debtfree digi aug 2013


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SA's free Debt Counselling & Debt Review Magazine. The Aug 2013 issue. Interview with DTI minister Rob Davies, 3 Step Budget, News, DC profile, Why use a PDA and much much more.


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South Africa’s debt counselling magazine

August 2013





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Gerhard Dyzel [email protected] 828 7595 044 873 4532 (ext 126)

Yolandi [email protected] 338 2680012 348 7624

PDA of choice!

PDA of choice!

Page 3: Debtfree DIGI Aug 2013

• National representation - Regular office visits by skilled, trained agents.

• Automated e-mails can be sent directly for our system - 17.1, 17.2, Proposals, cascade etc.

• Automated client statements per distribution in the form of an e-mail or sms

• Daily Distributions on ALL clients

• Dedicated account managers for EACH debt counsellor

• 24hour access to system, including distributions data - From any PC, Cell phone or tablet with internet access

• Individual, dedicated business bank account per debt counsellor

• Transparency – Access to all data 24hrs per day

• View your bank statements on our system

• We will follow up on Default clients, unpaid funds and unidentified deposits

• Wide selection of reports available directly from the system

Why DC Partner?

Page 4: Debtfree DIGI Aug 2013

Debt Review Software by

Bitech is recognised as the leading Debt Counsellor software system supplier.

Simplicity is rich in functionality and caters for all Debt Counsellor requirements e�ortlessly.

Simplicity is leading edge technology and Bitech stay at the forefront of development - we continue to lead the way!

The Simplicity system is fully integrated with Hyphen PDA, which provides you, the Debt Counsellor, with an uninterrupted and e�cient service with no manual intervention and in total control.

Some features of the Simplicity system are completely unique unique, amongst others is the ability to create customised legal documentation instantaneously.

Bitech prides itself on its after sales service and the support it provides to Debt Counsellors - this is as important as the excellence of the Simplicity product!

p d a

Hyphen Technology (Pty) Limited is a member of the FirstRand Group

Hyphen PDA is a division of Hyphen Technology (Pty) Limited, which is wholly-owned by the FirstRand Group - �nancial soundness is important when considering a PDA!

Hyphen PDA is at the top of its game and is unrivalled in the collections and payment space.

Hyphen PDA essentially operates with the use of banking systems (iSeries mainframe computers) and the PDA and Payments Engine are fully integrated - as a result you will seldom, if ever, query the status of your collections or payments.

The reports generated are everything a Debt Counsellor will need to manage the business - reporting is immediate, current and always available.

27(0)16 987 5004/27(0)16 987 5006/27(0)16 987 2369

Contact Bitech

[email protected]

27(0)11 303 0060 extension 2

Contact Hyphen

[email protected]

Debt Review Software by

Bitech is recognised as the leading Debt Counsellor software system supplier.

Simplicity is rich in functionality and caters for all Debt Counsellor requirements e�ortlessly.

Simplicity is leading edge technology and Bitech stay at the forefront of development - we continue to lead the way!

The Simplicity system is fully integrated with Hyphen PDA, which provides you, the Debt Counsellor, with an uninterrupted and e�cient service with no manual intervention and in total control.

Some features of the Simplicity system are completely unique unique, amongst others is the ability to create customised legal documentation instantaneously.

Bitech prides itself on its after sales service and the support it provides to Debt Counsellors - this is as important as the excellence of the Simplicity product!

p d a

Hyphen Technology (Pty) Limited is a member of the FirstRand Group

Hyphen PDA is a division of Hyphen Technology (Pty) Limited, which is wholly-owned by the FirstRand Group - �nancial soundness is important when considering a PDA!

Hyphen PDA is at the top of its game and is unrivalled in the collections and payment space.

Hyphen PDA essentially operates with the use of banking systems (iSeries mainframe computers) and the PDA and Payments Engine are fully integrated - as a result you will seldom, if ever, query the status of your collections or payments.

The reports generated are everything a Debt Counsellor will need to manage the business - reporting is immediate, current and always available.

27(0)16 987 5004/27(0)16 987 5006/27(0)16 987 2369

Contact Bitech

[email protected]

27(0)11 303 0060 extension 2

Contact Hyphen

[email protected]

Simplici ty

[email protected]

Page 5: Debtfree DIGI Aug 2013

Statistics show that last month was one of the busiest months for Debt Counsellors ever. In fact, last month had almost twice the amount of people applying in a month than in a average month, last year. This means two things. One: That more people than ever are aware of the process and taking advantage of it. Secondly that Debt Counsellors are going to be busier than ever over the next few months. It is in no way in doubt that consumers (both under debt review and not) are feeling the increased pressure of rising costs. If you seem to be running out of funds each month then make use of our 3 step budget to track where the money is going. We also take a look at various role players in this issue. We consider the experiences of a Debt Counsellor, talk about FNB’s Debt Review Department and see the value of using a Payment Distribution Agency to handle your money. This issue we also talk to the Department of Trade and Industry who are proposing some important changes to the National Credit Act. These changes will effect everyone but especially those involved in debt review. We hope you enjoy the issue. Just picture yourself in our cover: relaxed, down at the beach, on holiday. One day soon that could be you. Just stick to your plan and soon you’ll be debt free.



05 Editors notes

07 Debt Review Explained

09 Recent industry developments

10 Debt Counsellor Focus

12 DTI Minister Rob Davies

15 PDA

16 3 Step Budget 21 All Pro DC Newsletter

22 DCASA annual conference

24 DC Associations announcemnet board

28 Service Directory

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Partnering with Debt Counsellors we have committed ourselves to supporting our financially burdened clients who we under-stand are undergoing emotional as well as financial challenges. We are very aware of our responsibility in managing the processes as efficiently as possible. We continue to de-velop enduring and rewarding business re-lationships with our partners so that we can efficiently address problems as they arise. The Call Centre Manager, Lynette Fearick and her dedicated team, who can be con-tacted on 0860 362 002 or [email protected], will endeavor to answer all queries or help redirect callers to the correct person as needed. Recently we have extended our call centre team to include an outbound component which will proactively follow up on matters in a time ef-ficient and friendly way.We recognize and understand the impor-tance of turnaround times and assure you of our continued commitment in adhering to the SLA’s or to wherever possible even improve thereon. We are however aware

that quantity is never a substitute for quality and would rather spend a little extra time on a complicated issue than compromise the quality of the decision.For proposals/requests outside of the norm, which cannot be accommodated in the mainstream process we have introduced a new department called “Quick Fix” under the management of Christo Hattingh. Christo and his team are all well respected credit analysts who will endeavor to find tailored and innovative solutions to every problem. They can be contacted via e mail on [email protected] efficiency of the centre continues to be our first priority, therefore if you have any tips for improvement, please share them with us and wherever possible we will endeavor to implement your helpful sugges-tions.


First National Bank - a division of FirstRand Bank Limited. An Authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider 1929/001225/06 (NCRCP20)

The FNB Debt Review Centre, under the leadership of Lynne Loizakos, Head of Operations, is committed to making the debt review process as smooth as possible.

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Debt Review is a formal process that a consumer who cannot afford to pay his/her debt may follow in order to alleviate his/her plight. The struggling consumer may make use of the assistance of a registered debt counsellor to assist in this process.The debt counsellor will interview and assess the consumer’s situation, assist in completing an application form and do an initial assessment. Formal notices advising creditors of the application will be sent to creditors who are in return expected to provide the debt counsellor with outstanding balances on account, interest rates charged and expected monthly instalment.With all information in hand the debt counsellor will do a proper investigation to determine whether or not the consumer is over indebted by looking at the consumer’s income and necessary living expenses to determine the amount available to spend on settling debt monthly. If the available amount is less than what is required to pay the monthly bills with then the consumer is over indebted and entitled to apply for debt review. If the money available is more than what is required to pay the monthly debt with the consumer is not over indebted and not entitled to apply for debt review.Once it has been determined that the consumer is over indebted, the debt counsellor will notify

the creditors, assist the consumer with working with a practical budget and negotiate with the creditors on lower interest rates, lower monthly repayments and/or extending the payment term.The proposals will either be accepted or the creditors will come up with counter proposals. The proposals will then be submitted to court for approval.The benefit of a formal structured process is that the consumer will have the assistance of a debt counsellor who knows how to negotiate with creditors.Debt counselling is a legal way of protecting assets and avoiding costly judgments -The process is overseen by a competent court that can grant an order rearranging the consumer’s debt.Consumers must remember to use NCR accredited debt counsellors only. They should act timeously – do not ignore the debt problem as it will not go away on its own. It is better to seek help before creditors start taking legal action.Consumers who are under debt review must ask for regular statements and must constantly monitor their balances.

DEBT REVIEW EXPLAINEDDebtfree asked Debt Counsellor Adv. Ardiel Thenissen of Credit Matters to help explain the debt review process.

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Administrators of the Debt Counselling Process

Testimonials from our satis�ed clients:

You take care of your customers, whilst we take care of the administrative and legal challenges associated with the debt counselling process.

It’s so easy.Why not partner with

ADCAP today?

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Hey Joe!!!

Hi ADCAPThank you for the reply. The service is excellent, wonderful teamwork! Through your services I am able to focus on growing my business. I believe you have the expertise in your �eld. I am looking forward to your guidance.

Kindest Regards, Dave

It is good to hear from you, here everything is

going great thanks and I can say that it is partially thanks to you.

The admin side of debt counselling is a absolute nightmare, so it

is a great comfort to know that there is someone like you to

handle that side professionally.

I think you do outstanding work, which means that I can

concentrate on getting to the people that really needs help,

without having to worry about hours of admin and red tape.

Thanks for your support, and I hope to break all records this year

with your assistance.

Warm Regards,


Page 9: Debtfree DIGI Aug 2013

For daily debt counselling news in 3 minutes or less visit


The Department of Trade and Industry (the DTI) recently submitted a draft Amendment Bill for the National Credit Act. This means that the DTI are suggesting changes to the National Credit Act. They have called for comments from both the industry as well as the public. They then take those suggestions and create a final document which is put before Parliament. If Parliament approve the document the proposed changes will eventually be made law. It is hoped that the changes to the Credit Act will bring more clarity to some sections of the Act as well as give consumers better protection under debt review while still balancing the needs of creditors.


The National Credit Regulator ( NCR) recently decided not to renew the licence for one of the 4 registered Payment Distribution Agencies who handle the money side of things for consumers under debt review. Debt Counsellors were advised to help their clients to move to one of the remaining 3 registered Payment Distribution Agencies.


FNB Debt Review’s new address is:FNB Towers8th Floor27 Diagonal StreetJOHANNESBURG CBD2000


Well known debt counselling firm Credit Matters have moved offices. Their new address is:14th floor The PinnacleCorner Strand & Burg StreetCape TownTel: 021 202 1100


When Debt Counsellors send African Bank 17.1 documents (to tell them a consumer is under debt review) they should be aware that African Bank have automated this process and they should not attach requests for African Bank to cancel Debit orders in this email. Such requests should be sent separately along with a Power of Attorney document.


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Debt Counsellor Focus

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What did you do before becoming a Debt Counsellor?I am an admitted and practicing advocate of the High Court. I have been practicing law since 1996 and became a DC in July 2007

What area (of SA) do you practice in?Although our Head Office is situated in Cape Town CBD, Credit Matters offers our services to the broader South African public. We have three registered debt counsellors and our support staff attended debt counselling courses as well. We also have a number of paralegals working for us

What would you say makes your business a success?We focus on providing a good customer experience. We believe in team work and our internal processes were developed with this end result in mind i.e. liberating our clients from the debt burden. Our staff were trained in dealing with complex issues and we work closely with our attorneys to ensure that they know what it is that we want, and we know what it is that they require in order to take a matter successfully through the legal processWhere do you find new business?Because of the good service we provide to our clients, they then spread the word and bring in referral business. We also aim to educate the public by using various forums such as tv programs and our internet web site.

Who are your most co-operative and least co-operative credit provider at the moment?Consumer Friend, though not a credit provider themselves, are always ready to help. It is not always easy to get answers from ABSA bank.

What is the biggest challenge facing Debt Counsellors at the moment?The constant change in processes and/or the interpretation of the law. Courts insisting that it cannot change interest rates especially in instances where the credit providers have agreed in writing to a change in interest rates. What is the biggest challenge facing your consumers at the moment?Reconciling outstanding balances with a projected payment plan that was made an order of court. Consumers does not understand that the systems used by debt counsellors and those used by credit providers differ and that the calculation methods may as a result of this also differ and often dispute outstanding balances.

What advice do you have for consumers under debt review?Ensure that you make regular monthly payments and increase it whenever you can. Check your statements regularly and discuss any discrepancies/changes with your debt counsellor immediately.

Adv. Ardiel Thenissen 021 431 9100

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Born in 1948 Dr. Rob Davies has served as the Minister of Trade and Industry since May 2009. Minister Davies has a Honours degree in Economics and a Masters degree in International Relations from the University of Southampton, UK. He also holds a Doctorate degree from the University of Sussex in Political Studies.

Minister Davies has been a Member of Parliament since 1994 just four years after returning from exile in Mozabique. He returned

to South Africa in August 1990 and began to work in the Department of Economic Policy at ANC Head Office in Johannesburg.

He also worked as Professor and Co-Director of Centre for Southern African Studies at University of the Western Cape 1990-1994 and Chaired Portfolio Committees on Trade and Industry and Finance as well as the Constitutional Assembly Sub-Committee on Chapter 13 of the Constitution: Finance.

Debtfree managed to pose a few questions to the Minister about debt counselling and the NCA.

Do you feel that the National Credit Act has been accomplishing it’s purpose over the last 6 years? The NCA has been quite effective in its primary mandate of creating a fair, transparent, competitive, sustainable, responsible, efficient and accessible credit market. Almost 20 Million South African consumers are now credit active. The NCA has also been effective in addressing over-indebtedness through the regulation of reckless lending and creating affordability assessment measures and increasing access to credit at more reasonable prices.

Do you feel the NCA has protected SA from being harder hit by the worldwide economic downturn?


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There is general consensus that the NCA has been quite effective in tempering the effect of the global financial crisis. The minimal impact is the evidence.

Why is there now a need to amend the NCA?The DTI decided to assess the effectiveness of the NCA as part of its impact monitoring and assessment exercise and in order to deal with the implementation challenges that had to be resolved through courts sometimes resulting in conflicting decisions. New industry participants such as Payment Distribution Agents (PDAs) also surfaced and have to be regulated. Certain practices such as the cost of credit life insurance and unintended consequences such as instances where the protection of the Act appears to be extended only to the very wealthy. The improved legislation will strengthen its enforcement.

Do you feel Debt Counsellors are helping consumers and the economy?Debt counsellors play a very important role within the NCA scheme. They provide an important link between the consumer and the credit providers and where necessary the courts. Without a financial assessment by the Debt Counsellor, debt re-arrangement would not be possible resulting in consumers losing their property and credit providers not receiving payments and the general economy would then suffer. There is currently room

for more Debt Counsellors, particularly in impoverished rural areas.

Do you feel that at present this purpose of the NCA is being met or are creditors still using their larger pockets to drown consumers in unnecessary litigation? The NCA has specific provisions that make it difficult for creditors to “drown consumers in unnecessary litigation”. One of these provisions prohibits a credit provider from commencing legal proceedings without giving a consumer an opportunity to approach a debt counsellor for debt review.

Are consumers being given too much power in SA? Will this cause creditors to go out of business or start to charge even more for credit?The NCA properly balances the interests of both consumers and creditors. Protection is equally extended. Affordability and debt repayment are the cornerstones of credit granting and the debt recovery processes.

Debt Counsellors don’t restructure debt they merely make proposals to the courts. In fact, Magistrates restructure debt. Have Magistrates been consulted about draft changes to the NCA?The DTI has consulted with the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development over the necessary improvements. The regulator,

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NCR, has been working very closely with magistrates to tease out some on the practical problems that have been experienced in the past. The engagements have been quite successful and have already vastly improved the implementation of the NCA. There has been some talk in the past about a type of voluntary debt review for consumers. The benefits would be that it would be faster, not need to go to court and would cost less. All of these are great benefits. Debt Counsellors have however said this will prejudice consumers since creditors will simply go ahead with legal action (by mistake or on purpose) and that creditors could begin to regulate the process. Does the DTI support such plans?The DTI is investigating the advantages and the disadvantages of voluntary debt mediation and is open to receive inputs on some of the perceived challenges. Some of these relate to the credibility of such a process when it comes to matters such as impartiality of the debt mediators and lack of oversight by courts.

What should consumers do if they hit hard financial times and are struggling to make ends meet and pay their debts?Consumers should immediately approach a debt counsellor with statements of all their accounts and proof of income. The debt counsellor will conduct a financial assessment and try to negotiate with credit providers. If the consumer is over-indebted, the debt counsellor will apply to court for a debt re-arrangement based on how much the consumer can pay. Roughly when should we expect the NCA proposals process to wrap up and matters to

be set before Parliament?The DTI has published both the reviewed policy framework and the amending Bill for public comments. The DTI officials have conducted public hearings throughout the country (7 provinces) and have received comments and inputs from the primary stakeholders in the credit markets. The initial documents have been improved and will be presented to Cabinet in the coming weeks for approval to introduce into Parliament.

The National Credit Act has really helped stabilise South Africa’s economy and the introduction of Debt Review has created the most affordable debt collection process for creditors as well as brought great relief to hundreds of thousands of South Africans. It is hoped that the changes to the NCA will not only improve things for all parties but provide greater clarity on currently confused issues.

Debtfree wish to thank the Minister for taking the time to provide answers to our questions.

Special thanks to: Sidwell Moloantoa Medupe Chief Director Media Liaison (Spokesperson) DTI

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Payment Distribution Agencies (PDA’s) are independent companies accredited by the National Credit Regulator (NCR) to collect funds from over indebted consumers, and to re-distribute them to their various creditors, according to a re-structured payment plan prepared by an accredited Debt Counsellor.

Payment Distribution Agencies are there to make life easier for you and your Debt Counsellor, saving time, money and ultimately protecting you. Recent stats from the NCR show that PDA’s currently distribute over R320 million a month.

The average consumer on Debt Review has over eleven creditors that need to be paid monthly. This alone can be an administrative burden. Additionally every debit order or payment that is made carries a charge. Now all you need to do is make one payment to a PDA and the PDA does the rest.

The NCR regularly audits and renews the licenses of PDA’s in the industry, ensuring compliance with strict guidelines, whilst adhering to Reserve Bank regulations. PDA’s are expected to keep comprehensive audit trails of all transactions and provide detailed

monthly statements and reports to consumers, the NCR, Creditors and Debt Counsellors. All this ensures that your money is being handled properly.PDA’s basically oil the flow of money between the various parties in the industry, ensuring debt re-payment plans are stored and correctly administered, validating transactions according to banking rules, and using various collection methods, like debit orders, such as Naedo and stop orders to facilitate and improve the collection of money.Some PDA’s like the National Payment Distribution Agency (NPDA) have also invested in sophisticated call centres to promptly address queries and deliver great customer service. Here are the words of a Debt Review consumer at the end of his debt review journey, expressing his gratitude for the work done, words which he borrowed in part from Nelson Mandela: “I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. But I dare not linger, for my long walk is not yet ended. This was the journey worth taking... I have learn a lot from this journey.”

Wise words indeed.

It’s wise to use a Payment Distribution Agency if you’re undergoing Debt Counselling

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3 Step BudgetA written budget will help you see if you have enough money each month to survive. If you already know you don’t have enough, it will help you see where the problem is. Here is an easy 3 step budget that you can use as a guide.

STEP 1 How much are you earning?Remember to add together all money coming into your home. If you get paid weekly then add all 4 weeks together. If you have several people in the house earning money add everyone’s income together. Remember to use the amount each person gets after tax and other deductions.

How much I bring home each month after tax:Others income after taxes:Total:

STEP 2 How much do you owe your creditors each month?Who do you owe money to each month? We are talking loans and bonds and cars here not your groceries and rent. How much are they asking for?Try to list your debts from biggest to smallest.

Name of Creditor Amount they want this month Total amount I owe them

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STEP 3 How much do you need to get by each month?How much does it cost for you to make it through the month. How much are you spending on food, electricity, transport and other day to day things.

Also remember that some expenses you pay once a year and should be saving towards each month (you should be... so add them in anyway)



Rent (If you have a bond put it in Step 2 not here)

Car license saving (if you were saving a bit for that each month)

Rates & Levies Car Service savingWater & Waste / Sewage Electricity

Petrol or other Transportation (bus, taxi etc if you don’t own a car incl. Transport to school)

Insurance (On your Life, House & Car)

School Fees

Groceries & Toiletries & Cos-metics

School Clothes & books / stationery Saving (if you were saving a bit for that each month)

Snacks (at work / school)

Pocket money

Alcohol & Cigarettes Monthly medication (incl. Contact Lenses)

TV license (per month)

Banking fees

Going out for dinner, entertainment, movies, DSTV, DVD / video rentals

Newspapers & Magazine sub-scriptions

Telephone Landline & Mobile Phones


Internet & Computer rental Clothing not on accountChar / House Keeper / Nanny Tithe (church) or Charity /Dona-

tionsTotal for this column: Total for this column:Now add both totals together to get THE GRAND TOTAL

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GOOD OR BAD? Now find out if you have enough

Total 1 (Income):Minus total 2 (Debt):Minus total 3 (Expenses):Result:

If you have money left over: Good for you! This means you have some money that you can save each month toward unexpected events and expenses.

If you have a negative figure (not enough money) you have 3 options:Option 1: You need to earn more money as a household to cover your costs.Option 2: You need to cut down on your monthly costs. Option 3: If your debts are too much you should talk to your creditors and explain that you are having a tough time and want to pay a bit less to each of them. If that doesn’t work and they don’t want to help you need to go talk to a professional Debt Counsellor about debt review and find out how you can pay your creditors back through debt review.

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Page 19: Debtfree DIGI Aug 2013

Call us 086 126 6562

insurance done right

Sam HaasbroekPortfolio Manager, Western, Eastern Cape & Northern Cape

Mobile 082 550 7294 Email [email protected]

One is an authorised financial services provider – FSP 8783

Marijke Wessels Portfolio Manager, Gauteng, KZN & Free State

Mobile 082 729 3833 Email [email protected]

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Email [email protected] 079 793 3810

DC Partner has representatives country wide who visit our Debt Counsellor clients every month. If you are in Kwazulu Natal, Mpumalanga, Limpopo or Gauteng areas here is your local con-tact person:

Francois Van Zyl"The debt counselling industry is truly going into a phase where all major role players are realizing that they need each other to make the system work. Our main purpose is to help the consumer manage their debt. And to make sure their payments go to the correct creditors. A happy consumer is the future of our industry".

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NPOFirstly, we are happy to announce that our registration as a NPO or Not for Profit Organisation has been completed. We are very happy about this as it sends the right message as to our intentions. We are not here to enrich ourselves but to assist our fellow DCs and our clients.

August WorkshopWe have also been busy working on our upcoming Workshop on the 21st of August 2013 in Cape Town. Debt Counsellors from all Associations are welcome. The Workshop will be held at the Parow Golf Course and will start at 10. Come early to chat and have a cup of tea. The workshop will focus in on two major issues all Debt Counsellors are facing at the moment, namely: Balance end differences and debit order cancellations.

AGMLastly we are excited to announce that our Annual General Meeting will be held on the 17th of October this year. Plan ahead so that you can attend. The venue is the Rocklands Adventure Centre in Simons Town. Come enjoy the picturesque views, the good company and, of course, the important Alliance matters.

CONTACT [email protected]





NEWSLETTERThe Alliance of Professional Debt Counsellors have been very busy this last month working on various important developments for both the industry as well as the association.


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DCASA`s Annual Conference in Gauteng was well attended by over 250 guests. The audience consisted of Debt Counsellors, Creditor Providers, Service Providers (such as PDA`s and Insurance brokers) and other interested parties. Mel da Silva played the role of chairperson for the day( he was later rewarded with a bottle of wine for his duties).

The conference began with an introduction by Paul Slot. He not only discussed the role of DCASA but also new developments in the industry such as the new joint forum (proposed by the NCR) which will now replace DRAC. This forum will meet for the first time in September this year. Last month s well over 11000 people apply for debt review. Recent months have seen a consistent increase in the number of applications. This speaks to the increased pressure consumers are feeling at the moment.Nomsa Motshegare CEO of the National Credit Regulator was the first guest speaker of the day. She spoke in particular about the role of the NCR and some recent developments. It was gratifying for Debt Counsellors to see the

NCR paying serious attention to DCs.

Ingrid Goodspeed spoke about the twin peaks regulatory plan and touched very briefly on the impact it will have on Debt Counsellors. It seems that the plan is to see all DCs qualify as financial advisors. As she left around lunch time she was unfortunately unable to clarify this point during the afternoon Q&A session.

Ingrid and Nomsa fielded a question each before a short tea break which allowed for some networking and catching up.

Dawie Roost gave a nice and humourous explanation of world economy. He pointed out how SA is beginning to lag behind in growth in Africa. Debt levels in SA incredibly high but very slowly reducing. Large need for debt review. SA economy is not doing well. Growth will be low for the next few years and the cost of living will continue to rise.

After a delicious lunch and opportunity to talk to the service providers there was a prize-

DCASA hold their annual conferenceThe Debt Counsellors Association of South Africa (known as DCASA) hosted their annual conference in August.

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giving from both Hyphen and DCM.

Louis da Cruz spoke next from a credit provider perspective. He was followed by Hennie Ferreira CEO of MFSA who began his speech with a few amusing anecdotes after which he discussed the MFSA and how it is organised. Quoting Yogi Berra he said ” the future ain`t what it used to be”. All members in the industry have realised that the industry is actually very different to what we all thought it was going to be. He discussed how MFSA stress sustainability ethical behaviour for their members.

Many micro financiers are consolidating and there are now hundreds less micro financiers than this time last year.

He enumerated 9 burning issues including the recent withdrawal of NCR recognition for the Codes of Conduct and the upcoming credit amnesty. MFSA think it is a bad idea.

He pointed out that like it or not politics is part of credit and the credit industry. It is a reality.In his view selling the wrong finance option to someone who can’t afford it or is vulnerable is nothing short of criminal.

In an amusing section he discussed “Co opertition “ /” frenemies” – companies in same industry that need to find a way to cooperate and work to improve industry.

His final point was that self regulation does not work. If it is attempted ,a strong framework is required.

Rob Easton-Berry spoke next. He revealed that Consumer Friend are dealing with 350

applications each day. Interestingly 92% of proposals are consented to. He promoted the concept of a data switch as being the solution to many industry issues.

The conference then changed format to a question and answer session with panel of experts/speakers. The day ended at that point and as farewell were said it was clear that, though many had to hurry off, all had enjoyed the event.


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The much anticipated Annual DCASA Conference was held on the 21st of August at Emperors Palace, Gauteng. Guest Speakers included: The NCR, Dawie Roodt, Ingrid Goodspeed, Rob Eastonberry, louis de Cruz and Hennie Ferreira. The event was attended by over 250 guests.

Regional Meeting:30 August KZN Branch Meeting; starts at 10:00, Westville Country Club


The DCU wish to applauded the hard work done by Moneyweb in digging below the surface regarding garnishee orders (EAOs) in their recent articles:

Part 1:

Part 2:

For more information contact: [email protected]

August 2013 is our 1 year anniversaryWe wish to say a special thank you to all our members and stakeholders for your support.

Regional Meetings: 23 August 2013: Kwazulu Natal (Beachwood Room @ Durban Country Club)30 August 2013: Western Cape (Office 3, Village Gate (above FNB) Beach Crescent, Hout Bay)

The Alliance of Professional Debt Counsellor’s Annual General Meeting will be held on the 17th of October this year. Plan ahead so that you can attend. The venue is the Rocklands Adventure Centre in Simons Town.

Look out for our Newsletter in this issue of Debtfree DIGI

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TEL: 021 872 1968FAX: 021 872 2678

EMAIL: [email protected]



021 872 1968

Industry leading software

DebtWiseNow generate NCT documentation right

from the system

National call centre086 111 6197

South Africa’s largest Debt Counsellors

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Skype: zune.coetzer Twitter: @zunedcFacebook:

9 Plettenberg StreetDan Pienaar

Cell: 082 776 9280Fax: 086 508 5444Tel: 051 436 4515Email: [email protected]

Zuné CoetzerD E B T C O U N S E L L O R S

Credit Management Services CC

Registered Debt CounsellorNelspruit

Office Tel: 013 764 1045 Cell: 082 872 8035E-mail: [email protected] or

[email protected]

Specialising in investigation of Reckless and Unlawful Credit Agreements

Skuldprobleme Maklik Opgelos!

GRATIS konsultasie

Pretoria 012 330 0428 / 078 031 [email protected]

Does your Debt Counsellor belong to a professional association?

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AA Debt Counselling CentreAnthea JohannesNCRDC531Tel: +27 (0) 21 982 0522Cell: +27 (0) 84 402 7032

Alan Watts NCRDC 962NCR registered Debt Counsellor Tel: 084 4448439 Fax: 086

Central SA Debt Counsellors082 950 7806Fax: 086 563 1621

Consumer AssistJohann VermeulenTel: 0861 628 628

Credit Matters14th floor The PinnacleCorner Strand and Burg StreetsCape TownTel: 021 202 [email protected]

CS Debt CounsellingBernidene Smith NCRDC 764057 352 4115/352 5000Welkom - Free state

Darran [email protected]

Debtbusters0861 663 328 (NO DEBT)

Debt BudgetTel: 021 824 8885

Debt Solve Debt CounsellorsOffice: 033 397 0945

DEBTINCNCRDC’s 1071, 1188, 1189.Tel: (022) 713-2021Fax: (022) 713-2028Share Call: 0861 20 21 20E-mail: [email protected]: HELP to 35075

DebtSafe0861 100 999

Debt SeriousWe are serious about debtVida Scheepers NCRDC1792Po box 394, Garsfontein, Pretoria 0042Fax no: 086 553 [email protected]

Debt RehabColleen Van Wyk(BCom, LLB)Debt Counsellor NCRDC2619Tel: 083 290 0848Tel: 011 740 7374Fax: 086 716 9694Website:

Debt eezyYour Debt Solution made EasyAshley Carstens NCRDC858 Tel: 021 839 2809 Fax: 083 512 4160 / 086 665 9125

Email: [email protected]:

Debt RescueNeil RoetsNCR DC 474Cell: 083 644 7406Tel: 0861 800 009Fax: 086 523 0617E-mail: [email protected]

Debt Management & Counseling Services“The greatest glory in livinglies not in never falling,but in rising every time we fall.” - Nelson MandelaDerry Burge NCRDC108140 Irene Avenue, La Concorde,Somerset West, 7130 Tel: 021 855 5997 Cell: 074 177 5375 Fax: 021 855 1195 or 0865413200E-mail: [email protected]

Durban Debt Counselling ServicesSuite 112, 1st floor Union Club Building353 Sm ith StreetDurban, 4001Tel: 031 301-7893Fax: 031 [email protected]


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Debt Counselling South AfricaCape Town BranchTel: 021 919 66 94Rod De WittNCRDC831Visit:

Fair Finance SolutionsYour debt is our priorityAmanda FairRegistered Debt Counsellor NCR946553 Jacqueline DriveGarsfontein PretoriaTel: 0861 26 26 32Fax: 082 921 7093Cell: 086 564

Fincorp debt Counsellors ccCecilia Zwarts [email protected]

Holistic Debt [email protected]

Helpdesk Debt CounsellorsAllan HoffmanTel: 0861 000 754

Help-U-Debt (Vaal Triangle) WanineTel: 082 445 3967

Help-U-Debt (Potchefstroom)Madra083 390 3275

Help-U-Debt (Parys)Marilouise082 920 6249

Help-U-Debt (Vanderbijlpark)Herma083 320 8303

Incentive Debt Counselling“Paving the way to a Debt Free Tommorrow”Darran Manikam NCRDC704Tel: (031) 409 9379Fax: (031) 409 1327Cell: 0845898286Branches: Phoenix and Shallcross

Indigo debt counsellors CCTel: 087 808 9734 Fax: 086 580 8675 [email protected]

MG Consulting Strand - Helderberg AreaTelkom : 021 853 4537 Mobile Phone: 082 450 7459Fax Number: 0866 220 690E-Mail: [email protected]

Mzansi Debt CounsellingOctavia HlatshwayoTel: 011 868 1185Fax: 0861 00 22 [email protected]

The best angle to approach debt is the Triangle

Caledon - Western CapeContact Person: Yolande8 Hoop Street, 7230 [email protected]: 028 212 2537

Ceres - Western CapeLeyll str 61, 683 [email protected]: 023 312 1292Fax: 023 312 2119

Worcester - Western Cape71 Porter Street 6850 Longitude: 19.44305Latitude: [email protected]: 0233420576Fax: 086656801

Bloemfontein - Free State94 Zastron, 9301 BloemfonteinContact Person: [email protected]: +27 51 448 2828Fax: +27 51 447 9481

Viljoenskroon - Free State35 Denyssen Street, 7230Contact Person: Johann [email protected]: +27 56 343 0352Fax: +27 56 343 035

Welkom – Free State329 Stateway, 9460 WelkomContact Person: Susan RouxEmail: [email protected]: +27 57 352 6117Fax: +27 57-352 2355


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DRS BEACON BAYJohan PretoriusCell: 082 324 4038Office: 043 748 1139

DRS BUFFALO CITYHerman MariasCell: 082 378 3743Office: 043 7210652

DRS KING WILLIAMS TOWNHerman MaraisCell: 082 378 3743Email: [email protected]

DRS CRADOCKOffice: 043 721 0652

DRS QUEENSTOWNHerman Marais Cell: 082 378 3743 Email: [email protected]

DRS MTHATHAHerman Marais Cell: 082 378 3743 Email: [email protected]


DRS ALBANYOffice: 041 373 9693Email: [email protected]

DRS ALGOAMarius WeyersCell: 083 497 3219Email: [email protected]

DRS BOND CHOICEAndrea AtkinsonOffice: 041 393 7000Email: [email protected]

DRS CENTRAL EXPRESSDerryn FishOffice: 041 373 9693586 2020Email: [email protected]

DRS DESPATCHIsabe LandmanCell: 072 337 3328Office: 041 933 1189Email: [email protected] HUMANSDORPMorne SteynCell: 083 298 8182Office: 042 291 0135Email: [email protected]

DRS NKONKOBE (Fort Beaufort)Bernadine von der DeckenCell: 083 2859289Office: 046 645 1898Email: [email protected]

DRS KIRKWOODKeith Le RouxCell: 073 207 1675Office: 041 451 0474Email: [email protected]

DRS PORT ELIZABETHDerryn FishCell: 084 515 6135Office: 041 453 8961Email: [email protected]

DRS SIDWELL EXPRESSKeith Le RouxCell: 073 207 1675Office: 041 451 0474Email: [email protected]

DRS SOMMERSET EASTLuther De BruynCell: 082 568 2970Office: 042 243 1107Email: [email protected]

DRS UTENHAGELynn LindoorCell: 083 7174 183Email: [email protected]


DRS GOLDFIELDS (Welkom)Irvin Billy (Derryn Fish)Cell: 072 114 4427Office: 081 319 0083Email: [email protected]

DRS MANGAUNGAmanda JohnsonOffice: 041 373 9693Email: [email protected]

DRS FOREISTATA EXPRESS (Bloemfontein)Derryn FishOffice: 041 373 9693Email: [email protected]

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SERVICE DIRECTORYDRS SOUTH FREESTATENelmarie De langeCell: 079 236 3615Office: 053 591 0734Email: [email protected]


DRS DE AARVeronique Louw (Derryn Fish)Cell: 076 382 2020Office: 053 631 1189Email: [email protected]

DRS GEORGEFrancois Van ZylCell: 079 522 1930Office: 044 874 2820Email: [email protected]

DRS EDEN (Hartenbos)Bruno MertschTel: 042 291 1083/4Email: [email protected]


DRS CENTURION EXPRESSAmanda JohnonOffice: 041 373 9693Email: [email protected]

DRS LYNNWOODJunique JuliusOffice: 012 807 4339Email: [email protected]

DRS PRETORIA EXPRESSBen VermeulenCell: 082 442 8654Office: 012 331 2145Email: [email protected]

DRS PRETORIA NOORDOffice: 041 373 9693Email: [email protected]

DRS ROODEPOORT EXPRESSDerryn FishOffice: 041 373 9693Email: [email protected]

DRS RUSTENBURG Amanda JohnsonOffice: 041 373 9693Email: [email protected]


DRS GREYVILLEVyas JuggernathCell: 083 206 0300Office: 031 309 8716Email: [email protected]

DRS KOKSTAD Melanie LouwrensCell: 083 269 0424Office: 039 727 1430Email: [email protected]

DRS MORNINGSIDE DURBANErica Mtshali (Amanda Johnson)Cell: 076 578 8660 Office: 031 301 5990email [email protected]

DRS PHOENIXVyas JuggernathCell: 083 206 0300Office: 031 309 8716Email: [email protected]

DRS PIETERMARITZBURGSanele ZuluCell: 083 543 3487Office: 033 394 8319Email: [email protected]


DRS BELLVILLEPatricia BekkerOffice: 021 948 8523 / 4Email: [email protected]

DRS DIAMONDClive PalmerOffice: 021 421 8563Email: [email protected]

DRS TYGERBERGCraig LakeyCell: 082 627 0957Office: 021 945 4062Email: [email protected]

DRS WEST COASTMarius CoetzeeCell: 082 978 4407Office: 022 713 3766Email [email protected]

DRS SALDANHAMarius CoetzeeOffice: 022 713 3766Email: [email protected]

DRS SOLUTIONSChristelle de VilliersCell: 084 586 5600Email: [email protected]

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SERVICE DIRECTORYNDA Debt CounsellorsYour Trusted Debt CounsellorsGary Williams (NCRDC 143)Tel: 034 315 3880 Fax: 086 612 [email protected]

Penny Wise Debt CounsellingCathy Foster Debt Counsellor - NCRDC1977Tel: (011) 794 9912Fax: 086 719 3378Mobile: 083 298 4467Email: [email protected]

Rihanyo Debt Counselling(012) 804 50 57

SFA Debt Relief Consultants Adri de BruynNCRDC99811 Market Street / Markstraat 11, Paarl, 7646Tel: 021 872 1968Fax: 021 872 [email protected]

Think Green Debt CounsellingSandi [email protected] : 012 991 6638Cell : 082 460 7800Fax : 086 219 2615

U-Win Debt CounsellorsCoreli Roos - NCR DC 509Aliwal North, Burgersdorp, Bethulie, GariepDam, Smithfield, SpringfonteinCell:079 626 [email protected]

Zuné Coetzer Debt CounsellorsNCRDC 159924 van der Stel Street, Dan PienaarBloemfonteinTel: 051-4364515Fax: 086 5870 845Email: [email protected]


Staff Line Ndizani Executive RecruitmentCell no: 083 3028163Direct Line: (011) 468 - 2150E- Mail: [email protected]

Information resources &

DesigntimesSouth Africa’s creative


Compuscan AcademySetting you on courseSales team: Megan, Marco, Priscilla, Wouter, [email protected] Tel: 021 888

You & Your MoneyWestern Cape: NCR Debt Counsellor Training: For a Cutting Edge Course with practical input contact: You & Your MoneyDawn [email protected]: 072 1769789(021) 761 3287


ABSA Customer Debt Repair Line0861 005 901

Credit Ombudsman0861 662837

Experian011 799-3400 [email protected]

Fair Debt0829019788 or [email protected]

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SERVICE DIRECTORYPACFIN Financial Solutions Head OfficeTel: +27 11 9757445Fax: 086536878336 Van Riebeeck roadKempton Park [email protected] Carlo BuildingNo 8 VoortrekkerstreetKempton Park 1619

Kempton ParkContact: Reyno CoetzeeTel: +27 11 3945363Fax: 0866048002Cell: +27 73 [email protected] / GermistonContact: Armand PosthumusTel: +27 11 8921911Fax: 0865620378

NelspruitContact: Ann BakerTel: +27 13 7415559Fax: 0880 1374 15559Cell: +27 82 [email protected]: Wynand MclachlanTel: +27 11 8113728Fax: +27 11 8113728Cell: +27 83 2754014/[email protected]

Gooseberry Business AdvisoryTel: 012 644 0589

NedbankDebt Rehabilitation & Recoveries Services0860 109 279

STD BankDebt review HelplineTelephone: 0861 111 402

TransUnion0861 482 482

ThinkmoneyFinancial comparison websiteContact: Gareth MountainTel: 079 0996

WIZARD Vereeniging Making Mortgage MagicWanine SmitTel:+27 16 454 1132Fax:+27 86 686 3678 Cell:+27 82 445 3967

FINANCIAL PLANNING Eric StresoFinancial PlannerB Juris LL B CFP MBATel: 0833273358Fax: 086 612 7912


LUCID AttorneysTel: 011 880 1100Fax: 011 880 1101Email: [email protected]/attorney

O’Connell & AssociatesAttorneys at LawKeegan O’[email protected] 021 462 1663Fax 0866 504 550303 Millborough, 70A Upper Mill Street, Vreedehoek, Cape Town,8000

Prinsloo & AssociatesAttorneys and conveyancersNanika Prinsloo Farm Bergamot, Paarl 7620P O Box 6199, Paarl 762014 Laing Street, Barrydale 6750Cell: 072-8558-106Fax: [email protected]

RM Brown and Associates 16th floor The PinnacleCorner Strand and Burg StreetsCape TownTel: 021 202 1111 Email: [email protected]

Scheepers AttorneysGerhard [email protected]

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Steyn Coetzee Attorneys / ProkureursAdri de Bruyn11 Market Street / Markstraat 11, Paarl, 7646Tel: 021 872 1968Fax: 021 872 [email protected]

Agiliti CCColleen Van Wyk(BCom, LLB)Tel: 083 290 0848Tel: 011 740 7374Fax: 086 716 9694Website:


Compuscan 0861 514

Computer Profile Bureau0861 28 0861 63 60 70 Consumer- 0861 10 5665

Micro Lenders Credit Bureau 0861 28 7328

TransUnion 0861 886

XDS 0860 937 000


South Africa’s debt counselling magazine

June 2013


South Africa’s debt counselling magazine

May 2013


CODEDebt Counsellors

Page 35: Debtfree DIGI Aug 2013

take the test that could change your life...Are you in debt?

Are you at risk of losing your house or car?

Do you ignore unknown phone calls?

Does your account balance get to zero within15 days of your salary being paid in?

Do you have sleepless nights because of debts?

Are your accounts piling up with interest?

if your answer to any of these is yes,speak to us about becoming debt free

TEL: 0861 66 33 2724HR: 078 221 0193FAX: 021 713 4387EMAIL: [email protected]