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December Retreat 2017 Programme (Eindhoven Region)


Arrival & personal prayer: 09:00-09:15; Morning Prayer: 09:30-10:00; Lunch break: 13:00-14:00






09:45 11:00



11:00 12:00



12:10 12:55


13:00 13:45

Afternoon Activity

14:00 15:30



15:30 17:00


22 DEC

Arrival and readiness for blessing


The deliverance and dominion of a conquering Christian


23 DEC

The wonder of the tongue



(Quiz me)




The Brides covenant with the heavenly Bridegroom


24 DEC

No curse for new creatures





His sacrifice, our sufficiency


25 DEC

Publicity & Prep

17:00 20:00

Special programme






DATE 22nd 25th DECEMBER 2017



Isaiah 43:18-21

Glory and thanks be to God for His goodness and mercy upon us, for making us to see the end of another year and this great period of abundant blessings at this years December Retreat. The theme of this years December Retreat is The Dawn of a New Beginning. God wants to make all things new and supply all our needs. The table is set for a time of feasting in the presence of the Lord. God will give grace and power for unlimited victory over sin, sickness and Satan. Do not give in to the tricks of the devil. Have faith in God and believe that you will not go back as you came.

For us to get the best and enjoy the fullness of the blessings that God has prepared for us at this retreat, it is essential that we walk in obedience to the word of God. We must:

(i) be united to work together to keep the unity of the spirit in the atmosphere of love and peace, with all lowliness and meekness with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love (Ephesians 4:3,2),

(ii) walk by the same rule and be of the same mind, doing the same thing at the same time (Philippians 3:16),

(iii) follow the steps of Jesus and be an example of a true friend of Jesus in speaking, in love, in spirit, in faith and holiness of life (1Peter 2:21; 1John 2:6; 1 Timothy 4:12),

(iv) let no filthiness, foolish talking or jesting be once named among you, as becometh saints (Ephesians 5:3;4),

(v) pray always; pray before and after every message and activities (Luke 18:1; 1Thessalonians 5:17),

(vi) come early to class, concentrate and participate actively in all the retreat activities and messages. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is (Hebrews 10:25),

(vii) do not allow anyone or anything to distract or deceive you with lies and false doctrine from concentrating on the pure word of God. Every word of God is pure, thou shall not add thereto, nor diminish from it. Recognize those who cause divisions and confusion on the teachings of the word of God we have learned and avoid them. (Proverbs 30:5; Deuteronomy 12:32; Romans 16:17).

If ye know these things, happy are ye if you do them (John 13:17). This is the dawn of a new beginning and all things are ready. God has promised to give us a new beginning of good things in every area of our lives and make all things new. He will turn sinners to saints (holy children of God), sorrow to joy, failure to success, suffering and pain to satisfaction and pleasure, poverty to prosperity and defeat to victory.

This years December retreat promises to be a time of refreshing from the Lord and solution to all problems. It is with great delight, I therefore welcome you to this period of abundant blessings and unforgettable time of refreshing in the presence of God.


Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 1:18-25; John 3:3-7,14-17

When a child is born, everyone is happy. Even when they do not know what the child would become in the future, they take good care of him hoping for the best. But before Jesus was born, it was clear who He is and what He would become. His birth was unique and cannot be compared to any other person. He is the only one ever born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14). This makes Him the only one born without sin. As a result, He lived throughout His life on earth without doing any bad thing. His birth was long foretold by prophets and angels (Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 1:20-22). He was born the Saviour and a blessing to the whole world (John 3:16,17). He is the only child born without the nature of sin. This makes Him to be the spotless Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world (John 1:29). He was born and lived on earth without doing any bad thing (sin) (Hebrews 4:16). He is the Son of God and He pleased God the Father in all things. Do you know Jesus?

1.BORN TO SAVE THE WORLD: Matthew 1:21: John 3:16,17.

HIV/AIDS is a disease that does not have cure in medical science, presently. Doctors can only provide medicine and advice that can help the patient to manage his health until he eventually dies. The medicine or advice never takes away the disease. Sin is like that, nothing can take it away except the blood of Jesus. Jesus alone is the cure for sin. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS; for she shall save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). No idea or religious practice can take away sin. They may only make one feel decent, good or better but they do not take sin away from the heart. Jesus was born to save from sin. That is why His birth was announced with great joy to the shepherds who kept watch over their flocks by night. Many people have tried to overcome sin by their own power and religious activities. But they end up disappointed and embarrassed by the sinful nature within. Sin is a very major problem of man. No person can overcome it in his own life or remove it from another persons life. Many great warriors, rich and intelligent people had lived on earth but none has overcome sin nor provided solution to sin. Jesus who did not commit any sin, took the punishment for sin and died for us (1 Peter 2:22-25). Just as there is only one sun in the universe, so is Jesus the only Saviour for everyone on earth who believes in Him for salvation. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).

Jesus Christ also saves from (i) Satan Hebrews 2:14; (ii) sickness and diseases

1 Peter 2:24; (iii) death John 11:25; Hebrews 2:14, 15; (iv) the wrath to come

1 Thessalonians 1:10; (vi) everything that is against us- Colossians 2:14.

2. BORN AGAIN INTO GODS FAMILY: John 3:3-7;1:12; 1 John 3:5-10.

Each child belongs to a family. Sometimes the family a person belongs may determine the kind of privileges he enjoys in life or the inheritance he gets later. Some children may wish they could move to belong to another wealthy, royal or happy family. But this is often not possible in the physical human family. Anyone who is still committing sin belongs to the devil. (1 John 3:8). Unlike in the human family system, as a sinner, you can switch family to become a child of God and a member of Gods family by being born again. To become born again, you will know yourself as a sinner and desire that you want all your sins to be taken away. Repent and forsake your sins, ask God to forgive you and wash your heart with the blood of Jesus and invite Jesus to come into your heart to be your Saviour and Lord. When you receive Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and Lord (John 1:12; 3:16), you become a child of God and member of Gods Kingdom.

Being born into Gods kingdom allows you to enjoy lots of privileges or benefits as you continue to obey the word of God and follow Jesus Christ. Some of them are: (i) Power to become the son of God. John 1:12. (ii) Presence of Jesus all the time. (Matthew 28:20) (iii) Divine protection. (Deuteronomy 31:8) (iv) Good success. (Joshua 1:8). (v) Healing and health (Exodus 15:26). (vi) Everlasting life. That is, Gods kind of life that does not end; and that frees us from the power of sin and Satans control. (John 3:16). (vii) Power to cast out devils, heal the sick and do other wonderful things in Jesus name. (Mark 16:17). (viii) Living with Jesus in Heaven forever. (John 14: 2-3)

3. BEARING THE GOOD NEWS OF THE KINGDOM: Psalm 126:6,7; Matthew 28:18-20;

Mark 16:15.

Farmers plant seeds so that there can be enough food for their families to eat and sell to others. The good news about the birth of Jesus Christ, His sacrifice, His death on the cross to save and set us free from the bondage of sin and Satan is like precious seeds. We must spread it everywhere by telling people wherever you go so that they also will believe and be saved (Psalm 126: 6). You can do it by giving them gospel tracts, magazines, and other Christian literature. You should go everywhere preaching to one person at a time. You may also use sms or voice calls, letter writing, DVDS and CDS of gospel messages to take the good news to people. You are to preach the gospel at school, at home, on playgrounds, in the bus, train, boat, and ferry. Preach it everywhere you go and to all the people you meet. People cannot know the way of salvation unless we go and tell them. Stand on your feet now, tell God that you will go and tell them. If you are not yet saved from sin, it is time for you to pray and give your life to Jesus.


1. Why is the birth of Jesus unique?

2. Who is the only cure for sin?

3. Name some of the other things Jesus saves from?

4. How does one become a member of Gods family?

5. Mention some of the privileges of being born into Gods family.


John 13:34-35; 15:12,13; 1 John 1:3; 3:10,11,14-18,23; 4:7-21

God is love. He established the Christian faith on the foundation of His love. For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). All those who believe and receive Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and Lord become members of Gods family. God desires and commands that all His children should love one another and continue in the fellowship of love with one another as members of the same family.

Love is the centre point of our Christian life and relationship. Love is the major characteristic of true children of God. Boys and girls who do not have genuine salvation cannot demonstrate the love of God because they do not have the nature of God in them. We cannot claim to be true children of God if we do not possess His love in our hearts. We shall consider three sub-topics:

1. CHARACTERISTICS OF GODS LOVE: John 3:16; 13:34,35; Romans 5:6,8,9.

Love is a major attribute of God. God is love, His love is agape; a selfless, sacrificial, impartial, holy and perfect love. God because of His love, does not want anyone to suffer or perish in hell, He sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live. Jesus Christ came and died on the cross for our sins. Hereby perceived we the love of God, because he laid down His life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. Jesus Christ has shown us the example of love. As friends of Jesus, we also must sacrifice to meet the needs of the brethren and put joy in the life of others.

2. ABC OF CHRISTLIKE LOVE IN GODS FAMILY: John 4:11-15; 13:34,35;

Ephesians 5:25; 1 John 3:10-11, 14-18,23.

As friends of Jesus the way we, pray, preach, teach, speak, visit and fellowship must be in the love of God. We are commanded to love others as Jesus loved us and show love to both saints and sinful boys and girls. We must go and preach the love of Jesus to sinners so that they also will be saved and not perish. Our love must be practical and not just in words. My little children, let us not love in word neither in tongue but in deed and truth (1 John 3:18). Practical ways to show love to one another are: Assist one another, Bear one anothers burden, by giving a helping hand in solving others problems. Care for one another. Defend each other in every good way. Encourage one another. Fellowship one with another so that there will be no isolation or loneliness. Give to meet others need, give your time, talent, money, knowledge and ability. Hear other peoples opinion. Influence one another for the better. Judge not one another. Keep one another. Love one another. Be Merciful to one another. Nurture and Nourish one another in the word of God. Obey your parents and pastors. Pray one for another. Be Quick to forgive. Rejoice with one another. Support one another. Teach one another. Uphold one another. Visit the sick, new friends of Jesus, and visitors. Watch over the brethren and Warn the people who are going astray. Exhort one another. Yield to each other. Zealously serve one another.

Let others see the love of God in you. Walk in love as Christ also have loved us (Ephesians 5:1,2).

3. TRUE FELLOWSHIP OF GODS CHILDREN: Psalm 133:1-3; Acts 2:40-47; Romans 12:10; 1 John 5:5-7

When we give our lives to Jesus Christ and receive Him as our Saviour and Lord, we become children of God and receive His nature of love and the privilege to enjoy the benefits of His kingdom (John 1:12). Thus, we receive the ability to love and fellowship with God and other children in the family of God. True fellowship always have the characteristics of oneness and love. Friends of Jesus in the early church continued daily with one accord in the temple, and in breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart.

Some other elements of true fellowship can be explained with the acronym of the word fellowship:

Forgiveness and Forbearance Serve one another

Edify and ExhortHumility with each other

Love one anotherIntercede for one another

Like mindednessPrefer others above ones self

Observe the word of God

Weep with those who weep

True fellowship is based on our salvation and love of God. As Children of God, our fellowship is no more with sinners or evil works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11). There can be no fellowship of saints (children of God) with sinners. To partake of Gods love and fellowship of Gods children, sinful boys and girls must first turn away from their bad ways, ask God for forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. They will then become Gods children and partakers of His love and fellowship with other children of God. When the trumpet sounds, and Jesus comes to take His friends to heaven, then we shall continue the fellowship with Him.


1. God is __________________?

2. Mention some of the characteristics of Gods love

3. Mention the ABC of Christian love

4. State some elements of true fellowship

5. What must sinful boys and girls do to partake of Gods love and fellowship of Gods




Select five children and have them line up in front of the class. The teacher should be the moderator and appoint someone as the scorer. Give each child 20 seconds to spell the following Bible words one after the other. Failure to spell a given word correctly within the allotted time, the participant will be withdrawn. Youll then continue with the remaining participants until a winner emerges.


(1) Bible(2) Holy(3) God(4) Jesus(5) Christ(6) Come(7) John

(8) Grace(9) Wonders(10) Altar(11) Zion(12) Repent(13) Peace(14) Lord.


(1) Holiness(2) Wilderness(3) Weapon(4) Humility(5) Judgment(6) Wholesome(7) Revelation(8) Synagogue(9) Reconcile

(10) Redemption (11) Kingdom(12) Commandments(13) Perseverance

(14) Buckler(15) Charity(16)Conscience(17) Conversion

(18) Restitution(19)Multitude(20) Covenant


(1) Regeneration(2) Sanctification(3) Supplication(4) Nebuchadnezzar

(5) Recompense(6) Justification(7) Compassion(8) Circumcision

(9) Covetousness(10) Tribulation(11) Resurrection(12) Predestination

(13) Acquaintance(14) Beguile(15) Circumcision(16) Ensign

(17) Faithfulness(18) Genealogies(19) Incorruptible(20) Lasciviousness


AGES 3-5 Jonah chapter 2

AGES 6-8 Jonah chapter 1

AGES 9-12 Jonah chapters 3 and 4


Give the above Bible passages to the children to learn and commit to memory before the Retreat. They should come to the retreat prepared to participate in the recitation.


John 21:1-25

Allocate the verses in the above passage to the children in the class. Starting from verse 1, the children are to rise up, read their portion until everyone has taken his or her turn.


1. What is the last book of the Old Testament? (Malachi)

2. Jesus was born in ____________(Bethlehem)

3. Jesus is the son of _____________(God)

4. The blood of Jesus washes us from all ________ (sin)

5. Who were the father and mother of Esau and Jacob? (Isaac and Rebekah)

6. Who was the small boy that killed a giant?(David)

7. How many times was Naaman asked to dip himself in the river?(7 times)

8. Recite John 3:16

9. The 1st book of the Bible is called _____________(Genesis)

10. How many people were sent to spy out the Land of Jericho?(2 people)

11. Who said this verily verily ye must be born-again?(Jesus)

12. His brothers hated him because of his dreams, who was he?(Joseph)

13. How old was Josiah when he became king?(8 years)

14. ______ brought gifts to Jesus when He was born?(Wise men)

15. Recite Matthew 1:21

1. The first five books of the Bible is also referred to as the book of _____(the law)

2. How many people were saved in Noahs ark?(8 people)

3. Who among the prophets is referred to as the weeping prophet?(Jeremiah)

4. The 1st person in the New Testament to die for Christs sake is?(Stephen)

5. Because of his wickedness, God punished him and sent him to live with animals in the bush. Who was he and for how many years?(King Nebuchadnezzar, 7 years)

6. The third book in the New Testament is __________________(Luke)

7. How many years did the children of Israel spend in Egypt?(430 years)

8. The Ten Commandment was given through ______ on mount _____ (Moses, Sinai)

9. _____ was a brave man who killed a thousand people with the jawbone of an ass?


10. _________ was asked by Prophet Elisha to go and dip himself in the river Jordan to be cleansed of leprosy?(Naaman)

11. He climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus. Who was he?(Zacchaeus)

12. And God said let there be light and there was light. Where can this be found in the Bible?(Genesis 1:3)

13. He prayed and the answer was delayed for 21 days. Who was that?(Daniel)

14. Who was the oldest man in the Bible?(Methuselah)

15. Recite Matthew 1:21


1. Recite John chapter 3:36 (He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him).

2. Where can you find this verse in the Bible Wash ye, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes, cease to do evil? (Isaiah 1:16).

3. Her faith made her whole when she touched the hem of Jesus garment. Who was she? (The woman with the issue of blood).

4. What type of food did John the Baptist eat in the wilderness? (Locust).

5. What was the first statement God made at the time of creation? (And God said let there be light and there was light).

6. Paul was shipwrecked on which Island? (Malta).

7. What was Simon Peters occupation before he became an apostle? (Fisherman).

8. The high priest of Jerusalem who put Jesus on trial was? (Caiaphas).

9. Who killed John the Baptist? (King Herod).

10. In what River was Jesus baptized? (River Jordan).

11. Which two Old Testament character appeared with Jesus at the transfiguration? (Elijah and Moses).

12. Who was the first person to come across the injured man in the parable of the good Samaritan? (The Priest).

13. To what city is Saul travelling when he encountered the great and blinding light that led to his conversion? (Damascus)

14. What name did Abraham call the place where he sacrificed a ram instead of his son Isaac? (Jehovah-Jireh; Genesis 22:14).

15. What was the name of the father of James and John, the disciples of Jesus? (Zebedee; Matthew 4: 21).

16. What is Jesus command to all His friends in Mark 16:15?

17. How many people were in the upper room on the day of Pentecost? (120 people).

18. With how many stone did David kill Goliath?

19. The name of the king that married Esther is _______? (Ahasuerus)

20. What is the name of the man who gave wrong counsel to Amnon when he lusted after Tamar, his sister? (Jonadab).

21. I thirst! Who said this and on what occasion?


The children with help of the teacher are to write out the command of God to all friends of Jesus. Rearrange the message and write them out in the lines provided.



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Mark 16:15,16




