deeniyat primary school syllabus books - internet archive

<J\Xf Seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim. EXOKIFM Fifth Year First Edition Ziqaadat ul Haraam 1433 Al Hijri - September 2012 Charitable Trust *-A>*% Contact Idara-e-DEENIYAT, Opp. Maharashtra College, Bellasis Road, Mumbal Central, Mumbai -4000 08 Tel. 022 - 23051111 Fax 022 - 23051144

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Seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim.


First Edition

Ziqaadat ul Haraam 1433 Al Hijri - September 2012

Charitable Trust *-A>*%Contact : Idara-e-DEENIYAT, Opp. Maharashtra College,

Bellasis Road, Mumbal Central, Mumbai -4000 08

Tel. : 022 - 23051111 • Fax : 022 - 23051144

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Residential Address and Phone No,:- - -

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'j [xr/rF~S/ Preface''- 'X7r'^l ;~

I ' II, l III!

ami hence a complete code of life h guides a person al every urn

of his life, whether it concerns his public or private life— being

engrossed in worship, hush-ess. lis mordents of oy and grief.

I here is no; a single aspect of mait's lie uhictt Islam does

101 offer complete guidance.

In fact a person can be successful only when he lives

whole life in conformity with the teachings of Islam. It is for this

an that Nabi Muhammad ''.yrj' has made it obligatory for

every Muslim individual to seek as much knowledge as is

necessary for htm. He said,"

for every Muslim." [lbnuMaajah:224,AnaS ;

Nabi Muhammad also specified that the teachers and

students ofDeen are the best ofpeople from the Ummah. He said,

"The best of you are those who learn the Qur'aan and teach

[Bukhaari ; 5027, uthmaan Bin Affaan^js*]

Furthermore, the people of knowledge have been given the

responsibility of leaching people without knowledge. He a

ipl ki *eqt 1 te;»ch it to the people."[Shu'abul Imaan : 1742 , Abu Bakr....^


Therefore, the scholars am. reformers of (he Ummah from the

ne of the Saha.iah and during every era after them have

exerted themselves to educate the masses about the Deen and have

made untold sacrifices U> spread it. II is ic-cause of their sacrifices

v, e lia\ e the Deer belli v as loday ir its pure form a id we

have the names ol'A laali and I lis Messenger on ou tongues.

May Allaah grant them the best of rewards on our behalf and oi

behalfof all Muslims. Aameen.

What we need to focus upon is how to get our children to

:main steadfast upon the Deen. How will they become dedicated

) fulfil the commands of Allaah Ta'aala? It is evident that

according to the system of Allaah , this will be established only

with a whole-hearted effort. The Deen will remain alive in


Page 4: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

lives of our future generations if we make a progress in that

direction, ll is therefore our religious and parental duly to concern

ourselves with the Deen and Imat i 'I >m child i i tilt

to practise upon the teachings and directives ofthe Deen.

The easiest and most effective manner of fulfilling this

responsib ity curing these times s L 'ie one employed, by our

seniors who established the institutions of Makaatib and Madaaris

which ser\e as fo-tresses lor the protection of the Deen as well as

the bases to spread it world-wice. Such institutions need to be


i ed everywhere and run effici I >est of syllabi

An awakening of Deen will occur and an environment of

knowdecge arid relit, onsuess will develop. This will serve to

safeguard th^ I «ii ih h . huif'itut etu at utis

The Deeniyat Institute lists started a humble effort in this

direction to promote a systematic syllabus for the IV';h<aaiih.

Using the name I Kenya! its a title to the series, syllrbi have been

prepared for children and for adult men and women. The

children's syllabus litis been dwided into the (blowing three

categories: I Primary 2 Secondary 3 Advanced.

Apart from the Zero Course. I he primary course runs for a

five year period. This includes completion of the Qui 'ami

together with aconuiihiiieii ol'ali the furdamer.tals of Deen .Von

have in your hand the sy lahus for die fifth year, which includes

the srne -,ec tierce o '. ic heading etui subjects as in the pre\ ious

years. The tnirodttctior of the syliabas and its features have been

elaborated in the text book of the first year, it can be referred to

whenever required. A outline ofwhat is to be taught in the first live

years. This will give one the idea of what is taught and will also

serve to instil the realisation of its importance.

Our Du'aa to Allaah is to accept this humble effort and to

create tinny, steadfastness and sincerity within every person

involved in this effort. (Aameen)

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Sr > Special Directives

vfj- for this Year's Syllabus•/--

Eighteen juz, beginning from the twelfth juz to the twenty-

ninth juz have been included in the Qira'atul Qur'aan

syllabus for this year. Since the students have memorised all

the necessary rules of tajweed during previous years, it will

be important to recite the Qur'aan accordingly. Occasionally

questions regarding these rules should be asked so that they

arc revised and remembered.

There is no time allocated to revise the recitation of the

Qur'aan. Therefore, during these days of revision, the

recitation of the Qur'aan will continue as usual before

revising oilier subjects.

Full revision of salaah and a brief revision of seerah have

been included this year. The purpose of revision is that

students remember all those things learn: in the previous

year. Therefore, ii is inr.iovlan: lo give special ; lieniioi io all

the revision together with this year's new lessons.

The Masaa'il topic for this year includes an introduction to the

three pillars of Islam- : lasting. Zakaah and Hajj .i.e A brief

introduction of the three pillars of Islaam have been given to

easy the way for the students to understand their details in the

secondary course.

The Scenn topic lb" ;his year ine'udes :'ie biographies ol'Al-

Khuhii;ia-ur-Rn;ishitieen. Therefore, in audition to the Seerah

ofour belovedNabifW, the students will learn about the lives

ofthe four honourable successors ofNabi Muhammad >;£--.

n of the Qur'aan and Urdu, questions

may be asked directly from ; I rdu lessons.

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^^fhe Method if

Teaching this Syllabus;

This syllabus has been designed lo be lai gh u lb a method oi'

teaching without which ii i ie derived. It is

iIh hi rv lo hem 'I il I in. in nun 1 i

teaching it:

An hour lui> lo be allocated everyday I or leaching il.

A few days are spent at the beginning of the year to arrange

the students into groups and explain lo then: how to study the

book properly. This time should also be used to highlight the

virtues of the subjects 10 he tauyht so that the students maylearn with enthusiasm


Il is imperative that the entire syllabus be taught on a

collective basis, phrase by phrase. Therefore, the teacher will

iirsl recile'^i^jf", after which the students will collectively

repeal the words. Thereafter, the teacher will aerie'.!^**- sc-atter which the students will again repeat the words collectively.

htshaa \llaah , it w; become easy for the students to learn

when they have repeated the lessons se\ eral times.

In this syllabus days and months are a" located for teaching

the lessons. As there are four to five holidays in a month,

twenty-five to twenty six days are left for study, out ofwhich

twenty days are reserved lo: '.caching ard the 'asl lour to live

days for revision. This revision covers the lessons of the

current month 1 ! i previous months.

Months and days have been specified in the timetable lot-

each lesson. One needs to make an effort to adhere to the days

and months when completing the lessons. When the last

lesson for the month has been completed, make a note of the

date, sign your initials in the column provided and have the

parent or guardian ofthe child also sign in acknowledgement.

II" a subject lor .he tic ith has been completed before the eml

of the month, the remaining lime may be usee, for another

subject so that nil subjects for the month may be completed in

the same month.

While teaching the subjects of the second live months.

revision should also be done of the work completed during

Page 7: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

the first five months. For example, revision ofthe Du'aasSunnah may be done duri rig 1 1 ic rc\ i sun ;> h tl i e Ahadeeth that

have been memorised. Similarly, revision ofAqaa'id may bedone with the revision of'ul Husnaa and revi;


of salaah. may be done with the revision of Masaa'il.

The definition of a sjbjecl is. neither Lie [item! nor technical

meaning of the subject, but a broad and commonlyunderstood meaning io introduce it to the students in a

manner they can .in<ierslanri properly. It is therefore

important to read this defn itioti idents daily whenalternating between subjects or to have one of them read it

During the days of revision, one should encourage the

students so thai they realise ihe i nportance of every subject

and learn with enthusiasm. A few Qur'aanic verses andAhadeeth have been included to provide encouragement,together with a few words of explanation These may berecited to provide encouragement, but more time should not

be taken for explanations. The students may, however, beasked a few quest ons onK io ascef.ain uT ether they haveunderstood. For example, after reading the words ofencouragement n f i < > in ( ica a s ule -I may be asked,

during the Qur'aanic recitation. 'What reward do we get by\llaah?"

Questions concerning every month's work have been given at

the end of the book. These may then be posed to the students

once they have completed res ision ol'the mouth's w ork.

There is a chart given at the end ofthe text book to check the

attendance of '.he Salaah, Mark appropriately in lie square as

suggested. There is another chart for the monthly attendance

of the students, their absence and fees. At the end of every

month write details about the teaching days, attendance,

absence and fees. Put your signature here and ask the students

to get it signed by their parents.

so, then it will be covered I lowever. if the lesson wnot be repeated ahead or the lesson is such that future lessons

cannot be understood without it, then the student needs to betaught individual ly by the teacher or by a competent student.

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pIf understanding the future lessons docs not depend onmissed lesson, the lessons m;iy continue as normal with the

entire class to maintain the system. Tie ir.issed lesson c;

i hen he '.tug il during ihc liute allocated for revision.

1 1' the students arc coining "o study lor two hours. Ici. thenoccupy the rear seats and get busy with either the exercise of

the lessons of the Noorani Qaaida under the supervision ofthe teacher or just learning the other surahs in addition to

what is prescribed in the course. In this manner they will beable to memorise some part of the Qur'aan along with the

school studies.

Ifone needs to teach several classes within the hour, one class

will be taught first, after which a capable student from the

same class will be given the task ofteaching something to the

class to keep them busy. The next cl;:ss may Mien be taught for

a while, after which someone from them will continue

teaching as was done v, i h iiie Its! class. In lliis manner, eachclass will be taught in turns by the teacher and then by a

selected student.

Group formation is necessary even while checking the

lessons ofdifferent classes. Listen to the lesson ofeach groupseparately . The way to do this is that in each group the

students should read out the lessons little by little daily in

order to enable all the students of the group to listen. Theerrors pointed out a id cor ectcd in a esson saould be clear

enough for all the students to note.

Ifsome students in a class are ahead of others in a lesson ofthe Qur'aan. Teach less to the s.adettt iti the lead nit nothe one behind. While teaching a student, let all the other

students open the same lesson lor example, if a student has

his lesson in the third i.i/. lie second one in the seventh juz

and the third one in the eleventh juz. While teaching three

lines to the student in the eleventh juz all the students should

also open the eleventh juz. While teaching five lines to the

student in the seventh juz al I the students should also open the

seventh juz, Simt.ariy w.i:.e leading seven lines to the

student of the third juz all the students should open the third

juz. This method will help in revision and later in developingthe collective spirit.

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- .,-, , <-^r- rr-


to be taught during the

e months of the year;

Beginning with [Hand] [Na'at]

1-Qur'aan[Qira'atul Qur'aan]

[Hifdhus Surah]40 minutes

2-Hadeeth [Du'aa and Sunnahl -.minutes

3-Aqaa'id (Beliefs) and

Masaa'il (Rules)lAqaa'id (Beliefs)] [Salaah] S minutes

4-lslaamic Upbringing[Islaamic Knowledge]

[Speech and Du'aal5 minutes

5-Language [Arabic] [Urdu] 5 minutes

SuhfLLh uingthe

second l he year:

Beginning with [Hand] [Na'at]

1-Qur'aan[Qira'atul Qur'aan]

[Hifdhus Surah]40 minutes

2-Hadeeth [Hifdhul Hadeeth] 5 minutes

3-Aqaa'id (Beliefs) and

Masaa'il (Rules)


[Masaa'il (Rules)]5 minutes

4-lslaamic Upbringing [Seerah] [Deen made easyl 5 minutes

5 Language [Urdu] S minutes

NOTE: The time fixed for each topic may be increased or decreased as

Page 10: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

~f ^The Five Year

Syllabus at a Glance

1 HamdfNa'at Five Hamd and Five Na'at.

sginning with Alif, Baa, Taa up to the complete re

Du'aas for thirty-eight actions and the Sunnah practic

thirteen activities (e.g. Sunnah way of eating, drir

sleeping, visiting the Masjid, home, toilet, etc).

Forty Ahadeeth with translation, according to the five t

branches of Deen, viz. Imaaniyaat, Ibaadaat, Mu'aamalaat,

e taught practically ai

' Knowledge


ghusl, wudhu, the Faraa'idh of salaah, the Waajibasalaah, etc. A brief introduction of zakaah. fasting and Hajj

Five speeches and five du'aas from the Qi

Forty lessons on the five broad branches of Deen, viz.

iat, Ibaadaat, Mu'aamalaat, Mu'aasharaat am' Akhlaaqiyaat for the religious upbringing of our childrer

a, Taa up to developing the ability to

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stM.Monthly Topics


Lessonsfor the First Month™ The Twelfth Juz and the First Half of the Thirteenth



Suratul Faatihah, Suratud Dhuhaa and Suratul



Revision of the Previous Years.





(Beliefs)Revision of the Previous Years.

Salaah Revision of Previous Years.



Three questions and answers regarding Islaam

and Islaamic personalities.

Upbringing Speech

and DuaaOne Speech and one Qur'aanic Du'aa.

Language Arabic Names of fruits, flowers and occupations.

Lessonsfor the Second Month

Qira'atul The Second Half of the Thirteenth Juz and the

Fourteenth Juz.


SurahsSuratut Teen and Suratul Qadr




Revision of the Previous Years.





Revision of the previous years and the


Salaah Revision of the Previous Years.


Three questions and answers regarding Islaam

and Islaamic personalities.

Upbringing Speech

and DuaaOne Speech and one Qur'aanic Du'aa.

Language Urdu One poem in praise of Allaah Ta'aala.

Page 12: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

Monthly Topics

^:^ *mLessonsfor the Third Month

Qira'atul. The Fifteenth Juz and the First Half of the

Qur'aan' Sixteenth Juz,


8: Suratuz zilzaal and Suratul Aadiyaat.

HadeethDuaa ant ' '

^ne Etiquettes of Tilaawah and the Du'aa after

Suniah ' Athaan.


IBefefsl' The Messengers and the Last Day.

(Rules) Salaah : Salaah of a sick person.


Islaamic . Three questions and answers regarding IslaamKnowledge ' and Islaamic personalities.^^Lt- : One Speech and one Qur'aanic Du'aa.

Nabi Ibraheem Hl is given the good news of the

Language Urdu : birth of Nabi Is'haaq ,w* , Nabi Yusuf frit and Astrange dream,

Lessonsfor the Fourth Month

Qira'atul - The First Half of the Sixteenth Juz and the



aan Seventeenth Juz,


5: Suratul Qaari'ah and SurahtutTakaathur.

HadpethDu aa and Etic

luettes of Siting with Salaam and the

Sunnah ' etiquettesof shaking hands.

Aqaa'id .„„,-_.

"--" mm :Ta^deer

(RaJes}' Salsah : Salaah of a sick person and salaah of a traveller.

Islaamic . Three questions and answers regarding IslaamIslaamic Knowledge ' and Islaamic personalities.

and rjuaa: 0ne sPeech and one Qur'aanic Du'aa.

The plan of the brothers of Nabi Yusuf v_~,Nabi

Language Urdu : Yusuf W in the well and Nabi Yusuf :.<.- in themarket of Egypt

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-^Monthly Topics %s^fr~

Lessonsfor the Fifth Month

Qira'atul . The Eighteerith and Ninteen Juz.



51: Suratul Asr and Suratul Humazah.

HadeethDu'aaand . Du'aa for boarding vehicle, Sunnah way of

Sunnah ' dressingandDu'aaforlookingintoamirror.





(Beliefs]: Life after death.

Salaah : Salaah of a traveller.

Islaamic . Three questions and answers regarding IslaamKnowledge ' and Islaamic personalities.

anrTfJuaa: 0ne sPeech and one Qur'aanic Du'aa.

.,„„.„„. ... . Nabi Yusuf >^is saved, The drought and Thelanguage Urdu

. excellent plan of NabiYusirfW

Lessonsfor the Sixth Month

Quf'aan': The Twentietn and Twenty-First Juz.


Surahf: Sura,ul Feel and Suratu Quraysh.

Hadeeth ulf


J t : Revision of the Previous Years.Hadeeth



iV-HuSna: Names of Al laah 76,77, 78,79 and 80


IrS'': Revision of the Previous Years.

. Revision of our Nabi .<# 's life in Makkah and


' MadeenahandThelifeofAbuBakr-^ia*.

madeeasvr Alesson eacn regarding Imaaniyaatand Ibaadaat

Language Urdu : The dream comes true and The Bani Israa'eei.

Page 14: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

Monthly TopicsJV^^9r^:^9T^:^i-Lessonsfor the Seventh Month

Kan* '- Tne Twenty-Second and the Twenty-Third Juz.

Surahs*: Suratul Maa'oon and Suratul Kauthar.


: Revision of Previous Years.





S*K : Names °f AHaah 81, 82. 83, 84 and 85.

(Rules')'' : Rev'sion of Previous Years and Tayammum.


Sserah : The life ofAbuBakr-u*? and Umar^ie.


madeeasy: AlessoneachonMu'aamalaatandMu'aasharah.

. ... The birth of Nabi Moosa --^ The childhood andLanguage Urdu

: U pbring i ng ofNabiMoosa^

Lessonsfor the Eighth Month

Qira'atul. Tne Twenty-Fourth and the Twenty-Fifth Juz.

Hifdhus . Suratul Kaafiroon, Suratul Nasr, Suratul LahabSurahs ' and Suratul Ikhlaas.


: Hadeeth Thirty-One, Thirty-Two and Thirty-Three.





: Names of Allaah 86, 87, 88, 89 and 90.

Masaa'il. The Waajibaat of Salaah.

Seerah : The life of UmarsfajS.


made easy; Wesson each on Akhlaaqiyaat and Imaaniyaat.

Language Urdu : From Egypt to Madyan, Nubuwwah and Preaching.

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-^Monthly Topics ^7 ^

Lessonsfor the Ninth Month

Quf'aan': The Twenty-Sixtn and Twenty-Seventh Juz.

Surah?: Suratul Falaq

'Suratun Naas and Suratul Faatihah.

Hadeelh HaSh : Hadeeth Thirty-Four, Thirty-Five and Thirty-Six.





a: Names of Allaah 91




94 and 95 -


' An 'ntroduction Zakaah and Fasting.

IISeerah : The life of Uthmaan Ssifc*.


made easv: Alesson eacn on Ibaadaat and Mu'aamalaat.

M, Urdu : Contest against the magicians.

Lessonsfor the Tenth Month

» Qurwf: The Twenty-Eight and Twenty-Nine Juz.

Surah"/: Aayatul Kursi -

HadeelhHifdhul . Hadeeth Thirty-Seven, Thirty-Eight, Thirty-Nine

Hadeeth ' and Forty.




S-husra: Names of Allaah 96, 97, 98 and 99.


: An introduction to Fasting and Hajj.


Seerah : The life of Ali,.--^.

madseasv: Alesson eachon Mu'aasharahandAkhlaaqiyaat.

Lan u. . The end of Fir'oun and A Poem regarding

g g' Knowledge.

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-: '^-f'l-f''^ <r-J~^/>>K -_r

y-y 'J-/


-_,- _- r j--^-^_SUBJECTS .: SUBJECTS

Beginning withThe Du'aa for boarding


1 Hamd and Deiinki™ Words ui

INa'at |

Encouragement 18The Sunnah way of

Dressing 49

Hamd and amde-linc, for

Na'at- the Teacher 18The Du'aa for Looking into


Hamd 19I Hifdhul Definition, Wind:, ot



t»»"w™» 51

Na'at 20Hifdhul . Guidelines for

Hadeeth the Teacher 51

1 - Qur'aanRevision of trie

previous years 52

Qira'atuI I Definition. Words of21

Hadeeth No.@onmaaniyaat 58

Qur'aan .he tocher 21baadaat 58

Syllabus of Reciting

the Qur'aan22 Hadeeth No.@ on


HifdhUS iDellniti™. Words i,1


bneouriisternenl 24- M th Mo @)onMu'aasharah


HlfdhllS . Guidelines for

Surah the TeKher 24Hadeeth No.@onAkhlaaqiyaat 59

Revision of the

Previous Years 25Hadeeth No.@onIrnaaniyaat 59

Aayatul-Kursi 32 Hadeeth No.@onIbaadaat


2 - HadeethHadeeth No.@ onMu'aamalaat


Du'aa and Hermit™, Words nj

Sunnah ,.iLv,k,k 33 Hadeeth No,@on


Sunnah " '.he Trache"'33

No.@onAkhlaaqiyaat 60

Revision of theprevious years 34 3 - Aqaa'id and Masaa'il

The Etiquettes of Tilaawah 45 (BeMef's) '




The Du'aa after Athaan 47(Beliefs) " "'lie Teacher 61

The Etiquettes of Greetingwith Salaam

47Revision of theprevious years 62

The Etiquettes of Shaking 48 The Messengers 58

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~Sy r— Contents -


"'~ r' " -~" r '



The Last Day 70Islaamic (imOdin^ lot

Knowledge the Teacher 114

Taqdeer 71 Questions and Answers 115

Life after Death 72 andDlyaa ^'"hiL™,.,,: 118


DVt™™, "'

74Speech and Guidelines lor


s«'«" - ";,;'":,' 74 The Virtues of Dhikr 119

Revision of thePrevious Years 75 Du'aa 119

Salaah of a Sick Person 90 Seerah ^Z^"' 120

Salaah of a Traveller 91 ""h rSaetr 120


l:ne,,iii.H.emeni 93Revision of thePrevious Year 121

Al-Asmaa . Guidelines fur93 Abu Bakr pL«l 125

AI-Asmaa-ul-Husna(76 10 99)

94Love for NabiMuhammadrv* 126

(Rules) 100 Hijrah 127

(Rules) " the Teacherion Khilaafah 127

Revision of the101 The Life of Abu Bakr^ 128

Tayammum 107 Ulnars 128

The Waajibaat of Salaah 108 Accepting Islaam 129

Zakaah 1 09 Hijrah 129

Fasting 111 Hatred for Evil 130

Haji 113 Khilaafah 130

4 - Islaamic Upbringing His System of Government 131

Istaamic IOetinition.Wor.lsol

Knowledge! Uieouraeeinan114 His Pure Life 132

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Martyrdom 132Hadeeth@on Imaaniyaat 145

Uthmaan -.~^ 133 on Ibaadaat 146

His Title 133Hadeeth©


Hijrah 134 onMu'aalarah 147

Khilaafah 134Hadeeth©on Akhlaaqiyaat 147

Construction of theMasjidun Nabawi 134 5 - Language

Service to the Qur'aan 135 Arabic '^""r 148

His Simplicity 135 Arabic '


Martyrdom 136 Fruits 149

AHWW 137 Colours 151

Hijrah 138 Occupations 152

Marriage and Participation ,„„in the Battles


Khilaafah and His Life of 1?qPoverty

Urdu ",',






.. 154

Urdu'r'lciih.'r 154

Martyrdom ' 140 A Poem in Praise of Allaah 155

Deen Madel n i>

«'„ ri m ^ aiventte^dSof.... 156

Deen Made Guidelines for141 Nabi Yusuf <W 156

Hadeeth®on Imaaniyaat

1 43 A Strange Dream 156

Hadeeth©on Ibaadaat

143 The Plan of the Brothers 157

Hadeeth©on Mu'aamalaat

144 Nabi Yusuf-^ in the Well 158

Hadeeth@ 144 Nabi Yusuf (W< in theMarket of Egypt 159

Hadeeth@on Akhlaaqiyaat

145 Nabi Yusuf 'itt- is Saved 160

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/ ^.;pT ; Contents

^ "'"'" """

' --1 —^ r -


The Drought and the

Excellent Plan of NabiYusuf. 161Monthly Attendance,

Absence and the Fee Chart184

The Dream comes True 162

The Bant Israa'eel 163

The Birth of Nabi MoosaW 164

The Childhood and Upbringinc

of Nabi Moosa V-'t-v165

From Egypt to Madyan 167

Nubuwwah and Preaching 168

Contest against the

Magicians 170

The End of Fir'oun 171

A Poem RegardingKnowledge 173

Questions for the First Month 174

Questions for the SecondMonth


Questions for the Third Month 175

Questions for the Fourth Month 175

Questions for the Fifth Month 176

Questions for the Sixth Month 176

Questions for the SeventhMonth


Questions for the Eighth Month 177

Questions for the Ninth Month 178

Questions for the Tenth Month 178

Salaah Chart 180

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Beginning with xj


Hamd : To praise Allaah Ta'ala in a poem is called Hamd.

Na'at: To pr. 'J '':.-"j~' am poem ist

Words ofEncouragement

Poetry is good when it praises Allaah Ta'ala or speaks highly

jf our beloved Nabi Muhammad f&$'


—Guidelinesfor the Teacher

One Hamd and one Na'at are given under this heading, which

ill be taught collectively to the students when they arrive in class

each day. The Hamd will be taught on one day and the Na'at the

following day. The teacher will read it initially and when the

students are acquainted with il.oncol'lhcin may he asked to recite

it, There is no need to memorise these, but they should be recited

daily so thai they may settle in the miiidsol'ihc students.

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m Beginning with

Hamd-o-sana ho teri kaon-o-makaan waale

Ham sab ka tu khuda liai Rahmaan naam era

Be shak Raheem hai tu rahmat ki shaan w

Roz-e-jaza ka rnaalik Khaaliq hamaara tu hai

Sajde hain karte tujh ko ten hi justuju hai

Imdaad tujh se chaahein sab ka sahaara tu ha,

Rasta dikha de seedha rasta dikhaane waale

Q Roz-e-jaza;Badlf

Justuju : Talaash. Imc


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Beginning with


Woh nabiyon mein rahmat laqab paane waala

Woh nabiyon mein ra

Muraadein gareebo Zt:

:::: tzt

Museebat mein gairo

Woh apne paraaye

n ke kaam aan

ka gam khaane

Faqeeran ka malja

Yaleemon ka waal guidon 1 "^2

Bad-andesh ke dil



z> \\

Mafaasid ka zer-o-zabar

Qabaail ko sheer-o-shakar


:z :::':

Aur ek nuskha-e- :,; m ££

Raha dar na bede k

Sallallaahu 'Hlaihi UJaSaflarn'

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v^l^Definition pg

ra'atul Qur'aan : To recite the Qur'aan by looking in is called II'a'atul Qur'aan.

Words ofEncouragement

Hadeeth : Nabi Muhammad far said. "In the sight ol'Allaah

Ta'aala, some people arc regarded a-: special members of the

household ." When the Sahaba i <':*>: asked who these peop c

were, Nabi Muhammad <vv- replied, "They are the people of the

Qur'aan. They are the people of Allaah Ta'aala and His special

The Qur'aan is the speech of Allaah Ta'aala. To recite the

Qur'aan pleases Allaah, satisfies the heart, is a means ofAllaah's

speeial mercy and wipes olT the effect of sins from the heart.

Allaah la'aala makes those people his special and beloved

servants who are engaged in learning reciting and teaching the

Qur'aan Allaah Ta'aala gives the'

n and grants

them countless rewards.

The thirtieth raid the firsl eleventh juz of the Qur'aan where

completed during the previous years, hightecn juz, beginning

from the I well":.] ju/ ap lo the Iweniy -ninth juz have been included

in Ifc Qira'aml'aar syllabus Ion his year. Question regarding

the rules of Tajwccd should also be asked during the Qiratul

Qur'aan lessons.

Since there is no revision ol'Qirrraliil Qur'a;:n durii-g Ike days

of revision, the lessons arc to be taught as usual during these days.

No questions pertaining to Qira'atul Qur'aan have been given al

the end of the book, so the teacher may assess the students in

Qrxa'atul Qur'aan by taking questions directly from the Qur'aan.


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Lesson 1

2| The Twelfth Juz and the First Half of theThirteenth Juz

Lesson 2

1 The Second Half of the Thirteenth Juz and theFourteenth Juz

Teach ^Tjjjj"jfe^ Month |o.i.



JSK | ;j^e

Lesson 3

The Fifteenth Juz and the First Half of theSixteenth Juz


iTeach ^0] P„7hs

e 3^ Month Dale jp*. |& [

Lesson 4

1 The Second Half of the Sixteenth Juz and the 1

Seventeenth JuzTeach M] j^ 4^ Month [on

| |JJ*S | gg,

Lesson 5

The Eighteenth and Ninteenth Juz

Teach zo1 P.X 13 M°">h


°»1 1



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> ' ;S'f/[\ -r> [Qira'atul Qur'aan] JsT^p/j -f"

The Twentieth and Twenty-First Juz

Teach ^°„aM Mi

iThe Twenty-Second and Twenty-Third Juz

*J0|j^Tg Month' | Dale

The Twenty-Fourth and Twenty Fifth Juz

Teach Z0"|PX >] M.

The Twenty-Sixth and Twenty-Seventh Juz


The Twenty-Eigth and Twenty-Ninth Juz

Teach Z0| °X w\ Month |o» ^ |3g5SS |SKS.

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llifcllius Small : To memorise any surah of the Qur'aan

Hifdhus Surah

i is called

Words ofEncouragement

I Hadeeth : Nab: Muhammad ---v" said, "It will be said to the

I person of the Qur'aan (I laalkili ). Recite the Qjr'aar and climb

(the levels of .Human) and recite steadily as you had been reciting

in the world. Indeed, your level shall be where you recite the final

The person who memorises the Qur'aan has been given the

good news of having a very high stages in Jannah. We should


therefore, do our best to learn the Qur'aan correctly with proper

Tajweed and to recite it as often as possible so that we may be

blessed to recite it on the Day ofQiyaamah.

Guidelinesfor the Teacher

The syllabus for this year includes revision of all the Surahs

done in the previous years. Teach these Surahs collectively with

Tajweed according to the sequence of the Qur'aan. Due to the

i-irtues and importance ofAayatul-Kursi, it has also been included

n the syllabus. This needs to be learnt thoroughly and the students

ire to be encouraged to recite it after every Fardh salaah and u hen

going to bed.


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Lesson 1 Revision ofthe Previous Years ©Ta'awwuz O^^l (jL&l) fo dlilj %>g\

Tasmiyah O^^^JI^^i^JIdjjI^j

Suratul Faatihah ^feSV^'^l*^ 5*$libi


Suratud Dhuhaa O^P^^'^lo-H (jtill!;^


i>gJ<S (SlJj 2*£jJUfa

Suratul Inshiraah O^^j^-**^'^ 1-?-^ tUrr^ 1 sj>i

Page 28: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

W^\j{]jy ' EHiidhjs Surah] r>f<p_fj j-

| Tbach _20j g,


j{f.1^1 Month" |^"fc" "|[g ||gn

©SuratutTeen O^^'l^S^^i ($!i£"»ji~

Ol^i ijiij^j^^j^j^*-' ^^l^^i[££U-oiJ


4> wi*^J I >^*^^ cr^ ' 4(^sP^^^^^Suratul Qadr O^^pl^-U^'^le-^ jSiltfcji

Teach 20 1 °X Z^ Month] |w|

|gg£ |S^

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frjZ-U [J-'/-r. [HiMhus_Surah] r-j^ -<y! j


Suratur Zilzaal O^JJl^^Jl^jt^j JJJpt'^

Otsi \$B>J$\ c^.>tso t#15J4 t>jS'l*yj til

tfit el5j &u tijle-f^^ <^?j L$jL« ^LJ^t

0^d^4^^^i^?fl^^V^ |J^iyt*ii4>^

<3> »5i lj& |5S £)H£^ ozxi 0j 4 s^J 1££ 15i diiie

SuratulAadiyaat QaJ^Pi^S^U-^ igi^lfoj-

4> ^M^ ^f&Jty^J &l

JTeaoh^^l]M „,h|o ate



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®I Suratul Qaari'ah O^SJIyis-JJtidil^j J£lg| foi



3i*L> jC 4xaLs eljjii U* <•> 4j^ji <4^tS <3> ^uJji^«

Suratut Takaathur 0^5Jl^r*>5^l»-H JS&li'*1

Teach M] j§* 4^ih |o*j

| IgS ]



Suratul Asr Ct^jJIj^iijJt^iil^-^ ^iilt sjii

<r>^MflJu l^tftyiX&vu I yil^fJCtfltLrfiJl

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Suratul Humazah O^^^i^-ji^^j ffify\&»

4Ljit tiiQ- |LUa*Jl i\ v&4 ^ h » O&f 4J LS ^

Teach "20| Pa»



eg Month |oaiej [gjgg j |gffg.

Suratul Feel O^-^I^JJtjdil^ij (Jjjilfcji

Suratu Quraish Qo^p'l^P^lo-^i L$4fo»»"

0o^^i4^T%j4dr?j4^'5'^' <!>94^'^Teach 20 1


B 6^ Month aais

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rir [HiWlTusSuraii]^Qjs'>.

Suratul Maa'oon Q^^'l^P^l?^ (£j£t*JlBj>i


Suratul Kauthar O^^JI^^'^V'-i /jSlljjA

<t> >Jii ib^J. ci^S <t>. 9i0i sillyi^T Jfj,

JG^I 5* <M$J*$)\,

Teach^ 20j P„a





^_® I

Suratul Kaafiroon —. Zi&$bi&


jj£l Ic&jov^iij I ^50>JjXfrUijjlp Cl ^50 J4*' ^°


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Suratun Nasr Qo^jJI^jiiJJI^iilg^ ^i!)l Jjjl

Suratul Lahab O^jJI^pt^L,^ yjlllftfi

0. Cl^fUi 4J La £i£ (J*t Le 35|^$ fag «45

<^-ZJ" dr? &** tio^j tj

Suratul Ikhlaas O^jJI^iijJI^iil^ t^SS^lfeji

Teach jo] jj'jg, r] Month |p~.iT|

||gS |£3,s



Suratul Falaq O^S^C^S^l*-^ g2flfgA

(^j^\% lJ : a^^aLty£&iSl^i^S j«r>CJj

Page 34: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

,- -;- [Hildh'js Surah] -^"O^ '' >

Suratun Naas C^i^l^S^t-J-^i y^ts-

4> u-tljts jju^jl (ire

Teach j>o) PaV^ jg Month [di

Lesson for this Year Aayatul-Kursi &£l\kt


^o^J jol (jO Lo .^Isut^iiL y), BjJLt ^f-&i

Teach Z0|°Yhs

e 1TJ MonthI

a a ,e

Page 35: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

."'"t'r-^'-C^yt [Du'aa and Sunnah]J^"<£f'\yi'r^


Du'aa and Sunn. . Asking liwn Albah la'aahi is railed Da";

the ways of N;ihi Muhammad --,>;.- iscalled Sunnah.

Words ofEncouragement

Hadecth : Nabi Muhammad --,:-;' said, "One who revives mySunnah loves me and he who loves me will be with me in

Jannah." [ntaMhi:2«ra,AnKanMMik;Mj#

Allaah Ta'aala accepts only those actions that are doneaccording to the Sunnah of Nabi Muhammad >£f . It is therefore

necessary for every follower of Nabi Muhammad >>-!- to learn the

Suiv.iali. Du'aas and etiquettes taught by him and practice


A person will not only gain rewards and success in the hereafter

by practising on these du'aas and Sunnah ways but will also receive

honour, peace, safety and ,: Hies in this

Guidelinesfor the Teacher

The du'aa after the Athaan. dn'aa when boarding a vehicle,

du'aa for looking ia the mirror, the etiquettes of greeting with

Salaam, thee: es ofreciting

the Qur'aan and the Sunnah way o: wearing clothes are included

in this year's syllabus.

These du'aas and Sunnah ways should be taught collectively.

It is preferable for the students to learn the translations of these

du'aas, but too much emphasis should not be made to memorisethem. The du'aas and Siijina'i ways learn', during lite previous

years a I so need to be revised during the days ofrevision. Emphasisshould :ie made that students practice on these du'aas and Sunnahways. The teacher should therefore encourage them to practise

with love and affection and also monitor them. He may also

motivate and air family and


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rfr<- tyr^r- cyp^r, ryr>^r --

^f"/,{jyt [Du'aa and Sunnah]]^<of

j _J"~>r~£f^

Lesson 1 Revision of the Previous Years

Du 'aa before Eating

Translation : I begin eating in the mime of

IfOne Forgets the Du 'aa before

Eating, Recite the Following Du 'aa

Du 'aa after Eating

rfinmWN : 34S7, Abu SaMd-^J

Translation : All praise is for Allaah, Who ha

made us Muslims.

Du 'aa after Eating at Someone 's Place

The Sunnah Way ofEating

(T) To spread out a cloth on the floor. pukhaar

(2) To wash both hands up to the w

Page 37: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

r,rr rvr ^^^/-r^K- i>r>r>^ rvr^K^ ryr^'"i'-j^'-G( j

h^"> [Du'aa and Sunnah]^<C(T r">i^

(3) To say the dtraa before eating. [T™

(4) To sit either with one or both legs folded beneath.


® To eat the food right in front ofyou

(7) To eat with three fingers.

(T) To pick up ami eat any food that falls do

(?) To clean the plalc and lick the fingers

111 the food.

@ Not to cat food that is too I

(13) To say the du'aa after eating. rnrmidtii: 3457, Abu Saeed iaisSl

/)« 'a« a/i'cr Drinking Water

Page 38: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive


T&^'G(\^> [Du'aa and Sunnah]^'<{^f{]_^H/^T

The Sunnah Way ofDrinking Water

( |'i To drink Willi [he rijzhl hand. [Muslim : 5384, Ibnu

(D To sit and drink.

©To look into,hew

© To say "^(5) To drink in three breaths,

(6) To say"cuj.J4ijT"alkr drinkinj

Du 'aa after Drinking Milk

Du 'aa before Sleeping

Translation : O A

The Sunnah Way ofSleeping

Q) To sleep quickly after [sha without lalkiiisi ahoul worldly affair

IS. Ibnu Abbaas i?j^|

J)To sleep with wudhu,

Page 39: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

r,rr rvr ^^^

:">'-i^-Cij^ ^"> [Du'aa and Sunnah] !^"<6f J" r">i^

(5) To apply antimunv l-ium-a-kuliM thrice. [nrmidhi :204a. ibnuAbbaas „v^.


© To recite "^?U^'l^V^^4J1i^jiailiiiii1''ti

(7) To say^£1^33 times, A^H 33timesandjjf1jif34ti

! Mm lo sleep on the stomach.

[) To recite the du'aa before sleeping."tii;opiiiU.Li4ijT"

Z>w '«« after Waking Up

77i£ Sunnah Way of Waking Up

Q) To nib the eyes and face with both hands when waking up.

; To recite the du'aa lor waking up.

[Bukhaari:6314 Huzaifa'i _*.;<V|

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":^'- c>rr> n ^<- r-r?>r<rr ryr>pK-r"fto Z^deethg^'toi/^

<S&^"-C^\ y> [Du'aa and Sunnah] t^<Ci_T TJ-r-^C

Z>« '«fl foj/iw Entering the Toilet

Z)h '«a o/ter Leaving the Toilet

- I I it"

1 -Ml ,"]

77<e Sunnah Way of Using the Toilet

(7) To cover the head. [Sunan-ul-Kubra Baihaqi : 465, Habeeb Bin Saalehj^ ]

(2) To enter wearing shoes or slippers.

[Sunan-ul-Kubta Baihaqi : 465, Habeeb Bin Savj -I...... -..-.]

(3) To recite the du'aa before entering. [Bykhaari:6322 Anas .-...„:]

@ To enter with the left foot.

© Not to

© Not to talk.

(7) Not to pass waicr u In;, -aandii!!:.

(s ; In wash with the left hand. [Bukhaari:154, Abu QatB«!ah£&*(#]

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r,rr rvr ^^^

"">','/"(/( r ^"> [Du'aa and Sunnah]j^"'<^fT r">i^

@ To come OUt With the right foot. [Bukhaari : 426, Aa ishah.-:^]

Du 'aa while Performing Wudhu

Ow'aa fl/ter Wudhu

i\ &?\i 4J^^^tes &il ^Jj^ d)t JL|it

^t^xJI &<« c^*^ 'J4^' '^j^-jj 80^*- lo^vo

[Tirmidhi:55, UmarS%*] 6^|Ja££J1 (^«^i*>!5

: ] bear wiliiess ihal irierc is -lone worlhy of wo'-sliip na Allaali.

ami lias m> partner and I bearwitnes

messenger of Allaah. Allaali! Make me frc

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fwr '- rrT^yrr fyr»r:r/~~ rrr>^'-

t&rC'-C^ y> [Du'aa and Sunnah]^'"'-'^!'!" Tir-^C

Dh 'aafor Entering the Masjid

The Sunnah Way ofEntering the Masjid

Q To remove the left shoe first then the right one.

D To enter the masjid with the right fo

© To recite "jjll J^j'^l^SliJI"

) To recite the Du'aa for entering the masjid :

Du 'aafor Leaving the Masjid

O Allaah! I beg You for Your grace.

The Sunnah Way ofLeaving the Masjid

Q) To leave the masjid with the left foot, pukhaan:426,Aa'iS hahi-;-<^i

© ToSay"iUjl^j". [IbnuMaajah^l.Faatimah^l

Page 43: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

r,rr rvr ^^^

^t'</^Ci\ Ti [Du'aa and Sunnah] |^"'<^fT r">i^

© To recite "^1^^'JM^JIS SWTo recite the Du'aa lor Icauny llie i.


Z>« '«« to 6e Recited in the Morning

D«'a« to 6c Recited in the Evening

i: 6084, Abu MwlieiMiji]

v...' and i ie v.liol.. world readied [Ins caning for Ailaah

ta'aa la who is i lie Su-daincrofthe worlds.

Z>« 'aafor Entering the Home

|Abu Daawood: 5096. Abu Maalik Ash'ari itsjiS]

Translation : () \ll i i


ii I; You It ilie ik'od of enlerini: and die :jiwlI of

lea\ iiig. In ill.1

u;i i lie i>l".\ Jkui li we enter and in Ilk' name of Mlaali v, e leave ami

on Ailaah. Our Lord we place our trust.


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fwr '- rrT^yrr fyr»r:r/~~ rrr>^r '-

0rC-C^\yi [Du'aa and \xm^^<C{\y^tr>£<C

Q) To recite Ihc du'aa lor en

) To ask lor permission, to knoekoi hnwdi M ore eineniiy the house

rnrmidhl: 2710, Kaldaha:*, Musnadu Ahmad: 3615, ZalnabKLisSl

i) To enter with the right foot. [Bukhaari: 426, Aa'ishah i

Du 'aafor Leaving the Home

The Sunnah Way ofLeaving the Home

with the left foot. [Bukhaari: 426. Aa -.hah, :.,,-']

le iln'iia for leaving the home

Du'aafor Wearing Clothes

«, DaaWocd:4 23,

M.aazBir.Ana^, g^^tU^

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r>-s^<C([ ^i [Du'aa and Sunnah]^<C(_T r">i^

Du'aafor Wearing New Clothes

^rniklhl : 3580.UmafWi»] Q/^IX

is Occasions

On meeting a Muslim greet him by saying:

Lt'a Musiiin g m reply by saying:

[Mus™du Ahmad : 12612, Anasais£|

Translation : May Allaah's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you to

When starting something good, say:

]i v, Hi ilic naniL' otAlkuh lie i

When asked I i« a bounty, s

[lb™ Maajsh:3805, AwiSljft ^jj J^^Jf

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":^'- C>rr> n ^<- Vr?>r<rr rfr>^r.-

X'r"-C{\^ri [Du'aa and \wm\^<C{\y^t <~^C<C

kindness, say:

[Timiidhi : 2035, Usamah Bin Zaid uKiffiS ]

Translation : May Allaah reward you well.

[Bukhaari:2 993,Jaabir.,,^] %f\ %&\

Al!i::ili is ilk- (nc.Hesi.

When going down, say:

[Bukhaan : 2993, jBabtri»


^| £)U^£Translation : Glory be to Allaah.

On sneezing, say:


[Bukhaari : 6224, Abu HurairahS^J dIi,'dJ*&l} I

Translation : All praise is lor A1Ili.Hi.

Reply to the one who sneezed by saying:

[Bukhaari : 6224, Abu Huratrsh.^^] dl\\<^\_^J*- tj

I i:liisl!ili..n ; \hn A I huih shower Hi-, iiu-u , on uhi

Reply of the person who sneezed :

When intending to do something, say:

murium** Sil&^J,Translation : If Allaah


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:rrr r r^F>^£.Irr^fe 2 - Hadeeth ^fcf">'<-j^<(/( [ 7"i [Du'aa and Sunnah]^<Ci T r~">i^

When finding something to be good, say:

[Su ra tul Ka ha,:39] SLIjUU

When surprised, say:

Ml.uili in !hc (iiviiii'sl. C'ilory Ix

When hearing about a death or when losing something

or in difficulty, say:

Translation : To Allaah m ln'lon;j ;uij u Mini shall we return.

When angry, say:


Lessonsfor this year

Lesson 2 77te Etiquettes ofTilaawah

(T) To sit with wudhu facing the Qiblah.

@ To place the Qur'aa

as a desk or a pillov ^5

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fwr '- rrT^yrr fyr»r:r/~~ ryr>^'-

Z?rC-C^\yi [Du'aa and Sunnah]J^£fjj^,~J^<£

(3) To say the Ta'awwudh before reciting of the Qur'aan.

[Suratun Nahl : 981

(4) To recite clearly, according to the rules of Tajweed.[Suratul Muizammil : 4]

fj) If there is a need to do something, close the Qur'aan before

doing it. [Al Tibiyaan Fi Aadaabi Hamalatil Qu'taan Lin Nawaiwi : 1/SS]

On completing ones need, recite Ta'awwudh again before

beginning the

(2) To recite softly when people around are engaged in work


(|) To recite loudly if the people are paying attention to the

Qur'aan. [At Tlbtyaan Fi Aadaabi Hamalatil Qu'raan Lin Nawawi : 1/581

To keep the greatness of the Qur'aan in o

NOTE : Tin which, when

recited or heard, will make sajdah waajib. This is called sajdah

Tilaawah. The method of performing this sajdah is to stand up anil

vvhilc saving AllahuAkbar go into sajduh.Thct- ^ai AllaahuAkbar

and stand up again. If is also permissible to perform this sa;dah

while sitting. [Shaa™ : 6«2». 437. Baabu SujoodUTilaawab]

Teach [to] Days in theg Month

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' >>T^/( r r"> [Du'aa and Sunnah]j^"'<^f T ^ ti^

Lesson 3 The Du'aa after Athaan

[Bukhari : 614, Balhaqi : 2009, MtMrJSSffl

[]^ Translation: Allaah, the Rabb of this perfect call and the

'-^ Salaah that is to be performed' Grant Muhammad -'-i-tr' die

lj Waseelah (intercession) and Fadheelah (grace) and elevate

| him to the Maqaamam Mahmood (praiseworthy position)

which you have promised him. Surely, You do not go I

againstyourpromises." I

Teach 1^°Xe^ Mo nth |o alej

|*gg |SZ1

Lesson 4 The Etiquettes of Greeting with Salaam

To be the first to greet with Salaam.

(5) The young should greet the old. [Bukhaar>:6:

lallcr group should greet the larger group.

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~vr<- tyr^.yr, tvr.>rjfr, tyr^r,

^H^^T''6f r ~Ti [Du'aa and Sunnah]J^<^f f T^r-'fS^

Salaam should be made softly if people are sleeping.

) The complete words of Salaam ai

) The reply to the Salaam is :

) The reply lo ihe Salaam sen: by

j7.A.a'.shah.->.. v--]

) When meeting a Muslim brother, one should shake hands

Salaam. U«™« : 2731, Abu Umamah.;


Lesson 5 The Etiquettes ofShaking Hands

(l; To firs; grccl will) *Jk' words ot Salaam and llien shake bands

[Mo'ajamul Kabeer : 1721. JunriuL-]

(2) To always be the first to shake hands. [sno'abui imaan : 8961 Umar;

(3) To praise Allaah when shaking hands by saying "^ J^J|"

To make a du'aa of forgiveness when shaking hands such as

"^ySjCd-S&ljASS ".IAb " Daawood :

KM, BW»9

To shake hands when seeing someone off.

Not to be the first to re

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^VHadeeth^y-'B 1

> [Du'aa and Sunnah]j^"'-^fjlr"";

Lesson 6 The Du'aafor Boarding a Vehicle

^><~^-C^\ y> [Du'aa and Sunnah]^<Ci[ r>

Translation : Glory be to Allaah Who has given us control 0'

this (vehicle) otherwise we had no control over it. Indeed, it is

our Rabb that we shall return.


Days in the [5*] Month

Lesson 7 77r^ Sunnah Way ofDressing

(7) To wear white clothing.

When wearing a Kurta or other such garment, first wear the

right sleeve and then the left. Similarly, when wearing a

garment such as trousers, wear the right leg before the left.

[Abu Daawood : 4141, Abu HuWrahWWl

Men must wear their trousers and other such garments above

their ankles, while women need to wear them beneath their

rii.klin.v hi;

(3) To wear a topi with the turban over it.

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^H^^T''6f r ^> [Du'aa and Sunnah] !^<6( _TT>^^

© To allow the tail of the turban to fall between the shoulders.

[Abu Daawood : 4077. Amr Bin Hurailh.^j

© To recite Bismillaah before removing one's clothes.


© To begin from the left when removing the clothes. The left

sleeve is to be removed before the right sleeve and the left leg

ofa trousers before the right.

[Akhlaqun Nabi Wa Aadaabuhu : 627, Ibnu Umar £g$f]

@ When wearing shoes, begin with the right and then the left.

[Bukhaari : 5656, Abu Hurairah.^]

® When removing the shoes, begin with the left and then the right.

IBukhaari: 5856, Abu HnaMi&Hf]

TeacH \n\ Days in the [jj*] Month

Lesson 8 The Du 'aafor Looking into a Mirror


Translation: O Allaah! Just as You

have beautified my appearance,

jeimiily ny character aswell.


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jQr^+a 2 - Hadeeth ^fcV^' -/^-Y-/ Y r — y' UaHoathi J-/-WV r

' T^*-^'?^Definition

Hifzul Hadeeth : Whatever Nabi Muhammad --.-.-?- said or did is

known as "Hadeeth" and memorizing the Hadeeth is called

"Hifzul- Hadeeth".

Words ofEncouragement

Hadeeth : Nabi Muhammad >^.- said. I he person who learns

lorly \hadceth to benefit my Uramah will be told on the Day of

to cnlci Jannah from whichever door he pleases."

There are tremendous rewards for learning, memorising and

practising upon the Sunnah actions of Nabi Mu.iammad -V-'Y This

pleases Aii.aah and He grains Ye person ihe ability lo

upon the whole of Deen. Memorising the Ahadee'.h also


Guidelinesfor the Teacher

Ten Ahadccth with their translations have been included in

this year's syllabus, which cover the five broad categories of the

Deen, viz. Imaaniyaat, Ibaadaat, Mu'aamalau'.. Aui'aasharr.h and

Akhlaaqiyaat. Together with this, the Ahadeeth learnt last year

have also been given for revision.

TheseAhadeeth are to be taught collectively with the category

of Deen they fall under and their translations. For example:

"Hadeeth 31- on Imaaniyaat itfjifcaitl^l Translation : Honour

Allaah Ta'ala ho will forgive you," Students must also be

encouraged to practise upon these Ahadeeth.


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.' *

f,'C{J" r>r [Hifdhul Hadeeth] >f<6(T Tif^<

Lesson 1 Revision ofthe Previous Years

Hadeeth No.fljon Imaaniyaat

Hadeeth No. (2) on Ibaadaat

Hadeeth No.(Y)on Mu'aamalaat

Translation : He wl

Hadeeth No. (4j on Mu'aasharah

, 1 i1

1> > 1 11

i 1

Hadeeth No. Cs) on Akhlaaqiyaat

I 1 1 m.Npi .!

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'^'•r^'^f * r>' [Hifdhil Hadeeth] >'<£f.T • .J*

Hadeeth No.f6)on Imaaniyaat


1, *-«*»] otsJl <!)UpVi Uji

Translation : VeriK. acinus .nr judycd .iccording to their

[adeeth No. (7)011 lbaada

; Ck'Miluicss is l]ull'nl'ljii;i:ii]

Hadeeth No.nQon Mu'aamalaat

Hadeeth No.(?)on Mu'aasharah


1 ill 1 i 1 1

Hadeeth No. M|H on Akhlaaqiyaat

Translal ion : \ 11

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-! 'QJ

h7^> r [Hifdhul Hadeeth] -Jr^fT r> &f<£

I -J "_5 J'/ > , -J ^ >-/ r- 1"/ ^ J-/ V-

1 'J_

Hadeeth No.M yon Imaaniyaat

Translation : "When you need to ask. ask from Allaah."

Hadeeth No.(l2)on Ibaadaat

Hadeeth No.(l3>)on Mu'aamalaat

Hadeeth No.h4)on Mu'aasharah

ii Hi u i ill u fills pel pic with Sal

Hadeeth No. ns) on Akhlaaqiyaat

[Muslim:303. HuariUWH*] j$gi$£J\ £]£Jj S)

Translation : "The te

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Hadeeth No.M6)on Imaaniyaat

Hadeeth No. (l 7} on Ibaadaat

Translation : "Dual

Hadeeth No.u8)on Mu'aamalaat

Hadeeth No.h?)on Mu'aasharah

Translation : "Tlk- nlc;iMi.\: nl'AH;i;ili lies m iilcsisui" the latlior.


Hadeeth No. (20) on Akhlaaqiyaat

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"X, '^f^r^l [Hifdhjl Hadeeth] >fv£(^>r^"y

Hadeeth No.(2l)on Imaaniyaat

Uion : \\ hen von need to ask for help, ask help from Allaa

Hadeeth No. (22) on Ibaadaat

in : The best of you is he who learns the Qur'aan anil teach

Hadeeth No.(23)on iVIu'aainalaat

[Tiimidhi:120a,AbuSaeed.ai4r~] el,J|Al li

Hadeeth No. (24) on Mu'aasharah

Translation : Do nc

Hadeeth No. (25) on Akhlaaqiyaaf

mi ; A generous person is close to Allaah anil close to .

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Hadeeth No.(26)on Imaaniyaat

v FcarAllaah wl

Hadeeth No. (27) on Ibaadaat

Traiislatiun: Du'a;i is Hie essence- of woi'stnp.

Hadeeth No.(28J)on Mu'aamalaat

».(29)onIVIu'aHadeeth No.(29Jon Mu'aasharah


Translation : One

Hadeeth No. (30) on Akhlaaqiyaat

Taachi40KeB"t- Month |o a,


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mm2^Hadeeth A ^ >^r • r->

,, [HifdhulHadee'th] £C<$j*JJtfk

Lessonsfor this Year

Lesson 2 Hadeeth(3l)on Imaaniyaat


Translation : Honour Allaah Ta'ala he \uP i'org \ c you.

Teach [fj] Days in theg Month

Lesson 3 Hadeeth (32) on Ibaadaat


Days in the JJ«jMt

Lcsson4 Hadeeth (33) on Mu'aamalaat

Translation : Aliaah curses the thief.

Teach 6 Days in the 8,h Month

Lesson 5 Hadeeth (34) on Mu'aasharah

hKigasjbnuAbbaas,;.,^] e!tl>i^^)Translation : Do iioi arsiue with your brother.

M0 [^8'1|^ Month |o a,' ||-- |-r, E

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>->T<^-.r^ „^>J- [HifdhuJ Hadeetii]-J;"<p/^j„; „|~ '


Lesson 6 Hadeeth(35)onAkhlaaqiyaat

[Abu Daawood : 4784, Atiyyah^ ]

Translation : Verily anger is from Shaytaan.

Teacn [jjj Days in the ffl Month


iLesson 7 Hadeeth(3£)on Imaaniyaat

Translation : He who obeys mc sh;;ll enter Jannah.


Days in the [jF] Month

Lesson 8 Hadeeth (37) on Ibaadaat

Translation : Sadaqah does not decrease wealth.

Teach 25Ke9


h'h^h \\™£ || re |

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Lesson 9 Hadeeth(38)on Mu'aamalaat


is necessary for every

Teach jjjj Days in theg Month

Lesson 1 Hadeeth (39) on Mu'aasharah

re;ile love between you exchange gill- u ilhoi

Teach 6 Days in the 10' Month

Lesson 11 Hadeeth (40) on Akhlaaqiyaat

#S$ij£ty[Abu Daawood : 4989, Ibnu Mas'ood j-j.S]

Translation : Keep away iVom idling lies.

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$&i*£K- Aqaa'id and Masaa'il^l™


, T^\ [Aqaa'id (Beliefs)] J^£/_f] J^>


Words ofEncouragement

Qur'aan : Allaah says:

wv. As for those who have Imaan and do good deeds,

they are the people ofJannah, where they will live forever.

Aqeedah is the most important and fundamental aspect of

isLiarn. I he foundation of being a true Muslim is based on correct

aqeedah. Strong beliefs lead a person to Jannah and there is great

danger of being led astray due to weakness in aqeedah. In fact this

may even lead a person to shi~k and disbelief which is the greatest

of all the major sins, riiereibre. il is necessary forever) Muslim o

learn the correct aqaa'id and strongly believe it with the heart so

that he his protected from Jahannam and is entitled to Jannah.

Guidelinesfor the Teacher

Questions arid answers regarding the messengers of Allaah.

le Day of Judgment, Taqdeer and life after death have been

ncluded in this year's syllabus. These arc to be taught col lean el>

together with the revision ofthe previous years lessons.

Firstly, complete the revision before teaching the new lessons.

Clearly explain to the students that good a bad Taqdeer (fate) is

totally true and Nabi Muhammed fj$* has forbidden us to debate

>n Taqdeer. Therefore we should abstain from debating on this issue.


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WSS £3 - Aqaa'id and Masaa'il^rl7

'9Hp ^ v- ; -v--'[Aqaa


id ,Bel

Lesson 1 Revision ofthe Previous Years

Al-Kalimatut Tayyibah

&\ 3'yZjSUJ Ail M^fSf

Translation : There is none worthy of worship but Allaah, Muharm


Al-Kalimatush Shahaadah

I [Mustadrak : 9, Abdullaah BinArnr Bin Aas iS-jt]

Translation : i lifti; witness that there is none uonln of « orsiiip Inn Allaah

I and I bear witness ih.u Muhammad -.':- is the servant ami messenger of

Al-Kalimatut 7

inflation : Glory ami Purity is For \ILiali. Ml praise is for Allaah. there is

se veordtv ofworship bill Allanlt and Adaali is [lie i.ireatcsl am! ilia power lis

lid sins and strength lo Jo good isonU from \llaah .the most high the great.

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13$ 4£3 - Aqaa'id and Masaa'il^l"

'>->T 6 1 j ^>'[Aqaa'id (Beliefs)] >^6!j r>

Al-Kalimatut Tauheed

Translation : There is none worthy ofwurslup hul. \llaah uim ], alone and ha;

ihi pariiiL'r I ur him i-. :lic kingdom ,rni kvliiiii i< all praiso. I la »i'.a< lila am

death and all good is in His hand and he has comniimci evcrydiiny:.

Al-KalimatuI Istighfaar

Al-Imaanul Mujmal

cJmJ^ ^M^i <$+£[> ^[iT^Lub cJUl


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i/h ^>r [Aqaa'id (Beliefs)] ^{/fr ^Tlr^

Al-Imaanul Mufassal

Translation : 1 believe in Allaah, His angels. His books. His messengers, the

La.Nl Day. ihaiall L'oot and bad line is from Allaah and die Ll'cal'lei death

^//aA Ta'aala

Question : Who is our Rabb?

Qticstion : Who created us?

Answer : Allaah created us. [SuratutTeen:4|

Question : Did Allaah create the people of the world by himself?

Answer : Yes.Allaahcreatedthepeopleoftheworldbyhimself.

fSurakis Sajdah : 4]

Question : Did ihiswurld come iiiuu\\islc:]cc by itself?

Answer : No. Allaah Ta'aala crcaier dn> world. [Suratus Sajdah: 4]

Question : Who created the skies ihe canh, ihc moon, ilic sun. the high

Answer : Allaah created the skies, the earth, the moon, the sun. the high

mountains and the oceans. (SuratulAnkaboot : 61 , SuratuQaaf : 381

Answer : NolNo-onecreatedAllaahTa'ala. [Suratuiikhiaas:3]

Question : ForhowlonghasAUaahbeenanduntilwhenwillheremain?

Answer : Allaah hasbeenforeverandwill remain forever.

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& Jg3 --Aqaa'id and Masaail^lm %Vi


[Aqaa'id (Beliefs)] ^ {A } „r >

sa fatheror amother.

Does Allaah have a wife and children''

: DoesAllaahlooklil

: Who provides us, 01


: Allaah provides us,

their livelihood,

nd the whole creatic

ts and the whole cr

The Angels

: Whiiatetheangels?

-Njly^-I- ;n-0 Lie i-lfiilii'ii til' Ml. mil mm i Iruili I hIii ;i.h!:!1',:-,-;iIIc.

"Malaa'ikah". [Muslim :7687.Ao'ishaht

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gg > 3 - Aqaald and Masaail^

Oiii'Mwi : Hmviraii) angels arethere'.'

exact number. [Suratul Muddaththir : 31]

Question : Whoarethefourweilknownangels?' ver : The well-known angels are Jibra'ecl '--,-

. Mika

rtt'ys, lsraa'feel i*j3jj>' and Izraa'eel fpii . [UmdatulQaari : 22/458]

ition : What does Jibra'eelfrf# do?ver : Jibra'eel fiei> conveyed the books ofAllaah and his messages to

the messengers. [Sharhul Arba'eenan Nawawiyyah Li-Atiyyah : 6/3]

ition : WhatdoesMikaa'eeSriiai'do?

ver : Mikaa'ivl V'l . lias the <lin\ o make the rain fall and to ensure iVLviwiliclrliwliluioci.

Question : Whatdocslsraafcel^^isji do?

I Answer : Israafccl fi>tt will blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgement.[Sho'abul Imaan : 353,lbni, Abljii.ii,.-"..^


Question : What docs I/raa'cc! It-La-do?

I Answer : Izraa'eel >':. 'v neves the souls of :he ereaiion at the time of

death. He is also known a-, "Vhilaknl Maui" (the Angel of

I Answer : Theangjs leeoi .ling the aei ions ot'people arc ea lied "kitnaninii

Kaatibeen". [Suratullntitaar:1


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5^W53> Aqaa'id and Masaa'il£t .<

' ' '^v-v - "V-[Aqaa



i ^ vU -V-

: VV lull are [he angels who question people in their graves called?

: I he angels who question people in their graves ate ealleu

"Muilkal andNakeer". |Tirmidhi:1071,AbuHurairahSi(,«l

Divine Scriptures

I Question ; To which Messengers were the Saheefah revealed'.'

Answer :The Saheefah were revealed to Nabi Sheeth ,\A..

Nabi Idrees u&9l , Nabi Ibraheem fit* and several other

Messengers as well. [Saireeh ibnuHibbssn : 361 ,am; otw .....^]

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Jl ^>' [Aqaa'id (Beliefs)] jr^Clj r>r-r-^ ;-/>. -e j-/ A -ry rf'A

Question : Who has taken ihc rcsponsibi] iiy of protecting ilieQiir'aun?

Qur*aan. isuratutHiir

Question : Which heavenly book will ii be nccessiiiv to act 1'pon uniil ilk-

Dayof Judgement?

Answer : ll is necessary to act only upon Ihc Qur'aan until the Day oi"

Question : Do we need to believe in all the small and big books rev e; iled In


Answer : We need to believe that all the small and big books revealed by

Allaah. [Suratul Baqarah : 4|

Te3ch[M PXJIjjJMonlh |d.

Lessonsfar this Year Lesson 2 The Messengers^)

Question : What is meant by a Rasool?

Answer : A Rasool is a messenger sent by Allaah.

Question : Why does Allaah send Rasools ?

Answer : Allaah sends Rasools to show people the straight

path. [Suna(utTalaaq:11l

Question : Who is a Rasool '?

Answer : A Rasool is the most pious servants

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I .^*3 - Aqaa'id and Masaa'il^l


. r>^[Aqaa'id (Beliefs)] >T •yj^j ./ >

Question : What do Rasools teach?

Answer : Rasools teach us all good things.

Question : Do Rasools ever lie'.'

Answer : No, Rasools do not Sic.

: Do Rasools ever co limit sin'.'

Answer ; No, Rasools do not commit sin.

Question : Do Rasools ever hide the message'.'

Answer : No, Rasools do not hide the message.

Question : How many Rasools and Nabis were there?

Answer : Only Allaah knows their true number of Rasools and

Nabis. [Shu

Teach jg Pffi,,2»*\ Month [mT~

Question : What

Answer :

Question : Who was the first Nabi ?

Answer : The first Nabi was Aadain v;. .

Question : Who was the last Nabi f$t ?

immmad r'i-*J~'


Question: Willany other Nabi come after ourNabi ,%#-'?

Answer : No Nabi will come after Nabi Muhammad <:&' until

the Day OfJudgement. [Bukhaari:3455,AbuHurairah^i(£l

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(/< J^>r[Aqaa'id (Beliefs)] !^ {/,

Question : Can a person claim to be a Nabi after our Nabi >;

Answer : Wboever claims to be a Nabi after our

Question : Who is the best ofall the Messengers?

Answer : Nabi Muhammad «cj- is the best of all the

messengers. [Muslim 1tt5,AbuHura1rahiSijf*]

Question : What is meant by Imaan on the messengers '?

Answer : Imaan on the messengers means to believe that all of

them where tin ofAllaah.

Teach 10 Days in theg Month

The Last Day

Question : What is the Day ofQiyaamah?

Answer : The Day ofQiyaamah is the day when all llie people

will die. The earth, skies and everything else will be

Question : How will all the people and living things be destroyed?

Answer :: Israafeel ilt^ will blow the trumpet, which will make

such a frightening sound that all will die and

everything will be destroyed. [Suratuzzumar:68i

Question : When will the Day ofQiyaamah take place?

Answer : Only Allaah knows the exact time the Day of

Qiyaamah will takeplace. [SoraiuLuqmaanM]

Question : DidourNabi 'i-f inform us of any sign close to the

Day ofQiyaamah ?

Answer : Yes, he did. [Muslim: 102, u,


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MS3> Aqaa'id and Masaa'ilS*"

T^pfj „^>! [Aqaa'id (Beliefs)] j^pfj T>

i : What are these signs ofQiyaamah?

: There are many signs of Qiyaamah eg. : Sin will

spread in the world, people will disobey their parents,

music and dancing will be come common, Mahdi

&$& will appear, Dajjaal will appear, Isa rit#will

descend from the heavens and kill Dajjaal, the

Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj will appeal-, the si;n will rise from

the west, the Qur'aan will be raised to the heavens.

ilims will pass away and the world will be

filled with disbelievers. When all these sign

then the Day of Qiyaamah is very close. [Muslim : 7457,


madij0]°'iy.."3 l5|*'»n«'|i"*

Lesson 4 Taqdeer

Question: What is Taqdeer?

Answer : Allaahhas the knowledge of all that has happened,

ig and will happen in the universe. This

knowledge ofAllaah is called Taqde[SharahulAqeedahtitTal-p.a:.. yah .;.<:]

Question : What should be done when good conditions corns

Answer : In good conditions come, we should thank Allaah

Ta'aala. [Muslim :7692,Sohait

Question : What should be done when bad conditions come':

Answer : In bad conditions, we should repent to Allaah

seek His forgiveness. [Mu»iim:7692,sohaibB6*]

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Z --Ji r">' [Aqaa'id (Beliefs)] ^ 'A i ~^><~

Question : Can anyone stop something that has been decided by


Answer : No one can slop something thai has '.ieen decided by

Taqdeer. [Abu Daawood :4700. Ubaadah Bin Saami-,-..^


Question: What have we been taught about Taq deer?

Answer : We have been taught not to get involved in debates

and arguments regarding Taqdeer.

Question : Why were lite previous nations destroyed?

Answer : The previous nations were destroyed because they

engaged in debating and arguments rega ding

Taqdeer. rtirmidhi : 21 33,AUu Hurairah


15 Days in the1


,n Month

Lesson 5 Life After Death (T)

Question : Is there a life aftcrdcatb?

Answer : Yes. (here is a lite aider ceath. tsuratus saattaat 16-1S]

Question : What is meant by life after death?

Answer : After everything is destroyed on the Day of Qi vaamdi.

Israafeel V;.- will blow the L:ni"pel a second time

all li.iinan beings and animals will come back to life.

This is called life aftcrdeath. isuratuivaase

Question : Will it be difficult for Allaah to bring everything back

to life?

Answer : It will not all be difficult for Allaah to bring eveiy

thing back to life after giving death. [Syratui Qiyaar

Question : What will happen a fie: lias been brojgal

back to life?

Answer : After everything has been brought back to life,

reckoning will take place for all good and bad acti

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M53> Aqaa'id and Masaa'ilS*"

TZ-f^-A) ^>' [Aqaa'id (Beliefs)] >T {/ j T>

Question : What will happen after reckoning lakes place?

Answer : After reckoning, the decision of either Jannah to

Jahannam will be made. puraiui Mu'minoon : 102, 103]

Question: What kind ofa place is .la aiiah'.'

Answer : Jannah is a place ofextreme con


©Question : Forwhom has Jannah been prepared?

Answer : Jannah has been prepared for people with Imaan.

Question : WlMrtftountics will be given 10 the people in Jannah?

Answer : The people 0]' Jannah will have mansions made of

gold and silver hr;eks. rivers ofmilk and honey, every

type of fruit and flower and anything they desire.

Question : Will the people ofJannah ever die-

Answer : No, the people ofJannah will live forever.

Question : What kind ofa place is Jahannam'.'

Answer : Jahannam is a place ofextreme su fierue.

Question : Hoi prepared?

Answer : Jahannam!: fur the disbelievers and

Mlishrikeen. [SuraluAali Imraan : 1 31 ; Suraful Baiyyinah : 6]

Question : What is there in Jahannam?

Answer : There are huge snakes and scorpions in Jahannam,

boiling water and blood to drink and thorny trees to

Teach 10|°X 13 MH Da,e

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3 - Aqaa'id and Masaa'il^-YJ


Salaah : To displa>

Ta'aala in a spec: iic i

Words ofEncouragement

Hadceth : Nsibi Muhammad •'-.;- said "Stand and perforin salaah.

ifyou are unable to stand, then sit and ifyou are unable to sit. then

perforin salaah lying OilyOUT Side." [TiiTnidlii:372,lriiraanBiriHii!iain

Qur'aan : Allaah says: When you travel on earth, there is no sin if

you shorten your salaah. isuratun Nisaa

Salaah is one of the pillars of Islaam and a very important act

of worship. It is not permissible to miss Salaah in any condition

whether in health or illness, while traveling or at home. The

Sharee'ah has stiver permission :o si: and perform Salaah ifoi

cannot stand up and to lie down and perform Salaah if one canm

sit, Likewise, while travelling it is necessary to perform two

rakaahs instead of the four rakaahs of fardh Salaah. Under n

circumstances has the Sharee'ah given permission to miss th

Salaah. Therefore we should not miss any Salaah but rather makean effort to perform all our Salaah on time.

Guidelinesfor the teacher

I'he Salaah of the sick and the Salaah of die of the traveller

ivebeen included i i this year's syllabus Tnese have lobe taught

together with the revision of the pre-, iocs wars. Kmphasisc

importance of Salaah and that it cannot be missed under any I

circumstance. One insist perform Salaah in every condition,

whether in hea th or illness, « hi Ic travelling or at home. Clearly

"ain to the students, the various forms of Salaah for the sick and

practically explain the Salaah for the sick and the traveller.


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Lesson 1 Revision ofthe Previous Years

The Words ofSalaah

&n4MThe Tasbeeh of Ruku: ,

The Tasmee (to p from Ruku):

The Tahmeed (to be recited while standing after the Ruku):

[Bukhaari : 722, Abu HinMtailftl)*&| I^ ^> J

The Tasbeeh of Sajdah :

Salaam: &\2j£jlj£& J%£J\

(^O^cjUoS^U^I ^jtif5^\;


fceedSWl e)j£i> 3JI *9j

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3 - Aqaa'id and Masaa'il^l^






. i(i-l)ll \ltl-Hl


ifety\j£&\i6S\&j\ ^^j\sQ\)Sjfij^9ji»J>{\jAei\j

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!.:: --\ ':

r3$i<S3 - Aqaa'id and Masaa'HgM

Z)«a« «/ter Salaah

After completing the salaah, say "^] ?j^*,'.,j" thrice before

reciting the following duaa. [Muslim is52.Tt»t>aani£ij)*]

77ie Method ofPerforming WudhuIt is necessary lo attain purity before performing saktah I Ins method of

purifying oneself IS called wudhu. [Shaarri:1/223,KitaabutTahaarah,SuiianiilWudhLi]

(5) To recite Bisinillah before performing wudhu.

esv^"': Shaami;

(4) To wash boll hand- up oihc w ikh ihree times.

(7) To rinse the no-nils Ihree limes :itul 1 se Ihe r 1 1,:


ingei of ihe lel'l hand lo

clean them.

(D To wash the face Ihree limes from one eailobe 10 Ihe oilier and from the

hairlinealxnolhe forehead 10 below I he eh in.

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3 - Aqaa'id and Masaa'il^l^

(5) To wash both anus three times to above the elbows. To wash the right ar

first then the loll arm and to make klulaal ofthe fingers.

(l") I o -! el the hands and make masah ofthe whole head, the ears and the nape

@ lo wash both feet up to above the ankles tin ee limes, lo wash the right tool

firsi then the left fool anil tenia .ekhilanl nl'ihenx-s

© Tov

Qiyaam (Standing up)

md Raising the Two Hamand Raising the Two Hands

I (T) To stand unnalil unheal bendme die head "hen vi> ma the takbeeial-m

IMM llh l l I I Ml

(2) To raise both hands up to the eailobes ulier sauna die iakbeeral-ut-

( 3 ) To I'aee the palms towards the Qibl

4 lo keep die 'miters 1 1 llieir tia.ural posiiion. 1 e. leither ;pread apen n

(?) To keep a spaee at'al least lour linaers between the leet and to ensure that

the toes face the Qiblah.

© ,e,i.,

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'''*- J - ft'

Folding the Hands

I 1_; In place ihc palm i.riherielti ha ml mi i he back .n'liv p:i no'' die eii li.nii

[Bukhaan : 740, Sahal Bin Sa'adKlisS; Shaami : 2/172, Sunanus

© To form a n;ip\\il!ilhc thumb and thebaic i'mpenvbilc hekhne the vcrisl.

(Muatta Imaam Muhammad maa Sharhihi .2162 ; Shaami : 4/19, Baab Sifalts Salaah, Fas

© To place the remaining Ibrcc i'inpciNe.n ihe nrcani) nf the left hand.

To fold the hands below the navel


The Ruku

© Togointorukuwhilesayingtakbeer,

© To hold the knees with botl

Q) T» keep ilie buyer-, apart v, ink- holding the knees.

[Abu Daawood : 731. Abu Humaid.-ij*- Shaami : 1/1

@ To keep the legs upright.

© To keep the back straight.

© To keep the head mid the back at the same level,

© Torecite ^JbSJIQ&U^i " at least three times.

[Abu Daawood : 886, Abdullah Bin Maafondjtfid: Shaami : 4/40. Baabu Sifatis !

® When rising from ruku, the Imaam will sa>

thereafter, the muqtadi will say Js^aJ 1 c£LlUj ,^ mtmfarid (I he person

peilonnmesulaaliaknicluill iceiie bmii

Page 82: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

[£3 - Aqaa'id and Masaa'il^l


"'' " '" —-"-'-'• '-' ' .-—,-.^. , -^-^-r- r^r , -


[Bukhaari : 793, Abu Hurairah jojrt Shaami ' -' - .•- iiIh<iii> l,,l,|

1 Note: To stand upright after the ruku is called qau'mah. Qau'mah is wajib

(compulsory) mid special iilicnuoii -hnitltt lie given to neri'ocii il correct I).

Going into Sajdah

1 To say []

11 ii !

for sajdall. [Nasai 5084, HaWm.i«(.'i, Shaami: 4/54. Baata Slfalls Salaah, Fasl|

(|) To place the knees on the ground irsi, llvi il-ehamk followed by Ihe nose

and finally Hie orclvml u hen going into sajdah.

The Sajdah

1 Ik heiiilbolwccil :k hui'ik

IMuslIm 923, Waaii Bin Hajr^iisi* :Shaami 4/55, Baabu Sifatis Salaah. Fasl|

(T) To place hi nh [he mid [he nose on ihe clou no ins.iidnh.

(D To keep the stomach away from the thighs in sajdah.

[Muslim : 1 1 35, Mai moonahiAijS ; Shaami : 4/62, Baabu Sifatis Salaah, Fasl]

4 Tokoeplhccnnsaivji from (he skies.

s lokocptlicclhoHsoffliiogionui'

© Toredte''cjtVlQj


r lU^i''atleastthreedmes.

I I CD To keep the toes on the ground bending them towards the Qiblah.

Page 83: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive


© To lookotthctipofthcnosc in stijdali.

I [Shaani : 3/4B9, Baaby Sifati-- Sa ; .,1 -,>s

Note: It is waajib (compulsory; 10 -.i; caimk heiwecn ihc ran sajdahs. I his

Risingfrom Sajdah

® To'4ee

l'llk ' llL, ' kl '""-' C 'K"' u

l,r 'y ,n i' illaui] bending ii '.» hilo ii-aaa limn

I (2) To first raise the forehead, then the nose, followed by the hands and finally the

knees when rising from sajdah.

The Qa 'daft (Sitting)

(T) To keep the right fool upj-iirhi ami a\ Ihc iel'l fool Hat and sit on it and to

ensure that the toes ofboth the feet are facing theQiblah.

© To place both hands on the thighs and to look into the Sap in qa'dah.

© To recite tashahhud in the qa'dah.

© To make a ring with the thumb and undo le I nccraikllo if. Ihc rigln index

finger when saying "iilvil" and drop it when say ng"-'


reeling the tashahhudil.

[Abu Daavraod : 726, Waa'il Bin Hajif Jiiii*; Aala-us-Sunan: 883/2; Shaami : 85/4,

Baabu Sifaiis Salaah Fasll

© To send salnlal ion on Kahi Muhammad. .

aiier ivciiinu lashshtid in

the last qa'dah.

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I® To turn the face to both

(2) To begin with the right side wl


(3) To turn the head in sue!' an cxlcnl vJulc salaam ihal [he people

from behind sec one's check.

(?) The Imaam should make the intention oi greeting the muqtadi ffollow ci> ;.

(?) The muqtadi should make the inlemioioi'grecims.' 1.1c Imaam. ihe urge v

ihepiousjinnaiid the other muqtadis.

® Themunfarid(oneperforr


© The muqtadi st

K flic second salaam slum! J he sdahi < solu. rihai ihe in si o a;

The difference in the salaah offemales

® Women should raise their braids only up 10 their shoulders without taking

them out of the head covering at the time of takbeerat-ut-tahreema.

1- tu .-1 1 4 1 i hi 1 1 n in! 1- 11

(l) Women shored put the r hands or Ihcir cficsls wilh .lie palm of the right

hand on the baid;oi'lhcpa[iiioi die leiiliaud. Their arms should be close 10

theirsides and their ankles should he kept together.

Page 85: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

w about nuking Iheir backs Hat (like men) and place their hands on Iheir

knees without holding them.

[Musannaf Ibnu Abi Shaibah : 2778, Ibnu AbbaasAap ; Shaami : 4/71 , Baabu Stalls Salaah, Fasl]

(4) In sajdall. women should mil keen Iheir feel npnelil. bin should spread i

out towards the rigid side will' their arms on the ground. The sajdah

should be made as close as possible to the ground with the arms close to

the sides and the stomach louchingthe thighs.

IMusannaf Abdur Razzaque : 5072, All ieif?,

(Sunanu Kubra Baihaqi :3324. Ibnu UmarSiW.

h i H I . .- i j- i -4 1 .i ih i-|

(?) In qa'dali. women shun 1. 1 keep Iheir ieel spread nut low ards me rinhl side

with the hands on ihe thidts and iiie lingers kept tightly together.

The Method of Performing Salaah

To perform salaah. one needs le lace lite l.:ibhili in i lie slate of wudlui and

mate an mention in Ihe heait ni ihe solyah m be pc Tomivd Maeli ;is Kajr. /nlii.

i i 1 1 n Ii i ill the takbeerat-

H i h i I i i I i h n II Ii

I ileihelb i

Then recite the ta'awwuz:


4>iji^>£ 4^ h^'j^ ^*-5JI O-(ii*XiJI OJ 4i &£&

)o\jtf Q,nzj&L*i\ i? ij^ioJi "vj^l ?sJ4*^y|

Page 86: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

<g> £U LlJI^i^s^y^iAiJ^ | i-si^- £**2l ui^JI

At let recti- nu Sural-iil-l'aatihtih. vt\ tianuvii silently Then techc thctasmiya

again, followed by a Surah ofthe Qur'aan, such as:

k)-t3\'j» ^jt&c»l,<S»Jl$&$$&fy£$!$3&& &i

I hereafter, say " ^S"\kjj " anil go inlo mkii. In i ukti. recite the lashech

• -s-^'O^iU^i - at least thrice, then rise from ruku saying

I" ajl*> (yd, SSil Jr- "stand upright calmly^and recite " oUJli3jt2; ". When

I following an Imaam, say " OiAJl *lJ lijj " after the Iraaam has said

I "JJLjfiiiiulJyS ".Then say "jnT^I "andgointosajdah.

Recite the tasbeeh ofsajdah" Jcv;"L-j6 L^~"at least thrice. Then

I rise from sajdah saying " jjfUiT " and sit calmly, then say

" J^fUil " and go into sajdah for a second time. Recite the tasbeeh

"^S'l^j(ii'Aii"at 'castt'lr' cc -'r ''lcnsay" jS^faiT "and stand up

for the second rakaah. Thereafter, recite" .^Iil ,*-ij ", Surat-ul-

Faatihah, then repeat the " .<0ul ,*~Lj " followed by a Surah of the

JJjj iJj a J^j £ <f> iilll Alif 4> 5»i* 411 5* 5


and after completing the second rakaah in the same nu.micr sil

inq'adah. Inq'adahrecilelnsha ilmd I mm a-nl --take :i r.r.g will ihe

middle finger and thumb when reaching the word "J^ii" 111 ihe

right index finger when saying " H^ " and drop it when saying'-•' s

!"\ VlainLai'i the riiiitntaiie with llie lingers i.nlil the end of ihe

salaah. The") 'vctlc • • • -jj&J j* J*-=.i4-c!! until llie end. Thereafier.

recite the du'aa ...(JtJi5 lipids£},i

until the end and finally say

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'<'*- J - ft'

' dilliijJi^lpJ'iijf " while turning your face to the right then say

lii] I il II T i i s 1 il

s u> hi.- completed in this manner. If performing more than two rakaahs, after

ashahhud say "j^j'^'l*" ami tmirctlancK stand up fur lire third rakaalt. 1



talaah is not fardh, complete the remaining rakaahs as discussed above and if it

bnrth rakaahs, no Surah is to be recited after Surat-ul-Faatihah). Then sit down

n q'aoab tg in l id re I the lashali i in n upoi Mahi

The Witr Salaah

Il is Vv.iaiih (compulsory! to pes form Ihc \\ nr -iiiliinh. ."the Witr salaah is

missed due to any reason, it will be necessary to perform the Qadhaa. Ihc Win

salaahmaybepei formed at ar\ time alia ihc liha salaah and true dawn.

The method of performing Witr salaah ms lolli >\\ s : A tier completing the

far dli and -am na lis. dKha salaah make the intention lope fi'iriiliiiCi mkaolisof

Witr salaah. Perform the first two rakaahs of salaah as usual and after reciting

Tashahhud in the first Qa'dah Man 1 up for ihc third rakaah. Recite Suratul

kaatthaiinndaSuiali. I hereafter, raise the hands up to the earlobcs. sa\ Ailat'.hu

Akbar. fold the hands and recite Ad-Du'aa-ul-Qunoot before going into ruku

and complete the salaah.

Ruling: The Witr salaah is performed with lamaa'ah during the month of

Kainndhnan. I'hc \lm|i.idi « ill also n,a no Ad dif .il Out tool >'. ith iIk Imaaai

|Shaarai:3/114,Auqaatus Salaah: 5/112-124,Baabul Witr]

Ad-Du 'aa-ul-Qunoot

y&& ^l)j JLlsJ aJL^t X4^l ^Ij^fij &* alj^Jj

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3 - Aqaa'id and Masaa'il^l^

<j&o} &£m j&jjs S&xjs (S~^ O^p 64^


&>& ^tiijL <ilj|J£ (j| <£&\j£[Musannaf Ibnu Abi Shaibah : 7027, 7031, Umar; ->iiij, Musannaf Abdur Razzaq : 497f> All .-.-;-


NOTE : It is best to recite Ad-Du'aa-ul-Qunoot mentioned above which ii;is

been reported in these words as well as odici mud- hi Maimi*. books of hadeeth.

Any other du'aa may be recited in plaec oftheabove du'aa.

To saj die clearness of Allaab Tu'aaki in a loud voire before Salaali.

|| inviting towards it is called Athaan. One who calls out llie Adman is called the

\lua//in. Ai liu.iii is called out lorlhc live daily Salaali and the Jumu'ah Salaali.

Ailyi$0&S4$ Ail$p}$$34&,M&iL$t&*j> (jl6^M

4l)l O'^Lf*S$£J> y 1 04*1

ijrAthaan afterthe words"^ j£^" say'%,-fj,^^ §^jj

Page 89: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive


[Salaah] "^r-

Reply to the Athaan

The same words of the Athaan should be repeated but say

'J \^\^kp\\^<yi '&^<) "in reply to" s^Jlj£^"and

" Qlijl je 'q- " and in the Fajr Athaan say " ojjj^vsiJ*i> " in reply to


4L! *Jl 40&\fc£\ 4l)l^Rfotifr^

fcffilt?{f fcffil#(f

tftyj/y to ffte

The s;innc reply of Ath;j;in -onnM !v

" [^liljillH^Sl "'nrcplyto" e^l^UiS ".

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When people perform salaah together in a manner I lint one leads and the

nlhcrs f'olkra him s known a-- Sahi.ih with .Inmna'ah". 'Hie poison leading die

i il In i i i [i <

' hemuqtadi.

hi, Miiinainl iiu'akkau.ih to perform salaai' u ill jan laaVh. The rev, aid-.

for performing Salaah with .lamna'ali is Iw limes greater

p. lb 'lining a lone. [Bukhaari G-lfi: "lino Llnp^!

is great i\ disliked by Mlaall a'aah'i ami his Valli \l nhnmmad

Sj.-f said, "One who does not perform Salaah i>. ilk Jaman'ah without a

excuse a Iter hearing llie A 11man las Salaah -no' aeee|iled.

To Perform Salaah with Jamaa'ah

The hiiaam should be a person who recites die (Jur'nan correctly, is

aware of the rules related to salaah and is also righteous and pious.

M uq. ad :s should •aaiu.l behind die Im 11. I'hc lie a row -.lion 1,1 be filled before

manner that a new row should not be formed until the row in front of it

completed. No gaps should be loll in between lac rows and each tmiqtadi

shoulder should be together wilh the shoulder of the muqtadi standing next

him with the heels in a straight line. The Imaam should ensure that the rows a

slraigi M before legi irmg the salaah. n i 1 _ Eajbullmaams

One of the Muqtadis should call out the Iqaamah. I he liiiaam should then

make the intention of performing the specific salaah together with the intei

of leading the muqtadis standing behind him. The muqtadis. likewise should

make tie attention of the same salaah together with the in tent ion o'" following

this Imaam in salaah. Thereafter, the Imaam while saying At- Takbeerarut

Tahi-eem.'.l: should I'ais, hands and fold then. The muqtadis should s.r\ At

Takbeeratut-Tahreemah immediately after the takbeer of the Imaam and joi

him in salaali. Isoih the Imaam am llie miupadi should then recite

After this the muqtadi should remain silent and the Imaam should recit

Oiraa' fair. Maghrib and Isha loudly and in Zohar ami softly.

After the Imaam completes the Qiraa'ah. he should"'yS\ did ;iikI ='•' ,liU> '"ttkii. The illiquid] slum id jollew the linaai'i. Hot

Page 91: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive


Imaamandthemuqtadi should recite *S^&*lWfafit"jn ruku. Thereafter,

di iii ,^^-j'JJ,™ I 1

i u i upon mtthaT'themuqtadi should

rallict i'ollov after the liuaain Alter ruku Ihc rest of [In.- salaah ^.litiLi Ll^ he

competed i.e. The nniqtadi should only remain silent during the

lashahhud, send salutationsand recite thedu'aa.

[Shaami : 495/3-1994, Baab Sifatis Salaah, Fasl]

'>r not to be recited

by the Muqtadi behind Imaam





If III 1 „

I it 1 11Ills,"




vp v\v V • • • • • • • • • • •• \V \x \* X • • A • • • • • • • •

The Jumu 'ah Salaah

Great virtue and importance is given in ihc day nf.luiim'ah (Friday) in

Ishiat'n N:ilii Muhammad said The ln-sl da> en » hiell Ihc sun rises isthc

day ofJumu'ah. Nabi Aadam \ t.- was born on 111 is day. he was sent to Jannah on

litis day and he v, as seal dewn ie eai ill mi ilns J,n and the da; ofJudgement nil

We should honour fie day of.lumu 'all. gn iodic \iasjidas early aspos

and engage in Salnah and rcciialior ,.>; die viir'aati II is inielf to perform

ic 1'nr performing it is the sair.e as Zoharrakaahs of Jumu'ah Salaah. The I



Before thcsahaili ihe [man n vvdl asee'id die mimbar (pulpit) andsiti

1 lie .Yiii'az/m will Ihen stand in in font of the hnaam and call out theaihaan

Thereafter, the linaatn will stand up facing the people and deliver two sen

(khulhulisi in .such a manner Hint after the f rsi k wtbah he will sit silently

sheit uhilc hcinrc standi ly up tin die -econd khulhah. After eiiniplei tig the

second klunhali he v, ill descend i he pulpit and stand on the place where he will

lead tliC salaah. flic Mtfu// in nil I helical out I he \iaan tali. Thereafter, llie

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3 - Aqaa'id and Masaa'il^^TpP-0 -p?f"'J

Salaa^~ftjffA) Z/ :


rak.iahs ol'fardli. Ji;inii":ih Salaah as explained imder llie lillc 'The Ylelhod o

performing Salaah with Jamaa'ah. In the Jiii)ui';i]i Salaah both Sin ami r'ualihal

and Small will be read in a loud voice. [Shaami: 38-80/6, BabulJumu'ah

IntheJumii'ah Salaali aiie iv, kiny '-araiia familial; i" - Manual' u> ivcik

u i I ill il i ili i I i h.inI i ili i h Ih

[Shaami: 168/4, Babu Sifatis Salaah, Faslun Fil Qira'ah

in .J Lcniiage oneself in anything or even perform Salaal idi.:a i u ihekliallv.b.



yhV 112"d>°

Lessonsfor this Year

Salaah ofa Sick Person

i pillar of Islaam. It must be performed under all

. One cannot be exempted from it even during

linos. : km ever. u:e Sliaree ah has given permission for the sick

o either sit or lie down and perform Salaah.

When is itpermissible to

perform Salaah while sitting down?

Q) When the sick person does not have the strength to stand tip.

(5) When he experiences greal difficulty by standing up.

(3) When there is fear that the sickness will increase by standing

(j) When there is a fear of getting dizzy and collapsing by

standing up.

(D When the sick person is able to stand up, cm: cannot perform


It will be permissible to perform salaah m a silling position

when any of the above situations are found. However, if the sick

person is able to perform Ruku and Sajdah in a sitting position, he

should do so otherwise he may perform them by makingilliJlCalioilS. [Shaami:5/4Q2.BaabuSalaalHMareedhl


Page 93: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

When will it be permissible to perform Salaah

while lying down?

iiii i ii I he ma\

perform it while lying down. There are two way of performing

Salaah while lying down.

(T) The best way is to lie down flat on the back with the feet

towards the Qiblah but the knees should be slightly raised. A

pillow should be placed below the head so that the face is

towards the Qiblah. Ruku and sajdah should be performed by

bending the head forward.

(2) The second method of performing Salaah is to lie down on

ones side with the face towards the Qiblah. It is best to lie

down Oil I hi.' '!'-'!.I s if: |Shaami: 5/402, BaBbSalaatulMareez]


:':': Knhiin hm\ vikuli is pci'loi mi'il while sillinsj ilowii.

: > : l'\]i::im lii ha :.ul;i;iii is Kit u nund while lying down.

Mm pxSH*°»* h i

I fa person intends to travel for more than 48 miles (78km), he|

will be regarded as a traveller as soon as he leaves his cily 01

whether thisjourney takes a few hours or a fewminutes.

The Qasr Salaah for a Traveller : A traveller will make qasr,

is shorten his four rakaahs of Zuhr, Asr and Isha to

Page 94: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

rakaahs. The Fajr, Magrib and Witr Salaahs will remain the

same. The Sunan and Nawafil will be read if he has the

opportunity other wise he may leave it. However, the sunnah of

fajr Should be given impO 'IrrCC. [Shaami S/465.6/1S. BaabuSalaatilMusaafir]

Rule : A traveller will be sinful, if he knowingly performs four

rakaahs of Zuhr, As:' and Isha. However, if he performs four

rakaahs unknowingly and sat after two rakaahs. i: will be w aajb :o

perlbrin sajdah sailw at the end ofthe Salaah. The first two rakaahs

will be regarded as Fardh and the second two as Nafl.[Shaami: 6/6, Baahu Salaalil Musaafir]

Rule : When staying over at any place, a traveller will continue

performing Qasr Salaah for as long as he does not decide lo stay

for fifteen days. As soon as he decide-, lo -.!;:> lor fifteen days or

more, he Will perform Salaah in full


(Shaami : 6/1 , Baabu Salaatil Musaafir]

Rule : Atraveller can begin to perform Qasr Salaah as soon as he

lea\ es the boundaries ofhis city ortown.

Rule : If a traveller missed his Salaah and needs to perform tl

Qadhaa alter reli minglionic. he will perlonr only I wo rakaahs 1

Zuhr, A sr and Isha. ishaan

Rule : Ifa traveller is following an Imaam who is n

will perform all four Rakaahs behind the Imaam.


Q) When will li person become a traveller?

_ Wind Sal ih I K p 11 1 UK IQasi'

Q. WI 11 i> Ih il I 1 Ik up lII 1 1 ih mi hs Ml i h in ailt.'

Ta3Ch25°Xf' h

|5,h ^

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\f£.Z- AqaaMd and Masaa'il^ /, , n


;s ofAllaali Ta'aala

Jforrfs ofEncouragement

Qur'aan: <>^Sj£S5 J&^lity^hjij (8u«ui **•

Translation : Allaah has the most beautiful names, so call Him by I

Hadeeth : Nabi Muhammad^^said. "Indeed, Allaah has ninety-

names L.iiu whoe\er \\\\" me mvisc the •) will enter Jamah."

The descriptive names of Allaah have a powerful effect and

carry many virtues. The du'aa made after calling him by these

es will certainly be accepted.

Guidelinefor the Teacher

Twenty-Five more •• llaahTa'aala

have been included in this year's syllabus. These names are to be

iaitglu collective's Uigeilier with the revision of the previous

As was done llie previous years, when revising the

names learnt for the month, it is necessary to revise the names

learnt during the prc\ ions month as well so that the students may

I easily remember all the names insequence.


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„ f; MT /£3 - AqaaMd and Masaa'il^^

, i'" J

^f >/ I j „ <""/ [A'-Astnaa-ul-Husna] '•£"*•'J\\ J"> r]:-


Lesson 1 Al-Asmaa-ul-Husna 76,77,78,79,80

4ISRJI #f ffi&sfl|| ojjji1




JL-tJi JbJSJl i^iiii fSiS &1PJ k&$ 5tJSJl jtkil

iiaajl54-01^31j#iily£&X&$\j$&\%J$ \

Jsl^l 445S 44I5JI iip't l^'i

&#l &*Jl o4^1)t i^txil o^JI SiSsIl isfsJl

Ji&JI J^l J^l^'l j^Uil j^ljll JeJpJI (S^ 1 ^4*4'


Teach 20 1





e 6^ Month|


1 1||| ^ ['gatre

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J£].pC:3 - Aqaa'id and[Masaa'iU


Lesson 2 AI-Asmaa-uI-Husna 81,82,83,84,85

U&ioljU <W |&t .iixLy


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1^3/Aqaa'ld and Masaa'll&Itig 1

"':jj^':'.rj { j ,7^/ [A!-Asmaa-ul-Husna] ;f?pf ;

4rPfy$&&Teach <^| Month^Lesson 3 Al-Asmaa-ul-Husna 86,87,88,89,9

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-/£'./£ 3 - Aqaa'id and Masaa'il^T

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Lesson 4 Al-Asmaa-ul-Husna 91,92,93, 94,95

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1^2. ,/£3 - Aqaa'itl and Masaa'll^ j/>

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Lesson 5 Al-Asmaa-ul-Husna 96,97,98,99

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/£ AC3 - AqaaMd and Masaa'il^W :

<(j[j l Tt [AI-Astnaa-ul-Husna] Z yj] }y '*


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-":--' '\

qaa'id and Masaail^^J— -O7-^ "^{[Masaa'll (Rules)] j^S7 -' ^ -jv^O!



Masiiifil : The rules of Deen thai explain the \va\ of doing an

| action or inform that something is lawful or unlawful are called

IMasaa'il. I

Words ofEncouragement

Hadeeth : Nabi Muhammad '-XT' said, "A single Faqeeh (one who

has deep understanding of Deen) is more difficult for Shaytaan

than a thousand worshipers." pirmidni:26si. ibnuAbSaasif-^i

As Muslims it is our duty to do all things according to the

eor-imuxl of Allaah Ta'aala and to follow the way of Nabi

Muhammad '*•*. It is necessary to learn and practice Deen to gain

the pleasure of A'.'aah. Without knowledge a person cannot follow

Deen in totality. To give fatwa and inform others on religious

matters is a means ofbeing led astray.

The faraa'idh and method of Tayammum, the waaj.haa: of

Salaah and a brief introduction to three ofthe Five pillars of Islaam

i.e. Zakaah. fasting and llaj; have been included in this years

syllabus. These are to be taught collectively together with the

revision of previous years lessons. The method of Tayamumshould be practically displayed to the students and the uaajihaal

of Salaah should be clearly explained. Explain to the student :hal

just as Sa aah is a pilla: o' Tslaa.-i. Xaxaah, Fasting and Hajj arc

also miliars of Islaam. Students should also be motivated lo :n form

they family and friends about al 1 those things learnt in this topic.


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-\/t^y- ; ~j^{[Masaa'il (Rules)] ^S'-O -J^^^X

:/o« o/7/ie Previous Years


To clean all impurities I ruin llic private part

The Method ofMaking Istinjaa

|i ll I

!I 1 I

|i| I II ll|

\lier passing stool, clean Uic pro ale pan l:n using tissue paper or

lumps of soil then wash it with water. Aiihoiteh :i :s pel imssihleto makeist

unit water only, it is best tu use the tissue paper or lumps of soil together " nil

water. II one lias ilk- option of using either waiei or i issue paper ard lumps of

soil then ll is best to use water insteadofonly tissue paper or lumpsofsoil.

Faraa'idh ofGhusl (Bathing)

There are three faraa'idh in ghusl: g- a

(T) To gargle properly. [Shaami : 1/423. Matlab ft Ab-haaihrl Ghusl] I

(3) To pour water over the whole body in such a way that nc

left dry. [Shaami :1/427. Matlat

The Sunnahs ofGhusl

(T) To make the intention for cleanliness.

(5) To wash both hands up to the wrists. [Bukhs

(3) To wash the private parts. (Bukhaari

(4) To wash off all impurities I'rum the body. IBukhaari

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—^zjf, 3 -iqaa'id and Masaallt&ASall

"^^^K-V ^/"{ Pasaa'il (Rules)] / ^ -J,/-,.-

© Tomakewudht,


To pourwaters the whole body three time. [Bukhara, «*««

© TO rub the body While batllillg. [Shaami : V 443, Kilaabut Tahaarah, Sunanul Shush]

[Notl : Do not bath while facing the Qiblah if the private pans are open.


Faraa'idh ofWudhu (Ablution)

There are four faraa'idh in wudhu: [Suratui Maaidah: 6j

To wash the face from the hair above the forehead to below the chin and

front one ctirlobe to the other. IShaami : 1/235, Arkaanul Wudhu]

© To wash both arms includtng the e]bows. [Sha,mi :1,247. A*aa„u, Wudhu]



Te make masah ol [to p;i-*- uci hand- men a quailcr of the head.

[Shaami : 1/247. Arkaanul Wudhu]

To wash both feet including the ankles. [Shaami :i/247. Arkaanul Wudhu]




The Sunnahs of Wudhu

lo make the intention for wudhu.

lo recite liirani'laalia Rahmaanir Raheem.[Kasai : 78, Ajias _ _i" Shaimi ti i II ml bunanul Wudhu]

i;> wash Kith liands up to die wrists three times,

ukhaari : 159. Uthmaan Bin Affaan ,- ...>,- St m n ' :-'8rj K taabut Tahaarah. Sunanul Wudhu]

© To use the miswaak or the fineei" if the nn-Avaak i, not available.

BukhaariiaeT.AbuHurairah.jitist.SunanulKubraB!! « , 1, i

<ilaabut Tahaarah. Sunanul Wudhu]

To gargle the mouth three times.

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- SS- ; ^/-{[Masaa'il (Rules)] /- j-^/J ^„>-



To:^«^; ._

To niiike klulaai of the fingers and to !-. v. hen « ashing the hands and feet.

rrirmldhi : 39. lb™ Abbaas „.:;-]


To .ash each limb three times. uthmaa Bin AH* --'-^J

To make masah of the whole head o

Tm^:m, BhAto ^il*]



To nake masah of both the ears alter making masah oft cite id


To \ash [lie limbs emekl) one after lite ntliei

Bukhaari : 140. Ibnu Abbaaslfie? : Stiaami : 1/ 328.Kitaabut Tahaara Sananu Vucihu]

© To nake wudhu in the proper order

Bukhaari : 140. lbnuAhljaiisrJ'.tr! :Shaan i:1/327.KilMbut Tahaara Sgratw ,,u*u]

© To eehe du'aa after wudhu. t™*: 55. Urn, **61

Things that Break the Wudhu

Eight things hreak the wudhu.

J) To pass water and siool and I lie ooiiuiil out o aio. lira;; from I lie ornate g> a>

'[ he flowing of blood or pus from any part of the hodv

a mouthful.

(5) To sleep e, hile \\ nig Jon n or leaning against

(6) To faint due to illness or any other reason.

[Shaami: 1/396, Kilaata

(7) To become mad. [Shaami: 1 /39S, Kitaabu

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; ">/-{ [Masaa'M (Rules)] ^ jrJ

' J -^O ,

The Five Salaahs

®Fa/> Qzukr @ As,- © Maghrib (?) M«,

Numbers ofRakaahs

(3) There are eight rakaahs . 4 sllnnah ghair muakkadah and 4

_ There are seven ra!

^ in Maghrib salaah.; 3 fanlh, 2 sunnah

The Makrooh Times ofSalaah

ClneiiHhe prelum I h ion i l"or s;ihmh is 10 perlbr.n il at is 1'ixoi lime Salaah

srformed before its fixed time is not valid and salaah performed after its fixed

me iMOuariJc-dasQadhaa. rshaami:3C<t3.BaabuStiurootteSalaah]

The Times when it is not Permissible

to Perform Salaah

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Mg3 -'Aqaa'id and Masaa'il^—%



; "J7">[Masaa'il (Rules)] ;f"z'A ^ ~

rn yellow until it has fully set, which is

Ruling : It is Makrooh to delay the Asr salaah until afiei the sun lias turned

perforin the Asr salaah oflhat day even after [he sun turns yellow.

The Times when it is Makrooh to Perform Nafl Salaah

From Subh Saadiq (early morning) until sunrise.

from after the Asr salaah unli I just lie lore the su

Conditions of Salaah

There arc seven conditions before salaah. These a

sharaa 'it ofsalaah.

(T) The body must be clean. |Shaami:3/242,

(J) The clothing must be clean. |Shaaini:3/242,

(3) The place of salaah must he clca

(4) The body must be covered.

(5) The time of salaah must be corre

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^P©7- ; -;©-{ [Masaa'il (Rules)] >- j^J ^ -j,/


Farao 'wfft ofSalaah

eare six faraa'idh in salaah and are known as the arkaan of saiaah.

At-Takbccra!-ut-Tahree.mah, that is 1o say AllahuAkbar, when beginning

© Qiyaam (to Stand upright). [Shaami : 3/381.Kitaabus Saiaah, Baabu SIS* Salaahj



vira';:!i Mo recite the Qur aan).

Ruku .,Shaam,3,392 .K„a a b u5 Salaah, Ba.buS.^Sala.h]

© Two sajdahs. m > i ntni ^ >

J nhn,

© 'lo sit so lony ni the end of salaah thai one ean recite Tashnhhud.

[Shaami : 3/396,Kitaabus Salaah, Baabu Srfatis Salaah]


Mufsidaat ofSalaah

The Things that Break the Salaah

To talk in salaah, regardless of whether it is done intentionally,

forgetfully, a little or a lot.

[Sbaanrti : 4/41S, Kitaabus Salaah, Baabu Ma Yufsidus Salaah Wama Yukrahu Feeha]

© To say "Aameen" to the duaa ofa person who is not performing salaah.

[Shaami : 4/436, Kitaabus Salaah, Baabu Ma Yufsidus Salsah Wama Yukrahu Feeha]

© To say "Oof, "Ow". "Ouch", etc due topain.



TurecitellieQuc'aaii while looking in it.

To make such a mistake in the Qiraa'ah, which completely changes the

meaning.[Shaami : 4/479, Kitaabus Salaah, Baabu Ma Yufsidus Salaah Wama Yukrahu Feeha]

©performing salaah.

[Shaami : 4/454, Kitaabus Salaah, Baabu Ma Yufsidus Salaah Wama Yukrahu Feeha|

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jfvl ;^.r

[Masaa'il (Rules)] >. jj^J J-£7

(8) To turn the chest away from the Qiblah without at

(g) To perform sajdah on an -1 ipiuv plaa

To mis-, a l;.:i\i(uK'; in silaah.

(Q) To go in front of th

M^ZSE" 11

fear Lesson 2 Tayammum

To clean one's body willi clam earth, soil or something similar is

called Tayammum.

The Faraa'idh ofTayammum

There are th ii' yammum,

(T) To make ai


) To strike both hands on earth and to rub them on the face.

(3) To strike both hands on earth and to rub both arms including

the elbow. [Shaami .2/177, BaabulTayammuml

The Method of Performing Tayammum

Firstly, make the intention to purify oneself in order to

perform salaah. Then strike both hands on a rock or soil, dust

them and rub them over the whole face without leaving

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^~—% 3 - Aqaa'id and Masaa'il-^v->


; -' /{[Masaa'il (Rules)] ^ y. J -If 'j

out any part of it. Then strike both hands again on a rock or soil,

dust them and rub them over the right arm up to the elbows,

\\ iihout k-n ingoiii ;iny pari of it . I lie same should be repeated for

the left ai

Rule : Tayammum is permitted only when there is no water or

water cannot be reached or the sickness will increase by using

M lil °x3 «•«"«'


Lesson 3 The Waajibaat ofSalaah

The waajibaat ofsalaah arc those necessary act ions v, Inch i I

left out unknowingly requires Sajdatus-Sahw.

J CD To recite Suratui-Faatihah in the first two rakaahs of all the

Fardh salaahs and in all the rakaahs of waajib, sunnah and

nafd salaahs. [Shaami : 3/426,Baabu Sifalis Salaah, Waajibaalu;

I (2) To at leas', recite one long verse or three short verses aftei

Suratul Faatihah in the first two rakaahs of all the Fardh

salaahs and in all the rakaahs of waapb, sunnah and n

Salaahs. [Shaami : 3M26,Baabtj Sifalis Salaah, Waajibaatus Se

I (3) To recite the Suratul Faatihah before the Surah.

@ To keep the order between the Qiraa'ah, Ruku and Sajdah.

[Shaami : 3TO4. Baabu Sifalis Salaah, Waajibaatus Si

(5) Qaumah, thai i s. to stand up stran ght after the Ruku.

I (6) Jalsah, that is, to sit up straight between the two Sajdahs.

(j) At-Ta'dcclul-Arkaan, that is, to do Ruku, Sajdah, Qaumah

and Jalsah calmly, without haste.

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® Al-Qa'datul-Oola that is, to sit after two rakaahs in a three c

fourrakaahs salaah so long that one can recite Tashahhud.

(9"; TorccileTashahhudinbodiQa'dahs.

J The Imaam should recite Qiraa'ah in a loud voice in Fajr,

Maghrib, Isha, Jumu'ah, both Eids, Taraaweeh and Witr

salaahs during R: n t i, i

(ij; The Imaam should recite Qiraa'ah silently in Zuhr and Asr

salaahs. [shdi. a i i ii


t) To end salaah with the words ofSalaam.

|) To say "ifHiil" ami to recite Ad-Du'aa-ul-Qunoot during the

Witr salaah. [Shaami ; 3/457, BaabuSifatisSalaah, WaajibaatusSalaah]

J> To say the extra Takbeers in both the Eid salaahs.

^aollflirl-o h

Lesson 4 Zakaah

When one year passes on gold, silver or trading goods then

ie lor:ie:h, lhai is 15'!,, ol 'the vt.Iuc is gi\ en lo the poor Muslims.

This is called Zakaah.

Zakaah is fardh on the Muslims just as Salaah and Fasting.

The only difference is Salaah and Fasting are fardh o

Muslims and Zakaah is [Yirdh only on t lie rich. Zakaah is the third

pillar of Islaam and it has been stated in the Qur'aan that il is fardh

and compulsory to pay Zakaah. One who rejects Zakaah is no', a

Muslim and one whod. :kaah issinful.


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^I^^C^J ; ^/-/[Masaa'il (Rules)] >- „^.'


To pay Zakaah is a sign ofa Muslim and not to pay it is a sign

of a disbeliever and a hypocrite. One who pays his Zakaah shall

enjoy ' he bounties of.lannah and one who docs not pay his /a kaah

has been warned ofpainful punishments.

The Qur'aan slates: I hose who hoard gold and silver and do

iiol spend it in the way of Allaah, give them the good news ofa

painful punishmeri. The iir\ when their gold and silver will be

heaied in the 'heot'.lahannam and their foreheads, sides and backs

will he branded and burnt with it. They will be told "This is the

gold and silver you hoarded for yourselves, so taste the

punishment for what you hoarded." isuratutTaubah:34.35i

Nabi Muhammad j#f* said, "When Allaah grants any one

wealth and he does notpay the Zakaah. is wealth will be change

into the shape of a very poisonous bald snake on the Day of

.. li w ill coil arc-md lis ice'k ard .ute him v.


saying, '1 am your hoarded wealth ! I am your treasures!


[Bukhaari : l«3,Abu HuralrahKii*]

What a terrible punishment! Which Muslim will not pay his

Zakaah after hearing this puiishiueni. There are many benefits for

paying Zakaah both in this world and the hereafter. It pir> liesi lie

wealth, decreases the love fo" wealth, is a means to vIp the inor.

creates a zeal to sympathise, wealth is distributed correctly and

both rich and poet benefit avm i. If Zakaah is not paid then the

rich will build big homes while the poor will be deprived ofa

singe morsel olTooc. The condition ol'llie Sahaabah '--'' was such

that they did not even keep a single coin that was more than their



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rpSg^1^^g3 -'Aqaa'id and Masaail-^—



^ J -;../-{ [Masaa'il (Rules)] j< J^J J-'^r~-


|0 What is Zakaah''

I © On whom is Zakaah Fardh (obligatory)?

I (5) What are the virtues of Zakaah.

© What warnings has Allaah given to those who do


TeacH [15] Days in the [9*] Month

Lesson 5 Fasting

To keep away from food, drink and fulfilling ones desires for

the pleasure ofAllaah from early dawn to sunset is called Fasting.

Fasting is the fourth pillar of Islaam. Fasting daring ihemoiv.h

of Ramadhaan is Fardh (obligatory) for every Muslim. One who

denies this is not a Muslim. A Muslim who docs not fast although

he is capable offasting has gone against the command ofAllaah.

Ramadhaan is a very blessed month during which Allaah

Ta'aala revealed the Qur'aan to Nabi Muhammad s^jp for our

guidance. The reward of one fardh action done in Ramdhaan wbe equal to seventy fardh actions done out of Ramdhaan and the

reward of one naiil will be equal to one fardh out ofRamdhaan.

Nabi Muhammad j";v~' lasted during the day, engaged in ac

worship during the nights, recited the Qur'aan, performed the

'faraaweeh Salaah, treated the poor and needy kindly, gave

Sadaqah and did as ntuch good actions as possible during the

month ofRamadhaan.

Nabi Muhammad ''at*' said, "Woe to him who reaches the

blessed month of Ramdhaan and lets it pass without being

forgiven. [Timitdhi : 3545,Abu Hurairah


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Nabi Muhammad --j.;- said. "One who misses a single fast in

Ramadhaan, will not be able to make up for it even if he fasts all

his life." [Tirmidhl : 723. Abu Hurairah

Another Hadeeth states that Allaah says, "The reward for

every deed is multiplied ten to seven hundred times, but fasting is

for Me and I shall reward il w if as much as 1 wish."

[Sunan Darmi : 1770. Abu Hurairah .»^]

Our beloved Nabi -v-t'also said, "Those who fast shall e

Jannali through a special gate known as Rayyaan."

[Bukhaari: 1896. Sahali.

Nabi Muhammad fj^ said, "One who fasts with a sincere

hearl only io please Allaa i Ta'aala. \llaah wil Ibigive all his

previous sins." [Bukhaari :3e,AbuHurairah.>j4«|

Nabi Muhammad 4ltP also said, "The fast will interceded oi

the Day of Judgement and say, 'O Allaah! This person stopped

eating, drinking and gave up sins for me. O Allaah! forgive him."

[Mustadrak 2036. Abdullaah Bin Amr.r..y]

There are many more benefits of fasting. We become grateful,

palierl, begin lo do good deeds, :'-onie\ il and above all w

will be greatly rewarded in the hereafter.


I (?) What is fasting?

© What are the rewards for Fardh and Nafl actions in Ramadhaan?

I (T) Through which gate will those who fast cnlei Jannah?

Teach 15 °X 9-||ia-Mon1h |d,U fee 1&

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Jf^Z -^Aqaa'id and Masaa'il^^—g

K/t-f^- J -£?> [Masaa'll (Rules)] ^S'-O "-J^^^T^


To visit Makkah and perform specific actions during the days

ofHajj is called Hajj.

There are great virtues of performing Hajj. AUaah says in the

Qur'aan: To perform I lajj of the Ka'bah for the pleasure ofAllaah

is the duty of every person who can afford it. One who rejects it

should know thai Mlaah isnol in need of the whole ui

The virtues of Hajj are mentioned in many Ahadeeth. Nabi

Muhammad ,'-i#' said, "One who performs I lajj for the pleasut

Allaah, avoids all immoral ialk. does not fight or abuse anyone

and commits no sin, will return from Hajj purified of all sins,

a^lledayhewasbom." [Bukhaari:1521,AbuHurairah..

All the sins of one performing Hajj arc forgiven on condition I «that his Hajj is performed only to please Allaah and not to show I H-Sj

people, to gain fame or for any other worldly motive.

Nabi Muhammad fjs& said that the reward for an accepted

flajj isjannah. [Ttrmldh1:B10,lbraJMas-OMI .iujji]

Nabi Muhammad fjgij' also said, "Those performing Hajj and

Umrah are the guests ofAllaah. Ifthey make du'aa Allaah accepts

their du'aa and ifthey seek forgiveness Allaah will forgive."


What is Hajj?

© What arc the virtues ofHajj mentioned in the Quv'aan and Ahadcetl

Teach 11 °Xg Month) [dm.

| |


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|pT4; -Jsjaamjc -.UpjTringing?]>^|fjj^ [Islaamic Knowledge] j£/fj -^rJ^jpJ


Isiaarak Knowledge : To have the knowledge of Deen is called

"Islaamic knowledge"


Words ofEncouragement

Hadeeth : Safwaan bin Assart! .>..d.^ reports that he came tc

Masjid. He saw Nabi Muhammad $pS%rapped in his red shawl

reclining against the wall. He said, "O messenger of Allaah! I

have come to seekknowledge.Nabi^th'emarked. "Welcome '.<

the seeker of knowledge! The angels surround him with their

wings and position themselves one upon the other injoy until they

reach the heavens," iMoawmui Kateer


The importance and benefit for leaving and teaching Deen

and the virtues ofthe seeker ofknowledge have been mentioned in

the Ahaadeeth . We must therefore strive to learn the knowledge of

Deen so that it would become easy for us to lead a life that pleases


Guidelinesfor the Teacher

Questions and answer regarding the Messengers, their

nations, Ihe family ol'Xab: M.iliarinnu! -.;.;.- [in: Sahaabah and

other Islaamic matters have been included in this year's syllabus.

All answers to these questions are to be taught and memorised



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Question : DhunNoorayn was the title ofwhich Sahaabi?

Answer : DhunNooraynwasthctitleofUthmaaii^'ii,*-

Question : \\ Sa'iaabi -'-•.^"conpilcd I lie Qur'aan in the form

we have it today?

Answer : Uthmaan 'Mi'i0 compiled the Qur'aan in the form we

have ittoday. |Bukhaari:4987,AflasBinMaalik.itt«jS|

Question : Who was the first child to accepl Islaair?

Answer : Ali^iif wasthcfirstchildtoacccpt Isk'.r.m.

Question : Which Sahaabi->j$was known as the Conque


Answer : Ali-^i'iC was known as (lie Conqueror ofKhaybar.

[Bukhaari : 4209 Solmtih j.-a-': |

Question : Whoarcthcfourwcll-known Imaams?

Answer : The four wcll-konwn Imaams arc : Abu Hanccfah

&Mfr Maalik -Ja?- Shaafi'ec ->-*ftd Ahmad bin

Hambal igito&l. [MunaddmatulJaami-is-Sagaer: 1/31



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* -0 -^[Islaamic Knowledge] jp- ^ '


Lesson 2

Question ; Wh ich vegetable did Nabi Muharnmad>l

3-thike most.'

Answer : The vegetable that Nabi Miihamiiv.iJ-Vv" liked inosi

was bottle gourd. [MusnaduAhmad : 13966, Anas iSijf* I

Question : Which oil did Nabi Muhammad I^sP like most?

Answer : The oil that Nabi Miihammacfiv" liked most was

Olive oil. [Tirmidhi : 1852. Abo Usairi 3j£i I

Question : Which perfume did Nabi Muhammadr"'*v"'like most?

Answer : The perfume that Nabi Muhammad'S^liked most

5 LIS musk andood. rnrnittm^m'ftBUSaesdKhiidtt.SubulutHudaWat

Rashaad : 7/340. Aa'ishahu*^J

Question : Who dug Nabi Muhammad j^P's grave?

Answer : Abu Talha Ansaari iMJi$ dug the grave of Nabi

Muhammadf^f*. [Ibnu Maajah : 1628. Ibnu Ahtaaa..-..^-]

Question : Which Sahaabi -^i0 narrated the most Ahaadeeth?

Answer : Abu Hurairah ->iij<3 narrated the most A!

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Lesson 3

Question : How many times did the Sahaabahf~'^j~


Hijrah? Where did they go?

Answer ; The Sahaabah ^'-jr m..\.-.c' lijrah tw ice. j'rst toAbyssinia

andthcntoMadeenah,[As Seeratun Nabawiyyah Libni Hishaam : 2/164-314]

Question : Who was the first Sahaab&ijs? to shoot an arrow


Answer : The first Sahaabi^-iT! to shoot an arrow in Islaam w

Sa'd bin Abi Waqqaas i&2$. [usdui Gaaba: 1/4

Question : Who was the first KLhaleefah to build a Minaarah in

the VlasjidulHaraam?

Answer : The first Khaleefah to build a Minaarah in the

Masjidul Haraam was the Abbaasi Khalifah, Abu

Ja'far ManSOOr. [TaareekhulMasaajidishShahaerah: 1/311

Question : Who was the first Sahaabi .-.'^ :odra\v a sword m i he

path ofAllaah?

Answer : The first Sahaabi ---..^ lo draw a sword in the path of

Allaah was Zubayr binAwwaam>Ji<?. [issasb:i/i5i]


Question : What isRiyaadhul Jannah?

Answer : Riyaadhul Jannah is the area in the Masjidun Nabawi

between the room of Nabi Muhammad '-^and his

[Bukhaari : 1 1 95, Abdullaah Bin Zaid Al Maazani iSSjji ]

Teach 33 °7h


e4'" |5

lh Month o als

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ja cr^- r i

rr>:^'- r>p>r>^- rrr>^^-XT^C 4 - Islaamic Upbringing£fJ/^>^Ev i^ Oil r > [Speech and Du'aa] Lf O I . f yrf ',


.Speech and Du'aa : Addressing a gathering on a Deeni topic is

culled a Speech and asking from AllaahTa'aala is called Du'aa.

Words ofEncouragement

Qur'aan : £[gj| %& $^\ g& [s^rf m :2^

Translation : He (Allaah) created man and taught him to speak.

Hadeeth : Nabi Muhaamad ,>&£?- said, "Conveymy message to the

people even though it be one verse." [Bukhaori:346i.AMa!ioiii>iiiAmr>,i";|

Hadeeth : Nabi Muhammad ,%^'said. "Du'aa is the weapon of a

believer." BflusnadiiAbiYa'atelBIZ.JaablKSinAMullaahSaKffl

It is the duty o l'e\ e > Muslim to pass the Deen on to others. Aneffective way of l'i.lii!'.ing this duty is by giving speeches. It is

therefore necessary to learn the art ofgiving a speech on any Deen

topic so that the message of Dccn can be passed on to others. As

th isdutj can only be fulfilled with the help ofAllaahTa'aala it will

be necessary to draw his ceip \-.\ making du'aa. Therefore it will

also be necessary to leam the method of making du'aa and

continue asking AllaahTa'aala for his help.

Guidelinefor the Teacher

The purpose of teaching this topic is to create the ability in

every st.idcnt to confidently deliver a speech on any Deeni topic

before a gathering from a young age. Teach this speech to the

sludcuis during Ihe first Uvo months. lherci'.:ter Ihcy s'nou'd lake

turns to deliver il before the class. They should also learn the

(,)u r "a; ii ie Du ' aas with the translations.


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id Du'aa] tf<6(T r ^^fc^

The Virtues ofDhikr

IJ*jUl jf^Gl jJjij J^ f^J BJiflO

Respected elders and brothers


Everyone in the world is looking for peace of mind and the

more they search for peace of mind, the more :'ieirari:\iety gnni s.

Allaah says that peace ofmind and contentment of heart is only ir

the remembrance of Allaah. Nabi Muhammad fii^ said, "Onewho remembers Allaah is like a living person and one who does

not remember Allaah is like a dead person." Dhikr creates the

ti\\ ;n eness of Allaah which enables us to do good deeds and avoid

Allaah Ta'aala remembers one who makes Dhikr in

gathering of angels. Allaah says. "Remember Me and I shall

remember you. If you remember me in a gathering, I shall

remember you in a better gathering and that is the gathering of the

In whatever a person engages himself during his lifrime

those very, thii tpp i i n in it i'k in if il nil Sahab

.--.iiO once asked Nabi Muhammad ,--,<.- which action of man is

best lo nan closeness to Allaah. Nabi Muhammad -e--\- replied.

"'I iial your death comes to you in a mannci thai your tongue is

moist with the Dhikr of Allaah." This can happen only when oneattaches importance to Dhikr. May Allaah grant us all the ability

to engage in Dhikr and give us death with Imaan.Aameen. -c3

TRANSLATION: O my Rabb! Expand my chest, make my task

easy and untie the knot on my tongue so that the people I speak to

may l nderstand my speech.

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\~;>rfr^ ty-r^rr rrr>l>r, ry-r>^'-;

d^iCA-4 felslaamic UpbringingOl^J


Words ofEncouragement

Hadectii: Nabi Muhammad '"-C?" said, "Hold last lo my way ami the

way ofmy rightly guided successors (Al-Khulafaa-ui-Raashideeii).

Hold firmly onto it and bile upon iiuiili •. our teeth."

|Abu Daawood 4607, Irbaaz Bin Saanyah ---.-,:"|

The Sahabah &$ were the best people of the Ummah. They

were our guides, whose lives were extremely pure and conformed

with the teachings of the Sharee'ah. They did whatever Nabi

Muhammad *L1r"commanded, immediately. They would not tolerate

anything that was against the teachings of Islaam. They would

oppose whatever they saw against the Snarec'ah The nighest in rank

among the Sahaabah^'ji,c"were Abu Bakr-.--..^T. Uiru:r---.£t, Uthmaan

and AM -'•^'. They became the Khulafaa after Nabi Muhammad

$& and fulfilled their duties in a most excellent manner. Their

system of government was most efficient and their efforts w

concentrated on spreading the Deen throughout the world. They

dented the creation of Allaah with kindness, sympathy and utr

respect. Together with fulfilling all the commands ofAllaah and the

duties el' die Deen. they also ensured that others did the same,

need to learn about their li\ es in order lo be guided.

Guidelinesfor the Teacher

During the previous years the life history of our Nabi -l

;-t' wdiscussed in detail. This year a brief discussion of the lives of Al-

Kluilalaa-ur-Raashidecii will be included in die Secruh topic, firstly

summarise every lessons before the students Ihcn allow them toread

it aloud in the el; ss and ask ihequeslions gi\en al theeixloTeaeh lesson.


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Lesson 1 Revision of the Previous Years

MRevision of the Previous \

The Birth of Nabi Muhammad 0$*: Before the coming of Nabi

Muhammad '"•""'evil had -eeome \\ -de spread. People lad completely

lbrgollc:i Allaah Ta'aala and his commands. During this period. Al.aah

la'nrihi sent our Nabi f'JO"' for the guidance ofthe whole of mankind. He

was born in ihemont i ol Rabec-ul-Awwel. :n N'akkuii. die r.te.s: sacred

and ancient city ofthe world.

The Upbringing and Youth of Nabi Muham >iLt'" Our Nabi


}v"sfathcr,Abdullaahpasscdavva\ I>



Viminah passed away when he was only six years old. He then lived

wilii his grandfather Abdul \luliahb. lie also passed away Iwe years

laaer. ( )ur Nabi -'a-C' then began sla_\ ing with his ancle. A hi Taa'ih. < Ha

Nabi ',/> was pious and upright from a very young age. 'e was well

known for his truthfulness and trustworthiness.

The Marriage of Nabi Muhammad f<W : Due to these excellent

qualities, an honourable wealthy widow named Khadccjah

to marry him. Nabi Muhammad. A>-tP accepted the proposal and the

marriage took place. Our Nabi -vyy- was iweinx-iAe years eld a id she

NabiMuhammadfW'becomesaNabi : When our Nabi churnedforty. Allaah Ta'aala blessed iiint will: Ni buwwah in the cave of I lira

.lihra'eel '>..- recited lac openi.ig verses of Sural

I lie beginning of re\ elm kn to Nabi Muhammad -->;•.' Alter lais revelation

he began to cal I people towards ilk belief in Taaheed and Risaulab. The

first person to accept Islaam was his life partner, Khadeejah tAij/:" Abu

Bakr Siddique was the first man and Ali Siiift was the first child lo accent

Islaam. During the first three years Nabi Muhammad--.-.'J-


Islaam secretly. Approximately forty people accepted Islaam.

Thereafter, Allaah instn .: •'.;-.- to in\ r.e to Islaam

openly. To fulfill this command, Nabi Muhammad %-jf-climbed the hill

of Safa, close to Makkah and called all the tribes of the Quraysh. Whenall the tribes of Quraysh gathered he conveyed the message of A laali

.'his open invitation angered the disbelievers and they began lo trouble

and harm our Nabi --XT" and his Sahaabah.


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\-r>r:frr rrr>z^r rr r

r>c>^'- or>pK'-fl£f±y:-A -rijlaamic U^bringing^|/^

When those difficulties became unheamhle

Nab: Mulnimmad^t^permittcd the Sahaabdi -:'-';' ;o migrate to

Abyssinia. Many Muslim men aid women undertook this journey. The

king of Abyssinia was a very kind natured person named, Najaashi.

nd people were

accepting it daily. The disbelievers decided to boycott our Nalu -',:-"\- and

the Muslims and imprison them in the Valley ofAmi Trial b. The Muslim

suffered many hardships during this period.

The Year of Sorrow : In the tenth year of prophethood. after the

bpveottwas lifted from the Muslims. AbuTaalib, the uncle of our Nabi'"'-'

passed aw ay. Tie sorrow of las deaih was not yet over when his

belo\ ed and faithful v\ ifc. KtuKlcciatii>-.-/:" also passed away. These two

deaths caused great griefand sorrow to our Nabi ^tP . For this reason

that year was named as the year of sorrow. After their deaths the

disbelievers began causing more harm and difficulty tohim.

Seeing the condition ofthe people of Makkah

our Nabi ^v" decided to undertake a journey to Taa'if. On reaching

Taa'if, he invited the leaders to Tslaam and conveyed the message of

Allaah. Unfortunately, none of them accepted Islaam. In fact, they

treated our Nabi fjtjjr' mosi harshh and pin aim into great difficulties

and hardships. Our Nabi '"->'j"lhen return to Maksah.

Mir'aaj : After bearing con-unions di acuities. A'laah la'aaki blessed

our Nabi '-KP by inviting him up to the heavens. In the tenth year of

Niibuwvvul] die noble jounev of Me'rntij look place and our NabiJVv* nas awarded with the magnificent gift of Salaah.

Ilijrah t After tolerating continuous difficulties from

the disbelievers in Vr.kkub. Nabi -V-'b- evenltia ly gave the Salia.ibuh

'.""^^ permission to migrate to Madecnah Many people had already

accepted Islaam in Madeenah and were willing to receive their Muslim

brothers From Makkah The only Muslims left hi Makkah were Nabi

Muhii iiniad <;."V .Abu liakr .-..c;. and a lew weak Muslims. I anally.

oti Nabi h~- "ceeived die command to migrate to Madecnah. He

undertookthisjourney ofHijrah withAbu Bakr-wiii^



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Our Nabi /i.'fArrives in Madeenah: When our Nabif-Stf* arrived, he

received a very warm welcome from the people ofMadeenah. He stayed

at the house ofAbu Ayyub Atisaria^ar;.

The firstthing Nabi Muhammad 'Si^St did after coming to Madeenah

was [<• build a masjid. lor fie worship of Al'taah Ta'aala. Tilts masjid

known as "Masjid-uttsNabawi",

Nabi Muhammad -V-'V- made peace treaties with the Jews of

Madeenah. They apparently agreed to the treaties, but were burn i lg with

hatred. There were few people in Madeenah who recited lie Ivalimah

and seemed to be Muslims but were staunch enemies of Islaam. They

were known as the Munaafiqeen,

The Battles of Badr and Lhud: Two years after migrating t

Madeenah, the Muslims had to fight a fierce battle against the

disbel ievers ofMakkah. This was the first battle fought in Islaam. Itwi

called the "Battle of Badr". During this battle, the Muslims were on

three hundred and thirteen in number, w Ink Hie disbelievers were 01

thousand, fully equipped for battle. However, by the help of Allaah. the

Muslims gained victory and the disbelievers where defeated. A year

later, the second major battle look place at Ubad This was a severe

battle. rheMi.sltm-, laced lieaw losses. IwoefNnlv Minammad,


teeth were lost and seventy Sahaabah yfjiiji were martyred in this battle

In the fifth veer of Hijrah, another major

battle took place. This battle wns called the "Baltic of Khandaq". Some

.lews of Madeenah inci > vfakkah and sc era I oilier

Arab tribes to wage war against the Muslims. They managed logalh

army often thousand soldiers with the intention lo attack Vadectu i.

When Nabi Muhammad --jej- was informed about this he together with

the Sahaabah yfUfj dug a trench around Madeenah. The enemies c

not cross it and returned defeated after one month.

The Treaty id I hid: In the sixth year of llijrali. Nab

Muhammad fj'j- . along w iih fourteen hundred Sahaabah ftjjfi intended

to go to Makkah to perform Umrah. They camped outside Makkah at

well called "Hudaybiyyah". The disbelievers began preparation for

battle. Nabi Muhammad 'V-e'scnl I'thmaan j»ijj5 to inform them that the


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4~r^K> iy-?>^rr cy^>t>rr ty?>^r-lr^ACA-4 - islaainic Upbringing^/^

Muslims had come only to perform Umrah and had no intention <:

fighting. However, the disbelievers refused the Muslims entry int.

Makkah and they had to sign a peace treaty with the Quraish. The

Muslins had to return to Madeenah and only perform Umrah next year.

The Muslims were imuil;\ u ihappy win these conditions, hut

eventually accepted them. Allaah Ta'aala described this treaty a;

open victory for the Muslims,

The Conquest of Makkah : The Muslims managed to live in peace

after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. The path for preaching Islaam wopened and many people accepted Islaam. Nab: Muhammad -•:-"}"' wasal

able low: lie letters to mc.ny kings of di Herein kinds to invite iiiem to .sl::i,aii.

I !i:ue\er. the disbelievers did not abide by the conditions of (lie peace

treaty. In the year S A.I I., Nabi Muhamniad J2Lj"' marched to Makkah

with ten ihousund Sahaabah j'~jp. On seeing the tremendous strength of

the Muslim army, the disbeliever lost courage to fight. Nabi Vluhainniad

'',;-:;?- along with his Sahaabah K^i'di? entered Makkah victoriously. Our

Nabi ''ly'J* forgave all the disbelievers of Makkah and cleansed tr

Ka*bah of all the idols and raised the voice of Tauheed and the onene:

ofAllaah. This is known as the conquest ofMakkah.

Hajja-tul-Wadnn ( I'lie I aiviu-n Ei After the conquest of Makkah,

Islaam spread quickly lliroughoul Arabia . Many people became

Muslims. In the tenth year of . jrah. Nabi Yluliniuniad 'V.'V- performed

(he I laii .vi.h over one hundred thousand Muslims. This was his

I lajj II wascalled ijali.l \\ I [The Ian I 1 1 i |i

The Death of Nabi Muhammad : When Nabi Muhamniad <>

completed his duty of conveying I ic message of Allaah and Islaam

spread in the world Allaah decided to call him back. Three months after

Kan iiing from the HajjatulWadaa, he fell ill. Despite his illness, he used

to performed salaah with Jamaa'ah in the iiiasjid When he rvcainc too

weak to stand, he appointedAbu Bakr i>J<!S? to be the Imaam.

Despite this severe illness, Nabi Muhammad ^J- repeated the

instruction to guard the salaah and shou kindness towards the slaves,

finally on Monday, 1 Ith Rabee-ul-Awwal 1 1 A.H. his blessed soul left

his pure body.

Teach 10 Days in the 6''Month


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Lessonsfor this Year

Lesson 2 Abu Bakr&M

Abu bakr 3^' name was Abdullaah, his title was Abu Bakr

anc Nalu Muhammad <-;" had given hi.n the title of Siddeeq. He

is ive.l-k low.) by his title. His daughter, Aa'ishah ^idS was

most beloved wife of Nabi Muhammad -,;-"> and Abu Bakr

sJiifi was himselfvery dearto Nabi Muhammad j^*.

Although the people of Makkah were engaged in all types of

evils such as drinking, gambling and various acts of immodesty,

but Abu Bakr>ii<3 did not commit any these cri mes . From a very

young age he was righteous, pious, soft-hearted and always

assisting the poor, the widows and everyone in need. He

developed a deep friendship with Nabi Muhammad fbi$- when they

were young and had also accompanied Nabi Muhammad /e-tP ot

tradejourneys as a young man. When Nabi Muhammad Vv" beeoim

a Nabi. he announced it first to his relatives and close friends. Abu

Bakr :-S was the first man to accept Islaam.

Abu Bakr&iiift belonged to a noble and wealthy fami ly of the

Quraysh. Allaah Ta'aala blessed him witti every type ofgoodne

Although he owned a thriving business, he devoted most of his

time to the propagation of Islaam. He used every opportunity t{

preach Islaam and spent his life and wealth to convey the message

of Allaah. He bore all the difficulties and hardships from the

dislx\:evers with great pleasure and continued spreading the

message ofAllaah.


(T) What was Abu Bakr.-.-^ 's name'.'


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\-T>r:frr iy?>Z'<rr ty<r»Vrr ' Or>pK-*^i ^ 4 -:islaamic Upbringing£fJ/x-v

• * rjf-%^f^' „ ,^r , ^ r- rrr , ^ «- ,.-r ,

1 l(D Describe his

1 1® How did he s

qualities when he was still a young man.

Teach [jf] Days in Hieg Month

Lesson 3 Lovefor NabiMuhammad AKr

Abu Bakr »M loved our Nabi ?W dearly and our Nabi

• ;- also loved him greatly.

During the early days of Islaam Abu Bakr>ii*once gave a

lecture by the Ka'bali. The disbelievers surrounded 1 i in aiu heat

him up so severely that he become unconscious. His family was

inl'oivcd and they immediately came and earned him home. He

remained in this condition for some time while his mother sat by

his side crying. After regaining consciousness his mother asked

him, how he was feeling. Abu Bakr.jtiajircplicd.'i'iisl tell me how

is our beloved Nabi. I will not eat anything until I see him."

Many people accepted Islaam by his efforts. Some of them

were U'.hmaan .-.-aiA , Abdur Rahmaan hin Aw f .-^^ . Zubayr

siis1, . Abu Ubaydah '*-& and Sa'd bin Abi Waqqaas -^ . all of

whom were amongst the Ai-Asharatul Mubasharah. There were

many slaves who accepted Kaam arid were being tortured by their

masters. Abu Bakr .-.-..J. paid large sums ofmoney 10 purchase and

free these slaves so that they could be safe from the torture and

harm oftheir masters.


(7) What incident ton k place during the early days of Islaam?

(A) Name soiiie of the people who accepted Islaam by the efforts of Abu Uakr

Teach Tj^F] Month 'd»I8

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Lesson 4 Hijrah

Due to these effort of propagating Islaara, Abu Bakr &£& was

made to suffer great difficulties at the hands ofdisbelievers. When

our Nairn -v<r received the command of migration, Abu Bakr had

the honour ofaccompanying lin.

One reaching Madeenah Abu Bakr&ji$ was also in the fore-

front in conveying the message of Allaah. He participated with

great courage and bravery in all the battle fought against the



(?) With whom did Abu Bakr .*;«£ migrate to Madeenah?

Teach [4] Days in the [7*] Month

Lesson 5 Khilaafah

During the last illness ofour Nabi fgg he had appointed Abu

Bakiv-,^-" usthelma . in salaah. For this reason

the Muslims appointed A [in Bakr^j^as their Khalecfah after our

Nabi hif. A iter being appointed the Khaleel'ah oftlie Vlusiui s. he

devoted alt his time to the service of the Ummah and was always

concerned for the welfare and comfort of others. He led a simp.e

life and was always engaged in propagating the Dccn of Allaah,

Although the period of his Khilaafah was short, he managed to

give the people such peace and happiness that till today people

yearn to have it.


© WhomdidtheMuslimsappointasKhalifahafterNabi Muhammad,^passed away?


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Lesson 6 The Life ofAbu Bakr &M

Abu Bakr iM$ was a businessman before he became the

Khaieefah. When he became the Khaleefah, some of the se

Sahaixih./*^ stipulated a wage for him from die Baytul Maal

(public treasury). He lived a life of great simplicity, wearing

coarse clothing, eating simple foods and fasting most ofthe til

He spent a lot oftime engaged in Ibaadah, especially the recitation

of the Qur'aan. In fact, due to his recitation of the Qur'aan ii

Makkah many people accepted Islaam. He would weep so much

when reciting the Qur'aan during salaah that he would choke. On

21 Jumaadal Ula 13 A.H. he left this world and returned to

eternal in Jannah, the glad tidings of which was given by or Nabi

'-:-':r. May Allaah be pleased with him as he was pleased wi'.h



(T) Describe the life (ifAbu Bakr ,...,^ .

(T) When did Abu Bakr -^j?. pass away'.'


Umar uSajisS was closely related to Nabi Muhammad -v.;- and

his daughter Hal'sah *./-£ was married 10 oar Nabi ±sy. Umar

Ci^ 's father was Khattaab and his family was honoured

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amongst the Arabs. I le was also a very brave and courageous m

who had great influence on the people. He was therefore regarded

te of the leaders of the Quraysh. He was also well-known for

his physical strength and his skill in wrestling, horse-rid

archery and sword- fighting. In fact, he was amongst the well-

known warriors of Arabia.

Accepting Islaam

Before accepting Islaam Umar :>i-j<3 was one of the arch

enemies of our Nabi ',<" and the Muslims. Our Nabi -i-jt-"made

a :b Ir in ;i:id -\lhuil' tressed him w ilhthe wealth ofImaan. He

on his way to kill our Nabi fflj? when he decided to first deal

w iih liis sisL' -. I natiman t--^" , who had ahead) accepted Islaam.

On reaching her home, he happened to listen to a few verses 01

Qur'aan. Allaah Ta'aala through his mercy changed his heart. He

immediately went to our Nabi <--:- and accepted Islaam. Nabi

Muhammad -'Xr and :iie Muslims were very happy when he

jilted I slaam. The Muslim were now able to perform salat

(he Ka'bali and worship Allaah Ta'aala openly.


(T) How was Ulnar.,..;.-'.'

© Explain how Umar.^ became a Muslim.

Teach [e] Days in the [7*] Month

Lesson 8 Hijrah

When the gene/a, permission lo migrate to Madeenah was

given to the Muslims, they left Madeenah in secrecy out of Tear for

the Quraysb. However, when Umar u&wS decided to migrate he

lung his sword from his neck, held his bow in his hand and took a


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j C- i ^ 4 -Islaamic Upbringing\£Z»f&

large number of arrows with him. He first went to the Harani.

performed Tawaaf and salaah calrniy and then approached the

different groups of Quraysh. He announced to each of them,

"Whoever wishes his wife becomes a widow and his children

become orphans should come out of Makkah to face me." None

had the courage to accept his challenge.

Hatredfor Evil

Umar -*Ji£' had severe hatred for evil. He would become greatly

grieved on seeing someone committing an act of evil, due to this

quality our Nabi ^-t^'said that Shaytaan flees from the shadow of

I mar .-.-£ Our Nabi Muhammad fb-tpgave him the title of f aarooq.

which means One who clearly differentiates between good and

evil'. Umar .i«j^ loved to spread good and wipe out evil


(7) Describe the migration of Ulnars* .

(D What did Nabi Muhammad ,'"#say about Umara*?

Teach[^°XMMM°" th Date '_


Lesson 9 Khilaafah

Umar aids? became the Khaleefah of the Muslims after Abu

V il|

Hi I i1

i is in l \ mple for

ill throughout the ages. When he was appointed as Khaleefah and

addressed the people, he made du'aa, "O Allaah! I am a stern n

make me gentle and give rne the understanding of your book."

Allaah accepted this du'aa and he became very gentle, always

reaiiv to serve the people. 1 1c would become very disturbed when


Page 133: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

anyone suffered in any way. He would also patrol the streei

irghl lo lint cm t fc\ crvone n as wdl or- 'am one was m need ofhelp

He used to say that the leader ofpeople is really their serv

During his term as the Khaleefah, there was peace and security

ili ouyl nun. llie Line! and both the rich and the poor were happy. He

treated everyone equally, regardless ofwhether f icy w ei e weal tin

or poor, old or young. I le was feared so much Ilia', even fie kings

of the large empires would tremble when his named v

mentioned and brave warriors would be afraid to speak before


Whii [iL-caiiiL- fin? KiialeL'li.h alter Abu Biikr.,-^"

J I. niiii .- £- do afiat becoming ihc- Khaleefah?

© Describe the fear ilril people had for UinaraiuS


Teach [5] Days in the [b*] Month

Lesson 10 His System ofGovernment

The Islaamic state continued to expand during the khilaa&h

ofVmar.jtjg}. Shaam, Iraq, Egypt, Persia and Kfmrasaan became

part of the lslaam Empire. L'mur ->~ih organised the system of

government most efficiently. He introduced new systems such as

courts Willi appointed judges. <i police force for lie si; le aid a well

organised military force. He had fortresses constructed and

arranged for the care of all orphans, widows and people with n<

family. He opened large and small madrasahs with paid teachers

and would also give grants from the Baytul Maal for the poor,

even 1 f they were non-Muslims. In addition lo this, he had canals,

dams and wells dug to cater for the needs of the people for wand irrigation.


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J-/-r^ '----'-rj'-'-^ ^--'-rf-'-f- 1-^7 *-r?->-?-

C£±r£L-A -:islaamic UpbringingCZ\I^

From the time ofUmar 3»JiSthe Taraaweeh salaah was formally

performed in the \iasaajid \\ ilh .lam;ta"ah. He had live ntajorcilies

eor.sli ucled. I hese were Basra, Kufa, Fustaat, Mosul and Jeezah,

They were all well-planned and designed. Thepublic treasury was

formally organised during his time and inns were constructed 01

the major roads for travellers 10 slay, h short, the manner in which

he had the affairs of the country organised made the Islaamic

Empire a paradise on earth. His period of khilaafah will always

remain in the memories ofpeople throughout the ages.


(T) Describe some ul'llie ways in winch Unrar .^organised the MiEmpire during his time.

Teacb [5] Days in the [jj*] Month

Lesson 1


His Pure Life

Umar t^s^ led a pure and simple life. He wore clothing with

patches and ate very simple food. He was always concerned about

the welfare ofothers. He performed salaah all night, feared Allaah

at all times and would weep so excessively when he recited the

Qur'aan that his eyes would swell.


There was a wretched Persian slave living in Madccnah,

named Firoz. He was displeased with Umar -Mjfj on some petty

issue. One morning, he hid in the Masjid waiting for i

opportunity to attack Umai .-^-t. While Uina: --.;:>- was loading the

Fajr salaah, the wretched person repeatedly stabbed him with a

dagger. Umar -^jijfi placed Abdur Rahmaan bin Awf .>ii<i in his

place to continue the salaah and collapsed due to the wounds.



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13SISIIUmar jsi&S passed away from these wounds in the year 24 A.H.

InnaaLillaahiwa Im'aa'layhi Raaji'oon. SuhaybRoomi^ led

the Janaazah salaah and Umar .-•»:'• was laid to rest next to Nabi

Muhammad ''&$'.


(T) Describe the life of Umar -•-ifi?

© Describe how Umar^t* was martyred.


Days In the gMc

Uthmaan^iil^'s father's name was AlTaar. lie belonged to

honourable tribe. Allaah had blessed Uthmaan jii'ii? with a lot of

wealth. After lie used all his wealth in the path of


His Title

The title of Uibmaan _..-/: was Dhun Noorayn (one with two

lights.) Alter aeeepting Islaam, he married Nabi Muhammad>>"*> 's daughter Ruqayyah ^--S . By the will ofAllaah she pas

away after coming to Madeenah. Uthmaan Ai& was very grieved

to lose his beloved wife and also his relationship with Nabi

Muhammad -V-;- . Nab: -^""consoled him and also gave his

daughter, Ummu Kulthoom ^ifi in marriage. Due to these tv

marriages Uthmaan _>-_^ received the lilleofDhunNoorayn.

Uthmaan -v.".- liae been nioi s rnci righteous liom his youth.

1 le always remained clear and tidy and was very shay and modest.

He never behave immorally and always kept the company of the

pious. I le was a close friend ofAbu Bakr-^j^ and accepted Islaam

at his hands and become a true Muslim.


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(f) What did Ulhmaan --^ do alter aceeplinu Istiam'.'

@ Why was he called Dhun Noorayn?

(2) X-sltiIv sumo ut'tlie ijiinlilies nt'l Ithmiitin --/ from vol t'l"

Lesson 13 Hijrah

Uthmaan -^is? migrated twice, first to Ahvss'iiia, but returned

after a short while. lie then migrated to Madecnah. I lepa."t!c: pated

in all the battles with Nabi Muhammad felt apart from the Battle

of Badr. He could not participate in this Battle because Nabi

Muhammad -":-;' instructed him to remain behind to take care for

his wife Ruqayyah &*$ who was sick.


After Umar^Jir? passed away, Abdur Rahmaan bin Aw la Iter

corsullmg the Sahabah v'j^ appointed Uthtnaan -t^if; as the

Kaalcefah. During his Khaiecfah, the number ofMuslims increased

tremendously and goodness spread far and wide. The Baytul Vlaal

expanded greatly and the Muslims were very prosperous.


(T) How many limes did I. Ilinumn .-.^migrate?

(2) Who became the Khaleefah after Umarisij*?

Teach 3 Days in the r Month

Lesson 14 Construction of the Masjidun Nabawi

Page 137: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive


Uthmaan e-.-j/r I lien purchased the land next to the Masjid

with his own money and used it to extend the Masjid. He built a

solid and beautiful Masjid. Apart from this, he also had manyinns, Masaajid, government buildings, bridges and roads

cousin.cted. Due to the danger of flooding from khaybar he

also had a strong dam wall built.

Service to the Qur'aanThe most important concern for Uthmaan :^& was the

propagation of Islaam. He used to go to people and explain die

beauty of Islaam. The member of Muslims continued to increase.

Islaam spread to distant lands during his khilaafah and many non

Arabs accepted Islaam.

This resulted in a mi EH [he recitation of the

Qur'aan Some thoughl [hat their ua\ of recitation was correct

ane cither ways were incorrect. When Ulhuiiiar .^j-"\\as info-meil

of this difference of opinion he become very concerned. Heconsulted the great Snhuabah and decided to write the Qur'aa'i in

one dialect and that was the dialect of the Quraysh. He then sent

copies of this Qur'aan throughout the Muslim empire and gave

instuetions to only rely on this copy of the Qur'aan. This was a

great achievement of Uthmaan ^ji$ which protected the n ninah

from a great misunderstanding.


(T) What did Uthmaan - -;-; complolv ai'tnc edm ii-li ins khilnaiah?

© What did Uthmaan :^m do after consulting the Sahabah fitt ?

Teach [5] Days in theg Month

Lesson 15 His Simplicity

Before accepting Islaam, Uthmaan iAiis? lived in great luxury

and eoinlbrl. Alter excepting Islaam he ga\e ap all his comforts

Page 138: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

\-T>r:frr rrr>z^r r>r>r>^- or>pK-&£%r£rA -rislaamic Upbringing\£Z»f&

and chose to lead a simple life. He was still amongst the wealthiest

businessmen in Arabia and employed many people, bul preferred

lo do things himse.f. He always ircaiec. his family members wand assisted the poor and needy in every manner possible,

loved giving charity and was very generous. During the d ouyhi.

when people were dying of starvation, he received a earava

201) camels laden with grain. The businessmen offered huge

amounts ofmoney lo buy the gram but Uthmaan -~'~f> said , "I shall

sell this grain to that buyer who has promised to pay the highest

pro 1 : 1 and whose promise is ne\ er broken."He then donated all the

grain to the poor and needy. He was a very modest person

would even wear his lower garment when bathing in a ck

room. Nabi Muhammad fjffi said, "Even the angels are shy of

Uthmaan ;&*#."


© Describe the life ofUthmaan is*??

© Mention an incident regarding the generosity of Uthmaan^wi.

Teach [5] Days in the [g'i'J Month

Lesson 16 Martyrdom

After becoming the Kaleefah, everything was peaceful ir

Muslims Kmpire for six years but mischiefand plotting against the

khilaaf ih began to spread. Some people became enemies of such

a pious person as Uthmaan -#0$ ifhe wished he could have crushed

the rebels but he did not like to spill the blood of anyone.

Eventually the rebel surrounded his house, jumped the wall and

entered. Uthmaan'^'^

was reciting the Qur'aan with the rebel

attacked. On Friday, after Asr Snlaul) while lie was reciting the

following words the Qur'aan.

Page 139: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

^if?^£JS?i\ J**^t jij Sili-^d^-'

ion: Allaah shall be enough for you against them. He is

All Hearing, All Knowing. A few drops of blood fell on the

Qur'aan and he was martyred.


(T) Describe how Utbmaan jsaij? was martyred.

Teach T] P a



s„~¥\ Month Dale ^^ |

r^ n

Lesson 17 AR&M

His name was Ali, his nickname was Abu Turaab and his

title was Haydar. His father was Abu Taalib and his mother

was Faatimah epjitf . Abu Taalib was the uncle of Nabi

Muhammad fJf . After the death of his grandfather, Abdul

Muttalib, Abu Taalib became his guardian and took great care for

him. He stooc by the side of our Nabi -v-tr through all the difficult

coalitions to such and extent that the disbelievers could not

trouble him. I'aa'.irnnh..^-. the mot be: o.'Ali .-..;-v . aiso accepted

tslaturi end migrated to Madccnah. When she passed away our

Nabi ^i-tP gave his garment for her shroud.

Ali Kij<3 grew up with Nabi MuhammadrLii-* who loved him

dearly. Ali 3ii§ in return served him sincerely. Ali .j?j-$ was the

first child to accept Islaam. He stood b\ llesiileoi einNnb; <'-?-in

every difficulty and hardship.


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rlAiQs-4 - [slaamic Upbringing:


(T) With whom did Ah --i'' jirau u|V.»

(2) What was the name of Ali --..*- '<; mother and did she accept 1

Teach [5] Days in theg Month

Lesson 18 Hijrah

When the Muslims received the order to migrate t

Madecnah, they began lea\ -big Makkah. The only Muslims left

behind were Nabi Muhammad -j.;;- , Abu Bakr ^ifi and Ali

.•.-~i~' .When Nabi Muhammad ->tr received the order Iron: Alkuh

to migrate to Madeenah, die disbelievers surrounded his house

with the intention to kill him. Nabi Muhammad >"KP asked Ali

to lay down on his bed as he proceeded with Abu Bakr.-s^f, to


Although the disbelievers of Makkah had great enmity with

our Nabi'-'-J-tHliey still kept their valuables u ah bin because they

had full convection in the trustworthiness of our Nabi fj^t. He

requested Ali ->iid to return all the valuables kept in trust by him to

their rightful owners before meeting him in Madeenah. Ali

u ithou; any fear, ia\ dow 11 on the bed of our Nabi 'i\? and re

all the trust to they owners before going to Madecnah.


Q) when did Ali -,-_.: emigrate to Vladeenah?

Teach Q3] Days in the 10^ Month

T P«nn 1Q Carriage and Participation

LesSOP 19in the Battles

Nabi Muhammad ''ivperformed the nikaah ofhis beloved

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daughter Faatimah iA-it' to AlU-wf! . The children of faaLmah

piiisl are called Sayyads.

Ah ..<»;' participated in a!' the btiU'cs agir.nsl '.he disbelievers

after migrating to Madeenah. Wlien Waleed and Shaybah c;

forward to challenge the Muslims during the Battle of Badr, Ali

.;-..i-~ stepped forward ami killed both of them. The mist welf

k:iowiK:ch:cveme:il ofAli >-/ was conquering the fort of Khaybar.

Apart from these incidents, he displayed his matchless valour and

courage in many olher battles.

Nabi Muhammad -':;-)- left Ali >+/ behind in Madeenah to

take care for his family during the expedition of Tabuk. On this

occasion Nabi Muhammad *#said, "O Ali! You are to me i

HaaroonliAL was to Moosafitifct ."


Who performed the Nikaah of Ali S*S ?

(2) What was one of Ali -•„* s well-known achievement?

(D What did Nabi Muhammad 'rf- say to Ali ^, at the time ofTabuk?

Teach \T\ Days in theg Month

Lesson 20 Khilaafah and His Life ofPoverty

The Muhaajireen and Ansaar insisted thai Ali -•-.,eishould

be the Khaleefah after UthmaaB^if; was martyred. They pledged

allegiance to him on Sunday, 21 Dhul Hijjah in (he Masjidun

Nabawi. He remained the Khaleefah for only five years. His

period of khilaafah was filled with, iria.s and civ il wars. During

his time the Muslims began to fight each other due to st

misunderstandings. Although Ali ;>J$ did his best to stop these

fights, the fire could not be extinguished and many Muslims

lost their lives.


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\-T>r:frr iy?>Z'<rr r>r>f>^- ryr>pK-lp^CA-4 -rislaamic Upbringing^/^,

III^^fS^MS@^£Ali ^*i^ always lived a life of abstinence and did not pay any

addition to the wealth of this world. He could not add much to

household possessions ihtii Nabi .Ylub;;mi:iad "','•:•" had given

Faatimah >.^ when she was married. He worked as a labourer

and even did the household chores himself, such as bringing the

water. His wife. Faalimah ^^-, used lo ground the Hour herself.

did her housework herself, lived simpiy and dressed in co

clothes. In fact, they would often be left without any food. Despite

this, they w oald not allowed a begga to lea\ e emriiy-lianded.


© Who became ill . I. Ii • I Ihirajn.-.,''

© Describe the life of Ali S*i#.

Teach [jj] Days in theg Monlh

Lesson 21 Martyrdom

This body of goodness was not left in peace and people also

plotted to kill him. Ali .-..^ was going for Fajr Salaah when the

wretched Abdt.r Rahmaan bin Muljim struck him with his sword.

This made a deep wound in his body. As the blade ofthe swordwcovered with poison, it soon spread throughout his body. The

people arrested Ibn Muljim. On Friday night, 20 Ramadhaan Ali

~'~S left for his abode in Jannah. Innaa Lillaahi wa Innaallayhi


© Relate the incident of the martyrdom of Aliaaj*.

Teach TJlnXWJ Month Date

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v;./->> -vv-V [Deer Made Easy]r


Deen Made Easy Deen is t lead ou lives according t a the

eor-mards of Alfaah Ta'a la and the sunrtah way of Nabi |


Words ofEncouragement

Hadeeth : Nabi Muhammad <:y said. "Deen is easy."

[Sho'abul Imaan : 3881, Abu Hurairah-'-^l

The success ofall mankind both in this world and the hereafter

is in practising Deen. Deen is our great necessity just as water and

air. Therefore, it is the duty of every Muslim to learn and practise

Deen.Allaah I " ! Deen so easy that every persor. can

practise upon it.

Dccn has five branches. There arc Imaaniyaat ifuiiln.

Ibaadiiai (acts of worship), Mu'aamalaat (business dealings)

Mi/aashurah (social :l'c) and Akhiaaipvaai (good character). The

promise horn II li I> i

I • 'i in Deen depends on Deen

being present in all five branches.

Guidelinesfor the Teacher

Keeping in mind the Deeni upbringing of the students, we have

I 'in I" a|

i innI i

i "i.i ' i li. to lead our

entire lives according to the commandments ofAllaah Ta'aala and

the way ofNabi Muhammad JK?~ is also Deen.

Iwpluii- iodicsituli.-H-. ilua

Imaaniyaat (Faith) are things that one should sincerely

believe in.

Page 144: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

Islaamic Upbringing(Z


r/2- 1



Ibaadaat (Acts ot'VVorsliip) ure in perform salaah, to fast, to

pay zakaah and to perform hajj etc


Mu'aamalaat (Business Dealings) are the ways of

conducting our transjl In n h J selling

Mu'aasharali (Social Life) is the manner of behaving with

the people one frequently meets.

Akhlaaqnaaf (Good C'ha racier) :ifc ibe inicr ciialilics

person, i.e. to be good, to be truthful etc.

] he Ah.iudeelh mentioned under the subject "Hil'zul-

Hadeeth" are kept in mind for the preparation ofthese lessons.

Whatever has been mentioned before lesson No.l regarding

the five branches of Dccn should be repeated before every

lesson. All the advices given in each lesson should be instilled

in the minds ofthe students and they should be encouraged to

practice accordingly.

Allaah Ta'ala has placed the success of

all mankind in this world and the hereafter in Deen

and there are five branches of Deen:

mlmaaniyaat Fj] Ibaadaat PTI Mu'aamala./„„'/„

To fulfill the commands ofAllaah Ta'ala as shown to us by

Nabi Muhammad >i^r in a 1 1 these branches iscalledDeen.

Page 145: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

Lesson 1 Hadeeth (3j) Regarding Imaaniyaat


son : HonourAllaahTa'ala he will forgive you.

O One who his llic ureal ness ofAllaah, will fearAllaah.

One who fears Allaah w til keep away from si

Teach la] Days in lher]M[

Lesson 2 Hadeeth (32) Regarding Ibaadaat

Onewho fasts save himselffrom the fire ofJahannam.

One who fasts abstains from sin,

Fasting guards a person against many diseases.

Teach JTj]Pa




e 6g Month oate

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Mn-nm,!.,-,.' - ^1119C£ ^Jkll'l

"" .' ,^"^-<A,(' ^r [DeenMade Easy] ;r<£j\ W^;Lesson 3 Hadeeth (£3) Regarding Mu'aamalaat

<^UJ1 Sil 6*J

Translation : Allaah curses the thief.

Theft is a serious sin.

O Allaah becomes very displeased with a thief.

A thief is disgraced and disliked by the people.


Days in the 7*] Month

Lesson 4 Hadeeth (34) Regarding Mu'aasharah

fi £»&Utf^

Translation : Do not argue with your brother,

Islaam dislikes fights and arguments.

|m O People keep away from one who lights and argues.

People love those who do not fighl or argue.

Teach jo] Pa




e 7^ Month Date

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Lesson 5 Hadeeth (35) Regarding Akhlaaqiyaat

J&xki\ &>, CuSiJI (j|

[Abu Daawood :47B4 At yy.i-_--._rt1

Translation : Ve;\A- anger is from Shaytaan.

Anger for no reason is Haraam and an evil iiahit.

One who becomes angry sutlers gar.tly.

Allaah is displeased with one who loses his temper

and loves one who exercises patience


Days in the Month

Lesson 6 Hadeeth@ Regarding Imaaniyaat


Translation : He who obeys me shall enter Jannah.

O It is necessary for us to believe that Muhammad ---.;.;-f is the

messenger ofAllaah.

It is necessary for us to follow the ways of our Nabi 'Ljc*r.

Teach ^P^j^ Month oate

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M.iiitat^^-4 -:islaamic Upbringing 1/x-l

"slyii y~} [Deen Made Easy] ;f<pjVT^rAv':

Lesson 7 Hadeeth (37) Regarding Ibaadaat

[Muslim : 6757, Abu Huroirahj^j"I

Translation : Sadaqah does not decrease wealth.

One who gives Sadaqah is saved from disasters and

Allaah loves he who gives Sadaqah.

\j Sadaqah cools a.iyc: of Allaah.

Teach Ro] Days in Hie [gm] Month

Lesson 8 Hadeeth(38)Regarding Mu'aamalaat


O Seek halaal sustenance and protect your selffrom haram.

Onewho is nourished from haram will burn in Jahannam.

To earn halaal

Teach ^°a




e 9g Month a ate

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Lesson 9 Hadeeth(39)Concerning Mu'aasharah

IjjUj USl^j

O To give something to someone for the pleasure of Allaah is

called a gift

Exchanging and accepting gifts was the practice of our


Exchanging gifts increases love and sympathy among people.

Teach 10 Days in the 10" Month

Lesson 10 Hadeeth(40)Concerning Akhtaaqiyaat


Translation : Keep away from telling lies.

Telling lies is a major sin and an evil habit.

Telling lies leads a person to si

People look down on a liar.

Teach l^Pa




eg Month oate

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yp.i&£& -Languageps&CZ)/


Arabic : Arabic is the language spoken by the Arabs. iWords ofEncouragement

Qur'aaiir t^fe^jS AiijST t)| [SuratuYusuf:2]

i : Indeed. We ha\c revealed the Qur'aan in the Arabic


Every Muslim should have a deep love for the Arabic

language. He should make an effort to learn il because it is the

language of Islaam, the language ofthe Qur'aan, the language ul

our Nubi <)v" and Ike language of the people ol'.lannah.

Guidelinesfor the Teacher

The names of fruit, colours and occupations have been

included in the Arabic syllabus for this year. This short syllabus

may be taught in the first month.

To create an interest to learn the Arabic language in the

slLidenN leach ll-esc simple wo \N colleclivcly. lie lasi Idler of

every word is to be changed into a Saakin when ihem. Ko:

example: the word Quj istobereadas £_ls5 . Moreover, during

practice, ask questions after altering the sequence and pattern of


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Lesson 1 /yuits

-^— -


Apple c&

Pomegranate &Uj


Grape CJ-&

Orange 0&j4 i


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c^ rrr>c^> rvr>c^<- rCT>Z'fr '-




Banana 5*°




Chiku l^tii

Teacli^Days *'•!-

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Lesson 2 Colours

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~K> r'Ar>cKr or >ck> r i


rr > pr

yp.i&£& -LanguageA^-r^/

Lesson 3 Occupations

£ IT


Carpenter 5tU


Doctor ^rif

Tailor iip.

Policeman d£>s

Page 155: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

\\m Blacksmith Sl&

Driver &2*

Engineer (J^r*

Cook tto


| Guard c-jti

|Teach T] P„Yhs

e13 Month Da .6 'l£

cS l*nm'i.

Page 156: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

\^j\Zj>/ifr '- tY?.> r:tr <- or>c^-- <y?>z


L'rdu : The language generally spoken by the Muslims


; of India

Words ofEncouragement

Urdu is an excellent and sweet language. Our pious elders

have written many books explaining the meanings ofthe Qi

and Hadeeth in simple words. To understand and he loll! from

these books it important that we learn the Urdu language.

Therefore, we should make an effort to learn to read, wrh

speak the Urdu language.

Guidelinesfor the Teacher

The Urdu syllabus for this year includes a Nazam and a few

stories ofthe Ambiyaa '\><J?. The dillkull words have beer slated

after every lesson with their meanings. These should be learnt

with cvl:\ lesson. WKt.iig practice has also been included in the

Urdu syllabus. Do no: suffice only w ill: whal had been given in

litis book, but choose other words to practise writing as well.

These ought to be done as homework and brought to class the

following day.


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mf£L;&Ci5~ Language

^Z%fJ~y/r^3^] mmLesson 1 ^JVf!


Ik jt-" 1/ t(Jh t^J tf^

l/U J/* ._.> lAl/ JL 0>J&


Lis J& If) <i_j(b ,- ft-; <f'ftj$»i-~i£^b*

Lb gl£ tjf£j{\Ji\ji\ ijujA^iA^'C jtjtf^

Lfe j*i 2F/c" ii/L *.Ji

\b.j^'jOhjfijt{>j>i<L-iy\ J-J^Jo^J-^jJW

Lb jfJ? t/'vC-x/^ L-l&U&^vm^

Lb trtfo w/«L yjWj $'i/Xif'\Sa <f-^ Z a

_;fyj :,>C ijjj: j^, jwj^> :L<P-

.A,-f:ObjJJJ}/jtxUV--UtfJj 1

Teach 20|,DXz3 Month D Ste

Page 158: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

r -'J. .f^Ma 5 - Language £-/4£f Ifj^X -

Lesson 2 &j&S($&&^?>f&&(%U^?> I

^jUi \f>m&&\f£}*d&& bj&tffy .£- \)h citify. 3i)<£

Teach [<j] Days in theg Month

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Teach [^ Days in the glYlonlh

Lesson 4 Jj^SoK.^

Page 160: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

,>j'v ^£;r£s5 ^LanguageS^-'C^J

Lesson 5 iJ^j^JpO^V^/^

Page 161: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

-7 f^fcs - Lanouane^-vfe^^ v"

^y>i5 -Language"?


Teach \T\ Days in the [4^ Month

Lesson 6 i^;lX/^j^j£y^y2?

Page 162: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

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- rCv^cS 5 .- Language £.-*&££]fj :


Days in theg Month

Lesson 7 ^lU-^,^^juJfP^^>y^/^

Page 163: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

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TeachWPX*^F"™* V* ]HH I

:S^> I

Lesson 8 ^^c^/r^wW^y^j(JuJ

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Teach Qi] Days in Hie [5^ Month


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Teach [in] Days in theg Month

Lesson 11 J^^m&iS^f*

Page 167: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

%k*/2t'.- Language

^'SXBE" 11

Lesson 12 Jji4ji\c$ft®&lffef>

Page 168: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

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Teach [12] Days in the [7*] Month

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Lesson 13 c/i'd-/^

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Teachi13 ^B^S- Month |o als |||| ~^|g're

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Lesson 15 J<&c^\JfJs)\r

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Teach \n\ Days in theg Month

Lesson 16 (If^d?/

£. fJiS<jh,\ df/jtynj. j>(j>-2£: ifjsL t fit/5 £_$

Page 174: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

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Page 175: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

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JTeaoh io| H.X^ Month|

D ...|j

™ ||g I

Page 176: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

m\ X — Questions

Questionsfor the First Month

Du'aa CD What are the du'aas andand : wudhu?(2)Whatare thedu'aasSunnah of usingthetoilet?

© Recite the Al-Kalimatush Shahaadah and Al-

Aqaa'id . Imaanul Mufas.fBelielsl ' rrv world come into existence

by itself? ©Who are the angels? i

© What are the words recited in salaah?Salaah : (5) What is the method of performing the Witr

saiaahand recite Ad- Du'aa-ul-Qunoot?

Isfaamic. Which Sahabi >V compiled the Qufaan in the form

Knowledge we have it today?

©What are the Arabic names for apple, grape,orange and banana? (2) What are the Arabic words

Arabic : for red, yellow and blue ? Q) What do the

translations ofthe following words:

Questionsfor the Second Month

Surahs*: Recite Suratut Teen and Suratul Qadr.

Du'aa © What are the du'aas and Sunnah ways for

and : entering and leaving the house? (2) What are theSunnah du'aas to be recited in the morning and evening?

©Why did Allaah reveal books? © WhichAqaa'id . heavenly book will it be necessary to act upon until

(Beliefs! ' the Day of Judgement ? (3) Who is a Rasool ?

© Why did Allaah send Rasools?

© What is the rule of performing salaah with

5 = iaa h Jarnaa'ah?aaiaan

. ^ Exp |ain the methods of performing salaah with

Jamaa'ah and the method ofthe Jumu'ah salaah?

e the four well-known In

j:_< '^J^.UJ\£liJ>j£\)<iStJ/

Page 177: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive



Questionsfor the Third Month

'urahT: Redte Suratuz zilzaal and SuratuI Aadiyaal.

lu'aa gj What arethe etiquettes of reciting the Qur'aan


h' andthedu'aaaftertheAdhaan?

. , © What was the name of our Nabi'J-^-?® WhoAqaa'id Zl\i : was the last Nabi-^? ® What is the Day of

(Beliefs) Qiyaamah? © What are the signs ofQiyaamah?

Masaa'il © When can salaah be performed in a sitting

IS) Salaah : position? © How is salaah performed in a sitting



Questionsfor the Fourth Month



Aqaa'id Aqaa'id

(Beliefs)/D " [



: Recite SuratuI Qaari'ah and Suratut Takaathur.

. What are the etiquettes of greeting with salaan

and shaking hands?

© What is Taqdeer ? © What have we beer

(Beliefs): tau9 nt about Taqdeer? © Why did the previous

nations go astray?


What are the translations of


Page 178: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

fc ^7 Questions --J0- V^H

Questionsfor the Fifth Month


: Recite Suratul Asr and Suratul Humazah


Du'aa What are the Sunnah ways of wearing clothes?

and : What are the du'aas for boarding a vehicle and theSunnah du'aa for looking into a mirror?

Aqaa'id .©Willtherebelifeafterdeath?© What is life after

(Beliefs) " death?® Whatwill happen after reckoning?



CD For which salaahs will Qasr be performed?

. © When can a traveller begin Qasr Salaah?aaa


(3) What will happen if a traveller performs salaah~

in full?

Upbringing Kn'rmilBdQfl: What is RiyaadhulJannah?

LanguageWhat are the translations of


Questionsfor the Sixth Month


8: Recite Suratul Feel and Suratul Quraysh.


: Reci,e from Hadeelh °ne to TwentV




il-Husna: Recite the names ofAllaahfrom^^JISil^up to^ljyt

Masaa'il . CD What are the Faraa'idh of wudhu and Ghusl?(Rules) © What are the things that break the wudhu?



Q) Briefly summarise the life of Nabi MuhammadSeerab : >j-; fc in Makkah and Madeenah @ What good

qualities did Abu Bakr -Mii have from a young age?

LanguageWhat is the translations of


Page 179: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

m Questions

Questionsfor the Seventh Month

Recite Suratul Maa'oon and Suratul Kauthar

Recite from Hadeeth Twenty-one to Thirty.

Recite the names of Allaah

from (Jjjiailjl up to^l^lJ(JSL>Jl,S

©During which times is it

perform salaah? © What things break the

Salaah? (3) Describe the method ofTayammum_

©Who accompanied Nabi Muhammad';?- during

the Hijrah ? (2) Whom did the Muslims appoint as

. Seerah : Khaleefah after Nabi Muhammad -W passedaway? © Describe the incident of how Umar

What/L _.. .



Questionsfor the Eighth Month

Hifdhul: Recite Hadeeth thirty-one, thirty-two and thirty-three.

HI? #«5 : Recite the names of Allaah fromfijJwiljSup forfeit

Masaa'il Masaa'il. whataretheWaajibaatofs;

© Describe the migration ofUmar&itf?


What an

Page 180: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

v Questions --J0- V^H

Questionsfor the Ninth Month

: Recite Suratul Falaq and Suratun Naas.

: Recite Hadeeth thirty-four, thirty-five and thirty-s




: Recite the names of Allaah from,>jJlAil;Aup toji^l

_ (J) What is Zakaah?' © On whom is Zakaah Fardh?

©Who became the Khaleefah after Umar *M ?

.©What did Uthmaan->4s3 do after consulting the

Sahabah? (3) Mention an incident about the

generosity of Uthmaan sffif


Questionsfor the Tenth MonthMonth

thirty-eight, thirty-nine

omg^jiaiiljiup toj^Jj!

latglad tidings do the

ive for people who


thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine



Masaa'il '

:s of Allaah from^^jtsiljiup toj;

© What is Fasting? © What glad tidings do the

: Qur'aan and Ahadeeth give for people whoperform Hajj?

CD What are the well-known achievements of

-*•/ ? (2) Describe the incidentofthe martyrdom

Of AfliSfc*.

What are the tn

Page 181: Deeniyat Primary School Syllabus Books - Internet Archive

^^4 How to fill in this chart

Fajr-F Zuhr-Z

Maghrib-M 'Isha-I

O Ifthe Salaah was performed with jamaa'ah,

mark with a tick(vO eg:

C IftheS il i ii i lliou Jamaa'ah

mark with a circle ( (j ).eg

C IfthcSalaahwas nadi

mark with a cross (X ) eg: mO Ifthe Salaah was not performed al all. do in

mark anything. Eg urnO Mark in the above manner according la the dates given.

O Motivate the students to perform Salaah with Jamaa'ah and

instruct them to perform Qadhaa of the Salaah they have


O At the end of every month sign [lie Salaah chart and inslruel

the students to request their parents to also sign.

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Salaah Chart mJANUARY


-f/:y '-


Date F Z A M I I Date F Z A M Date F Z A M I

1 F Z A M I 1 F Z A M 1 F Z A M I

2 F Z A M I 2 F Z A M 2 F Z A M I

3 F Z A M I 3 F Z A M _3_ F Z A m' I

4 F I Z AjWl| I 4 F _Z_ A M 4 F I Z I A M~ i

5 F ZI

A M I 5 F Z A M 5 F Z A M I

6 F Z|A MM I 6 F Z A M 6 F Z A M I

7 F Z A M I 7 F Z A M 7 F Z A M I

8 F Z A M I 8 F z A M 8 F Z A M I

9 F Z A M I 9 F z A M 9 F'

Z A M10 F Z A MJ I 10 F z A M 10 F Z A M' 1

11 F Z A M I 11 F z A M 11 F Z A M I

12 F Z | A M, I 12 F z A M 12 F Z A M I

13 F ZIA M I 13 F z A M 13 F Z A M I

14 F|

Z A M^ I 14 F z A M 14 F Z A m" 1

15 F Z A M I 15 F z A M 15 F , Z A M16 F Z A M I 16 F z A M 16 F Z A M I

17 F Z A M I 17 F z A M 17 F Z A M I

18 F Z A m| I 18 F z A M 18 F Z A m" I

19 Fj

Z . A M I 19 F z A M 19 F Z A M I

20 F Z|

A Ml 20 F z A M 20 F Z A M 1

21 F Z A M I 21 F z A M 21 F Z A M 1

22 F Z A M I 22 F z A M 22 F Z A M 1

23 F Z A' M 1 23 F z A M 23 F Z A M24 F Z A Ml [24 F z A M 24 F Z A M 1

25 F Z A M I 25 F z A M 25 F Z A M 1

26 F Z A M I 26 F z A M 26 F Z A M 1

27 F Z A M I 27 F z A M 27 F Z A M 1

28 F Z A M I 28 F z A M 28 F Z A M 1

29 F Z A M I 29 F z A M ' 29 F Z A M 1

30 F Z A M I 30 F Z A M 1

31 F Z A M I j 31 F Z A M 1


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m Salaah Chart


M F Z A M I Date F Z A M 1

1 F Z A Ml2 F Z A M I

Dale FjZ A M 1

1 F|Z A M I

2 F Z A M I

3 F Z A M I

5 F Z A M I

6 F Z A M I

7 F Z A M I

8 F Z A M I

9 F'


10 F Z AM I

11 F Z A M I

1 F Z A M I

2 F Z A M I

3 F ZIA M I 3 F Z A M I

4 F I Z I AjM


5 F Z A M I

6 F Z A M I

7 F Z A M I

8 F Z A M I

5 F ZI


6 F Z|A Ml

7 F Z A M I

8 F Z A M I

9 F Z|A M I 9 F Z A M I

10 F Z A M I10 F z| A M 1

11 F Z A M 1 11 F Z A M I

12 F Z


A M, 1 12 F Z A M I 12 F Z A M I


|Z ' A M^ t

15 F Z 1 A M 1 15 F Z A M I

16 F Z A M I

17 F Z A Ml -LLL




16 F Z A M 1

17 F ZIA M 1

18 F Z A M 1 18 F Z A M I

19 F i Z .A M 1 19FZAMI

I19 F Z A

IM 1


20 F Z | A M! 1

21 F Z A M 1

22 F Z A M 1 22 F Z A M I 22 F Z A M I

23 F Z A M 1 23 F Z A M I

24 F Z A M I

25 F Z AMI26 F Z AM I

27 F Z A M I

28 F Z A M I

23 F Z A M I

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26 F Z A M I

27 F Z A M I

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24 F Z | A Ml 1

25 F Z AMI26 F Z A M 1

27 F Z A M 1

28 F Z A M 1

29 F Z A M 1 29 F Z A M I

30 F Z A M 1 30 F Z A M I

31 F Z A M I

ss signature|

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Salaah Chart



! F Z A M



Date F Z A M 1 1

1 F Z A M 1

2 F Z A M 1

3 F Z A M 1

4 F Z A M 1

5 F Z A M 1

6 F Z A M 1

7 F Z A M 1

8 F z A M 1

9 F z A M 1

10 F z A M 1

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12 F z A M 1

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15 F z A M 1

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19 F z A M 1

20 F z A M 1

21 F z A M 1

22 F z A M 1

23 F z A M 1

24 F z A M 1

25 F z A M 1

26 F z A M 1

27 F z A M 1

28 F z A M 1

29 F z A M 1

30 F z A M 1

S£ signature|

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m F Salaah Chart


1 F Z A Ml2 F Z A M I

ate F Z A M I

1 F|Z A M I

2 F Z A M I

3 F Z A M I

4 F Z A M I

5 F Z A M I

6 F Z A M I

7 F Z A M I

8 F Z A M I

9 F'


10 F Z AM I

11 F Z A M I

1 F Z A M 1

2 F Z A M 1

3 F Z A mTT 3 F Z A M I

4 F 1 Z A j M| I 4 F Z A M I

5 F Z A M I

6 F Z A M I

7 F Z A M I

8 F Z A M I

5 F ZI

A M 1

6 F Z | A M|l7 F Z A M 1

8 F Z A M 1

9 F Z A MTV 9 F Z A Ml10 F Z A M I10 F Z


A MTT11 F Z A M 1 11 F Z A M I

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M t \

15 F Z A M 1 15 F Z A M I

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IM 1


20 F Z|

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22 F Z A M 1 22 F Z A M I 22 F Z A M I

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31 F Z A M I

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26 F Z A M 1

27 F Z AMI28 F Z A M 1

29 F Z A M 1

30 F Z A M 1

31 F Z A M 1


S£ signature|

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Monthly Attendance, Absence a!;J [~Cf'ft and the Fees Chart >^^^


Present AbSen, Fees 5SS Parent's
