dear jason, enewsletter.pdf · donations address c/o wesley f. curtis, cpa, p.c. littleton,...

The eNewsletter of Providence Bible Church September 2007 In This Issue First Meeting This Sunday Prayer Requests Praises Article: Giving Living Happy Trails Partnership Update Some Thoughts on Safety Launch Timeline A Center-City Church vs. and Inner-City Church Kid's Corner Contact Us Donations Address c/o Wesley F. Curtis, CPA, P.C. Littleton, Colorado 80128 303-902-1644 Mailing Address P.O. Box 13946 Denver, CO 80201 Phone: 303-986-HOPE Email: [email protected] Website: Dear Jason, Thank you for subscribing to "Touches of Providence," the enewsletter of Providence Bible Church. We look forward to keeping you posted as to how God and others touch our lives as well as the opportunities we have to touch others. This month we finished up our summer travels. You can see how excited our boys were to get out of the van after an 8200 mile trip! Home Sweet Home! Jason and Jennifer Janz Quick Links View Our Video Sign Up To Be A Partner

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Page 1: Dear Jason, eNewsletter.pdf · Donations Address c/o Wesley F. Curtis, CPA, P.C. Littleton, Colorado 80128 303-902-1644 Mailing Address P.O. Box 13946 Denver, CO 80201 Phone: 303-986-HOPE

The eNewsletter of Providence Bible Church September 2007

In This Issue

First Meeting This Sunday

Prayer Requests


Article: Giving Living

Happy Trails

Partnership Update

Some Thoughts on Safety

Launch Timeline

A Center-City Church vs. and Inner-City Church

Kid's Corner

Contact Us

Donations Address c/o Wesley F. Curtis, CPA, P.C. Littleton, Colorado 80128 303-902-1644 Mailing Address P.O. Box 13946 Denver, CO 80201 Phone: 303-986-HOPE Email: [email protected] Website:

Dear Jason, Thank you for subscribing to "Touches of Providence," the enewsletter of Providence Bible Church. We look forward to keeping you posted as to how God and others touch our lives as well as the opportunities we have to touch others. This month we finished up our summer travels. You can see how excited our boys were to get out of the van after an 8200 mile trip! Home Sweet Home! Jason and Jennifer Janz

Quick Links

View Our Video Sign Up To Be A Partner

Page 2: Dear Jason, eNewsletter.pdf · Donations Address c/o Wesley F. Curtis, CPA, P.C. Littleton, Colorado 80128 303-902-1644 Mailing Address P.O. Box 13946 Denver, CO 80201 Phone: 303-986-HOPE

First Informational Meeting This Sunday Night!

We are greatly anticipating this coming Sunday. This Sunday night will be the first gathering of people interested in Providence Bible Church in downtown Denver. Dinner will be served at 6pm followed by the casting of the vision of what God has called us to do. We have rented space from the Trinity United Methodist Church on the corner of 18th and Broadway. If you know of anyone who lives in Denver or would be interested in this Gospel work downtown, please pass this invite along. Free dinner and childcare is provided. Out of these meetings, we hope to establish a core of people who will help launch the church. Core meetings start in January.

Prayer Requests

1. We are working with a church right now that is considering giving us a grant to start our addiction recovery ministry downtown. Pray with us that we are able to receive the funds.

2. Pray for our informational meeting that God will bring the right people to us.

3. In January, I will be taking ten to fifteen of our core team members to a Church Planting Boot Camp. This is a key time as the key leadership spends a week together planning, praying, and designing what the ministry will look like. I am looking for some people who would be willing to sponsor the trip for some of our core team members who cannot afford it. The cost of registration, lodging, and airfare will be around $750. If you would be willing to help sponsor one of our core team members, please email me at [email protected].

Page 3: Dear Jason, eNewsletter.pdf · Donations Address c/o Wesley F. Curtis, CPA, P.C. Littleton, Colorado 80128 303-902-1644 Mailing Address P.O. Box 13946 Denver, CO 80201 Phone: 303-986-HOPE


In May, some of our core group went up to the Sterling Correctional Facility to study how we as a ministry could help prisoners re-integrate into society. The chaplain at the facility had several inmates come and talk with us, the first one being a guy named Zach. Well, on the third week of August he was released and now the work begins. Jerry Groskopf is his assigned mentor and we have high hopes for him. Pray for Zach that he could fulfill his dream of starting a transitional home for people coming out of prison.

No Strings Attached

For the past four years, I've been involved in an addiction recovery program. I have spoken with dozens of pastors about the need to reach out to the addicted in their communities. One of the biggest hurdles in getting a church to reach out to this population is the fact that it is messy ministry. Most pastors I know are already busy enough. Now, I'm trying to convince them to add to their workload with a lot more messy life situations than they already have. For some reason, I like messy situations. Perhaps because I was one. In the last year, I asked God to bring to me individuals who the evangelical church sees as the messiest - homosexuals. And God did. After the first guy came through our doors, I shared the story with a pastor whose church was interested in recovery ministry. He said to me, "I wouldn't waste my time with those guys. I don't think they can really change." Wow! I was speechless. I wanted to share with him a passage out of I Corinthians that showed a church that helped male prostitutes change their lives, but I thought better of it. That pastor told me a lot about his church, but perhaps most disturbing is what he told me about his attitude towards ministry. The underlying philosophy was that his church would only help people who could really change and become fully functioning members of his church. In other words, "I'll help you if I think you can really change and come to my church. If not, tough luck."

You may be as disturbed by this story as I was; however it is not really that uncommon. You and I can be just as cold and calculating with our giving - whether it be time, talent, or treasure. Before we get self-righteous, we should realize that upon

birth, we were wired to give so that we can get something back. I used to pour the "sugar" on my mom if I wanted to stay out late with friends. Much of my dating life

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with it. My wife grows suspicious if she sees me doing dishes after dinner. I must be after something because soapsuds are not my usual after-dinner companions.

In fact, this part of giving is so engrained in us, that when we give and don't get anything in return, we can get resentful and bitter. How many times have I heard church members bemoan the fact that they have invited people over to dinner but have never had the favor returned? Their complaining really shows me that they were giving out of a heart that wants something back for their "free gift." When I took training in non-profit fundraising, I was told that when businesses donate to the cause, they want something back. We call it "recognition opportunities." They will donate if they can get their name up in lights. But this type of thinking hits close to my heart. In church planting, I find myself wanting to just give my time to those who could become part of our church

downtown. On the surface, it almost sounds logical; but at its core, it is pagan thinking.

How does one break this pattern? Look to the example of Christ and gaze upon Him and the Holy Spirit will transform your selfish heart. Christ said in Luke, "When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid. 13 But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14 and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. You will be repaid at the resurrection of the just." Christ was condemning the attitude where giving is done just for a tangible reward. His life example shows us that He lived with an attitude that gave to needy people, even if they just followed Him for the bread and fish. Even when people took advantage of Him, He gave. You can break this cycle of selfish charity by hiding this text in your heart and obeying it. Look for ways to give to people who can't possibly pay you back. Give money to the poor. Give time to the person who may never change. James 1:27 tells us that pure religion helps kids without dads and women who no longer have a man to provide for them. Chances are, most of the time and energy poured into those people will never be repaid. Providence is helping an organization called Kimmy's House which works with handicapped orphans in India. I decided to

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get involved because the couple that is helping to raise support has given their lives to a cause halfway around the world to kids they will never see. That's Jesus ministry. I met a man today at a seminar who has started a ministry to help widows fix their cars. Since 2004, he has provided 524 services for 233 different families and widows - all for free. That's Jesus-style giving. Religion that is impure sees these people as a drain on the ministry. Christ-like churches see this as the true test of where their heart is.

At Providence, we are in a position of financial need. Starting a church takes all kinds of money. However, at the outset, we made the decision to give away at least ten percent of our income to people in need, even now- even when it's really tough to let anything go. I know that if we do not start this way, we will always find good reasons to hang on to the money. And we want to give it away to people who can't pay us back, people who may never attend our church. Church planters are notorious for trying anything and everything to pack their church. While traveling this summer, I heard of a church planter who sends a $5 Starbucks card to everyone who visits his church. Yuck! Super yuck! That's pagan giving! I like what Warren Wiersbe says, "Our modern world is very competitive, and it is easy for God's people to become more concerned about profit and loss than they are about sacrifice and service. "What will I get out of it?" may easily become life's most important question (Matt. 19:27)." Somehow, when we just give money away, the Satanic thinking melts away, and the love of Christ overtakes us.

When we live in a state of giving as described by Christ, He promises that it will result in great happiness in our life. Haven't you experienced this yourself? The feeling you get after receiving a gift vs. giving one is incomparable. When you give to get, you will always be disappointed. Yet when you give expecting nothing back, the blessed love of God fills the soul. The Bible says that not only will this type of giving result in a blessed life, God will make sure every kind deed is repaid. When God says He'll make it worth our while, what does that look like? It's far beyond anything we could ask or think. So, this month, look to give your resources away to someone who could never pay you back and see how true "giving living" will change your life.

Page 6: Dear Jason, eNewsletter.pdf · Donations Address c/o Wesley F. Curtis, CPA, P.C. Littleton, Colorado 80128 303-902-1644 Mailing Address P.O. Box 13946 Denver, CO 80201 Phone: 303-986-HOPE

Happy Trails

Perhaps the question we get asked the most is how our travels are going. So, in this article, we'd like to give you brief glimpses on this wonderful journey in the big red van with the car-back carrier!

Northridge, CA

We spent a Wednesday evening with Scott Leigh and the good people of Hope Community Bible Church. Scott is undergoing a major trial in his life. While planting a church, he took a job as a bus driver and it turns out, the suspension in the driver's seat was broken. It wasn't long before his back became so messed up, he could no longer drive. Now, he is bed-ridden most of the time until surgery can be done. We had a sweet talk the following

morning at Starbucks and I begged God not to let that happen to me.

Litchfield Park, AZ

We pulled into Phoenix, AZ to 110 degree heat. Absolutely miserable. I can't see why people live there but they tell me it gets better. I'm not so sure. We spent Sunday morning with a church plant led by Pastor Dick Mercado, Jr. When I was in junior high, I took a missions trip with our youth group to the church he was serving at in an inner-city area. Now, God led him to plant a church on the west side of Phoenix. He was out of town that day, but we had a blessed time with his assistant, Ryan Horkavy, who is planning on planting a church in Buckeye next year.

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Surprise, AZ

After lunch, we headed over to Surprise. I met Duane Braswell and his wife who have planted a church on the edge of town. They were an encouragement to us having been through many of the ups and downs of starting a ministry. Duane and I were friends online through the SharperIron blog before we ever met. I had no idea that Duane was so short. For the picture, he stood on the third step so that he could say he stood head and shoulders over me!

Gilbert, AZ

How in the world do you explain Joel Tetreau? He is the church planting pastor of Southeast Valley Bible Church. His wife, Toni, and my wife clicked and talked for several days...or so it seemed like it. The church spoiled us rotten with Diamond Back tickets, a welcome basket, a swimming pool, and wonderful food. For our last supper, Joel took me to the Organ Stop. He knows that there is no love in my heart for that instrument, however, he chose to put me through the test. I think it's the largest organ in the world or something like that. If it's not the largest, it is the loudest. My kids liked it. We enjoyed worshipping with them and miss them already.

Alamagordo, NM

We stopped in to see our friends from SharperIron, Lee and Michele Brock. While we were there, we spoke in their church. Pastor Ron Tyson has been at the church for decades. He is a sweet pastor. They asked me to do my Hudson Taylor presentation on Tuesday night and our missionary presentation on Wednesday night. It was a blessed time closed out by prayer

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night. It was a blessed time closed out by prayer from the entire church family. It was one of the sweetest moments of the summer for us.

Dallas, TX

We pulled in to Dallas to see some friends: Brian and Kathy Bibler, Troy and Deborah Butts, Cameron Kinvig, and the Ames family. On Sunday evening, we were with the people of Canyon Creek Baptist Church. Pastor Rick Carter was a blessing afterwards when we went and grabbed some true Tex-Mex food. He encouraged me in my prayer life and I greatly appreciated it.

Canyon Creek had a kids program that night and it became one of our kid's favorite church-es. After hearing dad preach the same sermon twenty-four times, they begged for there to be something for the kids during church. Well, when they walked in and were handed a bandana and told they could hoot and holler during the program. They were mesmerized.

Dallas was hard for me to get used to. According to Christianity Today, it's the most churched city in the world. Truly it's a strange thing. On Sunday, policemen direct traffic all over the city as some of the largest churches in the nation open their doors for services - some just two or three miles apart. Coming from Denver where less than seven out of one hundred go to an evangelical church, this was a culture shock.

We attended Prestonwood Baptist Church, a church that boasts 23,000 members and an average attendance around 14,000. When I traveled in evangelism with Steve Pettit, his wife called these BHC's - Big Honkin' Churches! Since I traveled, I have made it a hobby to visit some of the biggest honkinest' churches in America and Prestonwood definitely fit the bill!

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Happy Trails!!!

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Partnership Update

We are on a one-year journey to form ministry partnerships with individuals and churches across America. If God burdens your heart to help with this ministry, click here to sign up to be a partner. On this website, we will provide monthly updates as to the status of our ministry goals.

Prayer Partners Goal: 1000 Total as of September 1: 474

Personal Support As of September 1, we have 13% of our personal monthly support raised.

Start-Up Funds Goal: $470,000 Given as of July 1: $46,188

Financial Partners Partner Churches Goal: 20 churches Partner Churches as of September 1: 3 Monthly Individual Supporters Goal: 40 individuals Monthly Individual Supporters Actual: 4

Core Launch Team Goal: 50 adults Total as of September 1: 13

Local Church Meetings Goal: 50 meetings in 2007-08 Completed: 24 Scheduled: 8 If you would like to become a partner in one of these areas, go to our website at and sign up. All the finances of Providence Bible Church are handled by a CPA. All financial

decisions are handled by the church board. I am not a signer on the church checking

account, nor do I have access to any funds. Our desire is to be fully accountable in this

area. All gifts are tax-deductible and receipts will be issued at the end of the year.

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Jason Janz

Some Thoughts on Safety

Safety is a myth. It often has been said the safest place to be is in the center of God's will. I heard a preacher not long ago debunk that whole concept. How does safety coincide with the persecuted church? Were they not in the center of God's will? How do we explain Christian martyrs? The ethic behind Christian missions has never shown a high concern for safety. The whole idea behind missions is unsafe. One of the reasons why young people go to college, get nice houses and jobs, and live in suburbia with security systems is because they like safety. However, no security system or nice neighborhood can guarantee safety. Our safety is completely in God's hands according to Proverbs 21:31. On our trip, we were reminded of this when we were one hour outside of Phoenix and a tire blew while we were going 80 mph. The van began fishtailing down the highway. My mind starting thinking of our four precious little boys in the back. But, thankfully, we blew a rear tire instead of a front tire thus lessening the chances of flipping the van. Also, there were no cars in either lane to hit as we swerved. We eventually came to a safe stop on the side of the road. Thank you for praying for us! Thank God for keeping us safe!

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Launch Timeline



Recovery ministry launches

September 16 - Faith and Life in the City: Information Meeting

October 7 - Faith and Life in the City: Information Meeting

November 4 - Faith and Life in the City: Information Meeting

December 2 - Faith and Life in the City: Information Meeting



Weekly Core Meetings begin on Sunday evenings

Core Launch Team goes to Boot Camp


Missions Trip for Partner Churches

Preview Services begin


Missions Trip for Partner Churches

Small Groups launch

Missions Trip for Partner Churches

2nd Preview Service


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Missions Trip for Partner Churches

3rd Preview Service


Grand Opening Month

*Timeline is subject to change on a regular basis:)

A Center-City Church vs. an Inner-City Church

A lot of times when people hear that we are planting a church in the city, images pop up in their minds of ten homeless people in a dilapidated building. While that may be true in many cases, it is not the true picture of what we are trying to do in Denver. I have visited several models of successful center-city churches that do a good job of reaching people from all economic levels. A few that come to mind are The Brooklyn Tabernacle; Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, MN; Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, NY; Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, PN; and First Baptist Church in Dallas, TX. Cameron Kinvig, a former youth group member from my Red Rocks days, is now an attorney in downtown Dallas and he took me on a tour of First Baptist Church in downtown Dallas. The church campus is in the

heart of the city and has seven major buildings on six city blocks. They reach people of all races and socio-economic backgrounds. The famous pastor of the church, Dr. W.A. Criswell, was often asked why the church would not relocate to the suburbs. He responded, "We are downtown because we choose to be downtown." They have stayed put and have a thriving ministry in the urban core that has reached business professionals, children, and the homeless. This is why I do not like to call what we are doing an "inner-city" church, but rather a "downtown" or "center-city" church.

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Kid's Corner

We have four boys - Hudson (8), Champlin (6), Paton (4), and Spurgeon (1). They have an active part in our ministry by doing a reading on the Good Shepherd in the churches we are at. Also, they have learned to run the book table and the Prayer Partner sign-up. August was another ton of fun for them. Here are just some highlights! Hudson had a ball in Abilene, KS at the Murphree's house tearing up the turf on this go cart.

Champ and his peanuts showing what three months of travel can do to a young kid.

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They enjoyed the children's ministry at Prestonwood Baptist.

The kids sledding down the white sand dunes in New Mexico.

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A sign that Jen and I hope we never have to see again!

Last month it was Starbucks. This month - beef jerky. His favorite? Jack Links - Sweet and Spicy

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This was the last time they had to pump up their inflatable sleeping bag air mattresses.

It's so good to be back on the home mission field God has called us to. This picture expresses Jen's heart as we crossed the state line - grateful to God for leading us home. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers.


Jason and Jen Janz Providence Bible Church 303-902-1644