de profundis example

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  • 7/30/2019 De Profundis Example


    June 10, 1936

    To whom it may concern,

    I am obliged to inform you, with regret, of the death of yourfriend Robert Blake. His death has been determined to have been

    caused by electrical shock, or nervous tension induced by

    electrical discharge during the night of June 8th. Arrangements

    have been made with his family. The enclosed unfinished letter

    was found on his desk, and I thought it proper to be forwarded to

    you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the

    enclosed address.

    Doctor DexterCoroner's Physician

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    June 30, 1936

    Doctor Dexter,

    I would like to thank you for sending me Robert's

    letter as well as informing me of what happened to my friend.

    I imagine that it cannot be easy to inform friends and

    family that one they care about has died. I wish to send my

    thanks and appreciation for taking up that grim task.

    It is regarding what happened to my friend that I write

    on further. In your letter you state that Robert died of

    'electrical shock, or nervous tension induced by electrical

    discharge'. This cause of death seems to be most unusual and

    certainly much unexpected.

    Could you please elaborate further to me on what

    happened? Where was he when this accident happened? How did

    it happen?

    I would greatly appreciate any information that you can

    give me in what happened to Robert, or direct me to any

    further sources to which I could inquire. Having a clearer

    picture of what happened to my late friend would do a greatdeal to ease my troubled mind.


    Elliot Markham

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    July 9, 1936

    Dear Sir,

    It was my pleasure as well as duty to contact someone suchas yourself who obviously cared enough to reply.

    The unusual prognosis was a result of the unusual state of

    the body when discovered - sitting bolt upright at his desk by the

    window with all the marks of stark, convulsive fright etched upon

    his twisted features. The unbroken window and lack of a more

    identifiable cause of death combined with his obviously

    unbalanced state of mind gave me little choice but to place

    blame upon profound shock brought on by an existing nervouscondition.

    I believe his death occurred sometime during the great

    storm which broke just before midnight June 8th. Lightning struck

    repeatedly in all parts of the city, and two remarkable fireballs

    were reported. The rain was torrential with a constant fusillade of

    thunder. Then, at approximately 2 AM, the lights went out all over

    the city.

    Students in the Psi Delta house, whose upper rear windows

    look into Blake's study, noticed the blurred white face at the

    westward window on the morning of the ninth, and wondered

    what was wrong with the expression. When they saw the same face

    in the same position that evening, they felt worried, and watched

    for the lights to come up in his apartment. Later they rang the bell

    of the darkened flat, and finally had a policeman force the door.

    Found open upon his desk was a journal or diary

    containing very peculiar writings. He seems to have prolonged his

    frenzied jottings to the last, and the broken-pointed pencil was

    found clutched in his spasmodically contracted right hand. I

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    have read it, and as his family shows no interest in retrieving it, I

    will send it on to you under separate cover.

    I remain,

    Doctor DexterCoroner's Physician

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    July 20, 1936

    Dr. Dexter,

    I would like to thank you for elaborating on the

    details of what happened to Robert. I find that reading the

    explanation is a double-edged sword. As much as my mind is

    relieved in hearing the details - it is further burdened by

    questions and a heavy conscience.

    I imagine that you get the friend or relative who

    continues to push for answers and who will not believe the

    explanations of the cause of death which is given. I do not

    wish to present myself as one of those individuals. I know

    my friend seemed to be showing signs of increased imbalance

    recently which seems to support his stated cause of death.

    Despite this fact, his death seems to be most unusual.

    I have trouble understanding it in full. Perhaps it is just

    the shock of losing a friend whom I have known since school,

    but I have a dark feeling which will not dissipate.

    I would very much appreciate the papers which you

    mentioned in you last letter. I hope that those papers willanswer some more of my questions and lay this dark topic to



    Elliot Markham

  • 7/30/2019 De Profundis Example


    July 29, 1936

    Dear Sir,

    I have sent the diary, you should have received it by now.While its fevered writings may contain some answers, it's more

    likely to raise many more questions. I admit to reading it while I

    contemplated Mr Blake's cause of death, but I am at a loss to

    explain the reported events found therein.

    I remain,

    Doctor Dexter

    Coroner's Physician

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    August 19, 1936

    Dr. Dexter,

    I have read over Robert's diary and I am afraid that I

    have found no more answers. The bizarre names he mentions

    are foreign and meaningless to me as are their implications.

    Robert has always been neck-deep in fiction and I imagine

    that the names are from his last works as a writer making

    their way onto the page which you sent to me. He did,

    however, mention the 'Shining Trapezohedron' before in his


    If I am not mistaken, he believed that the 'Shining

    Trapezohedron' was the object which had summoned the

    creature which he believed was stalking him. I imagine that

    his fear and paranoia mixed with his predisposition to

    fiction and fantasy is what brought him to his wits end. I

    know his condition was fueled by the damned superstitious

    foreigners who cite god and the devil for any mildly obscure


    Answers remain obfuscated and I fear that what had

    truly brought Robert to his unfortunate end may never beknown. I am told that it is natural to dig for deeper

    meaning and explanation after an event like this, but I have

    had enough of that. It is clear to me that Robert's own

    anxiety, paranoia and delusions got the best of him and I

    will stop looking beyond the obvious reality.

    I am grateful for your responses and for the time you

    have taken to write them.


    Elliot Markham

    P.S. I have an unrelated question regarding deaths. I

    understand that you are a coroner's physician and you may

    have some insight which could be of use to me.

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    I am an investigative reporter by profession and I am

    currently investigating a number of suicides in the

    Philadelphia area. My aim is to see if there is any

    correlation between the deaths and the current economic

    depression and consequent loss of work. In this

    investigation I have found that a preponderance of the dead

    had jumped to their deaths and in many of these cases there

    have been anomalous circumstances.

    In six of the twenty cases which I investigated -

    nearly a third - the photos of the deceased showed an odd

    shock of white hair in an otherwise dark coiffure. Is this a

    normal post-mortem occurrence?

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    September 8, 1936

    Dear Elliot

    It's good that you are able to put Robert Blake's deathbehind you, as it was a tragedy, and unfortunate occurrence for

    all concerned. However, do not concern yourself about the

    "Shining Trapezohedron" as I believe in a "better safe than sorry"

    policy when dealing with the mysterious and unknown. My only

    regret is that someone found out and reported what I'd done with


    As to these "suicides" that you write of, I can think of no

    physical reason why their deaths should result in such a peculiarcosmetic change like you describe. Perhaps the reverse instead is

    true, that the same psychic shock that caused their hair to change,

    is also responsible for their deciding to commit such a final

    irrevocable act. I will consult with some of my associates on the

    matter. If you have any more questions, please feel free to write. I

    confess that your story has aroused my curiosity.

    I remain,

    Doctor Dexter

    Coroner's Physician

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    September 25, 1936

    Doctor Dexter,

    I mentioned in my last letter that I was an

    investigative reporter for a prominent newspaper in

    Philadelphia. A couple of months ago I began to investigate

    a number of suicides in the Philadelphia area. The rate of

    suicides has risen to an unusually high level. I caught wind

    of this from a contact I have in the police department and I

    began to investigate the unusual number of suicides in order

    to see if there was a connection to the current economic


    I investigated the living situations of a number of the

    recently deceased. I concluded that there was no obvious

    connection to the economic situation and therefore no

    business story. Some of the deceased were actually doing

    reasonably well in the financial realm - and the vast

    majority of them were at least employed in some capacity and

    were making a comfortable living.

    Despite seeing no immediate business connection, I

    found a number of irregularities. One man who jumped to hisdeath had just become affianced, another had just purchased

    a house. Many of them had no history of depression or

    psychiatric illness and their family and friends could not

    believe that the individual had committed suicide.

    Beyond the apparent lack of motive for a number of

    these deaths, in the post-mortem photos which I received, a

    large percentage of them had a noticeable shock of white

    hair. From other photos that I found of the deceased, noneof them had this before their death. When I asked people who

    knew them, none of the deceased were noted to have had this

    shock of white hair the last time they were seen alive.

    According to the police the white hair was likely

    associated with the psychological state of a suicidal

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    individual. That answer has not satisfied me and I have

    continued to investigate these events to find my own answers.

    I have burned up a lot of my good will with my boss in order

    to stay on this case, given its lack of a solid business


    Another unusual thing which has encouraged me to

    continue with this is that all of the dead with the white

    shock of hair had jumped to their deaths. When I pointed

    this out to the investigators, it was shrugged off as an

    association with the shock of the fall or an undeterminable

    psychological disorder and mental instability.

    In some ways I am not entirely sure what I am looking

    for in these cases, but something definitely does not add up.

    Why would these individuals who seemingly have no reason to

    kill themselves hurl themselves off of the roofs of their

    apartment buildings?

    I am very disappointed with the detective looking into

    these incidents for not entertaining the idea of searching

    for a deeper explanation and, more recently, for not

    returning my messages.

    I appreciate your response and your professional input

    as it has thus far been of assistance. I will keep you

    informed of any developments if you are still interested.

    Sincerely,Elliot Markham

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    October 28, 1936

    Dear Elliot,

    I am definitely still interested, although I admit you haveme at a loss. My associates have not yet ventured any kind of

    opinion, but in my experience what you describe has no basis in

    normal clinical psychiatry.

    Do you suspect foul play? From what you describe these

    suicides should be considered "atypical". What medical

    professionals have been assigned to this case? They do not seem to

    be fulfilling their usual roll.

    I have one acquaintance, a Dr. Armitage, who is much more

    experienced in the arcane than I, who I will try and contact.

    I remain,

    Doctor Dexter

    Coroner's Physician

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    November 17, 1936

    Doctor Dexter,

    Thank you for writing back to me. In my work I had

    forgotten about our correspondence. There have been many

    developments and much has been uncovered. I will start from

    where I last left off with you.

    I have remained convinced that there is something else

    involved with the unusual suicides about which I have spoken

    to you. From the time of my last letter to you, three more

    deaths have occurred - two of them evincing the white shock

    in the hair and with no immediately apparent motive for

    suicide. One of them was a father of two children, another a

    policeman. After much insistence on my part my boss gave me

    two weeks to come up with a presentable story. I got to work


    I began to look for some connection between the

    deceased: something they all had in commmon. I went through

    each of their homes; I went through any records that I could

    get my hands on; I spoke with their families, their friends

    and the last people to see them alive. I determined thatthey were of different ages, lived in different parts of

    town and had different types of jobs.

    My wife has routinely complained of my 'obsession' with

    this case and how my work has taken over our house. I have

    been using the family room downstairs as my secondary office

    as I needed more space. My small office upstairs is too

    cramped for me to hold the large amounts of paper I have

    accumulated. Fortunately my old apartment had yet to be sold,so I returned to the dusky apartment across town and I have

    made that my office. Now she complains of my never being

    home - for some people, there is no pleasing.

    On the last day of my second week, I finally made a

    breakthrough in this case. I was reviewing the notes I had

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    taken while interviewing the widow of the most recently

    deceased man. She mentioned something which I had heard two

    other times but thought nothing of - gambling problems. It

    was as though a bolt of lightning struck my head and this

    whole case suddenly became much clearer.

    I scrambled through the mountain of papers and notes on

    my desk. Three of the dead men were known to be gamblers.

    This also explained why the typical motive for suicide,

    being financial crisis, did not apply. Many of these men

    were all comparably well off. These were not men who gambled

    because they had no other option - they did it because they

    enjoyed it and because they could.

    Despite a loud and public argument, I was unable to

    convince my boss to extend my deadline. As a result my

    ability to pursue this investigation has become much more

    limited and I have burned up a lot of the good will which I

    have accumulated. I have since been working on this case

    when I can during working hours and immediately after work

    long into the night. I have found it convenient to sleep at

    the apartment some nights.

    I remain hesitant to suggest a theory of the deaths,but I believe there is a connection to the gambling. I have

    been seeking some proof to present to the police and to my

    newspaper. My next objective will be to confirm my theory.

    If that theory is true, then I will finally have made a

    connection among the deaths in otherwise unrelated cases.

    Any help or insight you can provide would be very much

    appreciated. If you have any associates such as the doctor

    whom you mentioned who you believe might be able to assistplease include them. I must leave off this letter here, as I

    have another long and sleepless night ahead of me.

    Elliot Markham

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    December 8, 1936

    Dear Elliot,

    I read your recent missives, and I feel the stirings of worry.Do not allow this obsession to investigate take over your life. Do

    not jeopardize either your professional or home life. I've never

    known any woman who would put up with being ignored for very


    I do not know if this might help you with your research, but

    I'd like to point out that when people gamble, what they gamble

    for isn't always money.

    On a side note, I do not suppose that you have recently

    visited Providence in your investigations? The only reason I

    mention this is that my neighbors have mentioned seeing a

    mysterious man exploring the area and paying particular

    attention to my home.

    I remain,

    Doctor DexterCoroner's Physician

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    January 21, 1937

    Doctor Dexter,

    I write to you in a state of excitement. I am right. I

    know it now.

    After so much time, so much work and so many doubts -

    we can finally find out the truth to these deaths. I know it

    is not suicide, or at least not simple suicide caused by

    'normal' factors. There is something else that is going on

    and I know that it relates to this gambling.

    I presented my theory to the detectives with whom I had

    spoken months before and they turned me away. The case was

    closed, they said. I wonder if the case was ever actually

    open. I know they are good men who are just doing their jobs

    - they said that I needed some more proof. And that is

    exactly what I have found.

    I took a temporary leave of absence from work so I

    could have the time to solve this case. I told that bumbling

    idiot boss of mine that I would have the story of a lifetime

    when I returned to the newspaper. He told me not to comeback. We are both hot tempered men and I am not surprised

    that things ended like that. When I come back with the truth

    which has the makings of a great news print story it will

    have all been worth it to see his expression.

    After speaking with the detectives I began sniffing

    around different bars and gambling dens in areas which many

    of the deceased had been known to frequent. None of the

    places to which I went appeared to be the place that I waslooking for. Most of the people with whom I spoke didn't

    recognize any of the pictures I showed of the deceased, and

    those who did only recognized one or two photos - never the

    entire group.

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    After many nights of investigating, it became clear

    that the place where these men died due to their gambling

    was not any place the other living gamblers of the city knew

    about. I checked all the locations I could find and they

    were all dead ends. There was only one option left: the

    private locations. The very private ones. It was the only

    answer that made sense. I started poking my nose around

    deeper, asking about private gambling locations, betting on

    exotic things and placing unusual wagers.

    What led me to the next layer of this conspiracy was a

    chance encounter with a random patron in a grimy bar. I had

    progressed to the point of talking to anyone I could find

    while avoiding those I had pestered to the point of anger.

    Just as I was about to move on from that bar, a well-dressed

    man came into the building. I had not seen him before in any

    of the many bars and gambling locations to which I had been.

    I showed him some of the pictures and he recognized one of

    them. He said that he had seen one of the deceased walking

    in the area of 4th and 44th streets. It's a warehouse

    district. It had been a booming transportation hub in the

    twenties but it was effectively a derelict now.

    A feeling of excitement began to grow in me as I askedaround more about this new area of interest. I visited some

    neighboring shops and a nearby apartment building and

    interviewed anyone that I saw on the street. A number of

    people said that they had seen different people in the area

    late at night. Many different people, sometimes travelling

    alone and other time in small groups. Some were dressed

    nicely in suits, others looked homeless or poor. They would

    come and go throughout the night with no apparent reason.

    It was hard to dig up this information and for some

    reason most people I spoke to seemed reluctant to talk. It

    was as though a dark shadow had fallen onto this district

    and all those around the shadow were scared or reluctant to

    speak of it.

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    I presented all this information to my contact in the

    police department, along with one more piece of information.

    One of the buildings, a massive abandoned warehouse which

    used to be the hub of a successful shipping company, had

    many foot prints in the snow leading to it. Too many to be

    anything else but a gathering place. I checked the records

    and this place has no active legal business operating out of

    it. I concluded that this was the real deal.

    This is all conjecture at this point, but I have a

    theory as to what is going on. I did not convey the full

    import of my theory to the police because I lack any

    credible evidence. I only convinced them that there is

    something illegal going on. I admit that my complete

    hypothesis is a bit too much for even me to fully accept. I

    have not mentioned it to anyone else, but I will share it

    with you.

    I think it is organized crime. Mafia, crime lords, like

    Capone. A high stakes gambling ring which has been

    disguising murders as suicides to fool the police. I have no

    way of knowing for sure, but we will find out. Tomorrow

    night we are going to raid the place. I finally convinced my

    contact in the police to take a leap of faith and to trustme.

    Oh and about being followed, I wouldn't worry too much

    about it. Even at the peak of my activity, digging up

    information about scandals, crimes - and now this with

    organized crime - no one has come trailing my footsteps or

    even seemed to notice me.


    Elliot Markham

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    January 22, 1937

    Doctor Dexter,

    It doesn't make any damned sense! My contact, four

    other officers and myself raided the warehouse last night.

    We prepared on an adjacent street and then we drove up to

    the warehouse on 4th street. We broke down the front door in

    the old warehouse, right where all of those foot prints were

    leading. Inside there was nothing. Nothing at all.

    We saw exactly what one would expect: a large, empty

    dusty place that hadn't been used in years. A search of the

    building revealed that aside from a couple of squatters, no

    one had been there for a long time.

    My contact was furious. He had put a lot on the line

    and finding nothing at all would really throw his

    credibility into the dirt. He stormed off and the other

    officers followed him out of the old dark building.

    I stood there for a while, flabbergasted. I was so

    convinced that this was the place! No other option made

    sense. I had several people tell me they had seen a numberof the dead on my list in this area after dark. I was told

    that there were groups of people discretely traveling here

    at night and this building was the one where quite literally

    to which all the tracks led.

    I really do not understand why or how I was wrong.

    There must be something that I have missed!

    Elliot Markham

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    February 18, 1937

    Dear Elliot

    I am at a loss to explain the mystery. Perhaps the answer isthat you merely picked the wrong night. Perhaps they adhere to a

    certain schedule that, of course, you could not know of, meeting

    only at predetermined times such as certain phases of the moon. I

    have faith you will be able to sort it out.

    As to the mysterious stranger, I only mentioned him in case

    you had found yourself in my neck of the woods during your far

    reaching investigations and I worried I had missed your visit. No

    doubt it was merely some lost tourist, or someone with a faultymemory of an old address.

    I remain,

    Doctor Dexter

    Coroner's Physician

  • 7/30/2019 De Profundis Example


    April 26, 1937

    Doctor Dexter,

    I have been staring at my typewriter in the corner of

    my cluttered dusky office. I keep watching it as the days go

    by, knowing that I need to write to you and tell you what

    has happened since our last correspondence, I have been

    putting it off but the damned typewriter's presence keeps

    reminding me of what I would prefer to forget.

    It was a tough couple days following the failed raid to

    that abandoned warehouse. I returned home to my house and my

    waiting wife. The days went by slowly as I sat and thought

    about what I had missed in this case. Our money has been

    running out rather quickly and I would need to return to

    work soon. I was also avoiding returning to work - I cannot

    stand the thought of returning to my old boss to beg for my

    job back without having something to show the smug bastard

    to prove that I was right. If nothing more than in

    frustration, or perhaps desperation, I returned to the


    It was a moonless night when I returned to the buildingand the snow had melted away leaving no more foot print

    evidence if there had been any more traffic to or from the

    old warehouse. The street was deathly silent as it always is

    in this area of town but for some reason it was more

    unnerving that night. Perhaps because the chill of winter

    had left and the streets being this silent in spring feels

    unusual even at night. I saw no one on the streets as I

    walked to the warehouse and it was as though everyone was

    hidden away inside their homes still hibernating.

    When I arrived in front of the old warehouse I saw that

    the door's lock was still broken from when we broke it

    during our raid of this building weeks ago. I know that a

    part of me was hoping to see the lock repaired or replaced.

    Mobsters wouldn't leave their front door unlocked and

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    unguarded like this. I felt the frustration return as it

    appeared that my trip out here was another vain action and

    another waste of time. I decided to go into the warehouse

    since I had already traveled all this way.

    The front door opened easily and I walked into the

    dusty old building for the second time. It was terribly dark,

    the only illumination came from the streetlamps outside

    which fought to penetrate the boarded up windows of the

    building. I walked around in the great open space, looking

    at some of the old boxes and other leftover garbage from the

    last business which used to operate out of here.

    As I was about to leave I saw an electrical box on a

    far wall. I walked over to it not expecting much. As I

    walked closer I saw that there was a thick cable running

    from the electrical box along the edge of the wall. Curious,

    I followed the cable and in a cluttered back corner it ran

    through the floor downwards into a trap door.

    Was something hidden beneath the floors? My heart leapt

    with hopeful joy. Was I right after all? I opened the trap

    door and peered downwards into what I can only imagine used

    to be an old basement. There was a faint yellow light at thebottom of a rusty ladder - a light was on down there. I had

    no portable light of my own, but I climbed down anyways

    hoping that against all the odds I was not still wrong.

    While climbing down the ladder I felt all of the old

    feelings of the thrill of the investigation return. To dig

    up a lead out of nothing, to follow it and to see that I had

    been right all along and then turn nothing more than what

    was an idea or a lead into a major story. One that woulddefinitely be front page and would make my name. That is

    what I thought and what I hoped for while I climbed down the

    rusty ladder.

    When my boots touched the cold stone floor below, I was

    filled with an abrupt feeling of anxiety. All the thoughts

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    and thrills of the investigation were suddenly vacant,

    leaving me standing in this old tunnel in the middle of the

    night feeling worried. My heart began to beat quickly and

    the memories of our mutual connection Robert Blake came to

    the front of my mind entirely unbidden.

    I am not sure if it was an old basement, maintenance

    tunnel or some old sewer system - but the ladder brought me

    to a series of damp brick and stone hallways. The ladder

    came down in a 'T' section of the tunnel hallways, giving me

    three different options for directions to travel in.

    Somewhat unnerved, I continued forward down one of the

    hallways picking a direction at random. I reminded myself of

    all the times I have done similar investigations like this

    alone. Being in the shady streets late at night had never

    bothered me before, however now for some reason I was now

    struck with a feeling of dread and heightened anxiety.

    Crude light bulbs had been fastened to the ceiling with

    one appearing every thirty feet or so. The wires connecting

    them were strung in unceremonious loops connecting each

    light in the winding hallways. The lights would flicker and

    dim in irregular intervals as though the power was

    experiencing brownouts. As I walked along the hallway I wascontinually assaulted by the most irrational fear I have

    ever experienced and it took all of my resolve to not turn

    around and go home. I had to know what was down here.

    After walking for what felt like an hour, I finally

    came to the end of a hallway which turned into another T

    section. My head was swimming and I felt like I was in a

    maze. Picking another direction, again at random, I

    continued through the hallways. The hallway began to slopedownwards descending deeper into the ground. I imagine that

    I had to be well out from beneath the warehouse by now.

    Where were these tunnels going?

    The slope continued downwards and the lights strung up

    on the ceiling became further and further apart with

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    intervals of darkness now appearing in between the dimming

    yellow lights. After walking for what felt as though it was

    a long time, I saw darkness ahead of me with no further

    light. Originally I thought that the lights had simply ended

    and there was only dark hallway continuing forward - but as

    I neared I saw that the darkness ahead was in fact an open

    space ahead of me.

    The room ahead of me seemed to radiate an unnatural

    feeling which I find hard to articulate here - but some

    concoction of wrongness and secrecy. I crept towards the

    room feeling both drawn towards it and indescribably

    repulsed by it at the same time. I came to the threshold and

    I peered into the room beyond, if you could call it a room.

    The walls of the hallways up unto this point were made of

    damp brick or stonework but the walls of this room seemed to

    be of raw dirt or rock with rough uneven scrape marks on the

    walls as though it had been dug out by hand. The room was

    asymmetrical and as my eyes adjusted I saw there were

    benches and tables in the room.

    The faint lights began to brighten on their own accord

    as I saw a large black shape in the center of the room. As I

    took the sight in I saw what was a great statue or sculptureof something ... draconic. I have long thought about what it

    was that I had seen in that room, but I cannot remember the

    details except in the most broad description of the statue

    being 'draconic', unnatural and different from anything I

    had ever seen before.

    I remember staring at it and feeling as though my body

    was frozen in place. I felt awe and fear - fear that I

    cannot describe and I broke out into a spontaneous coldsweat. I heard the noise of a door slam somewhere and it

    broke me out of my trance. I ran out of that cursed room and

    back towards the way I had come down here.

    The lights in their cycle of dimming and brightening

    seemed to pulse with my every footstep and it felt as though

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    someone was chasing me around the bends and turns - just out

    of sight and yet right behind me. The lights became dimmer

    and dimmer as I finally neared the ladder. To my horror the

    lights went out entirely just as the ladder came into sight.

    Near my exit, I felt around in the dark and by the grace of

    God I felt the rusty edge of the ladder.

    I swear I climbed up that ladder faster than any man

    has ever climbed and once up top I slammed the trapdoor

    behind me. The noise sounding like thunder in the silent

    echoing warehouse and as I shut the door I had the clearest

    sensation that someone was looking up at me from the

    darkness underground.

    I walked home briskly, pausing every few seconds to

    look behind me, my nerves on edge. As my heart began to slow

    down and fear began to work its way out of my system, I

    began to reflect on what had just happened. I still couldn't

    believe how much my imagination carried me away and how much

    irrational fear had assaulted my senses. Robert's stories

    had gotten to me more than I had thought.

    Since this event, I have been trying to understand what

    had happened and what it means. I am still at a loss.

    Elliot Markham

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    June 6, 1937

    Dear Elliot

    I am sorry for the delay in my reply. I have beenexperiencing an irritating interruption in my mail service. My

    letters have been arriving at odd intervals and I suspect some

    may have failed to arrive at all. I have no proof (yet) that

    something is amiss, it could easily turn out to be my imaginings

    due to my being overly sensitive to events at this time. The postal

    officials assure me that nothing suspicious is occurring.

    I must say after reading your last letter, that it was quite

    some story. I'd be more tempted to discount some of the moreexotic elements except for my slight involvement in the mysterious

    events surrounding Robert Blake's death. Now I've learned to play

    "better safe than sorry". Have you any idea what your discovery

    might represent? Have you shared your discovery with the police -

    or do you believe they may discount anything you claim now? I

    have one question - was that cable you described as disappearing

    into the basement present during the raid, or did you fail to


    One thing I've noticed that has started to disturb me - you

    are beginning to show all the signs of a gambler, much like those

    unfortunate individuals you describe. You risk danger to gain

    fame. You may need to slow down, step back and rethink just what

    it is you are risking and what you hope to gain.

    I remain,

    Doctor DexterCoroner's Physician

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    September 18, 1937

    Doctor Dexter,

    I must first apologize for the delay in my response. It

    has been weeks since I have been at that warehouse and as

    much as I try I cannot recall exactly what I saw in that

    basement. The only time I seem to glimpse anything of

    further detail about that room is in my dreams. I wake in a

    cold sweat in the middle of the night and whatever I was

    dreaming, or remembering, slips away as I wake and I am left

    with just the sensation of something being deeply troubling.

    I tried again to discuss this case with the police

    however they clearly have no interest. I cannot say that I

    blame them. I still have no strong facts and I have lost

    much of my credibility due to the bungled raid and my

    departure from the newspaper. Since my last letter I have

    been trying to piece together what all of this means. The

    'suicides', the 'victims' shock of white hair, that old

    warehouse, the many footprints I saw leading to and from it

    in the snow, the basement tunnels and that odd room and its

    unknown use. I do not remember if that cable was there the

    first time that I entered the warehouse with the police.

    I began to read old news articles in archives, going

    back years at times, looking for something to tie all of

    this together. I do not think that I really expected to find

    anything of significance while going through the articles. I

    just had no other ideas and I was becoming somewhat

    desperate. After searching for too long, I think that I have

    found something. I have a theory about what happened,

    although I am reluctant to write about it here. It feels asthough saying it out loud or minnitting it to paper will

    make me appear even less stable than I already do, even to


    A number of years ago the following story was featured

    unimportantly in the newspaper for a single day.

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    "A house which was previously thought to be abandoned

    was discovered to have been occupied for an unknown amount

    of time by a group of unidentified individuals. The house

    has been scheduled for demolition for several years and

    while checking the house before the demolition, the owner of

    the property found large amounts of what appeared to be

    sacrilegious literature strewn about throughout the

    abandoned building.

    The amount of material discovered indicated that a

    number of individuals had been using this property illegally

    for a protracted period of time. No one was found at the

    site and the questionable material was thereafter destroyed

    along with the house which was demolished to make way for

    new development"

    The many footprints in the snow and the number of

    deaths suggests to me that there is a group of people who

    are acting together and who also have malicious or violent

    intent of some kind. I originally jumped to the conclusion

    that a group of people who are involved with murder must be

    criminals. I am now questioning this assumption. The secrecy

    of their meeting in an abandoned warehouse and theunwillingness of the locals to discuss the events also point

    to a group of individuals who inspire fear. A group which,

    once again, I immediately assumed to be affiliated with

    organized crime.

    Given further thought my beliefs have changed. Perhaps

    I am becoming too paranoid; perhaps I am reaching too far -

    but an explanation that fits would be a group of heathen or

    pagan worshipers - a cult. There are many accounts ofhorrible things being committed by those who worship foul or

    primitive deities. It just so happens that none of these

    cases are recent.

    And then there is the basement. The little that I do

    remember of the basement is a feeling - an association of

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    something disturbing or unnatural. Something deeply wrong

    which troubled me greatly. I cannot say what it was

    specifically, but I think the answer toys with me in the

    dreams. The feeling of wrongness that I felt fits with this

    new theory, if I did in fact stumble upon a meeting site

    with similar sacrilegious material.

    You are right to fault me for searching for fame and

    recognition. I wanted to find the story and then to throw it

    in the faces of both the Police and my former employer. More

    than that, I wanted to know that I was right all along when

    everyone else was wrong. Things have now changed somehow.

    Jobs and promotions, credit and fame just don't seem to

    matter as much anymore. I don't know why I am still

    investigating these deaths. It feels as though I just have

    to know.

    I would like to hear your thoughts,

    Elliot Markham

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    October 13, 1937

    Dear Elliot

    If I were you, I'd give the police a little time to cool downand forget. There can be no advantage gained by badgering

    them until they treat you like some type of undesirable to be

    avoided. In the meantime don't give up searching if you truly

    believe you have a story worthy of the effort.

    As to that odd basement you continue to see in your dreams,

    I find that trying to force the mind to reveal what it does not wish

    to reveal only causes you grief. It will open again when the time is

    right. Perhaps the truth will reveal itself to you in these verydreams.

    I have a question about that house you described, the one

    where the suspected cult was located - before its destruction. Was it

    located anywhere near the current location of the warehouse? I

    just wondered if the two locals were close to one another.

    On a more personal note, I've recently had the most peculiaroccurrence. I seem to have a twin wandering the city here. A very

    close friend complained recently that I had walked right past him

    at the University library without even the courtesy of a welcoming

    hello, or even any signs of recognition. I know for a fact that I

    haven't been at that library for at least a fortnight, and in fact

    on the afternoon in question, I was peacefully napping after

    having unexpectedly fallen asleep in the sunny warmth of my own

    living room.

    I'm suddenly reminded of a similar problem I had several

    years ago (which I'd put completely out of my head until this very

    moment) - I was susceptible to momentary blackouts, and would

    awaken to find myself in unfamiliar surroundings. Sometimes I

    had a true adventure (and later quiet laugh) trying to return

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    home from unknown locations. Doctors could find nothing wrong,

    and the problem eventually faded away on its own leaving no

    long lasting effects.

    I remain, Doctor Dexter

    Coroner's Physician