deceiving danc2

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  • 8/13/2019 Deceiving Danc2



    My colleagues castigated me and chastised me that you are

    nothing. You make big claims of being writers of short stories

    but can not write the story of real life. You live in fantastic

    world and are far from the bitter realities of life. We would

    acclaim you as a writer if you tell us a story that should

    represent the all ages and all the emotions. I promised and

    started my tale as:

    Time never forgets those who forget it. Time is the second name

    of the nemesis. The story told here is the story of nemesis. The

    sages would understand who the birds are?

    This is a story of the days when shepeacocks were able to dance.

    There was a beautiful lake named the Time !ake. It was not less

    than an earthly paradise. There were beautiful shrubs and bushes

    around it. The velvety grass and the hundreds and thousands of

    the species of flowers adorn the fa"ade of the lake.

    There was always a sweet fragrance and sweet voices of the

    charming songs of the love birds. The #irds and the beautiful

    and innocent animals were the lucky inhabitants of the

    surroundings. $ongs of the birds and sweet smell of the flowers

    were more enchanting than the sweetest opera. There were swans%

    wild ducks% seagulls% humming birds and a host of other

    beautiful birds diving and flying in the air. The others were

    seen swimming on the blue waters of lake.

    In such a praiseworthy atmosphere there was a pair of peacocks

    living on the bank of the lake. It was also a pair of its own

    kind. The pair was so famous and favorite that it was given the

    epithet of loveand life. The hen peacock was called the Lifeand the peacock was named the Love. Its life was &ubilant and

    peaceful. Its popularity gave rise to &ealousy. The traditional

    romantic birds% swans% were &ealous of its love and fame. They

    thought that they were going in the background and theLoveand

    the Lifewere gaining popularity because they were of the view

    that they should be recogni'ed as the only loving birds in the

    lake of Time.

    The &ealousy aroused in them the feelings of hatred and revenge.

    They thought of a plan to separate the peacocks from each other.

    (ne day when the Love was not there% the $wans got the

    opportunity to act upon their conspiracy.They went to Life)the henpeacock%* and said+

    $wan: ,i !ife- ,ow are you? We heard about your beauty and love

    and were eager to see you.

    !ife: (% thanks% come on in.

    The $wans eulogi'ed her in such a way that she was conceited.

    That was the first stroke on the snobbish nature of Life. The

    $wans seemed successful in their planning.

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    The net day they again benefited from the opportunity of

    loneliness of Life and went to her to adulate her.

    /They praised her beauty in the most attractive manner and said:

    We are sure that you are the only loving pair on the earth% and

    we want you to be prettiest of all the birds. We know a method

    of becoming the most beautiful and charming. 0ven your offspring

    could be prettier than you. If you liked% we would tell you1.

    They hurriedly slipped away on seeing that the !ove was coming.

    The ,enpeacock )Life* was very importune to know about the ways

    of becoming more enchanting. $he could not attend Lovewell and

    did not dance with him that evening.

    The Lovewas awestruck on the disinterestedness of the life. ,e

    thought that she never had behaved in that clumsy manner before.

    $he had always danced with him in the evening.

    ,e asked the cause of her sadness but life did not reply and

    went away. The Love was very disturbed over her cruel treatment.

    2et day when the $wans saw that the !ove was not at home% they

    came again to the Life.$he was waiting for them too. 3s soon as

    they reached% she asked about the methods of becoming more

    attractive and beautiful.

    4irstly the $wans overtly hesitated to tell her the methods of

    becoming more attractive and beautiful but then according to

    their plan they divulged every thing. They told her that there

    was a valley of golden snakes on the $outh 5ole. These snakes

    were difficult to catch but whoever ate them became the most

    beautiful being in this world.The !ife was much ecited over that and thanked the swans very


    The $wans were now sure that !ife would definitely send the !(60

    to bring the golden snakes and he would be killed in the way by

    the troubles and difficulties.

    When the !ove came the !ife was looking very upset. ,e asked her

    the reason of her annoyance. $he told him that she wanted the

    golden snake.

    The !ove felt that there was something wrong in the bottom. ,e

    asked her to whom she had met that day?

    The !ife told him that she had not met any body ecept the swans.The love tried his best to make her understand the conspiracy

    but she did not budge an inch from his position. $he insisted on

    her demand and remained adamant. The !ove tried once again to

    understand the hidden feelings of the swans but all in vain.

    In return the !ife started dancing. That was her last weapon.

    $he had successfully used that weapon whenever the !ove declined

    to yield. $he danced and danced for 7uite a long time. The love

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    continued watching her dance for some time without feeling any

    kind of sympathy but could not hold back his emotions for long.

    ,e bowed before the life8s demand and promised to fetch her

    golden snake. The life smiled and danced more beautifully% this

    time !ove was also dancing with her.

    The net morning the !ove took off for the south poles. The life

    was sad but hopeful that she would become the prettiest bird

    after his return.

    The !ove was traveling at a great speed towards the $outh 5ole.

    ,e covered the distances with 7uite ease as no untoward incident

    has happened in the beginning. (ne day as ,e was flying and

    remembering the !ife when a strange looking creature struck with

    him. ,e fell on the ground with the creature that had struck

    with him. ,e was awestruck on seeing a dreadful dragon before

    him. The dragon clutched him in his claws and went towards his

    den. There was many a dragon in the den. 4irstly they played

    with him as cats play with mouse. When they were tired they

    stopped and sat .They laid their heads together to decide about

    the fate of the !ove. They were about to eat him when he

    re7uested them to listen a few words from him.

    ,e told them that his feathers were 7uite tasteless in eating.

    Moreover there was not enough meat in his body. There were

    layers of feathers and wings and those too were like thorns.

    They did pay any heed to his re7uest and started preparation to

    eat him. When the !ove felt that there was no way to escape% he

    started dancing. The dragons watched him with wonder. They were

    enchanted by the devotional dance of the !ife and decided to

    keep him with them forever.

    #ehind him at the lake of time the situation had changed. Thelove could not fight against the conspiracies of the swans who

    had invited a peacock to make friends with the !I40.

    4irstly she did not respond but at the end the peacock proved

    successful. ,e had succeeded in his attempts to win the heart of

    the !ife.

    Many days passed but the !ove did not get a chance to escape.

    (ne day he determined to flee. ,e started dancing. ,e danced as

    beautiful that all the dragons were duped to his dance. (ne of

    them asked him the reason of his flight towards the $outh 5ole.

    ,e told him the whole story of his !ife and golden snakes.

    The dragon told him that there were no golden snakes on the$outh 5ole. It was a snare to put you in the valley of death. ,e

    told him that he had left the valley of snakes far behind. ,e

    told him the way to the valley and to catch the golden snakes.

    ,e also helped him in his escape on the condition that he would

    again come there after meeting his !ove. ,e promised and left

    the dragons lying there. ,e got the golden snakes and reached

    the lake of the time.

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    The time has changed its shape. The thorns had replaced the

    velvety grass% and the flowers had withered. There were swans

    but were starving due to barrenness of the time. The chirping

    birds had migrated to other lakes. ,e searched for the !ife and

    entered the thorny bushes. ,e was shocked to see the !ife with

    the peacock. ,e put the golden snake in the feet of the !ife and

    returned with the heavy heart. ,e did not want to live. ,e ran

    towards the dense forest.

    The life was very ashamed on the situation% but she wanted to

    eat the snake first. $he stepped forward towards the golden

    snake. $he was to bite the snake when the peacock at once

    plunged on the snake. $he was fast enough and caught the snake.

    The peacock chased her but could not catch her. $he disappeared

    in the forest.

    The peacock castigated the life and went aside. The !ife was

    perturbed with loss of !ove but could not do anything. $he was

    searching the !ove. $he dragged herself and the snake through

    out the forest. 3fter a lot of struggle% she saw a shadow of the

    !ove. $he ran towards that but her search was futile because the

    !ove had died. ,is dead body was standing by the side of a tree

    in such a way as he was alive.

    The !ove thought that he was angry with her. $he started

    dancing but her feet did not support her% even her wings did not

    open. $he became more remorseful on her loss of dance. $he

    wanted to weep bitterly over the death of the love but could

    not. ,er eyes had dried. $he had been deprived of the dance for

    ever due to her infidelity. $he had nothing ecept regrets with

    her.(nce you are in the bad books of your friends% the revival of

    your image is very difficult and demands a great sacrifice.