deep space network

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Post on 04-Nov-2015




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Deep Space Network


  • Deep Space Network

  • Deep Space Network

    Definition and HistoryFeaturesLatest researchesNASA first DSI test(Working)Revolution in Technology

  • DefinitionThe Deep Space Network, or DSN, is an international network of communication facilities that supports interplanetary spacecraft missions, and radio and radar astronomy observations for the exploration of the solar system and the universe.DSN is part of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

  • HistoryThe forerunner of the DSN was established in January, 1958, when JPL, then under contract to the U.S. Army, deployed portable radio tracking stations in Nigeria, Singapore, and California to receive telemetry and plot the orbit of the Army-launched Explorer 1, the first successful U.S. satellite. NASA was officially established on October 1, 1958, to consolidate the separately developing space-exploration programs of the Army, Navy, and Air Force into one civilian organization.Under this concept, it has become a world leader in the development of low-noise receivers; large parabolic-dish antennas; tracking, telemetry, and command systems; digital signal processing; and deep space navigation.

  • FeaturesIts an Interplanetary NetworkIts a node to node transmissionIt follows save and transfer methodIts a fully automated transmissionIt is known an Delay or Disruption-Tolerant Network(DTN)Failing of IP/TCP in space missions


  • Latest ResearchesFirst use of this DSN technology as DSI by NASA(JPL)Deep Space Internet(DSI)Surfing the web from outer space with more than 10X boosted speed.

  • NASAs First DSI Test(Working)NASA and GOOGLE hand-in-hand.Used 10 nodes while this experiment.Epoxi Spacecraft was the main node.Used EM waves instead of radio waves.Totally different from IP/TCP.

  • Revolution in technologySurfing the net would be more easier, faster an safer.We can send to end information in the Solar SystemComplex missions involving multiple landed, mobile and orbiting spacecraft will be far easier to support through the use of the Interplanetary Internet