defenders of sportsland

A LuckySports Adventure By Robert Tiritilli and Charles Hellman

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Defenders of SportsLand is a LuckySports cartoon-style sports adventure series pitting Coach Wiffle and his happy-go-lucky TeamMates against the villain TROUBLE and his bully gang of Hoo-Doos, who threaten to cast a dark force of doom and gloom on SportsLand.


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A LuckySports Adventure

By Robert Tiritilli and Charles Hellman

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All rights reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form. All contents of this book including the concept, elements of design and layout, graphic images and elements, unless otherwise noted, is copyrighted material and protected by trade and other laws and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part. Violators will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible. No logo, graphic, character or caption from any page may be copied or retransmitted unless expressly permitted in writing by LuckySportsTM. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.

ISBN 978-0-935938-37-1Written & Illustrationed by Robert A.Tiritilli

Cover & Interior Designed by Charles S. HellmanEdited by David Siemienski

Copyright 2013

ALL RIGHT RESERVED39844 Somerset Ave.

Palm Desert, CA

(760) 861-2174

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Almost every major ac-complishment in life starts with the decision to try again and again – to get up after every failed attempt and give it another shot. Getting a second chance in life is about being given the oppor-tunity to grow beyond past fail-ures. It’s about positively adjust-ing your attitude toward future possibilities. Negative thinking creates negative results. Positive thinking creates positive results. We rarely get things right the first time. When life throws us nasty curveballs, it typically doesn’t make any sense to us. That’s why we all deserve second chances. The world isn’t per-fect. People aren’t perfect. Neither is sporting goods equipment. LuckySports are sport cartoon characters in the shape of sporting goods equipment. They all got lucky - they were res-cued and given a second chance in life to live and play against each other in SportsLand - a magical sports themed place which floats on a cloud high in the sky, higher than any other cloud. There’s always some mayhem going on in SportsLand be-tween the LuckySports characters. Whether the sport is soccer, baseball, or football... when one game’s finished, another’s begun.

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There are two teams for each sport - the TeamMates and the Hoo-Doos. The TeamMates represent the “good” LuckySports who are the “DEFENDERS OF SPORTSLAND”. They try to prevent their bully arch-rivals - the “not-so-good” Hoo-Doos – from overtaking Sports-Land and destroying the fun and enjoyment of playing sports in Sports-Land. Unfortunately, TROUBLE - the dreaded leader of the Hoo-Doos - wants to turn SportsLand into a glitzy BADLANDS amusement center. .

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The TeamMates battle the Hoo-Doos in whimsical-ly designed stadiums and arenas in SportsLand. It’s the clas-sic struggle between good and evil taking place during the many of the aspects of their sporting contest and adventures.

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Nothing in the universe ever gets lost. Not even old worn out sporting equipment.

Remember that old softball you hit over the fence into the neigh-bors yard and never found? Or the broken bat Mom tossed in the trash can? The equipment doesn’t want to stop playing the games they were born to play. They love sports as much as humans. So they get another chance, playing in the most important games of their lives- with the TeamMates as participants in the BIG GAME and as “DEFENDERS OF SPORTSLAND”, because it’s sport at its finest playing for “FUN” and Defense--- of the Sporting life.

Only the most worthy of sports equipment get to SportsLand. Those who don’t meet FUN requirements remain inanimate and end up in land dumps.

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What is SportsLand?

SportsLand is a colorful cartoon sports themed world, filled with whimsical - designed stadiums and arenas, where playing fields take place of battlegrounds. The TeamMates battle the Hoo-Doos on the beautiful fields - as the classic struggle between good and evil takes on many of the aspects of a sporting contest.

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But SportsLand is also a fun place, where the buildings as well as the inhabitants look like sports equipment. A restaurant looks like a catch-er’s mitt. The local bus is a large basketball that bounces down Bubble Gum Way picking up and letting off the passengers. In the golf land, all the lockers are built underground and you get to them via holes in the greens.

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Travel is done over the scenic, Bubble Gum Way. SportsLand goes on “forever” - no one has ever seen its beginning or end. Inside this happy land, joy is endless and music and play can be seen and heard always.

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ZINGO is the spirit leader, GUIDE and CONSCIENCE. Ab-sent minded... he forgets to take his vitamins. The Commissioner and Keeper of SportsLand. Appointed by high authority which cannot be understood by humans. Has total control of SportsLand. He lives in a sand castle floating above this hallowed place.

Who leads SPORTSLAND??

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Zingo brings sports equipment gone astray in the real world to enter SportsLand for rehabilitation, so they may return to the human world to help others. He controls who enters the Hall of Fun. He operates the “DE-VICE” which has more power than all existing and future computers combined. He loves and regulates the “GREAT LIGHT” that wraps around his parallel universe which allows Zingo to allow the partici-pants to go back and forth to SportsLand. The participants main goal is to return to earth. This light can only be seen by SportsLand dwellers, since it is way above human understanding.

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Zingo’s favorite plaything is the “Glowing Green Beam” which is sent to earth and activates life in equip-ment and “BEAMS” up participants to SportsLand.


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A key part of SportsLand is the amazing “HORNS”. Calling out joyfully at all times-the horns depict the “ sound of fun”, as Zingo and his happy band communicate their “love” of their existence. The land includes two key locations; The Control Center: The domain of the “GREAT ZINGO”. Here the monitoring of the fun and control of this neverending province is pledged.

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To enter “THE HALL OF FUN” is the goal of all permanent inhabitants of SportsLand. Entrance comes only through qualification that includes the highest sportsmanship and achievement.

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Music and laughter are constantly heard coming from this hal-lowed place. The latest dance steps are taught by some of the soccer and tennis TeamMates, but no human can understand what’s actually going on.

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In the far reaches of SportsLand are the “BADLANDS”. This is where the “Not so Good Guys” live. The BADLANDS are the home of the Hoo-Doos and TROUBLE. It borders on the fringes of SportsLand. It is beyond the the weeds in the vast darkness and des-ert. Here dwell the HooDoos. The Hoo-Doos and TROUBLE want all of SportsLand for themselves ----and will do anything to get it. The BADLANDS are weed infused -no trees. Nothing grows but black moss-like vegetation and caves full of a dark smoke. Here the Hoo-Doos dwell. Trouble is the dreaded leader of the Hoo-Doos and wants to turn SportsLand into a glitzy amusement center, Complete with a gigantic parking lot for sale to the highest bidder. Trouble has unleashed his marauding troops, bringing chaos to this peaceful land.

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Who lives in SportsLand??LuckySports cartoon characters live and play sports there.

There are two types of LuckySports: The TeamMates and the HOO-DOOS.


The squeeky clean characters, who are the “Good Guys”. They will always do everything to “DEFEND SportsLand” forever.Athletic gear with attitude, that’s the way to think about Team-Mates - their world filled with sports items that walk, talk, and play the games they were made to play---and in an emergen-cy; try to help other TeamMates in games they designed for.The balls, gloves, shoes, etc. are all alive in SportsLand. Even the base-ball field has a personality of it’s own - or personalities -in the case of the baseball stadium where ghosts of former legends still prowl the field.

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These sporting goods characters are jealous of the TeamMates and are their arch rivals. They try every dirty little trick to beat their com-petition. Their major goal is to take over SportsLand and promote their devious ways of life. They want all of SportsLand for themsselves, and will do anything to get it. Only the TeamMates stand between them and total doom.The live in the dark and dangerous “BADLANDS”. The few TeamMates who approach the border live in constant peril. And even the bravest of the TeamMates, is nervous when he or she goes anywhere near there. Head to head- nose to nose- LET THE GAMES BEGIN!

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On a dreary fence post surrounding a Little League field in the middle of a major rainstorm hangs a wet and lonely baseball glove. After many years of use and countless repairs to its stitching and web-bing... has this abandoned hero of the diamond seen its end?

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In the back of a cold and dark spot in an abandoned garage lies a baseball as ancient as it is worn. Its life has extended for many sea-sons bringing fun and enjoyment to its owners until it now lies worn and torn with teeth marks and tape - but a hero none the less... is our hero down?

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At yet another location... in an alley behind the famous Yankee Stadium in a battered and filthy garbage can in a pityful condition is a splintered baseball bat. Used by the professionals for years, he has appeared in World Series and in almost every major league ball park. His exterior is almost shattered, but is there any spirit left? It’s only a matter of time before the city dump truck... Bleep! Bleep! Its way backing up to gather this hero of many historic games only to be yet another remnant in a horrible landfill.

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From a power line in poorest part of a major city...hangs a beat-en, patched pair of baseball cleats have endured years of abuse which brought joy to several former owners.Now they hang in pathetic isolation; forlorn, undignified and totally abandoned. It’s only a matter of time before the power company will remove them to the garbage dump without any respect or consider-ation. Are these heroes headed out for a tragic end after long and dedi-cted service? Our is at the end? AND these ----is this the end and their “TOTAL FINISH”?

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High above SportsLand in his sand castle observes Zingo. He jumps into action... he activates the “GREAT GREEN LASER BEAM” from his control center. He then turns on the “GREAT LIGHT” to guide his intentions. The scan works a four prong beam sweeps back to earth aimed at his latest targets! The “GREAT BEAM” glows and flows. The earth is enlightened and those poor forlorn sports equipment souls are enpowered. Zamarooomeee they are enboldened---“Whaa laah” they are welcomed into SportsLand.

Using “the device” and the “great light,” Zingo beams them up, to the promise land.

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“Hello SportsLand!”

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The “Great Zingo” from the control center monitors all sports equip-ment from the time it is creative on earth until it has served its useful-ness and is discarded to oblivion. But luckily there is no oblivion for chosen “Lucky Sports.” Zingo using the softest ware in the universe monitors their every move. As the “sports” reach their usefulness the control center has been keeping score. Good, bad, and or indifferent. Nobody can under-stand the scoring system. (No human mind is smart enough.) How-ever the system separates the sports into those who have been suc-cessful and productive, they become “teammates.” Those who have earthly problems and need rehabilitation become “Hoo-Doos.”

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“Hello TeamMates!”

“Hello TeamMates!”

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If they succeed they can return to earth as a new and rejuvenated “spirit”. Their rejuvenated spirit seems a-bit scared but their resurgent step leads them down Bubble Gum Way. Following the signs pointing to Baseball Town, they find their way very easily.

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Newly enpowered as TeamMates, they travel the famous “BUB-BLE GUM WAY”, on their way to BASEBALL TOWN. Upon ar-rival they met their mentor, Coach Wiffle.

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Coach Wiffle is the TeamMates guiding light! Because of his wis-dom he is the ultimate mentor. he provides a basic solution to every problem, including values. The coach provides the mental “bandage” to overcome all challenges. The coach has forgotten more about sports and life the anyone else. A tip of the hat brings undreamed of luck. Wiffle says “The harder you work the luckier you get”. A magic “AURA” surrounds him and seems to rub off on his devotees.

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Coach Wiffle is delighted to have these new players just in time to play in the most important game in the history of SportLand -the “Mega Game” - the TeamMates versus the Hoo-Doos for control of Baseball Town and most of SportLand.

The big game occurs only at an interval called “The Occasion” since there is no “real time” in SportLand except for time used during games being played.

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When these heroes entered BASEBALL TOWN, they were given a second chance to do further good to play again and to help defend SportsLand.

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The Hoo-Doos want all of SportLand. They want to take it over and turn it into a “big box” shopping center -or- any mega-use. They’ll do anything to get it. The Hoo-Doos are the anti-heroes of SportLand, their chief goal to dominate SportLand; this can only be accomplished by first winning the “BIG GAME”. The Hoo-Doos came to SportLand the same way the TeamMates did, but they never were rejuvinated and always display poor sports-manship and negative thoughts taught by their coach TROUBLE. Vio-lence and massive action drive them. They constantly challenge the TeamMates with their with their dirty tricks, bullying and teasing. There is more here than meets the eye... Arrive their leader and coach... Look out! Tromp! Clack! Tromp!

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It’s TROUBLE, that purple 8-ball - the dreaded leader of the Hoo-Doos. He is the “KING OF UNSCRUPULOUS”, the “Ghengis Khan” of SportLand’s glorious world. He teaches violence, dirty plays and cheating. His famous motto is “The only rule is... there are no rules!” His dream is to win at any cost...Beat Coach Wiffle and his crew and conquer SportLand.

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The Hoo-Doos are the street-wise sports equipment swaying ev-eryone down the wrong street. They can hand it out, but can’t take it... Like a pack of wolves they’re most dangerous when playing together as a team. The TeamMate always try to get the Hoo-Doos to see their errors and realize the madness in their ways when they say...“Hoo-Doo You Think You “R”?”

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“The Big Game”-- The Occasion--

It’s that moment the gathering for the final Game of the Series. All of Baseball Town is alive with emotion and sound. The very life of the TeamMates control of SportsLand rests on who wins.

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The umpire-in-charge of the Game is Mr. TweeT. He has the job of keeping the Hoo-Doos under control and make sure the game is played fair and square with some rules actually being followed by the Hoo-Doos.

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The effect of the “BIG GAME” can never be understood except if you are a “SPORTSLANDIAN”. It has a meaning throughout the total sports universe from earth all the way past the far reaches of the unknown “ULTRAZONE”. For with the victory not only goes control of Baseball Town by also possesion of the “PLUTONIUM- URANIUM” trophy the most coveted trophy ever created. ZINGO watches over the trophy at all times and it is given out only at the most prestigious times.

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Both teams are in their locker rooms... Gearing up for the game to end all games.

TeamMates’ locker room

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Hoo-Doo’s locker room

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The pressure is very high on our newest heroes. They are proven players, but they have never seen anything like this. The players take the field.

It’s almost game time - the final game of the best of seven se-ries. The Hoo-Doos won the first three games and the TeamMates won the last three. Listen up! It’s the voice of SportsLand, Mike o Phone. “Jumpin’ Fun Time,” he calls out. Everybody’s on the field and ready. All of SportsLand is on edge lets GO... It’s all “funality”.


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Mr. TweeT screams “PLAY BALL!”

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Wiffle was confident with the new additions to the lineup. He claims, “It’s a chance for these new TeamMates to show what they can do best.”

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Pitching for the Hoo-Doos is “Cannon Ball”. He is famous for his Illegal “BOMB BALL” and for striking out Homer on one pitch when he threw three balls at a time. He throws every cheat-ing pitch ever created including his favorite...“CURVED BALL.”

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The Hoo-Doos start yelling at the first TeamMate batter,“Hey Batter BatterHey Batter BatterHey Batter Batter

Su-wing Batter Batter,” as the Hoo-Doo pitcher deliveries the pitch.

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The TeamMate watch the ball go over the plate for a strike.“ST-RIKE THREE… you’re outta here!” shouts Mr. TweeT. Even TeamMates strike out sometimes

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No one feels worse than the TeamMates’ Coach Wiffle when one of his TeamMates is called out on strikes. A third-called strike is the last thing a batter never wants to happen, no matter the degree of flair or originality. Wiffle’s heart sank a bit, when Mr. Tweet gave his sig-nature ST-RIKE THREE call to the first batter. “If it’s a very doubtful call, I’ll feel annoyed with the umpire. Sure, it is part of the game but there’s a line acceptable umpire’s mis-take or beyond. If I swung at it and missed, I’m disappointed in me, but oh, well...”“If I’m done by a pitcher class above me, still disappointed but I wouldn’t feel too sad to be honest.”

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The next TeamMate - Cleatus walks--- Mitten doubles down the 1st base line --- advancing Cleatus to 3rd base.

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The crowd is tense, you can cut thr air with a butter knife.

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The crowd roars with approval as Slugger steps up to the plate.Sweat ran down his face, as he knocked the dirt from his cleats.The pitcher shook his head then nodded looking at the catcher.The pitcher wound up and released his curve ball.

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Slugger swung and smack, the bat let out a crack and the ball went flying. He crushed that pitch making a “BOOM” louder than an atomic explosion.


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The ball orbited out of the SportsLand universe and circled the Hubble telescope. The inning ended with the TeamMates leading by three runs.

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On the mound for the TeamMates is Homer. His pitch zooms at several hundred miles an hour and the Hoo-Doos have trouble hitting it, no-less seeing it.

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Screw ball


Grenade ballIllegal “BOMB BALL”

The Enforcer Snake Pit

The Hoo-Doos failed on their first attempt with one of their most devious tricks as Trouble goes Bonkers!!! He is yelling, “Pull all stops... no more Mister nice guy.” Once again Homer’s pitches are clocked over the speed of sound. The Hoo-Doos ability to score a run looks hopeless. But defensively, the Hoo-Doos are now preventing the TeamMates from scoring by us-ing all their cheating schemes including...

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Top of the 7th inning, the TeamMates fans stretch and started sing-ing. They are so happy to be still leading three to zip.

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Resulting in Homer losing his control and walking two Hoo-Doos.

When TROUBLE casts his fun-eradicator - EVIL EYE - on Homer, he becomes bluesy and sleepy.

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“Homer, you’re no good. Go back to earth where you belong!” taunt-ed the two Hoo-Doos.

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Now Trouble emerges with BIG “K” who swings the computer-ized illegal Laser Waser bat. The crowd and Coach Wiffle go wild say-ing, “No way!”

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Mr. TweeT is distracted when the Hoo-Doos throw water on him. Frustrated, Mr. TweeT loses his attention span and overlooks the “Laser Waser”. Next to bat for the Hoo-Doos is Big “K”.

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His powerful swing misses Homer’s knuckle ball. He laughs at Homer saying, “Your next pitch is otta here!” Next, Homer throws him his screaming fastball. POW! Big “K” blasts it half-way to Mars scor-ing three runs.

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TROUBLE yells at a Hoo-Doo saying, “Win or else!”

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It’s the top of the 9th inning, the Teamates are up. Knuckler--- triples to right field. Cleatus--- dribbles a slow roller down the 3rd base line. There’s a play at the plate. Knuckler looks like he is going to beat the throw, but wait! Oh! No! The Big “K”--- uproots home plate and Mr. TweeT--- calls Knuckler OUT!

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In the meantime, Cleatus runs all the way to 3rd base safely.

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It’s desperation time for Trouble and the Hoo-Doos. Trouble goes to the bull pen and brings in his secret weapon... the nuke ball. Not this time, the fans go wild. No Nuke “L” ball... that’s the most dangerous weapon ball ever thrown.

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NO WAY - Mr. TweeT sends the THING back to the dugout.

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Mitten is the next batter. She is calm and cool as a cucumber. The count is 2-2 and the Hoo-Doos are trash talking her. The Hoo-Doo’s catcher is trying to get into her head as he taunt her, sayin over and over... “Hey, batter batter, hey, batter, batter: swing.” Coach Wiffle shouts from the dugout, “Step up to the plate, girl: do your thing.” The Hoo-Doo catcher yells, “One more strike an’, buddy, you struck out.” “Hey, batter batter, hey, batter, batter: swing.” “Hey, batter batter, hey, batter, batter: swing.”

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With Cleatus is on 3rd base as the lead run. Trouble calls timeout to bring in his ace reliever, “Bean Ball” to pitch to Mitten.

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Mitten bats her eyes at Bean Ball... he instantly falls in love with her. He loses the moment in lust.

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Cleatus takes advanage of the situation and takes off to “steal’ home. He slides... in a gigantic cloud of dust. Cleatus has stolen home right in front of the Hoo-Doos and Trouble. The TeamMates now lead by a run.

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The first Hoo-DOO to bat swings and misses three times!

Mr. TweeT calls the lead-off Hoo-Doo in the ninth inning out!

It’s the bottom of the ninth inning and the last chance for the Hoo-Doos to score.

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The next two Hoo-Doo batters swing and miss - both Striking Out!

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The TeamMates’ efforts as Defenders of SportsLand once again protect SportsLand from the perils of gloom and take-over by the Hoo-Doos.

The TeamMates win the BASEBALL SERIES! The TeamMates win the BASEBALL SERIES!

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The trophy and most of all - The Defense of SportsLand is achieved. Great job TeamMates!

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Back go Trouble and the Hoo-Doos in defeat to the BADLANDS - that gloomy land, covered in dense and dangerous fog; where noth-ing grows and fun is non-existant.

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Beaten again, the resilient Hoo-Doos and TROUBLE will try another time to defeat those “too good” guys--- the TeamMates. They will find new devious ways to do so to erase the memory of Team-Mates’ victory in their quest to take over SportsLand.