decoding a newspaper

Decoding a Newspaper Prep for the Grade 10 Literacy Test

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Post on 22-Feb-2016




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Decoding a Newspaper. Prep for the Grade 10 Literacy Test. Headline. Byline. Lead - HOOK. Hard News Lead. John Roberts, 21, and Glen Thomas, 45, were later charged with 28 counts of felony burglary for the theft of diamond jewelry and laptop computers from Harrelson Hall. Soft News Lead. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Decoding a Newspaper

Prep for the Grade 10 Literacy Test



Lead - HOOK

Hard News LeadJohn Roberts, 21, and Glen Thomas, 45, were later charged with 28 counts of felony burglary for the theft of diamond jewelry and laptop computers from Harrelson Hall.

Soft News Lead

Two local boys were found dead in their front yard this morning, victims of what police suspect was a gang-related initiation.

Descriptive Leads

Enter his second story office in Pullen Hall and the burly, former college football star will immediately envelope you in a bear hug, waving aside any attempts at formality and insisting that while you’ve just met, you’re already friends.

Narrative Leads

Panting, sweating and gasping for air, Natalie Lewis digs her fingers into the chain-link fence, using every ounce of her energy to pull herself up and over, landing squarely – and hard – on the burnt clay below.

Decoding Print Advertisements

AdvertisementsThere are 5 main components of Advertising: Purpose: The message, the subject and

the effect the ad is meant to have on people.

Techniques: What methods are used to achieve the purpose; the dominate feature of the ad.

Impact: The effect the advertisement had on the audience, its effectiveness in influencing them.

Ad’s Cont.’ Target Audience: Who is the advertisement

aimed at and intended to influence? Medium: The way the message reaches its

audience, and where the ad is found.

Message: Pest Control!

Technique: Allusion to Spiderman (Dominate Universal Feature)

Impact: Nostalgia (Link to childhood memories for adults)

Target Audience: Adults / Families

Medium: Print Ad