dcsp-2: fourier transform i jianfeng feng [email protected] feng/dcsp.html

DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng [email protected] http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~feng/ dcsp.html

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Page 1: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I

Jianfeng Feng

[email protected]


Page 2: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html


• Tuesday (L) 11.00 –- 12.00 CS1.01

• Wednesday (L) 12.00 —13.00 room R1.13

• Thursday (S) 10.00 -- 11.00 CS1.01

From this week, seminar starts

   Tian Ge

Page 3: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

• Data transmission: Channel characteristics, signalling methods, interference and noise, synchronisation, data compression and encryption;

Daily life terminology: information, information rate, sampling etc.

Page 4: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

The range of frequencies occupied by the

signal is called its bandwidth.

Page 5: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

The ADC process is governed by an important law.

Nyquist-Shannon Theorem (will be discussed in Chapter 3)

An analogue signal of bandwidth B can be completely recreated from its sampled form provided its sampled at a rate equal to at least twice it bandwidth.

That is

S >= 2 B

Page 6: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

Example, a speech signal has an approximate bandwidth of 4KHz.

If this is sampled by an 8-bit ADC at the Nyquist sampling, the bit rate R is

R= 8x 2 B=64000 b/s=64k b/s

Page 7: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

The relationship between information, bandwidth and

noise The most important question associated with a

communication channel is the maximum rate at which it can transfer information.

Page 8: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

The relationship between information,

bandwidth and noise The most important question associated with a

communication channel is the maximum rate at which it can transfer information.

Is there a limit on the number of levels?

Page 9: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

The relationship between information,

bandwidth and noise The most important question associated with a

communication channel is the maximum rate at which it can transfer information.

Is there a limit on the number of levels?

The limit is set by the presence of noise:

If we continue to subdivide the magnitude of the changes into ever decreasing intervals, we reach a point where we cannot distinguish the individual levels because of the presence of noise.

Page 10: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

Noise therefore places a limit on the maximum rate at which we can transfer information

Page 11: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

Noise therefore places a limit on the maximum rate at which we can transfer information

Obviously, what really matters is the signal to noise ratio (SNR).

Page 12: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

Noise therefore places a limit on the maximum rate at which we can transfer information

Obviously, what really matters is the signal to noise ratio (SNR).

This is defined by the ratio signal power S to noise power N, and is often expressed in deciBels (dB):

SNR=10 log10 (S/N) dB

Page 13: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

Most signal carried by communication channels are modulated forms of sine waves ??????

Page 14: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

Most signal carried by communication channels are modulated forms of sine waves.

A sine wave is described mathematically by the expression

s(t)=A cos ( t

The quantities A, , are termed the amplitude, frequency and phase of the sine wave.

Page 15: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

When referring to measurements of amplitude it is usual to consider the ratio of the squares of A (measured amplitude) and A0 (reference amplitude).

Page 16: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

When referring to measurements of amplitude it is usual to consider the ratio of the squares of A (measured amplitude) and A0 (reference amplitude).

This is because in most applications power is proportional to the square of amplitude. Thus the following definition is used:

SNR=10 log10 (A2/A20) dB

Page 17: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

Noise sources

Input noise is common in low frequency circuits and arises from electric fields generated by electrical switching.

It appears as bursts at the receiver, and when present can have a catastrophic effect due to its large power.

Other peoples signals can generate noise: cross-talk is the term give to the pick-up of radiated signals from adjacent cabling.

Page 18: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

Noise sources

When radio links are used, interference from other transmitters can be problematic.

Thermal noise is always present. It is due to the random motion of electric charges present in all media. It can be generated externally, or internally at the receiver.

Page 19: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

There is a theoretical maximum to the rate at which information passes error free over the channel.

Page 20: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

There is a theoretical maximum to the rate at which information passes error free over the channel.

This maximum is called the channel capacity, C.

The famous Hartley-Shannon Law states that the channel capacity, C (we will discuss in details in Chapter 3) is given by

C = B log2(1+(S/N)) b/s

S/N = A2/A20

Page 21: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

For example, a 10kHz channel operating at a SNR of 15dB has a theoretical maximum information rate of

10000 log2(1+31.623)=49828 b/s. (???)

Page 22: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

For example, a 10kHz channel operating at a SNR of 15dB has a theoretical maximum information rate of

10000 log2(31.623)=49828 b/s.

The theorem makes no statement as to how the channel capacity is achieved.

Page 23: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

For example, a 10kHz channel operating at a SNR of 15dB has a theoretical maximum information rate of

10000 log2(31.623)=49828 b/s.

The theorem makes no statement as to how the channel capacity is achieved.

In fact, in practice channels only approach this limit.

Page 24: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

For example, a 10kHz channel operating at a SNR of 15dB has a theoretical maximum information rate of

10000 log2(31.623)=49828 b/s.

The theorem makes no statement as to how the channel capacity is achieved.

In fact, in practice channels only approach this limit.

The task of providing high channel efficiency is the goal of coding techniques.

Page 25: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

Two basic laws

• Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem

• Hartley-Shannon Law

(channel capacity)

Best piece of applied math.

Page 26: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

Analog signal sampling quantized coding

channel receiver


Page 27: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

Communication Techniques




(Fourier Transform)

Page 28: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

Communication TechniquesTime, frequency and bandwidth

We can describe this signal in two ways.

One way is to describe its evolution in time domain, as in the equation above.

Page 29: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

Communication TechniquesTime, frequency and bandwidth

We can describe this signal in two ways.

One way is to describe its evolution in time domain, as in the equation above.

The other way is to describe its frequency content, in frequency domain.

Page 30: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

Communication TechniquesTime, frequency and bandwidth

We can describe this signal in two ways.

One way is to describe its evolution in time domain, as in the equation above.

The other way is to describe its frequency content, in frequency domain.

The cosine wave, s(t), has a single frequency, =2 /T where T is the period i.e. S(t+T)=s(t).

Page 31: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

This representation is quite general. In fact we have the following theorem due to Fourier.

Any signal x(t) of period T can be represented as the sum of a set of cosinusoidal and sinusoidal waves of different frequencies and phases.

Page 32: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

In mathematics, the continuous Fourier transform is one of the specific forms of Fourier analysis.

Page 33: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

In mathematics, the continuous Fourier transform is one of the specific forms of Fourier analysis.

As such, it transforms one function into another, which is called the frequency domain representation of the original function (which is often a function in the time-domain).

Page 34: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

In mathematics, the continuous Fourier transform is one of the specific forms of Fourier analysis.

As such, it transforms one function into another, which is called the frequency domain representation of the original function (which is often a function in the time-domain).

In this specific case, both domains are continuous and unbounded.

The term Fourier transform can refer to either the frequency domain representation of a function or to the process/formula that "transforms" one function into the other.

Page 35: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

In mathematics, the continuous Fourier transform is one of the specific forms of Fourier analysis.

As such, it transforms one function into another, which is called the frequency domain representation of the original function (which is often a function in the time-domain).

In this specific case, both domains are continuous and unbounded.

The term Fourier transform can refer to either the frequency domain representation of a function or to the process/formula that "transforms" one function into the other.

Page 36: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html
Page 37: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

h=0.1; for i=1:100t(i)=i*h;x(i)=cos(2*pi*t(i));y(i)=cos(2*2*pi*t(i));z(i)=cos(2*2*2*pi*t(i));end plot(t,x)

Page 38: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

• Continuous time (analogous signals): FT (Fourier transform)

• Discrete time: DTFT (infinity digital signals)

• DFT: Discrete Fourier transform (finite digital signals)

Page 39: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

Theory only

• Continuous time: FT (Fourier transform)

• Discrete time: DTFT (infinity digital signals)

• DFT: Discrete Fourier transform (finite digital signals)

computable and useful !!!!!

Page 40: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html
Page 41: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

Hi, Prof. Feng

Page 42: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html
Page 43: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html
Page 44: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html
Page 45: DCSP-2: Fourier Transform I Jianfeng Feng Jianfeng.feng@warwick.ac.uk feng/dcsp.html

Fourier's Song• Integrate your function times a complex exponential

It's really not so hard you can do it with your pencilAnd when you're done with this calculationYou've got a brand new function - the Fourier TransformationWhat a prism does to sunlight, what the ear does to soundFourier does to signals, it's the coolest trick aroundNow filtering is easy, you don't need to convolveAll you do is multiply in order to solve.

• From time into frequency - from frequency to time• Every operation in the time domain

Has a Fourier analog - that's what I claimThink of a delay, a simple shift in timeIt becomes a phase rotation - now that's truly sublime!And to differentiate, here's a simple trickJust multiply by J omega, ain't that slick?Integration is the inverse, what you gonna do?Divide instead of multiply - you can do it too.

• From time into frequency - from frequency to time• Let's do some examples... consider a sine

It's mapped to a delta, in frequency - not timeNow take that same delta as a function of timeMapped into frequency - of course - it's a sine!

• Sine x on x is handy, let's call it a sinc.Its Fourier Transform is simpler than you think.You get a pulse that's shaped just like a top hat...Squeeze the pulse thin, and the sinc grows fat.Or make the pulse wide, and the sinc grows dense,The uncertainty principle is just common sense.