dead body on the platter

Dead body on the platter…

Upload: suryaprabha-balachandran

Post on 18-May-2015



Health & Medicine

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Non veg


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Dead body on the


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Harmful effects of non-veg food on human body

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Nowadays, humans are suffering from degenerative diseases

•Cancer: 30% of cancer deaths, and contributes significantly to heart disease and strokes, however, due eating high animal fat prducts (American Cancer Society)•Heart disease: 80-90% of heart attacks can be prevented through a healthy, low fat, plant-based diet (American Heart Society)•Food borne diseases: A great percentage of food poisoning cases are a result of animal products intake (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)•Obesity: Roughly 30% of adults in the US are obese Due consumption of Non veg(American Obesity Association)

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Calcium loss..

• Amount of calcium lost in the urine of a woman after eating a hamburger: 28 mgs

• Amount of calcium lost in the urine of a woman after drinking a cup of coffee: 2 mgs

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Intensive Modern Agriculture

Antibiotics Administered Annually











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“Many studies have shown that vegetarians seem to have a lower risk of obesity, coronary heart disease (which causes heart attack), high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and some forms of cancer.”

—The American Heart Association

“Another good reason to get your nutrition from plant sources is that animals tend to concentrate pesticides and other chemicals in their meat and milk...Plant foods have much less contamination...”

—Dr. Benjamin Spock 59

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Time taken in digestion of food

• Vegetarian 7 hours

• Non-Vegetarian 48 hours

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Let’s look at our physiology

• Length of human and other herbivore intestines between 8 and 13 times the bodies' length.

• Length of carnivore and omnivore intestines is only 3 to 6 times their bodies' length. The short intestinal length allows rotting animal flesh, animal protein, cholesterol and saturated fat to pass through quickly

• Real carnivores or omnivores do not get clogged arteries.

• Humans sweat through their pores to cool down. They don't pant like dogs, cats or lions.

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• There are no claws on the human hand, although claws are a trademark of the carnivore and the omnivore.

• Humans almost always cook meat before eating it to avoid becoming ill.

• All carnivores and omnivores eat raw, bacteria-laden flesh right from the bone, including eyes, nose, face, toes, tail, anus, inner organs, blood and the fur.

• Humans don't possess the Ph balance in our stomach to break down raw, bacteria-laden flesh.

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So what we are???

"Human beings are not natural carnivores "

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FAQs…1. How do vegetarians get enough protein?

2. Isn’t a vegetarian diet deficient in Vitamin B12?

3. Isn’t animal protein superior to vegetarian protein?

4. How do I provide adequate nutrition for a vegetarian?

5. Won’t you become anemic if you don’t eat red meat?

6. Aren't people who don't eat dairy deficient in calcium?

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Some Facts…

• In the United States, livestock now eat twice as much grain as is consumed by the country’s entire human population

• Nearly 40 percent of the world’s grain is fed to livestock.

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• In the early 1990s, China was a net exporter of grain, but today, thanks to an increasing appetite for meat, China is the world’s second largest grain importer, trailing only Japan.

• We need our world’s forest. The world’s forests are being depleted as a result of several developments in addition to beef and cattle ranching agriculture and population resettlement

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What’s going in….

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Faroe Island in Denmark

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Generated Waste

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Edible oil/Ghee will be extracted from this waste!!!

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Global Warming

Causes and Consequences

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Beef Processing Plant


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Burning calories

Calories of fossil fuel expended to produce

• 1 calorie of protein from soybeans: 2

• 1 calorie of protein from corn or wheat: 3

• 1 calorie of protein from beef: 54

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Number of people whose food energy needs can be met by the food produced on 2.5

acres of land:

• If the land is producing cabbage: 23 people• Potatoes: 22 people• Corn: 17 people• Wheat: 15 people• Chicken: 2 people• Milk: 2 people• Eggs: 1 person• Beef: 1 person

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Water to food

• Amount of water to produce 1 pound of corn for direct human consumption.=57 gallons

• Amount of water to produce 1 pound of beef from a cow that ate only corn.=855 gallons

15 Times more…

Read:“ How Much Water Did Your Food Require?”

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Consequences of Global


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Greenland and Sea Level Rise

Areas of summer ice melt. Looks downright scary, doesn’t it? (AIT, p. 195)

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Melting Polar Caps….

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This day is not very far….

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Convenience in an Inconvenient Truth

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• Let’s see some more reasons to go veg…

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Water Pollution• The total animal waste globally is 130 times of that of the entire human


• Farm animal related fertilizers cause 30-40% of current Nitrite-Phosphate pollution of the water

Eco-system Imbalance and Starvation• Deforestation causes more than 1000 species to become extinct every year

• There are 25% human population starving nowadays, ironically, there are also many people suffering from obesity and eating-habit related diseases

reference: John Robbins 的 Diet for a New America 和 The Food Revolution


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Methane gas has maximum share in gases responsible for Green house effect

According to the EPA, the world’s livestock are responsible for 25 percent of the world’s anthropogenic methane emissions.

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All In one…

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This is the world today...

Abuse, Murder, Violence prevails

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This is the world today...

Environment is polluted

Eco-system is upset

Human survival is threatened

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Extinct Creatures

Let’s see how many creatures we have eaten up!!!

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Tasmanian Tiger

The biggest cause of their extinction in the wild was a massive hunting campaign instituted by the Tasmanian government from 1888 to 1909

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Passenger Pigeon

Colonial hunters happened. The pigeon meat was commercialized and recognized as cheap food, especially for slaves and the poor, which led to a catastrophic hunting campaign on a massive scale

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Tecopa Pupfish

The fish were first discovered in the Tecopa Hot Springs in California in 1942, and their decline followed shortly thereafter. The nail in the coffin came when hotels and trailer parks were built nearby hunted them to fed the tourists.

Official delisting of the animal

Came in 1981.

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Baiji River Dolphin

20 million years old creature became extinct in late 2006 due massive hunting.

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Bubal Hartebeest (Cruelty for fun)

• European hunters who began hunting them for recreation and meat.

• People who resided in Morocco shot these animals for fun, and for hunting, which wiped large herds of them out

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This day is also not very far!!!

Due to eating of non veg food humans became extinct in last decade…

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Dairy Products

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Milking a cow!!!

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In a huge quantity ghee/oil is produced by the waste of beef industry, to save the expenditure to dispose it…

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Yes!!! Fish and egg is also Non-veg

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Peaceable Table

• Americans no cats or dogs or horses, please• Muslims and orthodox Jews no pork, please• Indians no cows, please• Be a Human no animals, please

• The only thing left to eat that everybody could agree upon would be a vegetarian meal.

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This??? This???

Or This???

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Pre-requisite for a Healthful Plant-based Diet

• Make a vow• Be less selective about food• Take a mid-path• Jump out of our comfort zone• Keep in touch with healthy


• Be flexible and creative

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Thank You….