be prepared to handle this situation whenit occurs. For further information about the WHENEVER NOT FOUNDstatement, see "Checking the Execution of SQL Statements" in topic 3.1. Step 4: Retrieve a Row Using the Cursor To move the contents of a selected row into your program host variables,use the FETCH statement. The SELECT statement within the DECLARE CURSORstatement identifies rows that contain the column values your programwants (that is, the result table is defined), but DB2 does not retrieveany data for your application program until FETCH is issued. When your program issues the FETCH statement, DB2 uses the cursor to pointto the next row in the result table, making it the current row. DB2 thenmoves the current row contents into your program host variables (specifiedwith the INTO clause). This sequence is repeated each time FETCH isissued, until you have processed all rows in the result table. The FETCH statement looks like this:

 EXEC SQLFETCH cursor-nameINTO :host variable1, :host variable2END-EXEC.

 When querying a remote subsystem with FETCH, it is possible that you mayexperience reduced efficiency. To combat this problem, you can use blockfetch. For more information see "How to Ensure Block Fetching" intopic Block fetch processes rows ahead of the application'scurrent row. Block fetch cannot be used when a cursor is used for updateor delete. Step 5a: Update the Current Row 

When your program has retrieved the current row, you can update its databy using the UPDATE statement. To do this, issue an UPDATE...WHERECURRENT OF statement; it is intended specifically for use with a cursor.The UPDATE ... WHERE CURRENT OF statement looks like this: 


SET column1 = value, column2 = valueWHERE CURRENT OF cursor-name

END-EXEC. When used with a cursor, the UPDATE statement differs from the onedescribed in "Chapter 2-2. Creating Tables and Modifying Data" intopic 2.2. 

_ You update only one row--the current row. _ The WHERE clause identifies the cursor that points to the row to be

updated. _ Each column to be updated must have been named previously in the FOR

UPDATE OF clause of the SELECT statement associated with the DECLARECURSOR statement. (7)


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After you have updated a row, the cursor points to the current row untilyou issue a FETCH statement for the next row. Remember that you cannot update a row if your update violates anyreferential constraints the table might have. Refer to "Updating Tableswith Referential Constraints" in topic for more information. 

"Updating Current Values: UPDATE" in topic showed you how to usethe UPDATE statement repeatedly when you update all rows that meet aspecific search condition. Alternatively, you can use the UPDATE... WHERECURRENT OF statement repeatedly when you want to obtain a copy of the row,examine it, and then update it. (7) If you do not specify the names of columns you intend to

update, you receive an error code in the SQLCODE and SQLSTATEfields of the SQLCA when you try to update the columns. Thisis true only if you have not specified the STDSQL(86) optionor the NOFOR precompile options. Step 5b: Delete the Current Row When your program has retrieved the current row, you can delete the row byusing the DELETE statement. To do this, you issue a DELETE...WHERECURRENT OF statement; it is intended specifically for use with a cursor.The DELETE...WHERE CURRENT OF statement looks like this: 



 When used with a cursor, the DELETE statement differs from the one youlearned in "Chapter 2-2. Creating Tables and Modifying Data" intopic 2.2.

 _ You delete only one row--the current row._ The WHERE clause identifies the cursor that points to the row to be

deleted. Deleting a row does not require any additional modifications to theDECLARE statement. After you have deleted a row, you cannot update or delete another rowusing that cursor until you issue a FETCH statement to position the cursoron the next row. "Deleting Rows: DELETE" in topic showed you how to use the DELETEstatement to delete all rows that meet a specific search condition.Alternatively, you can use the DELETE...WHERE CURRENT OF statement

repeatedly when you want to obtain a copy of the row, examine it, and thendelete it. Remember that you cannot delete a row if doing so will result in theviolation of any referential constraints the table might have. In theexample on page 3.2.2, the employee cannot be deleted from the employeetable unless the employee has already been deleted from the project tableand the project activity table. This is because of the way thereferential constraints have been defined on these tables. Refer to"Updating Tables with Referential Constraints" in topic for more

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information. Step 6: Close the Cursor When you are finished processing the rows of the result table and you wantto use the cursor again, issue a CLOSE statement to close the cursor:

  EXEC SQLCLOSE cursor-name

END-EXEC. If you are finished processing the rows of the "result table" and you donot want to use the cursor, you can let DB2 automatically close the cursorwhen your program terminates. When a cursor is closed, locks can befreed. To release page locks as soon as possible, issue a CLOSE statementas soon as you are finished with the cursor. For further information see"Planning for Concurrency" in topic 4.1.2.

3.2.3 Maintaining Cursor Position 

If your program completes a unit of work (that is, it either commits orrolls back the changes made so far), DB2 automatically closes all opencursors that were not declared with the WITH HOLD option. You can reopenthe cursor after it has been closed, but you begin processing at thebeginning of the result table. To maintain a cursor and its position across commit points, use the WITHHOLD option of the DECLARE CURSOR statement. The commit process releasesonly locks that are not required to maintain cursor position. After thecommit process, open cursors are not closed. A cursor is positioned afterthe last row retrieved and before the next logical row of the result tableto be returned. The following example shows how to use a cursor to fetch data withoutwriting code to reposition the cursor after a commit point:




END-EXEC. A cursor declared in this way can be closed when: _ A CLOSE cursor, ROLLBACK, or CONNECT statement is issued_ A CAF CLOSE function is issued_ The application program terminates. 

If the program abends, the cursor position is lost; to prepare forrestart, your program must reposition the cursor. The following restrictions apply for declaring WITH HOLD cursors: 

DECLARE CURSOR WITH HOLD should not be used with the new user signonfrom a DB2 attachment facility, because all open cursors are closed.

 Do not declare a WITH HOLD cursor in a thread that could becomeinactive. If you do, its locks will be held indefinitely.

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 +--- IMS ------------------------------------------------------------+¦ ¦¦ You cannot make use of DECLARE CURSOR...WITH HOLD for message ¦¦ processing programs (MPP) and message-driven batch message ¦¦ processing (BMP). Each message is a new user for DB2, and no ¦¦ cursors, whether declared using WITH HOLD or not, are continued ¦

¦ for a new user. You can use WITH HOLD for non-message-driven BMP ¦¦ and DL/I batch programs. ¦¦ ¦+--------------------------------------------------------------------+

 +--- CICS -----------------------------------------------------------+¦ ¦¦ In CICS applications, you can use DECLARE CURSOR...WITH HOLD to ¦¦ indicate that a cursor should not close at a commit or sync point. ¦¦ However, SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK closes all cursors, and end-of-task ¦¦ (EOT) closes all cursors before DB2 reuses or terminates the ¦¦ thread. Because pseudo-conversational transactions usually have ¦¦ multiple EXEC CICS RETURN statements and thus span multiple EOTs, ¦¦ the scope of a held cursor is limited. Across EOTs, a cursor ¦¦ declared WITH HOLD must be reopened and repositioned just as if ¦

¦ the WITH HOLD option had not been specified. ¦¦ ¦¦ You should always close cursors that you no longer need. If you ¦¦ let DB2 close a CICS attachment cursor, the cursor might not close ¦¦ until DB2 reuses or terminates the thread. ¦¦ ¦+-------------------------------------------------------------

3.3 Chapter 3-3. Using DCLGEN DCLGEN, the declarations generator supplied with DB2, produces a DECLAREstatement you can use in a PL/I, C, or COBOL program, so that you do notneed to code the statement yourself. 

DCLGEN generates a table declaration and puts it into a member of apartitioned data set that you can include in your program. When you useDCLGEN to generate a table's declaration, DB2 gets the relevantinformation from the DB2 catalog, which contains information about thetable's definition, and the definition of each column within the table.DCLGEN uses this information to produce a complete SQL DECLARE statementfor the table or view and a matching PL/I or C structure declaration orCOBOL record description. You can use DCLGEN for table declarations onlyif the table you are declaring already exists. DCLGEN must be used before the program is precompiled. Supply DCLGEN withthe table or view name before you precompile your program. To use thedeclarations in your program, use the SQL INCLUDE statement. DB2 must be active before you can use DCLGEN. You can invoke DCLGEN in

several different ways: _ From ISPF through DB2I. Select the DCLGEN option on the DB2I Primary

Option Menu panel. Next, fill in the DCLGEN panel with theinformation it needs to build the declarations and press ENTER.

 _ Directly from TSO. To do this, sign on to TSO, issue the TSO command

"DSN", and then issue the subcommand "DCLGEN". _ From a CLIST, running in TSO foreground or background, that issues DSN

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then DCLGEN. _ With JCL. Supply the required information, using JCL, and run DCLGEN

in batch. 

If you wish to invoke DCLGEN in the foreground, and your table namesinclude DBCS characters, you need to use a terminal that can input and

display double-byte characters. If you do not have such a terminal,you can enter DBCS character using the hex mode of ISPF edit. Subtopics3.3.1 Invoking DCLGEN through DB2I3.3.2 Including the Data Declarations in Your Program3.3.3 DCLGEN Support of C, COBOL, and PL/I Languages

3.3.4 Example: Adding a Table Declaration and Host-Variable Structure to a Library

3.3.1 Invoking DCLGEN through DB2I The easiest way to invoke DCLGEN is through DB2I. Figure 14 shows theDCLGEN panel you reach by selecting option 2, DCLGEN, on the DB2I PrimaryOptions Menu. For more instructions on using DB2I, see "Using ISPF and

DB2 Interactive (DB2I)" in topic 

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦ ¦¦ DSNEDP01 DCLGEN SSID: DSN ¦¦ ===> ¦¦ ¦¦ Enter table name for which declarations are required: ¦¦ 1 SOURCE TABLE NAME ===> (Unqualified table name) ¦¦ 2 TABLE OWNER ===> ¦¦ 3 AT LOCATION ..... ===> (Optional) ¦¦ ¦¦ Enter destination data set: (Can be sequential or partitioned) ¦¦ 4 DATA SET NAME ... ===> ¦

¦ 5 DATA SET PASSWORD ===> (If password protected) ¦¦ ¦¦ Enter options as desired: ¦¦ 6 ACTION .......... ===> (ADD new or REPLACE old declaration) ¦¦ 7 COLUMN LABEL .... ===> (Enter YES for column label) ¦¦ 8 STRUCTURE NAME .. ===> (Optional) ¦¦ 9 FIELD NAME PREFIX ===> (Optional) ¦¦ 10 DELIMIT DBCS .... ===> (Enter YES to delimit DBCS identifiers) ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ PRESS: ENTER to process END to exit HELP for more information ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦


Figure 14. DCLGEN Panel The following information explains the options on the DCGLEN panel and howto fill in the necessary fields in order to invoke the declarationsgenerator. SOURCE TABLE NAME

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Is the unqualified table name for which you want DCLGEN toproduce SQL data declarations. The table can be stored atyour DB2 location or at another DB2 location. To specify atable name at another DB2 location, enter the table qualifierin the TABLE OWNER field and the location name in the ATLOCATION field. DCLGEN generates a three-part table name fromthe SOURCE TABLE NAME, TABLE OWNER, and AT LOCATION fields.

You can also use an alias for a table name. To specify a table name that contains special characters orblanks, enclose the name in apostrophes. For example, tospecify a table named DON'S TABLE, enter the following:


 DBCS table names do not have to be enclosed in apostrophes.

 The underscore is not considered a special character. A tablenamed JUNE_PROFITS does not have to be enclosed inapostrophes.


Is the table name qualifier. If you do not specify thisvalue, and the table is a local table, DB2 assumes that thetable qualifier is your TSO logon ID. If the table is at aremote location, you must specify this value.


Is the location of the table in an interconnected network.The AT keyword option is used to prefix the table name on theSQL DECLARE statement as follows:


 for example,


 If no location is specified, then this option defaults to thelocal location name.

 This option applies to system-directed access only (that is,the location named must be another DB2 system).


Is the data set name you allocated to contain the declarationsthat DCLGEN produces. It can be either sequential orpartitioned. If this data set is password protected, you mustsupply the password in field 4.


Is the data set password for the data set specified in field 3

if the data set is password protected. ACTION

Tells what to do with the output when it is sent to apartitioned data set. (The option is ignored if the data setyou specified in field 3 is sequential.)

 ADD indicates that an old version of the output does notexist. A new member is created with the specified dataset name.

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 REPLACE indicates that an old version is replaced if italready exists.


COLUMN LABELIncludes labels declared on any columns of the table or view

DCLGEN is operating on. If you enter YES in this field, andif the table or view for which you are creating declarationsincludes column labels, those labels is included as commentsin the data declarations DCLGEN produces. Specifying NOcauses DCLGEN to ignore any column labels it encounters.


Names the generated data structure. The name can be up to 31bytes in length. If the name is not a DBCS string, and thefirst character is not alphabetic, then the name must beenclosed in apostrophes. If you leave this field blank,DCLGEN generates a name that contains the table or view namewith a prefix of DCL. If the language is COBOL or PL/I, andthe table or view name consists of a DBCS string, the prefixconsists of DBCS characters.

 If you use the C language, the letters you enter will not befolded to uppercase letters.


Prefixes names that are generated for fields in the DCLGENoutput. The value you choose can be up to 28 bytes in lengthand is used as the prefix for the field name. For example, ifyou choose ABCDE, the field names generated are ABCDE1,ABCDE2, and so on. If the name is a DBCS string, DBCSequivalents of the suffix numbers are generated. If you leavethis field blank, the field names are the same as the columnnames in the table or view.

 If you use the C language, the letters you enter will not be

folded to uppercase letters. DELIMIT DBCS

Specifies whether to delimit DBCS table names and column namesin the DCLGEN table declaration. If you enter YES, DBCS tableand column names are surrounded by SQL delimiters. YES is thedefault.


A table or column name in the DECLARE statement is generated as anon-delimited identifier unless at least one of the following is true: _ The name contains special characters and is not a DBCS string. _ The name is a DBCS string, and you have requested that DBCS names be


If you are using an SQL reserved word as an identifier, you must edit theDCLGEN output in order to add the appropriate SQL delimiters.

3.3.2 Including the Data Declarations in Your Program Use the following SQL INCLUDE statement to insert the table declaration

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and COBOL record description produced through the DCLGEN process into yoursource program: 



For example, to include a description for the DSN8310.EMP table, code: EXEC SQL


 In this example, DECEMP is a name of a member of a partitioned data setthat contains the table declaration and a corresponding COBOL recorddescription of the DSN8310.EMP table. (A COBOL record description is atwo-level host structure that corresponds to the columns of a table's row.Host structures are described in "Chapter 3-4. Embedding SQL Statementsin Host Languages" in topic 3.4.) To get a current description of thetable, use DCLGEN to generate the table's declaration and store it asmember DECEMP in a library (usually a partitioned data set) just beforeyou precompile the program.

 For various reasons, there are times when DCLGEN does not produce theresults you expect. You might need to edit the results, tailoring theoutput to your specific needs. For example, DCLGEN does not generatecolumns that are named NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT.

3.3.3 DCLGEN Support of C, COBOL, and PL/I Languages Variable names provided by DCLGEN are derived from the source in thedatabase. In Table 6, var represents variable names that are provided byDCLGEN when it is necessary to clarify the host language declaration. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

¦ Table 6. Declarations Generated by DCLGEN¦+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¦¦ SQL Data Type ¦ C ¦ COBOL¦ PL/I ¦+---------------------+------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+--------------------¦¦ SMALLINT ¦ short int ¦ PIC S9(4)¦ BIN FIXED(15) ¦¦ ¦ ¦ USAGE COMP¦ ¦+---------------------+------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+--------------------¦¦ INTEGER ¦ long int ¦ PIC S9(9)

¦ BIN FIXED(31) ¦¦ ¦ ¦ USAGE COMP¦ ¦+---------------------+------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+--------------------¦¦ DECIMAL(p,s) or ¦ Not generated (no ¦ PIC S9(p-s)V9(s)¦ DEC FIXED(p,s) ¦¦ NUMERIC(p,s) ¦ exact equivalent); ¦ USAGE COMP-3¦ If p>15, a warning ¦

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¦ ¦ comment replaces ¦ If p>18, a warning¦ is generated. ¦¦ ¦ the declaration. ¦ is generated.¦ ¦+---------------------+------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+--------------------¦¦ REAL or ¦ float ¦ USAGE COMP-1

¦ BIN FLOAT(n) ¦¦ FLOAT(n) ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ 1 <= n <= 21 ¦ ¦¦ ¦+---------------------+------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+--------------------¦¦ DOUBLE PRECISION ¦ double ¦ USAGE COMP-2¦ BIN FLOAT(n) ¦¦ or FLOAT(n) ¦ ¦¦ ¦+---------------------+------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+--------------------¦¦ CHAR(1) ¦ char ¦ PIC X(1)¦ CHAR(1) ¦

+---------------------+------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+--------------------¦¦ CHAR(n) ¦ char var [n+1] ¦ PIC X(n)¦ CHAR(n) ¦+---------------------+------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+--------------------¦¦ VARCHAR(n) ¦ struct ¦ 10 var.¦ CHAR(n) VAR ¦¦ ¦ {short int var_len; ¦ 49 var_LEN PIC 9(4) USAGE COMP.¦ ¦¦ ¦ char var_data[n]¦ 49 var_TEXT PIC X(n).¦ ¦¦ ¦ } var; ¦¦ ¦+---------------------+------------------------

+-------------------------------------------------+--------------------¦¦ GRAPHIC(n) ¦ Not generated (no ¦ PIC G(n) USAGE DISPLAY-1.(1)¦ GRAPHIC(n) ¦¦ ¦ exact equivalent); ¦ or¦ ¦¦ ¦ comment replaces ¦ PIC N(n).(1)¦ ¦¦ ¦ declaration. ¦¦ ¦+---------------------+------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+--------------------¦¦ VARGRAPHIC(n) ¦ Not generated (no ¦ 10 var.¦ GRAPHIC(n) VAR ¦¦ ¦ exact equivalent); ¦ 49 var_LEN PIC 9(4) USAGE COMP.¦ ¦

¦ ¦ comment replaces ¦ 49 var_TEXT PIC G(n) USAGEDISPLAY-1.(1) ¦ ¦¦ ¦ declaration. ¦ or¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ 10 var.¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ 49 var_LEN PIC 9(4) USAGE COMP.¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ 49 var_TEXT PIC N(n).(1)¦ ¦

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+---------------------+------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+--------------------¦¦ DATE ¦ char var[11](2) ¦ PIC X(10)(2)¦ CHAR(10)(2) ¦+---------------------+------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+--------------------¦¦ TIME ¦ char var[9](3) ¦ PIC X(8)(3)

¦ CHAR(8)(3) ¦+---------------------+------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+--------------------¦¦ TIMESTAMP ¦ char var[27] ¦ PIC X(26)¦ CHAR(26) ¦+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¦¦ Notes:¦¦¦¦ 1. DCLGEN chooses the format based on the character you specify as the DBCSsymbol on the COBOL Defaults panel. ¦¦¦

¦ 2. This declaration is used unless there is a date installation exit forformatting dates, in which case the ¦¦ length is that specified for the LOCAL DATE LENGTH installation option.¦¦¦¦ 3. This declaration is used unless there is a time installation exit forformatting times, in which case the ¦¦ length is that specified for the LOCAL TIME LENGTH installation option.¦+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ For further details about the DCLGEN subcommand, see Chapter 2 of Commandand Utility Reference.

3.3.4 Example: Adding a Table Declaration and Host-Variable Structure to a Library This example adds an SQL table declaration and a correspondinghost-variable structure to a library. This example is based on thefollowing scenario: _ The library name is prefix.TEMP.COBOL._ The member will be a new member named VPHONE._ The table is a local table named DSN8310.VPHONE._ The host-variable structure is for VS COBOL II._ The structure receives the default name DCLVPHONE. Information you must enter is shown in boldface type. 

Subtopics3.3.4.1 Step 1. Specify VS COBOL II as the Host Language3.3.4.2 Step 2. Create the Table Declaration and Host Structure Step 3. Examine the Results Step 1. Specify VS COBOL II as the Host Language Select option D on the ISPF/PDF menu to display the DB2I Defaults panel. Specify COB2 as the application language as shown in Figure 15, and then

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press Enter. The COBOL Defaults panel is then displayed as shown inFigure 16. Fill in the COBOL defaults panel as necessary and press Enter to save thenew defaults, if any, and return to the DB2I Primary Option menu. 

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ DSNEOP01 DB2I DEFAULTS ¦¦ COMMAND ===>_ ¦¦ ¦¦ Change defaults as desired: ¦¦ ¦¦ 1 DB2 NAME ............. ===> DSN (Subsystem identifier) ¦¦ 2 DB2 CONNECTION RETRIES ===> 0 (How many retries for DB2 connection¦¦ 3 APPLICATION LANGUAGE ===> COB2 (ASM/ASMH,C,COBOL/COB2,FORTRAN,PLI) ¦¦ 4 LINES/PAGE OF LISTING ===> 80 (A number from 5 to 999) ¦¦ 5 MESSAGE LEVEL ........ ===> I (Information, Warning, Error, Severe¦¦ 6 SQL STRING DELIMITER ===> DEFAULT (DEFAULT, ' or ") ¦

¦ 7 DECIMAL POINT ........ ===> . (. or ,) ¦¦ 8 STOP IF RETURN CODE >= ===> 8 (Lowest terminating return code) ¦¦ 9 NUMBER OF ROWS ===> 20 (For ISPF Tables) ¦¦ ¦¦ 10 DB2I JOB STATEMENT: (Optional if your site has a SUBMIT exit) ¦¦ ===> //USRT001A JOB (ACCOUNT),'NAME' ¦¦ ===> //* ¦¦ ===> //* ¦¦ ===> //* ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ PRESS: ENTER to process END to cancel HELP for more information ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+


Figure 15. DB2I Defaults Panel--Changing the Application Language 

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ DSNEOP02 COBOL DEFAULTS ¦¦ COMMAND ===>_ ¦¦ ¦¦ Change defaults as desired: ¦¦ ¦¦ 1 COBOL STRING DELIMITER ===> (DEFAULT, ' or ") ¦

¦ 2 DBCS SYMBOL FOR DCLGEN ===> (G/N - Character in PIC clause) ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ 

Figure 16. The COBOL Defaults Panel. Shown only if the applicationlanguage is COBOL or COB2. Step 2. Create the Table Declaration and Host Structure

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 Select option 2 on the DB2I Primary Option menu, and press Enter todisplay the DCLGEN panel. Fill in the fields as shown in Figure 17, and then press Enter. 

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦ ¦¦ DSNEDP01 DCLGEN SSID: DSN ¦¦ ===> ¦¦ Enter table name for which declarations are required: ¦¦ ¦¦ 1 SOURCE TABLE NAME ===> DSN8310.VPHONE ¦¦ 2 TABLE OWNER ===> ¦¦ 3 AT LOCATION ..... ===> (Location of table, optional) ¦¦ ¦¦ Enter destination data set: (Can be sequential or partitioned) ¦¦ 4 DATA SET NAME ... ===> TEMP(VPHONEC) ¦¦ 5 DATA SET PASSWORD ===> (If password protected) ¦¦ ¦¦ Enter options as desired: ¦

¦ 6 ACTION .......... ===> ADD (ADD new or REPLACE old declaration) ¦¦ 7 COLUMN LABEL .... ===> NO (Enter YES for column label) ¦¦ 8 STRUCTURE NAME .. ===> (Optional) ¦¦ 9 FIELD NAME PREFIX ===> (Optional) ¦¦ 10 DELIMIT DBCS ===> YES (Enter YES to delimit DBCS identifiers) ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ PRESS: ENTER to process END to exit HELP for more information ¦¦ ¦+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 

Figure 17. DCLGEN Panel--Selecting Source Table and Destination Data Set If the operation is successful, a message is displayed at the top of your

screen as shown in Figure 18. 

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦ ¦¦ EXECUTION COMPLETE, MEMBER VPHONEC ADDED ¦¦ *** ¦¦ ¦ 

Figure 18. Successful Completion Message 

DB2 then displays the screen as shown in Figure 19. Press Enter to returnto the DB2I Primary Option menu.


+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦ ¦¦ DSNEDP01 DCLGEN SSID: DSN ¦¦ ===> ¦¦ DSNE294I SYSTEM RETCODE=000 USER OR DSN RETCODE=0 ¦¦ Enter table name for which declarations are required: ¦¦ 1 SOURCE TABLE NAME ===> DSN8310.VPHONE ¦¦ 2 TABLE OWNER ===> ¦

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¦ 3 AT LOCATION ..... ===> (Location of table, optional) ¦¦ ¦¦ Enter destination data set: (Can be sequential or partitioned) ¦¦ 4 DATA SET NAME ... ===> TEMP(VPHONEC) ¦¦ 5 DATA SET PASSWORD ===> (If password protected) ¦¦ ¦¦ Enter options as desired: ¦

¦ 6 ACTION .......... ===> ADD (ADD new or REPLACE old declaration) ¦¦ 7 COLUMN LABEL .... ===> NO (Enter YES for column label) ¦¦ 8 STRUCTURE NAME .. ===> (Optional) ¦¦ 9 FIELD NAME PREFIX ===> (Optional) ¦¦ 10 DELIMIT DBCS ===> (Enter YES to delimit DBCS identifiers) ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ PRESS: ENTER to process END to exit HELP for more information ¦¦ ¦+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 

Figure 19. DCLGEN Panel--Displaying System and User Return Codes Step 3. Examine the Results To browse or edit the results, first exit from DB2I by entering X on thecommand line of the DB2I Primary Option menu. The ISPF/PDF menu is thendisplayed, and you can select either the browse or the edit option to viewthe results. For this example, the data set to edit is prefix.TEMP.COBOL(VPHONEC),which is shown in Figure 20. 











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Figure 20. DCLGEN Results Displayed in Edit Mode


4.1 Chapter 4-1. Designing a DB2 Database Application As with any application, you must plan and design programs to meet theapplication's requirements. Designing a DB2 database application requiresthat you also plan for binding, locking, recovery, and perhaps for usingdistributed data. This chapter includes the following subjects: 

_ "Planning to Precompile and Bind" in topic 4.1.1 describes the DB2bind process, the program preparation process, and methods of usingpackages within a plan. "Chapter 4-2. Preparing an ApplicationProgram to Run" in topic 4.2 provides specific details aboutcontrolling those processes.

 _ "Planning for Concurrency" in topic 4.1.2 describes what you might

want your application to do about DB2 locks to make best use of theresources in an environment where other programs run concurrently.

 _ "Planning for Recovery" in topic 4.1.3 describes considerations for

designing an application to recover from an interruption as quickly aspossible.

 _ "Planning to Access Distributed Data" in topic 4.1.4 describes how to

use DB2's system-directed access and application-directed access toaccess distributed data; it describes how each one might affect yourprogram design.

 Subtopics4.1.1 Planning to Precompile and Bind4.1.2 Planning for Concurrency4.1.3 Planning for Recovery4.1.4 Planning to Access Distributed Data

4.1.1 Planning to Precompile and Bind 

DB2 application programs include SQL statements. You cannot compile theseprograms until you change the SQL statements into language recognized byyour compiler or assembler. To do this, you must communicate the SQLrequests to DB2 by some other means. The DB2 precompiler does thefollowing: _ Replaces the SQL statements in your source programs with compilable

code. _ Creates a database request module (DBRM), which communicates your SQL

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requests to DB2 during the bind process. 

The entire program preparation process is illustrated in Figure 21."Chapter 4-2. Preparing an Application Program to Run" in topic 4.2supplies specific details about accomplishing these steps. 

After you have precompiled your source program, you create a load module,possibly one or more packages, and an application plan. It does notmatter which you do first. Creating a load module is similar to compilingand link-editing an application containing no SQL statements. Creating apackage or an application plan, a process unique to DB2, involves bindingone or more DBRMs. 


Figure 21. Program Preparation Overview. Two processes are performed:The compile and link-edit process, and the bind process.

 Subtopics Planning to Precompile4.1.1.2 Planning to Bind Automatic Rebinding Planning to Precompile The DB2 precompiler provides many options. Most of the options do notaffect the way you design or code the program. They allow you to tell theprecompiler what you have already done--for example, what host languageyou use or what value you depend on for the maximum precision of a decimalnumber. Or, they tell the precompiler what you want it to do--how manylines per page in the listing or whether you want a cross-referencereport. In many cases, you may want to accept the default value provided. 

A few options, however, can affect the way you code. For example, youneed to know if you are using NOFOR or STDSQL(86) before you begin coding. Before you begin coding, please review the list of options in Table 24 intopic Planning to Bind To access DB2 data, an SQL statement requires an access path. For dynamicSQL, such as statements issued through SPUFI, DB2 determines the accesspath when the statement executes. For statements that are not executedoften, this method is usually acceptable. However, an applicationtypically runs the same SQL statements repeatedly. In this case,determining the access path at execution time wastes system resources,because the same path must be determined repeatedly. To reduce use of

system resources, the access paths used each time the statements executecan be established once through binding. Depending upon how you design your DB2 application, you might bind allyour DBRMs in one operation, creating only a single application plan. Or,you might bind some or all of your DBRMs into separate packages inseparate operations. After that, you must still perform a bind processfor the entire application, listing the packages that are included andbinding any DBRMs that are not bound into packages. Regardless of whatthe plan contains, you must bind a plan before the application can run.

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Subtopics4. Deciding How to Use Packages4. Deciding What to Put into a Plan4. Rebinding a Package4. Rebinding a Plan Deciding How to Use Packages The question of how to use packages affects your application design fromthe beginning. For example, you might decide to put certain SQLstatements together in the same program in order to precompile them intothe same DBRM and then bind them into the same package. At its simplest, you can bind each DBRM into its own package. Aone-to-one correspondence between programs and packages might easily allowyou to keep track of each. However, your application could consist of toomany packages to track easily. At the other extreme, you can bind all your DBRMs to a single plan. Thisapproach has the disadvantage that, whenever your plan is rebound, the

operation includes all of the DBRMs, even though not all of them havechanged. For more information about rebinding, see"Automatic Rebinding"in topic . You must decide how to use packages based on your application design andyour operational objectives. Keep in mind the following: _ When using packages, the entire plan need not be rebound when a change

is made to one SQL statement. Only the package associated with thechanged statement has to be rebound.

 _ Binding packages allows you to add programs to an existing application

plan without having to rebind the entire plan. Packages can be boundinto a collection, which is a group of associated packages. When youbind the plan, you can associate an entire package collection with it;

later, you can add other packages to the collection, or replaceexisting packages, without rebinding the plan.

 _ Binding DBRMs as packages helps you to support multiple versions of

the same program. To maintain multiple versions in a plan withoutpackages requires separate plans for each version, and thereforeseparate plan names and RUN commands. Isolating versions of a programby using packages allows you to maintain only one plan and helps tomake program migration and fallback easier. For example, you couldconcurrently maintain development, test, and production levels of aprogram by binding each level of each program as a separate package,all within a single plan.

 _ Most options specified when binding the plan apply only to the DBRMs

bound directly to the plan. You can use different options when you

bind a package that is included in the plan. _ By using packages, you can use different qualifiers for SQL statements

in different parts of your application. When you bind a package, youcan name a qualifier for the unqualified object names in its DBRM.When you bind the plan, you can name a different qualifier forunqualified object names in DBRMs bound directly to the plan. Hence,by rebinding, you can redirect your SQL statements from, say, a testtable to a production table.


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+--- CICS -----------------------------------------------------------+¦ ¦¦ With packages, you probably do not need a dynamic plan selection ¦¦ and its accompanying exit routine. A package listed within a plan ¦¦ is not accessed until it is executed. However, it is possible to ¦¦ use dynamic plan selection and packages together. Doing so can ¦¦ reduce the number of plans in an application, and fewer plans can ¦

¦ mean that less effort is required to maintain the dynamic plan ¦¦ exit). See "Using Packages with Dynamic Plan Selection" in ¦¦ topic for information on using packages with dynamic plan ¦¦ selection. ¦¦ ¦+--------------------------------------------------------------------+


Before you bind packages, consider the following: _ Develop a naming convention and strategy for the most effective and

efficient use of your packages. _ Determine whether your application requires that all resources be

acquired when the plan is allocated or when your program first uses

the resources. DBRMs bound directly to a plan can acquire resourcesat either allocation or first use, depending on what you specify inthe ACQUIRE option. Packages, by default, always acquire resourceswhen they are first used. Deciding What to Put into a Plan Input to binding the plan can include DBRMs only, a package list only, ora combination of the two. 

Binding All DBRMs to a Plan: Binding all DBRMs to a plan is suitable forsmall applications that are unlikely to change or that require allresources to be acquired when the plan is allocated rather than when yourprogram first uses them.


Binding with a Package List Only: Binding a plan that includes only apackage list makes maintenance easier when the application will changesignificantly over time. Because different BIND options can be specifiedwhen binding each package, you can control such things as qualifiers andisolation level. 

Binding with Both DBRMs and a Package List: Binding DBRMs directly to theplan and specifying a package list is suitable for maintaining existingapplications. You can add a package list when rebinding an existing plan.To migrate gradually to using packages, bind DBRMs as packages when somechange is needed. Rebinding a Package The following example shows the options for rebinding a package in thecollection GROUP1. In the example below, the location ID is SNTERSA, thepackage ID is PROGA, and the version ID is V1. The connection types shownin the REBIND subcommand replace connection types that might have beenspecified during the original BIND operation. 


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The asterisk can also be used on the REBIND subcommand. In the followingexample, all packages in all collections at the local DB2 system arerebound. The asterisk does not apply to packages at remote sites. 

REBIND PACKAGE(*) Rebinding a Plan If DBRMs for an application are bound directly to a plan, then the entireplan must be recreated using BIND with the REPLACE option.

4.1.2 Planning for Concurrency DB2 allows more than one application process to access the same data atessentially the same time. This is known as concurrency, and it cannot beprovided without cost. To control such undesirable effects as lostupdates, access to uncommitted data, and unrepeatable reads, concurrencymust be controlled. 

Lost updates. Without concurrency control, two processes, A and B,might both read the same row from the database, and both calculate newvalues for one of its columns, based on what they read. If A updatesthe row with its new value, and then B updates the same row, A'supdate is lost.

 Access to uncommitted data. Additionally, without concurrencycontrol, process A might update a value in the database, and process Bmight read that value before it was committed. Then, if A's value isnot later committed, but backed out, B's calculations are based onuncommitted (and presumably incorrect) data.

 Unrepeatable reads. Some processes require the following sequence ofevents: A reads a row from the database and then goes on to processother SQL requests. Later, A reads the first row again and must find

the same values it read the first time. Without control, process Bcould have changed the row between the two reads.


To prevent those situations from occurring, DB2 uses locks to controlconcurrency. A lock associates a DB2 resource with an application processin a way that affects how other processes can access the same resource.The process associated with the resource is said to "hold" or "own" thelock. DB2 uses locks to ensure that no process accesses data that hasbeen changed, but not yet committed, by another process. To preserve data integrity, a process acquires locks implicitly, that is,under DB2 control. It is never necessary for a process to request a lockexplicitly to conceal uncommitted data. Therefore, sometimes you need notdo anything about DB2 locks. Nevertheless, processes acquire locks on the

basis of certain general parameters; you can make better use of yourresources and improve concurrency by understanding the effects of thoseparameters. There are two major classes of locks in DB2. 

Transaction locks are used primarily to control access by SQLstatements. Those locks are the ones over which you have the mostcontrol, and the ones we describe in most detail. Hereafter, lock(with no qualifier) refers to transaction lock.

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 Drain locks are used to control access by DB2 utilities and commands.A means called draining allows utilities and commands to acquirepartial or full control of a needed object with least interruption toconcurrent access. For information on concurrency control byutilities and commands, see Section 7 (Volume 3) of AdministrationGuide.


DB2 transaction locks can be compared in four basic aspects: object,size, duration, and mode. Subtopics4.1.2.1 The Object of a Lock4.1.2.2 The Size of a Lock4.1.2.3 The Duration of a Lock4.1.2.4 The Mode of a Lock4.1.2.5 Lock Compatibility4.1.2.6 Effects of DB2 Locks4.1.2.7 Specifying the Bind Options that Affect Locking4.1.2.8 Explicitly Locking a Table Access Paths The Object of a Lock The object of a lock is the resource being locked. You have most controlover locks on user data in tables. But there are also locks on DB2internal objects. Most of those you are never aware of, but sometimes youhave to consider locks on: _ The skeleton cursor table (SKCT) representing an application plan and

the skeleton package table (SKPT) representing a package_ The database descriptor (DBD) representing each DB2 database. Locks on data include some items occasionally overlooked. A lock on user

data also can control indexes on that data. Some operations that lockuser data also lock portions of the DB2 catalog. Also, operations subjectto referential constraints can require locks on related tables. Forexample, if you try to delete a row from a parent table, DB2 might have todelete rows from the dependent table as well. If you try to update aprimary key column of a parent row, DB2 has to check whether a dependentrow exists. In both those cases, DB2 must lock and read data in thedependent table as well as the parent table. (For more information onreferential constraints, see Section 4 (Volume 2) of Administration

The maximum size of a Tablespace can be 64Gb.It is the storage unit for Recovery and Reorganisation.A large Tablespace can be partitioned. In that case, the unit of Recovery and Reorg.is each individual partition.There are three types of Tablespaces :

Simple TablespacePartitioned TablespaceSegmented Tablespace

Simple TablespacesGenerally it contains a single table. However it can contain multiple tables.It is possible to store the records from related tables together, in an interleavedfashion.This particularly improves the performance of table join queries.However the queries involving sequential tablespace scans will suffer.

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Partitioned TablespacesA Partitioned Tablespace contains exactly 1 table.Very large tables are generally partitioned.The partitioning is done on the value ranges of a column or combination of columns.Each individual partition can be individually recovered or reorganised.Each partition can be associated to independent storage groups and thus stored on

different DASD volumes to reduce the I/O load.

Segmented TablespacesA Segmented Tablespace can contain multiple tables.However the cross clustering of tables is not allowed.A Table can span across multiple Segments.One Segment can contain records from a single Table only.Segment size can be defined while defining the table using SEGSIZE parameter.It has to be a multiple of 4 pages ranging from 4 to 64 pages. The Size of a Lock Size (sometimes scope or level) applies only to locks on data in tables.

It refers to the amount of data controlled. As Figure 22 shows, the samepiece of data can be controlled by locks of different sizes. A tablespace lock (the largest size) controls the most data, a page lock (thesmallest) controls the least.

Simple table space orSegmented table space partitioned table space+---------------------------+ +---------------------------+¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ Table space lock ¦ ¦ Table space lock ¦+---------------------------+ +---------------------------+

¦ ¦+---------------+ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ Table lock ¦ ¦+---------------+ ¦

¦ ¦+---------+ +---------+¦ Page ¦ ¦ Page ¦¦ lock ¦ ¦ lock ¦+---------+ +---------+

 Figure 22. Sizes of Objects Locked 

Locking larger or smaller amounts of data allows you to trade performancefor concurrency. When page locks are used: _ Concurrency improves, meaning better response times and higher

throughput rates for many users._ Processing time and use of storage increases. That is especially

evident in batch processes that scan or update a large number ofpages.

 When only table or table space locks are used: _ Processing time and storage usage is reduced._ Concurrency can be reduced, meaning longer response times for some

users but better throughput for one user. The principal means of controlling the size of locks are:

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 _ Installation options. For guidance on using the applicable options,

see Section 7 (Volume 3) of Administration Guide._ The LOCKSIZE clause of the CREATE and ALTER TABLESPACE statements.

Its use is also described in Section 7 (Volume 3) of AdministrationGuide.

_ The SQL LOCK TABLE statement, described in "Explicitly Locking a

Table" in topic

More Than One Table in a Table Space: In a segmented table space, a lockcan apply to the entire table space, to a single table, or to a singlepage. In a simple table space or a partitioned table space, a lock canapply only to the entire table space or to a single page. In a simple table space, a single page can contain rows from more than onetable. A lock on the page or on the entire table space locks all the datain the page or table space, no matter what table the data belongs to. Alock needed to access data from one table can make data from other tablestemporarily unavailable. In a segmented table space, however, rows from different tables arecontained in different pages. Hence, locking a page in a segmented table

space does not lock data from more than one table. 

Partitioned Table Spaces: A partitioned table space is locked by lockingeach of the partitions. Utility jobs can control separate partitions of atable space or index space. The Duration of a Lock The duration of a lock is the length of time the lock is held. It variesaccording to when the lock is acquired and when it is released. 

Duration of Table and Table Space Locks: Table and table space locks canbe acquired when a plan is first allocated, or you can delay acquiringthem until the resource they lock is first used. For the principal meansof controlling the duration of these locks, see: "The ACQUIRE and RELEASEOptions" in topic 

Duration of Page Locks: Page locks are acquired when the page is firstaccessed. When they are released depends on many factors. For details oncontrolling the duration of page locks, see "The ISOLATION Option" intopic The Mode of a Lock

 The mode (sometimes state) of a lock tells what access to the lockedobject is permitted to the lock owner and to any concurrent applicationprocesses. Figure 23 shows the possible modes for page locks; Figure 24 shows themodes for table and table space locks. When a page is locked, the tableor table space containing it is also locked. In that case, the table ortable space lock has one of the intent modes: IS, IX, or SIX. (Incontrast, the modes S, U, and X of table and table space locks are

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sometimes called gross modes.) 

Locks on Indexes: The transaction lock acquired on a table space appliesequally to all indexes on all tables in the table space. The lockacquired on a table in a segmented table space applies to all indexes onthe table. Thus, if an application process has an S or X lock on a table

space, the indexes are also locked in S or X mode and index pages orsubpages are not locked separately. If the process has an IS, IX, or SIXlock on the table space, particular index pages or subpages can be lockedseparately. Utilities do not typically require transaction locks. They can acquirecontrol on a table space without locking its indexes, or on an indexwithout locking the table space, through the claim and drain mechanisms.Thus, some utilities can operate concurrently with other utilities, orwith SQL access (possibly read-only). For more specific information, seeSection 7 (Volume 3) of Administration Guide and the descriptions ofparticular utilities in Chapter 3 of Command and Utility Reference. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦ ¦

¦ Page Lock Modes ¦¦ ¦¦ Modes and their effects are listed in the order of increasing control ¦¦ over resources. ¦¦ ¦¦ S (SHARE) ¦¦ The lock owner and any concurrent processes can read, but not ¦¦ change, the locked page. Concurrent processes can acquire S or ¦¦ U locks on the page or might read data without acquiring a page ¦¦ lock. ¦¦ ¦¦ U (UPDATE) ¦¦ The lock owner can read, but not change, the locked page; ¦¦ however, the owner can promote the lock to an X lock and then ¦¦ can change the page. Processes concurrent with the U lock can ¦

¦ acquire S locks and read the page, but no concurrent process can ¦¦ acquire a U lock. ¦¦ ¦¦ U locks reduce the chance of deadlocks when the lock owner is ¦¦ reading a page to determine whether to change it. If the lock ¦¦ is promoted to mode X, that lock is held at least until a commit ¦¦ point. But if the lock is not promoted, it might be released ¦¦ before the commit point. ¦¦ ¦¦ X (EXCLUSIVE) ¦¦ The lock owner can read or change the locked page. Concurrent ¦¦ processes cannot acquire any lock on the page nor can they ¦¦ access the locked page. ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦

¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦+------------------------------------------------------------------------+Figure 23. Modes of Page Locks +------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦ ¦¦ Table and Table Space Lock Modes ¦

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¦ ¦¦ Modes and their effects are listed in the order of increasing control ¦¦ over resources. ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ IS (INTENT SHARE) ¦

¦ The lock owner can read data in the table or table space, but ¦¦ not change it. Concurrent processes can both read and change ¦¦ the data. The lock owner might acquire a page lock on any data ¦¦ it reads. ¦¦ ¦¦ IX (INTENT EXCLUSIVE) ¦¦ The lock owner and concurrent processes can read and change data ¦¦ in the table or table space. The lock owner must acquire a page ¦¦ lock on any data it reads or changes. ¦¦ ¦¦ S (SHARE) ¦¦ The lock owner and any concurrent processes can read, but not ¦¦ change, data in the table or table space. The lock owner does ¦¦ not need page locks on data it reads. ¦¦ ¦

¦ U (UPDATE) ¦¦ The lock owner can read, but not change, the locked data; ¦¦ however, the owner can promote the lock to an X lock and then ¦¦ can change the data. Processes concurrent with the U lock can ¦¦ acquire S locks and read the data, but no concurrent process can ¦¦ acquire a U lock. The lock owner does not need page locks. ¦¦ ¦¦ U locks reduce the chance of deadlocks when the lock owner is ¦¦ reading data to determine whether to change it. ¦¦ ¦¦ SIX (SHARE with INTENT EXCLUSIVE) ¦¦ The lock owner can read and change data in the table or table ¦¦ space. Concurrent processes can read data in the table or table ¦¦ space, but not change it. Only when the lock owner changes ¦¦ data, does it acquire page locks. ¦

¦ ¦¦ X (EXCLUSIVE) ¦¦ The lock owner can read or change data in the table or table ¦¦ space. No concurrent process can access the data. The lock ¦¦ owner does not need page locks. ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦+------------------------------------------------------------------------+Figure 24. Modes of Table and Table Space Locks Lock Compatibility As Figure 23 in topic and Figure 24 in topic show, locksof some modes do not shut out all other users. Assume that applicationprocess A holds a lock on a table space that process B also wants toaccess. DB2 requests, on behalf of B, a lock of some particular mode. Ifthe mode of A's lock permits B's request, the two locks (or modes) aresaid to be compatible.

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 If the two locks are not compatible, B cannot proceed. It must wait untilA releases its lock. (And, in fact, it must wait until all existingincompatible locks are released.) Compatibility for page locks is easy to define: Table 19 shows whetherlocks of any two modes are compatible (Yes) or not (No).

 +------------------------------+¦ Table 19. Compatibility of ¦¦ Page Lock Modes ¦+------------------------------¦¦ Page ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ Lock Mode¦ S ¦ U ¦ X ¦+------------+-----+-----+-----¦¦ S ¦ Yes ¦ Yes ¦ No ¦+------------+-----+-----+-----¦¦ U ¦ Yes ¦ No ¦ No ¦+------------+-----+-----+-----¦¦ X ¦ No ¦ No ¦ No ¦+------------------------------+