debug lsmw

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Debugging LSMW and Difference between LSMW and BDC

Page restrictions apply Added by Satish Kumar, last edited by Alon Mizrahi on No v 01, 2011 (view change) Comment:

Debugging LSMW LSMW object program can be debugged putting breakpoints. In our Field Mapping/conversion, we can code BREAK-POINT at the very first field . The program execution will break when it reaches there. We can also put soft breakpoints in the generated code. To view our generated co de, we need to bring it up in the initial screen of our object. To do so, go to User Menu and check the Display Read Program and Display Convers ion Program checkboxes and press ENTER. Now 2 additional options will be seen o n the initial screen of our Object. On double-clicking the Display Read Program or Display Conversion Program, the generated code will be seen. Then place a sof t breakpoint. Another option is to go to DISPLAY READ PROGRAM or DISPLAY CONVERSION PROGRAM. Now we could see the ABAP editor with the code. We can place the breakpoint (sof t break point using STOP button on application tool bar) wherever desired.

Difference between LSMW and BDC

The differences between LSMW and BDC are as follows: LSMW is generally for normal SAP applications, while BDC is mainly for any cust omized applications. LSMW is a Non-SAP to SAP communication TOOL, whereas BDC is a SAP to SAP communi cation UTILITY. LSMW(Legacy System Migration Workbench) is a more user-friendly tool, through wh ich one can do the same work as the BDC. One just has to follow the 14 steps. LS MW offers four ways to import data into SAP, and they are: BDC, Direct Input, BAPI(BO) and IDOC. BDC(Batch Data Communication) is basically a program which is either generated b y SAP after a recording or programmed by a abaper. It's like running the transac tion manually but all the data is populated in the screens automatically. It is a bit complex when the screen contains Table Controls. LSMW provides various methods for migration of data, namely those of Direct Inpu

t, Batch Input recording and IDOC. BDC however simply makes use of recording. Th ere are two ways of implementing BDC, the Call transaction metod and the Sessio n method. In LSMW, mapping is taken care of with the help of SAP, whereas in BDC one has t o provide explicit mapping directions. In BDC, we can schedule the job, so the uploading can be done at the same time o r later periodically while in LSMW it has to be done at once only. So through LS MW, one cannot upload huge amount of data. Hence we use LSMW for updating or ins erting below 5000 records and we use BDC to upload records more than 5000. Coding is not very flexible in LSMW, whereas in BDC coding is very flexible and applications can be easily customized. this is mainly because LSMW is devised sp ecially for functional consultants who do not perform coding, while BDC is mainl y used by technical consultants, who perform coding.