dda - rbi circular

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  • 8/12/2019 DDA - RBI Circular


    CIR. NO. 51/2008-09-RB, DT. 13/02/2009

    Opening of Diamond Dolla !""o#n$% & 'i(eali%a$ion

    Attention of Authorised Dealer Category - I (AD Category I) banks is invited to A. D.

    (M.A. Series) Circular o. !" dated May !#$ %""" and &ara 'A.! of the oreign *rade

    &olicy %""'-%"" regarding the Dia+ond Dollar Account Sche+e in ter+s of ,hichfir+s and co+anies dealing in urchase sale of rough or cut and olished dia+onds

    recious +etal /e,ellery lain$ +inakari and or studded ,ith ,ithout dia+ond and or

    other stones$ ,ith a track record of at least 0 years in i+ort e1ort of dia+onds coloured ge+stones dia+ond and coloured ge+stones studded /e,ellery lain gold

    /e,ellery$ and having an average annual turnover of 2s 3 crore or above during receding

    three licensing years$ are allo,ed to oen Dia+ond Dollar Accounts (DDA). *he re4uestfor oening of DDA is considered by the 2eserve 5ank on a case-to-case basis$ sub/ect to

    the rovisions of the revailing oreign *rade &olicy of the 6overn+ent of India.

    %. 7ith a vie, to liberalising the rocedure$ it has been decided to delegate o,ers to AD

    Category I banks to er+it such fir+s and co+anies to oen and +aintain DDA ,ithAD Category I banks$ sub/ect to the follo,ing ter+s and conditions8

    a. *he e1orter should co+ly ,ith the eligibility criteria stiulated in the oreign *rade

    &olicy of the 6overn+ent of India$ issued fro+ ti+e to ti+e.

    b. *he DDA shall be oened in the na+e of the e1orter and +aintained in 9S Dollars


    c. *he account shall only be in the for+ of current account and no interest should be aidon the balance held in the account.

    d. o intra-account transfer should be allo,ed bet,een the DDAs +aintained by theaccount holder.

    e. An e1orter fir+ co+any shall be er+itted to oen and +aintain not +ore than 3DDAs.

    f. *he balances held in the accounts shall be sub/ect to Cash 2eserve 2atio (C22) andStatutory :i4uidity 2atio (S:2) re4uire+ents.

    g. ;1orter fir+s and co+anies +aintaining foreign currency accounts$ e1cluding ;;C

    accounts$ ,ith banks in India or abroad$ are not eligible to oen Dia+ond DollarAccounts.

    h. *he transactions in the DDA ,ould be as under8

    )emi%%i(le Cedi$%

    < A+ount of re-shi+ent and ost-shi+ent finance availed in 9S Dollars.

  • 8/12/2019 DDA - RBI Circular


    < 2ealisation of e1ort roceeds fro+ shi+ents of rough$ cut$ olished dia+onds and

    dia+ond studded /e,ellery.

    < 2ealisation in 9S Dollars fro+ local sale of rough$ cut and olished dia+onds.

    )emi%%i(le De(i$%

    < &ay+ent for i+ort urchase of rough dia+onds fro+ overseas local sources.

    < &ay+ent for urchase of cut and olished dia+onds$ coloured ge+stones and lain gold

    /e,ellery fro+ local sources.

    < &ay+ent for i+orturchase of gold fro+ overseas no+inated agencies and

    reay+ent of 9SD loans availed fro+ the bank.

    < *ransfer to ruee account of the e1orter.

    *he above transactions are sub/ect to the rovisions of the oreign *rade &olicy of6overn+ent of India$ issued fro+ ti+e to ti+e.

    0. *he e1orter fir+ co+any shall +ake an alication in the for+at anne1ed to theAD Category I bank for oening of the DDA. AD Category - I banks should assess the

    track record of the fir+ co+any at the end of every licensing year (Aril-March). In

    case any fir+ co+any fails to +eet the eligibility criteria$ the account +ay be closed


    '. AD Category - I banks shall sub+it a +onthly reort to the Chief 6eneral Manager-in-

    Charge$ oreign ;1change Deart+ent$ 2eserve 5ank of India$ *rade Division$ A+ar5uilding$ Mu+bai '""""!$ giving details of the na+e and address of the fir+

    co+any in ,hose na+e the Dia+ond Dollar Account is oened$ along ,ith the date of

    oening closing the Dia+ond Dollar Account$ by the !" thof the follo,ing +onth to,hich it relates.

    3. ecessary a+end+ents to the oreign ;1change Manage+ent (oreign Currency

    Accounts by a &erson 2esident in India) 2egulations$ %""" (otification o. ;MA.!"%"""-25 dated May 0$ %""") are being issued searately.

    #. AD Category - I banks +ay bring the contents of this circular to the notice of theirconstituents and custo+ers concerned.

    =. *he directions contained in this circular have been issued under Sections !"(') and!!(!) of the oreign ;1change Manage+ent Act$ ! ('% of !) and are ,ithout

    re/udice to er+issions arovals$ if any$ re4uired under any other la,.

    Yours faithfully,

  • 8/12/2019 DDA - RBI Circular


    (Salim Gangadharan)Chief General Manager-in-Charge

    Annex[A. P. (!" Series) Cir#ular $o. %& dated 'eruary &, *++




    *he 5ranch Manager

    (na+e > address of bankbranch)

    Dear Sir$

    7e are dealing in urchase sale of rough or cut and olished dia+onds recious +etal

    /e,ellery lain$ +inakari and or studded ,ith ,ithout dia+ond and or other stones$

    ,ith a track record of at least 0 years in i+ort e1ort of dia+onds colouredge+stones dia+ond and coloured ge+stones studded /e,ellery lain gold /e,ellery$

    and having an average annual turnover of 2s 3 crore or above during receding three

    licensing years.

    %. 7e ,ish to oen a current accounts under the Dia+ond Dollar Account Sche+e ,ith

    your bank in accordance ,ith the rovisions of (+ention the relevant aragrah) of the

    oreign *rade &olicy (eriod e.g. %""'-%"") of the 6overn+ent of India read ,ith the?andbook of &rocedures (+ention the relevant @olu+e o.) issued by Ministry of

    Co++erce > Industry$ 6overn+ent of India.

    0. *he relevant articulars are furnished belo,8

    &. $ame of the 'irm Com/any 0

    *. Address of the "egistered1ffi#e


    . Prin#i/al usiness 02. !3 Code $o. 0

    %. Annual 4urno5er of the last

    three Years (en#lose #ertifi#ate

    of CA)


    6. etails of the 33'C a##ount,if any


    '. 7e confir+ that ,e are not +aintaining any foreign currency account$ e1cluding ;;C

    account$ ,ith banks in India or abroad.

  • 8/12/2019 DDA - RBI Circular


    3. 7e declare that ,e are not +aintaining +ore than 3 DDAs including the one roosed

    to be oened ,ith your branch.

    #. 7e declare that ,e are neither on the caution list of e1orters of 2eserve 5ank of India

    nor on the defaulters list of ;1ort Credit 6uarantee Cororation of India :td (;C6C).

    =. 7e undertake to abide by the rules of the Dia+ond Dollar Account Sche+e fra+ed to

    be fra+ed fro+ ti+e to ti+e and the ter+s and conditions stiulated for oening and

    +aintenance of the DDA ,ith your bank and any other foreign e1change foreign traderegulation of 2eserve 5ank of India 6overn+ent of India.

    7e re4uest you to oen a Dia+ond Dollar Accounts in the na+e of the fir+co+any.

    (Signature of the Authoried Bfficial of the fir+ co+any)

    $ame 0esignation 0

    Seal of firm #om/any 0ate 0

    Pla#e 0
