dead cheerleader (completed)

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By Farless Quency

Illustrations by Ty Phoxx

Summary- Prologue- Leonard and Uriel- Dallas and Diego- mber and Bobbi !ac" #$S%- !o&l's Story- !ade- Intermission

- (o&lle #$)%- Tombstone- *yan- Sariel and Co++er- Con,rontation #$D%

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- The )i,t o, the agi


#by Ty Phoxx%

 This is actually more li"e a ,ore.ord/ but Farless Quency.ould li"e to call it +rologue0 It's more li"e a letter to hersel,/actually/ since this is .hat she'll be reading e1ery time she ,eelsdiscouraged by the amount o, .or" ahead o, her to be done0 )oFarless2 3ou can ma"e it2

Be,ore she starts #.hich is exactly .hat a +rologue4,ore.ordis ,or%/ she .ould li"e to state her rights/ the +eo+le she'sdedicating this to/ reminders to "ee+ in mind/ s+ecial than"s/.arnings to the readers/ so on and etc5

First o, all/ she reser1es the right to ma"e absolutely nosense to anyone but hersel,/ and maybe a ,e. close ,riends and,amily members .ho understand ho. her brain .or"s0 Shereser1es the right to babble and go on and on o1er the mostinsigni,icant details0 She reser1es the right to sto+ in the middleo, a sentence/ +hrase or .ord and change her mind/ there,orere.riting .hat she had +re1iously stated .ithout altering her

actual .ords0 This also im+lies that it is her duty not to erase ordelete a single .ord she has ty+ed0 She is +ositi1e that this rule isessential to her com+letion o, (ano.rimo0

Secondly/ she dedicates this boo" 6Dead Cheerleader7 toe1eryone she "no.s/ and since there are so many o, them/ she.ill abstain ,rom listing them here0 nd o, course/ to the greatest.riter o, all times/ C0 S0 Le.is2 But she .ill s+eci,ically say/ thatthe goal o, this boo" is ,or her to ,igure out ho. to deal .ith hero.n li,e at the +resent time/ inserting so ob1iously ob1ious

+arallels .ith Dallas/ the main character/ that they .ill turn out tobe rather im+licit and subtle0 That's ho. li,e o,ten .or"s/ you see/i, you do the o++osite o, .hat you're trying to do/ you usually endu+ doing it0Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul

 And sings the tune without the words And never stops at all. ~Emily Dickinson

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(o. that that's been said/ I can mo1e on to her o.n+ersonal reminders0 She as"ed me to scream them at her/ to drillthem into that stubbornly thic" s"ull o, hers/ so I a+ologi8e ,or anyincon1enience ,or those .ho can't stand other +eo+le tal"ing loud

#.hile they actually do it themsel1es%0 F*L9SS/ 3:U'D B9TT9*;*IT9 ;IT<:UT T<I(=I()/ C:(T*DICT 3:U*S9LF/ ): <9D2IT D:9S('T TT9*222 :>9* 9?PL(TI:( IS )::D/ SI(C9 3:UUSULL3 D:('T PUT 9(:U)< 9?PL(TI:( I( (3;3S222 B99?T*99999992222 3our goal@ six +ages +er day0 bout threehundred .ords +er +age/ there,ore six times three hundred eAualsone thousand eighteen hundred0 nd you need one thousandse1enteen hundred .ords +er day to get this o1er .ith0 y only.orry is that you'll ,inish the boo" be,ore you .rite ,i,ty thousand.ords0 gain/ I a+ologi8e i, these statements .ere boring/ but

Farless needs them to sort e1erything out0:"ay/ that's o1er no.2 Bear .ith me2 The next +art/ thirdly

or ,ourthly/ I can't remember/ Farless .ishes to ex+ress s+ecialthan"s to all the random +eo+le she as"ed random Auestions to inthe most random +laces and the most random times0 I, you don'trecogni8e yoursel,/ that's o"ay/ because she can't remember .hoyou all are either0 *est assured that the Auestions actually had ade,inite +ur+ose and accom+lishment2 Farless isn't as cra8y asshe seems0

Lastly #.hich might end u+ not being lastly%/ she has to .arnthe readers0 Do not udge this boo" by its co1er and title0 Becauseyou .ill be sorely disa++ointed0 6Dead cheerleader7 sounds li"e agory horror story/ doesn't it I mean/ .hat can you ex+ect/ it's theday a,ter <allo.een/ ll Saints Day actually/ e1eryone shouldthin" it's some "ind o, sus+ense ghost/ scary/ s+oo"y and deadlystory0 )uess .hat 3ou're all .rong2 Farless' imagination is too.ild to .rite/ read or see such stories0 She .ould get nightmares0So/ as she sits do.n to .rite this boo"/ in her <allo.een lice in;onderland costume/ eating her candy/ the last thing on her mindis blood and losing limbs0 3uc"0 So i, you are already disa++ointedby this .arning/ you ha1e t.o choices@ either you +ut this a.ayand ,ind a boo" to your li"ing that actually tal"s about .hat youthin" it .ill tal" about/ or you read on and you might be+leasantly ama8ed0 I ust "no. that i, you ex+ect one thing/ youusually .on't li"e it i, you get anything else/ e1en i, it's the best

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thing in the .orld0 Don't sha"e your head/ you "no. it's true/.e're all human/ .e tend to .or" that .ay0

nother thing Farless has to do be,ore she can o,,icially startthis boo"/ is identi,y her audience0 So this is all being .ritten to

Sigmund ;asabi/ her loc"er .ho used to hate her/ to Charlie/ the,iling cabinet .ho de,initely hates her because he high-ac"ed her"ey and .on't gi1e it bac" #she belie1es it's stuc" ,or all eternity%and to Barney/ the ,ace in the tiles on the ,loor o, her oldbathroom0 So I guess you/ the reader/ are a +art o, those three,igments o, her imagination0 3ou must all be guys/ then #haha/ Idoubt it%0 ny.ays/ +ic" one/ I su++ose/ that you can identi,yyoursel, .ith/ or all o, them/ it doesn't really matter/ and +retendthat she's .riting to you0 I thin"/ subconsciously/ she is .ritingdirectly to you/ but she has to +ut a ,ace and a name to you0 !ust

be glad that you .eren't called Baltha8ar/ lice in ;onderland or Ty Phoxx0 Belie1e me/ you don't .ant names li"e that/ and Farlessis Auite ca+able o, gi1ing them to you0

s .e're nearing the end o, the Prologue/ I can't hel+thin"ing that I'm ,orgetting something0 I nearly al.ays do0 But the+roblem is@ .hat did I ,orget :<2 #light bulb2%0

Farless has one more .arning ,or you0 This one mightactually dra. you in instead o, turn you o,,/ unless you areextremely su+erstitious0 Farless has been doomed/ ,or the +ast

three years and a hal,/ .ith the number thirteen0 It in the most random +laces0 nd right no. the it's a++earing the most is in this boo"0 3ou ha1en't noticedLoo" at the summary0 <o. many +arts are there 3ou got it0

 Thirteen #you "no./ I should be care,ul about saying this becauseit might be changed later on/ because she might need to addmore +lot to the story%0 Farless has also +ut together a +lay list ,oreach +art0 Can you guess ho. many songs are in each +lay list(ot too hard to guess/ huh The .orst +art is that she doesn'te1en do it on +ur+ose0 <a0 I su++ose this boo" .ill end u+ .ith,i1e hundred and thirteen +ages or something0 )o ahead/ laugh atmy estimate/ no doubt I'm com+letely o,,0

ny.ays/ I don't thin" Farless is +re+ared mentally ,or theu+coming month/ the slee+less nights/ the staring at blan" +ages,or hours .ithout .riting a single .ord0 She's all +syched u+ rightno./ blasting loud roc" music and all excited about bringing

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Dallas to li,e #.ell/ to death/ actually%0 :ne thing I am sure o,@ .ithenough encouragement and that stubborndetermination o, hers/ she can ma"e it0 Courage/ Farless2 ;ebelie1e in you2 3:U ;ILL SU*>I>92

(o./ I o.e you some ex+lanation0 It's about the title0 3es/someone has to ex+lain the title0 Since I'm here/ I'1e a++ointedthe ob to mysel,0 <o. should I start I su++ose you could say it'sa moderni8ed 1ersion o, the )reat Cloud o, ;itnesses0 I, you don't"no. .hat that is/ loo" u+ <ebre.s E/ in the Bible/ and read it0:r I could ust tell you0 >ery .ell/ I'll do that0 The )reat Cloud o,;itnesses is a 1ague notion/ because it doesn't really s+eci,yexactly .ho is a +art o, this grou+0 Basically/ it's dead +eo+le/that much .e're sure o,/ .ho ha1e already com+leted the +ath o,their li,e0 So their .or" is o1er0 nd no. .hat they ha1e to do is

cheer the +eo+le that are still ali1e on0 Telling them to hang inthere and endure to the end and all that "ind o, encouragement0In other .ords/ Dead Cheerleaders0 nd that's ho. Farless got thetitle o, her boo"0 It so ha++ens that Dallas/ the main character/ is+art o, this )reat Cloud o, ;itnesses/ assuming that it isn'texclusi1ely Saints that are a +art o, it0 :, course/ to ma"e thestory interesting/ she's ta"en the liberty to add in1ented ideas o,her o.n0 ;hether you +ic" those liberties out or not/ as long asyou enoy reading it/ the +ur+ose .ill ha1e been ,ul,illed0

Finally/ and I'm +retty sure this is the ,inal ,inally/ FarlessQuency a+ologi8es to !uddy Dagger/ )race <ori8on and Feuille deLaurier/ her three characters .ho still remain .ithout a story to+lay in0 They almost made it into Dead Cheerleader/ but not Auite0Farless might sli+ them in the story i, she runs out o,things to .rite about/ but mean.hile/ she's terribly sorry todisa++oint them once again0 There's nothing more sad than acharacter .ithout a story/ and un,ortunately they ha1e beenaround ,or Auite a .hile0

nd on that note/ I .ill end0 lthough the atmos+here shouldnot be sad/ but bubbling .ith antici+ation and excitement/ as thead1enture is about to start2 Than" you ,or .illingly +artici+ating2y greatest congratulations to Farless ,or e1en trying to achie1ethis contest0 *est assured that I .ill ,ore1er and al.ays continueto illustrate her stories/ boo"s and .hate1er/ .hene1er/ sheneeds my assistance2

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 Ty Phoxx

Leonard and Uriel

 The ,irst thing I sa. .hen I died .as a tall handsome youth0 Icouldn't hear anything/ exce+t ,or a strong ringing sound/ li"e a

child sli++ing his .et ,inger around the rim o, a crystal glass0 But I,elt com+letely a.a"e and alert/ strangely enough0 y 1ision .asclear and shar+0 I "ne. I .as dead0 There .as no .ay I couldha1e sur1i1ed0 The young man rushed to my side and "neeleddo.n beside me0 I .as lying in the middle o, the street/ I thin"0

 That's .hy he had to "neel0 <is ,ace carried a .orried ex+ression0I su++ose he .as .orried about me0 I +robably didn't loo" toogood0 <is +er,ect mouth o+ened/ but I couldn't hear .hat he .assaying/ because o, that ringing sound0 <is hair .as et blac"/ and

as shiny as a mirror0 I, he tilted his head the right .ay/ I might beable to see my re,lection0 I ,igured it .as gel/ ,or his hair seemed+lastered to his s"ull0 <e .ore a blac" shirt/ .hite eans and achain o, charms/ mostly s"ull and crossbones/ as a belt around his.aist0 <e loo"ed li"e a regular teenager/ .ith a da88ling smile thatmade girls ,all ,or him instantly0 I .asn't im+ressed0 Because Inoticed his eyes0 They .ere a 1i1id blood red/ and it ga1e me the

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cree+s0 y ga8e .as trans,ixed by those eyes0 <e seemed too5+er,ect0 That .as it/ he .asn't Auite human0 y ,irst assum+tionscreamed@ 6>am+ire2226 but I .as mista"en0 I didn't bother tomo1e0 I .as dead/ a,ter all/ .hat could he +ossibly do to me 3es/

this guy .as s+oo"y/ but I certainly .asn't a,raid o, him0 ;ho"ne./ I might ha1e seemed s+oo"y to someone else0 It didn'tmean that I .as e1il0 nd it +robably didn't mean that he .as e1il0)uess .hat I .as .rong0

So I ust lied there as he "nelt beside me0 <e seemed to getmore and more .orried as I ne1er ans.ered0 I don't "no. .hy Ididn't ans.er0 I didn't ,eel li"e it/ I guess0 I al.ays ,ind it easier to"ee+ my mouth shut0 *ude/ right :h .ell/ I can li1e .ith beingseen as a rude +erson0 :r die/ .hate1er0 (o/ not .hate1er0ny.ays/ he "e+t trying to tal" to me/ and I still couldn't hear

anything no matter ho. many times he re+eated it/ because o,that stubborn child .ho "e+t sli++ing his .et ,inger on his crystalglass0 <is mouth al.ays mo1ed in the same sha+es/ so I "ne. saying the same thing/ but I couldn't ,igure out .hat0 I .asn'tthat good at li+ reading0 I don't thin" I had e1er tried it be,ore0Finally/ I thin" he ga1e u+/ because he stood u+ and stretched hishand out to me0 :h/ he .as trying to hel+ me u+0 I actuallymo1ed0 I .asn't e1en sure i, I .ould be able to at the time0 But Idecided that I didn't .ant to lie there ,or the rest o, my li,e/ um/ I

mean death/ so I reached ,or his outstretched hand and grabbedhold o, it0

 The reaction .as immediate0 It .as as i, he had been struc"by lightning0 <e +ulled a.ay 1i1idly0 y arm ,ell bac" against myside0 The contact had le,t a strange ,eeling on my ,ingerti+s0 Theboy's .hole a++earance changed0 ctually/ it .as +robably usthis ex+ression/ but it made the rest o, his body loo" di,,erent as.ell0 <is ,ace .as no. all scrunched u+ into a +ainting o, highannoyance0 ;as he annoyed .ith me I didn't understand .hat Ihad done0 <e loo"ed at me .ith disgust/ then at his hand/ and.i+ed it o,, on his shirt0 :, course/ there .as nothing on his hand/besides maybe my germs/ but I had the same ,eeling on my hand/I .anted to scrub it o,,0 I didn't bother0 aybe I would lay there ,orall eternity06L9:(*D27

 The cree+y red-eyed boy's head sna++ed u+0 I almost

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 um+ed/ but I thin" my body .as too lethargic0 3ou can't blame it/it had ne1er died be,ore0 :ne thing .as nice to "no.@ I hadreco1ered my ability to hear0 The child .ith his crystal glass .asgone0 ;hat sur+rised me most .as the .ay the name had been

+ronounced0 Lee-oh-nard0 Strange0 The young man bac"ed u+/hesitated/ glanced bac" do.n at me then again to the +erson .hohad called him0 I still couldn't see the +erson0 I .as too la8y tomo1e my head0 I didn't ha1e to .ait long0 The ne.comer cameinto 1ie.0 But he mo1ed a little too ,ast ,or my human eye0 ll Ireali8ed .as that Leonard braced himsel,/ and be,ore I could.onder .hy/ a ,lash o, light roc"eted into him/ sending himtumbling to the ,loor0 <e rolled bac".ards o1er himsel,/ andlanded on his hands and ,eet/ snarling menacingly0 <e Auic"ly

 um+ed bac" to his ,eet/ dusted himsel, o,, and regained a cool

com+osure06;hat are you doing7 the beam o, light/ .ho no. .as stillenough to ta"e on a human ,orm/ as"ed sus+iciously0

Leonard shrugged and re+lied@6Don't get yoursel, .or"ed u+/ Uriel0 Did it e1er occur to you that Ita"e a brea" ,rom my .or" ,rom time to time7

 This caused a laugh in his o++onent0 :b1iously/ thehandsome youth had ust uttered a big ,at lie0 I could almost seehis nose getting longer0

6Don't gi1e me that/ Leo0 I, you're not going to tell me .hatyou're u+ to/ it .on't be the ,irst time07

So this Leonard li"ed to +lay the mysterious guy/ huh I ha1eto admit/ I enoyed ea1esdro++ing0 Both o, them seemed to ha1ecom+letely ,orgotten that I .as there0 They didn't seem to noticethe +eo+le .al"ing calmly do.n the street either0 nd the by+assers didn't seem to notice them0 ;hich .as strange/ ,or theyboth .ere Auite noticeable0 (ot to mention a dead +erson .aslying in the middle o, the street0 (o sooner had I thought aboutthis/ that I reali8ed +eo+le .ere staring at me ,rom the .indo.s o,buildings/ some o, them +anic"ed0 But they .ere .atching onlyme/ and not the other t.o0 I sa. something glint in Leonard's redeyes0 The ne.comer sa. it too06:h27 the statue o, light chuc"led0 6Is it +ossible you made amista"e (o .onder you're not admitting it0 3ou ne1er did li"e tolose07

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Leonard sni,,ed disdain,ully0 <e dre. himsel, u+ straight/ andloo"ed e1ery bit li"e a snobby brat0 But in a snea"y .ay0 TheAuestion .as@ .hat .as his mista"e Un,ortunately/ I didn't getthe until much later0

6S+ea" ,or yoursel,0 I heard that your +artner abandoned you07Leo hissed0Uriel's ,ists tightened0 I .inced0 It sounded li"e a +ain,ul

memory06Bac"stabbing demon07 the man o, light muttered bet.eenclenched teeth0

 The tension .as rising0 91en I/ as a dead +erson/ could ,eelit0 I .as ready ,or a ,ight to brea" out0 But it didn't0 Instead/Leonard smiled a cruel sneer and .al"ed a.ay06:ne o, these days527 the angel called a,ter him/ his threat le,t in

sus+ense06Brilliant/ Uriel0 Brilliant07 the demon saluted him as hedisa++eared around the corner o, the street0

 Time ,ro8e0 I .as ex+ecting something to ha++en0 It didn'tta"e long0 Uriel suddenly remembered something0 It turned out tobe me0 <e s+un around and rushed to my side0 I .as startled0 ButI still didn't mo1e0 ;hen you'1e been doing one thing ,or too long/it's hard to change your habits0 Same +roblem here0 In my mind/ I

 um+ed a.ay/ but in reality/ my body didn't res+ond0 I ,inally got

to see more than Uriel's bac"0 <e had a large hoo"ed nose/ so,tgreen eyes and stra.berry blond hair0 <e .ore a long .hitegarment/ that loo"ed much li"e a bathrobe/ .ith matchingsli++ers0 <is age could ha1e ranged ,rom anything bet.eent.enty and ,i,ty years old0 I thought I could see a ,e. strea"s o,gray hair on his head/ but I .asn't Auite sure0 ;hat ca+tured myattention .as t.o giant eagle .ings coming out o, his bac"0 I .asa.ed by their maestic demeanor0 But the +oor Uriel .as rathershort and muscular/ and com+ared to his big .ings/ he almostloo"ed ridiculous and silly0 <e tuc"ed his hands under my armsand hea1ed me to my ,eet0 I ,elt incredibly light0 But I couldn't,eel my limbs0 <o. to describe the sensation I .as smo"e0 small cloud/ that .asn't +ushed to and ,ro by the .ind0 I couldn't"ee+ my eyes o,, o, my dead body that .as still lying on the ,loor0Peo+le .ere ,inally starting to react0 They had called the +olice/the ,iremen/ the ambulance and all/ and they .ere coming0 I

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heard sirens do.n the street0 But I could only .atch my human,orm0 It .as motionless and laid at an odd angle/ its eyes .ideo+en0 Cree+y0 Staring into my o.n li,eless eyes0 I almost .ishedthat Leonard .as still here/ so that I could see .hat I loo"ed li"e

no. in that mirror he had ,or hair0 Uriel ,inally tore me a.ay ,rommy contem+lation06Come on/ .e can't stay here ,ore1er0 Dont be a,raid07 he tuggedat my arm0

I reluctantly ac"no.ledged his +resence and ,ollo.ed him/docile0 s .e headed do.n the street/ in the o++osite direction,rom .hich the ambulance .as coming/ I had to ,orce mysel, tonot loo" bac"0 I didn't .ant to see mysel, be mo1ed ,rom thats+ot in the middle o, the street0 Sur+risingly/ I ust ,loatedright along0 There .asn't much else I could do0 terrible thought

struc" me@ .hat i, I got an itch <o. .ould I be able to scratch itSilly thin"ing/ I su++ose/ since I didn't really ha1e a body anymorethat could get itchy0 But it bothered me any.ays/ and ,rom timeto time/ I had the im+ression I .as getting an itch0

 The tri+ didn't ta"e 1ery long0 Suddenly/ as .e rounded acorner/ .hich I had thought led to the old library/ there stood thebiggest and most magni,icent castle I had e1er seen0 (o .ay .asit man made0

I'll try my best to describe it/ but it .as ten times better than

any descri+tion I can gi1e0 t ,irst/ I couldn't see much ,or a .allsurrounded it0 It .as a ,abulous .all/ in the sha+e o, a dodecagon/.hich meant that it had t.el1e sides/ and each side .as made o,a di,,erent brilliant e.el0 I later ,ound out .hat each o, them.ere@ as+er/ sa++hire/ chalcedony/ emerald/ sardonyx/ carnelian/chrysolite/ beryl/ to+a8/ chryso+rase/ acinth and amethyst0 In themiddle o, e1ery side .as a large gate/ made o, +earl and +olishedtil it glo.ed0 The .hole castle radiated light/ it loo"ed li"e it .asmade o, gold0 It .as located on a hill/ and on the ground aroundit/ laid +ure .hite sno.0 9ternal sno./ I ,igured/ since .e .ere inthe middle o, s+ring/ the "ind that stayed all year round0 (eedlessto say/ I .as a.ed by it's maesty0Uriel and I entered the +earl gate in the chrysolite .all0 It .as aclear bright green0 The inside .as e1en more ba,,ling than theoutside0 From behind the .all/ I couldn't see the gardenssurrounding the castle0 In ,act/ the castle seemed to be a +art o,

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the gardens0 It .as a 1ery di,,erent "ind o, edi,ice0 It had no roo,/and the .alls .eren't built li"e .alls/ they molded into the grass/the sno. and the ,lo.ers0 It almost loo"ed li"e it had gro.n out o,the ground/ a gigantic tree o, gold that .as large enough to house

all the angels/ ,or I had not doubt that this .as its +ur+ose0 Thegardens .ere com+letely natural0 It didn't loo" as thoughanything had been +lanted or organi8ed/ but it loo"ed +er,ectnonetheless0 ri1er ran through it/ coming out o, the castle0 The.ater .as crystal clear and made a serene/ +leasant tric"lingsound0 91erything about the +lace .as relaxing and calm0Innocent0 blue bird sang in a nearby tree0 There .as no clue asto the +olluted city street .e had ust come ,rom/ outside the.alls o, +recious e.els0

Uriel .asn't +hased by his surroundings0 I had to tear mysel,

a.ay ,rom the beauti,ul sight to "ee+ u+ .ith him0 <is +ace .as,ast/ he ob1iously had a goal and .as eager to ,ul,ill it Auic"ly0

Inside the golden castle/ I ust "e+t being ama8ed by itsgrandeur/ si8e and ho. gorgeous e1erything .as0 I .anted toex+lore the endless rooms/ hall.ays and staircases/ all made o,gold and gems0 I loo"ed/ e1erything shone ands+ar"led0 *ainbo.s re,lected on the ,loor and I reali8ed/ as I+assed o1er one o, them/ that I no longer had a shado.0 <o.e1er/it didn't trouble me too much0 I .as dead/ I .asn't Auite sure .hat

to ex+ect0 In the main hall.ay/ I thin" it .as a hall.ay/ in itscenter stood a glorious throne/ ust as maestic as e1erything elseI .as disco1ering in this +lace0 The throne .as the source o, theri1er0 It ,lo.ed out ,rom e1ery side and slid into se1eral branchesthat made their .ay outside0 >ines cra.led u+ the throne's legs/and bright red berries hung ,rom the branches and lea1es0 ymouth .atered0

Uriel noticed my interest0 Un,ortunately/ he +ulled me a.ay,rom the delicious loo"ing ,ruit0 <e smiled reassuringly@6Don't .orry/ you'll get a chance to eat here0 But no. is not thetime0 There .ill be a huge ,east once ount Gion is o+ened toe1eryone07

ount Gion0 So that .as the name o, this +lace0 It struc" me"ind o, ,unny0 aybe because it .as di,,erent ,rom anything I hade1er seen or heard about0 Utterly di,,erent0 It .as too +er,ect andangelic0 I ,elt com+letely out o, +lace/ a stranger/ a ,oreigner/ .ho

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didnt ha1e a body anymore0 The ama8ement .as starting to.ear o,, a bit/ and thoughts o, my home began +o++ing u+ in mymind0 I couldn't com+are the t.o/ ount Gion .ould logically beatit hands do.n/ but it ust didn't ha1e that ,amiliarity and com,ort

that my o.n little room had0 I held on to the idea0 I didn't .ant tolet go o, my old li,e0 I didn't .ant to loose it/ no matter ho. greatmy ne. li,e .as going to be0 It made me less eager to disco1erount Gion0

s I ,ollo.ed Uriel again/ I "e+t my eyes to the ,loor/ .ishingthat I had ,eet to .atch0 I only loo"ed u+ .hen I heard the angels+ea"ing to someone else0 I hadn't reali8ed someone hada++roached0 The someone turned out to be another angel0 <e .asse1eral heads taller than Uriel/ .ith +iercing gray eyes/ thic" loc"so, blond hair and strong/ sAuare ,eatures0 S+routing out o, his

bac" .as a +air o, golden ,eathery .ings0 The .ay he interacted.ith Uriel/ I guessed he .as in charge0 n archangel0 It too" me a.hile to ,igure out that they .ere tal"ing about me06<mm/ I see you don't ha1e much ex+erience .ith ne. souls07the archangel obser1ed/ but it .as a sim+le statement/ .ith nocriticism0

Uriel nodded@6I'm ust a cherub/ I don't usually get those "ind o, assignments0Do you thin" you could ta"e care o, it I'1e got to get bac" to my

 ob07 The +iercing gray eyes glanced brie,ly at my smo"e ,orm/

e1aluating/ +robably/ i, I .as .orth the trouble0 I had al.aysthought that the archangels .ere the ones that .ere sort o, li"ehea1enly mailmen0 They deli1ered messages to the Li1ing0Considering that I .as no longer li1ing/ I didn't ,all in thatcategory06:"ay/ I'll ta"e care o, it0 I'm o,, duty right no.07 the tall"ed0

Uriel chuc"led at the o"e/ that .ent .ay o1er my head/ Ihad no clue .hat they .ere tal"ing about06Than"s/ *a+hael/ I o.e you one07 the short angel .ith eagle.ings turned around and le,t0

*a+hael .atched him go silently/ then turned to.ard me0 <emotioned ,or me to ,ollo. him/ .hich I did0 I .as certain that I.ould get lost/ i, I .ere le,t on my o.n0 The archangel .as

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de,initely more im+osing than the cherub0 I ,elt e1en smaller thanI did at the sight o, ount Gion0 I couldn't hel+ thin"ing that I .asa burden to them0 <el+less clueless little ne. soul in the sha+e o,a cloud0 <o. +athetic0 I almost ,elt sorry ,or mysel,0 I +romised

mysel, that once I had the ca+acity/ I .ould ust stay out o, their.ay and let them ,ul,ill their obs +eace,ully0 <o. I hated beingbothersome0

It turned out that's exactly .hat *a+hael .as going to do0 That is/ gi1e me the ca+acity0 I didn't "no. it at the time/ but about to recei1e a ne. body0 First/ though/ .e had to dro+ bySaint Peter's o,,ice0 Don't as" me .here .e ,ound it0

 The man .as hidden behind the biggest boo" in history0 TheBoo" o, Li,e0 <e didn't e1en ha1e a des"/ it ust laid on the ,loor/o+en0 nd this normal si8ed man had to use the ,ull extent o, his

arms to turn each +age0 It .as easily ten times bigger than him0<e almost had to run ,rom side to side to ,li+ the +ages0 The +oorguy had curly bro.n hair/ a thic" beard and .ore a sim+le toga0nd he also seemed com+letely thrilled .ith the ob he had beengi1en0 I couldn't understand .hy0

Peter loo"ed u+ .hen he noticed that *a+hael and I hadentered the room0 <e smiled .armly/ and it lit u+ his ,ace andeyes0 I had ne1er seen someone so ha++y to see me be,ore0 Thatalso struc" me a bit strange0 I didn't understand .hy he .as

ha++y to see me06Brought me a ne. soul/ did you/ *a+hael7

 The archangel nodded06Uriel ,ound her .hen he .as chasing a,ter Leonard07

Peter scratched his chin thought,ully063ou "no./ I don't remember5 oh .ell0 ;hat's your name7

It too" me a ,e. seconds to reali8e he .as tal"ing to me0nd I also reali8ed that I hadn't uttered a .ord since I had died0Saint Peter arched his eyebro.s at me06Dallas07 I ans.ered0

uch to my sur+rise/ my 1oice didn't sound any di,,erent0Peter climbed onto the Boo" o, Li,e and sAuinted at the long list o,names063e+/ you're here/ all right07

 The man loo"ed bac" u+ and smiled again06;elcome to ount Gion/ Dallas07

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I didn't ans.er0 I .asn't sure ho. I .as su++osed to ans.er0It turned out/ I didn't need to/ ,or *a+hael s+o"e u+@6Than"s/ Peter0 I need to get her to the .or"sho+ no.07

<e Auic"ly ushered me out o, the room as Saint Peter .a1ed

goodbye0 Bac" in the hall.ay/ I ,elt intimidated and small all o1eragain0 nd there .as no cro.d I could blend into/ and disa++earin0

 The .or"sho+ seemed to be at the other end o, the building0I still stubbornly .atched the ,loor0 I .ould s+end all eternitygetting lost li"e that/ I decided0

*a+hael abandoned me in ,ront o, the .or"sho+ door06I can't hel+ you ,rom this +oint on/7 he ex+lained0 63ou're on youro.n no.07

<e le,t me standing li"e an idiot in ,ront o, that door0 lost

little +u,, o, smo"e0 I couldn't bring mysel, to enter the .or"sho+0I don't thin" I .ould'1e dared intrude on someone's +ri1acy alone0It .as all too sudden/ and nobody sto++ed to ex+lain to meexactly .hat .as going on0 It .as as i, they assumed that Ialready "ne. e1erything/ that I understood ho. a,terli,e .or"ed0ll I could do .as a++ear to understand0 I didn't .ant to botherthem .ith my stu+id Auestions0 nd/ I ,igured/ i, I listened andobser1ed long enough/ I .ould start +ic"ing u+ things that I didn'te1en "no. existed0 But the +roblem .as that I didn't really .ant

to +ic" things u+/ I didn't .ant to get used to my ne. li,e anden1ironment0 nd I had to0 I didn't really ha1e a choice0I also ,igured I didn't ha1e a choice on .hether or not I shouldenter the .or"sho+0 So I ,inally ,orced mysel, to o+en the doorand ,loat inside0 The room .as com+letely di,,erent ,rom the resto, ount Gion0 91erything .as o1er, and in a hugeorgani8ed mess0 It loo"ed li"e an artist's lair0 ;hich turned out tobe exactly .hat it .as0 The artist in +erson .as .or"ing on ascul+ture made o, clay0 <is arms .ere s+lattered .ith .et earthu+ to his elbo.s/ and stains co1ered his no longer .hite a+ron0 <ecare,ully car1ed and molded e1ery detail .ith cunning +recisionand exactitude0 ;ithout ta"ing his eyes o,, his .or"/ he said@6I'm glad you ,inally decided to come in/ Dallas07

I don't "no. .hat sur+rised me more@ that he "ne. myname or that he had noticed that I had only ust come in0 <eseemed 1ery absorbed in his .or"0 s I dre. nearer/ he ,inished

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the car1ing and +ut the scul+ture in a ,ire in the corner o, a room0 The ,lames lic"ed it/ the ,orm o, a human/ a young .oman0 Itcrac"led and si88led/ and the clay gre. dar"er as it hardened0ean.hile/ the artist got his +ainting material out0 <e began

ex+erimenting .ith the di,,erent colors o, +aint/ mixing themtogether until he ,ound the +er,ect shade0 I couldn't do much but.atch0

;hen it .as done coo"ing/ he remo1ed the statue ,rom the,ire and .ent to .or" on it once again/ this time adding color0 Ittoo" him Auite a .hile to ,inish this +art/ but his ex+ert handsmaster,ully s.e+t the +aintbrush bac" and ,orth/ .ithout.a1ering/ at all times0 ;hen he .as done/ he ste++ed bac" toadmire his art.or"/ ob1iously satis,ied0 Then he turned to me@6;hat do you thin"/ Dallas7

I loo"ed at the statue/ ,or I had been .atching the artist the.hole time/ and gas+ed0 It loo"ed exactly li"e a human/ itcould'1e mo1ed and tal"ed/ I .ould not ha1e been sur+rised0 But.hat startled me .as that I recogni8ed the +erson0 It .as me0 at a loss ,or .ords06I thin" she's beauti,ul07 the artist ga8ed lo1ingly u+on hiscreation0

I gul+ed0 It .as my exact re+lica0 I, I hadn't "no. any better/I .ould'1e s.orn he had +ic"ed u+ my body in the middle o, that

street0 The artist smiled0 There .as something about him that Ia++reciated and made me ,eel com,ortable0 nd at the sametime/ I reected the idea0 Sus+icion and cluelessness bent myeyebro.s into a ,ro.n06I thought you might li"e her07 the artist said "no.ingly0 6I madeher ,or you07

I .as ,lattered/ and relie1ed simultaneously0 I too" a ,e.ste+s closer to my statue0 I .asn't sure .hat I .as su++osed todo0 The artist bec"oned me come closer06This is your ne. body/ Dallas07 he ex+lained0 6ll you ha1e to dois ste+ into it07

I eagerly obeyed0 Suddenly/ I could ,eel mysel,/ my limbs/the ,orce o, gra1ity/ and an itch in the small o, my bac" .here im+ossible to reach0 It .as a .onder,ul sensation0 I thin" thebest +art .as that this ne. body loo"ed and ,elt exactly li"e myold body0

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Dallas and Diego

I .as in1isible/ mute/ blind and dea,0 I .as ust li"e that0 There .as nothing I could do about it and nothing that otherscould do about it either0 Sometimes it .as a blessing/ other timesit .as a curse0

I .as in1isible because I .as the most ordinary loo"ing+erson you could ,ind0 I ne1er changed my clothing style/ no,lashy colors or accessories0 I ne1er changed my hair cut or style/it .as a dull straight dusty/ rusty red/ that my mother calledauburn' to be nice0 I al.ays .ore the same headband/ the same

shoes and my .ardrobe .as essentially made o, eans and sim+lecolored shirts0 y eyes .ere a messy mix bet.een "ha"i greenand dar" bro.n0 I had ne1er ,elt li"e I .as +retty0 (obody hade1er told me so/ I thought that I .as too ordinary to be +retty/ tooin1isible to be0 Until the artist told me I loo"ed beauti,ul0 It .as astrange/ ne. ,eeling that stirred in my heart0 <al, o, me didn'tbelie1e him/ he .as exaggerating +robably/ since he had createdme/ and the other hal, ,elt .arm and +leased .ith thecom+liment0

I .as mute/ because I sim+ly didn't tal"0 I .asn't shy/ I usthad a small social meter0 I, I could ,ind an alternati1e to tal"ing/ I.ould do it0 Li,e .as easier that .ay0 t least it .as ,or me0 I couldgo ,or days .ithout uttering a .ord0 I a1oided +eo+le0 I .asde,initely not the con1ersation ty+e0 nd the artist seemed tounderstand that/ someho.0 I don't thin" that he ex+ected me toans.er0 First time I e1er met someone li"e that/ someone .hoactually "ne. ho. to act around me .ithout .orrying about mysilence0 Call me rude i, you li"e/ I don't care .hat you thin" about

me0 I .as blind/ because I usually +aid absolutely no attention tothe .orld around me0 3ou could .a1e your hand in ,ront o, myeyes and I .ouldn't notice0 It .as li"e my mind ,le. a.ay toanother +lace/ exce+t that I had no clue .here it had gone to0Some +lace blan"/ I thin"0 I had no control o1er these blan"s/ theycame and .ent a.ay at their .ill0 Sometimes I .as there/ and

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sometimes I .as gone0 Usually/ nobody noticed the di,,erence/ ,orI .as in1isible0 (obody had noticed that someone .as missing inthe classroom the day a,ter I died/ e1en though I had been there,or years0

I .as dea,/ ,or the same reason that I .as blind0 y ears.ould ust shut out .hat .as going on around me0 Peo+le .ouldget ,rustrated at me .hen I didn't hear them shouting at me/ theythought I .as ignoring them0 That didn't ha++en 1ery o,ten/though0 I .asn't used to being tal"ed to0 It al.ays sur+rised me.hen someone did0 I couldn't ,eel that ,amiliar social barrierbet.een me and the artist0 It .as a com,ortable sensation/ li"e Ididn't ha1e to try to ex+lain mysel, to ma"e him understand0 Idon't "no. ho. long I stood there/ thin"ing about all this/ andenoying being bac" in my o.n body0

 The artist bro"e my train o, thought@63ou're all set no./ Dallas0 Time to get to .or"07

I ,ro8e0 I had .or" I didn't "no. dead +eo+le had .or"0;hat "ind o, .or" I sure ho+ed I didn't ha1e to .ash .indo.s0nything but that0 y a,terli,e .as certainly me someunex+ected cur1eballs0 The artist noticed my Aui88ical loo"0 Buthe didn't ex+lain much more0 I thin" he .anted me to ,igure it out,or mysel,063ou'll get +aired u+ .ith a guardian angel0 They'll sho. you .hat

to do07I nodded hesitantly0 I didn't really "no. .hat that meant0 I

still didn't "no. .hat to do0Suddenly/ be,ore I had the time to .orry any longer/ the door

to the .or"sho+ burst o+en and another angel ,le. in0 <e had ahandsome ,ace/ .ith shar+ ,eatures0 <is neat hair .as blond/ andso light/ it almost loo"ed .hite0 <is eyes .ere a clear sil1ery blue0<e .ore a .hite shirt/ blac" leather +ants/ and/ o++osed to theother angels I had met/ an earring and a chain around his nec",rom .hich hung a small sil1er cross0 ) out o, his bac".ere three +airs o, .ings that could ha1e been made out o, +uresno.0 I "ne. by this that he .as a sera+h0 In his hand .as abeauti,ul s.ord0 It loo"ed li"e a .or" o, art/ as shiny as salty.a1es in the early morning/ .ith engra1ings along the blade andgems encrusted in the hilt0 Light radiated ,rom e1ery inch o, theangel's s"in/ and his eyes glo.ed brightly0

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<e ble. +ast me and sto++ed in ,ront o, the artist0 The mansmiled +leasantly at the ne.comer/ silently in1iting him to s+ea"06It's about my ne. assignment/ a girl called mber57

 The artist hushed him .ith a sign o, his hand0 <e seemed to

be thin"ing/ and .hate1er he .as thin"ing made him smile0 Thesera+h immediately got sus+icious o, his smile0 It .as a sense o,humor smile/ the "ind a child gets .hen he's thrilled .ith the+ran" he has ust in1ented0 I .asn't +aying too much attention tothe exchange0 I .as busy redisco1ering my body0 It .as in bettersha+e than .hen I had le,t it0 :b1iously06Diego7 the artist as"ed063es7 the angel bore a concerned loo"063ou ha1en't been .or"ing .ith a +artner ,or a .hile0 m Icorrect7

6s al.ays07 Diego had no clue .hat he .as trying to get at/ andit sho.ed on his ,ace06>ery .ell0 ay I +resent your ne. +artner/ Dallas27

I um+ed/ stunned out o, my .its0 The artist gestured to.ardme0 The sera+h s+un around/ seeing me ,or the ,irst time0 <eloo"ed a little be.ildered and sur+rised/ +robably not as much asme/ but soon re+laced it .ith a nice-to-meet-you smile0 y eyes+o++ed ,rom him to the artist .ho had ust dum+ed me in thissituation .ithout as"ing me0

6Dallas/ this is Diego0 <e's a guardian angel0 3ou'll be .or"ing.ith him07

I decided I needed to issue some "ind o, reaction0 So I,ormed my mouth into a silent 6:h27 o, com+rehension0 Thesera+h nodded at me0 <e .as di,,erent ,rom Uriel and *a+hael/ inhis beha1ior to.ards me0 I didn't ,eel li"e he .as bothered by my+resence06(ice to meet you/ Dallas07

I nodded +olitely in res+onse06ny.ays/ you had a +roblem/ Diego7 the artist as"ed06(ot anymore0 Than" you07

I shot a slightly lost glance to the artist/ but he had returnedto .or" on another scul+ture/ and had his bac" turned to us0 ;eso,tly cre+t out o, the .or"sho+/ lea1ing him .or" in +eace0:utside/ I remembered ho. 1ast and maestic ount Gion .as0But .ith my ne. body/ I ,elt more con,ident0 little0

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Diego motioned ,or me to ,ollo. him/ and I did0 I had ,eet to.atch no./ and they made a small thum+ing sound .hen they hitthe golden ,loor/ lit .ith rainbo.s0 I also noticed that my bac"0

,e. times/ I could tell Diego .as about to tal" to me/ buthe sto++ed himsel, be,ore a .ord esca+ed his mouth0 <e seemedto thin" about .hat he .as going to say/ then shrugged it o,,/ as i,he decided to mess .ith it later0I .as soon lost in my thoughts0 I tried to guess .hat our .or"'.as going to be0 I didn't bother as" my ne. +artner/ ,or I .ould,ind out sooner or later any.ays0 Probably sooner0

;atching Diego's slim and ,it ,orm/ I "ne. one thing0 I.ouldn't be able to do much/ I .ouldn't be able to do anythingthat he couldn't do0 <e .as de,initely the su+erhero in this

collaboration0 I ,elt li"e the silly side"ic"/ the "ind that didn't doanything .orth remembering/ that .as only there ,or comicalrelie,/ the lost +u++y that tailed behind the hero0 I .as thin"ing I.ouldn't ha1e to do anything/ really0 )uess .hat I .as .rong0Diego had a di,,erent idea0

;e sto++ed in ,ront o, another door/ that loo"ed li"e all theothers06<ey/ Dallas5 um/ I'm assuming you're ne.7 the sera+h as"edhesitantly0

I nodded0 That .as the least he could say06So/ do you ha1e any clue .hat .e're actually going to do7

I shoo" my head and scrunched u+ my ,ace a+ologetically0 Ididn't .ant to be a burden to him0 But he didn't seem sur+rised orannoyed06:"ay/ I'll try to ex+lain this .ithout getting con,using57

<e +aused/ stuc" his tongue out in concentration and tac"ledhis ex+lanation@63ou are no. o,,icially a +art o, the )reat Cloud o, ;itnesses07

I nodded0 I understood that much/ although I had ne1erreali8ed that it existed0 I had a minimum o, biblical "no.ledge/and a++arently the )reat Cloud o, ;itnesses .ere all the dead+eo+le .ho .atched o1er the li1ing/ encouraging them andsu++orting them0 It .as still a 1ague notion to me/ since I .asn'tsure .hether it .as ust saints or all dead +eo+le in general .ho.ere a+art o, it0 Basically/ I .as a Dead Cheerleader0 <a0 That

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sounded li"e a horror story06So your ob is to cheer the Li1ing on07

:h0 That's .hat my .or" .as06I'm a guardian angel/ my ob is to +rotect the Li1ing07

:h0 That made sense0 I couldn't belie1e I hadn't thought o,that0 I su++ose it .as too ob1ious ,or me to see it06Usually/ a .itness and a guardian get +aired u+ to .or" on oneassignment0 ;hich is +eo+le .ho need our hel+07

 This did sound li"e some su+erhero ob0 ;e sa1ed thedamsels in distress/ and the .orld ,rom ha1oc0 )reat0 I needed+om-+oms0 I could cheer ,rom the sidelines06:ur current assignment is a girl named mber0 I'm +utting you incharge o, getting in,ormation on our assignments0 Deal7

Secretary .or"0 I shrugged0 I, that .as all I had to do/ then

this .ould be +retty easy0 )uess .hat I .as .rong again06<ere is the library0 It's basically a humongous encyclo+edia .ithrecords o, e1ery human that e1er li1ed07

<e +ointed to.ards the door0 ;e entered0 I ,ound ,ilingcabinets stac"ed to the s"y #I .as about to say ceiling/ butremember/ ount Gion doesnt really ha1e a ceiling%0 They .ereall in al+habetical order/ but there .ere millions u+on millions0 Iinstantly ,elt com+letely lost0 I could understand .hy Diego didn't.ant to do this +art o, the ob0 I stood/ da8ed/ ,or a ,e. seconds0

 The guardian angel nudged me along06I'll hel+ you loo"/ until you get the hang o, it07

<e headed in one direction and I headed in the other0 Littledid I "no. that I .ould soon "no. the library 1ery .ell and .ouldbecome an ex+ert at researching in it0 ean.hile/ I "e+t secondguessing mysel,0 But it had a calming e,,ect on me/ I hadsomething to do/ something to "ee+ my mind ,ocused on0 I didn'tha1e to thin" or deal .ith anything else0

I ,inally ended u+ ,inding mber's ,ile0 It .as a slic"/ neat,older0 I soon ,ound out that it corres+onded 1ery .ell .ith hercharacter0 I disco1ered e1erything I could +ossibly .ish to "no.about this girl0 She .as a +er,ectionist/ ,or one thing0 nd also one o, the reasons she needed our hel+0

I re+laced the ,older/ a,ter ha1ing read it care,ully0 (o. I hadto ,ind Diego0 This +ro1ed to be more di,,icult than ,indingmber's ,ile0 <e .as using his six .ings to ,ly and reach the

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dra.ers at the to+ o, the o, ,iling cabinets0 I must'1e circledaround ,or a good t.enty minutes be,ore I ,igured out that Ineeded to loo" u+06Diego27 I called0

<e loo"ed around/ then reali8ed I .as the one calling him0 <e,loated do.n to the ,loor/ a loo" o, sur+rise in his clear sil1eryblue eyes06I ,ound in,o on mber/7 I said0

<e +aused0 I ,ro.ned0 I didn't understand .hat .as .rong0<e dug the ti+ o, his s.ord into the ground and leaned on the hilt0

 Then a +leased smile s+read across his ,ace0 This +u88led mee1en more06;hat7 I as"ed/ .orried I had done something silly063ou tal"ed to me07 he stated sim+ly0

I .as com+letely blo.n o,, my roc"er0 I remained s+eechless0It .as true/ I reali8ed/ that those .ere the ,irst .ords I had said inhis +resence06I thought that you didn't .ant to .or" .ith me/ you loo"ed sou+set .hen you .ere assigned as my +artner07 he ex+lained0

:h0 I had hurt his ,eelings0 Unconsciously/ o, course0 ;hatshould I do +ologi8e63ou don't sound li"e I thought you .ould sound07 the sera+hnoticed0

I decided that he .as a sur+rising +erson0 <e .as de,initelyturning out to be di,,erent than I ex+ected him to be0 <e .asturning out to be a nice/ considerate guy0 :r so it seemed06:h07 I ans.ered/ not sure .hat else to say06So/ Dallas/ tell me about yoursel,07 he said .ith genuine interest0

I almost ,ell o1er/ again0 s I said be,ore/ I .asn't used tobeing tal"ed to/ let alone to be as"ed to tal" about mysel,06I don't "no. .hat to say/7 I shrugged0 6I'll get bac" to you onthat0 ean.hile/ let's ,ocus on our assignment07

I .as sincere0 Diego nodded understandingly06lright0 I'm ex+ecting a good then07 he smiled0

rgh0 ;hat "ind o, mess had I gotten mysel, into I .as aboring +erson/ there .asn't anything to say0 But I didn't .ant todisa++oint him06Can you ust one Auestion no.7 he +leaded06;hat's your Auestion7 my eyebro. arched in sus+icion0

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6;hy are you carrying around an em+ty buc"et7I glanced do.n at my hand0 Sure enough/ a beat-u+ tin

buc"et .as hanging ,rom my ,ingerti+s0 y gri+ tightened aroundthe handle0 t ,irst I .ondered ho. on earth it had gotten there/

and then I reali8ed that I had been carrying it the .hole time0 ndI ,igured out .here it came ,rom06It's the only thing that I could "ee+ ,rom my Li,e07

I could see in his eyes that my brie, had made himbelie1e it .as a touchy subect0 ;hich .as not at all the case/ butI didn't bother ex+laining that to him at the time0 So I starteds+illing out .hat I "ne. about mber/ to a1oid tal"ing aboutmysel,0

I could tell he .as eager ,or the action0 I could understandthat0 It .ould no doubt ma"e more sense once .e met the girl0 I,

.e actually met her/ the normal human .ay0 I reali8ed once againthat I really had no clue ho. this .as su++osed to .or"0 Diegorubbed his hands together06*eady to go/ Dallas7 he as"ed0

I nodded0 I .as antici+ating and dreading this ex+edition atthe same time0 The guardian angel turned his bac" to me andcrouched do.n06<o+ on27 he ordered0

I .as ta"en abac"0 This guy "e+t sur+rising me0 I o+ted to

"ee+ my mouth sealed shut and climbed onto his bac"/ .hich .asharder than it loo"ed/ because o, his six .hite .ings06<ere .e go/ hold on tight27 Diego .arned me0

 Than",ully/ I reacted Auic"ly and obeyed0 <ad I doneother.ise/ I +robably .ould ha1e been ri++ed a.ay ,rom him andcrashed bac" to the ,loor0 <e roc"eted u+.ards/ o1er ount Gion/+ast the clouds0 The s+eed almost made me sic"0 The adrenalinerushed in my 1eins so ra+idly that my head began to s+in0 I clungto the guardian angel ,or dear li,e/ closed my eyes and buried my,ace in his blond hair0

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she un+ac"ed0 In the closet/ her shirts .ere sorted and hung bycolor and by style0 In the dra.ers/ her +ants and +aamas .ere,olded +er,ectly and neatly stac"ed0 <er sheets .ere tuc"ed ine1enly0 <er toothbrush .as sitting in a cu+ by the sin"/ .ith an

extra +rotection around the brush/ the tube o, tooth+aste rolledu+ meticulously0 91en the clothes that she .ore/ a cool summerto+ and ean shorts/ hung .ithout a .rin"le/ .ithout the slightestbunch0 nd she too" s+ecial care to disin,ect e1erything se1eraltimes0

Diego and I loo"ed at each other0 ;e .ere both thin"ing thesame thing@ mber .as a little extreme0 ;hich .asn't necessarilya bad thing/ in o, itsel,0 But the +roblem came .hen herroommate arri1ed/ in a .hirl.ind through the door0 mberins+ected Bobbi !ac" 1ery care,ully/ ust li"e she had done

e1erything else0 :b1iously/ she disa++ro1ed o, .hat she sa.0Bobbi !ac" .as certainly di,,erent ,rom mber0 She loo"ed .ild0<er dyed hair rose u+ in s+i"es on the to+ o, her head/ eachstrand seemingly a di,,erent color0 <er bright clothes .ere allmashed together/ ,orced to cohabitate in strange layers andshades0 She loo"ed absolutely thrilled/ .ith a large smile/ sho.ingo,, her big teeth/ and her eyes s+ar"led .ith excitement0 nd/ Ialmost ,orgot/ she had +iercings on her li+/ nose/ eyebro. and allalong her ears/ each one o, them di,,erent and ,lashy0 <er only

baggage .as a huge du,,le bag/ .hich/ once o+ened/ re1ealed aterrible muddle0 Bobbi didn't bother un+ac"ing/ she ustrummaged through it/ ,ound .hat she needed/ used it/ and tossedit bac" into the mess0 She didn't ha1e sheets ,or her bed/ instead+ulled out a slee+ing bag0 mber didn't mo1e a muscle0 She.atched her roommate in silence/ a loo" o, horror on her,ace0

 The contrast bet.een these t.o o++osite girls .as almostcomical0 Diego .as enoying himsel,0 I don't really "no. .hat .asgoing through my brain/ but it .as nothing exciting0

;hen Bobbi !ac" .as done getting settled in/ she turned tomeet her ne. roommate0 Bobbi .as the only one .ho didn'tnotice ho. much mber .as disgusted by her0 She stuc" her handout in greeting/ and grinning ,rom ear to ear/ announced@6The name's Bobbi !ac"2 3ou can call me Bobbi !ac"/ Bobbi/ !ac"/Bob/ !ac"y/ Bob !ac"y/ Bob !ac" or Bobbi !ac"y0 (ice to meet you27

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mber reluctantly shoo" her outstretched hand06I'm mber0 Pleased to ma"e your acAuaintance07

Bobbi giggled06;e're going to ha1e so much ,un together27

She .ent on/ imagining all the +arties/ all the snea"ing outat night/ brea"ing the bothersome rules and such ,un times they.ere going to share0 She e1en suggested that one o, them mightget married be,ore they ,inish college0 mber remainedex+ressionless and silent/ .hile Bobbi/ caught u+ in her o.nexcitement/ um+ed around the room and hugged her roommate0:nce/ she accidentally "noc"ed mber's toothbrush o1er/ andhastily +ut it bac" in the cu+/ u+side do.n0 nd the girl'sreaction5 .ell/ i, loo"s could "ill0

Diego shot a cou+le glances at me/ but I +retended I hadn't

seen him and didn't return them0 Don't as" me .hy/ I don't "no.the ans.er0 aybe I .as too la8y to turn my head0 <a0

Finally/ exas+erated/ mber had had enough0 She trieddes+erately to get a.ay0 She o+ened the door and rushedoutside/ calling bac"@6I need to go no.27

Bobbi raced a,ter her063ou "no./ I'm hungry too2 Let's go eat27

mber's +rotests ,aded into the distance0

Diego and I .ere le,t alone in the small college dorm room0;e glanced at each other0 I still didn't ha1e much o, an idea on.hat I .as su++osed to do06;ell7 the sera+h as"ed06;ell .hat7 I arched my eyebro.06;hat do you thin"7

I too" another loo" at the room0 SAuea"y clean andorgani8ed0 essy and muddled06I thin" mber's e1en .orse than me07 I shrugged0

Diego chuc"led06;hat about you7 I counterattac"ed06I li"e Bobbi !ac"07 he ans.ered thought,ully063es/ Auite hy+er/ isn't she7 I muttered063ou don't thin" she's a nice "id7 he loo"ed sur+rised06I don't thin" she's a bad "id0 ;hat am I saying She's no "id/she's older than me27 I ,ro.ned0

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 This seemed to startle the guardian angel063ou mean5 you .ere under eighteen .hen you died7 hehesitated/ still thin"ing it .as a touchy subect0

I s+read my arms a+art0

6Do I loo" any older than eighteen76(obody does a,ter they recei1e a ne. body07 he shoo" his head0:h0 That made sense0 ;ho .ould .ant to s+end all eternity

in an old .rin"led bent body The in,ormation Diego had ustlearned about me shoo" him u+0 I decided to bring his attentionbac" to our assignment06ny.ays/7 I .a1ed my hand/ as i, to shoo the matter a.ay/6Bac" to mber and Bobbi !ac"07

Diego's eyes came bac" into ,ocus06*ight/7 he said0 6I'1e located the +roblem07

;ait00 .e had to locate the +roblem63ou mean/ that they don't li"e each other76I, it .as only that/ Dallas/ the solution .ould be too easy to ,ind07

;e had to ,ind the solution6Care to ex+lain/ then7

Diego got a malicious glint in his sil1ery eyes0 <e reallyenoyed this +art o, his .or"0 <e +ut his s.ord do.n in order touse both o, his hands to ex+lain06:"ay/ here's the situation@ mber hates Bobbi !ac"0 Bobbi !ac"

lo1es mber0 me7I rolled my eyes and ga1e him that Do you really thin" I'm

that dumb' loo"0 Diego .as undisturbed by my attitude06<ere's the +roblem@ Bobbi doesn't "no. that mber hates her07

 There/ I .as lost06;hy is that a +roblem76;ell/ mber doesn't ha1e the guts to tell her0 *ight76I su++ose07 I shrugged/ still lost06<a1e you e1er hated someone and ne1er told them7

I +aused/ thin"ing through my memories0 I ne1er really hadany "ind o, relationshi+ .ith anyone06(o/ I don't thin" so07

I .as being honest0 I didn't hate +eo+le/ but I didn't lo1ethem either0 ,unny loo" crossed Diego's ,ace0 <e seemedama8ed by my statement/ and also ,ound it to be comical0 I couldtell he .as on the 1erge o, as"ing me more Auestions about

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mysel,0 I cut him o,, be,ore he had the chance06<o. is hating +eo+le and not telling them a +roblem763ou build a grudge e1entually/ until e1erything about the+erson ust dri1es you cra8y07

I .as a little +u88led0 I didn't "no. that hate could causeinsanity0 I .as sure Diego had +ut it in a sim+ler .ay/ that it .as alittle more com+licated than he made it seem0 I decided that I.ouldn't bother trying to ,igure it out0 I "ne. .hat I "ne. andDiego "ne. .hat he "ne./ and .or"ing together/ .e mixed our"no.ledge0 So ,ar/ it .as being +retty success,ul06Pretty stu+id .ay to ruin your li,e07 I stated0

It made Diego laugh06That's one .ay to +ut it/7 he agreed06So/ .hat's the solution7 I as"ed0

6;ell/ someho./ .e need to get mber to o+en u+/ and be morerece+ti1e to Bobbi0 Communication is the "ey0 It al.ays is/ in caseo, con,lict07

I .inced06I don't "no./ Diego0 ccording to her ,ile/ mber is really5stubborn0763eah/ but i, .e could get them into a good ,ight/ their emotions.ould get ex+osed to each other/ and bang2 mber reali8es ho.Bobbi !ac" ,eels/ and once you can understand ho. someone

,eels/ it's hard to hate them0 ;e ha1e an ad1antage@ girls tend tobe more emotional in their ,ights0 It gets less +hysical than guys07

I nodded my consent0 It .as true0 But the .ay he said it/ thissounded too easy0 (o doubt it .as harder than it loo"ed0 :r a catch0 )uess .hat For once/ I .as right0

 The door o+ened0 t the sight o, the ne.comer/ I ,ro8e0Diego hastily snatched u+ his s.ord and +ointed it at him0 <eloo"ed ust as handsome as I had seen him last/ .ith those s+oo"yblood red eyes and that blac" mirror o, hair06Leonard07 the sera+h muttered bet.een clenched teeth0

casual moc"ing smile +layed on the demon's li+s/ as i, this.ere a reunion .ith an old ,riend06Diego/ old boy27 Leonard greeted0 6It's been a .hile0 I see yougot a ne. +artner07

<e shot a sly loo" at me0 y ,ace dar"ened0 Diego lunged ,orhis enemy/ s.ord slashing ,or.ard0 Leo easily e1aded the attac"0

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cac"le irru+ted ,rom his throat06Come on/ it's not ,air i, you get me be,ore the ,un begins27 he+rotested0

 The guardian angel/ in a Auic" reco1ery ,rom his miss/

attac"ed again0 Un,ortunately/ Leonard e1aded that one too/ butonly by a hair0 The third attac" .ould be the charm/ I thought0Diego ne1er got a chance at a third try0 Leonard bac"ed out o, theroom and ran06(ice try/ Diego27 he eered0

y +artner didn't bother chasing a,ter him0 I didn'tunderstand .hy0 I +ushed it aside as ust another thing I didn't"no./ but .ould learn in time0 Diego sighed and dro++ed his armsbac" to his side06Dallas/7 he announced/ a sense o, doom in his 1oice0 6:ur ob

 ust got a lot harder07:h goody0H

mber .as hating this school year/ be,ore it e1en started0She had been ,orced to eat .ith Bobbi !ac"0 She .as sitting across,rom her roommate/ .atching her ingurgitate enormous amountso, ,ood0 It .as sic"ening to the girl0 Bobbi also had her heart seton getting to "no. mber better/ and mber getting to "no. her06I ust adore the mountains/7 Bobbi stated bet.een mouth,uls/

loo"ing out the .indo. at the sunset0mber moodily ,ollo.ed her ga8e and sco.led0 She hated

the mountains0 ;ith the sun setting behind them/ they .erenothing but a huge solid shado. that obstructed the s"y and it'sbright sunset colors0 They .ere rough/ rugged/ hostile and cold0 Ite1en annoyed her more .hen Bobby .ent on to say@6Loo" ho. gorgeous they are/ maestic and silent li"e that07 sheturned her eyes bac" to her roommate0 6 little li"e you/ mber07

 The girl's blood boiled0 She ,orced hersel, to "ee+ a calm/s.eet com+osure0 <o. dare she say such a thingnd then Leonard arri1ed/ e1en i, mber didn't see him0 <e "neltdo.n by her side/ and +ressed his li+s against her ear/ and.his+ered/ his 1oice a constant ,lo. o, hate0She’s horrible.She’s too different to like.She’s not worth anything.

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 And she certainly won’t ever know how you feel about her. Shedoesn’t deserve to know how terrible she is.ou’re infinitely better than her.

mber unconsciously nodded0 Bobbi too" it as an a++ro1al o,

her com+arison0 She smiled/ genuinely ha++y0!ook at her" gloating over her own pride. How pathetic.mber's eyes dar"ened .ith the thoughts0 She loc"ed u+ her

,eelings in her heart and thre. a.ay the "ey0 She s.ore then andthere that she hated Bobbi !ac"/ and al.ays .ould0 She ne1erreali8ed/ not once/ that this .as com+lete/ unreasonable+reudice0 She ne1er ac"no.ledged the good sides that Bobbihad/ not e1en the small details ho. she a++reciated nature/ ho.she ,olded her na+"in in her la+/ ho. she .as o+timistic/ ho. she.asn't shy on s+ea"ing her mind/ and that her thoughts .ere

+ure and "ind0 I, she had reali8ed ho. true Bobbi's ,eelings .ere/it might ha1e made her thin" about her hatred0She’s worthless.

Li"e +oison/ Leonard's .ords see+ed into her mind0 nd shebelie1ed it .holeheartedly0

 The saddest +art o, the .hole situation .as that they couldha1e been best ,riends0H

I .atched Leonard destroy this girl ,rom a distance0 It

had been going on ,or .ee"s0 The +rocess .as s+ed u+ by the,act that mber and Bobbi !ac" .ere nearly al.ays stuc" together0;hy didn't .e mo1e ;hy didn't .e attac" the demon and getmber bac" on trac" ctually/ I didn't thin" there .as much ho+ele,t ,or the girl0 She .as dee+ly entrenched in her hate0 Than"s toLeonard06;hy does he "ee+ going <e's done all the damage he can do07 Imuttered0

Diego shoo" his head/ sadly06:h no0 I thin" he's +lanning something much .orse07

 This sent shi1ers do.n my s+ine0 I didn't .ant to imagine.hat could be .orse06;hat can .e do7 I s.ung my arm bac" and ,orth/ ,eeling mybuc"et brush against my leg e1ery time it came bac" around06(othing much right no./ besides .ait07 the sera+h re+lied0

<e toyed .ith his s.ord/ s+inning it e,,ortlessly ,rom hand to

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hand0 I sto++ed s.inging my arm06<o. do .e "no. .hen .e're su++osed to act7 I .onderedaloud06;e'll "no.07 he re+lied/ .ithout li,ting his ga8e ,rom the t.o girls

and the demon0<e said it .ith such assurance/ and such calm/ that all doubtand .orry 1anished ,rom my mind0 I returned my attention bac"to our assignment0 Poor mber0 I could almost see her soul rottinga.ay0 :1er the stu+idest thing0 Poor Bobbi !ac"0 I .as secretlyglad that my li,e had ne1er had this "ind o, com+lication0 (odoubt/ i, I had li1ed longer/ I .ould ha1e encountered trouble atsome +oint or another0 I ,ound mysel, than"ing )od that I haddied be,ore that ha++ened0 I must be going cra8y/ I thought/ to bethan",ul ,or my o.n death0

I couldn't .ait until Diego beat u+ Leonard0 That dudedeser1ed it0 I didn't "no. .hat his moti1es .ere/ but a++arentlyhe too" +leasure in ruining +eo+le's li1es0 Ugh0 Sic"o0 <e deser1eda beating06They're mo1ing07 Diego announced0

<e crouched do.n again and I scrambled onto his bac"0 Thishad become a regular routine0 It .as the ,astest and moste,,icient .ay to tra1el and "ee+ u+ .ith mber0 Sometimes/ he,orgot that I .as there/ there,ore ,orgetting to +ut me do.n0 I .as

rather short and s"inny/ com+ared to him0 lthough *a+hael .astaller than both o, us0 ;e ,le. o,,/ chasing a,ter our assignment0Diego too" care to go at a reasonable s+eed and at a reasonabledistance ,rom the ground0 I had ne1er com+lained about our ,irst,light/ but I thin" he ,igured it out any.ay0 <e "e+t sur+rising me0

;hat sur+rised me more .as that mber managed toesca+e ,rom Bobbi !ac"0 I didn't catch ho. it ha++ened/ but they.ere se+arated0 She didn't manage to sha"e o,, Leonard/ though0<e ,ollo.ed her li"e a bloodthirsty leech0:ur mista"e/ .as to let her enter that sho+0 I ta"e that bac"@ ourmista"e/ .as to let her enter that sho+ .ithout our sur1eillance0;e .aited +atiently outside0

;hen she came bac" out/ she .as carrying a bag/ .hich shedidn't ha1e u+on going in0 (either Diego or I .orried or .onderedabout it0 I sure .ish .e had0

;e did ,igure out that something .as u+/ ,or mber .ore a

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satis,ied grin/ .hich loo"ed a lot li"e Leonard's0 ;e didn'tassociate the grins .ith the bag/ but .e could tell that coming0 nd that's .hen I "ne./ ust li"e Diego had said/ thatit .ould soon be our turn to act0

mber returned to her dorm room0 Bobbi !ac" .as alreadythere/ .aiting ,or her0 Unsus+ecting/ she started abbering ha++ilyabout a ne. ,ilm coming to the cinema/ and that they absolutelyneeded to go see it together0 Then she noticed the bag in mber'shand06:oh27 she cooed0 6;hat did you get7

 That's .hen it started stri"ing me strange0 +remonition/ or ust my conscience/ or maybe my brain .as ,inally catching u+ toe1ents0 I dismissed it0 I didn't .ant to act on an uncertain im+ulseli"e that0 But it made me .ary and alert/ so I .as ready ,or

.hate1er .as about to come0mber seemed to be silently debating .hether no. .as the

right time to sho. her0 <o. ironic it .ould be i, she increased hercuriosity and then5 mber couldn't .ait any longer0 I sa. acra8ed light go through her eyes/ a ,lash o, blood red0 I sti,,ened0She dug her hand into her bag and yan"ed out a glint o, metal0Bobbi !ac"/ .ho still hadn't caught on to her imminent danger/loo"ed a little +u88led and disa++ointed06 "itchen "ni,e7 she mumbled0 6;hat did you get a "itchen

"ni,e ,or7 The blade .as horribly long/ .ide/ thic" and shar+0 There

.as a +iercing blood-curdling scream0 I reali8ed that I .as the one

.ho had uttered it0 Se1eral things ha++ened at the same time inthe next second0 mber/ .ho had raised her .ea+on and .as onthe 1erge o, lunging it at her roommate/ ,ro8e in mid-ste+0 Bobbi

 !ac" ,inally understood .hat .as going on0 <orror ,illed herex+ression/ and she ,ro8e as .ell0 Leonard/ .ho hadn't noticedthat .e .ere there/ until that moment/ loo"ed in our direction0 Ina ,lash/ Diego stood in ,ront o, Bobbi/ his s.ord ready/ crouched inde,ense0 nd me/ I started yelling again06B9*27

I could still see that red glint in her eyes0 But she .ashesitating0 I had got her attention06B9*/ LIST9( T: 9/ 3:U STUPID )I*L2 PUT T<9 =(IF9 D:;(2

 T<IS IS('T ;:*T< T<*:;I() 3:U* LIF9 ;3 F:*27

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I s+o"e out o, ,rustration/ out o, horror and out o,indignation0 She didn't ha1e the right to ta"e a.ay a li,e0 For amoment/ mber seemed to listen to me0 But Leonard/ reali8ing loosing her/ started .his+ering in her ear again0

#ome on" chicken. She’s worthless" remember$ She’s doesn’tdeserve to live.I almost cursed at the demon0 Instead/ I ,orced mysel, to

calm do.n and tal" mber bac" into being reasonable0 Diegoremained silent/ his sil1ery eyes going bac" and ,orth bet.een meand Leonard06mber/ loo" at yoursel,0 Loo" at .hat you're doing07 I ordered0

 The girl's ga8e ,lic"ered to.ard the "itchen "ni,e in her hand0She’s the worst person on earth.6(o/ she's not0 She's a .onder,ul +erson/ and you're too blind to

notice it0 3ou ha1e no clue ho. much you're missing out27She’s horrible" % tell you&6mber/ +ut the "ni,e do.n0 (o.0 I'm .arning you/ you are goingto regret your actions07'emember the toothbrush$ See her hair" her clothes$

 The +er,ectionist .as still hesitating0 <er eyes still had thatcra8y loo"/ but they .ere des+erately searching ,or the rightans.er0 It .as Bobbi !ac" .ho had the last .ords and de,initelyin,luenced her decision0 She had had enough time to reco1er ,rom

her shoc"06)o ahead/ "ill me0 I'm not a,raid o, death0 nd better by a ,riendthan by an enemy07

I could ha1e "illed her mysel,0 ;ay to +ro1o"e yourroommate0 I had to use e1ery bit o, my sel, control to not screamagain0

nd then something unex+ected ha++ened0 I heard theclatter o, metal on the tiled ,loor0 mber had dro++ed the "itchen"ni,e0 She .as staring at it in horror/ disgust and ,ear0 The bloodred 1eil .as gone0 <er ga8e rose bac" u+ to meet Bobbi !ac"0 ndher .all o, hostility/ o, stubbornness and o, her narro.-mindedthoughts melted into tears0 She ran ,or Bobbi !ac" and um+edinto her arms0 Diego Auic"ly got out o, the .ay/ caught o,, guardby the reaction0 <e lo.ered his s.ord and .e glanced at eachother0 The t.o girls sobbed into each other's shoulders0 Leonard/reali8ing it .as all o1er/ and that he had lost/ hightailed out o,

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there0 ;e didn't chase a,ter him0H

Diego and I didn't stay long a,ter.ards0 I did .hat I .assu++osed to do@ I encouraged them0 mber buried the "itchen

"ni,e0 She a+ologi8ed to Bobbi !ac"0 They s+ent the rest o, the daytal"ing/ exce+t this time mber .as her true sel,0 Thet.o .ere sha"en/ but I "ne. that they .ould get through it/ as,riends0 They had a lot to deal .ith/ so Diego and I sli++ed a.ay/lea1ing them to heal on their o.n0

It .as getting dar" outside0 y heart ,elt hea1y and lightsimultaneously0 I .as glad that the assignment .as o1er0 I .asglad that .e had succeeded0 But I had seen a girl nearly "ill a,riend0 It .as a little disturbing/ e1en ,or a dead +erson0 Diegoseemed to share my thoughts0 But he had seen more than I had/

he had been in the guardian angel business ,ar longer than I hadin the dead cheerleader business0 It didn't ta"e us long/ as .e.ent .al"ing do.n the deserted streets/ side by side/ to sort ourthoughts and ,eel +eace,ul about the .hole situation0 ;e had tomo1e on/ it .as +art o, li,e0 :r death0

*ounding a corner/ there .as ount Gion/ loo"ing asgorgeous and maestic as e1er0 But my heart san" .hen I sa. it0 I.anted to go home0 nd ount Gion didn't ,eel li"e my home0 ;eentered through the +earl gate that .as built into the as+er .all0

 The ,irst +erson .e sa. once inside .as *a+hael0 <e nodded atthe both o, us06;ell done07

 The +raise made me ,eel better0 lthough I didn't ,eel as i, Ihad actually done anything0 Bobbi !ac" had sol1ed the situation0Diego thought di,,erently0 <e +atted the to+ o, my head06She did e1erything07

*a+hael loo"ed at me in sur+rise0 I loo"ed at Diego insur+rise06That'll be a ,irst/7 a small smile a++eared at the corner o,*a+hael's mouth0

I +robably .ould ha1e turned bright red/ but I .as toostunned0 *a+hael re+eated his 6;ell done7/ but this time/ he .asloo"ing at me0 I nodded in than"s0 ;hen the archangel had le,t/lea1ing me and Diego alone again/ I mumbled@6False modesty07 and sho1ed him0

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Diego chuc"led/ my sho1e com+letely una,,ected him0 <eshoo" his head .ith a " smile/ as i, to say 6I .asn't beingmodest70 I didn't .ant to belie1e him/ but it .as still com,orting ina sense0

6;hat do .e do no.7 I as"ed06;e do .hate1er0 Until our next assignment07 he shrugged0 Then a sudden light brightened his eyes #i, it is .as +ossible

that they could get any brighter%06;hich reminds me/7 he loo"ed at me0 63ou +romised to tell meabout yoursel,0 (o. .ould be a good time/ bet.eenassignments07

I sighed0 <e .ouldn't gi1e u+/ .ould he I decided to+rocrastinate ust a little more06Tomorro./7 I +romised0 6I .ill all your Auestions

tomorro.076Dallas/7 Diego ,ro.ned at me0 6There's no time in ount Gion0

 There's no night07:o+s0 I hadn't thought o, that0 I came u+ .ith a Auic"

alternati1e06lright5 I .ant to ta"e a na+/ then0 ;hen I .a"e u+57

I didn't ,inish my +hrase0 Diego interru+ted me@6Done27 he agreed0 6Do you "no. .here your room is7

 This too" me o,, guard0

6I ha1e a room7 my eyebro.s .ent u+063eah/ I'll sho. you07

 The ourney to my room reminded me o, my ,irst time atount Gion/ I couldn't hel+ staring do.n at my ,eet/ at therainbo.s dancing on the ,loor0 )uided by an angel/ once again0nd .ith that/ a guardian angel .ith six sno. .hite .ings0 Theonly di,,erence .as that I didn't ,eel intimidated0

 The door to my room loo"ed li"e e1ery other door0 Theinside/ ho.e1er/ .as much more com,orting to me0 It .as a smallroom/ that didn't ha1e much more than a bed and a dresser0Sim+le/ yet +er,ect ,or .hat I needed0 The ,irst thought that cameto my mind .as that i, this .as my room/ I could lea1e my buc"etin here and I .ouldn't ha1e to bother carrying it arounde1ery.here0 ;ith this I loo"ed do.n at the buc"et in my hand0 Igas+ed06Diego/7 my 1oice shi1ered/ 6Loo"27

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I held u+ my buc"et/ that .as no longer made o, tin/ but o,+ure sil1er0 The sera+h ins+ected it closely/ a little sur+rised/ butnot as much as me06;ell57 .as all he could say0 <e didn't ha1e any ex+lanation ,or

it06Dee+ subect/7 I retorted/ reco1ering ,rom my sur+rise/ andactually thrilled that my buc"et had become more +recious and.ould last longer0

I decided then and there/ that I .ould lea1e it in my room/a1oiding it ,rom getting .orse during our assignments0 I couldn'tbear the thought that I might lose it or brea" it0 I +laced it on thedresser and colla+sed on the bed0 Diego silently closed the doorand I ,ell instantly into a dreamless slee+0

 !o&l's Story

I had ne1er ,elt more re,reshed than .hen I .o"e u+ ,romthat na+0 I stretched .idely and slid out o, bed0 Then I sa. mybuc"et0 t ,irst/ I .ondered .hy it loo"ed di,,erent/ and then Iremembered that it .as no. made o, sil1er0 I slid my ,inger acrossthe rim0 It .as still beat u+/ I could see and ,eel dents in the side0nd it .as still my buc"et0 ;hich .as .hat mattered most0 It+u88led me ho. it had turned sil1er/ right in my o.n hand/ butli"e so many other things at ount Gion/ I decided that I .asn't

going to torture mysel, .ith thoughts I couldn't understand or getan to0 Then I remembered that I o.ed Diego someex+lanations0 I too" a dee+ breath/ +re+aring mysel,+sychologically0 I had ne1er o+ened u+ to anyone/ not e1en .henI .as ali1e0 So I .asn't used to ex+ressing my ,eelings andthoughts/ no doubt I .ould get entangled and contradict mysel,/trying to ,ind the +er,ect .ords to ex+lain0 I sighed/ exhaling the

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dee+ breath that I had too"0 It turned out/ I had nothing to .orryabout0 I .as going to ,ind out that I could tal" to Diego as easilyas to mysel,0

 There .as a so,t "noc" at the door0 I ran to o+en it/ and there

stood the guardian angel in +erson/ his beauti,ul s.ord in onehand/ a cloth bag in the other0 This s+ar"ed my curiosity0 nd thenI had a terrible thought0 It reminded me o, the bag mber hadbrought bac" to her dorm room0 I Auic"ly +ushed the thoughtaside0 It .as ridiculous/ really/ he had a s.ord/ i, he .anted to "illme/ he could use that0 ;hat .as I saying I .as already dead2 <ecouldn't "ill me0 nd he didn't .ant to/ any.ay0 I .as ashamed o,the terrible thought0 <o. could I e1en thin" such a thing the only true ,riend I had e1er had0 91er0 I, I could call him a,riend0

<e smiled at me and I ste++ed aside to let him in06)ood morning27 he greeted me0 6lthough/ technically/ it's notmorning07

I .as too caught u+ in my o.n .orries about .hat I .asgoing to say/ that I didn't notice his little o"e0 This didn't a,,ecthim in any .ay0 <e closed the door behind him/ laid do.n hiss.ord and bag/ .ent to get my sil1er buc"et/ +laced it on the,loor/ sat me do.n in ,ront o, it and sat himsel, do.n across ,romme0 I obeyed curiously/ .atching his sil1ery blue eyes to try and

,igure out .hat he .as +lotting0 Then I noticed something06;here are your .ings7 I ,ro.ned0

Diego shrugged06I don't need them right no./ and it's a.,ully hard to sit do.n.ith such a .eight on your bac"/ and ,eathers getting in the .ay07

<e didn't loo" any less angelic .ithout his six .hite .ings0But he didn't really my Auestion o, .here they had goneto0 I didn't +ester him ,urther though0 I .as the one .ho .ould beundergoing an interrogation0 I ,idgeted0 Diego too" his cloth bagand rummaged through it0 <e +ulled out about a do8en roc"s and+laced them in my buc"et0 I .atched him .ith a and curiosity06Is the buc"et ,ull7 he as"ed me063eah/7 I decided to +lay along/ ex+ecting an ex+lanation to comesoon0

Diego +ulled +ebbles out o, his bag and ,illed my buc"et0 The

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+ebbles ,ell in the holes bet.een the roc"s06Is the buc"et ,ull7 he as"ed me again0

I hesitated0 ;hat .as he trying to get at nd .as anythingsmaller than +ebbles The angel em+tied his bag into the buc"et0

Sand0 The sand slid into the holes bet.een the +ebbles and theroc"s06Is the buc"et ,ull7

I ,ro.ned06(o/ you can al.ays +ut .ater in it07 I retorted0

nd that's .hat he did0 The .ater ,lo.ed bet.een the sand/the +ebbles and the roc"s0 y buc"et .as no. bulging/ and .oulds+ill .ith the slightest im+act0 Diego loo"ed at me06(o. is the buc"et ,ull7

I nodded0 The sera+h ,olded his arms o1er his chest0

6;hat am I trying to sho. you7 he challenged me0I thought about it ,or a second0 ;hat .as he trying to get at

I +eered at my re,lection in the .ater in my sil1er buc"et0 I hadalmost ,orgotten .hat I loo"ed li"e/ and yet I loo"ed the same asal.ays06That I can al.ays do more07 I ans.ered/ con,ident that .as theans.er0

Diego shoo" his head06;rong0 I .anted to sho. you that i, I had +ut the .ater in ,irst/

the buc"et .ould ha1e o1er,lo.ed07<is .ords sur+rised me0 I .as s+eechless ,or a ,e. seconds/

trying to sort out .hat he had said0 I "e+t staring at my re,lection/and at the sand/ +ebbles and roc"s that laid behind it0 Finally/ Iga1e u+06;hat's that su++osed to mean7 I ga1e him a con,used loo"06It means/7 he said/ as i, he ex+ected this "ind o, reaction0 6Thatyou should al.ays do the im+ortant stu,, ,irst/ because i, you start.ith the unim+ortant/ the .ater/ you .on't ha1e room to do themost im+ortant/ the roc"s07

 This had me thin"ing seriously ,or a minute or t.o0 I ,ound it,ascinating0 But it also +u88led me0 I 1oiced my concern@6;hy are you telling this to me76I .ant to as" you .hat the roc"s o, your li,e .ere/ and i, you gotto do them0 I also .ant to "no. .hat the roc"s o, your a,terli,eare07

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<e caught me o,, guard0 gain0 This guy ust "e+t sur+risingme0 I .ould +robably ne1er get used to it/ ne1er be able to +redicthis reactions0 I had to thin" about it ,or Auite a .hile0 I .anted tobe com+letely honest in my res+onse0 Diego .aited +atiently0

6In my li,e/ although I dont thin" I "ne. it at the time/7 I saidslo.ly0 6y roc"s .ere to al.ays stay true to mysel,/ to ne1erchange/ to "ee+ in character at all times0 I didn't thin" muchabout my ,uture/ so I didn't ha1e any goals0 But .hat .asim+ortant to me .as that I .ould ne1er lie to mysel,0 91en i,others had di,,erent im+ressions about me/ or didn't e1er see me/I "ne. .ho I .as and I al.ays .anted to stay that .ay/ no matterho. much the .orld around me changed0 I needed that +illar/something that .ould al.ays stay the same that I could lean on0It reAuired a huge amount o, sel,-control/ but I thin" I acAuired

that roc"0 It .as my li,e/ I .as .ho I .anted to be0 nd that's all Ireally needed0 (othing else e1er bothered me/ nothing else e1ermade me u+set/ nothing else e1er made me ha++y0 That's ho. Imade mysel,07

Diego .as listening 1ery care,ully and .ith 1i1id interest0 I+aused/ thin"ing about my a,terli,e0 I hadn't really thought aboutmy ,eelings since I died/ I hadn't ta"en the time to ex+lore and,igure them out0 I .asn't Auite sure ho. I ,elt06s ,or my a,terli,e/7 I said hesitantly0 6I ha1e t.o roc"s0 y ,irst

roc" is the same as .hen I .as li1ing0 I .ant to remain mysel,07I laughed0

6I thin" I bro"e that roc" already0 I mean/ ust loo" ho. much I'mtal"ing2 Loo" ho. much I'1e gotten attached to this silly sil1erbuc"et0 Loo" ho. Im hanging out .ith you all the time07

nd yet it didn't ,eel Auite li"e I .as betraying mysel,0 It .ashard to ex+lain0 Diego ,ound the right .ords063ou might ha1e bro"en that roc"/7 he said0 6But inside o, it/ you,ound crystals0 It .asn't a roc"/ it .as a geode07

I thought the +icture .as so beauti,ul/ and strangelyaccurate/ that I had to +ause and re,lect on it0 I suddenly reali8edthat I .as smiling .ith .onder0 Diego brought me bac" to reality06;hat about your second roc"7 he as"ed06y second roc"/7 I loo"ed do.n to a1oid his ga8e0 6Is to be your,riend07

Diego laughed/ but I could tell that it made him ha++y0 I thin"

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he already considered me as a ,riend0 nd that made me ha++y06Friends7 he said/ holding out his hand0

I shoo" it0 I ,elt li"e .e .ere a cou+le o, "ids/ ma"ing a +acto, ,riendshi+0

6Friends07 I agreed0Diego .as still chuc"ling to himsel, as .e let go o, eachother0 <e added@6I, you e1er ,ind any more roc"s/ tell me07

 That sim+le +hrase bro"e something in my heart0 I thin" a .all/ that had al.ays been there0 That .all that "e+t me,rom e1er o+ening u+ to anyone0 I "ne./ beyond a doubt/ that Itrusted Diego com+letely/ and that he trusted me0 It .as a ne.,eeling ,or me/ a +u88ling one/ but made my heart light and ,ree06Is that all you .anted to as" me7 I .ondered i, the interrogation

.as o1er0Diego made a ,ace that clearly meant@ 6(ice try/ you're not

o,, the hoo" yet70 I sighed0 ;ish,ul thin"ing/ I su++ose06lright/7 I slum+ed/ de,eated0 6Shoot076Tell me about you and your ,amily07

I almost to++led o1er bac".ards0 <e had to as" thatAuestion0 :, course he did0 I should'1e "no.n0 I sighed again06I .as an only child07 I brought my "nees u+ to my chin and,ocused on the memory o, my +arents0 6y mom and dad met in

college0 They both .anted to become antiAue dealers0 So theydecided to get married and collaborate on this to achie1e theirdreams0 It .or"ed out really .ell ,or them0 bout ten years a,terthey got married/ they ,ell in lo1e .ith each other0 nd I camealong unex+ectedly0 They ne1er +lanned to ha1e children0 They.ere more interested in old 1aluable things0 I ,igured out early onthat the less they sa. o, me/ the less I bothered them0 So I .oulda1oid them/ ust li"e I a1oided e1eryone else0 I didn't ,eelneglected/ I thought that .as the .ay e1ery child li1ed0 nd lateron/ I ne1er resented them ,or it0 The only connections .e had.ere the ,act that they had concei1ed me biologically and .eshared the same house0 I could count the times .e tal"ed to eachother on my ,ingers and toes0 :ur house .as ,illed to the roo, .ithantiAues0 They made sure to "ee+ the ,ragile stu,, out o, myreach/ e1en i, that meant loc"ing u+ certain rooms so that Icouldn't get in0 For the longest time/ I only "ne. hal, o, my house0

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I ne1er met my extended ,amily0 (either o, my +arents .ere goodat "ee+ing contact .ith +eo+le0 ;e ne1er had any 1isitors/ and.hen they did ha1e guests/ they usually .ent out ,or dinner/.ithout me/ o, course0 I'm +retty sure they o,ten ,orgot that I

existed0 91eryone ,orgot that I existed0 y mother/ .hene1er Isa. her/ I al.ays thought she .as the +rettiest lady I had e1erseen0 nd I .ondered .hy I didn't ha1e her +retty ,ace0 Sheal.ays loo"ed elegant and had gorgeous long hair0 y ,ather .as1ery tall0 <e .ore glasses and loo"ed nerdy0 It seemed he .as anex+ert at e1erything0 Both o, them .ere extremely +assionateabout their .or"0 It too" them ten years to reali8e it/ but they.ere +er,ect ,or each other and576nd you .ere the bothersome third .heel07 Diego too" the.ords out o, my mouth0

<earing him say it/ hearing him con,irm it/ a lum+ ,ormed inmy throat0 But .hen I started tal"ing again/ there .as no trace o,it being there06Don't get me .rong/ I .asn't unha++y0 I .as ust5 numb07

I had learned early on ho. to shut o,, my ,eelings0 :ne o,the reasons/ most li"ely/ that I .as ha1ing trouble ,inding andex+ressing them0 Com+letely contradictory to .hat I had al.aystaught mysel,06They .ere ha++y0 They .ere 1ery ha++y0 nd that .as enough

,or me07I ,inally ,ound enough courage to loo" at Diego0 <e .as

.atching me .ith a bright sil1ery intensity/ +rocessing e1erythingthat I had told him0 <is ex+ression .as a mix o, .onder/ o,ama8ement and o, sadness0 I "ne. he cared about e1ery .ordthat came out o, my mouth0 It had been hard to tal" about my+arents0 <arder than I ex+ected0 Because I only reali8ed then thatI missed them0 nd my throat .as +arched0 I don't thin" I hade1er s+o"en so much at one time be,ore0 91er0 Diego mo1ed on tohis next Auestion@6;hat .as your ,a1orite antiAue7

I didn't ha1e to thin" long about that one0 The into my head almost immediately/ .hich .as strange/ ,orI had ne1er really had a ,a1orite/ this ust seemed to be the one Iremembered the most06;e had a .ishing .ell in our bac"yard0 It .as +retty much the

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only reason .hy my +arents bought that +ro+erty0 It .as also oneo, the rare items they .ere ne1er .orried that I .ould brea" ormess u+0 nd I didn't ha1e much to do during the day/ besides goto school and .or"/ so I .ould sit on the edge o, the .ishing .ell0

nd e1ery day I .ould disco1er something ne. about it/ smallthings/ li"e a crac" in one o, the stones or a cob.eb on the.ooden roo,0 I, the sunlight hit it at ust the right angle/ I couldsee all the s+ar"ling coins at the bottom and the crystal clear.ater0 I, not/ it .as an abyss o, dar"ness and mystery0Sometimes/ I ,elt li"e um+ing in/ but that .as +ractically a certaindeath/ ,or nobody .ould come to +ull me out be,ore it .as toolate0 I .as than",ul that my +arents had le,t the coins there/ sothat on those rare occasions/ I could .atch their re,lectionsdancing on the stone o, the inside o, the .ell0 But .hat .as most

remar"able about the .ell .as its handle/ that cran" that lo.ereda buc"et do.n into the .ell to dra. .ater0 The ro+e .as longgone/ so you couldn't actually anything into it anymore/ butthe handle still .or"ed0 nd it .as made o, diamonds/ +urediamonds0 I ne1er ,ound out .hy/ .hy the handle .as so +reciousand the rest o, the .ell .as as +lain as they came07

I missed my .ishing .ell0 I also noticed/ .ith a bit o,sur+rise/ that I had ne1er thro.n in a coin mysel,/ and made a.ish0 I ne1er .ished ,or anything0

6Do you e1er .ish that you hadn't died7 Diego as"ed Auietly0<o. ironic0 ;hen .e're tal"ing about not .ishing0

6(o07 I .asn't being tough/ it .as the +ure truth0 aybe I .ascra8y to be than",ul ,or my o.n death/ but at least/ as a deadcheerleader/ I had a +ur+ose06I, you had "no.n that your death .as near/ .ould you ha1edone anything di,,erently76(o07 I shoo" my head0 I didn't regret anything06Do you e1er get angry or u+set7 he .ondered/ .ith a mix o,.onder and curiosity06:nly at mysel,/ sometimes07 I admitted0 nger .as ust anotheremotion that I had learned to control0

I decided then and there that he had as"ed enoughAuestions ,or no./ and that it .as my turn0 I leaned in closer tomy sil1er buc"et06;hat about you <a1e you al.ays been a guardian angel7

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Diego got the hint0 It .as only ,airness/ and .e both "ne. it06(o0 t ,irst/ .e didn't need guardian angels/ or messengers0

 There .ere ust the archangels and the angels0 Then the headarchangel turned against us0 nd then the earth .as created/ .ith

all li,e/ including humans0 That's .hen .e started needingguardian angels0 So I .as a++ointed0 nd that's .hat I'1e beendoing e1er since07

I ,ro8e0 I reali8ed ,or the ,irst time ho. old Diego really .as0<e only loo"ed to be bet.een ,i,teen and thirty yearsold0 lthough ount Gion didn't really ha1e any time0 I had almost,orgotten/ again06That's .hen they ga1e me this07 he added/ +ic"ing u+ hisbeauti,ul s.ord0

I too" a closer loo" at it0 It truly .as a .or" o, art/ .ith a

+olished and gleaming blade/ and an elegant hilt .ith gemsencrusted in it0 I sAuinted at the engra1ing at the base o, theblade/ but it .as in a di,,erent language0 I stretched out my armto touch the .ords/ small bum+s beneath my ,ingerti+s06;hat does it mean7 I as"ed06Faith is the substance o, things ho+ed ,or/ the e1idence o, thingsnot seen07 Diego recited/ .ithout loo"ing0

I didn't ha1e a re+ly or comment ,or that06The artist made it ,or me0 UniAue and s+ecial07 <e said/

caressing his .ea+on0I smiled0 I could understand .hy he li"ed it so much0

6:"ay/ I'm done07 I said/ getting to my ,eet0 6Than"s ,or thestory07

I motioned to.ard my sil1er buc"et0 <e +ic"ed it u+/handling it care,ully so that the .ater .ouldn't s+ill/ and +laced itbac" on the dresser06(o +roblem/ Dallas0 Than" you ,or ans.ering my Auestions07I shrugged06y +leasure07 I re+lied0

 That's .hen there .as a "noc" at the door0 Diego .ent too+en it0 In the door.ay stood *a+hael/ as tall and im+osing ase1er0 <e .a1ed his cli+board at us06;e ust recei1ed a huge .a1e o, ne. assignments0 Do you thin"you t.o could ta"e care o, a double7

 The .ay he as"ed it/ I "ne. .e didn't actually ha1e a choice0

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Diego smiled0 <e li"ed his ob06Sure27 he agreed0

*a+hael's ,inger .as already tracing do.n the list/ searching,or our assignments0

63our ,irst assignment .ill be a girl named !ade0 The second one isa girl named (o&lle0 They li1e in the same area/ so you could uststay on location07

 !ade and (o&lle0 T.o girls0 gain0 I ho+ed that these t.o.ould be more sane than mber and Bobbi !ac"0 )uess .hat com+letely and utterly .rong0 Diego glanced at me0 Inodded06Library/ here I come07 I muttered to mysel,06Do you need me to sho. you .here it is7 Diego as"ed0

I +robably did0

6(o than"s/7 I shoo" my head0 6I, I don't ,ind it on my o.n no./ Ine1er .ill07

 The sera+h stayed in my room0 I +romised to come bac".hen I had the in,ormation0 :nce the door closed/ *a+hael"ing bris"ly to the le,t0 I decided to ,ollo. him06:ther side/ Dallas07 he called bac" to me .ithout e1en botheringto turn around06:h0 Than"s07

I sto++ed/ t.irled around and headed o,, in the other

direction0 (o. that I .asn't studying my ,eet and the rainbo.s onthe ,loor/ ount Gion loo"ed di,,erent0I .andered around ,or .hat seemed li"e hours0 I must ha1egotten lost at least ten di,,erent times0 91en no. I'm not sure ho.many times I .as actually on the right trac"0 But/ e1entually/ I,ound it0 ,ter that time/ I didn't ha1e any more trouble ,inding thelibrary/ .hich meant that my +ain,ul strategy had .or"ed0 I alsos+ent more time in the library this time0 t least/ it ,elt li"e moretime/ but since there is no time in ount Gion/ I couldn't "no. ,orsure0 ,ter I had read !ade and (o&lle's ,iles/ I loo"ed u+ my o.n0 I,ound my ,older Auite easily/ as i, it .as ust .aiting to be ,ound/and yet I almost missed it because it .as in1isible0 <o. ironic0

 The only .ay I reali8ed it .as there .as because my name .as.ritten on it/ and the letters .ere 1isible0 Dallas0 I o+ened it/ todisco1er/ in disa++ointment/ that my ,iles .ere also in1isible0 ndthe .riting .as in1isible0 I +laced my ,older bac" into the

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.here I had ,ound it0 I le,t the library/ trying to remember e1erydetail I had learned about our t.o assignments0 It didn't ma"esense to me/ .hat their +roblems .ere0 But that didn't bother me0,ter all/ Diego .as better at being the +roblem and solution

,inder0It too" me about as long to ,ind my room as it had to ,ind thelibrary0 gain/ I .as ne1er to ha1e trouble ,inding it ,rom that+oint on0 Diego .as stirring the .ater around in my sil1er buc"et.ith the ti+ o, his ,inger/ and .as staring at it as i, he could seesomething other than his re,lection0 <e loo"ed u+ .hen I entered06*eady to go/ Dallas7 he as"ed0

I instantly noticed that his six .hite .ings had returned tohis bac"06<o. long ha1e I been gone7 I .ondered/ trying to test this no

time thing0Diego shrugged0

6There's no time in ount Gion/ remember It could ha1e been a,e. minutes or a ,e. years0 It ,elt more li"e a ,e. minutes to me076*eally7 I chuc"led/ sur+rised0 6It ,elt more li"e a ,e. years tome07

 The guardian angel laughed and crouched do.n0 Iautomatically scrambled onto his bac"/ braced mysel,/ held ontight/ sAuee8ed my eyes shut and hid my ,ace in his blond hair0

I thin" since I .as ex+ecting the .orst/ it turned out to beeasier than I remembered0 I could ,eel the .ind and my almost le,t behind/ but besides that it .as +ractically a+leasant tri+0

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;e ,ound !ade in a carni1al0 But she .asn't one o, the ,un-

see"ers/ she .as .or"ing there0 nd she had been since she .asborn0 It .as her +rison0 She didn't ha1e much chance o, e1ergetting out o, there/ and she "ne. it0 But she still nourished asmall s+ar" o, ho+e0 nd that's .hat sa1ed her/ in the end0

Diego and I .ere .andering through the littered/ cro.dedcarni1al0 I .as +u88ling o1er something silly0 (one o, the li1ingcould see us/ yet none o, them e1er ran into us/ or e1en touchedus0 It got me thin"ing about I, they did/ .ould they ust go rightthrough us/ as i, .e .ere ghosts or something I started trying to

bum+ into +eo+le/ to test my theory/ also stri1ing to be discreteabout it/ so that Diego .ouldn't notice/ but I ne1er came incontact .ith anyone0 nd/ e1en .ith my e,,orts/ the sera+h stillnoticed and laughed to himsel,0 I sto++ed trying0

I couldn't remember the last time I had been at a carni1al0 I,I had e1er gone/ it .as +robably .hen I .as too young to recall0:r maybe on a school ,ield tri+0 I could hear the thrilled screamso, the +eo+le on the roller coasters/ and the terri,ied screams o,the +eo+le in the house o, horrors0 =ids eating cotton candy/smearing it all o1er their ,ace and in their hair0 Toddlers ,ishing ,or

rubber duc"ies/ gi1ing u+ on the ,ishing +ole and using theirhands0 The carni1al music coming ,rom the big tent/ .here theclo.ns/ animals/ tra+e8e artists and tightro+e .al"ers .ere+er,orming0 nd in the dar" ,ar o,, corner/ the ,ortune teller'sbooth0 .ooden sign hung o1er the booth/ decorated in amysti,ying .ay0 It .as called 6!ade's Crystal Ball70 :, course/that's ho. .e "ne. .here to ,ind her0

;e entered through the blac" curtain/ and ,ound oursel1es ina small room lit only by candle0 In the center .as a round table/

and in the middle o, the table/ a crystal ball0 )olden stars .ere+ainted on the ceiling0 91erything else .as dra+ed in dar" blueand +ur+le 1el1et/ a cho"ing dense rich 1el1et0 Incense burned inthe corner/ adding to the ,eeling that there .asn't enough air0 Theatmos+here .as cree+y0 91en cree+ier still .as the girl sitting onthe o++osite side o, the crystal ball0 !ade/ the ,ortune teller0 a 1ery s+oo"y loo"ing young girl/ .ho seemed to be

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8/13/2019 Dead Cheerleader (Completed) 47/133 bet.een the age o, t.el1e and ,ourteen0 She hadlong .hite hair that ,ell into her large unblin"ing eyes0 <er entireattire .as gy+sy style@ the o1er, garments/ the big loud

 e.elry/ the thic" ma"e-u+ and ,ringes0 It seemed li"e she .as

trying to hide behind all o, that0 <er cree+y ga8e bore straightinto mine0 I shi1ered/ and I .as struc" by the oddity o, it0 !ade sat+er,ectly still06Can5 can she see us7 I .his+ered0 6;hy is she loo"ing at meli"e that76I don't "no./7 Diego .his+ered bac"0 6;hat did her ,ile say76That she's +ossessed by a demon0 nd it's not e1en Leo07

 Through that sim+le statement/ Diego understood manythings that I .ouldn't ha1e/ im+lications that I could ne1er,athom0 <e understood that the demon ga1e her +sychic +o.ers/

that she could see the ,uture/ contact the souls o, lost lo1ed onesand e1en read +eo+le's minds/ to a certain extent063es/ I can see you/ Dallas07 !ade said in a so,t dreamy 1oice06;ho's your ,riend7

Diego and me exchanged sur+rised loo"s0 ;e silentlydecided to act as normal as +ossible around her0 I "ne. that ! actually a 1ery s.eet girl/ in contrast to her a++earance06This is Diego/7 I re+lied0 6Can you see him too7

 !ade shoo" her head0 This +u88led me0 <o. could she see

me and not my +artner I 1oiced my +u88lement06Do you "no. .hy not7

gain/ she shoo" her head06I do not control my gi,ts0 nd I still don't ,ully understand ho.they all .or"07

I sat do.n in the em+ty seat across ,rom !ade0 She .asstarting to intrigue me0 She .as also the ,irst li1ing +erson I hadtal"ed to since5 .ell/ since5 be,ore my death06<o. did you get your5 gi,ts'7 I as"ed06I .as born .ith them07 !ade sighed0 6They're more li"e curses/actually076*eally/ .hy7 Diego .ondered0

I re+eated the Auestion ,or the girl06Because/ they ma"e me a tro+hy/ a ,ountain o, gold0 91eryone.ants to ta"e ad1antage o, my +o.ers to get money ,orthemsel1es07

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lthough she didn't sho. it/ I could tell that she .as battling.ith t.o emotions@ ho. she .as tired o, being used and ho. shehad ,ell into a submissi1e acce+tance o, her li,e0 She didn't thin"that it .as going to change any time soon0

6<o. much does she "no. about us7 Diego as"ed sus+iciously06<o. much do you "no. about us7 I as"ed0 !ade .as about to but the curtain .as +ulled aside

and a customer entered0 I Auic"ly um+ed out o, the seat/ ust intime ,or him to sit do.n0 !ade +ut on her s+oo"y act0 She dro++edher 1oice and only tal"ed in a .his+er06;hat ha1e you come searching ,or/ mere mortal7

She .as 1ery con1incing0 The candlelight ,lic"ered .ith herhand motions0 The guy loo"ed a little ner1ous0 <e sAuirmed andans.ered in a .his+er@

6;hat do you do7 !ade traced one ,inger around her crystal ball0

6I read the ,uture and minds and communicate .ith the dead07her 1oice became ras+y0

++arently/ the man .as already com+letely ,rea"ed out byher a++earance/ the .ay her large eyes loo"ed almost demented0<e co.ered a.ay ,rom her0 I rolled my eyes/ thin"ing about ho.he might react .hen he sa. the real stu,,06:"/ um/ can I tal" to my grand+a7 his 1oice Aui1ered0

 !ade's eyes loo"ed u+/ as i, she .ere thin"ing 6;hat aAuestion2 :, course you can tal" to your grand+a/ do you doubtmy +o.er7 I "ne. di,,erently0 She .as entering a sort o, trance0Soon/ all you could see o, her eyes .ere the .hites0 91en I .as alittle ,rea"ed out0 The next thing I "ne./ !ade's body had gonelim+0 <er head ,ell to the table0 nd a dar" mist cra.led out o,her0 It .as the demon0 <e too" on a human ,orm/ com+letelyignored me and Diego/ and +retended to be the man'sgrand,ather0 The +oor guy .as gullible enough to belie1e it0

I .anted to +o"e ,un at the demon/ see ho. .ell he could"ee+ a straight ,ace .ith me as a distraction0 I decided against it0I didn't "no. ho. the demon .ould react0

 The customer melted into tears and +oured his ,eelings outto his im+oster grand,ather0 The demon .as a terri,ic actor0 <ehad ex+erience0 <e .as smart and deceit,ul0 <e said ust enoughto "ee+ the man ,rom being sus+icious/ and not enough to sound

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mysterious0 Finally/ he retreated into !ade's body0 The man startedscreaming@6(o2 ;ait2 )rand+a/ come bac"27

 The girl blin"ed/ sat bac" u+ and made a ,ace/ as i, the .hole

thing .as a rather uncom,ortable ex+erience06nything else I can do ,or you/ sir7 she as"ed +olitely/ the.his+er gone06I .ant to tal" to him longer27 he com+lained06Sorry/ only once a day0 Come bac" tomorro.07 she recited the.ords that had been stu,,ed into her mouth0

 The man seemed heartbro"en0 !ade/ ,eeling com+assionate/tried to reassure him@6I .ill gi1e you a +rediction ,or ,ree/ i, you li"e07

<e reluctantly agreed0 ;hat .eird thing .as she going to do

no. ;hate1er it .as/ all o, this ,elt terribly .rong0 The .holeatmos+here .as getting stu,,ier by the minute0 !ade +retended toconsult her crystal ball0 s i, on cue/ mist s.irled inside the +ro+0Soon/ the man had leaned in closer/ also scrutini8ing the de+thso, the smo"e063ou ha1e a ha++y ,uture/ i, you sto+ to reali8e ho. blessed youare07 she said +ro+hetically/ but also .ith a hint o, sadness0 She"ne. she didn't ha1e his luc"0

 The man .as ubilant0 <e sto++ed to thin" about ho.

blessed he .as0 ;hat a dummy0 Finally he got u+/ +aid !ade/than"ed her/ and le,t .ith a s+ring in his ste+0 Piti,ul0

 !ade sighed/ and returned her attention bac" to me06Sorry about that/7 she a+ologi8ed0 6ight as .ell ma"e his daybetter07

:h0 The +rediction .as made-u+0 I shot a glance at Diego0<is ex+ression .as 1ery serious0 <e seemed to be thin"ing hard0 Idecided not to disturb him ,or the moment06I +resume you ha1e a +ur+ose ,or being here/ Dallas7 it .asmore o, a statement than a Auestion063es/ yes .e do07 I hesitated/ .ondering .hether or not I shouldex+lain the situation to her0 6;hat do you thin"/ Diego7

I .as loo"ing ,or some "ind o, instructions on .hat I .assu++osed to do06Can I get bac" to you on this7 I said0 6:r .ill you read my mindany.ay to ,ind out .hat I'm thin"ing7

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three o, them0 They're the 1oices o, my gi,ts'07 The demon0 <e had ,ound e1en more .ays to torture her0 I

.as getting 1ery annoyed .ith him06Do you tal" bac"7 I as"ed0 I didn't "no. ho. this "ind o, thing

.or"ed06I try to ignore them/ but sometimes it's im+ossible07 she shi1eredat a memory0

Suddenly/ I reali8ed something0 She .as o+ening u+ 1eryeasily0 Too easily0 ;as it because I .as dead I became sus+icious0bout .hat/ I don't "no./ but something didn't seem Auite right06;hy are you telling me all this7 I ,ro.ned0

 !ade sto++ed/ caught o,, guard0 She had to thin" about thatone ,or a minute or t.o06Isn't that .hat you're here ,or7 she as"ed/ .orried0 6ren't you

here to hel+ me7I almost to++led bac" o1er my chair0 <o. had she come to

that conclusion <o. did she "no. Did the demon "no./ had hetold her I didn't thin" so/ because I sa. that glimmer o, ho+e inher large eyes0 <e couldn't ha1e .ill,ully .anted her to ha1e that0It didn't seem as though she "ne. the s+eci,ics/ though06That's right/ that's .hat .e're here ,or07 I agreed0

 !ade almost burst into tears o, grate,ulness0 It bro"e myheart0

6Than" you07 she .his+ered0I thre. my hands in the air0

6<ey/ .e ha1en't done anything yet2 ll I can +romise you is that.e .ill try our 1ery best0 nd maybe .hat you .ant us to do isnot .hat's best ,or you07 I didn't .ant her to get her ho+es u+ toohigh/ only to be disa++ointed again0

 !ade nodded understandingly/ but she still had that s+ar"lein her eyes0 She +robably thought that no matter .hat .e did/ it.ould be better than her current situation0I heard a cloc" stri"ing in the distance0 I didn't bother count ho.many times0 !ade s+rung to her ,eet06y day is done07 she said0 6I'll see you tomorro./ Dallas/ Diego07

She ,led ,rom the room0 I could understand .hy0 I glanced atDiego0 <e .as still dee+ in thought/ but he loo"ed u+ at me06;hat do you thin"/ Dallas7

I +aused0 <e .as the one thin"ing/ not me0

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6I thin" .e should get out o, here07 I re+lied/ .rin"ling my nose asthe incense burnt to dust0

Diego chuc"led and agreed@6)ood idea07

:utside/ I ,elt as though I could breath all o1er again0 Thecarni1al .as deserted0 It .as closing time0 It loo"ed eerie .hen em+ty0 3ou'd thin" it .as inhabited by ghosts0 <a0

;e .andered around/ .atching random +ieces o, +a+er ,lyaround/ until .e came across a carousel0 I hoisted mysel, onto alo1ely horse in ,ull gallo+/ .here the golden +aint .as +eeling o,,o, its mane0 Diego sat next to me/ side-saddle/ on a daintydon"ey0 I .as seated higher u+ than him/ and it .as a strangesensation to be taller0 This time/ I .as the one .ho as"ed theAuestion0 I didn't .ant to ha1e to it ,irst0

6So/ Diego/ .hat do you thin"76I'1e located the +roblem@ the demon07

:b1iously06But I can't come u+ .ith a solution07 he said/ a line digging intohis bro.0

<mmm0 That .asn't good06<o. has a demon been chased a.ay be,ore7 I as"ed06;ell/ I'1e ne1er done it be,ore0 (o angel has e1er done itbe,ore07

6<as a member o, the )reat Cloud o, ;itnesses e1er done it76(o+e07 he shoo" his head0 <e had thought o, all these+ossibilities already06Then .ho has7 I ,ro.ned06)od/ o, course0 Sometimes he does it through humans too076So it should be sim+le@ .e go con1ince )od to cast this demonout o, !ade07

Diego shoo" his head again0 There .as something I .asmissing0 I didn't understand .hy .e couldn't do that0 I thought it.ould .or"06)od doesn't .or" that .ay0 I, he .anted to do it himsel,/ he.ould ha1e already07 Diego dismissed my idea as Auic"ly as itcame0

I ,olded my arms o1er my chest and shrugged06Beats me07 I said and +roceeded in scratching at the +eeling+aint0

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63eah/ beats me too07 Diego sighed hea1ily06Loo"/7 I said/ ,ocusing on the bright side o, the situation0 6Let'sobser1e some more/ and .e might come u+ .ith somethinge1entually07

Diego nodded/ but also added@6nd i, .e don't7I didn't ha1e an ,or that0 <e .as the ex+ert/ ,or

goodness' sa"e2 <o. .as I su++osed to "no. the things that hedidn't :, course/ I didn't tell him this06Do you thin" .e should tell !ade7 I as"ed06Tell her .hat7 the guardian angel arched one eyebro.06That she's +ossessed by a demon07 I re+lied matter-o,-,actly0

<e considered this ,or a ,e. seconds/ silently .eighing the+ros and cons0

6I thin" she deser1es to "no.07 he agreed0lright/ at least something .as set0 aybe things .ould

clear u+ a,ter that0 (o. the tric" .as to ,ind !ade0 I didn't ,eel li"e.aiting until the next morning0 nd neither did Diego06;here does she go/ a,ter .or"7 Diego um+ed to the groundand turned his bac" to me06<ome07 I ans.ered/ scrambling onto his bac" ,rom my carouselhorse0 6;e might be able to catch her on the sub.ay0 Let's hurry07

I .ished I hadn't said that0 I almost ,orgot to hold on tight0

;e 8oomed ,or.ard/ at brea"nec" s+eed0 ;e had ne1er ,lo.n so,ast so close to the ground be,ore0 I ,orgot to close my eyes0 Soon/I couldn't hardly see anything any.ay/ the .ind stung and dre.tears0 Then the s"y got dar"0 ;e .ere underground/ in thesub.ay0 I could see the train u+ ahead0 The doors .ere closing0Diego boosted his s+eed0 ;e crashed into the o++osite .all o, thetrain0 The doors shut behind us .ith a 6Ding270 ;e had made it0

 Than",ully/ there .eren't many +eo+le in the train0 ;e hadn't runinto anybody0 But I .as crushed0 I .as sure that I .as stuc" to the.all ,or all eternity0

;hen I reco1ered/ I noticed !ade0 She .as staring at me .iththat cree+y intensity0 I .as thrilled that .e had ,ound her0 :n the,irst try0 ;hoo26<ey/ !ade27 I called out/ still .obbly ,rom my crash0

 The ,ortune teller dug into her +oc"et and +ulled out5 hercell +hone0 ;hat in the .orld .as she doing I ,ro.ned as I

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could do a lot .orse than ust ,its0Finally/ she sto++ed sha"ing and she became silent0 She .as

breathing hard and her eyes .ere .ide and .ild0 Diego hesitantlybac"ed u+0

6re you o"ay7 he as"ed/ .orried0I re+eated the Auestion0 !ade +ain,ully got u+/ retrie1ed hercell +hone and hu,,ed@6Sorry about that/ Dallas0 I had a little accident0 I'm ,ine no.07

I didn't ans.er0 I "ne. that i, I tried to say anything aboutgetting rid o, the demon/ the ,it .ould start again0 I didn't .ant to+ut her in more +ain06;e'll tal" to you .hen you get home07 I said/ becoming morea.are o, the stares ,rom the other +assengers06lright/ then0 Bye07 !ade sighed and +ut her cell +hone a.ay0

She suddenly loo"ed a lot older than her age0 She loo"edtired0 I could understand .hy0 I .ould ne1er .ish her condition onanyone0 (ot e1en Leo0 I glanced at Diego0 <e .as dee+ in thoughtagain0 I "ind o, ,elt sorry ,or him too/ he .as a little le,t outbecause !ade couldn't see or hear him0;hen .e arri1ed at !ade's house/ it .as an a+artment actually/the ,irst thing I noticed .as ho. bare it .as0 :nly the strictnecessities0 It had one room/ a "itchen and a bathroom0 But it .asenough ,or !ade0 She told us that she only came here to eat

su++er and slee+0;e didn't tal" much0 !ade .ent about her usual routine .hile

Diego and I sat in a corner/ staring at each other0 ;e both "ne..hat the other .as thin"ing@ ho. are .e going to get this demonto lea1e <e .as a stubborn s+irit0 nd there's nothing more,rustrating than a +roblem you don't "no. ho. to sol1e0 Ugh0

:utside/ it .as starting to rain0 The dro+s +itter-+attered onthe .indo.0 The s"y .as 1ery dar" and ominous0Lightning ,lashed0 It .as a s+ring sho.er0 Suddenly/ !ade .asat our side/ her eyes rolled bac" into her head0 The thic" ras+y1oice o, the demon hissed@6<ere's a +rediction ,or you/ Diego0 Be.are the Ides o, arch07

 Then it .as gone0 !ade returned to hersel, and colla+sedonto the ,loor/ exhausted0 She almost dragged hersel, to her bedand hid under her co1ers/ shi1ering0 I .as getting more and moreannoyed .ith the .ay the demon .as using her0 This had to sto+0

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 That night/ .e stayed by her bedside0 She loo"ed more li"e asic" child no.0 She "e+t tossing and turning/ a.a"ening se1eraltimes .ith a start/ screaming0 I "ne. that the demon ,eltthreatened0 It .as our ,ault/ too0 nd he .as ta"ing it out on !ade0

 The +oor girl .as soa"ed in her o.n s.eat0bout hal, .ay through the night/ I could hardly stand.atching her su,,er any longer06;hat .ill ha++en i, I touch her7 I .his+ered to Diego0

 The sera+h shrugged06I don't thin" a member o, the )reat Cloud o, ;itnesses has e1ertried0 normal +erson +robably .ouldn't ,eel anything/ but sinceshe's some.hat acute to the s+irit .orld57

I nodded0 Diego added@6I don't thin" there's any harm trying07

 !ade um+ed into consciousness/ breathing Auic"ly as i, she.ere +anic"ed0 <er eyes mo1ed .ildly around the room/ until theycame to rest on me0 I gently too" hold o, her hand0 Sheimmediately started to calm do.n/ gul+ed and ,ell bac" into her+illo.0 <er eyelashes ,luttered shut0 I so,tly rubbed her ,orehead0It .as ,laming hot0 I also began to hum0 lullaby0 The only one I"ne.0 along the line/ I remembered the lyrics0 So Isang@65 And give you peace" and give you peace" and give you peace

forever(7From that +oint on/ !ade sle+t longer and better0 Diego

smiled at her slee+ing ,orm06;ell done/ Dallas07 he a++ro1ed0 6>ery .ell done07

y heart got .armer0 I loo"ed u+ at him06She deser1es it/ Diego076She sure does07 he agreed/ .ith a slight chuc"le0

<o. encouraging0 91en in our situation/ that seemed to ha1eno solution/ that .as uncertain and dar"/ he managed to laugh06re you .orried about the +rediction7 I .ondered06The Ides o, arch are tomorro.07 he arched his eyebro.s as i, tosay@ 6I'm not a,raid076;ere you related to Caesar7 I o"ed0

<e didn't e1en bother ans.ering me0 <e ust laughed0 nd.e ,ell silent again0 !ade .as Auiet no. too0

 The rain sto++ed as the sun began to rise0 The s"y turned

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eyes shut0 I, I had to ha1e an out o, body ex+erience again/ I'drather my eyes .ere closed .hen I loo"ed at mysel,0

I didn't ,eel a thing0 ll I heard .as a terrible tearing sound/mixed .ith the shrie"ing o, ,ingernails on a blac" board0 I cringed0

 Then e1erything .ent silent06It's o1er/ Dallas07I recogni8ed the 1oice and instantly let out my breath0 I only

 ust reali8ed that I had been holding it0 I +eeled my eyelids o+en0Diego .as standing in ,ront o, me/ staggering a bit/ gri++ing hiss.ord .ith both hands and a +uddle o, dar" smo"e at his ,eet0 I"e+t standing there/ dumb,ounded0 I 1oiced the ,irst thought thatcame to my mind@6!ade27

I s+un around and dashed bac" into the building/ running u+

the stairs/ um+ing ,our ste+s at a time0 Diego came close behindme0 ;e s"idded to a halt .hen .e entered her a+artment0 ,looding in through the .indo.0 The ,ortune teller .as u+0 <erbac" .as to us0 I care,ully .al"ed around to ,ace her06!ade7 I as"ed/ a hint o, .orry in my 1oice0

 Tears .ere streaming do.n her delicate ,ace0 nd somethingabout her eyes0 They .ere no longer demented and s+oo"y0 They.ere .ide/ innocent and ,illed .ith shoc"0 !ade ,ell to her "nees/her hands +ressed to her ,ace0 Diego and I exchanged glances0

<er 1oice came in a so,t .his+er06Dallas5 Diego5 I'm ,ree5 it's gone57

I smiled .ith relie,0 !ade's tears doubled0 She rolled u+ into aball0 I crouched do.n to loo" her in the eye0 nd I immediatelynoticed something0 <er eyes .ere un,ocused/ as i, she .as seeingsomething behind me0 I .as +u88led06re you o"ay7 I as"ed0

She didn't ans.er0 y bro. ,urro.ed .ith .orry0 Then I ,eltDiego's hand on my shoulder0 I loo"ed u+/ con,usion .ritten allo1er my ,ace06She can't see you anymore/ Dallas07 he gently reminded me0

:h0 *ight0 I stood bac" u+0 I thin" I .as a little hurt0 I .asin1isible all o1er again0 Diego seemed to sense that/ because hesAuee8ed my shoulder0

91entually/ !ade got u+0 <er ,ace .as her ste+ .aslight0 ne. +erson stood be,ore us0 She danced across the room

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and +ic"ed u+ her cell +hone0 This time she called a li1e +erson0<er excitement made me ha++y0 She could hardly contain it06(o&lle )uess .hat2 I' F*9927 she hollered/ bursting .ith oy0

I heard the com+laining o, her best ,riend on the other end

o, the line0 Diego ,ro.ned06(o&lle/ isn't that57 he started063e+07 I cut him o,,06Then .e should5763e+07

Diego sighed0 <e crouched do.n06lright/ then/ ho+ on07

I did ust that0

Intermission#by Ty Phoxx%

 This is Farless Quency's little rant time0 Be +re+ared ,or

some screaming0 D: 3:U *9LIG9 <:; UC< <:9;:*= S<9<S T<T S<9 S<:ULD B9 D:I() *I)<T (:; Do you reali8eho. time consuming this is Do you reali8e ho. late she stays u+at night/ staring at a blan" +age/ .riting absolutely nothing I,you ha1e e1er done (ano.rimo/ yes/ you do "no.0 I, not/ go do itright no. so that you can understand the +ain/ exertion andextreme concentration she is going through0

She also .ants to yell at Dallas0 The dead cheerleader's+ersonality is de1elo+ing Auic"er than she ex+ected0 She's

 eo+ardi8ing the .hole +lot2 It .ill be all her ,ault i, the story ,allscom+letely ,lat0 The blame's on you/ Dallas0 Don't disa++oint us0

:n a lighter note/ Than"sgi1ing is coming u+/ .hich meansthat she has a .hole ,ree .ee" to do nothing but .rite2 Farlesshas +romised me she .ould loo" at the bright side o, things0She's done yelling no. #I thin" it's because she's listening to oneo, her ,a1orite songs%0 She .ould li"e to say that it .as nice to get

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it out o, her system0She .ould also li"e to add another +erson to her audience/

to oin Sigmund/ Barney and Charlie0 <is name is Chester and heis her green ball o, +lay dough that her cat com+letely destroyed0

In lo1ing memory0<ere's a Auote she came across the other day/ and ust hadto .rite it do.n some.here0 3ou are the luc"y +eo+le .ho get toread it2 #(ote ho. my 1oice is dri++ing .ith sarcasm5 .hichreminds me o, a o"e%

 At the end of the day" the king and the frog go back into the samebo).

 There/ you heard it0 Im+ressed )ood0 *e,lect u+on itsmeaning ,or/ let's say/ one thousand and se1en hundred .ordsmore0 3:U ;ILL SU*>I>9/ QU9(C32222

<ere's a big big big than"s to all the songs that ha1e "e+ther ,ocused on .riting2 I .ill name them as , thirteen inall/ one ,or each cha+ter/ in order@ 6Bring it on7 by Ste1en CurtisCha+man/ 6(e. Soul7 by 3ael (aim/ 6C'mon C'mon7 byS.itch,oot/ 6I'm still here7 by !ohn *8e8ni"/ 6!e suis un homme7by Ga8ie/ 6<ello7 by 91anescence/ 6Bo.ling Ball7 by Su+erchic"/6Bring me to Li,e7 by 91anescence/ 6Deathbed7 by *elient =/6*e1enge7 by S.itch,oot/ 6Tournent les >iolons7 by !ean-!acAues)oldman/ 6nother one bites the dust7 by Queen/ and 6ll is ;ell7

by Point o, )race0 3ou "no./ I ha1e contem+lated telling you ho. 6Dead

Cheerleader7 ends/ thus s+oiling the .hole story ,or you2 <o.cruel o, me0 I'm sure Farless .ould not a++ro1e0 She'd get angryand go on screaming all o1er again0

Can you tell that .e're going silly .ith exhaustion ;e'rebabbling on and on .ithout anything real to say0 Um/ I mean/.ithout really anything to say0 Loo"2 I'm tal"ing bac".ards2 Isound li"e 3oda2 Cra8y I be2 aybe I should sto+ no./ I'm scaringyou/ aren't I ;ell/ .hat do you ex+ect Dealing .ith angels/demons and dead +eo+le is a disturbing thing0 I mean/ .e test9>9*3T<I() be,ore Farless e1er .rites about it0 :"ay/ that's nottrue0 I shouldn't say things li"e that/ someone's going to ta"e meseriously0 That .on't be good0 *est assured that .e don't actuallythin" that our a,terli1es are going to be li"e that2 Some elementso, truth/ but mostly ust imagined and made u+0 (obody can "no.

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,or sure/ unless you'1e been there/ o, course/ and so ,ar nobodyhas been able to return and tell us about it0 Pity0

 This .ould +robably be a good time to than" the genius .hoin1ented s+ider solitaire2 good game o, that and Farless's brain

is u+ and .or"ing/ in the right mood to .rite0 It truly is a miracle.or"er0:"ay/ enough +raising o, material things0 Let's tal" about

.hat you thin"0 There are many Auestions that .e .ish .e couldas" you/ and actually be able to get the ans.er0 ;hen you read astory/ do you e1er .onder .hat the author .as thin"ing .henthey .rote it Do you e1er +icture the characters/ the scenes insuch a .ay/ and e1ery time you read it again/ it al.ays ta"es thesame image nd .hen a mo1ie comes out/ i, it comes out/ youthin" ho. di,,erent you thought the main characters loo"ed ,rom

.hat you imagined re there times .here you +ause to sa1or thebeauty o, the .ay something .as +ut I, you are not a ,reAuentreader/ you +robably ha1en't e1en ,athomed that +eo+le actuallythin" about that "ind o, thing .hile they're reading0 nd it's notnecessary to enoy it ,ully/ but it hel+s you identi,y .hy youa++reciated a boo"/ 1alued it more than another and so on0

I came across a .ord the other day@ +harology0 I ,ell in lo1e.ith it immediately/ ,or it's the study o, lighthouses. They are abeauti,ul symbol o, ho+e0 nd ma"e excellent +hotogra+hs0 I

.on't bore you .ith other .ords I'1e come across0 Belie1e me/Farless's list is longer than mine0

 3ou "no./ I'm stalling0 Quency's des+erately trying to ,igureout .hat is going to ha++en next0 I'm only here to entertain you.hile she crams ,or ideas and ins+iration0 I'm ,resh out o, stallingideas0 Sorry/ Farless/ loo"s li"e I can't hel+ you any more0 I triedmy best2 Bac" to Dallas0

 Ty Phoxx


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;e .ere ,lying u+ high again/ both re,lecting on our+re1ious assignment0 y ga8e .as lost in the in,inity o,e1a+orated .ater/ better "no.n as clouds0 It had gone by so ,ast/

but the intensity had been strong/ lea1ing a de,inite hand+rint inour minds0 I ,elt li"e I had made a ,riend Ja real li1e human beingli"e .hat I used to be/ someone that I connected .ith- only to loseher again0 y .orld could not mix .ith hers0 nd I "ne. it .as,utile to try0 I thin" it .as my +o.erlessness that made mesome.hat gloomy0 I .asn't in the mood to tal"0 I thin" Diegosensed that/ ,or he remained silent as .ell0

(o&lle .as a lousy/ grouchy/ grum+y com+lainer0 !ust .hat Ineeded to cheer me u+0 She .as al.ays brooding/ her ,ace ,ro8en

into an eternal sco.l0 ;hen .e ,ound her/ in her o.n a+artmentthat loo"ed almost identical to !ade's/ she .as still tal"ing to !adeon her cell +hone0 3elling at her/ more li"e/ ,or disturbing her soearly in the morning0 But/ beyond her criticism/ I could tell thatshe really cared ,or !ade/ li"e a younger sister0 nd ,or that I didn'tdisli"e her0 She .as dressed entirely in blac"/ gothic style@leather boots/ long dress/ .ebbed glo1es and a s+i"ed collar0 <erlong hair .as a thic" mess o, blac" "nots and curls0 She had ano1erdose o, eyeliner/ blac" li+stic" and nail +olish0 <er tone .asharsh/ her eyes .ere cold/ an icy clear cold0 She e1entually hungu+ and tossed her +hone aside/ .ith a hu,,0 This girl sure had anattitude0 :h dear0

 Through the .indo./ I could no. see the sun/ as it stretchedand ya.ned at the beginning o, a ne. day/ chasing a.ay thestars and the moon .ith its shining glory0 The image .as suddenlyobliterated .ith shrie"ing dar" blinds/ the light .ent ,rom brilliantto ,iltered/ as a grum+y (o&lle cursed at the blinding light/disa++eared into her bathroom/ came bac" out in her gothic+aamas and hid under the co1ers o, her bed0 I had almost

,orgotten that she .or"ed at night and sle+t in the morning0 Itex+lained t.o things about her +ersonality/ not both/ but eitherone or the other0 9ither her style o, li,e in,luenced hergrouchiness/ molding her into .hat she .as/ or it .as the other.ay around@ her grum+iness a,,ected her li,e style/ and shea1oided +eo+le by becoming a creature o, the night0 She +ri8edthat mystery and dar"ness about her0 She ,elt the aura that she

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ga1e o,, and bathed in it .ith delight/ grooming it .ith care0 She"ne. 1ery .ell that others did not a++reciate her genius/ and.ere a,raid o, her0 Their ,ear/ she des+ised it/ she loathed it .ithsuch a +assion that she had to "ee+ +ro1o"ing it/ "ee+ instilling it

in their hearts0 She hated their co.ardice .hen they ,led ,romher/ but she also hated their arrogance .hen they did not ,lee0 (omatter .hat they did/ she .ould com+lain/ al.ays discontent0 ndthat .as the reason ,or her grum+iness0 It made her miserable/and she made sure e1erybody "ne. exactly ho. miserable she.as0 I ,elt certain that she had hit roc" bottom/ ,or she didn't ha1e

 !ade's glimmer o, ho+e0 I .as so sure that she .as a ho+elesscase0 )uess .hat I .as .rong0

 The reason ,or the ,ear that she aroused .as also due to+o.ers/ although di,,erent ,rom the ,ortune teller's0

;hen (o&lle had reached the dee+est le1el o, her slee+/ her bodyle1itated a ,e. ,eet o,, her mattress/ a ,loating .obbly ,igure thatcouldn't decide i, hanging u+side do.n or curled u+ in a ball .asmore com,ortable0 Then her dreams came ali1e0 Peo+le andanimals ran on the .alls/ the ceiling and the ,loor/ li"e hologra+hso, 1ibrant surreal colors0 There .as e1en a soundtrac" to theimages/ nothing that I .as able to identi,y0 I glanced at thele1itating (o&lle/ obser1ing her ,ace the only time that it .oulde1er loo" +eace,ul/ .hile she .as slee+ing0

6;hat's u+ .ith her7 Diego as"ed/ a little startled by the .holesituation06She's a .itch07 I ans.ered/ sighing at the enormity o, the tas"ahead o, us0

 The guardian angel and I exchanged loo"s0 ;e .ere boththin"ing the same thing@ *h dear.6;ell/ .hat do you thin"7 I as"ed/ ho+ing that he had located the+roblem and the solution06I "no. .hat the +roblem is07 he said thought,ully0

I urged him to go on06It's ob1iously her .itchcra,t07 he stated sim+ly06I had a ,eeling you .ere going to say that07 I made a ,ace0

Diego chuc"led and continued@6s ,or the solution/ this is the tric"y +art/ someho. .e need toma"e her reali8e that her magic is the source o, her unha++iness0nd then con1ince her to let go o, it07 he ex+lained0

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I groaned06She'll ne1er gi1e u+ her magic07 I shoo" my head0 6It's .hat'smost im+ortant to her07

Diego shrugged0

6;e ha1e to try07I ,ell silent0 I "ne. he .as right0 But ho. on earth .ere .egoing to get (o&lle to 1ie. her .itchcra,t as something she didn'tneed It seemed im+ossible0 She thought it .as the only thing le,tshe could hold onto in this .orld0 This ga1e me an idea06;e need to hel+ her ,ind something that .ill re+lace her magic/something that .ill do her good27 I exclaimed/ my eyes lightingu+0 They immediately dar"ened again0 6But .hat ;hat issomething she .ould li"e more than magic76I bet .e could get !ade to in,luence her07 Diego suggested/

.ithout ans.ering my Auestion0I scratched my head0 <e had a good +oint0 But !ade .ouldn't

do any good i, .e didn't ,ind something to re+lace .itchcra,t/something that (o&lle .ould be more attracted to0 <er ,ile saidthat she had searched her .hole li,e ,or something that .ould ,illthat em+ty s+ot in her soul0 91eryone .as li"e that/ e1eryone .assearching ,or their +ur+ose0 She had tried many things/ ,rom boysto ,ame to magic0 nd she ,elt li"e magic .as the closest shecould get to ,illing it u+0 I sighed0

6I su++ose .e should ust obser1e/ until .e come u+ .ithsomething07 I suggested0 6That's .hat .e al.ays do07

Diego agreed0 There .asn't much else .e could do0(o&lle got u+ at about one in the a,ternoon/ made hersel, a

bo.l o, brea",ast cereal and gul+ed it do.n0 ;e tagged behindher ,or the rest o, the day/ as she +layed all o, her 1ideo games/.atched a mo1ie and .ent to 1isit !ade0 ;e ,ound out the ,ormer,ortune teller had Auit her ob at the carni1al and .as no. loo"ingto get into school0 Besides her long .hite hair/ she actually loo"ednormal/ dressed in eans and a large "nit s.eater0 She had ne1ergone to school be,ore and she had a strong thirst ,or learning0)ood ,or her0 (o&lle and !ade .ere Auite the contrast/ the .itchdar" and brooding/ her best ,riend hy+er and exuberant0 I thin"(o&lle .as e1en more grum+y at the sight o, !ade so ha++y0Usually she .as the one .ho .as cheering her u+ throughsarcastic comments that made the younger girl laugh0 nd no.

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she had something that (o&lle didn't0 nd it got on her ner1es0She made sure to tell her06<ere/ I thought .e .ere some.hat the same/ and I trusted you/but no. you're all li"e5 li"e an angel&&&7 she com+lained0 6I can't

belie1e you're doing this to me0 First/ a call .hen the sun .asrising/ no.57She sto++ed/ crossed her arms and hu,,ed0 !ade .as ,eeling

guilty that she had ,ound ha++iness/ but her best ,riend hadn't0 Itsho.ed on her ,ace0 The next thing she said/ I could ha1e "issedher ,or it06I ,ound the secret/ (o&lle/ it's your +o.ers that are ma"ing yougloomy0 ine are gone2 It's .onder,ul/ it's a beauti,ul ama8ingearly Christmas +resent07 she +aused and loo"ed at the .itch063ou should sto+ your magic/ you .ould ,eel better07

She hugged the .oman's .aist0 (o&lle +ushed her a.ayharshly0 But the seed .as +lanted0 (o&lle stormed a.ay/abandoning !ade in the middle o, the street0 I Auic"ly scrambledonto Diego's bac" and .e chased a,ter her06I got it/ Dallas27 my +artner ubilated0 6She's ealous/ she .ants

 !ade's ha++iness0 nd no. she "no.s that .itchcra,t cant bring itto her0 ;ere one ste+ closer076The Auestion is/ ho. do .e get her to sto+ I don't thin" she'll doit ust li"e that07 I sna++ed my ,ingers to illustrate my .ords0

6;e ha1e to +ro1e to her that her magic is causing all hertroubles07 he re+lied0

 That didn't really my Auestion o, ho.0 But I could tellthat Diego .as constructing a +lan0 I didn't torture mysel, anylonger and trusted him to ta"e care o, things0

(ight .as no. ,alling again0 It .as time ,or (o&lle to go to.or"0 In the dar"/ she loo"ed li"e she .as dressed u+ ,or<allo.een0 s a uni,orm/ she thre. on a blac" ca+e .ith a hood0

 The shado.s that ,ell across her ,ace ga1e her a cree+y loo"0 ! una.are o, (o&lle's nighttime acti1ities0 The .itch ,ound outearly on that her +o.ers +ermitted her to get a.ay .ith thingsmore easily0 lthough she ne1er li"ed to call hersel, this/ she .asan outla.0 The +eo+le .ho .anted things done/ but .ere tooco.ardly to do it themsel1es/ .ould come to her and +ay her a,air amount o, money to ha1e her do the ob0 She had one limit toher actions@ she didn't murder anybody/ although she could ha1e

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+robably done so easily0 <er ,a1orite and most e,,icient s+ell .asin1isibility0 She didn't ha1e an o,,ice or anything/ that .ould ha1ebeen too ob1ious0 She arranged midnight meetings .ith hercustomers0 nd this +articular e1ening/ she .as sitting on a bench

at the +ar"0 The +lace .as deserted0 (o&lle .as undisturbed bythis ,act0 She sat +atiently/ her legs crossed0 The .ind .as gettingcolder by the second/ so she hastily recited an incantation and a,ire arose in the +alm o, her hand0 That .as one .ay to get .arm/I thought/ sur+rised0 It also turned out to be a .ay to get s+otted0It .asn't long be,ore her client had arri1ed/ and sat do.n next toher06re you (o&lle/ the night sorceress7 the ne.comer .his+ered06That's me07 she re+lied .ith a cruel tone0

 The customer sobered u+/ and I sa. a glint o, ,ear in his

eyes0 <e loo"ed li"e he .as about to lea1e/ and get as muchdistance as +ossible bet.een him and her0 But he suc"ed it in0++arently/ he cared more about his reAuest06I need a ob done tonight07 he con,ided/ loo"ing around .arily toma"e sure nobody .as .atching0

;ith a ,lic" o, her ,inger and one .ord/ she had created asound bubble around them0 Than",ully/ Diego and I .ere closeenough to be inside o, the bubble0 I .ondered/ i, .e had beenbehind it/ .ould it .or" against us I didn't ha1e any time to thin"

about that/ ,or (o&lle got im+atient06That's .hat e1eryone comes to me ,or07 she hissed and rolledher eyes0

 The client bac"ed u+/ horri,ied that he had said something.rong0 <e didn't "no. that .hate1er he .ould say/ she .asmostly li"ely to sco,, at it0 She ta++ed her ,oot/ .aitingungraciously06I/ uh57 he gul+ed and a1oided loo"ing her in the eye0 6I, youcould +lay a little +ran" on my boss57

(o&lle snorted disdain,ully06 A prank$7 she raged0 63ou came to me ,or a stu+id +uny +ran"76;ell/ um57 the +oor guy .as s.eating hard by no./ and inching,arther and ,arther a.ay ,rom her06Do you "no. .ho I am7 she hollered0 6Do you "no. there+utation I ha1e to "ee+ Do you "no. that I'm +utting my li,eon the line ,or my ob +ran" is not e1en .orthy to ha1e entered

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didn't .ant to bother thin"ing o, something creati1e06Let's try combining a ,e. s+ells07 she muttered to hersel,/summoning magic currents into her ,ingerti+s0

;ith a cou+le di,,erent .ords and gestures/ the grass in the

,ront yard began li"e cra8y/ until it .as le1el .ith thechimney to+0 I ,elt li"e I .as in 6<oney/ I shrun" the "ids70 The.itch sur1eyed her .or" .ith satis,action/ hesitated on .hetheror not she should add a little something else/ decided against it/and .al"ed a.ay0 She loo"ed gloomier than e1er0 ;e ,ollo.ed herbac" to the +ar"0

long the .ay/ I had a random thought/ so I suddenly blurtedout@6Diego/ .hat is )od li"e7

 The guardian angel sto++ed in his trac"s0 I had caught him

o,, guard0 <e thought about it care,ully/ then ans.ered@6;ell/ he's "ind o, li"e a tree0 :ld0 ;ise0 nd you o,ten ,orget thathe's al.ays there07

It .as a sim+le much sim+ler than I .as ex+ecting0nd 1ery di,,erent ,rom ho. I thought )od .as li"e0 I had also.anted +hysical details/ but I .asn't going to get that/ a++arently06;hat did you thin" he .as li"e7 Diego as"ed me06I5 I'm not sure0 big guy sitting on a cloud/ .atching us/ notdoing much07 I shrugged0 6Someone .ho .as ,ar a.ay and didn't

care about humans0 bit stereoty+ical/ I "no./ but that's .hat it,elt li"e07

Diego nodded understandingly06 lot o, humans thin" that07 he sighed0

;e returned our attention bac" to our assignment and didn'ttal" about the matter any longer0 (o&lle had arri1ed bac" at thebench0 The guy .as there0 <e had guts0 s +romised/ he +aid thesame amount o, money0 There .as one last thing the .itch had todo be,ore he could lea1e0 She +ressed t.o ,ingers to his ,oreheadand recited an incantation0 There .as a ,lash o, light/ the manshi1ered and then she .as gone/ as .ell as all the memories o,the encounter in the client's mind0 I almost +anic"ed0 ;here hadshe gone to The man blin"ed and ya.ned/ as i, he had beenslee+ing/ ,ro.ned at his surroundings/ .ondering ho. he had gotthere/ shrugged and le,t0 I loo"ed ,rantically around06;here did she go7 I +u88led0

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6She's still here07 Diego reassured me0 6She's in1isible/ that's all07<e .as right0 Suddenly/ she .as there again/ loo"ing as

grum+y as e1er0 She stood u+ and .al"ed bris"ly home0 s soonas she got to her a+artment/ I sa. the hori8on getting lighter0 I

.as a bit sur+rised0 The night had gone by ,aster than I thought0But I su++ose that no. that I .as eternal/ time didn't a,,ect me inthe same .ay0 From that +oint on/ it .as a re+etition o, .hen .ehad ,irst seen (o&lle0;e did this ,or three months0 91ery day .as exactly the same09xce+t that the .itch .as more and more miserable/because !ade's ha++iness ne1er ,aded/ she .as al.ays beaming091entually/ (o&lle couldn't bear to see her anymore0 She .as,alling dee+er and dee+er into de+ression0 She tried drin"ing andsmo"ing/ but neither o, them had any e,,ect on her0 <er magic

.as stronger than any other addiction0 She ,elt betrayed by herbest ,riend0 She .anted her ha++iness so bad/ I thin" there .as amoment .here she almost belie1ed that her .itchcra,t .as the+roblem0 ;hat de,initely changed her mind/ sur+risingly/ .as anattem+t to sin" her e1en dee+er0 This is ho. it ha++ened0

bout the time .hen (o&lle .as a1oiding !ade at all costs/and her best ,riend/ .orried/ .as des+erately trying to "ee+ incontact/ she had an unusual client one night0 It .as at the samebench as that ,irst night .e had .atched her0

 The man .as already there/ .aiting +atiently/ his legscrossed/ a smir" on his li+s and a ,edora tilted in such a .ay thatit shielded hal, o, his ,ace0 (o&lle's eyebro. arched unusuallyhigh0 She sat do.n on the bench and ,olded her arms o1er herchest06re you the night sorceress7 the client as"ed/ but he already"ne. the ans.er06That's me07 she re+lied .ith a cruel tone0

<is smir" got larger and he loo"ed u+ to ma"e eye contact.ith her0 I gas+ed as I sa. his handsome ,ace and his brightcrimson eyes06Leo/7 I breathed0

Diego sti,,ened0 I ,ro.ned/ glancing ,rom (o&lle to thedemon06<o. can she see him7 I .ondered0 6She can't see us076Demons can ma"e themsel1es 1isible to humans07 the guardian

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angel ex+lained0 6*emember the demon that .as in !ade ndho. he +retended to be that guy's grand,ather7

I nodded0 I hadn't thought about it then/ because he hadbeen in his real a++earance0 Leonard almost loo"ed human0 nd

(o&lle certainly thought that he .as06Can .e ma"e oursel1es 1isible to the Li1ing7 I as"ed0 6nd canLeo see and hear us right no.76(o/ only )od can ma"e us 1isible to the Li1ing07 Diego shoo" hishead0 6nd yes/ he can see and hear e1erything .e're doing076;ell/ he's doing a good ob at hiding it07 I ,ro.ned0

Leonard turned his ga8e to.ard me and smiled .ider0I shuddered06Sho. o,,07 I retorted0

(o&lle .asn't Auite sure .hat to thin" about her costumer0

<e .as acting di,,erently ,rom e1ery other +erson she had e1er.or"ed ,or0 <is attitude made her 1ery .ary0 <er eyes narro.ed06;hat do you .ant7 she demanded .ith a sneer06Come/ no./ my dear/ your terrori8ing tactic .on't .or" .ith me07Leonard said calmly/ his 1oice dri++ing .ith s.eetness0 Ugh0

 The .itch loo"ed as i, she had recei1ed an electric shoc"0(obody had e1er tal"ed bac" to her li"e that0 The demoncontinued@6It also .on't be necessary to cast a memory s+ell on me either0

 3ou'll ust be .asting your time07I hate to say this/ but the .ay he .as acting/ Leo .as

extremely charming0 I could see .hat he .as trying to do/ as .e.atched/ +o.erless0 <e .anted her to get angry and annoyed.ith his attitude0 I had no doubt that she .ould0 I didn't "no. ho.he .ould change anything through it/ though06;hat is he trying to do7 I as"ed Diego0 6<e's trying to ma"e herangry/ right But .hy76I thin"57 Diego ,ro.ned/ thin"ing0 6I thin" he .ants her toreali8e ,or good that she +re,ers being ,eared0 So he's sho.ingher .hat it's li"e to be treated as a normal +erson0 <e's tearinga.ay that .ant to be li"e !ade07

Leonard nodded im+erce+tibly0 ;e both "ne. it .as directedto.ards us0 Diego had ,igured out .hat his +lan .as0 I .as certainthat it .ould .or"0 I ne1er really had any ho+e ,or (o&lle/any.ays0 I sighed0

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6That's it/ then/ .e ,ailed07 I stated sim+ly/ .ith no emotion in my1oice0 6ight as .ell go bac" to ount Gion no.07

Diego shot me a disa++ro1ing glance0 This sur+rised me somuch/ coming ,rom him/ that I shut u+ and .atched0 (o&lle .as

com+letely s+eechless0 ;e .ere ust .aiting ,or her to .a"e u+and get ,rustrated0 I braced mysel,0 Leonard had to "ee+ going@6nd I didn't come here ,or you to use your magic0 In ,act/ I thin"you should ust Auit .itchcra,t/ you're sim+ly terrible at it07 heshoo" his head .ith a loo" o, disa++ointment/ as i, to say@ 6;hata .aste076Quit5 Quit .itchcra,t7 the .oman's bottom li+ Aui1ered063ou're the second +erson .ho has told me to sto+076;ell/ it's good ad1ice0 3ou are no good at handling magic07

;e .ere all ready to see (o&lle ex+lode at any second/

indignant and stubborn as e1er0 (one o, us ex+ected her to say.hat she did063ou must be right07 she sighed0 6I really should sto+0 !ade saidthat it's .hat's ma"ing me miserable07

Leonard/ Diego and I almost to++led bac".ard .ith shoc"0;as this the (o&lle that I "ne. The sco.l .as gone ,rom her,ace06;here's (o&lle and .hat ha1e you done .ith her7 I almostscreamed0

Leonard gul+ed0 <is +lan .as ta"ing a .rong turn0 Diego .assmiling0 ;ith that sim+le sigh/ the .itch had altered the course o,her li,e0 Something had bro"e loose in (o&lle0 I could see it on her,ace/ an ex+ression that I thought .as im+ossible on her ,eatures0She .as grinning0 I reali8ed my mouth .as hanging .ide o+en/ soI Auic"ly closed it063ou "no./ I ,eel better no.0 !ade .as right a,ter all07 sheac"no.ledged0 6Than" you/ sir0 I needed that07

 The damage .as done0 nd Leonard "ne. it0 <e didn't e1entry to turn her bac"0 It .asn't going to .or"0 (o&lle stood u+"ed a.ay/ abandoning Leo on that +ar" bench0 She remindedme o, !ade no./ her ste+ light and incredibly .onder,ully ,ree06Let's ,ollo. her07 I decided/ but Diego .as already crouchingdo.n0

I ho++ed onto his bac" and .e .ere a,ter our assignment0 Istill couldn't belie1e it0 (o&lle .as a .hole di,,erent +erson0 She

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seemed about to brea" into dance at any moment0 <o. ironic0:nly a ,e. minutes ago/ she .as the gloomiest/ grum+iest/grouchiest +erson on earth0

 The ,irst thing she did .hen she got home .as call !ade0 It

.as around three in the morning0 <er best ,riend .as abru+tlya.o"en0 But once she heard the ne.s/ she shared herexcitement0 There .as something di,,erent about (o&lle'sha++iness/ com+ared to !ade's ha++iness0 (o&lle .asn't as hy+er/she .as more +eace,ul0 nd ,rom that +oint on/ +eace,ul she.ould be/ ,ore1er0

;e stayed .ith her ,or another day0 (o&lle and !ade s+entmost o, their time together no./ !ade hel+ing (o&lle ,ind a ne.

 ob .hen she .asn't a school hersel,0 It too" the ,ormer .itch alittle .hile to get out o, her slee+ing habits/ ust li"e et lag/ and

she decided not to change her .ardrobe0 She started +roects/ li"e+ainting her a+artment and scra+ boo"ing0 She started meeting+eo+le/ ma"ing ,riends and tal"ing more ,reely0 I ,ound out laterthat e1ery once in a .hile she had grouchy days .hen she .ould+ic" her magic bac" u+/ but they ,aded a.ay e1entually/ until she,orgot almost com+letely ho. to cast a s+ell0

:nce .e .ere sure that she .as going to do ,ine on her o.n/.e .al"ed around a corner to ,ind ount Gion there/ ust .aiting,or us to return0 I still couldn't .ra+ my head around the idea o,

(o&lle's com+lete change o, +ersonality0 ;e entered through the+earl gate in the sa++hire .all0 The inside loo"ed exactly ho. .ehad le,t it0 t least some things ne1er changed0

*a+hael .as .aiting ,or us/ in the gardens this time0 <e .assitting next to the ri1er o, Li,e as it tric"led at his ,eet06Done .ith your double assignment7 he as"ed0

I cut in be,ore Diego could ans.er0 Paybac" time063e+0 <e did e1erything07 I +ointed at my +artner0

 The sera+h and the archangel laughed06:ur o1erload o, assignments has been ta"en care o,07 *a+haeltold us0 6;e're bac" to a normal rhythm0 *est u+ and then I'll gi1eyou your next ob076Than"s/7 Diego nodded0 6I thin" Dallas could use some rest07

I nudged him0 <e nudged me bac"0 ;e le,t *a+hael by theri1er06*emember .here your room is7 Diego as"ed0

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6:h yeah/7 I rolled my eyes/ thin"ing o, my last excursion to ,indit06:"ay/ then/ I ha1e a ,e. things to do0 Catch you later07 he saidbe,ore disa++earing in the o++osite direction0

I tried 1ainly to remember .hat .as in that direction0 It.asn't the library/ and it .asn't my room/ that much I "ne.0 Ididn't .orry about it any longer and ,ound/ Auite easily/sur+risingly/ the door to my room0 s soon as I entered/ I "ne.something .as terribly .rong0 But I couldn't +ut my ,inger on it0 Itloo"ed the same0 The bed/ the dresser and5 :h no0 I screamed0y buc"et had disa++eared0 I started to hy+er1entilate/ mybreathing got short and ra+id0 I loo"ed around .ildly0 ;here .asit I had le,t it right on the dresser2 I .as going to "ill .hoe1er haddared to touch it0 ean.hile/ I had to ,ind it0 I .as com+letely

+anic"ed0 I searched ,rantically/ tearing out the dra.ers in thedresser/ a.ay the co1ers on my bed0 I ,ell to the ,loor/ toloo" under the bed5

 There it .as0 y body .ent lim+ .ith relie,0 I lay there/ andsuddenly I ,elt something .et on my chee"s0 I .as crying0 Isobbed/ my chest hea1ed and I couldn't sto+0 I couldn't mo1eeither0 ;hen I had cried my eyes out/ all I could do .as .atch mybuc"et0 I care,ully/ gingerly reached out ,or it0 It .as cold0 I +ulledit out ,rom under the bed0 :nce it .as out ,rom the shado.s o,

my bed/ I immediately noticed something0It .as no longer sil1er/ it .as a shining gold0


I decided then and there that I .as ne1er going to let mybuc"et out o, my sight/ e1er again0 I .as so relie1ed that I had,ound it/ that I cuddled it in my arms and started crying all o1eragain0 <o. +athetic/ I thought to mysel,/ but that only made my

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tears double0 ;hen I ,inally calmed do.n/ all I could ,ocus on .asmy breathing/ and the cold touch o, my gold buc"et0 I closed myeyes/ ,orcing my beating heart to slo. do.n0 I a1oided thin"ingabout ho. I had come so close to losing it/ because it got me

+anic"ed all o1er again091entually/ I cra.led into bed/ exhausted0 It had been a longthree months0 I might ha1e s+ent a .hole year loo"ing ,or mybuc"et/ ,or all I "ne.0 I held it tightly and dri,ted o,, toslee+0

so,t touch on my chee" brought me bac" to consciousness0I o+ened my eyes to see Diego sitting on the edge o, my bed0 Igroaned and rolled o1er0 y +illo. .as so dee+ and com,ortable06;hat do you .ant7 I slurred .ith a slee+y 1oice06I .anted to sho. you something07 he said/ ru,,ling my hair0

I dro.sily batted him a.ay06Sho. me some other time/7 I +rotested06I, I tic"le you/ .ill you get u+7 he threatened06(o27 I hollered/ and um+ed out o, bed/ suddenly .ide a.a"e0

Diego laughed at me0 I hugged my buc"et +rotecti1ely0 Thesera+h noticed it06It's gold27 he stated .ith sur+rise0

I loo"ed do.n at the obect in my arms06It ha++ened .hile .e .ere gone07 I said0

;e loo"ed at each other/ both com+letely clueless on ho. itha++ened/ and burst out laughing0 I +ushed the matter aside06So/ you .anted to sho. me something7 I as"ed063e+07 Diego o,,ered his bac"0

I sighed and scrambled on/ ta"ing s+ecial care to ha1e a ,irmgri+ o, my buc"et0 ;e roc"eted u+.ards0 I still hadn't gotten usedto lea1ing my stomach behind0 I shut my eyes/ cris+ing e1erymuscle in my body0 Diego slo.ed do.n0 I could ha1e "issed him,or that0 I didn't e1en notice .hen .e landed0 Diego had to sha"eme a.a"e all o1er again0 I slid o,, his bac"/ but be,ore I couldo+en my eyes/ he co1ered them .ith his hands06Diego5 .hat7 I said/ disoriented06This .ay/7 he instructed/ leading me ,or.ard0

ll I .as a.are o, .as the ,loor beneath my ,eet0 Sometimesit .as so,t grass/ other times it .as crunchy gra1el0 ;e sto++edon grass0

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6:"ay/ you can loo" no.07 the guardian angel remo1ed his hands,rom in ,ront o, my eyes0

 The ,irst thing I noticed .as that .e .ere in a cemetery0 Tombstones +o++ed out o, the ground in +er,ect lines0 I loo"ed

do.n/ at my ,eet0 y heart almost sto++ed beating and ex+loded0I clas+ed my hand o1er my mouth to sto+ a scream0 I beganhy+er1entilating all o1er again0It .as my tombstone0

:nce I got o1er the shoc"/ it didn't ta"e me too long to calmdo.n0

Diego "neeled to get a closer loo" at the +iece o, roc"0 Ididn't understand .hy0 There .as nothing to see/ ust my nameand dates chiseled into it0 I .as sur+rised they hadn't incineratedmy body0 It too" u+ less room0 ;hat sur+rised me more .as the

single .hite rose laid on my gra1e0 ;ho had +ut it there I had ahard time imagining my +arents doing it0 I glanced at my +artner0;as it him6;hy did you bring me here7 I as"ed Auietly0

Diego loo"ed u+ at me/ his blue eyes glittering .ith sil1er06I thought you .ere ready07 he ex+lained0

I nodded understandingly0 The more I loo"ed at mytombstone/ the more detached I ,elt0 I reali8ed that I didn't regretmy li,e/ or my death0 I didn't ha1e any regrets at all0 nd no./

reading the name o1er and o1er/ I ,elt com+letely unemotional/ asi, it .as no longer mine0 Diego loo"ed at it thought,ully06<o. did you die7 he .ondered0

<e thre. me o,, guard0 gain0 This guy ust "e+t sur+risingme0 I had ne1er really thought about my death be,ore/ not since itha++ened0 It .as sort o, stu+id/ actually/ it could ha1e been soeasily +re1ented0 I too" a dee+ breath and tried to reli1e themoment0H

It all started because o, a car0 I ,ell in lo1e .ith it at ,irstsight0 It .as a lo1ely s+ar"ly a++le green/ Peugeot KM0 nd the.ay it .ould dri1e do.n the street/ so smooth and bright0 91erytime I sa. it/ a smile .ould irru+t on my ,ace0 I .as going to buyit0 It .ould be mine0

I had one +roblem0 oney0 I had no money0 I ne1er needed it0nd the solution .as to get a ob0 But I .asn't good at much0 I

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.ent ob hunting ,or months0I ,inally had a stro"e o, luc"0 I got a ob .ashing .indo.s0 I

didn't care/ all I had in mind .as my beauti,ul car0 y sim+le/ ,our days a .ee"/ in ,our di,,erent buildings0 I had my

routine memori8ed by the end o, the ,irst .ee"0 :n onday/ thebuilding loo"ed li"e a s"yscra+er/ modern/ slic" and shiny/ .ith.indo.s that co1ered the entire .all0 That one .as a lot o, .or"0

 Than",ully/ I only had three ,loors to .ash/ the three bottom,loors0 :n ;ednesday/ the building .as old ,ashioned/ made o,bric"s and .ood/ delicately built so that it loo"ed li"e it .ouldto++le o1er .ith the slightest bree8e0 Inside .asn't much better/the ,loorboards crea"ed and moaned +iti,ully0 I had to .ash theto+ three ,loors0 The .indo.s .ere al.ays terribly ,ilthy/ e1erytime0 :n Friday/ I .as sent to the only house in the entire city0 It

.as sand.iched bet.een t.o large buildings/ cute and s.eet/

.ith a +er,ect , bed in the ,ront yard/ and only one ,loor o,

.indo.s to .ash0 n old lady li1ed there/ a .ido. and agrandmother .ho made delicious coo"ies/ .ho enoyed ha1ingcom+any to tal" their heads o,,0 I didn't mind/ I ne1er s+o"e a.ord any.ays/ so I could listen 1ery easily0 She .ould babblealong about e1erything and nothing/ but I +aid attention/ becausee1ery once in a .hile/ she .ould say something beauti,ul andinteresting/ a diamond in the rough0 I li"ed it there/ because she

.ould al.ays re.ard me .ith a treat .hen I had ,inished my

.or"0 nd my last ob o, the .ee"/ on Saturday/ .as in anotherold building/ that loo"ed anciently gorgeous on the outside/ butsur+risingly modern on the inside0 This one .as a good ,i,teenstories high/ and it .as the most annoying one because I had to.ash the .indo.s on the thirteenth ,loor/ then the ninth/ the ,i,thand the second0 nd there .as no ele1ator0 I tell you/ that .as alot o, .al"ing/ es+ecially i, I accidentally ,orgot something on oneo, the ,loors0

 That day so ha++ened to be a Saturday0 I had brought myo.n lunch because I "ne. that it .ould ta"e me a .hile0 I al.aysstarted out on the thirteenth ,loor and .or"ed my .ay do.n0 the most e,,icient .ay to do it0 But something terrible hadha++ened during the .ee"0 The ,amily that li1ed in the a+artmenton the le,t had recei1ed ne.s that their son/ and brother/ .as"illed in action0 They .ere all grie1ing o1er the loss0 The mother/

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a beauti,ul .oman named )race/ heartbro"en/ needed to o+en u+to someone0 nd that's .hen I rang the doorbell0 )race decidedto sho. me all the +ictures she had o, her deceased son/ tell mestories/ memories she had o, him/ .hen he .as little/ u+/

and silly things he did as a teenager0 :ne o, those silly things/according to her/ .as oin the army0 But she .as +roud o, him0She "e+t telling me that/ in bet.een tears0 I .as "ind o,o1er.helmed by the .hole situation0 I listened .ith .hat I a com+assionate loo"0 I had ne1er lost someone I really caredabout0 I hardly had anybody that I cared about/ at the time0 Icouldn't understand the ,ull extent o, her grie,0

It ne1er crossed my mind that I .as .asting my time/ that ta"ing too long0 She needed me right then/ and I .as ha++yto hel+/ e1en though I .asn't Auite sure .hat I .as doing besides

sitting there and nodding0 I learned so much about this one boythat I didn't "no. existed only a ,e. hours be,ore0 I sa. himthrough the eyes o, a lo1ing mother/ the best "ind o, .ay to be1ie.ed0

;hen )race .as done/ .hen she had +oured out her heartand soul until there .as nothing le,t to +our/ she sto++ed hersel,/reali8ing ho. long it had been going on0 She a+ologi8ed +ro,usely,or ta"ing u+ my time/ told me that I didn't need to clean her.indo.s that .ee" and ushered me out the door0

6Than" you/ than" you so much ,or listening07 she told me06)lad to be o, ser1ice07 I smiled reassuringly0

 Those .ere my last .ords0 The a+artment on the right side .as em+ty0 I ,ound the "ey

under the mat and let mysel, in0 It .as dar" inside/ the blinds.ere closed and the light ,iltered through .ith di,,iculty0 Thisa+artment al.ays loo"ed im+eccably +er,ect/ .hite lace on e1ery+iece o, ,urniture/ e1erything +olished until it shined0 mber couldha1e li1ed there0 It didn't e1en need the .indo.s to be .ashed/but I still had to do my ob0 They .ere French .indo.s/ elegantand classy0 ;hat I li"ed about this a+artment .as that it hadFrench doors/ that matched the .indo.s/ that led to a balcony0From the balcony I could get to a .ide ledge in ,ront o, the other.indo.s/ and I didn't ha1e to brea" my arm trying to cleanoutside ,rom the inside0 I li"ed heights then0 There .as somethingabout it that bro"e a.ay ,rom my monotonous regular li,e0 little

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daring ad1enture that sent thrills in my s+ine0 nd I still li"edthem ,or about ,i1e more minutes ,rom that +oint0 rmed .ith mybuc"et o, soa+ .ater/ s+onge and sAueegee/ I cra.led out ontothe ledge and began my .or" on the ,irst .indo.0 I had become

an ex+ert by this time/ I could ha1e cleaned them .ith my eyesclosed0 (ot a minute later/ I .as on to the next .indo.0y mista"e .as to +ut my buc"et too close to the edge0 I

don't "no. i, I .asn't care,ul enough/ or .hat/ but my ,ootbum+ed into the buc"et0 It balanced +recariously/ then to++ledo1er the side/ s+illing soa+ .ater into the street belo.0 In a .ildre,lex/ I reached ,or it0 Li"e most re,lexes/ it .as doneunconsciously/ er"y and ,ast0 ;ith that sim+le mo1ement/ I lostmy balance and ,ell bac".ards/ a,ter the buc"et0 y s+onge andsAueegee remained sa,ely on the ledge0 I managed to catch my

buc"et0 But by that time it .as too late0 I .as ,alling ,aster .ithe1ery s+lit second0 I didn't e1en ha1e time to +anic or scream0

I don't remember ,eeling anything0 ll I could see .ere thebuildings taller and my hair .hi++ing cra8ily in ,ront o,my eyes0 :ne thing I "ne. ,or sure/ there .as no .ay I couldsur1i1e that ,all0H

I exhaled one long dee+ breath0 It ,elt good0 It had beeneasier to tal" about than I had ex+ected0 It seemed li"e it had

ha++ened such a long time ago/ that it no longer a,,ected me0Silly/ I "no.0 But it all ha++ened so Auic"ly/ that the memory o, rather 1ague0 91erything be,ore the +oint .here I ste++edout onto the ledge .as actually 1ery clear and +recise0 I couldremember/ almost .ord ,or .ord/ e1erything the grie1ing motherhad told me about her lost son0

I ,inally dared to glance at Diego/ to see .hat his reaction.as0 I could tell/ by his distant ga8e/ that he .as caught u+ in thestory0 I arched my eyebro.s0 It .as ,ar ,rom e+ic or noble0 It.asn't e1en that interesting0 I su++ose it .as tragic/ though/dying at such a young age0

By no./ .e .ere both sitting cross-legged on the ground0 <issix .ings .ere ,olded at an a.".ard angle/ so that he didn't siton his o.n ,eathers06;ell/7 he ,inally said0 6I'm glad you died .hen you did0 I, youhadn't/ .e might not be .or"ing together right no.07

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I smiled .armly0 Diego .as truly ama8ing0 I couldn't .ish ,ora better ,riend06e too/ Diego/ me too07

aybe I .as cra8y to be than",ul ,or my death0 I didn't care/

it .as honestly ho. I ,elt/ and it .as about time that I startedac"no.ledging my ,eelings06;ell/ I'm not27 a ,amiliar 1oice came ,rom behind0

Diego and I s+un around0 There stood Leonard/ his blac" hairas shiny as e1er0 The demon casually sat do.n next to us/ hishands in his +oc"ets06;hat do you .ant7 I ,ro.ned0

s ,ar as I "ne./ there .as nobody here that he couldcorru+t0 Leo smir"ed0 nd it didn't bother me anymore0 It .as ustsort o, a habit o, his0 I thin" I .as starting to get used to it0 I

.asn't sure i, that .as a good or bad thing06I came to +ay my res+ects07 he said sim+ly/ +ulling out a .hiterose ,rom and laying it on my gra1e/ next to the ,irstone0

<is beha1ior +u88led me0 I had ne1er seen him act so "ind toan angel and dead cheerleader be,ore0 aybe because there .asnothing to ,ight o1er0 I "ne. that .ouldn't last06I came to tell my side o, the story07 he ex+lained0

I arched one eyebro. and exchanged a glance .ith Diego0

 The guardian angel shrugged063our side o, the story7 he had +iAued my interest0 I .asn'ta.are he had a side o, the story0 :h0 But he had been there onthe day o, my death0 *ight0 I had almost ,orgotten that +art0

Leonard rubbed his hands together/ as i, he .as about toex+ose an e1il +lan0 nd that .as exactly .hat he did0H

It too" him se1eral days to ,ind a ,ello. demon .ho hadsome time to s+are/ .illing to do a little ob ,or him0 Bart .as hisname0 <e .as the la8iest demon on earth/ and .asn't 1ery bright.ith that0 But he .as enough ,or Leo's ob/ it didn't reAuire muchbrains0

Leonard had been , a girl ,or a .ee" or so/ studyingher habits/ .aiting ,or the right time to stri"e0:n that +articular Saturday/ Bart .as stationed on the second,loor0 <e .as su++osed to .ait there0 t a certain time/ the 1ictim

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.ould +ass by there/ and Bart .ould 6accidentally7 +ush them outthe .indo.0 ,all ,rom the second ,loor .ould not be ,atal to her/but it .ould scare her0 nd that .as enough ,or the +lan to .or"0

 That .as .hen Leonard came in0 <e .ould come running by

her side/ to sa1e the damsel in distress0 Charming as he .as/ he.ould ha1e no trouble gaining her trust and create chaos moreeasily in her li,e and mind0:n that Saturday/ Bart .as at his +ost/ and Leonard .as .aitingdo.n a neighboring street/ chec"ing the cloc" e1ery t.o seconds0Finally/ it .as time0 <e turned around/ acting casual0 *ounding thecorner/ he .as sur+rised to ,ind that the girl .as already lying onthe ground0 Leo silently cursed Bart0 Someho. he had managedto mess u+ the time and had acted too early0 Than",ully/ hismista"e .as still redeemable0 Leo rushed to the body laying in the

middle o, the street/ +utting on his .orried sic" ,ace0It .asn't until the girl reached out and came in contact .ith

his ,ingerti+s/ that he reali8ed/ .ith sur+rise and anger/ that dead0H63ou .ere running late/7 Leonard accused bitterly0 63ou ruined mybrilliant +lan/ i, only you hadn't died57

Diego and I remained Auiet0 So that .as .hy he had beenthere0 I .as e1en more glad that I died .hen I did0 It .as a narro.

esca+e ,rom Leo's s+iritual torment0 But there .as something thatstruc" me a bit strange06Leo/7 I as"ed0 6;hy on earth did you ma"e u+ such an elaborate+lan only to gain my trust Seems exaggerated to me07

Diego chuc"led0 Leonard +inched his li+s063ou .ere a 1ery secluded +erson/ Dallas07 the demon in,ormedme .ith contem+t0 63ou didn't trust anybody0 I couldn't ust .al"u+ to you and become your ,riend0 3ou didn't ha1e any ,riends0nd you didn't need any0 I ust had to create a dramatic e1entthat .ould bring you closer to .hoe1er .as a +art o, it0 e/ inother .ords07

I raised my eyebro.s/ sur+rised0 <e "ne. me better than Ithought he did06Do you "no. .hy I brought you here today7 Diego as"ed me/lea1ing Leonard to stare at my tombstone .ith a loo" o, angrydisa++ointment0

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6Didn't you say that you thought I .as ready7 I re+lied063es/ but I mean/ s+eci,ically today07 he nodded0

y eyes narro.ed as I tried to thin"0 I had lost com+letenotion o, any "ind o, time0 It .as li"e I .as on 1acation0 I didn't

"no. .hat day .e .ere/ .hat month or e1en .hat year0 ll Icould tell/ by the s"y and the cou+le dead lea1es rumbling alongthe ground/ .as that it .as at the end o, summer andthe beginning o, ,all06;hy7 I as"ed0 6;hat's today76Today/7 Diego grinned0 63ou ha1e been dead ,or a year07

.hole year2 lready I really didn't thin" it had been T<Tlong0 I o+ened my mouth/ dumbstruc"/ and closed it again0nother Auestion +o++ed into my brain06Do .e celebrate that li"e a birthday7 I .inced0

Diego laughed0 Leo sco.led at me06(o/ .e don't/7 Diego shoo" his head/ still chuc"ling0 6;e don'tcelebrate birthdays07

I sighed .ith relie,0 The demon added@6Unless you .ant to/ o, course07

I 1iolently shoo" my head06(o/ than"s0 I'll +ass07 I Auic"ly said0

I had ne1er celebrated my birthday .hile I .as ali1e/ .hystart no. The attention made me uncom,ortable0 9s+ecially i, I

.as the only one doing it0 I cringed at the thought0 I ne1er li"ed tostand out0

s I loo"ed at my tombstone/ hugging my gold buc"et to mychest/ I reali8ed that it .as no longer mine0 I thin" I missed myli,e/ e1en i, it hadn't been much/ it .as all I had0 nd I had ne1erta"en the time to grie1e my loss0 I .ould al.ays cherish it/ but I.ould ne1er be able to go bac"0 nd I .as ust going to ha1e toacce+t that0

It .as no longer my body that .as buried in that gra1e0 no longer me0 I ,elt a so,t in my heart .hen I ,inally letgo0 It .asn't my body/ it .as Leo's ruined +lan0 nd it needed tostay that/ his ruined +lan0

Diego understood it too0 ;e silently sli++ed a.ay/ lea1ingLeonard to mourn his ,ailure0 I dared one last glance belo./ as .e,le. a.ay0 The demon loo"ed u+ and our eyes connected0 Thoseblood red eyes .ere ,illed once again .ith stubborn

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determination0 :ur next encounter .ould not be +eace,ul0


:nce .e .ere beyond the cemetery gates/ Diego dro++ed tothe ,loor and +ut me do.n0 It .as al.ays li"e that/ I reali8ed"ed into ount Gion/ but ,le. out o, it0 I didn't really ha1e anex+lanation ,or it0 But there .ere many things I didn't ha1e anex+lanation ,or0

nd again/ around a corner/ stood the castle itsel, in all itsbrilliance0 This time .e .ent through the +earl gate in thecarnelian .all0 Diego and I +arted in the garden06So/ did I ma"e the right choice in you that7 he as"edbe,ore he le,t063es/7 I admitted0 63ou did0 Than"s076I, you need me/7 he called bac" as he .al"ed a.ay/ 6I'll be in theroom o, Fortune Coo"ies07

;hat a ,unny name/ .as my ,irst thought0 y second

thought made me reali8e that I really .as going to s+end alleternity disco1ering ount Gion0 I sighed hea1ily0 It made me ,eelold0

s I .atched my ,eet and the rainbo.s dancing on the ,loor/I ran into the last +erson I .as ex+ecting to run into0 Uriel0 Thecherub greeted me "indly/ but his mind .as ob1iously else.here0<is huge eagle .ings t.itched ner1ously e1ery ,e. seconds0

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sudden idea +o++ed into my head0 I held u+ my buc"et06Uriel/ do you remember this7

I thin" he .as sur+rised to hear my 1oice0 It .as the ,irsttime I s+o"e in his +resence0 <e sAuinted at the buc"et/ his

hoo"ed nose .rin"ling063eah07 he ans.ered0 63ou .ere holding it .hen I ,ound you0 But it.asn't made o, gold be,ore576Do you "no. .hy7 I inAuired0

Uriel shrugged and shoo" his head06I don't "no./ but the artist +robably does07 he assured me0

 The artist I than"ed him and le,t him to his .orriedthoughts0 I brie,ly .ondered .hat .as .rong/ but my stronger in my buc"et0

uch to my astonishment/ I had no trouble ,inding the

.or"sho+0 It .as as i, my ,eet remembered the +ath and lead methere .ithout my inter1ention0 I .asn't e1en certain that I had,ound the right door until I o+ened it0 I immediately ,eltcom,ortable0 There .as ust this calm aura around the artist0 < .or"ing on another scul+ture0 <e didn't loo" u+ ,rom his .or".hen I entered the room0 I .aited +atiently by the door/ myAuestion burning on my tongue0

Finally/ he +aused and turned around to ,ace me0 I o+enedmy mouth to as" my Auestion/ but he cut me short@

6h/ Dallas/ ust the +erson I .anted to see27 he exclaimed/s+reading his clay-stained hands a+art06I .as .ondering57 I tried to say06I need you to do something ,or me07 he interru+ted0

I shut u+ and listened0 y buc"et .ould ha1e to .ait06 ne. soul named *yan has ust got his ne. body07 the artistex+lained0 6I ust sent him to Saint Peter's o,,ice07

I nodded/ in1iting him to continue06Could you ta"e care o, *yan7 he as"ed0 6<e needs a littlesu++ort07

<e .in"ed at me0 I understood that *yan .as a little u+setabout being dead0 (atural/ I su++ose/ e1en though I hadn't beenthat .ay0 But I .as di,,erent/ I "ne.06:"ay07 I agreed06:h/ and ma"e sure you ,ind him a +artner07 the artist added/turning bac" to his scul+ture0

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I bit my li+0 ;hat else should I tell him6!ust ho. much do you "no. about ho. things .or" here7 Ias"ed0

*yan shrugged disdain,ully0

6I "no. that my name is in Saint Peter's boo" and that the artistga1e me a ne. body07 <e said/ tugging at his o.n s"in06lright/ I su++ose you could say that you're all registered0 (o./you start .or"ing07 I instructed06;or"ing7 his bro. ,urro.ed0

I almost laughed0 <e .as reacting the same .ay I had .hen I,irst died063eah/ you see/ I'm su++osed to ,ind a guardian angel that .ill beyour +artner0 *a+hael -he's an archangel- .ill gi1e the both o, youassignments/ .hich are li1ing +eo+le that you're su++osed to

+rotect ,rom demons0 3ou are no./ li"e me/ a member o, the)reat Cloud o, ;itnesses07 I said in one breath/ +roud that I hadgot it all out .ithout hesitating06)reat07 *yan hu,,ed0 6nother battle,ield076;hat's .rong .ith a battle,ield7 I .ondered/ as i, I didn't "no.06I died on a battle,ield07 he said bitterly0

 That's .hen I noticed his clothing0 <e .as in a camou,lageuni,orm0 Then another thought crossed my mind0 <e had diedbe,ore me0 <o. come he had only sho.ed u+ no. at ount Gion

nother +u88lement06I'm sorry07 I said Auietly0

<e sco.led at me06Don't be sorry0 I +lan on getting re1enge07 he seethed06*e1enge :n .ho7 I arched my eyebro.s0

;hy on earth did he .ant re1enge ;ho .as he angry at6I don't "no.27 he bello.ed/ u+set0 6Somebody0 Somebody needsto +ay ,or my death0 Its not ,air07

<a0 Because my death .as ,air6Loo"/ I thin" you're angry at yoursel,0 (obody's res+onsible ,oryour death0 It .as ust your time to go0 cce+t that and you'll dogreat07 I told him calmly0 691erybody's dead here/ any.ays0 :r atleast/ they aren't +art o, the Li1ing07

I thin" that ust made him more angry0 <e didn't .ant to letgo o, his old li,e0 I decided to shut u+0 I didn't thin" anything Icould say .ould hel+ him/ +robably only ma"e him angrier0 aybe

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.hen he had cooled do.n/ he .ould be ready to listen0y next +roblem +o++ed in ,ront o, my eyes0 ;ho .as to be

*yan's +artner I didn't "no. any other guardian angels besidesDiego0 But maybe he did0 I had to ,ind him0 I had to ,ind the room

o, Fortune Coo"ies06*yan/ my ,riend might "no. .ho you should be +artnered u+.ith0 But he's in a room that I'1e ne1er been to be,ore/ so it mightta"e us a .hile to ,ind it07 I in,ormed him0 6I ho+e that's o"ay .ithyou0 It's not li"e .e'll be .asting time or anything0 Plus/ .al"ing isgood exercise07

 3es/ I "no./ that .as +iti,ul0 *yan .as too +reoccu+ied .ithhis o.n bitterness that he didn't e1en notice0 <e grunted and,ollo.ed in my ,ootste+s0 I couldn't hel+ but .onder i, I had beenanything li"e him .hen I .as a ne. soul0 (o/ I .as mute bac"

then0 I .ondered .hy that had changed0 I didn't ha1e that muchtrouble tal"ing anymore0 Then I remembered Diego's buc"etstory/ and the roc"s o, my li,e and death0 I thin" that .as themoment that my strict social .all had shattered0 ll than"s toDiego0 The sera+h .as truly ama8ing0

<e .as also to be ,ound0 ;e must ha1e .anderedaround ,or a ,e. decades or so0 I couldn't hel+ but get distractedby the rainbo.s dancing on the ,loor0 They seemed more .ildthan usual0 ;e +assed in ,ront o, the throne/ .here the ri1er o,

Li,e started/ at least a do8en times0 By the end o, our +romenade/*yan .as bound to "no. his .ay around ount Gion better than Idid0

*a+hael came to our rescue0 ;e ran into him right be,ore .ereached a century0 <e immediately noticed that .e .ere lost06<mmm/ Dallas/ the room o, Fortune Coo"ies is in the o++ositehall0 I see Soldier <ori8on is .ith you07 he nodded at the ne. soul063ou .ouldn't ha++en to "no. i, a guardian angel is in need o, a+artner/ .ould you7 I as"ed06Sorry/ I'm only in charge o, assignments0 Partnering is )abriel'ss+ecialty07 the archangel shoo" his head06Do you "no. .here I could ,ind )abriel7

*a+hael shrugged0 <is .ings mo1ed .ith his shoulders0 Ithan"ed him and .e turned around/ heading in the o++ositedirection0 *yan .as muttering to himsel,0 >enge,ul thoughts/ ,rom.hat I understood0

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6nd I thought li,e .as com+licated57 *yan shoo" his heads"e+tically0

I laughed0 <is ,ace seemed to lighten u+ a little0 !ust a little0From that +oint on/ our search .as a +iece o, ca"e0 ;e ,ound

the room o, Fortune Coo"ies in no time0 It loo"ed exactly .hat itsounded li"e it .ould be0 It .as ,illed to the s"y .ith ,ortunecoo"ies0 They laid in huge hea+s all o1er the +lace0 nd sitting onone o, these hills .as a "ing0 <e .as an old ,ashioned "ing/ .ith asno. .hite beard tumbling to his ,eet/ a circlet o, gold ,or a cro.nand a toga .ra++ed around his body0 <e .as .riting on thin+ieces o, +a+er0 ;hen he .as done .riting on one/ he .ould+lace it inside a ,ortune coo"ie and thro. it on the +ile0 They .ereall golden coo"ies/ and ,rom a,ar could be mista"en ,or a hea+ o,coins0 But this .as .orth more than all o, the gold in the .orld0

:,, to my right came a ,amiliar 1oice06Dallas27 Diego called0 63ou ,ound me27

y head sna++ed in his direction0 I almost rolled my eyes athis statement0 I "ne. one thing ,or sure/ I .ould ne1er ha1etrouble ,inding the room o, Fortune Coo"ies again06;hat do you need7 the sera+h said/ a bro"en ,ortune coo"ie inthe +alm o, his hand06Do you "no. a guardian angel that is in need o, a +artner7 Ias"ed0

Diego hesitated/ thin"ing0 <e shrugged06(ot that I "no. o,07 he said/ scrunching his ,ace into ana+ologetic ex+ression06Do you "no. .here I can ,ind )abriel7 I +leaded06;hy do you as"7 Diego arched his eyebro.06*yan needs a +artner07 I re+lied06;ho's *yan7 the sera+h loo"ed lost06<e's57 I turned around to +oint at the ne. soul standing behindme0 9xce+t that he .as no longer there0 I s+un around/ sur+rised/and s+otted him at the ,oot o, the "ing's hill/ reading a shattered,ortune coo"ie0 The soldier .as on his "nees/ and a dee+ ,ro.nlined his ,orehead0 Diego and I .al"ed u+ behind him0 Iglanced u+ at the old "ing0 <e seemed com+letely obli1ious to the,act that .e .ere there0 The guardian angel +eered o1er *yan'sshoulder06Do not say/ NI .ill do to him ust as he has done to me I .ill

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render to the man according to his .or"07 he recited/ a smiles+reading on his li+s0

<o. ironic/ I thought0 !ust .hat the ne. soul needed to hear0*yan um+ed and .heeled around/ startled and on his guard0 <e

had a re,lex/ he reached ,or his belt and grabbed thin air0 <is gun.asn't there0 Diego smiled and greeted the ne. soul@6Pleased to meet you/ *yan07

 The soldier glanced .arily ,rom my +artner to me0 I couldn'thel+ .ondering i, I had loo"ed as scared as him0 I sure ho+ed not0Poor Diego06nd you are7 *yan relaxed and rose to his ,eet06Diego07 the sera+h o,,ered his hand and the ne. soul shoo" it0

*yan loo"ed at me06Is he my +artner no.7 he Auestioned0

It too" me a second to register .hat he had said0 I almostbust out laughing06(o/ no07 I assured him0 6<e's my +artner07

*yan's mouth ,ormed into a silent 6:h27 o, understanding0<is .ary ex+ression immediately lit u+/ only to be re+laced .ithhis anger again0 I sighed0 Diego had been .atching care,ully0 I"ne. that he .as trying to ,igure out .hy the ne. soul .as actingthis .ay0 9ither he didn't interact that much .ith deadcheerleaders/ or anger didn't ha++en 1ery o,ten .hen you died0 I

had ne1er ,elt angry0 Lost/ yes0 Frustrated and nostalgic/ yes0 Butne1er angry0 There .as nobody to be angry at0 I ta"e that bac"0 Ithin" I "ne. .ho *yan .as angry at0 )od0 But it .as the holding-a-grudge "ind o, angry/ not the I-don't-understand-.hy-you-let-this-ha++en-and-I'm-u+set-because-you-did "ind o, angry0 That"ind o, angry could be e1acuated .ith a good scream/ ,it andbeing com+letely unreasonable0 Then/ usually/ you ,elt better andyou could mo1e on0 That had been mber's +roblem0 She couldn'tget u+set in ,ront o, Bobbi !ac"0 I exchanged loo"s .ith Diego0 <ehad ,igured it out/ I could read it in his sil1ery blue eyes0*yan had turned his attention bac" to the ,ortune coo"ies0 <e .astruly ,ascinated by .hat he .as ,inding0 Some made him sco.l09ither he didn't agree .ith them/ or didn't .ant to admit that they.ere correct0 It's hard to recogni8e .hen you .ere in the .rong0Diego um+ed in/ +artici+ating in the soldier's disco1eries/ allexcited0 I smiled0 It .as nice to see the guardian angel ha1ing so

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much ,un0 I +ersonally +re,erred the library0 I "ne. my .ayaround there0 <ere/ nothing .as organi8ed0 mber's nightmare0

sudden idea struc" me0 I .as trying to ,igure out .here Icould ,ind a +artner ,or *yan0 So I decided to as" the old "ing0 <e

.as still ,ully absorbed in his ,ortune coo"ie .riting0 I +ain,ullyscrambled to the to+ o, the +ile and tugged on his toga0 The oldman ,ro.ned and blin"ed/ as i, a.a"ing ,rom a da8e0 <e loo"edaround then noticed me/ at his ,eet0 <e smiled so,tly/ .rin"lesa++earing around his eyes0 <is a. .as strong and angular06(ice to see you07 he greeted "indly0 6;hat brings you here76I'm loo"ing ,or )abriel07 I said06:h/ the archangel7 the old "ing arched his eyebro.s0 63es/ hecomes here all the time0 In ,act/ I thin" he's already here076<e is7 I loo"ed around/ trying to ,ind him0

,ter all/ it .as a big room0 nd .ith all the tall +iles/ it .ashard to see e1erything0 But ,rom u+ there/ I s+otted a +air o,golden .ings0 nd they .ere not *a+hael's063es/ there he is07 the old "ing ,ollo.ed my ga8e0 6<e's a .iseangel0 <e "no.s almost all the ,ortune coo"ies by heart076Than" you 1ery much07 I tumbled bac" to the ground/ crunching,ortune coo"ies along the .ay06(o trouble at all07 he called/ resuming his .riting0

:nce at the bottom/ I ,elt a little disoriented0 I couldn't see

)abriel anymore0 But he .as to.ards the bac"/ onthe le,t hand side0 I headed in .hat I thought .as the rightdirection/ and right .hen I .as sure I had +ic"ed the .rong .ay/and .as about to turn around/ I s+otted him0 <e .as standing+er,ectly still/ leaning o1er a ,ortune coo"ie in his hands0 I didn't.ant to disturb him/ so I didn't mo1e0 To my sur+rise/ he mustha1e reali8ed I .as there/ ,or he turned around and loo"edstraight at me0 <e loo"ed a lot li"e Diego/ but .ith an older ,ace/and blond curls0 <is eyes .ere a little small/ but glo.ed a brightblue0 ;hat sur+rised me more/ .as that he recogni8ed me06Dallas07 his 1oice .as so,t/ as i, made o, 1el1et0 6I'1e been toldmany things about you07

:h dear0 That got me ner1ous0 ;hat did he "no. I hardly"ne. anything about him06:h07 I re+lied/ a1oiding his ga8e0 6;ell/ um/ I'1e been told thatyou are in charge o, +artnering +eo+le07

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63ou ha1e been told correctly07 he ans.ered0 6nd I'm sorry to saythat there are no guardian angels in need o, +artners07

y heart san"0 ;hat .as I su++osed to do .ith *yan I .astrying to ,igure out some other solution/ .hen )abriel added@

6<o.e1er/ there's a cherub that could use some hel+0 <e lost his+artner not too long ago07 the archangel shoo" his head sadly06;hat is a cherub's ob7 I .ondered0

It +robably .asn't the same thing that Diego and I did06They do a bit o, e1erything07 )abriel ex+lained0 69rrands0 Littlethings0 (othing 1ery di,,icult/ nothing li"e .hat guardian angelsdo07

I nodded0 That .as still +retty 1ague/ but I didn't really care0I thought *yan .ould a++reciate that .or" better than .hat hecalled a 6battle,ield70

6;ho's this cherub7 I as"ed/ eager to get the soldier .ith his+artner06I thin" you "no. him07 a small smile a++eared at the corner o,)abriel's mouth0 6<is name is Uriel07

:h2 3es/ I did "no. him0 But I didn't "no. that he needed a+artner0 I ta"e that bac"/ my mind ,lashed bac" to the ,irst time Isa. Uriel/ .hile he .as tal"ing to Leonard0 The demon hadmentioned the cherub's +artner loss0 But that had been a yearago/ at least/ .hen I had died0 I didn't reali8e that he hadn't ,ound

a +artner since0 aybe that .as .hy he .as loo"ing so do.n.hen I sa. him in the halls o, ount Gion0 But that had been alittle .hile ago/ .ho "ne./ maybe months0 I had no clue .here to,ind him no.0 Turns out/ I didn't ha1e to .orry about that06Uriel could really use a +artner right no.07 )abriel added/ asthough he ,elt sorry ,or the cherub that had ,ound me0

I nodded as i, I understood .hat he .as tal"ing about0 I don'tthin" the archangel belie1ed that ,or one second0 <e loo"ed do.nat the ,ortune coo"ie in his hand and read it aloud06For .isdom is better than rubies/ and all the things one maydesire cannot be com+ared .ith her07

For some reason/ that hit home0 nd it hit hard0 ;as I .iseDid I e1en act .ise/ e1ery once in a .hile I sure ho+ed that mydecisions .ere made .isely0 sudden idea +o++ed into my head0I had to ,ind Diego0 I le,t )abriel to his +ro1erbs and dashed bac"in the direction I had come ,rom0 Diego and *yan .ere still

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o+ening ,ortune coo"ies/ exactly .here I had le,t them0++arently/ the guardian angel .as ha1ing ,un0 *yan loo"ed li"ehe .as concentrating 1ery hard/ li"e a child being extremelyserious0 I .asn't the only one .ho .as reali8ing things through

the old "ing's ,ortune coo"ies06Diego/7 I called/ and he loo"ed u+ at me/ listening0 6I ,oundanother one o, my roc"s0 I .ant to be .ise07

 That made him ha++y/ I thin"/ ,or a huge smile a++eared onhis ,ace06That's a beauti,ul roc"/ Dallas07 he said0 6It's more li"e a ruby07

<a0 <o. ironic0 <e +robably already "ne. that +ro1erb0 I .asabout to tell him that .e had to ,ind Uriel/ but that becameunnecessary/ ,or the door o+ened and there stood the cherubhimsel,0 <e loo"ed de+ressed/ +oor guy0 <e must'1e come to the

room o, Fortune Coo"ies ,or some cheering u+0 nd I thin" thene.s I had ,or him .as going to do ust that0 I .a1ed at him andhis eyes ,ocused on me0 <e nodded at Diego in greeting and thenhis ga8e ,ell on *yan/ .ho .as still crouched do.n/ reading hisFortune Coo"ie intently0 I thin" he ,igured out .hat .as going onbe,ore I e1en uttered a .ord06Uriel/7 I announced +roudly/ +leased that I could ma"e both o,them ha++y0 6This is *yan/ your ne. +artner07

Uriel didn't mo1e0 *yan/ on the other hand/ hearing his

name/ loo"ed u+ at me0 I nodded in the cherub's direction0 Thesoldier stood u+ straight and turned around0 The t.o staredat each other0 Uriel ,inally brought himsel, to say something0 <ehad lost his de+ressed attitude0 I could tell he .as +leased/ and alittle excited06<ey/ *yan/ let's get to .or" right a.ay27 he rubbed his handstogether/ antici+ating the ob to be done0

 The soldier glanced at me/ .aiting ,or my a++ro1al/ Isu++ose0 I didn't gi1e any0 <e needed to do it on his o.n0 <e hadalso changed0 <is ,ace .as no longer scrunched u+ .ith anger0Underneath that need o, re1enge .as a handsome +erson0 Seeinghim li"e that .armed my heart0

Uriel and *yan le,t the room o, Fortune Coo"ies li"e t.o "ids.ho hardly "ne. each other/ yet already considered themsel1esbest ,riends because they had something in common0 It had ta"enme longer than that to trust Diego/ to not be intimidated by him/

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and to 1ie. him as my ,riend0 nd that reassured me0 It meantthat *yan hadn't .ra++ed his heart u+ tightly and hidden it ,romhimsel,/ li"e I had0 <e didn't o1er+rotect his heart/ so that hecouldn't ,eel anything0 nd no. that his anger .as gone/ he could

embrace his a,terli,e and lo1e it0 ;hich brought me to a Auestionthat hurt0 Did I lo1e my a,terli,e Did I li"e it more than my li,e The to that Auestion hurt e1en more0 I didn't .ant to thin"that my death .as better than my li,e/ but it .as0 I didn't .ant tolet go o, my short li,e0 y "nuc"les got .hite as I gri++ed mygolden buc"et0 I couldn't understand ho. *yan had embraced hisdeath so Auic"ly/ es+ecially since he .as the one .ho .antedre1enge in the ,irst +lace0 <e had a ,amily .ho lo1ed him dearly0<o. could he let go o, that so Auic"ly In a .ay/ I en1ied him0 I.ished I could do the same thing0

 Turns out/ he didn't0 I disco1ered it later that .ee" #or year/+erha+s%0 It .as the ,irst time I'd seen him since he'd .al"ed outo, the room o, Fortune Coo"ies0 I .asn't .ith Diego at the time0

 The soldier .asn't .ith Uriel0 But he still loo"ed ha++y/ he loo"ed+leased .ith his ne. li,e/ body and ob0 9xce+t ,or that glint in hiseyes0 There .as something a little .rong0 nd *yan had noticed ittoo0 nd he .anted to get rid o, it0 That .as .hy he came to me0Little did I "no. that I could +ut his mind at +eace06<ey there/ soldier <ori8on27 I saluted him0

6<ello/ Dallas07 he ,idgeted0 6I ha1e a little +roblem07I "ne. there .as something u+0 I li,ted my eyebro.s/ .aiting

,or him to go on06I still thin" it's un,air07 he said .ith a ,ro.n0 6It's un,air that Ididn't get to see my ,amily one last time07

I gul+ed0 I could only imagine his +ain0 I had ne1er e1enthought about seeing my ,amily again/ I don't thin" I .anted to"no. ho. my +arents .ere doing a,ter my death0 But I "ne. ho.*yan's ,amily had been doing a,ter his death0 I decided that heneeded to "no.06<o. did you die7 I as"ed06In the .ar0 issing in action/ I su++ose07 *yan loo"ed do.n/a1oiding my ga8e0 6I .as actually ca+tured by the enemy/ andbecame a +risoner o, .ar0 For a .hole year0 Then I died o, adisease07

For a .hole year That must ha1e been .hy0 <e hadn't died

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be,ore me0 <e had ust been ca+tured/ and they thought he .asdead063our ,amily thought you died a year ago07 I told him0

<e nodded/ as i, he had already come to the same

conclusion/ then sto++ed and loo"ed at me0 <e had only ustregistered that I .as the one .ho had said it06<o. do you "no.7 he loo"ed com+letely lost06I died about a year ago07 I ex+lained 1ery calmly0 6The last+erson I tal"ed to .hile I .as still ali1e5 .as your mother07

Shoc" ex+loded onto *yan's ,ace0 <is eyes .ent .ide and hisbottom li+ dro++ed to the ,loor0 Then the shoc" melted into tears0Dro+s streamed do.n his ,ace/ and he tried 1ainly to .i+e thema.ay so that they .ould sto+0 <e ,inally ga1e u+ and allo.edhimsel, to sob0 I remained +er,ectly calm/ but .atching him bro"e

my heart0 In a good .ay/ though0 I "ne. that this .as a necessaryste+ ,or him to heal and get rid o, his .ant ,or re1enge0 I startedtal"ing again/ in a so,t .his+er0 I told him about e1ery moment Ihad s+ent .ith )race0 Suddenly/ I could remember e1ery lastdetail/ e1ery .ord she had said/ ho. the lighting .as/ the,urniture/ the +ictures o, him .hen he .as little0 I ,elt li"e I "ne.e1erything about ho. he used to be/ be,ore the .ar0 nd I thin"*yan had ,orgotten0 <e needed to remember0 <e needed me totell him0

;hen I .as done/ .e stood silent ,or a good ,i1e minutes/ still crying/ but they .ere +eace,ul tears no./ as i, hisre1enge had ,inally le,t him alone0 <e could ,ully enoy his a,terli,eno./ .ith the +eace that I had hel+ed ,ind a .ay to his heart0 about to lea1e .hen he .ra++ed his strong arms around mynec" and +ulled me into a hug0 I .as caught com+letely o,, guard0I didn't return his embrace right a.ay0 <is .et chee" .as +ressedagainst the side o, my head0 nd he .his+ered into my hear@6Than" you/ Dallas0 Than" you so much07

I smiled so,tly0 That's .hen I "ne. that he .as de,initely ,ree,rom his anger0 So I hugged him bac"0 <e needed the com,ort0nd I ,elt better too/ " that I had hel+ed him0

I .as the ,irst to +ull a.ay0 I had ne1er gotten used to any"ind o, +hysical contact/ e1er0 I immediately noticed that the gone ,rom his dar" sun"en eyes0 They .ere +u,,y and redno./ ,rom crying0 But the ,lo. o, tears .as o1er0 ne.

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ne1er recei1ed a ob li"e that be,ore0 *a+hael told him/ to hisrelie,/ that he didn't ha1e to do it0 So Sariel .as to do the .or" onher o.n0 She didn't care0 It .ould +robably be more exciting i, she.ent all by hersel,0 ;ithout ,urther hesitation/ she ,la++ed her

.ings and ,le. a.ay ,rom ount Gion/ lea1ing the t.o angels ,arbehind0Sariel .as a stubborn archangel0 She .as slightly di,,erent

,rom all o, the other ones0 She had al.ays .anted to be morethan she .as0 They called her 6Dancing ngel7 ,or she .asslightly Auic"er/ slightly lighter and slightly more grace,ul than therest o, them0 She .as a little shorter and her .ings .ere a littlesmaller than the other archangels0 <er short hair .as a shiningstra.berry blond/ and it ne1er mo1ed/ as i, +lastered to her s"ull.ith gel0 She had a long/ thin and elegant ,igure/ but her ,ace .as

round and cute/ ,rec"les scattered across her chee"s and herlarge dar" eyes ,ramed .ith long eyelashes0 91en the clothes thatshe .ore .ere di,,erent@ a .hite tan" to+/ a .hite .rin"ledslee1eless shirt that she had o+ened and tied in a "not .ith theends/ .hite ca+ris that ,lared ,rom the "nee do.n/ a long blac"glo1e on her le,t arm/ a long blac" soc" on her le,t ,oot/ and t.oblac" bracelets/ one on her right .rist/ the other on her rightan"le0 lthough she .as not a guardian angel/ she +ossessed asmall dagger/ that she stra++ed to her thigh0 It .as said that she

had made it hersel,0 She .as a 1ery creati1e angel0 She .ouldo,ten s+end time in the .or"sho+/ .atching the artist and tryingto imitate his creations0 The more she +racticed/ the better shegot/ but could ne1er Auite achie1e the le1el o, +er,ection that theartist +ossessed0 That dro1e her cra8y/ " that she .ouldne1er be able to get better at it than him0

Sariel didn't e1en bother sto++ing by the library0 !ust li"eDiego/ she didn't li"e the library/ and doing research there0 Shebelie1ed that she could get by .ithout that in,ormation0 InconseAuence/ she .asn't +re+ared ,or .hat .as coming0

Sariel's assignment .as a young man by the name o,Co++er0 <e .as 1ery uniAue in his o.n .ay as .ell0 <e .as anactor/ he +er,ormed on stage0 The name Co++er .as only hisstage name0 (obody "ne. his real name/ I thin" he'd ,orgotten italtogether0 <e had a 1ery +eculiar +ersonality0 <e acted goo,y/and it added to his charm/ but you could ne1er really tell i, he

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actually belie1ed .hat he .as saying or i, he .as ust +layingaround0 <e had a care,ree attitude/ he .as ne1er serious aboutanything/ but he a++eared to be/ he a++eared to be mature ,orhis age/ although he .as not0 <e randomly bro"e out into dance

or song/ ,or he +layed in many musicals on Broad.ay0 lmoste1erything about him .as +er,ect/ his stunning acting/ hisgrace,ul dancing/ his,ul singing0 <e .as an idol to manyyoung girls/ a reason ,or ealousy to men/ mainly because he .asama8ingly handsome0

(ot " all this/ Sariel entered the dar" theater room/,illed to the brim .ith a ca+ti1ated audience/ and .aited at thebac"/ .atching the stage/ ready ,or Co++er to ma"e his entrance0

 The sho. being +layed .as 6Phantom o, the :+era70 )uess +laying the +hantom That .as ho. Sariel recogni8ed

Co++er0 She had arri1ed to.ards the end o, the sho./ so sheexited the room be,ore the actors too" their bo. and headedto.ards her assignment's dressing room0 That .as the easiest.ay to "ee+ trac" o, him0

 The inside o, the room .as rather sim+le0 The +lace .ascom+letely cluttered though/ .ith costumes and ma"e u+0 There.ere only three +ieces o, ,urniture0 The ,irst .as a des" chair/ thathad not been built ,or com,ort/ had .heels and could s+in around0any times Co++er .ould do nothing but that@ s+in/ tilting his

head bac" and closing his eyes to im+ro1e the sense o, di88iness0 The second .as a metal table on .heels/ almost li"e a cart/ andthat's .here most o, the ma"e u+/ hairbrushes and anything that.asn't a +iece o, clothing .ere +ut0 The third/ the biggest andmost noticeable obect in the room/ .as a mirror0 It .as tall/ sothat it almost reached the ceiling/ and s"inny0 It .as an o1alsha+e/ and hoo"ed onto t.o ,eet/ so that it could also s+in0

Sariel leaned u+ against the o++osite .all/ glancing at herin1isible re,lection on the smooth sur,ace o, the mirror0 Shethought about ho. easier it .ould be i, she .ere 1isible0 Thethings she could do2 Co++er's case .ould no longer be a +roblem0In ,act/ she didn't e1en "no. .hat the +roblem .as yet0 She,olded her arms o1er her chest and crossed her legs0 <e sure .asta"ing a .hile to get ,rom the stage to his dressing room0

s soon as she thought that/ the door o+ened and the+hantom o, the o+era came in0 Co++er/ .ho .as underneath the

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mas" and the costume/ loc"ed the door behind him and let out along sigh0 Sariel guessed that he had been running a.ay ,rom the+ress/ or his cra8ed ,ans0 That's .hen he remo1ed his mas"0

 That's ho. Sariel/ com+letely clueless/ got blo.n a.ay0 She

,ro8e/ trans,ixed0 <er heart sto++ed/ she ceased to breathe andher blood turned cold/ but immediately began to boil0 Co++er hadthe most gorgeous ,ace she had e1er seen/ and she had seenmany a ,ace in her long li,etime0 <e had long/ sil"y/ ha8el hair+ulled bac" into a +onytail0 <is eyes .ere a dee+ 1iolet/ rich andso,t/ li"e royalty0 91erything about him ust seemed absolutely+er,ect to Sariel0 She couldn't mo1e0 She couldn't "ee+ her ga8eo,, him0 <er ,orehead began to throb0 She .as breathing again/but .ith di,,iculty/ as i, she had ust run a marathon in ,i1eminutes0

Co++er/ com+letely obli1ious to the ,act that there .as anarchangel in his dressing room/ changed bac" into his normalclothes/ sim+le eans and shirt .ith a 1-nec"0 <e li"ed his role as+hantom o, the o+era because he didn't ha1e much ma"e u+ tota"e o,,0 <e rarely needed that much ma"e u+ any.ays/ e1eryone"ne. .hat he loo"ed li"e/ could s+ot him out immediately/ e1en,rom a,ar0 on a coat/ hat and sunglasses/ so that he.ouldn't be recogni8ed/ Co++er le,t his dressing room and headedhome0

In that brie, moment .hen he .as no longer in Sariel's sight/she ,inally reco1ered her senses0 <er head .as still s+inning andshe had a hard time thin"ing clearly0 She ,orced hersel, to calmher breathing0 She could hardly belie1e that she had lost controlo, hersel, li"e that0 Then again/ ust thin"ing about Co++er/ shecould belie1e it0 It sent shi1ers do.n her s+ine all o1er again0 almost a,raid to ,ollo. him/ to e1en loo" at his ,ace again0She .as too con,used to analy8e the situation and ,igure out .hatshe .as going to do0 :b1iously/ she .ouldn't be able to do that inhis +resence/ either0 So she +ushed the ,iguring out to later0 <er,irst +riority .as to not lose his trace0 So she ,ollo.ed him0

Sariel .as 1ery care,ul to loo" at nothing but the bac" o, hishead .hile he tra1eled home/ and ,ocused on the re+etiti1e soundo, his shoes hitting the" as he .al"ed0 But e1en seeingthe bac" o, his head made her heart throb0 Com+licationsoccurred .hen he too" the sub.ay0 lthough the archangel .as

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standing behind him/ she could see his re,lection in the .indo.0 The sub.ay is naturally hot and stu,,y/ but the +oor angel's boiling so much that she .as a radiator all to hersel,0 Shecouldn't ex+lain the irrationality o, her ,eelings/ so she ,orced

hersel, to not act on im+ulse/ .hich/ .ith the s+ur o, the moment/.ould no doubt be irrational0 <ad Co++er not been herassignment/ she .ould ha1e ,led ,rom him as Auic"ly as hergolden .ings could carry her0 But as I mentioned be,ore/ she .asa stubborn angel/ and the need to get the ob done o1er+o.eredher o.n com,ort0

Co++er .as .ealthy/ and his home sho.ed e1ery bit o, his.ealth0 It .as modern/ stylish/ and incredibly big/ e1en though the only one that li1ed there0 91ery last element insideloo"ed as i, s+ecially designed ,or him0 It .as o+en and light

,looded into e1ery corner o, e1ery room0 lthough Sariel .asn'ta.are o, this/ Co++er .as secretly morti,ied o, the dar"09s+ecially in a humongous house/ all by himsel,0 <e .as ,ullya.are that his ,ear .as com+letely irrational/ ust li"e Sariel's,eelings/ yet he couldn't bring himsel, to ignore it0

<o.e1er/ there .as a little ground to Co++er's terror/although he didn't "no. it/ ,or/ at night/ a dar" creature came tolinger in his room/ inter,ering .ith his dreams/ sending himnightmares and "ee+ing his ,right acute0 This creature .as the

only thing in the .orld that anyone could ha1e any real reasons tobe ,rightened o,0 It had blood red eyes0 nd its name .as Leonard0<e didn't ,eel the need to be in his human ,orm0 <e came as blac" cloud and tortured Co++er in his dreams all nightlong0 The +oor actor .o"e u+ more exhausted than .hen he had,allen aslee+0 Sariel .as not yet a.are o, all this0 But she .ouldsoon ,ind out0 (ight .as cree+ing across the s"y/ and stars began+o++ing out li"e ,ire,lies stuc" against the .eb o, the celestial1ault0

Sariel's body ,elt sti,,0 She hardly dared to mo1e0 <er beginning to clear/ she .as starting to sort things out0 :nething she .as +retty certain o,@ she had ,allen in lo1e .ith Co++er0It .as a ,oolish lo1e that had struc" her li"e lightning/ and onlyre1ol1ed around his ama8ing beauty/ ,or she really "ne. nothingabout him0 nd she .as ,ully a.are o, all o, this/ and though allthe 1oices o, reason .ere screaming at her to get o1er it/ she

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real guardian angel/ and since she had ,allen in lo1e .ith him/ going about it all .rong0 <er ,irst mista"e .as to let heremotions rule her actions0 <er anger made her ex+lode0 Shegrabbed at her small dagger and abbed at the demon0 Leonard/

sur+rised by the sudden attac"/ ,or he .as only used to dealing.ith guardian angels/ let go o, his +rey0 <is ,irst reaction .as toendorse his human ,orm0 <e could handle the +ain better in thatsha+e and consistency0 Then he ho++ed a.ay ,rom Sariel/ missingher second stab0 Blood tric"led ,rom his shoulder .here her ,irstattac" had hit him06;o./ .o./ you're ne./ aren't you7 he sAuinted at her/ trying torecogni8e her0 ,ter all/ he "ne. all the angels0 6<ey .ait27 hiseyes gre. .ide0 63ou're an archangel2 ;hat are you doing here7

Sariel/ her 1eins still +um+ing .ith rage/ didn't ans.er0 She

thre. hersel, at him/ and Leonard/ .ho had ne1er con,ronted anangel li"e this be,ore/ to++led bac".ards0 They ,ell into a muddleo, "ic"s and +unches0 Sariel grabbed a hold o, his head andbanged it re+eatedly against the ,loor0 The only e,,ect on a di88y headache06<o. dare you e1en touch Co++er7 she hollered0 6)et your dirty+a.s a.ay ,rom him2 nd stay a.ay27

 The demon too" ad1antage o, her screaming to get u+ andas ,ar a.ay ,rom her as +ossible0 Sariel also got to her ,eet and

stood +rotecti1ely in bet.een him and the slee+ing ,orm o,Co++er0 Leonard/ reco1ering ,rom the shoc"/ ,ound his annoyingsmir" again0 But behind that/ his mind .as .or"ing ,uriously0 <edidn't understand the situation/ and he needed to/ in order to turnit to his ad1antage06;hat/ are you a substitute ,or a guardian angel7 he saidmoc"ingly/ then sto++ed short .hen he reali8ed that .as exactlythe case06;hat are you trying to do to him7 Sariel seethed/ already+lanning to counter e1ery nightmare Leonard had gi1en toCo++er0 6Tell me/ or I'll shred you to +ieces27

 That's .hen Leonard sa. the +ath.ay to success0 <is smir"turned im+erce+tibly cruel0 <e .ouldn't e1en ha1e to do anything0Suddenly/ he dro++ed his normal ex+ression and +ut on an act0<e .as so con1incing/ that Sariel belie1ed e1ery .ord he uttered0<e acted suddenly ner1ous/ and a little scared0 :, the archangel/

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made her angry all o1er again0 She summoned all her strength togi1e him .onder,ul dreams that .ould boost his courage and sel,esteem0 She la1ished him .ith them/ +ouring one a,ter another/thic" and rich li"e syru+0 Co++er smiled in his slee+/ and that

made her the ha++iest archangel in the .orld0 It also made hergi1e him more/ al.ays more/ exerting hersel, to su++ly e1ery dro+o, con,idence she could muster0

Co++er .o"e u+ re,reshed and ,eeling incredibly good0 exhausted0 But his ha++iness and sa,ety .as enough ,or her0<e .ent to .or" that day/ almost a di,,erent +erson0 <e greetede1ery +erson he sa. in the street/ .hether he "ne. them or not0

 The +eo+le he greeted .ere thrilled0 ,ter all/ the ,amous Co++erhad said hello to them2

Sariel ,ollo.ed him all day long/ admiring him and ,eeling

+leased .ith the good she had done through her dreams0 <eseemed exce+tionally .onder,ul that day/ to e1eryone that sa.him0 <e did a ,antastic ob as the Phantom o, the :+era0 Sariel'sadoration o, him ust "e+t and gro.ing0 She could hardlybelie1e that she had li1ed .ithout him0

 That night it .as the same story all o1er again/ exce+t thatLeonard .as no longer there0 The archangel su++lied thosesyru+y dreams/ that had .ay too much sugar in them/ s+oilinghim rotten .ith them0 She .as sure that it .as the best thing to

do/ ,or him and ,or her0 nd she ,elt that she could go on doing it,ore1er/ as long as he needed her/ and e1en maybe longer a,terthat0

 That .as Sariel's biggest mista"e0 It .as her .ant to stay.ith him ,ore1er0 91ery night she cho"ed him .ith sel, esteemand con,idence0 nd e1en .hen she thought that he had hadenough/ she "e+t right on gi1ing him the dreams0 (o moderation.hatsoe1er/ it .as all in huge crushing dosage0 She .as "iddinghersel, into thin"ing that Co++er needed her and al.ays .ould0She ne1er got tired o, admiring his gorgeous ,ace/ rich 1iolet eyesand sil"y long ha8el hair0

.hole year .ent by li"e this/ the same thing o1er and o1er/e1ery day/ e1ery night0 Co++er got more and more +u,,ed u+ .ithhis o.n +ride and con,idence0 That's .hen Sariel's ,eelingsde1elo+ed into the need ,or him to return her a,,ection0 It becamean obsession that could not be ,ul,illed/ ,or she .as in1isible to

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him0 It made her miserable/ com+letely and utterly dro.ned herin des+air0 It became a constant con,lict in her heart/ tearing hera+art0 It .as the saddest lo1e story she had e1er encountered/es+ecially since it .as her o.n0 I, only/ she "e+t thin"ing/ i, only

he could see her0 She ,elt certain that it .as the only obstacle inthe .ay0 But no matter ho. much she +ondered and searched/the only .ay to ma"e hersel, 1isible to him .ould be to as" )od0nd she .anted to a1oid doing that at all costs0 She ,elt that i,she o,,icially as"ed/ she .ould be con,iscated the right to seeCo++er again0 That thought .as e1en more unbearable to herthan not being seen0

 The ,inal stro"e/ one that I don't thin" Leonard had e1enimagined +ossible/ came on a +er,ectly normal day0 (ormal/ thatis/ in that it had been the same routine ,or the +ast year0 Co++er

.as com+letely stuc" u+ and ,ull o, himsel,0 <e belie1ed/ as didSariel/ that he .as the best +erson on earth/ that he .as sim+ly+er,ect0 91eryone around him seemed to thin" that as .ell/ or atleast ne1er contradicted him0 <e had gone ,rom a great actor/ toha1ing a big ego that .ould only +er,orm i, absolutely e1erything.ent his .ay0 It .as one o, those days .here he .as gettingu+set o1er the slightest things/ ho. he didn't .ant to .ear anyma"e u+ at all ,or the +er,ormance/ ho. he couldn't stand notha1ing a limousine bring him home a,ter the sho.0 Sariel/ blinded/

didn't notice ho. radically his attitude had changed0 It hadha++ened bit by bit/ +iece by +iece o1er the year0 The al.ays mesmeri8ed by his ,ace/ she didn't hardly noticeanything else0

Co++er drummed his ,ingers im+atiently on the arm rest o,his chair0 They .ere in his dressing room/ getting him ready ,orthe musical0 <e .as gi1ing the ma"e u+ artists a 1ery hard time0<e .as currently demanding ,or a more com,ortable chair/ abigger dressing room and more/ more/ more o, e1erything0 <e nolonger t.irled around/ he .as no longer interested in the sim+le+leasures o, li,e/ li"e lic"ing the bo.l a,ter ha1ing made coo"ies/or being thrilled .hen a character in a boo" has your name0 nd.hile e1eryone .as rushing around to ma"e him satis,ied/ he .asle,t in his dressing room/ alone .ith Sariel0 :nly .hen he .asalone did he sto+ com+laining0 There .as nobody le,t to com+lainto0 Co++er .as bored0 nd being bored/ that's ho. he came to

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loo" at the mirror/ the same one that had been there a year ago/and still stood tall and s"inny/ an o1al held u+ only by its t.o ,eet0

;hat Co++er sa. in the mirror too" his breath a.ay0 <e dre.closer/ staring at the beauti,ul creature beneath the sur,ace0 <e

had ne1er reali8ed that it .as there be,ore0 <e had ne1er reali8edho. gorgeous their ,ace .as/ ho. beauti,ul those rich 1iolet eyes.ere0 <e couldn't tear his eyes a.ay ,rom it0 <e couldn't lea1e it0

Sariel didn't understand .hat .as ha++ening/ a,ter all/e1eryone should ,ind Co++er breath ta"ing/ e1en himsel,0 Shedidn't reali8e that his heart .as going through the samesomersaults that her heart had gone through the ,irst time thatshe had seen him0 The archangel .as also distracted by her o.nhurt/ the "no.ledge that he .ould and could ne1er lo1e her bac"/sim+ly because o, a 1isual +roblem0 <e didn't e1en "no. that she

existed0 nd it bro"e her heart0She only started to notice it .hen Co++er tried 1ainly to

touch his re,lection0 <e re,used to belie1e that it .as himsel, thathe .as seeing/ it had to be some beauti,ul creature tra++edbehind the mirror0 <e had read 6lice in ;onderland7/ he "ne.there .as a .hole di,,erent .orld/ di,,erent +eo+le on the otherside o, the loo"ing glass0 nd no. he had a reason to get there/ tobe .ith his o.n re,lection0 <e gre. more and more des+erate ashe reached out/ and as the +erson behind the glass reached out/

also loo"ing more and more des+erate/ and all his ,ingerti+s the cold mirror0 They .ere horri,ied by the smears thatcreated/ So they both cleaned it u+/ rubbing it .ith their slee1es0

Sariel/ .atching/ +o.erless/ .as becoming more and more.orried0 She still didn't gras+ ,ully that Co++er .as ,alling in lo1e.ith his o.n re,lection0 But an unex+lained +anic started to rise inher chest0 The archangel became agitated/ she began screaming,or him to sto+/ to get a.ay ,rom the mirror this 1ery instant0 ButCo++er .as dea,/ and com+letely lost in his contem+lation0

 That .as .hen the ma"e u+ artists returned0 They alsostarted to +anic0 The sho. .as about to start and Co++er neededto get on stage0 But the actor .ould not budge0 They +leaded/they tugged/ they +ulled and they threatened/ but Co++erremained obli1ious to all their attem+ts to ri+ him a.ay ,rom hismirror0 <e .as beginning to reali8e that it .as im+ossible ,or himand his re,lection to be together0 nd his in,inite sadness re,lected

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on his ,ace0 That ex+ression almost "illed Sariel .ith grie,0 She"e+t screaming/ although she "ne. that it .as useless0Sometimes she had the im+ression that he could hear her/ but itonly lasted ,or a s+lit second/ ,or he Auic"ly disregarded the

thought0 Sariel could tell that she .as loosing him/ and the moreshe tightened her gri+/ the more he sli++ed through her ,ingers0 The same thing .as ha++ening to Co++er/ the more he tried toget closer to the gorgeous +erson in the mirror/ the ,arther a.aythey seemed to be0 This .ent on ,or days0 Co++er re,used to eat/drin" or slee+0 This horri,ied Sariel0 She .itnessed his slo./+ain,ul death and it almost hurt her more than it did him0 Sheliterally .ent insane0 I don't thin" Co++er ,elt much o, anything0 Inhis last moments/ Leonard came to see the results o, hisdiabolical +lan0 <e .as extremely +leased .ith .hat he ,ound0

Sic"o0 The demon cac"led cruelly0For Co++er/ that .as the last stra.0 ;ea"/ exhausted/

+arched and star1ing/ ,rustrated that his re,lection .as so closeyet so ,ar/ the actor made one last des+erate attem+t to crossthrough the mirror0 The glass shattered .ith the ,orce o, theim+act/ sending small shards slicing into Co++er'ss"in0 The sudden loss o, blood and the disa++earance o, hisunreachable lo1ed one ,inished the man o,,0 <e ,ainted out o,shoc" and des+air/ ne1er to .a"e again0

 That's .hen Diego and I arri1ed0 ;e .ere in such a hurrythat the sera+h ,orgot to let me do.n and I ,orgot to remind him0It didn't matter though/ .e .ere too late0 ;e could no longerredeem or sal1age anything0 ll .e ,ound .ere Co++er's deadbody/ Sariel gone com+letely cra8y and Leonard highly enoyinghimsel,0 That .as the ,irst time I reali8ed that *yan .as right@ a battle,ield0 nd .e had ust lost the battle0 I tried to sa1eSariel/ I had learned that there .as al.ays ho+e/ e1en in thedar"est situation/ but be,ore I could hardly do anything/ shebegan her trans,ormation0 I too" a ste+ bac" as her eyes turnedblood red0 I .atched in horror as her body 1eered to blac" andcrumbled li"e ashes to ta"e the ,orm o, a dense dar" cloud0 Sothat .as .here demons came ,rom0 Sariel too" o,, .ith Leonard0She loo"ed bent/ hunched o1er hersel,/ as i, to catch her heart.hen it ,inally ,ell ,rom her body0 y enemy shot me one lasttrium+hant glance0

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It .as that one glance that +ro1o"ed a dea,ening roar in the+it o, my stomach0 Suddenly/ the .eight o, the .hole situationcrashed onto my shoulders0 I reali8ed ,or the ,irst time ho. much Icared about our assignments/ +eo+le .ho only a year or so ago I

.ouldn't ha1e gi1en a second thought to0 I couldn't ex+lain it0 Bute1eryone deser1ed to ha1e a chance at ha++iness/ e1en i, itdidn't last their entire li1es0 nd/ I ,inally reali8ed/ that .asexactly .hat I .as ,ighting ,or0 That .as my .hole +ur+ose no.0I'd better start acting li"e it .as serious and that I cared about it0


;e hung around a .hile/ maybe in order to gi1e a morecom+lete re+ort to *a+hael0 It had all ha++ened during the night/so that Co++er's body .as only disco1ered the next morning/ by

the anitor0 <e called the ambulance/ but Diego and I both "ne.that it .as no use0 <e had gotten here too late/ ust li"e us0 ;edid one o, the things .e did best@ .e ,ollo.ed and .atched0 ;edidn't hardly s+ea"/ .e .ere both ,eeling do.n by the tragedy0;hen the ambulance arri1ed/ they determined almost at ,irstglance that Co++er .as dead/ or .as beyond the +oint o, beingbrought bac" to li,e0 y body had gone lim+0 The only thing I

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could ,ocus on .as "ee+ing a tight gri+ on my buc"et0 strangethought struc" me as they mo1ed the deceased actor0 I .as aboutto as" Diego a Auestion/ but the a++eared as soon asCo++er's body .as gone0 It re1ealed his soul/ still lying in the

same +osition/ blin"ing as i, a.a"ing ,rom a nightmare0 I ,inallygot to see .hat a soul loo"ed li"e0 It didn't di,,er much ,rom thetrue ,orm o, a demon/ exce+t that it didn't ha1e the blood redeyes/ and it still +ossessed the rough sha+e o, a human body/although it .as blurred by it's smo"y consistency0 Poor Co++er

 ust lied there0 I didn't understand .hy he didn't get u+0 horrible+remonition cre+t into my brain0 nd/ e1en more horrible still/ itturned out to be true0

For that .as about .hen Co++er reali8ed that he .as dead/and that he .as no. in his a,terli,e0 So he tried to get u+0 But he

couldn't0 <e started to +anic/ tugging and using all his strength to+ull himsel, u+/ only to ,ail miserably0 <e began screaming0 I couldalmost see in1isible chains around his .rists/ an"les and nec"/+inning him to the ground0 <is eyes .ere .ild0 That's .hen hes+otted us0 <e tried to reach out to us/ +leading .ith .ords o,nonsense/ begging us to deli1er him ,rom his misery0 The sight o,him li"e that .as unbearable to me0 It ble. a hole through myheart0 I reached out to him/ .ishing I could sa1e him0

Diego turned around and le,t the dressing room0 I t.isted

bac".ards/ my hand still outstretched to.ards the soul0 The,arther .e got a.ay ,rom Co++er/ the louder he screamed ,or usto come bac"0 But it .as too late ,or him0 I ,elt so useless0 ;hen.e .ere ,inally ,ar enough that I no longer heard the actor/ Idro++ed my arm bac" to my side0 I buried my ,ace in Diego'sblond hair and sobbed silently0 y heart .as brea"ing0 I could tellthat the guardian angel shared my grie,/ but he remained Auiet/and "e+t .al"ing one .eary ste+ a,ter another0 ;hen Ihad calmed do.n enough to ,ind my 1oice again/ I s+o"e so,tly@6<o. long is he going to be stuc" there7 I as"ed/ dreading theans.er06Fore1er07 Diego said 1ery Auietly0 I could hear the +ain in his1oice0

I didn't e1en dare imagine it0 Un+leasant shi1ers cra.leddo.n my s+ine0 I could hardly e1en ,athom the idea o, eternity/let alone s+ending the entirety o, it chained to the ground0 I held

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on tightly to Diego/ ,or ,ear o, sli++ing o,, his bac" .ithoutnoticing063ou really care about them no./ don't you7 Diego stated morethan as"ed0 6The +eo+le07 he s+eci,ied0 63ou really care about

them07I nodded/ ,eeling another .a1e o, tears ,looding my eyes0 It.asn't logical/ I hardly "ne. Co++er/ yet his demise hurt me asmuch as i, he .as my o.n brother0 Poor Co++er063es/ I do0 I don't "no. .hy I didn't be,ore0 I lo1e them all0 I .antthem all to be ha++y07 my 1oice crac"ed0 6nd I'm +re+ared to,ight ,or their ,reedom .ith e1ery ounce o, energy that I ha1e inme07

I gul+ed do.n my sobs and gritted my teeth .ith resolution0I had ,inally ,ound .hat I .as ,ighting ,or0 nd I .ould ,ight ,or it

to the death0 I mean/ not death/ ust5 oh +hooey0 Leonard .asgoing do.n0

Diego +ut me do.n0 y legs ,elt hea1ier than usual0 <e ga1eme an encouraging smile0 That instantly made me ,eel better063ou're a true member o, the )reat Cloud o, ;itnesses/ no.07 heannounced/ grinning .ith +ride0

I almost chuc"led0 I .as a true dead cheerleader0 I rubbedmy eye until the last bit o, +ain .as gone0 I had ,ailed Co++er/ butthere .ere so many others that .ere ust .aiting ,or our hel+0

nd I couldn't hel+ .ith a regret,ul attitude0 I glanced u+ at Diegoand returned his smile06Than"s07 I said0 y +artner .as truly ama8ing0 (obody else coulde1er ma"e me ,eel better so Auic"ly0

 The +ress concealed the real reason o, Co++er's death0 a little too unnatural ,or them0 They thre. the ,ault on ano1erdose o, slee+ing +ills0 The actor's body .as incinerated andhis ashes .ere scattered on e1ery Broad.ay stage0 doring ,ansmourned their loss/ as did his small ,amily0 Leonard celebrated his1ictory/ along .ith his ne. addition to the demon community/Sariel0 I ha1e ne1er heard o, her since0 y ,irst assum+tion .asthat she returned to Co++er and stayed by his side as she did.hile he .as still ali1e/ but most li"ely another guardian angel,inished her o,, during an assignment0 Poor Sariel0

Diego and I .andered ,arther than usual until .e ,oundount Gion0 It loo"ed ust as brilliant as e1er/ as brightly

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as i, re,lecting e1ery ray o, the sun/ that .as actually hiddenbehind rain clouds that day0 nd ,or the ,irst time since I died/ glad that .e .ere coming bac" to it0 ;e entered through the+earl gate in the amethyst .all0 *a+hael .as .aiting right on the

other side/ im+atient ,or our return0 I thin" he had already heardthe ne.s/ but still secretly ho+ed that he had heard .rong0(oticing that Sariel .as not .ith us/ he ga1e u+ any ho+e o, e1erseeing her as an archangel again0 Diego shoo" his head06I'm sorry/ *a+hael07 the sera+h a+ologi8ed0 6;e got there toolate07

 The archangel sighed .ith resignation06Then there .as nothing .e could ha1e done any better0 3ou .erethe ,astest ,lyer/ besides Sariel07 he stated sim+ly0 6I, only I had"no.n sooner0 ;e had a .hole year/ ,or crying out loud27

Diego and *a+hael loo"ed at each other and shrugged inde,eat0 I started to ,eel that roar in the +it o, my stomach again0 Ithin" it .as some "ind o, anger and disa++ointment/ mixedtogether0 The buc"et in my hand .as ,eeling exce+tionally hea1y06;ell/ than" you ,or doing that on so short a notice07 *a+haelnodded06nytime27 Diego laughed0 gain/ that .armed my heart/ that hecould actually laugh a,ter the situation .e had ust encountered0

;e le,t the archangel at the gate and made our .ay do.n

the +ath o, gold to the inside o, ount Gion0 ll I .anted to get bac" to my room and ta"e a nice long na+0 Diego sto++edin his trac"s0 I turned around to arch my eyebro.s at him06;hat7 I ,ro.ned/ con,used0

<e .as staring at my right hand/ the one that .as holdingmy hea1y buc"et0 I ,ollo.ed his ga8e and gas+ed .ith .onder0 ydear buc"et .as no longer made o, gold/ but o, +ure diamonds0;ith the light that re,lected in it/ it created rainbo.s o, its o.n/dancing on the ,loor around my ,eet0 (o .onder it .as so hea1y0 Ili,ted it u+ to get a closer loo" at it0 nd I remembered that theartist had ne1er ans.ered my Auestion0 aybe I .ould as" himbe,ore I too" my na+0 :n second thought/ I could ta"e my na+,irst0

Diego got closer to loo" at my diamond buc"et06That's Auite a treasure you'1e got there07 he seemed im+ressed0

I hugged my buc"et lo1ingly0

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6I .ouldn't trade it ,or anything in the .orld07 I said0 691en i, it.ere only made o, tin07

 That made him smile0 <e scratched the bac" o, his head06;ell/ I thin" I'm going to s+end some time in the room o, Fortune

Coo"ies0 Do you .ant to come7 he o,,ered06(ah07 I shoo" my head0 6I could use some slee+0 aybe I'll oinyou there later/ o"ay I'd also li"e to as" the artist .hy my buc"etdoes this07

I held the obect in Auestion u+ to illustrate .hat I meant06lright07 Diego .a1ed as he .al"ed a.ay0 6See you later07

I .a1ed bac" then headed in the o++osite direction0 I had notrouble ,inding my room0 It .as exactly as I had le,t it0 I colla+sedon my bed/ lying on my stomach/ and almost instantly ,ell aslee+0

 Technically/ I didn't need slee+ anymore/ since I .as dead/

but it .as such a nice ,eeling to sin" into the so,t +illo./ looseconsciousness and ,orget about e1erything/ and then .a"e u+com+letely re,reshed and ne.0 I almost ,elt that I had ne1er reallysle+t .hile I .as still ali1e/ not li"e this any.ay0 It .as a 1ery+eace,ul ,eeling/ and it al.ays made my mind more clear andready to tac"le .hate1er lied ahead o, me0 I su++ose it allo.edme to sort things out subconsciously0 Isn't that .hat slee+ .as ,orin the ,irst +lace *ecu+erate/ and sort through all the in,ormationyour brain recei1ed during the day0 Sounded good to me0

It ,elt li"e I sle+t an exce+tionally long time0 ;ho "ne./maybe centuries2 I stretched and rolled out o, bed/ +ulling mybuc"et along0

;hen my ,eet hit the ,loor/ I ,altered/ tri++ed and s+ra.led1iolently onto my bac"0 :uch0 The ,irst thing I noticed .as thatmy leg .as hanging o1er an edge and my ,oot couldn't ,eelanything0 I sat u+ Auic"ly0 y ,irst thought .as that I had bro"esomething0 )uess .hat I .as .rong0 s I loo"ed at my ,oot/ Inoticed/ .ith ama8ement/ that there .as a hole in the ,loor o, mybedroom0 y leg/ ,rom the "nee do.n/ .as dangling into theem+tiness that it unco1ered0 s I +eered into the o+ening/ Inoticed that it .as some "ind o, tunnel that angled shar+ly do.n0I Auic"ly +ulled my leg out o, the hole and "neeled do.n next toit/ in order to get a closer loo"0 It .as in the sha+e o, a roughcircle/ and large enough ,or me and my buc"et to ,it into it easily0 Icouldn't see .here the tunnel lead to/ but it seemed to go on ,or a

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second solution/ ,ind my o.n .ay bac"0 I cre+t along onehand against the .all/ e1ery ste+ ta"en care,ully0 It .as still toodar" ,or me to trust my eyes0 ,ter a ,e. minutes o, this cautious+rogression/ I ,elt a little more con,ident and began mo1ing ,aster0

Bad idea0 I 1iolently banged into someone else/ hitting my nose1ery hard0 I raised a hand u+ to my ,ace/ uttering a silent cry o,+ain0 The ,orce o, the im+act had thro.n me bac".ards0 Istretched my other hand/ the one holding my diamond buc"et/out in ,ront o, me/ and came in contact .ith the +erson I had runinto0 I could almost see his +er,ect teeth in the dar"06Be care,ul07 the demon .arned06Than"s ,or the ad1ice07 I rolled my eyes0 6;hat do you .ant ,romme/ Leo763ou really are dense/ aren't you7 he chuc"led .ith contem+t0

I ,ro.ned0 ;hat .as I missing here63ou "no./ normal girls o1er analy8e e1erything0 9s+ecially thingsthat handsome boys say07

:h0 <e .as tal"ing about himsel,/ something that he hadsaid or done/ directed at me/ that I had been su++osed to analy8e0

 This .as all terribly con,using0 ;hy didn't he ust come right outand say it6I'm sorry i, I ruined your +lan0 gain07 I said sarcastically0 6Bringme bac" to my room07

I didn't really thin" that he .as going to obey my order/ butmaybe i, I ,eigned indi,,erence/ he .ould sto+ beating around thebush and get right to the +oint0 Leonard's smir" became annoyed0I .asn't acting the .ay he .anted and had ex+ected me to react0

 That's because he only "ne. the old me/ the one that .as stillali1e0 I had changed a lot since then0 y little scheme .or"edrather .ell06Can't do that/ Dallas07 Leonard shoo" his head0 63ou see/ I don't.ant you to go bac"0 91er07

;hat I too" a ste+ bac"0 y con,usion must ha1e been1isible all o1er my ,ace/ ,or the demon chuc"led cruelly andcontinued@6Still don't understand I actually .anted you to come ,ind me0

 3ou should .ant re1enge/ a,ter .hat I did to your +recious Co++erand Sariel07

 The t.o names hit my heart0 <ard0 nd it .as all Leonard's

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,ault0 But then I remembered *yan <ori8on06*e1enge .on't get me any.here07 I re+lied063ou're right27 Leo's 1oice became shrill0 6In this case/ it .ouldha1e caused your do.n,all0 3ou do ha1e the gi,t o, ruining my

+lans/ you see0 3ou'1e done it once again0 (o matter0 It .as anunnecessary luxury07I .as still lost0 I searched his ,ace ,or some "ind o, clue/ his

,eatures barely 1isible06;hat .as a luxury7 I as"ed/ arching my eyebro.s063ou coming to ,ind me because you .anted re1enge07 he hissed063ou made me do extra .or"0 3ou made me come ,ind youinstead0 Do you reali8e ho. hard it .as to drill that hole7

I glanced u+ at the o+ening that lead to my room0 I .as stillmissing something0 I too" a ,e. ste+s bac" and tried to get

around the demon0 <e mo1ed/ bloc"ing my .ay again0 I sighed.ith exas+eration06;here are .e7 I hammered/ .ishing he .ould gi1e me astraight ans.er0

<e didn't0 Instead he mo1ed in closer/ ,orcing me to bac" u+063ou don't seem to understand your imminent danger/ Dallas07 hethreatened063ou'1e ne1er tried to hurt me be,ore07 I retorted de,iantly0

<e chuc"led again0 It .as starting to get on my ner1es0

6That's true0 Do you "no. .hy7 Leonard curled his li+0 The +o++ed u+ immediately0 It hit me .ith such ,orce

that I almost ,ell o1er0 y eyes .ent .ide and blan"0 I .his+ered@6Diego57

 The demon let out a long loud e1il laugh0 I shi1ered06(o. your brain is .or"ing27 he sco,,ed0 6:, course/ Diego0 I'm nomatch ,or a guardian angel0 9s+ecially Diego0 The best I can do isa1oid his attac"s0 nd the last thing I need is ,or him to ha1e atalented +artner07

91erything .as suddenly clear0 <e .anted to get rid o, me0 Istill .asn't scared0 little ner1ous/ no.0 Leo too" a ste+ closer0 Ididn't mo1e06Is Diego really that good at his ob7 I mar1eled0

I had no idea0 I hadn't really met any other guardian angels0y Auestion made the demon laugh0 <is eyes bla8ed 1i1id red06<e doesn't e1en need a +artner0 ;ith one/ hes almost

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in1incible27 That aroused another thought/ one that made me hesitate0 I

sAuinted at Leonard/ a sudden sus+icion in my mind06;hat ha++ened to his +re1ious +artners7 I said e1enly0

large grin s+read across Leo's ,ace06Finally2 (o. you're getting to the +oint27 he ubilated0;ith one slic" mo1ement/ he sliced his ,inger across his

throat/ and made a single/ disgusting sound e,,ect0 <e .as.atching me intently/ searching ,or signs o, ,ear0 I .asn't going togi1e him that satis,action06So/ I assume/ that is also to be my ,ate7 I sighed0

y calm and collected attitude enraged him0 Probably notthe best thing ,or me in my current situation0 I couldn't de,eathim0 nd e1en i, I could/ I had no idea ho./ and he .as surely not

going to tell me0 I +romise/ I didn't lose ho+e/ I had learned mylesson on ne1er gi1ing u+ ho+e/ but I .as going to be 1erysur+rised i, I sur1i1ed this one0 y ,irst im+ulse .as to buy time0 I"ind o, li"ed my a,terli,e06So/ ho. are you +lanning to do it7 I as"ed innocently0

I could ha1e sla++ed mysel,0 :ut o, all the .ays o, stalling/ Ihad to .onder ho. he .as going to exterminate me0 )ood grie,/Dallas2 91en Leonard loo"ed at me .eird0 I thin" he .asdisco1ering ho. di,,erent I actually .as ,rom my old sel,0 Then a

cruel smile stretched across his li+s0 That .as a bad sign06<o. about I sho. you7 his 1oice dri++ed .ith 1enom/ and hetoo" a ,e. ste+s bac"/ disa++earing into the +itch blac"0

 3es/ that .as a 1ery bad sign0 I almost ,elt li"e ta"ing to myheels and hightailing it out o, there0 But I "ne. ,or a ,act that thebest that .ould lead me to .as running into something else/maybe e1en something +ointy that .as coming out o, the ground0

 3uc"0 The thought o, im+aling mysel, on a stalagmite did nota++eal to me in the least0

s I .aited ,or some "ind o, attac"/ I got the distinctim+ression that I .asn't the only one stalling0 It seemed thatLeonard .as also .aiting0 Come to thin" o, it/ he could ha1eattac"ed me .hen I .as bac" in my room0 I .ould ha1e ne1er"no.n .hat hit me0 So/ either he really .anted the re.ard o,ha1ing me loo"ed scared/ or he didn't actually .ant to 6"ill7 me/li"e he claimed he did0 ;hich sent me another Auestion@ i, my

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second suggestion .as correct/ .hat .as his real goal aybe ust starting to act li"e a normal girl by o1er analy8inge1erything0 But I .anted to test my theory0 So I decided to+ro1o"e him0 I "e+t thin"ing ho. stu+id that .ould be i, his

intentions really .ere .hat he said they .ere0 I .ould be+reci+itating my o.n extermination0 So much ,or stalling0 I bracedmysel,06;hat's the matter/ Leo7 I called .ith as much arrogance as Icould ,a"e0 6;here's your guts7

I .aited ,or some "ind o, res+onse/ .hether 1ocal or+hysical/ li"e a s+ectator on the edge o, their seat0 ll I heard .assilence0 9ither I .as tal"ing into thin air/ or Leonard .as +re+aringhis attac"0 I reali8ed I no longer "ne. i, he .as in ,ront o, me ornot0 I too" a ste+ ,or.ard0 ;rong mo1e0 Something/ coming ,rom "noc"ed me hard in the head/ and I ,ell ,lat on my,ace0 I groaned0 That hurt0 y head .as throbbing0 Than",ully/ Ihadn't hit any stalagmites0 So I decided against getting bac" u+0(o doubt/ I .ould only be "noc"ed do.n again/ thus increasingmy chance o, ,alling on one o, those s+i"es0 nything but that0

 That's .hen I reali8ed that my buc"et .as no longer in myhand0 I must ha1e let go o, it .hen I ,ell0 That made me +anic0 Ihad to ,ind it0 I +ulled mysel, u+ until I .as on my hands and"nees/ searching blindly ,or my buc"et0 I ,rantically +atted the

ground ahead o, me0 I almost started screaming .hen I thoughtthat maybe Leonard had ta"en it0 nything but that0 I thin" Iactually .ould rather ha1e ,allen on a stalagmite than ha1e thatdemon touch my diamond buc"et0 nother blo. came out o,no.here0 I thin" it .as a "ic" this time0 It abbed me in the gut/cutting the .ind out o, me0 I had ne1er been beaten be,ore/ but itseemed to me that he .as going easy on me0 aybe my right a,ter all0 :ne thing I did "no.@ it .as 1ery +ain,ul0 But Iclenched my teeth together and su,,ered in silence0 Leonard.ould not get a +ee+ out o, me0 The blo.s started +ouring in/,rom all o1er/ it seemed/ and all I could do .as roll u+ in a ball andtry to +rotect mysel, to the best o, my ability0 91ery hit le,t a stingon my s"in0 Soon/ I ,elt li"e it stung all o1er0 I thought I .ould ust.ait it out/ but the attac"s gre. gradually stronger and harder0 Itbegan to dri1e me cra8y0 I had to mo1e0 So I care,ully/ slo.lyinched my .ay ,or.ard0 I um+ed .hen I heard a scream0 It .as a

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yell o, anger0 Leonard .as getting ,rustrated .ith me0 <e boxedmy ears0 That le,t me ,ro8en .ith shoc" ,or a ,e. seconds0 I 1ainlylashed out into dar"ness0 y ,ist hit nothing but air0 ;hen my,ingers ,ell bac" to the ground/ they came across something

bum+y0 I gro+ed ,or it/ reali8ing .ith relie, that it .as my diamondbuc"et0 I almost ,orgot that I .as being attac"ed by a demon0 I um+ed to my ,eet0 y buc"et .as nearly "noc"ed out o, my handagain0 It had collided .ith something as I .as um+ing u+0 That's.hen I noticed the blo.s had sto++ed0 y body ,elt sore/ and glad that I couldn't see the blue and blac" color it had+robably turned to0 I hugged my buc"et +rotecti1ely/ straining myeyes to see something0 ll I heard .as a .him+er0 It came ,romthe dar"ness ahead o, me0 I care,ully slid my ,eet across theca1ern ,loor/ ma"ing my .ay ,or.ard until my toes came in

contact .ith something so,ter than roc"0 I assumed I had ,oundLeonard's body0 Using my hands as my eyes/ I ,elt my .ay into asa,e sitting +osition0 Then my ,ingers ex+lored Leo's ,ace0 <ishead had ,allen to the side and his eyes .ere closed0 ;as it+ossible that he .as "noc"ed out cold <o. had that ha++ened Ithought o, my buc"et0 I must ha1e hit him +retty hard0 ,ter all/diamond is 1ery hard0 I shrugged0 That had been .ay too easy0 Ihadn't e1en done it on +ur+ose0 But as Leo mentioned be,ore/ Idid ha1e the gi,t o, ruining his +lans0

 That's .hen cold ,ingers +ressed against my throat/ theirgri+ tight and cho"ing0 :ut o, re,lex/ I er"ed a.ay/ but the hands"e+t a ,irm hold/ and all air e1acuated my lungs instantly0 Igas+ed/ but nothing came in0 y throat began to burn and myhead s+un .ildly0 Probably a good thing that I couldn't seeanything any.ay0 I ,elt ,or my throat and grabbed the demon's.rists0 I +ulled/ I +ried and I cla.ed/ but he didn't budge0 <ecac"led cruelly at my +uny resistance0 I "ne. that I .as on the1erge o, +assing out0 y brain ,elt ready to ex+lode0 So I madeone last des+erate attem+t to brea" ,ree0 I used my buc"et again/and smashed it do.n in the +lace .here I thought his head .as0 It.or"ed0 I heard Leonard .him+er again and his body slum+ed0<is hands ,ell a.ay ,rom my throat0 I smiled in .onder at mydiamond buc"et and "issed it0 ;ho "ne. that .hat had causedmy death .ould sa1e my li,e

y mind cleared u+ as I gul+ed in air0 It .as stale/ stic"y air/

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too" a hold o, the ro+e and tied it tightly to the handle o, mydiamond buc"et0 I didn't .ant to tie it around my .aist0 That.ould hurt0 I grabbed onto the ro+e0 y hands .ouldn't sli+/ they.ere sto++ed by the "not I had made0

6:"ay27 I called0 6I'm ready27I ust ho+ed that my arms .ouldn't gi1e out be,ore I reachedthe to+0 I ,elt a yan" and my ,eet le,t the ,loor0 Then I .as in thetunnel0

Suddenly/ someone had a ,irm gri+ on my an"le and .as+ulling me do.n .ith all their strength0 I nearly let go o, the ro+e0I screamed out o, sur+rise0 ++arently/ Leonard .as a.a"e0 Diegohesitated0 <e didn't "no. .hat .as ha++ening0 I glanced do.n0

 T.o blood red eyes stared bac" u+ at me/ and the demon cac"led.ith 1ictory0 I couldn't use my buc"et to "noc" him o,,0 It made

me 1ery annoyed06:h no/ you don't27 I +rotested0

I struggled to the best o, my ability .ithout letting go o, thero+e0 I "ic"ed .ildly/ blindly/ until I .as ,inally ,ree0 I heard a thudbelo.0 <a0 )ood riddance0 Diego/ ,eeling that the extra gone/ began +ulling me u+ again0 I +ut my ,eet against the.all o, the tunnel and .al"ed my .ay u+0 Soon/ I sa. light0 IsAuinted0 The light seemed really bright0 (ot long a,ter that/ I .asbac" in my room0 I still couldn't see anything/ because the light

.as too bright06Dallas27 Diego sighed .ith relie, and ga1e me a sAuee8e0

I groaned0 That hurt0 y hands and arms .ere murder06re you alright7 the sera+h as"ed/ .orry returning to his 1oice0

I .a1ed the Auestion a.ay and shielded my eyes ,rom thelight06I'm ,ine07 I said/ .hich .as true/ considering .hat it could ha1ebeen0 6!ust/ um/ a little sore07

I crac"ed my ,ingers and ,lexed them ex+erimentally0 To mysur+rise/ none o, my bones seemed to be bro"en and I didn't e1enha1e any cuts0 ,ter blin"ing a little/ my eyes ,inally got adustedto the light0 I loo"ed at Diego0 <e loo"ed li"e he belie1ed this.hole situation .as his ,ault0 ctually/ it .as +robably more my,ault than his0 <e shoo" his head06This ha++ens e1ery time57 he muttered0691ery time .hat7 I as"ed/ but I already antici+ated the ans.er0

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691ery time I ha1e a ne. +artner07 he sighed0 6Leonard roughsthem u+ a bit/ and they resign as my +artner/ ,or ,ear o, getting a.orse beating07

y mouth dro++ed/ then I started to laugh0 Diego loo"ed at

me ,unny0 I hiccu++ed and ex+lained@6That's not the story Leonard told me0 <e .as threatening to "illme -I don't "no. ho.- and that he had already "illed all yourother +artners07

I rolled my eyes/ as i, I hadn't e1en belie1ed him ,or a s+lit-second0 I didn't e1en "no. you could resign ,rom +artnershi+0Diego chuc"led06(o .onder all my other +artners Auit on me27 then he sto++edand loo"ed at me0 63ou're not going to/ are you7

I 1iolently shoo" my head0 <o. could he thin" such a thing

6That's only .hat Leonard .ants07 I arched my eyebro.0 6(o .ayam I going to gi1e him that satis,action07

 That made Diego ha++y0 <e +atted me on the bac"0 Icringed06:o+s/ sorry07 the guardian angel scrunched u+ his ,acea+ologetically0

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 The )i,t o, the agi

It didn't ta"e too long ,or me to reco1er0 t least/ I don't thin"it did0 I ust "ind o, sle+t through the .hole thing0 nd .hen I.o"e u+/ I ,elt li"e a ne. +erson0 y room had changed too0 Thehole in my ,loor had been co1ered u+0 The only thing that hadn'tchanged/ sur+risingly/ .as my buc"et0 It still glistened .ithdiamonds0 In the light/ I could see ho. beauti,ul it really .as0 ndto thin" that .hen it .as made o, tin/ it had been one o, theugliest things on earth0 91en the s+onge and the sAueegee/ thatcould still be on that .indo. ledge ,or all I "ne./ .ere a little

more +retty than a buc"et06)ood morning/ Dallas27

I um+ed/ startled0 I hadn't noticed that Diego .as there0 Thesera+h .as smiling ,rom ear to ear/ his sil1ery blue eyess+ar"ling/ leaning on the hilt o, his s.ord0 I .as sure he .as aboutto tell me something/ and .hate1er he .as going to say madehim 1ery ha++y0 I .aited ,or him to s+it it out06Do you "no. .hat day it is today7 he as"ed/ getting closer tomy bed0

I blin"ed0 Someho. that Auestion didn't seem to ma"e anysense/ considering that ount Gion didn't really ha1e any time0aybe it .as a tric" Auestion/ I thought/ as I got u+0 I decided toget out on the other side o, the bed0 The o++osite side mightbrea" o+en the hole under my .eight0 Later/ u+on ins+ection-.hich im+licated a great deal o, stom+ing to test its liability-/ actually im+ossible to tell that there had e1er been ano+ening there0 I rubbed the bac" o, my head06Um/ no57 I ,ro.ned0 6;hat day is it7

I .as sure that he .as going to say some "ind o, silly o"e0 Itloo"ed li"e that "ind o, enthusiasm0 )uess .hat I .as .rong06It's Christmas 91e27 he exclaimed0

I ,ro8e0 million di,,erent thoughts ,lashed through my brain0It too" me a .hile to sort them out/ bet.een the ones that .ere

 ust +lain stu+id and the ones that .ere re,lecting on all theim+lications0

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6I .as almost a,raid that you .ere going to slee+ right throughChristmas27 Diego chuc"led to himsel,0 6;hat do you .ant7

y bottom li+ almost dro++ed to the ,loor0 This guy ust "e+tsur+rising me0 I hesitated/ thin"ing ,ast0 Finally/ I ga1e u+0

6nything07 I shrugged0 6Sur+rise me/ I su++ose076)ood07 Diego rubbed his hands together0 6I .as ho+ing you'd saythat07

 This immediately led me to my next thought06;hat .ould you li"e to get7 I as"ed/ .ondering .hat in the.orld dead cheerleaders and angels ga1e each other ,orChristmas06Same as you07 Diego .in"ed06*ats07 I made a ,ace0 6I .as ho+ing you .ouldn't say that07

 The sera+h laughed0 <e o+ened the door to my room and

le,t/ but not be,ore calling bac" .ith a grin@6See you later/ Dallas0 I'1e got some sho++ing to do27

I almost climbed right bac" into bed0In my old li,e/ Christmas .as al.ays an eAuation o, hassle/

stress and disa++ointment0 t least/ that's .hat it .as ,or my+arents0 I al.ays ended u+ e1en more isolated than usual0 :neChristmas/ they actually remembered that I existed long enoughto get me a +resent0 ;hen I disco1ered it at the ,oot o, my bed onChristmas morning/ I .as absolutely +ositi1e that Santa Claus

existed/ because I "ne. ,or a ,act that my +arents didn't get meChristmas +resents0 But I .ould stay o+timistic about it0 lthoughI ne1er celebrated .ith anyone else/ I'd celebrate .ith mysel,/ mysel, to ta"e it easy and enoy the holiday0 ;hen Istarted .or"ing/ I .as able to buy mysel, +resents0 Soon/ that.asn't enough0 I had to gi1e +resents0 So I +re+ared small gi,tsand le,t them on the doorste+s o, random +eo+le that I didn't"no.0 That autumn/ .hen I died/ I had been sa1ing u+ to buy my+arents some nice Christmas gi,ts0 They al.ays ga1e each otherantiAues0 Those things cost a lot and I .anted to +lease them0

s I recollected all my Christmas memories/ I .as alsorac"ing my brain ,or some "ind o, idea on .hat to get ,or Diego0;hat on earth did angels get ,or Christmas

I glanced at my diamond buc"et and reali8ed that I stillhadn't as"ed the artist .hy it .as li"e that0 So I +ut o,, my gi,tsho++ing and decided to sol1e this mystery0 I +er"ed u+ a bit/ no.

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that I had a concrete goal in mind0 I le,t my room and .entloo"ing ,or the .or"sho+0 !ust as last time/ I didn't seem to ha1eany trouble ,inding it0 Strange/ ,or I +robably couldn't ex+lain ho.I got there0 It .as nice not getting lost ,or once0

I couldn't hel+ but smile at the .ay ount Gion .asdecorated0 It .asn't much/ it didn't need much/ ,or it alreadyloo"ed 1ery maestic all by itsel,0 But a so,t dri88le o, hugesno.,la"es constantly ,ell ,rom the s"y/ almost big enough to seethe intricate outlines0 It .asn't cold or .et/ but I "ne. that it .asreal sno.0 Do.n one hall/ I sa. a .hole line o, beauti,ul icescul+tures0 Then I came across Uriel and *yan/ .ho .ere car1ingthe ice0 They both had big ,lu,,y scar1es .ra++ed around theirnec"s and matching glo1es0 I .a1ed at them0 The cheru +ausedhis .or" to call out to me@

6Usually/ Sariel is the ex+ert at ma"ing ice scul+tures0 In lo1ingmemory07 he bo.ed his head slightly in res+ect0

I too" a closer loo" at their +iece o, art and reali8ed that the archangel's re+lica/ be,ore she turned into a demon0*ight then .e heard a beauti,ul sound/ an enchanting melody, through the air/ s.er1ing grace,ully bet.een the ,allingsno.,la"es0 I tilted my head to listen0 Uriel smiled and ex+lained@6The angel choir27 he laughed/ 1isibly caught u+ in the ,esti1ities0

I smiled in return0 I .as starting to catch on too0 I almost ,elt

li"e brea"ing out into dance0 But since I didn't "no. ho. to dance/I t.irled around/ my arms s+read .idely a+art/ and my ,aceturned to the s"y0 *yan loo"ed ha++ier than I had e1er seen him0<is chee"s .ere +in" ,rom smiling0 I remembered my mission andcarried on do.n the hall0 s I .atched my ,eet/ the rainbo.s .eree1en more beauti,ul than usual/ ,or they re,lected on the .hitesno.0 I glanced bac" to see my ,oot+rints/ but they soon1anished/ returning to a +er,ect/ undisturbed .hite coat o,sno.,la"es0

s I +assed in ,ront o, the throne/ there .ere a cou+le thingsthat I noticed0 The ,irst .as that the ri1er o, Li,e had ,ro8en o1er/but the ice .as so clear/ that you could see the .ater ,lo.ingunderneath0 nd the second .as a gold star that hung in mid airo1er the throne0 It shone brightly/ and I belie1ed that it .as thesource o, all the rainbo.s dancing on the ,loor0 I heard a loud.hooshing sound and t.o archangels came sliding +ast me on the

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,ro8en ri1er/ laughing their heads o,,0 I recogni8ed )abriel and*a+hael/ armed .ith a small sleigh that they barely ,it on0*a+hael/ .ho .as sitting in the bac"/ .as using his golden .ingsto ma"e them go ,aster0

6erry Christmas/ Dallas27 they yelled at me as they disa++eareddo.n a shar+ ,all0 6erry Christmas27 I hollered bac"/ ho+ing theyheard me0

By the time I arri1ed at the .or"sho+/ I had almostcom+letely ,orgotten .hat I .as going there ,or0 But then I ,elt thediamond gri+ o, my buc"et's handle0 <o. could I ,orget

 The artist/ sur+risingly/ .as not .or"ing on a scul+ture o,clay0 <e seemed to be cutting leather and it bac" together0I couldn't ma"e out .hat he .as creating/ but as soon as I closedthe door/ I ,elt that calm com,ortable aura o, his en1elo+ me0 I

also noticed something ne. that hadn't been there in the.or"sho+ be,ore0 :r at least/ it .asn't being used the last time Icame here0 Come to thin" o, it/ I hadn't seen any o, these since Icame to ount Gion0 It .as a .ooden coo coo cloc"/ and itseemed to be hand made0 I assumed/ .ithout much doubt/ thatthe artist had created it0 s I came in closer/ he +ut his tools asideand loo"ed u+ at me/ .ith that easy smile o, his0 I hesitated/.ondering .here to start06erry Christmas27 I ,inally exclaimed0

6It's not Christmas yet0 It's only Christmas 91e07 the artistcorrected me/ .ith that ,un"le in his eyes/ +ointing to.ardsthe coo coo cloc"0

:h0 That's .hat it .as ,or0 I glanced u+ at the .ooden cloc"and reali8ed/ .ith a bit o, con,usion/ that at times it .as tic"ing1ery ,ast/ or 1ery slo./ or not at all/ or going bac".ards/ or e1enacting as i, it .ere a ,an/ all this .ithout reasonable logic or order0

 The artist noticed my concern06Don't .orry07 he chuc"led0 6It .ill chime .hen it is time0 ndyou'll be able to hear it .here1er you are07

I couldn't hel+ but be a little .orried/ because I still had noidea .hat to get Diego as a gi,t0 So I decided to as" the artist0 But,irst/ I .anted to "no. about my buc"et0 So I held the obect u+0

 The artist smiled/ too" it in his hands to get a closer loo" andseemed im+ressed by .hat he sa.06I'1e had it e1er since I died07 I ex+lained0 6But it used to be made

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o, tin0 Then it .ent to sil1er/ gold/ and no. diamond2 I .as.ondering i, you "ne. .hy it changed li"e that07

I s+o"e as bluntly as I could0 So ,ar/ the artist had ne1erreally gi1en me a straight ans.er0 <e had either changed the

subect/ or ans.ered in a disguised meta+hor o, some sort0 9itherthat or I .as ust too dense to understand it the ,irst time around0ny.ays/ I .as ha++y to ,ind out that he did gi1e me a straightans.er0 <e nodded06I trans,ormed it07 he said sim+ly0

:h0 I ha1e to admit/ I .asn't ex+ecting that0 I mean/ it hadchanged .hilst in my hand2 <o. had he done that The nextAuestion um+ed ,rom my li+s .ithout the slightest +ush06;hy7 I +u88led06For e1ery lesson that you learned07 he handed my buc"et bac" to

me06;hat lessons7 I ,ro.ned/ trying to recollect the things I hadlearned0

<e sho.ed me his hand/ .ith three ,ingers raised0 <e+ointed to each one in turn as he .ent do.n the list@6Sil1er/ because you learned to tolerate0 )old/ because youlearned to acce+t0 nd Diamond/ because you learned to lo1e07

 The sim+licity o, it all thre. me o,, guard0 I .as ex+ectingsome "ind o, molecular disorder that ha++ened to human obects

.hen they entered the s+iritual .orld0 I thin" my bottom li+dro++ed to the ,loor0 The artist smiled and oined his handstogether/ .aiting ,or my next Auestion06:"ay07 I said/ re,lecting on his .ords0 6Than" you07 I scratchedmy head0 6;hat should I get Diego ,or Christmas7

 That made him laugh0 To me/ it .as a little discouraging0 Itmeant that I still had a lot to learn0 Un,ortunately/ the artist didn' that Auestion as bluntly as he had my t.o other ones06;hat do you thin" Diego .ould not only li"e/ but could use too7

aybe he didn't "no. the and he .as trying to getme thin"ing in the right gears0 It .or"ed +retty .ell0 I bit my li+and glanced do.n at the +iece o, leather he had been .or"ing on0

 That ga1e me a bright idea0 I thought o, ho. much Diegotreasured his s.ord/ the one the artist had made ,or him0 nd yet/he al.ays had to carry it around in his hands0 I didn't "no. ho.hea1y the s.ord .as/ but it couldn't be that easy to carry around

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all o1er the +lace06 sheath27 I exclaimed/ all excited .ith my o.n disco1ery0

 The artist grinned a++ro1ingly/ and nodded ,or me toelaborate0 I did0

6It .ould ha1e to be a belt/ too/ so that he can carry his s.ordaround his .aist0 nd it .ould ha1e to loo" good .ith his s.ord07 Ithought0

I loo"ed at the artist0 ,ter all/ he had made the s.ord/ he"ne. the right dimensions/ the style and e1erything06Could you ma"e one/ +lease7 I bit my li+/ +leading0

<e chuc"led0 I thin" it .as because my ,ace loo"ed +iti,ul0;ithout a .ord/ he disa++eared behind his des"0 I .aited+atiently as he rummaged/ dug and ,ound/ a++arently/ .hat loo"ing ,or0

6Is this .hat you .ere thin"ing o,7 he as"ed/ holding it u+0It too" my breath a.ay0 It .as exactly .hat I ho+ed ,or/ and

better0 The gems encrusted on the belt .ere exactly the same asthe ones on the hilt o, Diego's s.ord0 It .as smooth and ne.0 Inone .ord@ +er,ect0 It too" me a .hile to ,ind my 1oice again06It's .onder,ul27 I +raised0

I .as almost a,raid to touch it/ ,or ,ear that it mighte1a+orate0 The artist .ore a " smile and handed it to me0

 Than",ully/ the sheath didn't disa++ear0 s I .as examining it/

.ith .hat I ho+ed .as an ex+ert loo"/ I couldn't hel+ but as" the, Auestion@6;ill it ,it him7

For some reason/ I had no doubt that it .ould0 It seemed li"eit had been made s+ecially ,or him0 ;hich/ +erha+s/ .as the case0

 Too good to be true06:, course it .ill07 the artist ans.ered/ sensing that I needed thatreassurance0

nd yet/ there .as still something nagging at the bac" o, mymind06There's a catch/ isn't there7 I sAuinted/ bracing mysel, ,or theans.er06I su++ose you could call it that07 he chuc"led0

I had a ,eeling he .as going to say that0 I made a ,ace/cringing as I .aited ,or him to ex+lain .hat the catch .as06I .ant something in return07

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:h0 I hadn't thought o, that0 s ,ar as I "ne./ angels anddead +eo+le didn't ha1e any "ind o, currency0 <o. .as I going to+ay him6;hat do you .ant7 I as"ed0

I +ut my hands in my +oc"ets/ searching ,or something/anything/ but nothing .as there0 I .ould ha1e been sur+rised i, Ihad ,ound something063our buc"et07 he re+lied0

ll the color drained ,rom my ,ace0 I loo"ed at him0 <e .asserious0 Un,ortunately0 y gri+ tightened around the diamondhandle0 I too" a ste+ bac"/ +rotecti1ely0 The artist himsel, .asn't athreat/ but the idea o, gi1ing u+ my buc"et tore me a+art0 (o .ay0(e1er06(o .ay2 (e1er27 I +rotested/ louder than I .as ex+ecting0

 The artist shrugged0 That made me reconsider0 I com+letelyloathed the thought o, being +arted ,rom my dear buc"et0 nd yetthe sheath .as so +er,ect ,or Diego0 <e could +robably use it a lotmore than I could use my buc"et0 (o. that I no longer .ashed.indo.s/ I didn't really need it0 9xce+t ,or that one time .hen ithel+ed me get rid o, Leonard0 nd that's ho. the silent debate.ent on in my head0 I couldn't e1en begin to ex+ress ho. much Ididn't .ant to +art .ith my dear buc"et/ the only thing I had le,t,rom my old li,e0 I ,elt that by gi1ing it u+/ I .ould be ,orgetting

.ho I .as be,ore/ although I ne1er .anted to go bac"/ I still

.anted to remember0 I sAuinted at the artist sus+iciously06;hat are you going to do .ith it7 I as"ed06Trust me/ I'll ta"e good care o, it07 he assured me0

:, course/ I had no doubt that he .as telling the truth0 Itloo"ed li"e the odds .ere against my buc"et/ in this internalstruggle o, mine0 I bit my li+/ then let out a de,eated sigh0 I +utmy diamond buc"et on the des"06lright/ you can ha1e it07 I said06Then the sheath is yours07 the artist smiled and +ulled thebuc"et a.ay0

I thin" my heart ri++ed o+en as I too" one last loo" at thediamond obect/ be,ore it disa++eared behind the des"0 I too" adee+ breath/ and I ,elt the .eight o, the leather sheath in myhands0 It made me smile0 I ,elt li"e a hea1y load had been ta"eno,, o, my chest0 Besides/ it .as .orth it0 I couldn't .ait to see the

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loo" on Diego's ,ace .hen he o+ened my gi,t0 I got excited allo1er again0 It .as Christmastime2 The best time o, the year0Decade0 Century0 illennia0 ;hate1er0 ;ait/ no/ not .hate1er0rgh2 ount Gion .as going to dri1e me cra8y someday2

I than"ed the artist +ro,usely0 <e didn't do anything/ uststood there and smiled0 I thin" he .as ha++y that I .as ha++y0 Icouldn't "ee+ my eyes o,, o, the sheath0 I thought that it .ase1en more beauti,ul than the buc"et0 I le,t the .or"sho+0

s soon as I ste++ed outside/ bac" into the .inter.onderland ount Gion had become/ I reali8ed ho. .arm it hadbeen in the .or"sho+0 It almost made me .ant to go right bac"inside0 But it .asn't ,ree8ing .here I .as/ so I re,rained ,romdoing that0 I also reali8ed/ .ith a ,inger+rint o, +anic/ that I to hide my acAuired gi,t/ considering that it .as

not .ra++ed0 I didn't .ant anyone to see it be,ore Diego did0 Iloo"ed around ,rantically and ,inally o+ted ,or the only solutionthere .as@ hide it in the sno.0 I Auic"ly buried the sheath/ ho+ingthat the bum+ didn't loo" too cons+icuous0 (o.0 I had to goloo"ing ,or some "ind o, .ra++ing +a+er0 :r a box2 box .ouldbe better/ I thought0 The ,irst thing that came to mind .as thatold "ing in the room o, Fortune Coo"ies0 aybe he had ahumongous Fortune Coo"ie that the sheath .ould ,it into0 I rolledmy eyes0 That idea .as ust +lain .eird0 I Auic"ly discarded it0

s I .al"ed along/ trying to come u+ .ith another idea/ I+assed the old "ing himsel,0 <e .as .earing a long red robe/ a redca+/ com+lete .ith his long .hite beard/ he loo"ed 1ery much li"ea slim Santa Claus0 <e .a1ed at me .ith a 6<o ho ho2 erryChristmas27 I smiled and .a1ed bac"/ then remembered@6;ith .hat do I .ra+ a +resent7 I called06Try the gardens27 the old "ing re+lied0

;hich .as exactly .hat I did0 It .as e1en harderoutside0 The +lace .as ,illed .ith archangels/ cherubim andsera+him/ guardian angels/ messengers/ dead cheerleaders andall0 Ironically/ they .ere ma"ing sno. angels/ andsno.ball ,ighting0 any o, them .ere either s"ating or sleighingtoo0 I didn't see Diego0 But I did see Saint Peter in the middle o, asno.ball ,ight0 <e .as getting creamed/ and laughing his head o,,about it0 I decided to as" him0 It too" me a .hile to get to him/.hat .ith dodging all the sno.balls0 But my mission .ould not be

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disturbed06Saint Peter27 I called/ to get his attention0

It .or"ed0 But as he loo"ed at me/ a sno.ball hit him in theside o, the head0 <e ,ell to the ground0 I laughed0

6I surrender27 he hollered/ raising his arms0I got closer0 <e .i+ed sno. out o, his ,ace and hair06erry Christmas 91e/ Dallas27 he exclaimed0 6;hat can I do ,oryou76I need some "ind o, .ra++ing +a+er07 I ex+lained0

 That made him laugh063ou'1e come to the right +erson27 he said/ +ulling himsel, to his,eet0

<e staggered o1er to the bench beside the ri1er o, Li,e/.here a solitary bag sat0 It .as a massi1e bag/ it could ha1e been

Santa's0 I "ne. better0 Saint Peter rummaged through it/ nearlydisa++eared into it/ yelled@ 6ha27 and rea++eared/ holding a+er,ect si8ed box06;ill this do7 he as"ed/ handing it to me063es/ it .ill0 Than"s27 I ans.ered/ ta"ing it0

I didn't lea1e him any time to say anything else0 I dashedbac" to .here I had come ,rom0 I heard the sno.balls .hi88ingbehind me0 Sur+risingly/ I hardly had any trouble running in thesno.0 It .asn't that dee+0 I ,ound the sheath exactly .here I had

le,t it0 I got excited ust at the sight o, it0 I Auic"ly loo"ed around/to ma"e sure that nobody .as loo"ing/ and +laced the gi,t in thebox0 Diego .as going to lo1e this2

t that exact moment/ the coo coo cloc" chimed0 T.el1etimes0 91erything became silent0 ount Gion seemed to hold itsbreath0 Then the lights .ent out0 It .as nighttime/ but you couldstill see/ than"s to that ,aint glo. coming ,rom the star abo1e thethrone0 Then/ all o, ount Gion/ it seemed/ including me/screamed@ 69**3 C<*ISTS2227nd the ,esti1ities bro"e out/ all at once0 I didn't actually seeanything/ but I could hear the laughter/ the shouts o, oy/ theangel choir singing and all0 For some reason/ it made me in,initelyha++y/ maybe ust " that I .as a +art o, it all0 I didn'tmo1e/ I .anted to soa" it all in06Dallas Dallas2 There you are27 Diego called/ coming do.n thehall to.ards me0

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6erry Christmas/ Diego27 I s+read my arms a+art/enthusiastically0 6<ere2 :+en my +resent27

I sho1ed the box into the sera+h's hands0 <e laughed/ raisedit to his ear and shoo" it0 It didn't rattle0

6;hat is it7 he as"ed to himsel,/ his interest +er"ed06I don't "no./ but I thin" you ust bro"e it07 I teased0I .as ho++ing ,rom one ,oot to the other0 I .as more

im+atient about it than he .as2 <e -1ery o+ened acorner o, the box and +ee"ed inside0 <is a. almost dro++ed tothe ,loor0 <e seemed e1en more im+ressed .ith it than I had0 Ittruly .as a beauti,ul belt4sheath/ and it .ould go +er,ectly .ithhis s.ord0 <e should try it on2 *ight no.2 nd then I noticedsomething0 <e .as holding the box .ith one hand/ and his otherhand +ulled the gi,t out0 I loo"ed around/ searching to see i, he

had laid it do.n on the ,loor0 (o+e06It's .onder,ul/ Dallas27 Diego exclaimed/ tying it around his.aist06;here's your s.ord7 I ,ro.ned0

 The guardian angel laughed/ grabbed hold o, my hand and+ulled me bac" to.ards the gardens0 I .as con,used0 <e ne1er.ent .ithout his s.ord06(o. come see my gi,t to you07 he said0

 The gardens .ere deserted/ exactly ho. I .as used to them

being/ exce+t that it .as .earing a com+lete coat o, +er,ectsno.0 Diego sto++ed and turned to loo" at me06Close your eyes07 he ordered0 6I .asn't able to .ra+ it07

I obeyed0 s soon as my eyelids shut/ I rememberedsomething0 <e had as"ed me to do the same thing .hen he hadsho.ed me my tombstone0 That's ho. my gut ,igured out coming/ and I .as +re+ared ,or the shoc"0 :r so I thought0 llI .as a.are o, .as the so,t sno. beneath my ,eet/ and Diego's.arm hand in mine/ guiding me along06:"ay/ you can loo" no.07 the sera+h let go0

I cautiously o+ened my eyes0 I gas+ed and staggeredbac".ards0 There/ loo"ing ust as al.ays/ .as my +arents' .ell0Its little .ooden roo,/ the diamond cran"/ the roc"s ,orming thebase/ e1erything .as there0 91en/ as I rushed to +eer do.n intothe abyss o, its mouth/ there .as enough starlight to see theclear .ater/ that .as starting to ,ree8e o1er/ and the shiny coins

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belo. that0 y ,ingers .ent ex+loring all the ,amiliar crac"s andbum+s/ my eyes ,illed .ith .onder0 Diego .as smiling/ 1erysatis,ied .ith my reaction0 Suddenly/ I sto++ed0 y hands hadcome across something ne.0 I loo"ed do.n and sa. one single

ruby encrusted in the roc"0 I shot Diego a Auestioning glance06That/7 he said/ +ointing at the ruby0 6Is your roc"0 ;isdom07 The +recious gem s+ar"led and shone bright/ ust li"e the

stars abo1e our heads06I thought you could attach your buc"et to it/ that .ay you.ouldn't ha1e to carry it all o1er the +lace07 he ex+lained0

I ,ro8e and turned to.ards him06<o.5 ho. did you57 I stammered/ shoo" u+06I .as able to coax your +arents into letting me ha1e it07 he said+roudly0

I .as starting to cho"e0 <o. on earth .as he able to do that6<o. on earth .ere you able to do that7 I as"ed/ dumb,ounded06;ell/ ,irst/ I as"ed )od to ma"e me 1isible to them0 They thoughtI .as a human0 nd/ .ell/ um/ they too" my s.ord ,or a .ell-+reser1ed uniAue antiAue0 So they .ere .illing to trade07 Diegoex+lained0

y bottom li+ dro++ed to the ,loor0 I thin" .hat astoundedme most .as that my +arents .ere .illing to gi1e u+ the .ishing.ell0 Diego .as truly ama8ing0 <e had gi1en u+ his most +ri8ed

+ossession to get me a Christmas +resent0 <e ust "e+t sur+risingme0 I giggled at the irony o, the situation0 y +artner loo"ed atme .orriedly06I thought it .ould hel+ you ,eel more at home07 he added0

Pang0 That hurt0 But not that much anymore0 I smiled/ myheart getting all .arm and ,u88y06This is my home/ no.07 I said/ motioning to our gorgeoussurroundings0

nd it truly ,elt li"e home0 It had ta"en me a .hole year toreali8e it/ but this .as .here I ,elt the most com,ortable and themost lo1ed/ right here/ at ount Gion/ .ith Diego0 The sera+hsmiled at me0 I started laughing again0 Diego arched his eyebro.06;hat7 he as"ed06I got your sheath ,rom the artist0 I traded my diamond buc"et ,orit27 I giggled063ou mean57 Diego almost ,ell o1er as he reali8ed .hat I .as

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saying0I couldn't sto+ my ,it o, laughter0 I gri++ed my stomach0

;hen the guardian angel got o1er his shoc"/ he oined in0 ;ecolla+sed into the sno./ tears in our eyes0 It too" us a ,e. long

minutes to calm do.n0 I could see the dar" s"y and the millions o,bright stars that hung in the hea1ens0 They .ere"ling/ as i,they .ere laughing along .ith us06Than" you/ Diego/ than" you so much ,or a .onder,ulChristmas07 I said sincerely06erry Christmas27 he re+lied0

I .atched my best ,riend as he started to build a sno.man0 I+ulled mysel, to my ,eet and hel+ed him out0 I .as unreasonably/incredibly ha++y0 I didn't thin" I could get any ha++ier than this0

)uess .hat

Synopsis: Dead Cheerleader The ,irst thing Dallas sa. .hen she died .as the tall handsome,igure o, Leonard0 <e turned out to be a demon0 nd Dallas isthro.n into her turbulent a,terli,e .ithout much ex+lanation0 But.ith the hel+ o, a guardian angel/ Diego/ sheNll ,ind that she ,its inher ne. .orld +er,ectly0 It ta"es her many +eo+le/ a .itch/ a,ortune teller/ bad relationshi+s/ ,ights/ and the gi1ing u+ o, hermost +ri8ed +ossession to reali8e it0

Excerpt: Dead Cheerleader

6*eady to go/ Dallas7 he as"ed0I nodded0 I .as antici+ating and dreading this ex+edition at thesame time0 The guardian angel turned his bac" to me andcrouched do.n06<o+ on27 he ordered0I .as ta"en abac"0 This guy "e+t sur+rising me0 I o+ted to "ee+my mouth sealed shut and climbed onto his bac"/ .hich .as

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harder than it loo"ed/ because o, his six .hite .ings06<ere .e go/ hold on tight27 Diego .arned me0

 Than",ully/ I reacted Auic"ly and obeyed0 <ad I done other.ise/ I+robably .ould ha1e been ri++ed a.ay ,rom him and crashed

bac" to the ,loor0 <e roc"eted u+.ards/ o1er ount Gion/ +ast theclouds0 The s+eed almost made me sic"0 The adrenaline rushed inmy 1eins so ra+idly that my head began to s+in0 I clung to theguardian angel ,or dear li,e/ closed my eyes and buried my ,ace inhis blond hair0