decamerole · introduction decamerole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought...

D D ECAME ECAME R R OLE OLE A simplified fantasy RPG system by Simone Normani

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Page 1: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer


A simplified fantasy RPG system

by Simone Normani

Page 2: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

DECAMEROLE Fantasy RPGVer. 1.0

DecameRole is free to play and must stay free.

If you paid for this booklet, I'm afraid you have been scammed.

Please feel free to share it and let these few pages circulate in the gamer communityif you so like.

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Page 3: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer



Introduction …............................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 1 – Character Creation …........................................................................... 5

Chapter 2 – How to Play …....................................................................................... 7

Chapter 3 – Flairs …................................................................................................... 9

Fighter Flairs …................................................................................................... 10

Mage Flairs …................................................................................................... 11

Priest Flairs …................................................................................................... 13

Rogue Flairs …................................................................................................... 14

Chapter 4 – Items ….................................................................................................. 15

Chapter 5 – Sample Characters and NPCs …............................................................... 16

Sample Character Sheets …........................................................................... 17

NPCs …............................................................................................................... 21

Chapter 6 – Bestiary......................................................................................................... 25

Angels …............................................................................................................... 26

Animals …................................................................................................... 27

Demons …................................................................................................... 31

Devils …............................................................................................................... 32

Dragons ....................................................................................................... 33

Elementals ….................................................................................................... 35

Monsters ….................................................................................................... 36

Undead …................................................................................................... 42

Page 4: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer


DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shotgames and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer campaigns may be played if so youwish. It was born as an attempt at doing a cycle of adventures during vacation with friends with

alternating Game Masters and random adventures (The name comes from the overarching story ofthe medieval collection of novellas Decameron, wherein characters take turns telling stories to the

others).I tried to optimise the ruleset to be as easy and fast as possible, particularly so that character

creation may take less than 15 minutes, and that the Game Master (GM) may have the widestpossible flexibility and customization. In particular, players are encouraged to create their own

magic spells and abilities.To play, you need only a pen or pencil, 3 or 4 10-sided dice (but you can easily make do with 1),and a 6-sided die. And well, of course, this handbook. But feel free to ignore it. Really, I won't

mind. No, no, really, it's nothing. I'm not upset or anything.

Have fun!

P.S.If you're exclusively a player and not a GM, I urge you not to read beyond page 15. That is all you

need to know, the rest is spoilers that may ruin your fun and awe.

Page 5: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Chapter 1 – Character Creation

Step 1 – Choose sex, name and a general concept of the character you want to play.

Step 2 – Choose a race. The character automatically obtains a free racial Flair in character creation.Human – your dear, average, common, usual fantasy human – 1 extra Skill PointCelestial – tall and lean, candid or completely white skin and hair, golden eyes – HealDwarf – short and stocky build, awesome beard and powerful muscles – RageElf – elongated ears, slim bodies, regal and sharp features – Magic ArrowUmbran – dark skin, hair and eyes, slim and short build – Invisibility

Step 3 – Choose a class. Each class has a limitation, an advantage, and grants access to a differentFlair list. A character who does not meet their class restrictions cannot use that class' Flairs andadvantages. One can choose more than one class by giving up a Flair for each class beyond the first.

Fighter – No limitation – No advantagesMage – May not wear armor nor shields – gets 1 extra free Arcane FlairPriest – Must have at least 1 Faith – gets 1 extra free Miracle Flair for each Faith pointRogue – May not wear heavy armour nor shields – Sneak attacks deal 1 extra damage

Step 4 – Set all your character's Attributes to 1. After this, you have 6 Attribute Points (AP) todistribute freely among the six Attributes (max. score 3):

Strength – defines physical strength, muscle power, control of one's own strength. Mostimportant for melee combat and some athletic feats.

Fortitude – corresponds to the character's toughness, resistance to pain, physical exertion,poison and illness. It also determines Health Points.

Agility – defines the character swiftness, coordination and dexterity. Important for rangedcombat, complex movements and stealth.

Instinct – corresponds to the innate analysis and comprehension ability, and perception. Italso governs willpower.

Intellect – determines the character's intelligence, ability to understand, learn and processinformation. It is important for knowledge, magic and the ability to learn Flairs.

Charisma – is the character's social appeal, the ability to charm, manipulate, convince andnegotiate. It is very important for persuasion and artistic skills.

Step 5 – Distribute 2 Quality Points (QP) among the 3 Qualities (max. score 2):Faith – The character's alignment to their metaphysical principles, deities and spirituality.

Governs spiritual Flairs and miracles, and gives an equal bonus or penalty to interacting withspecific objects, creatures or places which are aligned or disaligned with the their belief, or whichthey may consider “holy” or “unholy”.

Initiative – The character's ability to take the initiative, to take the first move, to respond toa crisis, a threat or a challenge. It helps going first, and thus taking the upper hand, in combat.

Looks – The character's physical appearance. Corresponds to a bonus to Persuasion in theright circumstances. One must define at character creation what kind of looks their character has:a beautiful, sexy or handsome character may have a bouns to charming and seducing, while aninnocent-looking character may have a bonus to cheating, and a menacing character may have abonus to intimidation.

Step 6 – Distribute 9 Skill Points (SP) among the 15 Skills (max. score 3):Melee – combat with melee weapons (swords, axes, clubs, spears...)Ranged – shooting ranged weapons (bows, crossbows, slings...)Throwing – throwing weapons (javelins, knives, hatchets, rocks...)Unarmed – unarmed combat, wrestling, punching, kicking etc.

Page 6: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Arts – artistic skills, including singing, dancing, acting, painting, etc.Athletics – running, jumping, climbing, swimming, even contorsionism...Crafting – ability to craft, to repair, create, build, manifacture items and process materials.Knowledge – academic, theoretical or notional knowledgeMedicine – ability to cure illness, heal, suture, treat diseases etc.Nature – knowledge of environment, survival in the wild, recognising plants and wildlifePerception – understanding one's intention or feelings, perceiving danger...Persuasion – social interaction ability (charming, intimidating, seducing, distracting...)Senses – perception of the immediate environment, the five senses, searching, etc.Sleight of Hand – stealing, picking locks, disarming traps, freeing oneself from ropes etc.Stealth – sneaking, hiding, losing oneself in the crowd, remaining unnoticed...

Step 7 – Add 1 Reaction Point (RP) to one of the 3 reaction scores (max. score 1). Base Reactionscores are equal to the associated Attribute.

Reflexes – reactions to sudden, unforeseen or instantaneous threats, such as traps,ambushes, explosions... (Agility)

Resistance – sustaining physical labour, resisting stunning blows, diseases and poisons,prolonging physical activity... (Fortitude)

Willpower – resisting temptations, mental manipulation, trickery, recognising illusions,feeling magic power... (Insinct)

Step 8 – Choose Flairs. Your character may only have as many Flairs as their Intellect score (plusbonus Arcane or Miracle Flairs from the character's class advantages). Remember that you mayforego a Flair to take another class (however, you cannot forego bonus Arcane or Miracle Flairsfrom the character's class advantages for this purpose).

Step 9 – Choose your equipment. You start the game with 100 gold pieces (gp) to spend. You maywant to share your money among the party if someone needs to get particularly expensive gear.

Step 10 – Finalise your character by calculating Health Points (HP) and DefenceHP – equal to the character's Fortitude score +1.Defence – equal to the character's Agility score + bonuses from gear + 4.

Page 7: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Chapter 2 – How to Play

General Game Mechanics

The game is played by dice rolls to determine the success or failure of actions and tasks. Each rollhas a difficulty score that depends on how hard the task is (see table). To succeed, the charactermust roll a number that surpasses the difficulty score.

Task Difficulty Score to Beat

Trivial 1

Easy 3

Average 5

Challenging 7

Hard 9

Impossible 11

Rolls are made with 10-sided dice (d10's) and occasionally 6-sided dice (d6's). Given the challengeand known the corresponding Skill that must be used to overcome it, the player rolls as many d10'sas their character's score in that skill, and keeps the highest result.Each Skill will be associated to an appropriate Attribute as called by the GM (e.g., climbing andtumbling both rely on the Athletics Skill, but one is associated to Strength and the other to Agility).The associated Attribute provides a bonus to the Skill roll equal to the Attribute score -1.

Example: Galen is a human mage with 3 points of Intellect and 1 point of Charisma. He has 2points in Knowledge and 1 point in Persuasion. Galen finds some old books and starts to readthem. He performs a Knowledge (Intellect) roll to understand what the arcane inscriptions mean, sohe rolls 2d10 and gets a 2 and a 7. He keeps the 7 and adds 2 thanks to his high Intellect, for a totalof 9. The task is average (difficulty score 5) so he manages to understand the text, warningadventurers of traps, and tries to persuade his companions not to delve further in the dungeon. Herolls Persuasion (Charisma), which is 1d10 with no bonus added for his low Charisma. The task ischallenging (7), but he rolls a 4. Therefore, the roll fails, and his unconvinced party descends intothe ruins and toward their doom.

It may happen that a roll is called, but the character does not have any point into the appropriateSkill. In certain instances (e.g. for specific Knowledge rolls which require at least a little wits aboutthe subject, or complex Athletics rolls like hurdling while keeping water into a bowl) if thecharacter has no score in the Skill, the roll is automatically failed. However, other times (swinging asword without martial training, throwing a pebble, jumping a fence...) an “untrained roll” can bemade. This is done by rolling a single d6, without applying the modifiers from Attributes. Thismeans that attempting any task which is “challenging” or harder while untrained in the Skill willautomatically result in failure.

Example: Norah is an umbran rogue with 3 points of Agility. She has no score in Athletics norMedicine. Norah is running back to her wounded fighter companion with a flask of herbs whichshould help him recover from a severe poisoning. While hurrying back through the thicket, she hasto avoid branches, jump over unearthed roots and keep her balance on unstable, muddy soil. Shemust perform an average-difficulty (5) Athletics (Agility) roll not to trip over and lose the flask.However, since she has no points in Athletics, she only rolls a d6, and adds no bonuses from herAgility. She luckily gets 6 and soon arrives at her camp. Nobody is near her suffering friend, and he

Page 8: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

needs immediate medical assistance. However, since she has no medical skill, any Medicine roll shecould make is automatically failed, and she does not know how or where to apply the herbs, nor inwhich quantity, leaving the fate of the fighter uncertain.

Attribute rolls may also be called in the case some task did not require a specific Skill to beperformed, but just a “brute force” approach (e.g. Remembering something with an Intellect roll,moving a heavy object with a Strength roll). In this case the roll works as for a Skill roll, except thatno modifier comes from other Attributes, so for instance a character with 3 points of Agility mayroll 3d10 for an Agilty check and keep the best result, regardless of their other Attribute scores, andso forth.


Combat situations are divided in set-time spans of about 3 seconds each, called rounds, duringwhich every party involved takes a turn to act.Once a fight starts, the characters all take their turn to perform actions in an order defined by theirInitiative. To do so, at the start of the combat scenario (or alternative at the start of each round, asthe GM prefers) each character involved rolls for their temporary Initiative value. This is done byrolling a number of d10's equal to their Initiative Quality score and sum the results in one value. If acharacter has no points in the Initiative Quality, they just roll a d6, similar to the “untrained roll”case introduced before.Initiative works “backwards”: the lowest-initiative character left declares their action first, untileveryone has declared their action. This allows higher-initiative characters to see what others do andact consequently, so that they can adapt to the situation. Once all characters have delcared theiractions, they all are resolved simultaneously as the next round begins. One may decide to foregotheir turn for a round to get first initiative in the next (and only for the next round) regardless oftheir Initiative value.Fighting works very similarly to the rest of the game. Each attack made requires a roll with theappropriate Skill (Unarmed, Thrown, Melee and Ranged), and the difficulty score to beat is givenby the target's Defense value. Each successful attack causes the loss of 1 HP to the target, with theexception of some kinds of weapons, sneak attacks by rogues and other miscellaneous modifiers.A character or creature that reaches 0 HP is comatose, and if untreated they will die unless theysucceed in a Resistance roll with difficulty 1 and increasing by 2 each turn.Unarmed attacks may fail to actually damage the target (unless the attacker has the proper Flair).When hit by an unarmed attack, the defender may roll Fortitude to nullify the damage (difficultyscore: 7). Creatures with the “Tough Skin” Flair automatically nullify this damage.During a turn one can: attack, cast a spell, hide, run up to 50 ft (or 15 m), perform a charge (run andattack), pick up an item, sheathe or unsheathe a weapon, concentrate on parrying an incoming blow,etc. All characters may take a single step (3 ft or 1 m distance) for free per round.

Page 9: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Chapter 3 – Flairs

Here is a list of Flairs for the four different classes. The list is not exhaustive by any means, asplayers are encouraged to create their own Flairs, with the GM's help and approval.Spells (Tricks, Arcanes and Miracles) can be chosen multiple times, in which case their uses per daystack (e.g. a celestial priest may choose Heal as a Flair, and, since they already possess the samespell as a racial Flair, they can use it twice as ofter per day).Racial magic Flairs do not require an item to be cast, however a character who takes a spell Flairthat they already have as racial Flair, must use an item to cast the non-racial Flair version (e.g. thehypothetical celestial of before may cast freely his racial Heal uses per day, but must use an icon orholy symbol for those he has obtained by choosing the Heal spell as a Flair).

Page 10: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Fighter FlairsAmbidexterity Character may fight with 2 weapons (melee or thrown), but secondary hand attacks

have a -1. Each attack is mae separately.

Animal Companion Character has a friendly animal companion who fights with them.

Bull Rush +1 to attacks when charging.

Combat Dexterity Use Agility in the place of Strength when attacking with light, bladed melee weapons(short swords, knives, daggers...).

Disarm Character may try and disarm a foe with a melee or unarmed attack (attack roll vs.Reflex reaction).

Double Shot 1/day: throw 2 weapons or shoot 2 projectiles with the same attack.

Extra SP Get 1 extra SP to spend.

Hail of Projectiles 1/day: projectiles or thrown weapons deal 1 damage in an area with 10 ft (3 m)radius. Consumes 5 projectiles or thrown weapons.

Imposing Associate Strength in place of Charisma to Persuasion rolls when intimidating.

Incapacitate 1/day: target of next attack loses their next turn.

Instinctive Defence Add (Instinct-1) to Defence when unarmoured.

Martial Arts Considered armed even when unarmed. Denies Fortitude roll to nullify unarmeddamage. A character with Martial Arts may apply Combat Dexterity to unarmedattacks.

Power Attack 1/day: +1 to melee or unarmed attack, +1 damage if it hits.

Rage 1/day: +1 main melee weapon and +1 HP for (Fortitude+1) rounds. After the Ragehas stopped, the character is winded: -1 all Skill rolls and -1 to Resistance rolls untilrest.

Ride Attack Fight while mounted.

Shield Bash Attack with shield (character loses shield Defence bonus for the rest of the round).

Smite (1xCharisma)/day: add Faith score to next attack roll.

Whirling Attack 1/day: attack to all adjacent foes.

Page 11: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Mage FlairsAlchemy Character may brew alchemical potions (Crafting)

Extra SP Get 1 extra SP to spend.

Familiar Character has a familiar, a small pet (for instance a rat, a cat, a crow, an owl, a toador a bat) telepathically linked to the mage. The familiar can store and transfer touchspells, but only has 1 HP.

Mage Spells (Arcane Flairs)Arcane Flairs can be used (1xIntellect) times/day.

Acid Bubble 1 acid damage in a 10 ft (3 m) radius up to (20 ft or 6 m)xIntellect from the mage.

Caustic Spray 1 acid damage in a 20 ft (6 m) long cone.

Corrosive Stroke 2 acid damage to touched target.

Erosive Burst 2 acid damage in a (3 ft or 1 m)xIntellect radius around the mage.

Fireball 1 fire damage in a 10 ft (3 m) radius up to (20 ft or 6 m)xIntellect from the mage.

Flame Cone 1 fire damage in a 20 ft (6 m) long cone.

Flaming Pillar 2 fire damage in a (3 ft or 1 m)xIntellect radius around the mage.

Scorching Hands 2 fire damage to touched target.

Freezing Grasp 2 cold damage to touched target.

Frost Spray 1 cold damage in a 20 ft (6 m) long cone.

Hailstorm 2 cold damage in a (3 ft or 1 m)xIntellect radius around the mage.

Ice Shard 1 cold damage in a 10 ft (3 m) radius up to (20 ft or 6 m)xIntellect from the mage.

Lightning Arc 1 shock damage in a 20 ft (6 m) long cone.

Plasma Burst 1 shock damage in a 10 ft (3 m) radius up to (20 ft or 6 m)xIntellect from the mage.

Shocking Touch 2 shock damage to touched target.

Thunderstorm 2 shock damage in a (3 ft or 1 m)xIntellect radius around the mage.

Barrier Square, impenetrable barrier with (3 ft or 1 m)xIntellect long sides, up to 20 ft (5 m)from the mage.

Earthquake All in a (6 ft or 2 m)xIntellect radius around the mage are thrown to the ground byseismic movments.

Fear Target is frightened and must flee for 1xIntellect rounds (challenging Willpower roll toresist this effect).

Gust of Wind All in a (6 ft or 2 m)xIntellect long cone are pushed back by 10 ft (3 m).

Illusion Create fictitious image that appears real to the eye, lasting up to (5xIntellect) minutes.A difficultg Willpower roll may reveal the illusion.

Levitation Target levitates for up to (1xintellect) minutes.

Magic Armour Target gets +1 Defence for 1 minute.

Magic Arrow Magic projectile that always hits its mark for 1 (arcane) damage, up to (20 ft or 6m)xIntellect.

Magic Weapon Touched weapon deals 1 extra damage on next successful attack.

Mermaid's Kiss Target can breath under water for up to (1xIntellect) minutes.

Shockwave 1 damage to a target within (3 ft or 1 m)xIntellect. The target is pushed back (3 ft or 1m)xIntellect.

Summon Demon Summon a demon that fights for the mage for up to (1xIntellect) minutes.

Summon Elemental Summon an elemental that fights for the mage for up to (1xIntellect) minutes.

Summon Monster Summon a monster that fights for the mage for up to (1xIntellect) minutes.

Page 12: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Telekinesis Remotely move objects up to (10 ft or 3 m)xIntellect from the mage (Intellect roll,diffculty depends on object weight).

Teleport Mage teleports to spot up to (300 fr or 100 m)xIntellect from their original position.Teleport happens at the start of the following round.

Toxin Poisons touched target (1 damage/hour if untreated).

Page 13: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Priest FlairsAlchemy Character may brew alchemical potions (Crafting).

Animal Companion Character has a friendly animal companion who fights with them.

Animal Language (1xInstinct)/day: character may speak with animals.

Extra SP Get 1 extra SP to spend.

Protection Character permanently has +1 to all Reaction rolls.

Smite (1xCharisma)/day: add Faith score to next attack roll.

Spirit Tongue (1xInstinct)/day: speak with a spirit of nature.

Wild Shape 1/day: character may morph into an animal for up to (10xInstinct) minutes, but retainstheir Intellect, Instinct and Charisma.

Priest Spells (Miracle Flairs)Miracle Flairs can be used (1xIntellect) times/day.

Antidote Cures poison on touch.

Beam of Light Ray deals 1 damage to a target (challenging Reflex roll to avoid).This damage isconsidered holy as it is aligned with the priest's faith, therfore it will not harm otherswho are aligned with the same faith (or a very similar one), but will deal 2 damage tothose who are aligned with opposite principles.

Bless/Curse Make an item holy/unholy (according to the priest's faith).

Charme Calm a foe or make a non-hostile character friendly (challenging Willpower roll toresist this effect).

Finger of Darkness Ray deals 1 unholy damage to a target (challenging Reflex roll to avoid, the difficultyincreases by 1 for each point of Faith the target has).

Heal Heals (1xFaith) HP on touch.

Holy/Unholy Weapon +1 or -1 to next attack with target weapon.

Light Make an item luminous, lighting all around it in a (10 ft or 3 m)xFaith radius.

Magic Armour Target gets +1 Defence for 1 minute.

Necromancy Raises a number of undead (with no Intellect score) equal or lesser than the priest'sIntellect score to fight for the character for 1 minute.

Sanctuary Summon a “bubble” around the priest. The bubble has a 6 ft (2 m) radius and isimmovable and impenetrable from both sides. It lasts up to (1xFaith) minutes.

Summon Angel Summon an angel that fights for the mage for up to (1xIntellect) minutes.

Summon Animal Summon an animal that fights for the mage for up to (1xIntellect) minutes.

Summon Devil Summon a devil that fights for the mage for up to (1xIntellect) minutes.

Tangle A tangle of roots, vines, creepers, or wicker springs from the ground in a 6 ft (2 m)radius, up to (20 ft or 6 m)xFaith from the priest, catching and stopping in placeanyone in the area for one round (hard Strength roll to free oneself).

Toxin Poisons touched target (1 damage/hour if untreated).

Turn Undead Deals (1xFaith) damage to a number of undead equal or lesser than the priest'sIntellect score.

Page 14: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Rogue FlairsAlchemy Character may brew alchemical potions (Crafting).

Ambidexterity Character may fight with 2 weapons (melee or thrown), but secondary hand attackshave a -1. Each attack is mae separately.

Bardic Music While playing and singing, character inspires all allies who can hear, giving them +1to all rolls.

Casanova Character may add Looks bonus to all Persuasion rolls.

Combat Dexterity Use Agility in the place of Strength when attacking with light, bladed melee weapons(short swords, knives, daggers...)

Disarm Character may try and disarm a foe with a melee or unarmed attack (attack roll vs.Reflex reaction)

Distraction Peform feints in combat (Persuasion vs. Willpower) to take a foe flat-footed andenable sneak attacks.

Extra QP Get 1 extra QP to spend.

Extra SP Get 1 extra SP to spend.

Incapacitate 1/day: target of next attack loses their next turn.

Tip-Off (Charsima-1)/game: character gathers an important piece of information.

Use Magic Items Character may use magic items even if they're not a mage nor a priest.

Rogue Spells (Trick Flairs)Trick Flairs can be used (1xCharisma) times/day.

Charme Calm a foe or make a non-hostile character friendly (challenging Willpower roll toresist this effect).

Fog Cloud Summon a cloud that obscures view within and through it.

Invisibility Become invisible for 1 minute, or until interaction with environment or characters.

Poison Poison a weapon for an attack. The poison deals 1 damage every 10 minutes for 1hour. Resistance roll (challenging) to resist damage.

Page 15: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Chapter 4 – Items

Item Notes Requirements Cost (gp) Magic*

One-Handed Weapon Swords, Axes, Maces... -- 20

Two-Handed Weapon +1 damage Strength 2 35

Pole Weapon May be used with Combat Dexterity -- 10

Thrown Weapon Range: (Strength + 1) x 10 ft (3 m) -- 1

Sling (One-Handed) Range: 50 ft (15 m) -- 10

Bow/Crossbow/Staff Sling Range: 100 ft (30 m) -- 30

Warbow/Longbow Range: 100 ft (30 m); +1 damage Strength 2 40

10 Projectiles 10 arrows, quarrels, or sling bullets -- 1

5 Warbow Arrows Longbow arrows -- 1

Shield +1 Defence Strength 2 25

Light Armour Gambesons, mail shirts... +1 Defence -- 40

Heavy Armour Plate armour. +2 Defence Strength 2 80

Musical Instrument For musical Flairs Arts 1 10 to 15

Lockpicks For lockpicking and trap disabling Sleight of Hand 1 15

Artist's Make-up Useful for camouflage Arts 1 or Crafting 1 10

Alchemical Potion Miscellaneous -- 10 to 100

Mount Horse or other beast of burden Athletics 1 40

Magic Wand Contains limited uses of 1 spell Intellect 2 > 100 X

Wizard's Staff Can store 1 spell Intellect 2 > 200 X

Focus or Grimoire Needed to cast Arcane spells -- 20 X

Icon or Holy Symbol Needed to cast Miracles -- 10 X

Bag of Tricks Needed to cast Tricks -- 10

Misc. Arcane Artifacts Miscellaneous Mage ? X

Misc. Divine Artifacts Miscellaneous Priest ? X

* Magic items may only be used by mages, priests and characters with the “Use Magic Items” Flair.

Magic items are usually regular items, enchanted via runes (runes are the letters of magic, onlymagic users are able to read them, unlike glyphs, which compose the regular alphabet).Items can be created with Crafting, but only mages and priests may enchant them with runes.Enchanting an item or creating an enchanted item requires material with total cost 50 gp or higher.

Notice:With the next pagge, the technical part for Game Masters begins. If you are not a GM, you can stop reading here

Page 16: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Chapter 5 – Sample characters and NPCs.

Here is a list of sample characters that can serve as Non-Player Characters (NPCs) or just forinspiration. A list of NPC sheets that can be used like generic mooks and baddies or helpfulcompanions will follow.Unlike Player Characters (PCs), standard NPCs do not get the usual +1 HP, unless otherwisespecified. This is to make life a little easier on players in combat scenarios, as NPCs tend to beserved as obstacles and challenges quite often, and we need to make them suitable for mincemeat.For these reasons, only “bosses” and uncommonly strong NPCs should benefit from inflated HPscores.The NPC sheets shown further down are adaptable – just slap a race and the appropriate racial Flairon them, whenever suits your needs, et voila.

Page 17: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Sample Character Sheets

Ringard, the Fervent Dverak, the Berserker Ta'hilen, the Warden

Human Fighter Dwarf Fighter Elf Fighter

HP 3 HP 4 HP 3

Defence 8 Defence 8 Defence 8

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■■ Strength ■■■ Strength ■□□

Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■■ Fortitude ■■□

Agility ■■■ Agility ■■□ Agility ■■■

Instinct ■□□ Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■■

Intellect ■□□ Intellect ■□□ Intellect ■■□

Charisma ■■□ Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith ■□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative □□ Initiative ■■ Initiative ■■

Looks ■□ Looks □□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee ■■■ Melee ■■■ Melee ■□□

Ranged ■■□ Ranged □□□ Ranged ■■■

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed □□□ Unarmed ■□□ Unarmed □□□

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics □□□ Athletics ■□□ Athletics ■□□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge ■□□ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature □□□ Nature ■■□ Nature ■■□

Perception ■■□ Perception □□□ Perception □□□

Persuasion ■■□ Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□

Senses □□□ Senses ■■□ Senses ■■□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■■□

Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■■□ Resistance ■■■□

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Extra SP Greatsword Rage Warax Magic Arrow Bow

Smite Longbow Bull Rush Shield Animal Comp. 20 Arrows

Light Armour Light Armour Double Shot Light Armour

20 W. Arrows Sword

Page 18: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Sasha, the Spymaster Dalihan, the Minstrel Ah'sheri, the Hit Man

Human Rogue Human Rogue Umbran Rogue

HP 2 HP 2 HP 3

Defence 8 Defence 7 Defence 8

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■□□ Strength ■□□ Strength ■□□

Fortitude ■□□ Fortitude ■□□ Fortitude ■■□

Agility ■■■ Agility ■■□ Agility ■■■

Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■□

Intellect ■■□ Intellect ■■■ Intellect ■■■

Charisma ■■■ Charisma ■■■ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative □□ Initiative ■□ Initiative ■■

Looks ■■ Looks ■■ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee □□□ Melee □□□ Melee ■■□

Ranged ■□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown ■□□ Thrown ■■□

Unarmed □□□ Unarmed □□□ Unarmed □□□

Arts ■■□ Arts ■■■ Arts □□□

Athletics ■□□ Athletics □□□ Athletics ■□□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge ■□□ Knowledge ■□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature □□□ Nature □□□ Nature □□□

Perception ■□□ Perception □□□ Perception □□□

Persuasion ■■■ Persuasion ■■□ Persuasion □□□

Senses □□□ Senses □□□ Senses ■□□

Sleight of Hand ■□□ Sleight of Hand ■□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth ■□□ Stealth ■■□ Stealth ■■■

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■■■

Resistance ■□□□ Resistance ■□□□ Resistance ■■□□

Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■□□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Extra SP Crossbow Extra SP 10 Th. Knives Invisibility Dagger

Tip-Off 10 Quarrels Extra QP Lockpicks Incapacitate 5 Th. Knives

Casanova Lockpicks Bardic Music Light Armour Extra SP Lockpicks

Light Armour Distraction Lute Poison Light Armour

Page 19: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Igor, the Cryomancer Lysyel, the Sage Baayesh, the Protector

Human Mage Elf Mage Celestial Mage

HP 4 HP 3 HP 3

Defence 7 Defence 7 Defence 6

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■□□ Strength ■□□ Strength ■□□

Fortitude ■■■ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■□

Agility ■■■ Agility ■■■ Agility ■■□

Instinct ■□□ Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■■

Intellect ■■■ Intellect ■■■ Intellect ■■■

Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith ■□ Faith ■□

Initiative ■□ Initiative □□ Initiative ■□

Looks ■□ Looks ■□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee □□□ Melee □□□ Melee □□□

Ranged ■□□ Ranged ■□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed □□□ Unarmed □□□ Unarmed □□□

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics □□□ Athletics □□□ Athletics ■□□

Crafting ■■□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge ■■■ Knowledge ■■■ Knowledge ■■■

Medicine ■□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine ■□□

Nature ■□□ Nature □□□ Nature □□□

Perception ■□□ Perception ■■□ Perception ■■■

Persuasion ■□□ Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□

Senses □□□ Senses ■■■ Senses ■□□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■■□

Resistance ■■■□ Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■□□

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■■□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Extra SP Crossbow Magic Arrow Bow Heal 2 Healing Potions

Alchemy 10 Quarrels Familiar 10 Arrows Telekinesis Focus

Freezing Grasp Grimoire Levitation Healing Potion Levitation

Hailstorm Healing Potion Magic Armour Focus Barrier

Su. Elemental Shocking Hands Shockwave

Page 20: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Acten, the Druid Baldar, the Consoler Neekah, the Necromancer

Human Priest Celestial Priest Umbran Priest

HP 2 HP 3 HP 4

Defence 7 Defence 8 Defence 7

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■□□ Strength ■□□ Strength ■□□

Fortitude ■□□ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■■

Agility ■■□ Agility ■■□ Agility ■■□

Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■□□

Intellect ■■■ Intellect ■■■ Intellect ■■■

Charisma ■■□ Charisma ■■□ Charisma ■■□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith ■■ Faith ■■ Faith ■■

Initiative □□ Initiative □□ Initiative □□

Looks □□ Looks □□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee ■□□ Melee ■■□ Melee □□□

Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged ■□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed □□□ Unarmed □□□ Unarmed □□□

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics □□□ Athletics □□□ Athletics □□□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting ■□□

Knowledge ■■□ Knowledge ■■■ Knowledge ■■■

Medicine ■□□ Medicine ■■□ Medicine □□□

Nature ■■■ Nature □□□ Nature □□□

Perception ■□□ Perception □□□ Perception ■□□

Persuasion □□□ Persuasion ■■□ Persuasion ■■□

Senses ■■□ Senses □□□ Senses ■□□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■□□

Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■■□

Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■□□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Extra SP Quarterstaff Heal Mace Invisibility Crossbow

Animal Comp. Light Armour Protection Light Armour F. of Darkness 10 Quarrels

Wild Shape Icon Smite Shield Necromancy Light Armour

Spirit Tongue Healing Potion Turn Undead Holy Symbol Turn Undead Icon

Antidote Holy Weapon Curse

Tangle Beam of Light Protection

Page 21: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer


Archer (Fighter) Assassin (Rogue) Barbarian (Fighter)

HP 1 HP 2 HP 2

Defence 8 Defence 7 Defence 8

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■□ Strength ■□□ Strength ■■□

Fortitude ■□□ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■□

Agility ■■■ Agility ■■□ Agility ■■■

Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■□

Intellect ■■□ Intellect ■■■ Intellect ■□□

Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative ■■ Initiative ■■ Initiative ■■

Looks □□ Looks □□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee ■□□ Melee ■■□ Melee ■■□

Ranged ■■■ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed □□□ Unarmed □□□ Unarmed ■■□

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics ■■□ Athletics ■■□ Athletics ■□□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature □□□ Nature □□□ Nature ■■□

Perception ■□□ Perception ■□□ Perception □□□

Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□

Senses □□□ Senses □□□ Senses ■□□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth ■□□ Stealth ■■■ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■■■ Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■■□

Resistance ■□□□ Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■■□

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Double Shot Dagger Incapacitate Dagger Ambidexterity 2 Waraxes

Hail of Proj. Bow Fog Cloud Crossbow Light Armour

Light Armour Poison 10 Quarrels

20 Arrows Light Armour

Poison Flask

Page 22: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Black Knight (Fighter) Bear Warrior (Priest) Cleric (Priest)

HP 2 HP 2 HP 2

Defence 9 Defence 8 Defence 7

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■■ Strength ■□□ Strength ■□□

Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■□

Agility ■■□ Agility ■■□ Agility ■□□

Instinct ■□□ Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■□

Intellect ■■□ Intellect ■□□ Intellect ■■■

Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■■□ Charisma ■■□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith ■□ Faith ■□ Faith ■■

Initiative ■□ Initiative ■□ Initiative □□

Looks □□ Looks □□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee ■■■ Melee ■□□ Melee ■□□

Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed □□□ Unarmed □□□ Unarmed □□□

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics ■■□ Athletics ■■□ Athletics □□□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge ■■□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine ■■□

Nature □□□ Nature ■■■ Nature ■□□

Perception ■■□ Perception □□□ Perception ■□□

Persuasion ■□□ Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□

Senses □□□ Senses ■■□ Senses □□□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■□□□

Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■■□ Resistance ■□□□

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■□□□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Ride Attack Warhammer Wild Shape Warax Alchemy Club

Smite Heavy Armour Magic Armour Light Armour Antidote Shield

Shield Shield Heal Light Armour

Light Icon

Turn Undead

Page 23: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Monk (Fighter) Pirate (Rogue) Soldier (Fighter)

HP 2 HP 2 HP 1

Defence 7 Defence 8 Defence 8

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■□ Strength ■□□ Strength ■■■

Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■□□

Agility ■■■ Agility ■■■ Agility ■■□

Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■□□ Instinct ■■□

Intellect ■■□ Intellect ■■□ Intellect ■■□

Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■■□ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith ■□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative ■□ Initiative ■□ Initiative ■■

Looks □□ Looks ■□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee ■□□ Melee ■■■ Melee ■■■

Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown ■□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed ■■■ Unarmed □□□ Unarmed ■□□

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics ■■■ Athletics ■□□ Athletics ■□□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature □□□ Nature □□□ Nature □□□

Perception □□□ Perception □□□ Perception ■□□

Persuasion □□□ Persuasion ■□□ Persuasion ■□□

Senses □□□ Senses □□□ Senses ■□□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand ■■□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth ■□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■■■ Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■■□

Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■■□ Resistance ■□□□

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■□□□ Willpower ■■□□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Incapacitate 5 Shuriken Incapacitate Cutlass Shield Bash Falchion

Martial Arts Distraction Light Armour Ride Attack Shield

Dagger Light Armour

Page 24: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Sorcerer (Mage) Townsguard (Fighter) Warmage (Mage)

HP 1 HP 2 HP 2

Defence 6 Defence 8 Defence 7

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■□□ Strength ■■■ Strength ■■□

Fortitude ■□□ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■□

Agility ■■□ Agility ■■□ Agility ■■■

Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■□□ Instinct ■□□

Intellect ■■■ Intellect ■■□ Intellect ■■□

Charisma ■■□ Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith ■□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative □□ Initiative ■■ Initiative ■■

Looks ■□ Looks □□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee □□□ Melee ■■□ Melee ■■■

Ranged ■□□ Ranged ■□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed □□□ Unarmed ■□□ Unarmed □□□

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics □□□ Athletics ■□□ Athletics □□□

Crafting ■■□ Crafting □□□ Crafting ■□□

Knowledge ■■■ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge ■■□

Medicine ■□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature ■□□ Nature □□□ Nature □□□

Perception □□□ Perception ■□□ Perception ■□□

Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□

Senses □□□ Senses ■■□ Senses ■□□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■□□□

Resistance ■□□□ Resistance ■■■□ Resistance ■□□□

Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■□□□ Willpower ■□□□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Illusion Quarterstaff Bull Rush Spear Magic Armour Sword

Barrier Crossbow Power Attack Heavy Armour Magic Weapon Grimoire

Fireball 10 Quarrels Telekinesis Healing Potion

Lightning Arc Focus

Page 25: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Chapter 6 – Bestiary

This chapter contains a list of ready-to-go monsters and creatures character sheets that have beenprepared to fit general fantasy adventure settings. GMs may want to use them in their campaigns, sothat they do not have to prepare new character sheets for every creature every time, and they can fitthem more or less in any scenario.If needed, any of these creatures' sheets can be adapted as needed, even just by changing its name.However, GMs are – as usual – encouraged to create their own creatures, if time allows.

Monster FlairsSome monsters and creature have Flairs unavailable to PCs. Here is a quick list.

Aftermath Successful melee and unarmed attacks against the creature deal 1 damage of thechosen type (Acid, Arcane, Cold, Fire, Physical, Shock, or Unholy) to the attacker.

Breath Breath attack. Deals 1 damage of one of six elements (Acid, Arcane, Cold, Fire, Shock,or Unholy) in a 30 ft (10 m) long cone. Challenging Reflexes roll to avoid damage.Breath attacks can be used once every 5 rounds.

Call Maelstrom 1/day: calls a violent sea storm with violent winds, enormous waves, and heavy rain.All rolls to swim in a maelstrom are “impossible” (difficulty score 11).

Damage Reduction Flair for the toughest monsters. These creatures reduce damage taken by 1.

Damage Type The creature's attacks deal damage of the specified type (Acid, Arcane, Cold, Fire,Shock, or Unholy) instead of physical damage.

Diver Creature can move swiftly underwater.

Drain The creature may, with a successful unarmed attack, heal an equal amount of HP asthe damage it deals to the target.

Flight Creature can fly freely.

Gills Creature can breathe underwater.

Immunity The creature is immune to damage and other adverse effects from the selected source(Acid, Arcane, Cold, Fire, Shock, Physical, or Unholy).

Incorporeal Creature may pass through physical barriers and is immune to physical damage, aswell as physical effects such as incapacitating, stunning, tripping, poison, and theeffects of spells such as Gust of Wind and Earthquake.

Multiattack Monsters with many limbs can perform more than one attack per turn, depending onthe number of limbs that can attack simultaneously.

Petrify (1xCharisma)/day: the creature's glare bestows a curse, turning all targets in a lineinto stone (challenging Willpower roll to avoid petrification, and petrified creaturescan be restored by removing the curse).

Regeneration Creature automatically heals 1 HP per round, even when in a coma.

Sneak Attack Attack surprised targets for +1 damage.

Thick Hide Adds 1 to the creature's Defence. Stacks if taken multiple times

Tough Skin Very thick hide, scales or other hard skin material adds 1 to the creature's Defence,and automatically denies unarmed damage.

Venom Successful attacks from the creature poison the target (versus challenging Fortituderoll).

Wall Climber Can walk on vetical surface and even ceilings.

In addition, creatures and monsters who possess claws, fangs, horns, antlers and other “naturalweapons” (or creatures made of energy, fire etc.) can use them to attack with the Unarmed skill, andin this case they are treated as if they had the Martial Arts Flair.

Page 26: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer


Archangel Cherub Principate

HP 1 HP 3 HP 2

Defence 9 Defence 8 Defence 7

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■□ Strength ■■□ Strength ■□□

Fortitude ■□□ Fortitude ■■■ Fortitude ■■□

Agility ■■■ Agility ■■□ Agility ■■□

Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■□

Intellect ■■□ Intellect ■□□ Intellect ■■■

Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■■□ Charisma ■■□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith ■■ Faith ■■ Faith ■■

Initiative □□ Initiative □□ Initiative □□

Looks □□ Looks □□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee □□□ Melee ■■□ Melee □□□

Ranged ■■□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed □□□ Unarmed □□□ Unarmed □□□

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics ■□□ Athletics ■□□ Athletics ■□□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge ■■□ Knowledge ■■□ Knowledge ■■□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine ■■□

Nature □□□ Nature □□□ Nature □□□

Perception □□□ Perception □□□ Perception □□□

Persuasion ■■□ Persuasion ■■□ Persuasion ■■□

Senses ■□□ Senses ■□□ Senses ■□□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■■■ Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■□□

Resistance ■□□□ Resistance ■■■■ Resistance ■■□□

Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■■□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Flight Longbow Flight Greatsword Flight Icon

Magic Arrow 20 War Arrows Smite Heavy Armour Heal Light Armour

Instinctive Def. Spear Power Attack Beam of Light Spear

Double Shot Icon Magic Armour

Turn Undead

Page 27: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer


Ape Bear Boar

HP 2 HP 3 HP 2

Defence 7 Defence 6 Defence 7

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■□ Strength ■■□ Strength ■■□

Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■■ Fortitude ■■□

Agility ■■□ Agility ■□□ Agility ■■□

Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■■

Intellect □□□ Intellect □□□ Intellect □□□

Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative ■□ Initiative ■□ Initiative ■□

Looks □□ Looks □□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee □□□ Melee □□□ Melee □□□

Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed ■■□ Unarmed ■■■ Unarmed ■■■

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics ■■■ Athletics ■□□ Athletics ■□□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature ■■□ Nature ■■□ Nature ■■□

Perception □□□ Perception □□□ Perception □□□

Persuasion □□□ Persuasion ■□□ Persuasion □□□

Senses ■□□ Senses ■■□ Senses ■■■

Sleight of Hand ■□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■□□□ Reflexes ■■□□

Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■■■ Resistance ■■■□

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□

Flairs Flairs Flairs

Thick Hide Thick Hide Thick Hide

Power Attack Incapacitate Bull Rush

Page 28: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Bull Crocodile Deer

HP 2 HP 2 HP 2

Defence 6 Defence 6 Defence 7

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■■ Strength ■■■ Strength ■□□

Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■□

Agility ■□□ Agility ■□□ Agility ■■■

Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■■

Intellect □□□ Intellect □□□ Intellect □□□

Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative ■□ Initiative ■□ Initiative ■□

Looks □□ Looks □□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee □□□ Melee □□□ Melee □□□

Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed ■■□ Unarmed ■■■ Unarmed ■■□

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics ■■□ Athletics ■□□ Athletics ■■■

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature ■■□ Nature ■■□ Nature ■■□

Perception ■□□ Perception □□□ Perception □□□

Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□

Senses ■■□ Senses ■□□ Senses ■■□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth ■■□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■□□□ Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■■■

Resistance ■■■□ Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■□□

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□

Flairs Flairs Flairs

Thick Hide Diver Bull Rush

Bull Rush Tough Skin Incapacitate

Page 29: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Eagle Goat Horse

HP 1 HP 1 HP 2

Defence 7 Defence 7 Defence 7

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■□ Strength ■■□ Strength ■■□

Fortitude ■□□ Fortitude ■□□ Fortitude ■■□

Agility ■■■ Agility ■■■ Agility ■■□

Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■■

Intellect □□□ Intellect □□□ Intellect □□□

Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative ■□ Initiative ■□ Initiative ■□

Looks □□ Looks □□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee □□□ Melee □□□ Melee □□□

Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed ■■□ Unarmed ■■□ Unarmed ■□□

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics ■■■ Athletics ■■■ Athletics ■■■

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature ■■□ Nature ■■■ Nature ■■□

Perception □□□ Perception □□□ Perception ■□□

Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□

Senses ■■□ Senses ■□□ Senses ■■□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■□□

Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■■□

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□

Flairs Flairs Flairs

Flight Power Attack Power Attack

Bull Rush Thick Hide

Wall Climber

Page 30: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Lion Shark Snake

HP 1 HP 2 HP 2

Defence 7 Defence 7 Defence 7

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■□ Strength ■■□ Strength ■□□

Fortitude ■□□ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■□

Agility ■■■ Agility ■■□ Agility ■■■

Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■■

Intellect □□□ Intellect □□□ Intellect □□□

Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative ■□ Initiative ■□ Initiative ■□

Looks □□ Looks □□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee □□□ Melee □□□ Melee □□□

Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed ■■□ Unarmed ■■■ Unarmed ■■□

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics ■□□ Athletics ■■□ Athletics ■■□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature ■■□ Nature ■□□ Nature ■□□

Perception □□□ Perception □□□ Perception □□□

Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□

Senses ■■□ Senses ■■■ Senses ■■■

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth ■■□ Stealth □□□ Stealth ■□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■■■ Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■■□

Resistance ■□□□ Resistance ■■■□ Resistance ■■■□

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□

Flairs Flairs Flairs

Bull Rush Thick Hide Tough Skin

Ambidexterity Diver Venom

Bull Rush


Page 31: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Tiger Wolf Wolverine

HP 2 HP 2 HP 3

Defence 7 Defence 7 Defence 6

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■□ Strength ■■□ Strength ■■□

Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■■

Agility ■■□ Agility ■■□ Agility ■□□

Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■■

Intellect □□□ Intellect □□□ Intellect □□□

Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative ■□ Initiative ■□ Initiative ■□

Looks □□ Looks □□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee □□□ Melee □□□ Melee □□□

Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed ■■□ Unarmed ■■■ Unarmed ■■■

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics ■□□ Athletics ■□□ Athletics ■□□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature ■■□ Nature ■■□ Nature ■■■

Perception □□□ Perception □□□ Perception □□□

Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□

Senses ■■□ Senses ■■□ Senses ■□□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth ■■□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■□□

Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■■□ Resistance ■■■□

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□

Flairs Flairs Flairs

Thick Hide Thick Hide Thick Hide

Ambidexterity Power Attack Rage

Page 32: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer


Asura Efreet Erinyes Oni

HP 1 HP 2 HP 2 HP 3

Defence 7 Defence 7 Defence 8 Defence 8

Attributes Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■□□ Strength ■■□ Strength ■■□ Strength ■■■

Fortitude ■□□ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■■

Agility ■■□ Agility ■■□ Agility ■■■ Agility ■■□

Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■□□ Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■□

Intellect ■■■ Intellect ■■■ Intellect ■■□ Intellect ■□□

Charisma ■■□ Charisma ■■□ Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith ■□ Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative □□ Initiative ■■ Initiative ■□ Initiative ■□

Looks ■□ Looks □□ Looks ■□ Looks ■□

Skills Skills Skills Skills

Melee □□□ Melee ■■□ Melee ■■□ Melee ■■■

Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged ■□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown ■■□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed ■□□ Unarmed □□□ Unarmed ■□□ Unarmed ■■□

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics □□□ Athletics □□□ Athletics □□□ Athletics ■□□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge ■■□ Knowledge ■■■ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature ■□□ Nature □□□ Nature □□□ Nature □□□

Perception □□□ Perception ■□□ Perception □□□ Perception □□□

Persuasion ■■■ Persuasion ■■□ Persuasion ■□□ Persuasion ■□□

Senses ■□□ Senses □□□ Senses □□□ Senses ■□□

S. of Hand □□□ S. of Hand □□□ S. of Hand □□□ S. of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□ Stealth ■□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■□□

Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■■■

Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■□□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Inst. Defence Icon Fl. Pillar Scimitar Flight Sword Rage H. Armour

Wild Shape Bow Lightn. Arc Shield Bull Rush Bow Power Attack Greatclub

Holy Weap. 10 Arrows Magic Arm. Focus Double Shot L. Armour

Sanctuary Magic Weap. 20 Arrows


Page 33: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer


Archdevil Golachab Samael

HP 2 HP 2 HP 2

Defence 8 Defence 7 Defence 9

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■□□ Strength ■□□ Strength ■■■

Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■□

Agility ■■■ Agility ■■□ Agility ■■□

Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■□

Intellect ■■□ Intellect ■■■ Intellect ■□□

Charisma ■■□ Charisma ■■□ Charisma ■■□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith ■■ Faith ■■ Faith ■■

Initiative □□ Initiative □□ Initiative □□

Looks □□ Looks □□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee ■□□ Melee □□□ Melee ■■□

Ranged □□□ Ranged ■□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown ■■□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed □□□ Unarmed □□□ Unarmed ■□□

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics □□□ Athletics □□□ Athletics ■■□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge ■□□ Knowledge ■■■ Knowledge ■□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature □□□ Nature □□□ Nature □□□

Perception □□□ Perception ■□□ Perception ■□□

Persuasion ■□□ Persuasion ■□□ Persuasion ■□□

Senses □□□ Senses □□□ Senses □□□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth ■■■ Stealth ■■□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■■■ Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■□□

Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■■□

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■□□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Flight 10 Th. Knives Flight Light Armour Rage Mace

Sneak Attack Dagger Fireball Icon Smite Shield

Invisibility Light Armour Scorching Hands Bow Imposing Heavy Armour

Incapacitate Frost Spray 10 Arrows

F. of Darkness

Page 34: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer


Black Dragon Blue Dragon Green Dragon

HP 4 HP 4 HP 4

Defence 9 Defence 9 Defence 9

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■■ Strength ■■■ Strength ■■■

Fortitude ■■■ Fortitude ■■■ Fortitude ■■■

Agility ■■■ Agility ■■■ Agility ■■■

Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■■

Intellect ■■■ Intellect ■■■ Intellect ■■■

Charisma ■■■ Charisma ■■■ Charisma ■■■

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith ■■ Faith □□ Faith ■□

Initiative ■□ Initiative ■■ Initiative ■□

Looks □□ Looks ■□ Looks ■□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee □□□ Melee □□□ Melee □□□

Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed ■■■ Unarmed ■■■ Unarmed ■■■

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics ■□□ Athletics ■■□ Athletics ■□□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge ■■■ Knowledge ■■□ Knowledge ■■■

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine ■□□

Nature □□□ Nature □□□ Nature ■■□

Perception ■■□ Perception ■■■ Perception ■□□

Persuasion ■■■ Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□

Senses ■□□ Senses ■■□ Senses ■■■

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth ■□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■■□

Resistance ■■■□ Resistance ■■■□ Resistance ■■■□

Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■■□

Flairs Flairs Flairs

Breath: Unholy Breath: Arcane Breath: Acid

Flight Flight Flight

Tough Skin Tough Skin Tough Skin

Damage Reduction Damage Reduction Damage Reduction

Necromancy Diver Wild Shape

Smite Illusion Earthquake

Page 35: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Red Dragon Silver Dragon White Dragon

HP 4 HP 4 HP 4

Defence 9 Defence 9 Defence 9

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■■ Strength ■■■ Strength ■■■

Fortitude ■■■ Fortitude ■■■ Fortitude ■■■

Agility ■■■ Agility ■■■ Agility ■■■

Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■■

Intellect ■■■ Intellect ■■■ Intellect ■■■

Charisma ■■■ Charisma ■■■ Charisma ■■■

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith ■□ Faith ■□

Initiative ■□ Initiative □□ Initiative ■■

Looks ■■ Looks ■■ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee □□□ Melee □□□ Melee □□□

Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed ■■■ Unarmed ■■■ Unarmed ■■■

Arts □□□ Arts ■□□ Arts □□□

Athletics ■■□ Athletics ■■□ Athletics ■■□

Crafting □□□ Crafting ■□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge ■■■ Knowledge ■■■ Knowledge ■■■

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine ■□□

Nature ■□□ Nature □□□ Nature ■■□

Perception □□□ Perception ■■□ Perception ■□□

Persuasion ■■□ Persuasion ■□□ Persuasion □□□

Senses ■■□ Senses ■□□ Senses ■■□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■■□

Resistance ■■■□ Resistance ■■■□ Resistance ■■■□

Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■■□

Flairs Flairs Flairs

Breath: Fire Breath: Shock Breath: Cold

Flight Flight Flight

Tough Skin Tough Skin Tough Skin

Damage Reduction Damage Reduction Damage Reduction

Fireball Thunderstorm Summon Elemental

Bull Rush Gust of Wind Freezing Grasp

Page 36: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer


Air Elemental Earth Elemental Fire Elemental Water Elemental

HP 1 HP 3 HP 2 HP 2

Defence 7 Defence 6 Defence 6 Defence 7

Attributes Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■□ Strength ■■□ Strength ■□□ Strength ■■■

Fortitude ■□□ Fortitude ■■■ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■□

Agility ■■■ Agility ■■□ Agility ■■□ Agility ■■□

Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■□

Intellect ■■□ Intellect ■□□ Intellect ■■■ Intellect ■□□

Charisma □□□ Charisma □□□ Charisma □□□ Charisma □□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative ■■ Initiative ■■ Initiative ■■ Initiative ■■

Looks □□ Looks □□ Looks □□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills Skills

Melee □□□ Melee □□□ Melee □□□ Melee □□□

Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown ■□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown ■■■ Thrown □□□

Unarmed ■■□ Unarmed ■■■ Unarmed ■■□ Unarmed ■■■

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics ■■■ Athletics ■■□ Athletics ■■□ Athletics ■■■

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature ■■■ Nature ■■■ Nature ■■■ Nature ■■■

Perception □□□ Perception □□□ Perception □□□ Perception □□□

Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□

Senses ■□□ Senses ■■□ Senses □□□ Senses ■□□

S. of Hand □□□ S. of Hand □□□ S. of Hand □□□ S. of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■■■ Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■■□

Resistance ■□□□ Resistance ■■■■ Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■□□

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■□□

Flairs Flairs Flairs Flairs

Immunity to Shock Immunity to Acid Immunity to Fire Immunity to Cold

Shock Damage Acid Damage Fire Damage Cold Damage

Flight Damage Reduction Aftermath: Fire Thick Hide

Thunderstorm Earthquake Fireball Frost Spray

Gust of Wind Flame Cone

Flaming Pillar

Page 37: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer


Basilisk Centaur Dryad

HP 2 HP 2 HP 1

Defence 6 Defence 6 Defence 6

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■□ Strength ■■■ Strength ■□□

Fortitude ■■■ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■□□

Agility ■■■ Agility ■■□ Agility ■■□

Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■■

Intellect ■□□ Intellect ■□□ Intellect ■■□

Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■■■

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith ■□

Initiative ■■ Initiative ■■ Initiative □□

Looks □□ Looks ■□ Looks ■■

Skills Skills Skills

Melee □□□ Melee ■■□ Melee □□□

Ranged □□□ Ranged ■□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed ■■■ Unarmed ■□□ Unarmed □□□

Arts □□□ Arts ■□□ Arts □□□

Athletics ■□□ Athletics ■■■ Athletics □□□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge ■□□ Knowledge ■□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine ■■□

Nature ■□□ Nature ■□□ Nature ■■■

Perception ■□□ Perception □□□ Perception □□□

Persuasion ■■□ Persuasion □□□ Persuasion ■■□

Senses ■■□ Senses ■□□ Senses ■■□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth ■■□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■■□

Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■□□

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■■□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Petrify Bull Rush Club Casanova Quarterstaff

Animal Language Animal Language Shield Summon Animal

Imposing Bow Thunderstorm

Venom 20 Arrows Tangle

Page 38: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Gargoyle Giant Goblin

HP 3 HP 3 HP 1

Defence 8 Defence 7 Defence 8

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■□ Strength ■■■ Strength ■□□

Fortitude ■■■ Fortitude ■■■ Fortitude ■□□

Agility ■■□ Agility ■□□ Agility ■■□

Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■□

Intellect ■□□ Intellect ■□□ Intellect ■□□

Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative ■□ Initiative ■■ Initiative ■■

Looks □□ Looks □□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee □□□ Melee ■■■ Melee ■■□

Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged ■□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown ■□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed ■■□ Unarmed ■■□ Unarmed □□□

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics ■■■ Athletics ■■□ Athletics □□□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting ■□□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature □□□ Nature ■■□ Nature □□□

Perception ■■□ Perception □□□ Perception □□□

Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□

Senses ■□□ Senses ■□□ Senses ■■□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand ■□□

Stealth ■□□ Stealth □□□ Stealth ■■□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■□□□ Reflexes ■■■□

Resistance ■■■■ Resistance ■■■■ Resistance ■□□□

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Tough Skin Thick Hide (2) Light Armour Ride Attack Light Armour

Dam. Reduction Dam. Reduction Greatclub Sword

Thick Hide Power Attack Shield


Imm. to Arcane

Page 39: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Golem Griffin Harpy

HP 3 HP 3 HP 2

Defence 10 Defence 7 Defence 7

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■■ Strength ■■□ Strength ■□□

Fortitude ■■■ Fortitude ■■■ Fortitude ■■□

Agility ■□□ Agility ■■□ Agility ■■■

Instinct □□□ Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■□

Intellect ■□□ Intellect ■■□ Intellect ■□□

Charisma □□□ Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative ■■ Initiative ■■ Initiative ■□

Looks □□ Looks □□ Looks ■□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee ■■■ Melee □□□ Melee □□□

Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown ■□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown ■□□

Unarmed ■■□ Unarmed ■■□ Unarmed ■■■

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics □□□ Athletics ■■■ Athletics ■■□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature □□□ Nature ■■□ Nature ■□□

Perception □□□ Perception ■□□ Perception □□□

Persuasion □□□ Persuasion □□□ Persuasion ■□□

Senses ■□□ Senses ■■□ Senses ■■□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■□□□ Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■■□

Resistance ■■■■ Resistance ■■■□ Resistance ■■□□

Willpower ■□□□ Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■■□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Thick Hide (4) Poleax Flight Flight

Tough Skin Thick Hide Sneak Attack

Dam. Reduction Gust of Wind

Page 40: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Kobold Kraken Manticore

HP 1 HP 3 HP 3

Defence 7 Defence 6 Defence 7

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■□□ Strength ■■■ Strength ■■□

Fortitude ■□□ Fortitude ■■■ Fortitude ■■■

Agility ■■□ Agility ■■□ Agility ■■□

Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■■

Intellect ■□□ Intellect ■□□ Intellect □□□

Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative ■■ Initiative ■□ Initiative ■□

Looks □□ Looks □□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee □□□ Melee □□□ Melee □□□

Ranged ■■□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown ■□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed □□□ Unarmed ■■■ Unarmed ■■■

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics □□□ Athletics ■■■ Athletics ■□□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge ■□□ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature □□□ Nature ■■□ Nature ■□□

Perception ■□□ Perception ■□□ Perception ■■□

Persuasion ■□□ Persuasion ■□□ Persuasion ■□□

Senses □□□ Senses ■■□ Senses ■■□

Sleight of Hand ■□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth ■■□ Stealth □□□ Stealth ■□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■■□

Resistance ■□□□ Resistance ■■■■ Resistance ■■■□

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■■□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Distraction Light Armour Diver Flight

Bow Multiattack (8) Venom

10 Arrows Incapacitate Multiattack (3)

2 Th. Knives Call Maelstrom Thick Hide

Dam. Reduction


Page 41: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Merman Minotaur Ogre

HP 2 HP 3 HP 3

Defence 7 Defence 7 Defence 7

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■□□ Strength ■■■ Strength ■■■

Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■■ Fortitude ■■■

Agility ■■□ Agility ■■□ Agility ■□□

Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■□

Intellect ■■□ Intellect ■□□ Intellect ■□□

Charisma ■■■ Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative ■□ Initiative ■□ Initiative □□

Looks ■■ Looks ■□ Looks ■■

Skills Skills Skills

Melee ■■□ Melee ■■■ Melee ■■□

Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown ■■■ Thrown □□□ Thrown ■□□

Unarmed ■□□ Unarmed ■■□ Unarmed ■■■

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics ■■□ Athletics ■□□ Athletics ■□□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature ■□□ Nature ■□□ Nature ■□□

Perception ■□□ Perception ■□□ Perception □□□

Persuasion ■■■ Persuasion ■□□ Persuasion ■□□

Senses □□□ Senses ■■□ Senses ■□□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■□□□

Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■■■ Resistance ■■■□

Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■■□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Gills Trident Bull Rush Poleax Imposing Light Armour

Diver Light Armour Power Attack Light Armour Thick Hide Mace

Charme Harpoon Rage

Bardic Music Net

Page 42: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Orc Pixie Spider (Giant)

HP 2 HP 1 HP 3

Defence 8 Defence 6 Defence 5

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■■ Strength ■□□ Strength ■■□

Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■□□ Fortitude ■■■

Agility ■■□ Agility ■■□ Agility ■□□

Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■■

Intellect ■□□ Intellect ■■■ Intellect □□□

Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■■□ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative ■□ Initiative ■□ Initiative ■□

Looks □□ Looks ■□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee ■■□ Melee □□□ Melee □□□

Ranged ■□□ Ranged ■□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed ■□□ Unarmed □□□ Unarmed ■□□

Arts □□□ Arts ■□□ Arts □□□

Athletics ■□□ Athletics □□□ Athletics ■■■

Crafting □□□ Crafting ■■□ Crafting ■■□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge ■■□ Knowledge □□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature ■■□ Nature ■■□ Nature ■□□

Perception □□□ Perception ■■□ Perception □□□

Persuasion ■□□ Persuasion ■■□ Persuasion □□□

Senses ■□□ Senses □□□ Senses ■■□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand ■■□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth ■■□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■□□

Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■□□□ Resistance ■■■□

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■□□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Power Attack Light Armour Flight Blowpipe Venom

Bull Rush Warax Spirit Tongue 10 Blowdarts Incapacitate

Shield Animal Language Wall Climber

Bow Illusion

10 Arrows Teleport

Page 43: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Troll Werewolf Wyvern

HP 3 HP 2 HP 3

Defence 9 Defence 8 Defence 8

Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■■ Strength ■■■ Strength ■■■

Fortitude ■■■ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■■

Agility ■■□ Agility ■■■ Agility ■■□

Instinct ■■■ Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■■

Intellect ■□□ Intellect ■□□ Intellect □□□

Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■□□ Charisma □□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative ■□ Initiative ■■ Initiative ■□

Looks □□ Looks ■□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills

Melee □□□ Melee ■□□ Melee □□□

Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown ■□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed ■■■ Unarmed ■■■ Unarmed ■■■

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics ■■□ Athletics ■■□ Athletics ■■□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature ■■■ Nature ■■■ Nature ■■□

Perception □□□ Perception □□□ Perception ■□□

Persuasion □□□ Persuasion ■□□ Persuasion □□□

Senses ■■□ Senses ■■■ Senses ■■□

Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□ Sleight of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■□□

Resistance ■■■■ Resistance ■■■□ Resistance ■■■■

Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■■□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Rage Thick Hide Flight

Ambidexterity Dam. Reduction Thick Hide

Thick Hide (3) Wild Shape Tough Skin

Regeneration Bull Rush


Page 44: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer


Draugr Dullahan Lich Mummy

HP 2 HP 2 HP 2 HP 3

Defence 8 Defence 9 Defence 8 Defence 7

Attributes Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■□ Strength ■■■ Strength ■□□ Strength ■■■

Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■■■

Agility ■□□ Agility ■■■ Agility ■■□ Agility ■□□

Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■□□ Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■□

Intellect ■□□ Intellect ■□□ Intellect ■■■ Intellect ■□□

Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■■□ Charisma ■■■ Charisma ■□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith ■□

Initiative ■□ Initiative ■■ Initiative ■□ Initiative □□

Looks ■□ Looks □□ Looks □□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills Skills

Melee ■■□ Melee ■■■ Melee ■□□ Melee ■■□

Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed ■□□ Unarmed □□□ Unarmed □□□ Unarmed ■■■

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics □□□ Athletics ■■■ Athletics □□□ Athletics □□□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge □□□ Knowledge ■■■ Knowledge ■■□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature ■■□ Nature □□□ Nature □□□ Nature □□□

Perception ■■□ Perception ■□□ Perception ■■□ Perception ■□□

Persuasion □□□ Persuasion ■■□ Persuasion ■■□ Persuasion □□□

Senses □□□ Senses ■□□ Senses ■□□ Senses ■□□

S. of Hand □□□ S. of Hand □□□ S. of Hand □□□ S. of Hand □□□

Stealth ■■□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■■■ Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■□□

Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■■□ Resistance ■■■□ Resistance ■■■■

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■□□□ Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■□□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Thick Hide L. Armour Thick Hide Sword Th. Hide (2) Quarterstaff Thick Hide Mace

Imm. Cold Sword Bull Rush Whip Curse Focus Tough Skin Holy Symbol

Wild Shape Shield Ambidext. H. Armour F. Pillar Philactery Curse

Fr. Grasp

Magic Arm.


Page 45: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer

Skeleton Vampire Wight Zombie

HP 1 HP 2 HP 1 HP 3

Defence 8 Defence 10 Defence 7 Defence 6

Attributes Attributes Attributes Attributes

Strength ■■□ Strength ■■■ Strength ■□□ Strength ■■□

Fortitude ■□□ Fortitude ■■□ Fortitude ■□□ Fortitude ■■■

Agility ■■□ Agility ■■■ Agility ■■□ Agility □□□

Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■□ Instinct ■■■

Intellect □□□ Intellect ■□□ Intellect ■■■ Intellect □□□

Charisma ■□□ Charisma ■■□ Charisma ■■□ Charisma □□□

Qualities Qualities Qualities Qualities

Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□ Faith □□

Initiative □□ Initiative ■□ Initiative ■■ Initiative □□

Looks □□ Looks ■□ Looks □□ Looks □□

Skills Skills Skills Skills

Melee ■■□ Melee ■■■ Melee □□□ Melee ■■□

Ranged ■■□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□ Ranged □□□

Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□ Thrown □□□

Unarmed □□□ Unarmed ■■□ Unarmed ■■■ Unarmed ■■□

Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□ Arts □□□

Athletics □□□ Athletics □□□ Athletics □□□ Athletics ■□□

Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□ Crafting □□□

Knowledge □□□ Knowledge ■■□ Knowledge ■□□ Knowledge □□□

Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□ Medicine □□□

Nature □□□ Nature □□□ Nature □□□ Nature □□□

Perception □□□ Perception ■□□ Perception ■□□ Perception □□□

Persuasion □□□ Persuasion ■■■ Persuasion ■■□ Persuasion □□□

Senses ■□□ Senses ■■□ Senses □□□ Senses ■□□

S. of Hand □□□ S. of Hand □□□ S. of Hand □□□ S. of Hand □□□

Stealth □□□ Stealth ■■□ Stealth ■■■ Stealth □□□

Reactions Reactions Reactions Reactions

Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes ■■■□ Reflexes ■■□□ Reflexes □□□□

Resistance ■■□□ Resistance ■■■□ Resistance ■□□□ Resistance ■■■■

Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■□□ Willpower ■■■□ Willpower ■■■□

Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment Flairs Equipment

Shield Bash Sword Drain Dagger Incorporeal Th. Hide (2) Warax

Thick Hide Shield Th. Hide (2) Greatsword Incapacitate

Charme L. Armour Thick Hide

Wild Shape F. of Darkn.

Wall Climber

Page 46: DECAMEROLE · Introduction DecameRole is a free-to-play, simplified role-playing system, thought mainly for playing one-shot games and randomly-generated adventures – however, longer