dear fellow swiss nationals, - federal giger - creator of monsters alien, the famous...

Dear Fellow Swiss Nationals, Our Swiss community in Armenia is small, but steadily growing. This year, we surpassed the number of thirty Swiss nationals in Armenia, and the tendency points further upwards, with new arrivals around the corner. For how long will our residence offer enough space for our yearly Christmas gathering? This is the Embassy’s first Infoletter, which we will issue on a yearly basis. 2015 has been an exciting year with many highlights in the rich relations between Switzerland and Armenia. Your contribution has been essential in many ways, and I would like to thank you for your great support. Read more below about this year's activities of Switzerland in Armenia. For the Swiss living abroad, 2015 was an important year, as the new Swiss Abroad Act entered into force. Consult the end section of this infoletter to see what this important act means for you. Dear Compatriots, I wish you all merry Christmas holidays and an auspicious and happy new year 2016. Lukas Gasser Ambassador of Switzerland Joyeux Noël, Frohe Weihnachten, Buon Natale, Bella Festas daz Nadal! 1915 Commemorations Switzerland marked the commemorative year 2015 in many ways. For the commemorating acts in April, Yerevan welcomed an important delegation from the Swiss national parliament. The delegation was led by the Co-Chairs of the Parliamentary Friendship Group Switzerland-Armenia, National Councillor Dominique De Buman and State Councillor Ueli Leuenberger. In Switzerland, many commemorative events were organised in order to make sure the attempts of the Ottoman Empire to annihilate the Armenian nation will remain engraved in the global remembrance, thus helping mankind prevent similar crimes against humanity in the future. The Swiss Friendship Group with Ambassador Gasser

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Page 1: Dear Fellow Swiss Nationals, - Federal Council...HR Giger - creator of monsters Alien, the famous monster of Ridley Scott's and James Cameron's Hollywood productions, is only one of

Dear Fellow Swiss Nationals,

Our Swiss community in Armenia is small, but steadily growing. This year,

we surpassed the number of thirty Swiss nationals in Armenia, and

the tendency points further upwards, with new arrivals around the corner.

For how long will our residence offer enough space for our yearly Christmas

gathering? This is the Embassy’s first Infoletter, which we will issue on a yearly basis.

2015 has been an exciting year with many highlights in the rich relations between Switzerland

and Armenia. Your contribution has been essential in many ways, and I would like to thank you

for your great support. Read more below about this year's activities of Switzerland in Armenia.

For the Swiss living abroad, 2015 was an important year, as the new Swiss Abroad Act entered into force.

Consult the end section of

this infoletter to see what this

important act means for you.

Dear Compatriots, I wish you all

merry Christmas holidays and an

auspicious and happy

new year 2016.

Lukas Gasser

Ambassador of Switzerland

Joyeux Noël, Frohe Weihnachten, Buon

Natale, Bella Festas daz Nadal!

1915 Commemorations

Switzerland marked the commemorative year 2015 in many ways. For the commemorating acts in April, Yerevan

welcomed an important delegation from the Swiss national parliament. The delegation was led by the Co-Chairs of the

Parliamentary Friendship Group Switzerland-Armenia, National Councillor Dominique De Buman and State Councillor

Ueli Leuenberger. In Switzerland, many commemorative

events were organised in order to make sure the attempts of

the Ottoman Empire to annihilate

the Armenian nation will remain engraved in the global

remembrance, thus helping mankind prevent similar crimes

against humanity in the future.

The Swiss Friendship Group with Ambassador Gasser

Page 2: Dear Fellow Swiss Nationals, - Federal Council...HR Giger - creator of monsters Alien, the famous monster of Ridley Scott's and James Cameron's Hollywood productions, is only one of

Other official visitors from Switzerland

This year saw two official delegations of Swiss government representatives

to Armenia. The first was led by State Secretary for Education and Research

Mauro dell’Ambrogio, who participated at the Ministerial Conference and Fourth

Bologna Forum in Yerevan on 14-15 May. During the 31st session of the Conference

of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the International Organisation of La Francophonie

in Yerevan on 10-11 October, Deputy Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

Georges Martin, led the Swiss delegation. The conference prepared, among others, a consolidated

position of the French-speaking countries to the December Paris Summit on climate change. The Swiss

official representatives, both of them in

Yerevan for the first time, left Armenia

with a very positive impression. Being an

important place of global meetings and

International Organisations, Switzerland

knows the importance of hosting such

events. We can only encourage Armenia

to pursue this promising path and put its

proverbial hospitality to use in

international relations.

Deputy State Secretary Georges Martin

Another important mission was led by Dr. Hans Wanner, Director General of the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety

Inspectorate (ENSI), in May. On behalf of the International Atomic Energy (IAEA), he headed the group of international

nuclear experts who reviewed the Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ANRA). Dr. Wanner was kind enough and

accepted our invitation to give a public lecture on the topic of “Armenia, Switzerland: Safety for Old Nuclear Power

Plants”. His lecture was filled with instructive

examples of Switzerland's management of

nuclear safety and attracted a huge audience.

Dr. Hans Wanner on nuclear safety in Switzerland


Page 3: Dear Fellow Swiss Nationals, - Federal Council...HR Giger - creator of monsters Alien, the famous monster of Ridley Scott's and James Cameron's Hollywood productions, is only one of

National Day Celebration

We celebrated our national day at Armenia Marriott. This actually was

a home match, thanks to the Hotel's experienced Swiss chef Rolf Graber.

Our nearly 500 guests took the opportunity to renew their friendship with Switzerland,

celebrate the 714th day of independence of our beautiful country and grasp

one of the rare occasions

where one can try real Swiss wine

in Armenia! This year's selection included white

Chasselas from La Côte (Canton Vaud),

red Cabernet franc from Geneva and Valais,

and Œil de Perdrix, a rosé made

from Pinot Noir, unique from Neuchâtel.

Attention to every detail: the Marriott's Swiss chef Rolf Graber

Armenia - Stimulating Ground for Swiss Culture, Education and Science

As in previous years, 2015 was marked by an active cultural calendar of the Embassy. It is impress to see how every

nook of Swiss culture finds an, knowledgeable and understanding public in Armenia. Our guests - most of them in

Armenia for the first time - vow to return here quickly.

Fête de la Francophonie 2015

We started with a rich program in the Francophonie month. Representing Switzerland, a proud French-speaking country,

the Embassy is actively participating in the ever-growing Francophonie activities in

Armenia. This year, we initiated a "Festival de la Montagne" (Mountain festival)

together with our friends from the French Embassy. The festival opened with the

movie "Sils Maria", shot in the Grison alps of Eastern Switzerland, starring Juliette

Binoche and Kristen Stewart. The Embassy further contributed to the mountain

festival with a literary programme, inputs to a roundtable on tourism development,

and more movies.


Page 4: Dear Fellow Swiss Nationals, - Federal Council...HR Giger - creator of monsters Alien, the famous monster of Ridley Scott's and James Cameron's Hollywood productions, is only one of

The mountains of Switzerland, France and Armenia provide stunning

sceneries and are apt to attract tourists from all over the world.

Switzerland and France have developed tourism since the 19th century and

provide interesting examples for the do's and don’ts of bringing travelers to

the local natural resources in Armenia. Together with our friends from France

and many Armenian partners, the Embassy participated in a round table

in Tsakhkhadzor dedicated to tourism development in mountain regions.

Mountain tourism - examples Swiss and French

The festival also saw documentary films, of which one, "Berge im Kopf" ("La montagne dans la tête"), was presented by

its director, Matthias Affolter, at Le Club in Yerevan. The movie is about four famous Swiss climbers who constantly look

for new challenges in the mountains. This interesting

encounter was enriching for us as well, as we were

introduced to a passionate community of Armenian


Meeting a passionate public:

Filmmaker Affolter

The Embassy's Francophonie contribution continued with a promising cooperation in Archaeology, where profs. Lorenz

Kaiser and Philippe Egmont from Geneva University gave lectures at Yerevan State University and KASA's EspaceS.

Finally, a rediscovered book by one of the main heroes of the short-lived independence of the Republic at the beginning

of the twentieth century, Avetis Aharonyan's "Swiss village", was presented in a fresh translation into French by its

translator Sévane Harutunyan at Matenadaran and KASA's EspaceS.


Page 5: Dear Fellow Swiss Nationals, - Federal Council...HR Giger - creator of monsters Alien, the famous monster of Ridley Scott's and James Cameron's Hollywood productions, is only one of

Aharonyan's original in Armenian was reprinted in 2014 by Lusabats

publishers in cooperation with the Embassy of Switzerland.

Deputy minister Vache Terteryan introducing Aharonyan's "Swiss Village"

Christoph Merian Stiftung discovers Armenia

Exciting times are forthcoming in visual arts, as Sona Harutyunyan's "Stiftung Kulturdialog" started a promising cooperation with Christoph Merian Stiftung (Basel) and the city of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. With the support of the Embassy, a delegation from Basel and Freiburg visited. Armenian Artist Arman Vahanyan will be the first artist in residence in the Freiburg/Basel region, followed by Swiss artist Silas Heizmann, who will stay and create in Yerevan from July to December 2016.

Arman Vahanyan showing his atelier to the Swiss and German guests

Vahé Godel - poetry links Switzerland and Armenia

Bureaucrat Bookstore was the scene of an intense poetry reading by Vahé

Godel in October. Godel links Armenian poetry with the inspiration of Swiss-

french avantgarde. He still remains to be discovered in Armenia.

Translator A. Topchian, introducing the poet


Page 6: Dear Fellow Swiss Nationals, - Federal Council...HR Giger - creator of monsters Alien, the famous monster of Ridley Scott's and James Cameron's Hollywood productions, is only one of

Authentic Light Orchestra - Swiss-Armenian fusion

This fall, we saw quite a contribution from Switzerland to the local jazz scene.

With the generous support of Pro Helvetia, the Arts Council of Switzerland,

Yerevan became the venue for a series of stunning performances by the

Swiss-Armenian-Russian Combo Authentic Light orchestra, whose lead singer,

Veronika Stalder, although 100% Swiss, stunned everyone by how she can look,

and sound, Armenian.

Memorable concert at KAMI

Jazz marks this year's "Settimana della lingua italiana"

Another Swiss concert filled KAMI up to the last seat during the celebration of the traditional "Settimana della lingua

italiana nel mondo". This very special week is a worldwide celebration of the Italian language, which Italy and Switzerland

have in common. The Embassy presented the Ticinese jazz trio Scala Nobile, led by renowned guitarist Sandro

Schneebeli, who toured Armenia and Georgia on the occasion of the "Settimana" in November.

Ticino Jazz night

Swiss feature film wins first prize in Yerevan

"Shana - the Wolf's Music", a Swiss-Canadian children's movie

co-production, was awarded this year's first prize for feature

films at Yerevan's Rolan Bykov Festival in November. The

movie is based on the novel by Federica de Cesco, one of

Switzerland's strong writers of adventure books for young


All honours go to the makers of "Shana"


Page 7: Dear Fellow Swiss Nationals, - Federal Council...HR Giger - creator of monsters Alien, the famous monster of Ridley Scott's and James Cameron's Hollywood productions, is only one of

Another literary highlight

The bestselling Swiss writer and famous patron of the arts from Geneva,

Metin Arditi, visited Armenia for the first time in November and held three

impressive lectures at Yerevan State University, American University of

Armenia and KASA's EspaceS, where he presented "La confrérie des

moines volants", one of his latest novels. We will soon see more of Metin Arditi

in Armenia, as he has an interesting project going on.

Faisant le point : Metin Arditi

HR Giger - creator of monsters

Alien, the famous monster of Ridley Scott's and James Cameron's

Hollywood productions, is only one of his many uncanny visions.

HR Giger was at home where others have occasional nightmares. The

documentary movie "Dark Star - HR Gigers Welt" (2014) was shown to

Armenian fans for the first time at TUMO and the Mirzoyan Library in

November and December.

Our late Master, HR Giger


Page 8: Dear Fellow Swiss Nationals, - Federal Council...HR Giger - creator of monsters Alien, the famous monster of Ridley Scott's and James Cameron's Hollywood productions, is only one of

Scholarship cooperation with LUYS Foundation

Swiss Government Scholarships are awarded every year in Armenia for PhD studies

and research projects. In cooperation with LUYS foundation, two talented young

Armenian researchers were awarded a Swiss government scholarship for the

academic year 2015-2016: Ani Hovhannisyan (psychology of law, St. Gallen

University) and Babken Asatryan (medicine, University of Bern). Our Swiss alumni

community is steadily growing, adding new talent every year.

A scholarship for her PhD on the psychology of the law:

Ani Hovhannisyan

Photovoltaic premiere in Spitak

A beautiful cooperation between Swiss donor CEVI Zurich, and engineering talent from Switzerland and Armenia resulted

in the first photovoltaic plant to actually feed surplus energy into the grid. The solar energy is produced 100%

environment-friendly. The 16kW plant was inaugurated by Ambassador Lukas Gasser and Deputy Minister of Energy

Hayk Harutunyan in May at the YMCA

building in Spitak. The plant not only

shows how promising solar energy can be

in Armenia, it also served as a pilot for the

forthcoming legal framework permitting a

viable feed-in to the Armenian grid for

small producers in the field of renewable

energy. Let's keep fingers crossed that the

National Assembly quickly approves this

piece of innovative legislation.

Our view to the future in Spitak


Page 9: Dear Fellow Swiss Nationals, - Federal Council...HR Giger - creator of monsters Alien, the famous monster of Ridley Scott's and James Cameron's Hollywood productions, is only one of

Armenian Startups strong in Geneva

Swiss company Seedstars World and the Embassy of Switzerland organized

the second pitching event for IT startups in Armenia in May 2015. Last

year's Armenian winner SoloLearn went straight to garner the third prize in

the 2015 world finals in

Geneva. This again

propelled this young

company to new heights, and it was

recently cited by Silicon Valley’s Business

Journal as one of the 10 hottest startups

with under $10 million in funding. This year,

we have another promising winner: Yerevan-based startup

EyeCare Plus was chosen by the Seedstars World jury after a

tight pitching at the Ararat Valley Golf Club in Yerevan. They

will represent Armenia at the Seedstars World grand final in

March 2016 in Switzerland.

Strong pitch: EyeCare Plus

Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) - more than 25 years in Armenia

Armenian rescuers ready for international deployments

In September 2015, the Yerevan Urban Search and Rescue Team (USAR) was successfully classified to become a

member of the International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) under the UN. SDC has been supporting the

establishment of a comprehensive disaster preparedness

system in the country since 2004. Six USAR Teams have been

trained and equipped in the country for effective response during


Ready and certified: Armenian rescuers


Page 10: Dear Fellow Swiss Nationals, - Federal Council...HR Giger - creator of monsters Alien, the famous monster of Ridley Scott's and James Cameron's Hollywood productions, is only one of

Cattle market opens in Syunik

On 16 May, 2015 an Animal Market opened in Syunik, southernmost province of

Armenia. The market was established under the “Livestock Development”

Project of SDC to stimulate cattle trade in the region. Since 2008 the project has

been supporting farmers in improving milk and meat production, veterinary services,

animal breeding, and other services supporting livestock development in the region.

Happy cows thanks to Swiss cooperation in Syunik

Citizen offices offer better public services

In November and December 2015, Citizen Offices opened in Shinuhayr and Tumanyan communities of Armenia. The

offices centralize all municipal services in one building, according to the „one-stop-shop" principle, which shall simplify

access of citizens to public services. They will be equipped with a Municipal Management and Information System

(MMIS) in order to increase the efficiency of

municipal service delivery.

Bari galust in Shinuhayr


Page 11: Dear Fellow Swiss Nationals, - Federal Council...HR Giger - creator of monsters Alien, the famous monster of Ridley Scott's and James Cameron's Hollywood productions, is only one of

The Swiss Abroad Act enters into force

On 7 October the Federal Council set the entry into force of the Swiss Abroad

Act for 1 November 2015 and adopted the Swiss Abroad Ordinance and the

Ordinance on Fees of the FDFA. The Act brings together in a single piece

of legislation the most important provisions on Swiss nationals living abroad.

The two ordinances contain provisions for its implementation. The new rules

take into account the increasing international mobility of Swiss citizens.

The following are of particular importance for Swiss nationals living abroad:

GUICHET UNIQUE The concept of the Guichet unique (single counter) is now codified in the Act, providing a one-stop shop for Swiss citizens with questions about travel abroad and other matters of interest to Swiss nationals living abroad. The Guichet unique can provide information and advice and if necessary direct the client to the competent office. It is a virtual counter service provided by the relevant Swiss representations and the units responsible at head office in Bern, such as the FDFA Helpline (tel. +41 800 24 7 365). You can therefore continue to contact us or the FDFA Helpline at any time.

OBLIGATION TO REGISTER For Swiss citizens living abroad, registration with the competent representation remains mandatory. This is also the case for changes in civil status. Registration with your representation is therefore still required and changes to civil status must be notified. Please provide us with your email address so that we can contact you more easily.

REGISTERING A CHANGE OF ADDRESS The Act simplifies the procedure for registered persons to notify a change of address. If you move house abroad and acquire a new domicile, simply inform the representation of your new address. The representation will then make the necessary change in the Register of Swiss Citizens Abroad. When moving house abroad, you no longer need to de-register and re-register; simply notify the change of address.

POLITICAL RIGHTS The previous rules for the exercising of political rights by Swiss citizens living abroad have been largely incorporated into the Act. The law has been simplified in some details. You are now only entitled to exercise your political rights in the commune where you were last domiciled in Switzerland. Swiss citizens living abroad who have never been domiciled in Switzerland can vote in their commune of origin, or if the person has more than one commune of origin one of them can be chosen. However, nothing changes for persons who are already registered in an electoral commune. Furthermore, in its section in the Swiss Review the federal government provides official information concerning legal matters and about upcoming elections and referendums. The Organisation for the Swiss Abroad will also publish information in the Review's main section about referendums and elections. Other sources of information include Swissinfo and the public service television and radio stations. In addition, the procedure has been simplified: voters no longer have to renew their registration every four years. However, the electoral commune can remove persons from the electoral register if the voting material is returned three times in a row because the recipient could not be reached at the given address. You can continue to exercise your rights as before and keep informed via the usual channels.

PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY The Act specifies that personal responsibility is the basis of the federal government's relationship with Swiss citizens whose rights it guarantees and to whom it provides assistance. The federal government expects each and every citizen to exercise personal responsibility in preparing their stay or conducting business abroad. Under the FDFA’s Ordinance on Fees, persons who a) disregard the recommendations of the federal government, especially the travel advice and the individual recommendations of the FDFA, b) violate the laws of the receiving state or c) lack adequate insurance cover or lose insurance cover because of a reason for exclusion, are deemed to have acted negligently.

As before, plan well, travel well. Make sure that you are properly insured and consult the travel advices of the