defending sharepoint (veronique palmer) #spscpt

Defending SharePoint Veronique Palmer SPSCPT – 8 Sept 2012

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  • 1. Defending SharePointSPSCPT 8 Sept 2012 Veronique Palmer

2. Thats OK with perspective 3. Happy?Boundaries are hard 4. 15 Pet Peeves 5. 1SharePoint is Boring 6. Think DifferentlyThink CreativelyIs it You? 7. 2SharePoint VendorsSuck! 8. MaybeScope IssuesMoving Goalposts Nothing Defined SharePoint Huge Homework! 9. 3SharePointSucks! 10. No CommunicationNo AccountabilityInaccurate Data 11. No Sharing CultureAssume its BrokenI Havent Used it But 12. 4 There are betterproducts out there 13. IntegrationReplacement ValueThrow Away Society 14. 5SharePointis Ugly 15. Eye of BeholderBillions of EyesUgly IntranetsForm vs FunctionHighly Specialised! 16. 6SharePoint is Hard toUse 17. Training???No Training PlanNo Training BudgetHacked Up? 18. KISSNo Law RFTM 19. 7We CantFindAnything 20. Planning! TaggingNaming Standards FoldersSearchIs it You? 21. BIGDATA 22. 8SharePoint Can DoEverything 23. Expectations Not ManagedSelling Licenses / Free Licenses Quotas for Gold 24. Right Tool, Right JobDo Your Homework!ERP 25. 9 No-One Wants toTakeOwnership 26. Previous PointUnderstanding of ScopePolitics Get Out the Way! 27. 10 SharePointis Hard to Develop 28. Serious Whining!Then DontSolve Problems?Is it You? 29. 11 SharePoint isJust aDocument Management System 30. Not JustDont PigeonholeIts a PlatformExplore 31. 12 Theres No Support forUs 32. IT Responsible Inhouse GoogleBlogs Online ForumsPersonal Network Microsoft Excuse 33. 13 SharePointis Slow 34. IT ResponsibleFocus on Right StuffBack-end Business to Report 35. 14 SharePoint is Too Restrictive 36. Lack of Skills to Support?Over Governed?Motivation?See Bigger Picture 37. 15Microsoft is Ripping Us Off 38. 100 000+ EmployeesGlobal Eco SystemMillions of UsersJob Re-InventionOwn Dog Food 39. Ask not what SharePoint can do for you 40. But what YOU can do forSharePoint! 41. Sort Out People 42. Sort Out Processes 43. Clean Up Your Data 44. 45. [email protected]@veroniquepalmer