deconstructing specweb99

Deconstructing SPECweb99 Erich M. Nahum IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, NY, 10598 [email protected] Abstract SPECweb99 has become the de-facto standard workload generator used to evaluate Web server performance in the computer industry. In this pa- per, we examine how well SPECweb99 captures the server performance characteristics that have been identified by the research community, such as URL popularity and the distributions of request methods, response codes, and transfer sizes. We compare these characteristics generated by SPECweb99 both with those reported in the literature and against a set of sample Web server logs, and find that the workload generator has a varying record depend- ing on the characteristic. In particular, SPECweb99 suffers from failing to capture conditional GET re- quests, which significantly affects both the response code statistics and the transfer size distributions. We conclude with some recommendations to im- prove the accuracy of the benchmark in the future. 1 Introduction A central component of the response time seen by Web users is the performance of the origin server that provides the content. There is great interest, therefore, in quantifying the performance of Web servers: How quickly can they respond to requests? How well do they scale with load? Are they capable of operating under overload, i.e., can they maintain some level of service even when the requested load far outstrips the capacity of the server? Obtaining the answers to these questions can be an involved process. While a server must satisfy certain feature requirements (e.g., supporting Java or PHP), operators want to have some notion of how the server will perform, in order to do capac- ity planning. This in turn leads to purchasing de- cisions which are influenced by benchmarks. Many benchmarking programs are available for a wide va- riety of applications, such as databases and scien- tific programs, and Web servers are no exception. Web server benchmarks are typically known as load generators, since the way they measure per- formance is to masquerade as clients and generate a synthetic load of HTTP requests for the server. Figure 1 shows a typical experimental setup, where clients running a workload generator program sub- mit requests to a Web server. The idea is that, by measuring how the server performs in a controlled environment, operators will hopefully have a rea- sonably good notion of how that server will per- form in the real world. In turn, by comparing the numbers for competing Web servers, operators can determine which will perform better. Of course, a Web server is more than simply the HTTP server software; a workload generator can be used to com- pare the performance of the same software running on two different pieces of hardware, or to com- pare two different operating systems running on the same hardware. Many Web server benchmarks have appeared over the years, including WebStone [34], SPECweb96 [15], S-Client [7], SURGE [8], httperf [29], SPECweb99 [15], TPC-W [33], WAGON [26], and WaspClient [30]. As people’s understanding of Web server behavior has expanded over time, so have the server benchmarks evolved and been im- proved. In addition to providing broad perfor- mance statistics, such as throughput in HTTP op- erations/second, many benchmarks attempt to ad-

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Page 1: Deconstructing SPECweb99

Deconstructing SPECweb99

Erich M. NahumIBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Yorktown Heights, NY, [email protected]


SPECweb99 has become the de-facto standardworkload generator used to evaluate Web serverperformance in the computer industry. In this pa-per, we examine how well SPECweb99 captures theserver performance characteristics that have beenidentified by the research community, such as URLpopularity and the distributions of request methods,response codes, and transfer sizes. We comparethese characteristics generated by SPECweb99 bothwith those reported in the literature and against aset of sample Web server logs, and find that theworkload generator has a varying record depend-ing on the characteristic. In particular, SPECweb99suffers from failing to capture conditional GET re-quests, which significantly affects both the responsecode statistics and the transfer size distributions.We conclude with some recommendations to im-prove the accuracy of the benchmark in the future.

1 Introduction

A central component of the response time seen byWeb users is the performance of the origin serverthat provides the content. There is great interest,therefore, in quantifying the performance of Webservers: How quickly can they respond to requests?How well do they scale with load? Are they capableof operating under overload, i.e., can they maintainsome level of service even when the requested loadfar outstrips the capacity of the server?

Obtaining the answers to these questions can bean involved process. While a server must satisfycertain feature requirements (e.g., supporting Javaor PHP), operators want to have some notion of

how the server will perform, in order to do capac-ity planning. This in turn leads to purchasing de-cisions which are influenced by benchmarks. Manybenchmarking programs are available for a wide va-riety of applications, such as databases and scien-tific programs, and Web servers are no exception.

Web server benchmarks are typically known asload generators, since the way they measure per-formance is to masquerade as clients and generatea synthetic load of HTTP requests for the server.Figure 1 shows a typical experimental setup, whereclients running a workload generator program sub-mit requests to a Web server. The idea is that, bymeasuring how the server performs in a controlledenvironment, operators will hopefully have a rea-sonably good notion of how that server will per-form in the real world. In turn, by comparing thenumbers for competing Web servers, operators candetermine which will perform better. Of course, aWeb server is more than simply the HTTP serversoftware; a workload generator can be used to com-pare the performance of the same software runningon two different pieces of hardware, or to com-pare two different operating systems running on thesame hardware.

Many Web server benchmarks have appeared overthe years, including WebStone [34], SPECweb96[15], S-Client [7], SURGE [8], httperf [29],SPECweb99 [15], TPC-W [33], WAGON [26], andWaspClient [30]. As people’s understanding ofWeb server behavior has expanded over time, sohave the server benchmarks evolved and been im-proved. In addition to providing broad perfor-mance statistics, such as throughput in HTTP op-erations/second, many benchmarks attempt to ad-

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Server UnderTest



Figure 1: Workload Generation

dress characteristics that earlier ones ignored orwere not aware of. For better or worse, however,people and organizations tend to settle on a singlebenchmark for comparative purposes. In the case ofWeb server benchmarks, particularly for hardwarevendors, this benchmark is SPECweb99.

In this paper, we quantify how well SPECweb99captures server workload characteristics such asrequest methods, response codes, URL popular-ity, and transfer size distributions. We find thatSPECweb99 has a varying record depending on thecharacteristic, as we describe in detail below.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.In Section 2 we describe the SPECweb99 workloadgenerator. Section 3 we present our methodologyfor comparisons. Section 4 presents our results indetail. Section 5 overviews related work. In Sec-tion 6 we summarize our findings and offer recom-mendations for ways for SPECweb99 to improve itsaccuracy.

2 SPECweb99

SPECweb99 has become the de-facto standardworkload generator used in the computer industryfor performance evaluation, robustness testing, andevaluating server optimizations. The popularity ofSPECweb99 as a benchmark can be seen by thevolume of results published at the SPEC Web site.At the time of this writing, 141 results have beenpublished in under 3 years, which include hardwarevendors such as Compaq, Dell, Fujitsu, HP, IBM,and Sun; operating systems such as AIX, HPUX,

Linux, Solaris, and Windows NT; and Web serversoftware such as Apache, IIS, Netscape Enterprise,and Tux. In contrast, for example, TPC-W has only14 submissions from 3 vendors.

SPECweb99 is produced by the Systems Perfor-mance Evaluation Consortium (SPEC), an industry-backed non-profit corporation whose role is toprovide independent benchmarks for comparativepurposes. SPEC provides a number of bench-marks, such as SPECSFS97 for file systems,SPECCPU2000 for processor performance, andSPECweb99 for Web servers. SPEC is supportedby its member corporations, such as HP, IBM, andSun, and its benchmarks are decided on by a con-sensus process of the members. This process, whileopen to all members who make a financial contri-bution to SPEC, is closed to the general public. Inaddition, the source code to the benchmark is onlyavailable to member institutions or through a fee,which is typically discounted for non-profit organi-zations such as universities. In order for vendors toadvertise the results of their SPECweb99 runs, theyare required to submit their numbers to the SPECWeb site where the results are published.

Instead of a conventional performance metric suchas server throughput or response time, the primarymetric used by SPECweb99 is “number of simulta-neous conforming connections.” According to theweb site:

“SPECweb99 measures the maxi-mum number of simultaneous connec-tions requesting the predefined bench-mark workload that a web server is ableto support while still meeting specificthroughput and error rate requirements.The connections are made and sustainedat a specified maximum bit rate with amaximum segment size intended to morerealistically model conditions that will beseen on the Internet during the lifetime ofthis benchmark.” [15]

To ensure that connections are conforming,SPECweb99 monitors the bandwidth available to

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Name: Chess Olympics IBM World Cup Dept. Store IBM SPEC1997 1998 1998 1998 2000 2001 web99

Desc.: Kasparov- Sporting Corporate Sporting Online Corporate WorkloadDeep Blue Event Site Presence Event Site Shopping Presence GeneratorEvent Site

Period: 2 weeks in 1 day in 1 day in 31 days in 12 days in 1 day in 1 hour inMay 1997 Feb. 1998 June 1998 June 1998 June 2000 Feb. 2001 June 2002

Hits: 1,586,667 11,485,600 5,800,000 1,111,970,278 13,169,361 12,445,739 10,481,768KBytes: 14,171,711 54,697,108 10,515,507 3,952,832,722 54,697,108 28,804,852 151,495,102Clients: 256,382 86,021 80,921 2,240,639 86,021 319,698 16URLs: 2,293 15,788 30,465 89,997 15,788 42,874 55,054

Table 1: Logs used in examples

each connection and enforces both an upper andlower bound on that bandwidth, in order to emu-late modem-connected clients. The lower bound is320000 bits/sec or roughly 39 KB/sec; if a connec-tion achieves lower than that bandwidth the run isdiscarded as “non-conforming.” The upper boundis 400000 bits/sec or roughly 48 KB/sec; if the con-nection gets greater bandwidth the connection callssleep() for the remainder of time that the connection“should” have taken.

SPEC has taken a number of steps to prevent “gam-ing” the benchmarking process and enforce a cer-tain degree of realism. For example, the link-layermaximum transmission unit (MTU) must not belarger than 1500 bytes, presumably since over thewide-area Internet, it is virtually impossible to finda path MTU of greater than the Ethernet frame size.Enforcing this as the maximum prevents distortingresults by using media that allow larger MTUs suchas ATM or Gigabit Ethernet with Jumbo Frames.Similarly, SPEC enforces a maximum segment life-time (MSL) of 60 seconds, which is used to managethe duration of TCP’s TIME WAIT state. Shrinkingthis value can artificially inflate server performancenumbers [6]. Although RFC 793 [32] suggests anMSL value of 2 minutes, SPECweb99 uses a valueof 60 seconds since that is what is used in “mostBSD derived UNIX implementations.”

While settling on a single Web server benchmarksuch as SPECweb99 allows relatively “apple-to-apple” comparisons, it has the disadvantage that asingle particular benchmark may not capture the

performance characteristics that are relevant to aparticular Web site. While “relevant” may be a rel-ative term, over time a certain number of charac-teristics have been discovered to be shared across awide variety of Web sites. A straightforward ques-tion thus arises: how well does SPECweb99 capturethe performance attributes that have been observedacross a large number of sites?

3 Methodology

Our approach is to take various characteristics orperformance metrics identified by the literature andcompare them to those produced by SPECweb99.Characteristics are derived from the server logsgenerated from a SPECweb99 run. Then, for eachcharacteristic, we conclude how well it is capturedby SPECweb99.

The server used to produce the SPECweb99 log isan 8-way 900 MHz Pentium III symmetric multi-processor (SMP), running Apache 2.0.36 and theLinux kernel version 2.4.17. The server has 32GBRAM and 4 Gigabit Ethernet adapters. Sixteen 866MHz Pentium III PCs were used as clients to gen-erate a load of 2500 concurrent connections.

To help illustrate the comparisons, we also presentexamples of the same characteristics derived fromseveral logs. Table 1 gives an overview of the logsused in the examples, several of which are takenfrom high-volume web sites that were managed byIBM. One log, taken from an online departmentstore, is taken from a site hosted by but not de-

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Request Chess Olymp. IBM W. Cup Dept. IBM SPECMethod 1997 1998 1998 1998 2000 2001 web99GET 92.18 99.37 99.91 99.75 99.42 97.54 95.06HEAD 03.18 00.08 00.07 00.23 00.45 02.09 00.00POST 00.00 00.02 00.01 00.01 00.11 00.22 04.93

Table 2: HTTP Request Methods (percent)

signed or managed by IBM. We also include mostof the 1998 World Cup logs [4], which are publi-cally available at the Internet Traffic Archive. Dueto the size of these logs, we limit our analysis to thebusiest 4 weeks of the trace, June 10th through July10th (days 46 through 76 on the web site).

Since our analysis is based on web logs, certain in-teresting characteristics cannot be examined. Forexample, persistent connections, pipelining, net-work round-trip times and packet loss all have sig-nificant affects on both server performance andclient-perceived response time. These character-istics are not captured in Apache Common Logformat and typically require more detailed packet-level measurements using a tool such as tcpdump.These sorts of network-level measurements are dif-ficult to obtain due to privacy and confidentialityrequirements.

An important caveat worth reiterating is that anyone Web site may not be representative of a par-ticular application or workload. For example, thebehavior of a very dynamic Web site such as eBay,which hosts a great deal of rapidly changing con-tent, is most likely very different from an onlinetrading site like Schwab, which conducts most of itsbusiness encrypted using the Secure Sockets Layer(SSL). Several example Web sites given here wereall run by IBM, and thus may share certain traits notobserved by previous researchers in the literature.As we will see, however, the characteristics fromthe IBM sites are consistent with those described inthe literature.

Dynamic content [3, 12, 13, 23] is becoming acentral component of modern transaction-orientedWeb sites. SPECweb99 is unusual compared tomost other workload generators in that 30 percent

of the requests it produces are for dynamically gen-erated content. While dynamic content generationis clearly a very important issue, there is currentlyno consensus as to what constitutes a “representa-tive” dynamic workload, and so we do not evaluateSPECweb99 in this respect.

4 Results

In this Section we present our results in detail.

4.1 Request Methods

The first trait we examine is how well request meth-ods are captured by SPECweb99. Several meth-ods were defined in the HTTP 1.0 standard [10](e.g., HEAD, POST, DELETE), and multiple otherswere added in the 1.1 specification [20, 21] (e.g.,OPTIONS, TRACE, CONNECT). While a servershould, of course, implement all methods requiredto support a particular HTTP standard, a workloadgenerator should seek to recreate the request meth-ods that are seen most frequently at a Web site.

Table 2 shows the percentage of request methodsseen in the various logs. Here, only those methodswhich appear a non-trivial fraction are shown, de-fined in this case as greater than one hundredth ofa percent. GET requests are the primary method bywhich documents are retrieved; the method “meansretrieve whatever information ... is identified bythe Request-URI” [10]. The HEAD method issimilar to the GET method except that only meta-information about the URI is returned. The POSTmethod is a request for the server to accept infor-mation from the client, and are typically use forfor filling out forms and invoking dynamic contentgeneration mechanisms. While different logs haveslightly varying breakdowns, the vast majority of

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Response Chess Olymp. IBM W.Cup Dept. IBM SPECCode 1997 1998 1998 1998 2000 2001 web99200 OK 85.32 76.02 75.28 79.46 86.80 67.73 100.00206 Partial Content 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.06 00.00 00.00 00.00302 Found 00.05 00.05 01.18 00.56 00.56 15.11 00.00304 Not Modified 13.73 23.25 22.84 19.75 12.40 16.26 00.00403 Forbidden 00.01 00.02 00.01 00.00 00.02 00.01 00.00404 Not Found 00.55 00.64 00.65 00.70 00.18 00.79 00.00

Table 3: Server Response Codes (percent)

methods are GET requests, with a smaller but no-ticeable percentage being HEAD or POST meth-ods. This is consistent with findings in the literature[25].

Table 2 also shows the percentage of methods usedby SPECweb99. The majority of requests gener-ated by SPECweb99 are GET requests, althoughthe ratio, 95 percent, is slightly lower than thosefrom 3 of the 4 real logs, which range from 97 to99 percent. While the logs have a small percentageof HEAD methods, SPECweb99 does not generateany HEAD requests at all. Finally, the number ofPOST requests, while relatively small at 5 percent,is 2 orders of magnitude greater than the fractionseen in the real sites, which have POST methods onthe order of hundredths of a percent. SPECweb99uses POSTs heavily for its dynamic content requestgeneration. However, the mismatch here implies ei-ther that SPECweb99 is over-estimating the amountof dynamic content on a Web site, or that sites useother methods for that purpose, e.g., a GET requestfor a URL with a cgi-bin prefix.

Since SPECweb99 generates a first-order approxi-mation of request methods, we conclude that it doesa passable job in terms of capturing this metric.However, some refinement, particularly in terms ofgenerating HEAD requests, seems necessary.

4.2 Response Codes

The next characteristic we study are the responsecodes generated by the server. Again, the HTTPspecifications define a large number of responses,the generation of which depends on multiple factorssuch as whether or not a client is allowed access

to a URL, whether or not the request is properlyformed, etc. However, certain responses are muchmore frequent than others.

Table 3 shows those responses seen in the logs thatoccur with a non-trivial frequency, again defined asgreater than one hundredth of a percent. We see thatthe majority of the responses are successful trans-fers, i.e., the 200 OK response code.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this data is,however, the relatively large fraction of 304 NotModified responses. This code is typically gener-ated in response to a client generating a GET re-quest with the If-Modified-Since option, which pro-vides the client’s notion of the URL’s last-modifiedtime. This request is essentially a cache-validationoption and asks the server to respond with the fulldocument if the client’s copy is out of date. Other-wise, the server should respond with the 304 codeif the copy is OK. As can be seen, between 12 and23 percent of responses are 304 codes, indicatingthat clients re-validating up-to-date content is a rel-atively frequent occurrence, albeit in different pro-portions at different Web sites.

Other responses, such as 403 Forbidden or 404 NotFound, are not very frequent, on the order of a tenthof a percent, but appear occasionally. The IBM2001 log is unusual in that roughly 15 percent ofthe responses use the 302 Found code, which istypically used as a temporary redirection facility.While we are unaware of the cause of this behavior,we believe it is a rudimentary content distributionmechanism.

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1 10 100 1000 10000 100000



n of




Document Rank by Popularity

1997 Deep Blue Chess1998 Nagano Olympics1998 WWW.IBM.COM

1998 World Cup2000 Dept. Store

2001 WWW.IBM.COMSpecWeb99

Figure 2: Document Popularity

Table 3 also shows the response codes generatedduring the SPECweb99 run. Here, we see that allresponses are 200 OK codes. While it might beargued that certain error codes such as Forbiddenor Not Found should not be included in a bench-mark, the relative frequency of 304 responses indi-cates that they are normal part of Web server behav-ior and should be captured by a workload generator.Thus we conclude that SPECweb99 is not represen-tative in this respect.

4.3 Object Popularity

Numerous researchers [2, 5, 16, 31] have observedthat, in origin Web servers, the relative probabilitywith which a web page is accessed follows a Zipf-like distribution. That is,

����������� ���

where ������� is the probability of a request for a docu-ment with rank � , and is a constant (depending on� and the number of documents) that ensures thatthe sum of the probabilities is one. Rank is definedby popularity; the most popular document has rank1, the second-most popular has rank 2, etc. When� equals 1, the distribution is a true Zipf; when � is

another value the distribution is considered “Zipf-like.” Server logs tend to have � values of one orgreater; proxy server logs have lower values rang-ing from 0.64 to 0.83 [11].

Figure 2 shows the fraction of references based ondocument rank generated from the sample Web logsand the log produced by SPECweb99. Note thatboth the X and Y axes use a log scale. As can beseen, all the curves follow a Zipf-like distributionfairly closely, except towards the upper left of thegraph and the lower right of the graph.

This Zipf property of document popularity is sig-nificant because it shows the effectiveness of doc-ument caching. For example, one can see that bysimply caching the 100 most popular documents,assuming these documents are all cacheable, thevast majority of requests will find the document inthe cache, avoiding an expensive disk I/O opera-tion.

Since the curve for SPECweb99 follows the Zipf-like distribution as closely as the other curves, wesay the SPECweb99 benchmark captures this char-acteristic effectively.

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1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06 1e+07 1e+08



n of



File Size in Bytes

1997 Deep Blue Chess1998 Nagano Olympics1998 WWW.IBM.COM

1998 World Cup2000 Dept. Store

2001 WWW.IBM.COMSpecWeb99

Figure 3: Document Size (CDF)

4.4 File Sizes

The next characteristic we examine is the range ofsizes of the URLs stored on a Web server. File sizesgive a picture of how much storage is required on aserver, as well as how much RAM might be neededto fully cache the data in memory. Which distribu-tion best captures file size characteristics has beena topic of some controversy. There is consistentagreement that sizes range over multiple orders ofmagnitude and that the body of the distribution (i.e.,that excluding the tail) is Log-Normal. However,the shape of the tail of the distribution has beendebated, with claims that it is Pareto [16], Log-Normal [19], and even that the amount of data avail-able is insufficient to statistically distinguish the thetwo [22].

Figure 3 shows the CDF of file sizes seen in thelogs, as well as those from SPECweb99. Note thatthe X axis is in log scale. As can be seen, sizesrange from 1 byte to 10 megabytes, varying across7 orders of magnitude. In addition, the distributionsshow the rough ‘S’ shape of the Log-Normal distri-bution.

Figure 3 also shows the CDF of file sizes fromSPECweb99. While the distribution is roughlyLog-Normal, it does not vary as widely as thecurves from the logs. This is because the smallestfile requested in SPECweb99 contains 102 bytes,and the largest 921600 bytes. Perhaps more signifi-cantly, the curve is significantly less “smooth” thanthe curves from the logs. The SPECweb99 curvehas interpolation lines present, whereas the curvesfrom the real logs consist only of actual data points.This is because the SPECweb99 file set generatedon the server has only 36 distinct file sizes, whereasfiles on real Web sites exhibit much greater variety.

As mentioned earlier, a metric of frequent inter-est in the research community is the “tail” of thedistribution. While the vast majority of files aresmall, the majority of bytes transferred are foundin large files. This is sometimes known as the “Ele-phants and Mice” phenomenon. To see how wellSPECweb99 captures this property, we graphed thecomplement of the cumulative distribution func-tion, or CCDF, of the logs. These are shown inFigure 4. The Y values for this graph are essen-tially the complement of the corresponding Y val-ues from Figure 3. Unlike Figure 3, however, note

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f Fra



File Size in Bytes

1997 Deep Blue Chess1998 Nagano Olympics1998 WWW.IBM.COM

1998 World Cup2000 Dept. Store

2001 WWW.IBM.COMSpecWeb99

Figure 4: Document Size (CCDF)

here that the Y-axis uses a log scale to better illus-trate the tail. We observe that all the logs have max-imum files in the range of 1 to 10 MB, with the ex-ception of the Department Store log, which has nofile size greater than 99990 bytes.

Figure 4 also shows the CCDF from SPECweb99.As can be seen, the tail exhibited by SPECweb99does not reach as far as the tails from most of theother logs, except for the Department Store log.Again, this is because SPECweb99 does not requestany files greater than 921600 bytes.

To summarize, SPECweb99 does capture the broadcharacteristics of file size distributions, by varyingacross several orders of magnitude and exhibiting aLog-Normal distribution. However, it fails to cap-ture the deeper aspects of the distributions, such assmoothness and length in the tail. We thus concludethat, in this case, SPECweb99 does a passable job,albeit one that could be improved.

4.5 Transfer Sizes

A metric related to Web file sizes is Web transfersizes, or the size of the objects sent “over the wire.”

Transfer sizes are significant since they connotehow much bandwidth is used by the Web server torespond to clients. In Apache Common Log For-mat, transfer size is based on the amount of con-tent sent, and does not include the size from anyHTTP headers or lower-layer bytes such as TCP orIP headers. Thus, here transfer size is based on thesize of the content transmitted. The distribution oftransfer sizes is thus influenced by the popularity ofdocuments requested, as well as by the proportionof unusual responses such as 304 Not Modified and404 Not Found.

Figure 5 shows the CDF of the object transfers fromthe logs. As can be seen, transfers tend to be small;for example, the median transfer size from the IBM2001 log is roughly 230 bytes! An important trendis to note that a large fraction of transfers are forzero bytes, as much as 28 percent in the 1998 IBMlog. The vast majority of these zero-byte transfersare the 304 Not Modified responses noted above inSection 4.2. When a conditional GET request withthe If-Modified-Since option is successful, a 304 re-sponse is generated and no content is transferred.Other return codes, such as 403 Forbidden and 404Not Found, also result in zero-byte transfers, but

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n of




Transfer Size in Bytes

1997 Deep Blue Chess1998 Nagano Olympics1998 WWW.IBM.COM

1998 World Cup2000 Dept. Store

2001 WWW.IBM.COMSpecWeb 99

Figure 5: Transfer Size (CDF)

they are significantly less common. The exceptionis the IBM 2001 log, where roughly 15 percent ofthe 302 Found responses contribute to the fractionof zero-byte transfers.

Figure 5 also includes the transfer size distributionfrom SPECweb99. In this case, the curve does notmatch well the other curves from the logs. In ad-dition to the smoothness discrepancy noted in Sec-tion 4.4, the sizes tend to be larger than observedfrom the logs. For example, the median transfersize is 5120 bytes, compared to the 230 bytes in theIBM 2001 log. Perhaps most significantly, sinceSPECweb99 does not produce any conditional GETrequests with the If-Modified-Since header, no 304responses are generated, and thus zero-byte trans-fers do not occur. This has a significant impact onserver performance, since in the case where a 304is generated, the server will have less work to do, asthe file will not be sent to the client.

Figure 6 shows the transfer size distributions when304 responses are removed from the logs. Theoriginal SPECweb99 transfer distribution is also in-cluded. As can be seen, removing the 304 responsesreduces the number of zero-byte transfers signifi-

cantly. From this perspective, SPECweb99 appearsmore representative, although the transfer sizes stilltend to be higher than those from the logs, at leastin the body of the distribution.

Figure 7 shows the CCDF of the transfer sizes,in order to illustrate the “tail” of the distributions.Note again that the Y axis uses a log scale. Thegraph looks similar to Figure 4, perhaps since thesetransfers are so uncommon that weighting them byfrequency does not change the shape of the graph,as it does with the bulk of the distribution in Figure5. As in Figure 4, the tail from SPECweb99 dropsoff earlier than the tails from the other logs, withthe exception again of the Department Store log.

Since the transfer sizes produced by SPECweb99are so disparate from those seen in the logs, we con-clude that the workload generator is not representa-tive in terms of this metric.

4.6 HTTP Version

Another question we are interested in is what sort ofHTTP protocol support is available in SPECweb99.While HTTP 1.1 was first standardized in 1997

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Transfer Size in Bytes

1997 Deep Blue Chess1998 Nagano Olympics1998 WWW.IBM.COM

1998 World Cup2000 Dept. Store

2001 WWW.IBM.COMSpecWeb 99

Figure 6: Transfer Size excluding 304s (CDF)








1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06 1e+07 1e+08



ent o

f Fra



File Size in Bytes

1997 Deep Blue Chess1998 Nagano Olympics1998 WWW.IBM.COM

1998 World Cup2000 Dept. Store

2001 WWW.IBM.COMSpecWeb99

Figure 7: Transfer Size (CCDF)

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Protocol Chess Olymp. IBM W. Cup Dept. IBM SPECVersion 1997 1998 1998 1998 2000 2001 web99HTTP 1.0 95.30 78.56 77.22 78.62 51.13 51.08 30.00HTTP 1.1 00.00 20.92 18.43 21.35 48.82 48.30 70.00Unclear 04.70 00.05 04.34 00.02 00.05 00.06 00.00

Table 4: HTTP Protocol Versions (percent)

[20], the protocol has undergone some updating[21, 25] and in some ways is still being clarified[24, 28]. The transition from 1.0 to 1.1 is a com-plex one, requiring support from browsers, servers,and any proxy intermediaries as well.

Table 4 shows the HTTP protocol version that theserver used in responding to requests. A clear trendis that over time, more requests are being servicedusing 1.1. However, SPECweb99 99 appears to uti-lize 1.1 more heavily than the real sites do. In themost recent logs, from 2000 and 2001, HTTP 1.1is used in just under half the responses, whereasSPECweb99 uses HTTP 1.1 for 70 percent of theresponses. This is because the SPECweb99 codeutilizes HTTP 1.1-style persistent connections for70 percent of the connections, and submits between5 and 15 requests on each connection before closingit. SPECweb99 does not currently support more ad-vanced HTTP 1.1 features such as pipelining, rangerequests, or chunked encoding. While real sites willmost likely reach and pass the 70 percent mark,SPECweb99 was perhaps overly optimistic aboutthe prospects for deploying 1.1, especially for thetime it was released, in August of 1999.

Given the depth and complexity of the HTTP 1.1protocol, the numbers above only scratch the sur-face of how servers utilize HTTP 1.1. Many fea-tures have been added in 1.1, including new mecha-nisms, headers, methods, and response codes. Howthese features are used in practice is still an openissue, and as mentioned earlier, server logs are in-sufficient to fully understand HTTP 1.1 behavior.Thus, we make no claims about “representative-ness” here, but include the numbers for interest.

4.7 Request Inter-Arrival Times

The final metric we examine is the inter-arrival timebetween requests. Previous research [5, 4, 25] hastended to look at the inter-arrival times between re-quests from the same users, where users are typ-ically identified by the remote IP address. Sincethe SPECweb99 log has only 16 IP addresses, wedo not look at inter-arrival times in that way here.Instead, we look at inter-arrival times between suc-cessive requests across all users. This gives an ideaof the load or intensity of the traffic.

One problem with the Apache Common Log for-mat is that entries have a time granularity of onlyone second. Thus, it is impossible to distinguishthe inter-arrival times of multiple requests that ar-rive within the same second. To approximate theinter-arrival times in these cases, we assume thatarrivals are evenly spread within one second. Forexample, if the log shows 5 requests arrive in thesame second, we treat that as 5 data points for 200millisecond inter-arrival times. While somewhat ar-bitrary, we feel it does give an indication of the in-tensity of the traffic.

Figure 8 shows the CDF of the inter-arrival timesgenerated from the logs. Note that the X axis isin log scale. Inter-arrival times appear to follow alog-normal distribution, with different logs exhibit-ing different average times. The busiest traces, theWorld Cup and Olympic logs, for example, havemedian inter-arrival times of 1.9 and 1.6 millisec-onds respectively, whereas the 2000 DepartmentStore log median time is 55 milliseconds.

Figure 8 also shows the CDF of the inter-arrivaltimes generated from the SPECweb99 logs. Herethe median inter-arrival time is 0.14 milliseconds,

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0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000



n of





Request Inter-Arrival Time in Seconds

1998 Nagano Olympics1998 WWW.IBM.COM

1998 World Cup2000 Dept. Store

2001 WWW.IBM.COMSpecWeb99

Figure 8: Inter-Arrival Times

an order of magnitude smaller than the busiest sitesin the traces.

SPECweb99 is useful in this context in that it cangenerate a request rate that is much higher than isobserved in even the busiest web sites. However,it may not capture the effects of long-lived clientsessions. More importantly, connection and sessionduration are most likely underestimated, since net-work characteristics such as loss and delay are un-accounted for.

Since the research literature uses a different no-tion of inter-arrival times, we again make no claimsabout the accuracy of SPECweb99 in this context.

5 Related Work

Web server workload generation has been a topic ofinterest for several years. In this section we providea brief overview of the area.

The first well-known workload generator was Web-Stone [34], which was released in 1995. It did onlysimple request generation for 5 unique files, rang-ing from 500 bytes to 5 MB.

In 1996, SPEC released their first-generationworkload generator, titled SPECweb96 [14].SPECweb96 introduced the notion of scaling withload and made an attempt to be more representative,claiming the workload was based on logs from sev-eral active sites. No validation was presented, how-ever, and SPECweb96 had a relatively small set offile sizes in 4 categories.

S-Client [7] introduced the notion of open-loopworkload generation. Most workload generatorsare closed-loop in that they are tightly coupled tothe server in that they are measuring, by waitingto generate a new request only after a response hasbeen received. By generating requests at a rate or-thogonal to the capacity of the server, S-Client cangenerate loads that overload the server.

SURGE [8] was the first workload generator thatpaid special attention to reproducing server work-load characteristics such as document popularity,embedded references, and transfer size. SURGEoriginally only captured HTTP 1.0 traffic, but wassubsequently extended to implement persistent con-nections and pipelining [9].

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httperf [29] is a workload generator which has themain goal of extensibility and broad correctnesstesting. httperf allows a wide variety of options andconfigurations to probe a range of scenarios on theserver. httperf also includes the open-loop modelused by S-Client.

WaspClient [30] is a hybrid workload generatorbuilt by using the workload model from SURGEwith the request generation engine from S-Client.WaspClient was used to evaluate server perfor-mance in wide-area conditions, rather than over aLAN.

TPC-W [33] is a specification for generating aworkload for a full Web site, as opposed to justa single Web server. It seeks to model an on-line bookstore similar to, and thusstresses components such as the Java-based appli-cation server and the back-end database. TPC-Wis only a specification, however; no source code isprovided. While TPC-W is likely a growing influ-ence on Web server performance evaluation, it doesnot yet have the critical mass from hardware ven-dors that SPECweb99 does. For example, at thetime of this writing, the TPC-W web site lists only14 submissions from 3 vendors.

6 Conclusions and Future Work

We have presented a range of Web server work-load characteristics and examined how well theyare captured by the industry-standard benchmarkSPECweb99. The accuracy of SPECweb99 variesdepending on the characteristic; for example, doc-ument popularity is captured well, whereas transfersize is modeled relatively poorly. In order to im-prove the accuracy of the benchmark, two main is-sues need to be addressed.

First, conditional GET requests with the If-Modified-Since header should be included. Thiswill both allow more representative response codesand capture small transfers more effectively. Thiswill require augmenting the workload generator tokeep track of last modified times returned by theserver and include those times in subsequent condi-tional GET requests. While this can be done using

a simple statistical model, a more accurate methodwill require a model of object cachability and mod-ification times.

Second, the file and transfer size distributions needto be improved. The range of file sizes shouldbe increased, in order to “fill out” the distributionto make it more smooth. At the same time, av-erage file sizes should shrink to better match thesmaller transfer sizes exhibited by real sites. Fi-nally, the file size distribution should be extendedto better capture the “tail” of the distribution andvery long transfers. The largest file currently usedin SPECweb99 is less than 1 MB; it should be atleast 10 MB.

Several possibilities exist for future work; webriefly outline them here.

SURGE [8] was designed to reproduce many of thecharacteristics described in this paper. While wehave focused on SPECweb99 due to its popularityin industry, a clear next step would be to evaluateSURGE using the same metrics.

HTTP 1.1 introduces a number of new mechanismsto the Web, such as pipelining, chunked encod-ing, and range requests. As HTTP 1.1 deploy-ment widens and its use on servers increases, awell-grounded and quantified understanding of howthese features are used in practice will be needed. Inturn, workload generators such as SPECweb99 willneed to accurately capture the use of these mecha-nisms if they are to remain representative.

Similarly, Web sites that use dynamic content re-mains a relatively unexplored area. Workload char-acterization studies are required in order to betterunderstand the behavior of these sites. Unfortu-nately, this will not be easy, as commercial Website owners wish to protect both their users’ pri-vacy and their business application software. Theywill be reluctant to share information that they viewas a competitive trade secret, such as applicationservlets and back-end databases.

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Several people provided valuable feedback that im-proved the presentation of this work, includingthe anonymous referees, Fred Douglis, Tal Malkin,Katherine Nahum, and Vivek Pai. Thanks to TroyWilson of the IBM Linux Technology Center forproviding a large-scale SPECweb99 log.


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