dedicated development team

How to Hire Offshore Developers for a Startup

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Do you want to know how to hire developers for startups? Here you can check the list of hire developers. For more information visit us at


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How to Hire Offshore Developers for a Startup

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● The hiring offshore developer trend is booming worldwide. In fact, the demand to hire offshore development teams is rising with each passing day.

●Need to know where, why, and how to hire offshore developers for your startup business.

●How do you hire dedicated developers for the startup an do a hiring process and what is the point of a perfect offshore development team?

●Here let’s check the list of hire developers:

How to Hire Offshore Developers for a Startup

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⮚Make sure you have noted down all the skills, roles, and responsibilities you require from an ideal candidate. you should make a list of knowledge of tools, framework, personal skill, experience, and so on.

⮚The next step refines the list. Identify and separate the candidate which suits according to skills. It will take more time to sort priorities-wise candidates for startups who add value to a project or business.

⮚Finally, Create a detailed job description and make sure you have listed all the points of your project, which a hiring developer has to fit the job.

Create a job description

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Look up there if they rank websites such as top developers or clutch to see if they have a profile or not on different social media platforms. If possible, contact their previous client and take a review of

the client.

Find out if the developer or offshore team has a proven previous track record

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■There is a possibility sometimes that the developer may refuse to release a project code.

■Therefore, we recommended that you have all the access to code, project, and admin or another platform account.

Make sure that you have all the access to the project

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Ask the company about their workflow

✔You can find out how they can interact with their clients and how they allocate developers to the project.

✔Sometimes it may happen that the development company workflow does not suit your needs, better first know this before you hire offshore developers for a startup.

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◆You can not focus on low but you can focus on cost-efficient rates.

◆In the end, you have to pay more for the project because someone else rewrote the poorly written code.

◆Do not feel ashamed to ask for GitHub or stack overflow of some profile or developer regarding the code quality.

You can not accept the cheapest quotes

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Go with the hourly pay model

■Do not go with the fixed price model; additional costs to cover the risk.

■It is better to go with the hourly model which is a better option for startups.

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Check dedicated team is agreeing in which you offer

🡺If the developer tells you that they fulfill all your project requirements then it is an alarm sign.

🡺It means that they did not read properly or studied the project requirement.

Read More: How Hiring Dedicated Developers Can Reduce the Overall Costs of Your Project

🡺Each developer should be specialized in their own skills sets, none of the developers can do all the things you want in the project without any adjustment.

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⮚Find a Management tool Instead of exchanging lengthy mail, you should use modern project management and collaboration tools. so you will clearly see the progress of your team.

⮚Be Proactive

Proactiveness is one of the important skills of a founder when they are working with an offshore developer. You will feel confident that everything remains on track.

⮚Insist on frequent deployment

Ask your offshore developer to show you work at the end of the day or typically on a weekly basis.

How to Hire Offshore Developers for a Startup

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