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Post on 17-Feb-2018




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  • 7/23/2019 Debatereasearch-minimumwage



    Job loss Reduce employment among low- skilled workers Higher prices for consumers, some of which are the people who need more money Small businesses cannot pay 1! minimum wage "inimum wage should be based on local wages and prices

    #ountry of $ states, li%ing costs %ary from state to state, city to city& 'n some areas when wageis raised to 1(! for instance, the employees don)t need that much money and the local

    businesses cannot pay the min wage "any states already ha%e a higher minimum wage than federal, states that need the wage to be

    higher and can handle it Reduce moti%ation to get better education and higher paying *ob +eople of different skill le%els get paid the same, unfair

    Specific eample

    Seattle city council passed 1! min wage law, o%er course of few years& April 1, ($1, minimum

    wage increased to 11!.hour& 1,/$$ people *ob loss to June, largest since 0reat Recession in

    ($$ 2ew 3ork raised min wage from !&1 to !4&5 caused ($&(6 (1&76 employment loss in

    younger, less educated 8rom ($$5 to ($1$, the minimum wage was raised from !&7 to !5&(& 9here was no o%erall

    *ob growth: employment actually went down from 1/5,7; to 1/$,/ nly about (&4 percent of all wage and salaried workers in the ?nited States are paid at or

    below federal minimum wage,according to($1/ @ureau of abor Statistics data& Additionally, (/


  • 7/23/2019 Debatereasearch-minimumwage


    differently& Howe%er, the negati%e can prepare in ad%ance many different positions, and wait to

    see which positions will apply&

    - F+o%erty is higher among the unemployed& 'n ($1$, /$ percent of the long-term unemployed

    were poor,and 44 percent of single parents unemployed more than (4 weeks were poor&G

    Income and Benefits Policy Center- 'f minimum wage is raised, unemployment will rise- 8rom ($$5 to ($1$, the minimum wage was raised from !&7 to !5&(& 9here was no o%erall

    *ob growth: employment actually went down from 1/5,7; to 1/$,/

  • 7/23/2019 Debatereasearch-minimumwage


    - 'n places where li%ing costs are lower, businesses are unable to pay their workers such high

    wages and they will either fire employees or raise consumer prices, both of these negati%ely

    affecting the low income group that the minimum wage is trying to help&- Another scenario that shows that minimum wage will harm and not help the lowest income

    group is when 2ew 3ork raised min wage from !&1 to !4&5 caused ($&(6- (1&76

    employment loss in younger, less educated& Cato Institute- 'n conclusion, although we acknowledge that many people in the ?&S& are struggling to get by

    on the current minimum wage, raising the minimum wage will not help sol%e the problem&

    1st Negative Rebuttal (2NR)

    9he (2R sums up all the reason to %ote against the plan, and pro%ides clear summaries and

    plenty of comparisons& 9he negati%e should ha%e narrowed down to one or two key positions&

    2o new Cuotations may be read&

    - Hurt the low income people through raised consumer prices and rise of unemployment and *ob


    2ndNegative Rebuttal (2AR)

    9he (AR sums up all the reason to %ote for the plan, and pro%ides clear summaries and plenty

    of comparisons& 9he affirmati%e should ha%e narrowed down to one or two key positions& 2o

    new Cuotations may be read& Ehen you)re the one being cross-eamined, be honest and

    pro%ide the most thorough answers that you can& 8eigning ignorance looks bad& Howe%er, if you

    genuinely don)t know, then don)t be afraid to admit it--maybe the Cuestion makes no sense&

    - States already handling the problem without federal help- 8ederal economy cannot handle wage increase of almost !.hour- Small businesses will go bankrupt