death of a politician

Death of a Politician 2011 v1.0 1 | P a g e h t t p : / / I s l e S a n c t u a r y . c o m  Running Title: Death of a Politician Conflict: Pure-bred vs Mongrel Dramatis Personae: Nom Anor Yuuzhan Vong male, Intendant Caste, Executor, Force Absent Yemaja Mlise Lah ½ Yuuzhan Vong, ½ Human hybrid female, Warrior Caste, Senator, Variegated Force-Sensitive Galen’tza Marek Starkiller – Human male, Sith, Clone, Dark Side of the Force User Plot Tagline: The only way to not be a Yuuzhan Vong is to die! Settings: The Starkiller Compound 1. Nom Anor Where are you? You weak pathetic kane a bar tsup with a face that would make a maw luur lose its appetite! I have had enough! 2. Yemaja Mlise Lah *sighs* Executor what do you want? What is this about? 3. Nom Anor You are always disrespecting me. I say y ou stop before I dismember you! I will crush you woman! 4. Yemaja Mlise Lah *rolls eyes* I cannot help it that you lack Faith to the Empire... You Intendants are always failing the Yun'o <Gods>

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8/7/2019 Death of a Politician 1/8

Death of a Politician 2011 v1.0

1 | P a g e h t t p : / / I s l e S a n c t u a r y . c o m 

Running Title: Death of a Politician

Conflict: Pure-bred vs Mongrel

Dramatis Personae:

Nom Anor – Yuuzhan Vong male, Intendant Caste, Executor, Force Absent

Yemaja Mlise Lah – ½ Yuuzhan Vong, ½ Human hybrid female, Warrior Caste, Senator,

Variegated Force-Sensitive

Galen’tza Marek Starkiller – Human male, Sith, Clone, Dark Side of the Force User

Plot Tagline: The only way to not be a Yuuzhan Vong is to die!

Settings: The Starkiller Compound

1.  Nom Anor Where are you? You weak pathetic kane a bar tsup with a face that

would make a maw luur lose its appetite! I have had enough!

2.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *sighs* Executor what do you want? What is this about?

3.  Nom Anor You are always disrespecting me. I say you stop before I dismember you!

I will crush you woman!

4.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *rolls eyes* I cannot help it that you lack Faith to the Empire...

You Intendants are always failing the Yun'o <Gods>

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5.  Nom Anor You who dress like a disgusting humaaan, consort with SEETH and JEEDAI

dare to say I fail! *backhands you*

6.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *falls to the ground* INTENDANT! You shall pay for your

insolence! I am of the Domain LAH! My uncle is WARMASTER!

7.  Nom Anor And what are you going to do…cry like the infidel you are? Pathetic! You

in your TSUP INFIDEL coverings and what do you have on your feet? Boots?

8.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Head down as hair falls over her face. Grabs to the ground and

feels the hate to rush to use the Force like Galen'tza Marek Starkiller showed her. But this

was an Intendant...The Executor Nom Anor and he was here to remind her of impure hybrid

blood. Speaking slowly* Sha grunnik ith-har, Yun Shuno... Pray to the sniveler of one

thousand eyes, lately *flips hair looking at him as eyes glow* EXECUTOR???

9.  Nom Anor You use your impure mongrel powers? Face me like Yuuzhan Vong

Zhaelor in unarmed combat! Or you shall return to your coward god Yun Shuno as you came

out, crying in blood!

10.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Glares at him then SEVERS herself from the Force as she growls*

DO RO-IK VONG PRATTE! *Rushes him and roundhouse kicks to the groin then slams elbow

into his jaw*

11.  Nom Anor *He staggers stunned* You DARE? *He recovers and kicks your stomach,

you fall back into the Yorik Coral pit behind you, I jump down* YOU SHALL DIE!

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12.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Spits out darkened red blood and takes fighting stance* My life

is for the Gods! *eyes glisten*

13.  Nom Anor A fair exchange! They can have you! *Throws punchs at face and knees

one thigh*

14.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Says no response. Blocks punch then chops on side near Yuuzhan

Vong known soft spot, near the armpit. Then smiles*

15.  Nom Anor *Spins away to avoid the chop, and into a roundhouse aimed at jaw*

16.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Grabs his leg and flips over causing him to flip and throws him to

the ground as she backs panting from the exertion and chuckles* Bruk Brenzlit?

17.  Nom Anor *Lands on back, breathless. Growls and roll up to a high fist boxing


18.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Smiles and takes fighting stance and turns into his abdomen and

jabs a roundhouse near his ear*

19.  Nom Anor *Hook misses as she weaves in with her roundhouse, blurring his vision

causing him to stagger*

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20.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Takes jump on own power at least 2-3 feet high off the ground

and punches him in his upper back* Zhaetor Zhae al'Tanna Zhaelor! <Glory Long Life in


21.  Nom Anor *Lurches forward but spins and catches her arm and causes her to

struggle in her arms, then he body slams her, following up with a stomp at her head*

22.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Falls on her backside and growls doing a somersaults to build up

energy and front kick strike to his groin and roundhouse kick to his head. Notices his veins

pulsating on his sides so heels into those to get them to puncture*

23.  Nom Anor *Yells at her boots squishing his groin, unprotected in his loincloth, the

hit to the head sweeps just past due to my fast reactions even in pain, the heel smashes my

nose, blood spurting down her boot and thigh, he drops to one knee*

24.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Eyes narrow walking slowly to see his next move then attempts

to jump up with the intention to hyper-extend his knee*

25.  Nom Anor *Sees her jump and meets her with an uppercut to between her legs,

right on the bone*

26.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Crouches over grabbing as eyelids clench. Hobbles over

breathing heavily. Knees then body to ground in child's pose*

27.  Nom Anor *Feet unsteady, dragging her aim his “boot” to her skull*

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28.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Feels her body being moved and recalls what padawan Mother

said: "Control" and what Yuuzhan Vong Warrior Father said: "Devotion" and reminded of 

her heritage and her Faith she lifts by her own raw muscle power and flip turns a kick into

his ribs feeling them crack beneath her booted toes. Flips back onto her feet*

29.  Nom Anor *Eyes widen by surprise as head moved before strike; the flip boot

makes two of her ribs crack. His vision blurs growling and turns the pain into fury, as she

lands on her feet. He throws a right hook her body, feeling it crumples beneath his fist just

as he falls into the kick. He lands on his backside* YOU! FAS!

30.  Yemaja Mlise Lah HU CARJEN TOK! *Feels her ribs cracked but hones on how his

stance wavers. Remembers Galen'tza Marek Starkiller's words to watch the weakness

before striking and quickly flips around knocking his side of head harder while lifting fists for

fighting stance while jumping around taking the rib pain for strength*

31.  Nom Anor *Stops her boot from knocking him down and rolls on his back dazed

while groaning in pain *


down on his groin and knees harder and harder as eyes flash feeling the rush of angry


33.  Nom Anor *Stomping causes him to groan, as her leather covered knee pounds his

groin as he yells* Yun Shuno PHAGH *Attempts to break her knees make it hard to


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34.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Kicks hard back to his thighs, then dislocating his caps off. Then

chuckles as she twirls around and falls on top of his chest and slams down his inner biceps.

Presses into his armpits to cause him to squeal due to the pain for Yuuzhan Vong pressure


35.  Nom Anor *Snarls as she breaks his knees. Only a roll due to the pain shoots

glances, but then agony as hit a weak spot* ARRGGHHH I WILL RIP YOUR EYES OUT!

36.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Eyes widen with a looks of utter hatred and disgust of his

judgment of her hybrid status her entire life unleashes upon him as she pounds him in the

jaw from right, to left, to right, to left...harder and faster. Wailing on him* TSAI DAU


37.  Nom Anor *Takes shot after shot, barely blocking a few, the rest pound hard.

Reaches up and tears her nose off. She screams releasing a punch that dislocates his jaw. He

is stunned*

38.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Leans back having lost what the Master Shapers said was not

possible as the fleshy sinew drips slightly with blood oozing down her mouth. She buries her

fingernails into his lower mandible and rips it off dislocating his entire jaw and removes a

few rows of his lower teeth.* ARRRGGGHH!!!! *lifts up standing on him writhing beneath

her legs as she towers holding some his flesh and teeth in her hands*

39.  Nom Anor *Feels the pain and screams in agony shouting incomprehensible curses*

40.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Hovers over him taking her heel and kicks into his broken rib

harder, then in the groin. Sneers* I WILL RIP OUT MORE! *screams* KANE A BAR!!!

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41.  Nom Anor *He rolls out from beneath her. His jaws and groin into a bloody pulp,

breathing hard from the broken ribs. Delirious with pain, he looks at her and laughs,as his

Plaeryin Bol shoots forth poison at her face*

42.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Her eyes watch what looks like his eye's pupil widens, and then

emits the venom as it fires. She dodges the Plaeyrin Bol watching his writhing body.

Watches him as weak and disgust like her Domain Lah said: Intendents are only worthy as

kanabars <servants> no better than worshipping Yun Shuno. Mouth turns up as she runs up

to his body and crouches down to his chest and her knees into his arms, as her crotch

clenches around his neck harder and harder*

43.  Nom Anor *Shocked as missing his last shot has no time to register as she put her

crotch in his face, her legs stretch over, and clamp on him hard. He uses his last bit of 

strength to claw your back and stands*

44.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Falls to the ground scooting back fast to the corner sulking from

the deep cuts in her back*

45.  Nom Anor *Gasps at his fractured ribs make it hard to breathe. He collapses on to

knees with no energy left. He looks at her with hatred from his one remaining eye*

46.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *Glares running to him and kicks him. Wrapping her legs around

him and flip on her back as his head lands into her crotch. Watching his eye wrangle wildly

as she foams her mouth*

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47.  Nom Anor *Hurting as he falls forward into her crotch only to be yanked even more

as her thighs around his neck squeezes him* PLEASE... Please… Spare me.. I can be

useful…I…am…yours to command… 

48.  Yemaja Mlise Lah *She glares hearing his sniveling and sneers* BRENZLIT YUN

SHUNO! *Her face becomes emotionless just like “he” showed her watching him squirm and

her thighs clamp around his neck and rocks hips hard rolling over to one side then rocks

hard to the other side and snaps his neck "sensing" the life oozing from him*

*Stands up coldly lumbering over his lifeless body, tapping it to see if still alive. Then steps

hard on top of him walking to the Guaiacum attendants who watched as the Ndgins fattenup by sucking his slimy blood*

49.  Galen'tza Marek Starkiller -confused as seeing his body- Hey Babydoll? -watches her

walk by him-