death or glory tournament


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Rulespack for the first Death or Glory Tournament


Page 1: Death or Glory Tournament
Page 2: Death or Glory Tournament

The Death or Glory tournament is a 5 round, 40K, singles event fought over two days at the

1st Ashtead Scout Hall in Ashtead, Surrey, UK. It’ll be an 1850 pts tournament with little in the way of

composition to try to stay true to the 40k rulebook.

Profits of the tournament will go to the 1st Ashtead Scout Group who have kindly allowed us to host

the tournament in their hall.

The weekend of 7/8 September 2013

1st Ashtead (Pelham) Scout Group




KT21 2RJ (just 5 minutes off J9 on the M25.)

Tickets are £15

Capacity: 40 players

Page 3: Death or Glory Tournament

As you can see from the map, the event is very close to Ashtead train station.

It’s also very easy to find being just off the M25 junction 9. The hall itself is opposite a church and a

pub called the woodman.

We’ve highlighted the areas where food is available, be it from local convenience stores, Tescos or

restaurants (Both the Mogul Dynasty and the Woodman both serve very good food!)

If you’re looking to stay overnight look for hotels in Leatherhead or Epsom.

If you have any questions on how to get to the event contact us at [email protected]

Page 4: Death or Glory Tournament

Saturday September 7th:

0845 – 0915hrs –Registration

0915 – 1200hrs – Round One

1200 – 1300hrs – Lunch

1300 – 1545hrs – Round Two

1545 – 1600hrs – Break

1600 – 1845hrs – Round Three

Sunday September 8th:

0900 – 0930hrs –Venue Opens

0930 – 1200hrs – Round Four

1200 – 1300hrs – Lunch

1300 – 1545hrs – Round Two

1545 – 1630hrs – Awards Ceremony

The Death or Glory Tournament allows 2hr 45mins gaming in each round.

• Their fully painted legal army with at least two paper copies of your army list;

• Any templates, dice, counters or markers you may need.;

• A pen, calculator and some superglue;

• A movement tray ; and

• A copy of your codex(s), Rulebook and any other Rules you may need.

• Somewhere to stay;

• Transport to and from the venue; and

• Spending money for the weekend;

The organisers will provide:

• 6’ x 4’ tables for the games to be played on;

• Pre-set terrain for the entire event;

• Awesome Trophies; and

• Light refreshments (tea, coffee, squash etc)

Page 5: Death or Glory Tournament

Points allowance 1850 pts

- Any Codex available on or before list deadline may be used.;

- The most recent codex should be used (i.e. White Dwarf Codex for Sisters of Battle);

- Special characters are allowed;

- Forge World units are not allowed;

- Fortifications are allowed;

- Allied detachments are allowed;

- White Dwarf units that have been “Warhammer 40,000 approved” are allowed;

-All models must WYSIWIG. Conversions are Ok and encouraged however they must be on the

correct base size and should be similar in size to the original model.

Lists need to be submitted for Death or Glory tournament prior to the event. Each player must send

A single email containing his/her list by Midnight on Sunday September 1st 2013 to:

[email protected]

Lists will be made public Monday 2nd September on the Death or Glory Blog.

Should a player be over fifteen minutes late or miss a battle for whatever reason, the match

Will be awarded to their opponent.

Death or Glory Tournament will be a random first round draw. The draw will be revealed on the

Death or Glory Blog website and our face book page just after the list submission deadline. This will

also detail your table.

Subsequent draws will be based on the swiss system using the general ship score. This will ensure

the best player plays the second best and so on and makes sure people are playing other people of

their calibre

The terrain will be pre-determined by the tournament organiser before the event. If you get to a

table and the terrain looks strange call a Referee over to re-set it for you. At the beginning of the

game you and your opponent should discuss the terrain laid out on the table. The majority of terrain

will be ruins or wooded areas and area terrain. However, if there is something weird on the board,

and you both agree to play that terrain piece as something else, by all means go ahead.

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1. Discuss terrain and decide types as per the terrain section of this rules pack.;

2. Each player rolls a D6, starting with the player who rolled highest place objectives using

The rules from the 6th edition rule book (page 121);

3. Each player roll a D6, the player with the highest roll chooses their table half as per page

119 of the 6th edition rule book.;

4. Starting with the player who rolled highest place any Fortifications ;

5. Nominate warlord and determine traits (page 111);

6. Generate psychic powers if required.;

7. Roll for Night Fight;

8. Player should now roll a D6 again to determine who will deploy their force first. The highest roll

can choose to deploy first or second. Whoever deploys first will take first turn.;

9. Once both forces have deployed, along with any infiltrators and scout moves, the player

Going second can attempt to seize the initiative.; finally

10. Play game – have fun!

The eternal war missions and battlefield set-ups will be used over the weekend (as per the

Rule book) and they will be announced at the start of each round.

Mission: Crusade

Mission: Purge the Alien

Mission: Big guns never tire

Mission: The Scouring

Missions: The Emperor’s Will & the Relic*

Note: both ‘The Emperor’s Will’ and ‘The Relic’ will be played during the same game. Giving 3

Objectives worth 3VP each and The Relic retains all ‘Relic’ rules as found on Pg. 131.

Hammer and Anvil x 2

Vanguard Strike x 1

Dawn of War x 2

Page 7: Death or Glory Tournament

The winner of the event will be determined by their generalship score.

A wins gets you 30 tournament points, you get 10 for a draw and nothing for a loss. Fill out the

tournament score on the slip provided and hand this into us after each game.

As such the maximum you can get for generalship is 150 points. Victory points will be used for any


The winner of the Hobby Champion award will be determined by 4 scores.

1) Generalship (as above);

2) Painting 40 tournament points available;

3) Army lists 10 tournament points available; and

4) Sportsmanship 30 tournament points available

Giving you a total tournament score of up to 230 points.

Victory points scored will be used in the event of a tie-break at the end of the Event.

Everyone enjoys playing against nicely painted armies, especially if you have put the effort

in on your own army. During Saturday lunch time your Army will be assessed for painting.

There is a minimum standard of 3 colours, to be applied in a coherent format. Playing with

unpainted models is not allowed and you will be asked to remove these.

Please be aware every model in your army is judged – this includes Fortifications and newly

spawned/summoned models; if even only one model fails to meet a criteria you will score 0

for that section.

Painted and Based (10pts) –Your army has been painted with a minimum of 3 Colours. Bases (clear

flying bases excluded) have some form of texture + colour.

Detail (10pts) – Your Army has had some form of extra detail applied to it. Techniques

such as Inking, dry brushing and highlighting would be examples of this category.

Cohesive Scheme (10pts) – the models follow a theme and look like an army

Best Painting nomination (10pts) – it is clear you have put something extra into your army, be it well

executed conversions, advanced painting techniques or just makes the Judge go WOW! These in

effect will be the armies in the running for the best army award. There is no limit to how many

nominations will be given out.

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You are required to submit your army list to: [email protected]

Deadline for Army list entries: 23:59hrs, 1 Sept 2013

A correct list submitted on or before deadline with the competitors name on: 10pts

Army lists will be published on the Monday on the Death or Glory blog and the Death or Glory

Facebook page.

At the end of the tournament each player will be asked to choose their most sporting opponents.

Each player must give one player 6 points and another player 3 points. Sportsmanship results will

not affect the overall champion award just the Hobby Champion and the sportsmanship awards.

The person with the highest sportsmanship award wins Most Sporting opponent. Generalship scores

will be used as a tie breaker.

The following Awards will be presented at the conclusion of the event:

-The Overall Champion plus 2nd and 3rd (based solely on generalship);

-Hobby Champion (person with the highest overall score);

-Most Sporting Opponent (As voted by the players);

-Best Painted (Judges Pick);

-Wooden Spoon; and

-Surprise awards.

Page 9: Death or Glory Tournament

The GW FAQs released on or before list submission deadline will be used for this event.

If a ruling is not covered in the GW FAQ judges will make a decision

The judge’s decision is final! But please don’t let it get to this stage; you’re all big boys and can sort

this amongst yourselves

If you would like to come to the first Death or Glory tournament please message our Facebook page

or the Warhammer forum or Warseer thread. After you have reserved your place you have two

weeks to pay for your ticket. If after this period of time your ticket has not been paid for your place

will be forfeit to another player.

Tickets cost £15

To pay you can either pay via PayPal ([email protected]) or via cheque. PayPal however

is much more preferred!

Cheques must be written to Michael Marlow and sent to:

Michael Marlow

11 Newton Wood Road



KT21 1NN

Please when sending payment make sure you tell us who exactly you’re paying for (or we might miss

your payment!)