dds security

Angelo CORSARO, Ph.D. Chief Technology Officer OMG DDS Sig Co-Chair PrismTech [email protected] DDS Security [PrismTech Initial Submission for the OMG RFP mars/2010-12-37]

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This presentation provides an overview of the initial submission to the OMG RFP on DDS Security. The presentation introduces the overall security model proposed for DDS and the protocols.


Page 1: DDS Security

Angelo CORSARO, Ph.D.Chief Technology Officer OMG DDS Sig [email protected]

DDS Security [PrismTech Initial Submission for the OMG RFP mars/2010-12-37]

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ht  2010,  PrismTech  –    A

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Agenda¨ Context

¨ Security Model

¨ Transport Security

¨ Key Distribution

¨ Data Protection

¨ Next Steps

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ht  2010,  PrismTech  –    A

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The DDS Security specification focuses on three orthogonal aspects

¨ A definition of the DDS security model

¨ A set of API defining the interface for pluggable security plugins

¨ A set extensions to the DDSI/RTPS protocol to enable interoperable security


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Submission Approach¨ Address key requirements commonly raising in

systems and system of systems

¨ Allow both endpoint as well as perimeter security approaches

¨ Leverage existing standards when possible

¨ Preserve DDS scalability do not limit the use of multicast when available

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ht  2010,  PrismTech  –    A

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Security PropertiesThis submission focuses on providing DDS with the following desirable properties:

¨ Confidentiality of the data samples being exchanged

¨ Integrity of DDS messages, data and the overall system

¨ Authentication of DDS readers and writers

¨ Authorization of DDS Entities (e.g. DomainParticipants, DataReader, DataWriters)

¨ Non-repudiation of data being sent

¨ Availability

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Security Model

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What can I Access?¨ The submission proposes to define the security policies in terms of

operations that “Subjects” can perform on “Objects”

¨ This submission considers the following classification: ¨ Subjects

¨ DomainParticipants¨ Objects

¨ Topics

¨ As a consequence a DomainParticipant might be provided with rights to Create, Read, Update or Dispose Topics or a specific set of Topics

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What can we secure?This submission provides two composable level of security

¨ Topic-Level¨ A topic can be secure as a whole thus making its access unavailable

to un-authorized applications

¨ Attribute-Level¨ An attribute can be “obfuscated” to further control its availability. In

this case some DomainParticipants might have the right to see the Topic but not the specific attribute

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Topic Security

¨ The entire topic content is secured

¨ Uniform access to topic attributes is provided to authorized users

DDS Core

DDS Application

Data Sample

DDS Durability Service

DDS Application

DDS Core





Payload encipherment

in Core





enum BloodType { A, B, AB, O, An, Bn, ABn, On };struct Person { string name; string surname; string ssn; string email; sequence<string> telephone; sequence<string> pathologies; BloodType bloodType; long salary };

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ht  2010,  PrismTech  –    A

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Field-Based Security¨ Sometimes, for a secured

topic you need to provide non-uniform access to some of its fields¨ example: Salary, Medical

Records, etc.

¨ Field-based security provides a way to control access at a field level via security containers

¨ Field-based security can be overlaid over a secure topic

enum BloodType { A, B, AB, O, An, Bn, ABn, On };struct Person { string name; string surname; string ssn; string email; sequence<string> telephone; @protected sequence<string> pathologies; BloodType bloodType; @protected long salary };

DDS Application

Data Sample

DDS Core

DDS Durability Service

DDS Application

DDS Core



















Field encipherment by


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ht  2010,  PrismTech  –    A

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Field vs. Topic Security¨ The current proposal makes Topic security completely transparent to

the application

¨ The infrastructures takes care of transparently dealing with key distribution, encryption, decryption, etc.

¨ Field-based security is based on the concept of security container

¨ The infrastructure generates secure containers for “secured-fields” but will not automatically distribute keys

¨ The keys necessary to “open” the secured field are to be distributed by an application specific logic. Notice that a specific secure topic could be used for this purpose

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Transport Security

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TLS & DTLSTLS and DTLS are commonly used cryptographic protocols in “client/server” applications. However for DDS they present some shortcomings

¨ TLS and DTLS use in-band, blocking key-negotiation, in the default setup, thus interrupting the data exchange for a non-predictable amount of time

¨ At anytime one of the two peers may initiate a key re-negotiation, causing interruption of the data-transfer until a new session-key has been negotiated.

¨ A major drawback is that both, TLS and D-TLS, can not deal with multicast communication. A TLS based transport security would degrade a DDS system to a client-server system. Both, TLS and DLTS, are not suited for DDS transport layer security protocols.

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ht  2010,  PrismTech  –    A

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SRTP & DDS¨ The Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (or SRTP) defines a

profile of RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol), intended to provide encryption, message authentication and integrity, and replay protection to the RTP data in both unicast and multicast applications It was first published by the IETF in March 2004 as RFC 3711.

¨ This submission proposes the use of the SRTP approach for securing DDS transport while maintaining support for unicast and multicast!

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Key Distribution

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MIKEY & DDS¨ The Multimedia Internet KEYing (MIKEY) is a key management protocol that is

intended for use with real-time applications. It can specifically be used to set up encryption keys for multimedia sessions that are secured using SRTP. MIKEY is defined in RFC 3830.

¨ MIKEY supports five different methods to set up a Common Secret:¨ Pre-Shared Key (PSK): This is the most efficient way to handle the transport of the Common Secret,

since only symmetric encryption is used and only a small amount of data has to be exchanged. ¨ Public-Key: The Common Secret is exchanged with the help of public key encryption. ¨ Diffie-Hellman: A Diffie-Hellman key exchange is used to set up the Common Secret. ¨ DH-HMAC (HMAC-Authenticated Diffie-Hellman): This is a light-weight version of Diffie-Hellman MIKEY¨ RSA-R (Reverse RSA): The Common Secret is exchanged with the help of public key encryption in a

way that doesn't require any PKI

¨ The RSA-R method is the appropriate concept for DDS (see submission for details)

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Data Protection

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Payload Protection¨ The header contains the relevant

attributes to fetch the required secrets and keys from originator or key-archive

¨ The key-archive shall operate similar to a durability service, storing keys for late joiners

¨ The tail contains the digest, which allows to verify integrity of the payload

¨ The concept of header and tail allows re-fragmentation of the serialized data

Data Submessage

Payload Security HeaderDATA header Security Tail

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Next Steps

¨ Detail the use of SRTP and MIKEY in the context of the DDSI/RTPS wire-protocol

¨ Finalize the API for security plugin

¨ Vote for adoption