december 1999 -

1 December 1999 continued on page 2 As I prepare this season’s greetings to all our alumni and special friends, there are about 40 days left in the 1900’s. Many are frantically preparing for the expected Y2K glitches. The Department has done due diligence in preparing for Y2K and I do not expect our alumni database to “disappear” on January 1. In fact, I do not foresee any problems with our department computer, instrumentation, and electronic systems. Personnel changes are occurring rapidly. Prasanta Kalita joined the Soil & Water faculty this fall. Mark Mohr is now handling the Pesticide Applicator Training (PAT) program. Al Hansen will be moving his family from South Africa to join the OREE Section by January 1. We are near the interview stage in identifying a replacement for Bruce Litchfield’s move to the College of Engineering Dean’s office. Applications are coming in for the Extension position in Precision Agriculture and with Kent Mitchell’s pending retirement, we must begin a search to fill his “very large” shoes. As you can surmise, our Department is quickly taking on a new “youthful” look. With Kent Mitchell’s announce- ment of retirement on March 1, 2000 the Department closes out a major chapter of history and tradition. With me as the only possible exception, our faculty are relatively young and are establishing a new culture and legacy for the 21 st century. We will build on the strength and reputation of our former faculty to maintain a Department that is relevant to the times but maintains the standard of quality that have been established by our previous faculty, staff and students. Students remain our primary focus and we continue to attract quality students at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Our two student clubs remain very active and again placed very high in the ASAE EMI competition. This year we are also serving as the official department home for the SAE Mini Baja design competition. The students are provided an 8 Hp engine and build a vehicle around the engine. Last year’s team placed sixth out of about 90 entries in the midwest competition. Season’s Greetings Department News Ongoing Research Etc. … Undergrad News Alumni News Let Us Know … December 1999 Happy Holidays!

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Page 1: December 1999 - Efficiency Aerodynamic Deduster for Air Cleaning Yuanhui Zhang, Associate Professor,

1December 1999

continued on page 2

As I prepare this season’s greetings toall our alumni and special friends,there are about 40 days left in the1900’s. Many are franticallypreparing for the expected Y2Kglitches. The Department has donedue diligence in preparing for Y2Kand I do not expect our alumnidatabase to “disappear” on January 1.In fact, I do not foresee anyproblems with our departmentcomputer, instrumentation, andelectronic systems.

Personnel changes are occurringrapidly. Prasanta Kalita joined theSoil & Water faculty this fall. MarkMohr is now handling the PesticideApplicator Training (PAT) program.Al Hansen will be moving his familyfrom South Africa to join the OREESection by January 1. We are near theinterview stage in identifying areplacement for Bruce Litchfield’smove to the College of EngineeringDean’s office. Applications arecoming in for the Extension positionin Precision Agriculture and withKent Mitchell’s pending retirement,we must begin a search to fill his“very large” shoes.

As you can surmise, our Departmentis quickly taking on a new “youthful”look. With Kent Mitchell’s announce-ment of retirement on March 1, 2000the Department closes out a majorchapter of history and tradition. Withme as the only possible exception, ourfaculty are relatively young and areestablishing a new culture and legacyfor the 21st century. We will build onthe strength and reputation of ourformer faculty to maintain aDepartment that is relevant to thetimes but maintains the standard ofquality that have been established byour previous faculty, staff andstudents.

Students remain our primary focusand we continue to attract qualitystudents at both the undergraduateand graduate level. Our two studentclubs remain very active and againplaced very high in the ASAE EMIcompetition. This year we are alsoserving as the official departmenthome for the SAE Mini Baja designcompetition. The students areprovided an 8 Hp engine and build avehicle around the engine. Last year’steam placed sixth out of about 90entries in the midwest competition.

• Season’s Greetings• Department News• Ongoing Research• Etc. …• Undergrad News• Alumni News• Let Us Know …

December 1999

Happy Holidays!

Page 2: December 1999 - Efficiency Aerodynamic Deduster for Air Cleaning Yuanhui Zhang, Associate Professor,

2 December 1999

The evening of October 12 was a good night for the AgriculturalEngineering Department! At the 1999 Annual Extension AwardsBanquet held in Urbana, Illinois, two of our faculty received well-deserved awards.

Dealing with a major challenge is often eased by having the rightperson in the right place at the right time. Such was the case witha new state law mandating producer education on livestock wastemanagement and the response led by Ted L. Funk, ExtensionSpecialist in Agricultural Engineering. Ted’s response and hisleadership role in developing the Certified Livestock ManagerTraining Program, along with other achievements during his19-year career, earned him the Sustained Excellence inExtension Programming Award.

The Certified Livestock Manager Training Program is one in aseries of successful efforts by Ted over his Extension career toserve agriculture. Each year he responds to about 150 telephonecalls and letters from producers on topics related to animal waste.He has accumulated data that helps producers better managewaste lagoons, and he obtained funding for a research projectthat seeks to develop a new type of variable-rate slurry spreaderthat will enable farmers to ensure the environmentally correctrate of manure application on land.

Ted’s enthusiasm, creativity and dedication make him the rightman at the right place at the right time for the Illinois livestockindustry.

We are spending a significant amountof time thinking about how to betterprepare our students to handle issuesof the next century. The technology,skills and competencies required ofgraduates is a lot different than it wasfor most of us that graduated morethan 10 years ago. We are challengedto stay ahead of these rapidlychanging times. Informationtechnology is now dominatingeverything we deal with. FormerHeads indicate that mail and phonecalls controlled their lives. Nowemail is the preferred mode ofcommunication and dominates myoffice time.

We are planning to host an alumnireception during the ASAE Interna-tional meeting next summer atMilwaukee (July 9-12). Plan to attendand meet our new faculty as well asvisit with “old” friends and acquain-tances. Details will be in the summernewsletter.

We really enjoy hearing from alums.Please send us information aboutnew happenings (marriages, babies,job changes, etc.) E-mail makescommunication very easy. Also stopby for coffee when you are comingthrough this area. Have a blessedholiday season!

Loren E. BodeHead of Department

Ted Funk and Dennis Campion

Page 3: December 1999 - Efficiency Aerodynamic Deduster for Air Cleaning Yuanhui Zhang, Associate Professor,

3December 1999

A Nationally Recognized Program …

In the mid-1990s, the rapid expansion in the size of livestock operationsand vertical integration collided with environmental concerns. Accountsof manure spills in North Carolina, Iowa and Missouri raised publicawareness of potential problems and created a need for new programs.The new Illinois Livestock Management Facilities Act put in place a newstructure of requirements and accountability, but no programs to meet itsprovisions.

Extension’s Manure Management Team stepped forward with a series ofprograms that explained new regulations to producers and prepared themto meet the new standards. The approach was multidisciplinary withrepresentatives from the Departments of Agricultural Engineering, AnimalSciences, Crop Sciences and Agricultural and Consumer Economics.

The representatives from Agricultural Engineering – Ted L. Funk andRandy Fonner, Extension Specialist, CLMP Facilitator, received theOutstanding or Innovative Program – Group for the “ManureManagement Team.”

Philip Buriak, ProfessorAgricultural Engineering andCoordinator of Technical SystemsManagement is a 1999 recipient ofthe National Excellence in Col-lege and University Teaching inthe Food and AgriculturalSciences Award. This prestigiousaward is sponsored by the UnitedStates Department of Agriculture(USDA) and the National Associa-tion of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges. The national award,one of two given each year, includesa stipend to be used by the recipientfor the improvement of teaching athis college or university.

The GraduateFellowshipRecognitionProgram was heldon November 4,1999 and five ofour graduatefellows wererecognized.Pictured left to right Dr. Loren Bode, Head of Department,Eric Benson, Ana Maria Garcia, (seated) Jason Kwiatkowskiand Keli Christopher (not pictured, Mark Wilkins.)

The American Association ofCereal Chemistry (AACC)held its annual meeting inSeattle, WashingtonOctober 31-November 4.

Steve Eckhoff, Professor inthe Food and BioProcessEngineering Division, re-

ceived the AACC Excellence in TeachingAward. The award is presented to anAACC member and current teacher whohas made significant contributions throughteaching in the broad field of cereal scienceand technology. Christy Thompson,graduate student in the Food andBioProcess Engineering Division, won theCorn Refiners Association poster competi-tion. Her poster is based on her currentmasters work and was entitled, “Recovery ofSolids and Nutrients Contained in Corn WetMilling Coproduct Streams.” Posters werejudged by a panel for content, appearanceand also for the verbal presentation by thepresenter.

Teachers Ranked as Excellent …

The Incomplete list of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students forFall 1999 has been released. Congratulations to Philip Buriak*, CarrollGoering, Chris Harbourt (TA)*, Michael Hirschi, Kent Rausch and JeffZuerher (TA). (TA – Teaching Assistant; * - Instructor ratings were out-standing.)

Page 4: December 1999 - Efficiency Aerodynamic Deduster for Air Cleaning Yuanhui Zhang, Associate Professor,

4 December 1999

Dr. Prasanta Kalita joined thedepartment as AssistantProfessor of AgriculturalEngineering in the Soil and WaterDivision on August 1, 1999.Dr. Kalita received his B. Tech inAgricultural Engineering fromPunjab Agricultural University inIndia and his M.S. in Soil and WaterResources Engineering from theAsian Institute of Technology inThailand. He received his Ph.D. inSoil and Water Agricultural Engineer-ing from Iowa State University. Priorto coming to the University of

Illinois, Dr. Kalita was with the Biological & Agricultural EngineeringDepartment, Kansas State University.

Prasanta’s current research areas include watershed-water quality modeling, GIS, non-point source pollution controland animal waste management. Characterization of processes and pathways for pollutant transport(sediment, agricultural chemicals, and microbial organisms) on watershed scale and developing best managementpractices are of immediate concern.

With the departure of Bob Wolf toKansas State, Mark Mohr joined thedepartment on October 21, 1999 asthe new Extension Specialist,Pesticide Applicator Training. Markis an alumnus of the departmenthaving received his B.S. inAgricultural Mechanization in Mayof 1996.

Changes for the Millennium …

On March 1, 2000, Professor J. Kent Mitchell will retire after 35 years withthe department and with his retirement closes out a major portion of thehistory of our department. Dr. Mitchell has a distinguished academiccareer in teaching and research. He loves teaching and working withstudents and has influenced the lives of hundreds of young adults. He hashelped develop and maintain high academic standards for both our under-graduate and graduate programs. Kent has advised and taught all theundergraduate students majoring in soil and water resources engineering atthe University of Illinois for over twenty years. He has an internationalreputation for his expertise in the area of soil erosion and sediment trans-port. Kent is a model individual who has devoted his career to advances insoil and water resource engineering. Please join with everyone in thedepartment in congratulating Kent on his forthcoming and well-deservedretirement!

New Faces for 1999 …

New PAT Extension Specialist …

Page 5: December 1999 - Efficiency Aerodynamic Deduster for Air Cleaning Yuanhui Zhang, Associate Professor,

5December 1999

High Efficiency Aerodynamic Dedusterfor Air Cleaning

Yuanhui Zhang, Associate Professor, Bioenvironmental Engineering

The Issue: Primary health problemsassociated with indoor environment,especially confinement animalbuildings stem from a complexmixture of hazardous airborne dustparticles carrying ammonia, bacteriaand odors. Dust in animal buildingshas three unique characteristicscompared with other types of dusts:biologically active, high concentra-tion and odor carrier. Particlessmaller than 10 microns, so calledrespiratory particles, are responsiblefor the chronic respiratory diseasesin farmers and Sick Building Syn-drome (SBS) in residence buildings.These respirable particles are verydifficult to remove from air streams.The dust concentration in a pigbuilding is typically tens to hundredstimes higher than a residentialbuilding, thus making the conven-tional air cleaning technologies, suchas filtration and electrostatic precipi-tation, not practical. Existing cyclonedust separators require at least 500Pascal (2-inch water) pressure tooperate. These high pressuresprevent the cyclone from applicationin indoor environments, as most fansin animal buildings have a cut-offpressure of less than 250 Pascal (1-inch water). Even more impractical,particles smaller than 10 microns cannot be separated at that high pres-sure because of the strong turbu-lence associated with the highpressure.

The Research: We have developed aunique aerodynamic uniflowdeduster to separate particles in airstreams. The device, unlike theconventional cyclones, can remove

respirable particles at pressures aslow as 50 Pascal. With a betterunderstanding of fluid dynamics andparticle physics, the deduster em-ploys a set of turbine-type vaneguides, an involute separationchamber and a flow convergingsection to minimize turbulence andreduce the pressure loss. Figure 1shows the particle separation effi-ciency of a 288-cfm prototype in aswine building. The cut-size, whichis defined as the smallest particlediameter at which the separationefficiency is 50 percent, is about 4microns. In terms of particle countconcentration measured usingparticle counters, the particle separa-tion efficiency of the deduster was90 percent for particles larger than10 µm and 77 percent for particleslarger than 7 µm. In terms of massconcentration measured using masssamplers, the particle separationefficiency was 85 percent. Becausemost of the dust mass is attributedto the larger particles, the numberseparation and mass separationefficiency agreed very well. Re-search in progress includes applyingprinciples of molecular diffusion andparticle coagulation to remove

undesirable gaseous molecules suchas ammonia and odor in the airstream. Preliminary results showsthat it can remove 60 percent ofgaseous ammonia (in addition to theammonia attached to particles) in theair stream.

The Application: The dedustercould be an effective technology toreduce the dust and odor emissionfrom animal facilities. A widerapplication of the deduster may befound as an indoor air cleaner forresidential and office buildings.Americans spend 97 percent of theirlifetime indoors (including fourpercent in vehicles), and there is anincreasing awareness and concern ofindoor air quality and Sick BuildingSyndrome. There are estimated onemillion “sick buildings” (buildingswith poor air quality) housing 70million people in the U.S. With anautomatic flushing (timer-controlled)system, the deduster requires mini-mum maintenance and can be easilyincorporated into the existing airsupply systems in residential andoffice buildings. You may not needto change furnace filters at homeanymore.

Collection Efficiency



0 5 10 15 20Aerodynamic diameter (um)




y (


Figure 1. Dust separation efficiency of the deduster in a swine grower/finisher roommeasured using an Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (TSI 3320).

Page 6: December 1999 - Efficiency Aerodynamic Deduster for Air Cleaning Yuanhui Zhang, Associate Professor,

6 December 1999

News form the ASAE District 3 Director

John Reid, District 3 Director of ASAE, is working toprovide local services to ASAE members in two inactivesections in District 3. During the ‘90’s the Central Illinois andChicago Sessions of ASAE became inactive and ASAEmembers lost an ability to network with other ASAE profes-sionals. A set of interim officers has been selected for thesesections and meetings are being planned for the springsemester. The interim officers for the Central Illinois Sectionare Qin Zhang (Chair) and Michael Hirschi(Secretary/Treasurer), both from the University of Illinois.The interim officers for the Chicago Section are Monte Dickson (Chair) and Ross Peebles (Secretary/Treasurer), bothfrom CNH Global. A meeting announcement for the spring is being planned and will be mailed to existing ASAEmembers. If you are not a member, but would like to receive information on this meeting, please contact John Reid(mail to [email protected] or 217.333.2738.)

“Agricultural Engineeringon the Prairie: Illinois Style”

If you are interested in purchasing our historybook, “Agricultural Engineering on the Prairie:Illinois Style,” please send your check in theamount of $25.00 and payable to theUniversity of Illinois to:Agricultural Engineering History BookAttention: Mary Beth Munhall1304 West Pennsylvania AvenueUrbana, IL 61801

With John and Jean Siemens both retiring at the same time, on May 22, 1999they decided to pitch a tent on their lawn and invite their family, friends,colleagues and neighbors to enjoy “their” retirement! The tone of the eveningwas set when John explained how he obtained the cast on his arm – by fallingout of a tree when demonstrating to a neighbor how to cut a tree limb withoutit falling into the flower garden.

Retirement Parties!

Receiving certificates from DeanDavid Chicoine and Loren Bode.

John explaining his cast

An alumni reception was held thispast summer at the 1999 ASAEAnnual International Meeting inToronto. There were about 75alumni, faculty and friends inattendance. Everyone had awonderful time meeting with oldfriends and acquaintances from thedepartment, renewing old friendshipsand catching up on the past.

Toronto Alumni Reception

Page 7: December 1999 - Efficiency Aerodynamic Deduster for Air Cleaning Yuanhui Zhang, Associate Professor,

7December 1999

A retirement dinner was held on June 5, 1999 to honor and pay tribute to Carroll E. Goering for his long anddistinguished career. Carroll retired on May 20 after spending 22 years as a faculty member of our department.About 90 family and friends joined and attended the celebration.

Carol and Carroll Goering

Loren Bode presenting Carroll withhis certificate

I think Carroll ismaking a point???

Congratulations to Carroll Goering and John Siemens!Congratulations to Carroll Goering and John Siemens!

Illinois Student Engineering Branch Takes Honors in EMI Engineering Awards Competition

The University of Illinois’ Student Engineering Branch of ASAE – the Society for Engineering in Agricultural,Food and Biological Systems – took first runner-up honors in the annual Equipment Manufacturers Institute(EMI) Trophies Competition for branches numbering 33 or more members.

Mr. Douglas M. Durlant, Deere & Company, Chairman EMI Farm Equipment Council Engineering Commit-tee, presented a plaque acknowledging the 1999 award to branch representatives at an awards ceremony heldduring the ASAE Annual Meeting in Toronto, Ontario, Canada last June.

EMI, the major trade association for manufacturers of agricultural, industrial and construction equipment inNorth America, sponsors the annual competition. EMI presents awards to the student branches whichcompiled the most outstanding record of activities and achievements in the previous year.

Page 8: December 1999 - Efficiency Aerodynamic Deduster for Air Cleaning Yuanhui Zhang, Associate Professor,

8 December 1999

Dedication and determination. Thatis what can be said about the 1999UIUC SAE Mini Baja team. Learn-ing from their mistakes in the 1998Mini Baja season, the 1999 UIUCSAE Mini Baja team set out with theintention of designing, building, andcompeting an award winning minibaja car. In the competitions theywould enter, the team would settlefor no less than top ten in theendurance race and top ten overall.

The 1999 season startedwith some key organizationand planning. It took somedetermined work from thebusiness team to findsponsors that would helpfinance the new car. Noth-ing but dedication and hardwork came from the designteams in designing this newcar. It was chosen to iterateoff the 1998 car due to itssuperior handling character-istics, but fix and fine-tunethe flaws. The 1999 car, named“Digger” would incorporate anindependent, front dual a-armsuspension with a solid swing-armsuspension in the rear. The V-BeltCVT was used again for its reliabilityand performance advantage and1999 would be the last year that SAEMini Baja would be using the 8horsepower engine. Since the powerwas fixed, weight conservation wasof utmost concern. The initial goalwas to keep the weight under 300pounds, something unheard of inMini Baja competitions. The designconcluded in November 1998, andthe construction began in December.By bending and TIG welding the

chomoly tubing and reducing weightwherever possible, Digger’s race trimweight was 310 pounds.

In addition to building a Mini Bajacar, the UIUC SAE Mini Baja teamwon first place awards for theirdisplay in the University of IllinoisEngineering Open House. They alsotook some time to travel to highschools and talk to students aboutuniversities and getting involved inSAE activities.

In April, the team traveled to KansasState University, in Manhattan,Kansas, site of the 1999 SAE MiniBaja West Competition. The teamhad been to the 1997 West competi-tion, but we were determined tobring some hardware back to theUniversity of Illinois. In the firstday, the team displayed Digger instatic judging and presentations,where they were awarded a 5th placein design. With some quick thinkingand acting, the team passed techjudging and was ready for thedynamic events. The second dayconsisted of the initial dynamic

Shop Talk - 1999 UIUC SAE Mini Bajaby Jason Meredith

runs, and the maneuverability course.After it was all said and done, theUniversity of Illinois ended the dayon top of the world with a first placein maneuverability, first place in hillclimb, third place in acceleration, andfirst place overall! The final day ofcompetition was the dreaded endur-ance event. UIUC started on theoutside pole position, and made afew laps before a brake line broke.After a quick fix and change ofdrivers, Digger made a few moreflawless laps before being refueled.About 2/3 through the race, aserious design flaw was found when

Digger destroyed thedriveline and ended the day.That driveline failuredropped the team to 21stin the overall rankings (outof 70 teams), but the teamwas taking home all theirfirst place dynamic awards,something that the UIUCSAE Mini Baja team hasnever done before.

After a thorough preppingof the car and some testing

time, the team headed to Dayton,Ohio, home of the 1999 SAEMidwest Competition. The first dayconsisted of the static judging, wherethe UIUC garnished a 3rd place inServiceability. The second day ofdynamic events concluded withmediocre performance in the hillclimb and acceleration, and also theproblem with the driveline aroseagain, but in a different place. Withsome hard work, Digger was fixed,and this time for good. The endur-ance race started with UIUC abouthalf way back in the field. Withsome persistent but conservativedriving and pit time, the teamfinished the day in the top tenevents – the hill climb, acceleration

continued on page 10

“Digger” & Company

Page 9: December 1999 - Efficiency Aerodynamic Deduster for Air Cleaning Yuanhui Zhang, Associate Professor,

9December 1999

1950s/1960s1950s/1960s 1990s1990s


Gary Hedge (BS ’59) retired after 7years with International Harvesterand 33 years with Birkey Farm Store,Inc.

Owen P. Lee (BS ’64) retiredJanuary 2, 1999 from USDA’sNatural Resource ConservationService (NRCS) after 36+ years ofservice. For the last 21 years, Owenworked in the National officereporting information about NRCSprojects

Art Muehling, Retired Professor,recently spent some time visiting theW. Ralph Nave (MS ’63) whiletraveling in the San Francisco area.Art informs us that Ralph retiredfrom USDA/ARS and that he andhis wife, Greer, are living in theBenicia, California area and doingwell. Ralph keeps busy with a littleconsulting work.

Dorland W. Smith (BS ’58) retiredat the end of 1998 as GeneralManager of the Menard ElectricCooperative.

Stephen C. Wood (BS ’60) wasnamed as Technical Director forBlack Brothers Company, Mendota,Illinois on May 1, 1999.

Alan A. Fairgrieves (BS ’86) e-mailed us that business is very goodat Cummins! They recentlylaunched the ISX engine, the firstdual overhead cam diesel engine forthe heavy-duty automotive market(class 8 trucks).

Marcia A. McCutchan (BS ’86) isVice President and part owner ofRezek, Henry, Meisenheimer andGende, Inc., a civil and environmen-tal engineering consulting firm withoffices in Libertyville and Elgin,Illinois. Marcia is the managingowner of the Elgin Office. Shespecializes in drinking water,wastewater and storm water man-agement projects.

In July we learned that Carl D.Meinhart (BS ’89) won the Na-tional Science Foundation’s CareerAward, its highest award for youngfaculty. NSF bases the CareerAward on a written career develop-ment plan outlining the researchand teaching components of thecandidate. Carl’s proposed researchdeals with developing Particle ImageVelocimetry for making velocitymeasurements with micron-scalespatial resolution and applying thetechnique to investigate mixingphenomena at the microscale. Carlis an Assistant Professor in theUniversity of California – SantaBarbara’s Mechanical and Environ-mental Engineering Department.

We heard from Ronald L. Reichen(BS ’73) in June that he had ac-cepted a promotion to projectengineer at the new John DeereTurf Care facility in Fuquay Varina,

Nathan B. Barnes (BS ’99) marriedVictoria Pobanz on May 22 at Orion,Illinois. After a wedding trip to theWest Indies, the couple is residing inMorton, Illinois

In April of this year Thomas I.Burenga (BS ’96) took a promotionto become the John Deere TerritoryManager for Western Pennsylvania.

Eric E. Hodel (BS ’97) is currentlythe Ag Challenger and Lexion Com-bine Instructor for Caterpillar. Ericteaches dealer personnel, technicalcommunicators and field representa-tives about the Ag Products. InAugust, Eric traveled to Australia toteach them about the combine asCAT introduces the Lexion combinefor the first time overseas.

Symatha C. Newman (MS ’99/BS’91) has joined the mechanical engi-neering staff of Blank, Wesselink,Cook & Associates, Inc., an architec-tural engineering firm in Decatur,Illinois.

Karl W. Scherer (BS ’98) marriedColleen Strunk on May 22, 1999 inChampaign, Illinois. Karl is anIndustrial Engineer at NACCOMaterials Handling Group, manufac-turers of Hyster and Yale forklifts inDanville, Illinois. The couple residein Champaign, Illinois.

Army 2 nd Lt. Benjamin W. Wright(BS ’98) graduated from the InfantryMortar Leader Course at FortBenning, Columbus, Georgia.

Anwar Alam (Ph.D. ’72) recently e-mailed us the information that he hasheld the position of Deputy DirectorGeneral of the Indian Council ofAgricultural Research in New Delhi,India since January 1998.

North Carolina. Ronald is projectengineer of greensmowers, trimmowers, cutting units, and cutting unitattachments.

Page 10: December 1999 - Efficiency Aerodynamic Deduster for Air Cleaning Yuanhui Zhang, Associate Professor,

10 December 1999


Moving ??? Don’tforget to write!

The department wishes to extend its deepest sympathy to thefamilies of two alumni:

B. Jack Butler (MS ’49/BS ’48) alumni and former UI Professor ofAgricultural Engineering from 1958 to 1983, died June 29 at MasonDistrict Hospital, Havana, Illinois. While at the UI, he was awardedthe W.L. Everett Teaching Excellence Award and the Stanley PierceAward

Richard E. Reeves (BS ’47). Mr. Reeves passed away June 1, 1999of cardiac arrest after having hadheart surgery.

Congratulations to ourCongratulations to ourAugust and October 1999 Grads!August and October 1999 Grads!

B.S. DegreesRobert W. BrownLevi P. LeakeAndrew M. LeoneArmando Najera, Jr.John E. Tuntland

M.S. DegreesChristopher M. HarbourtPaul S. Miller

Ph.D. DegreesWilliam J. Northcott, Jr.John-Brian PriestBrian L. Steward

Ryan T. McGinn1978 – 1999

The faculty, staff and studentsof our department extend ourdeepest sympathy to the familyof Ryan T. McGinn, a seniorin our Technical SystemsManagement Program. Ryanpassed away on Saturday,November 27 from injuriessustained during an automobileaccident.

of the endurance race. A goodfeeling was felt when the team hadto take Digger through techinspection for winning cars. Thatcatapulted UIUC into the top ten(6th place) overall out of 90 teams.Although there were no 1st placetrophies to bring back to theUniversity of Illinois, the teamaccomplished their goals that theystrived for and concluded theseason on a winning note.

Now that UIUC has establishedthemselves as a team to be reck-oned with at SAE Mini BajaCompetitions, the 2000 seasonproves to be a good year. With thehelp of the returning members andthe addition of new, talentedpeople, the team will continue tobuild on the winning tradition thathas been started.

continued from page 8

Page 11: December 1999 - Efficiency Aerodynamic Deduster for Air Cleaning Yuanhui Zhang, Associate Professor,

11December 1999

The Agricultural Engineering Newsletter is a publication of the Public Relations Committee. Correspondence maybe sent to:

Agricultural Engineering NewsletterUniversity of Illinois1304 West Pennsylvania Avenue, Rm. 338Urbana, IL 61801217.333.3570 – phone217.244.0323 – [email protected]

The University of Illinois is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution.

Alumni Information SheetAlumni Information Sheet

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Please return to: Agricultural Engineering DepartmentAttn: Alumni Newsletter1304 West Pennsylvania Avenue, Rm. 338Urbana, IL 61801

217.333.3570 – phone217.244.0323 – [email protected]

Page 12: December 1999 - Efficiency Aerodynamic Deduster for Air Cleaning Yuanhui Zhang, Associate Professor,

12 December 1999