definitions and ids

Definitions and IDs • Frankfurt Assembly • Mazzini • Irish Potato Famine • suffrage The Communist Manifesto • The First International

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Definitions and IDs. Frankfurt Assembly Mazzini Irish Potato Famine suffrage The Communist Manifesto The First International. Questions and Imperatives. Discuss France after Napoleon Bonaparte’s second abdication. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Definitions and IDs

• Frankfurt Assembly• Mazzini• Irish Potato Famine• suffrage• The Communist Manifesto• The First International

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Questions and Imperatives

• Discuss France after Napoleon Bonaparte’s second abdication.

• Discuss the Revolutions of 1848 (France, Prussia, Austria, Italy) – Who, What, Why, and Significance

• Describe early socialism (Pre-Marx)• Discuss Karl Marx’s Economic and Revolutionary

Theories• What leads people to challenge conventional

ideas and practices? (Class discussion)

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France• Louis Philippe appeared to be a good Bourgeois King• Told middle class, “Go, make money for yourselves and

don’t let the nobility get in your way.”• accepted the tri-color flag, symbolic of the revolution• turned out to be a mean, tight-fisted King• began to curtail freedom of speech and press• François Guizot was the King’s chief minister

– he believed in equal opportunity, thought every man was free to get rich...if the man didn’t, it was his own fault...he hadn’t seized his opportunities

– he encouraged business expansion– he had the support of the King, but was not popular with France– he seemed to run the country and it appeared to some that he was corrupt in

some ways to get people on his side• All over Europe, the 1840’s saw bad harvests making for an economically

tense well as politically tense. (Time of the Irish potato famine)

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France cont.• By 1847, there were protests• Conservative bourgeois politician

Thiers led the protests• King dismissed Guizot to try to pacify the mobs• King sent out his national guard but they were

no longer loyal• King abdicated in 1848, a provisional government was

patched together in February and proclaimed themselves the Second Republic (1848-1852)

• Recall First Republic (WHEN?)• we are currently in the (?) Republic

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Provisional Government• Provisional gov’t included Lamartine, a poet, Louis Blanc, a socialist,

Albert Martin, a worker (the only non-Bourg member),…a variety of people

• Parisians were happy with the new provisional government, they saw hope; they also paraded to the hotel (the city hall) and offered the new republic a gift of a day’s wages

• HOW MANY OF YOU WOULD DO THAT???• elections for a new constituent assembly were scheduled for April• struggle for power within provisional government -- different ideas:• - liberals for moderate reform• - republican for radical reform• - Blanc, the socialist, suggested

national workshops

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The (French) Socialists• Blanc, the socialist, suggested the establishment of workshops

– system set up to pay unemployed a small amount and put them to work

– he had found the factories to be in a wretched condition– workers were exploited– workshops were intended for the better treatment of the worker– workers flocked to Paris– system would organize talk groups (50% workers and 50% employers)– Blanc was popular for a time with this idea, at least among the workers– employers saw it as a violation of their freedom

• Provisional Government– adopted universal male suffrage– abolished the death penalty– rejected participation in foreign wars– improved relations with the Catholic Church

• Elections in April based on universal manhood suffrage• voters included monarchists, republicans, socialists

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• The population is primarily lower class;•What do you think the

National Assembly would look like??•Hmmmmmmm…

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France, JUNE 1848• Workshops abolished as revolutionary

(only workers were interested)• workshop workers told to join army or leave• rioting broke out in Paris, workers put up barricades, “better a death

from bullets than from starvation”• 4 days in was a revolution of DESPAIR, not optimism• government forces under General Cavaignac crushed the uprising

(about 5,000 lives)• the workers had turned on their social betters thought the

Bourgeois class• some socialists believed the Bourgeois politicians provoked the

worker’s revolt in order to have an excuse to drown the “reds” in their own blood

• General Cavaignac ruled as dictator through the summer

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December Elections

• elections for president of France were held in December

• - Lamartine (18,000)• - Cavaignac (1,000,000+)• - Louis Napoleon (5,000,000+)

–supposedly Napoleon Bonaparte’s nephew...said he could restore the glory of France...or 70% of the vote

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PRUSSIA, 1848• Prussia was backward compared

to France & England• no significant industrial revolution• The guilds/artisans were not of the new

bourgeoisie class...they were old era• the Guilds still dominated, but there was an

emergence of entrepreneurs and Artisans felt their backs pushed against the wall– Had to compete with machinery– artisans were now compelled to work for entrepreneurs– make less money– now common workers and had lost their sense of self

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In Berlin• 2 separate dynamics lead to revolution

– Artisans vs. Entrepreneurs– Conservative Bourgeoisie vs. Traditional

feudal Hohenzollern (Prussian Aristocratic Dynasty)

• Artisan were filled with anxiety with signs of industrialization

• King Friedrich Wilhelm had come to power supporting liberal reforms, but never carried them out

• hearing of other revolts, people celebrated and were provoked into rioting (March 1848)

• King appointed a liberal government and set up a national assembly• King promised reforms

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Habsburg Empire• revolution in the Austrian Empire began in Hungary• March 1848, workers and students speak out• invade Vienna, including the palace• Emperor promised reforms & liberal constitution• Conservative Minister Metternich resigned (maybe dismissed?) under pressure

by Emperor Ferdinand I & fled to England• part of the Emperor’s capitulation included abolishment of serfdom and

peasants felt a victory (March 1848)• monarchy played different groups against each other (i.e. Hungarians vs.

Czechs)• the urban poor rose up in the big cities demanding workshops and voting

rights for all men• aristocratic forces gathered around the Emperor in support for their strength• Archduchess Sophia was married to the Emperor’s brother...she and the chief

minister, along with others convinced the Emperor to abdicate in favor of her son Franz Joseph, the Emperor’s reign had been weakened by all the uprisings

• Franz Joseph was crowned emperor of Austria in December 1848

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Italy• What made up Italy?


• furthest north were mountains (cooler)...vineyards• Italy started with a lot of raw materials, • no sense of self (more local, regional, municipal)• illiteracy was high• no roads connecting villages• French were disliked because they plundered the Italian Peninsula for

their goods...there was a two-edged sword (opened minds to unification but left a bad taste in their mouths from the exploitation)

• From 1815-1848 most Italians were inert...only a few progressive...there were a few revolutions (Naples, Rome, Milan, Venice)…but a preparation for…UNIFICATION

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Mazzini• thinker, intellectual, radical liberal, • create feeling of wanting to be Italian• Wanted Italian Unification• create a nation of equals• we are Italians (a brotherhood)• Italy bedeviled by hatred, conflicts• eliminate regional differences in one fell swoop by unification (“I

am Italian,” not “I am Venetian”)• wants this done by spontaneous wills of the people of Italy• created a revolutionary group called

“Young Italy”• Mazzini called the “high priest of Italian

Nationalism”• November 1848, Revolution in Rome

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Irish Potato Famine

• Population explosion in Ireland in first half of nineteenth century

• Irish became dependent on (large) potato crop; better yield than any other crop

• The large potatoes were highly susceptible to a fungus

• Between 1845 and 1849, a fungus attacked the potato crop of Ireland

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What was done

• Sir Robert Peel’s British government did not react immediately, saying that the Irish always over-exaggerated situations

• British government sold the Irish American maize and started some relief projects

• Low yield crops in 1847, but people were starving• Let the Irish help the Irish• With little or no crops and accompanying disease…• One million died and one million emigrated

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Irish evicted by landlord

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The Rise of Socialism• industrial revolution did not make everyone happy, or make

everyone prosper• Widening gap between have’s and have not’s • idea of products of labor divided between people according

to their needs was not a brand new idea...simple societies had followed this practice

• 1820’s this idea was referred to as “socialism” and it was taken a bit addition to economic equality, they wanted political and social reforms

• 19th century reformers wanted to redress social injustice• workers and poor were aware of injustices thrust on them• majority of middle class did not care one bit about poor

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Early Socialists• Count Henri de Saint Simone (France)

– proposed social reorganization based on technical experts & scientists– these doers would plan the economy and guide it forward with public

works projects and investment banks– goals should be to improve conditions for the poor, religion helping in

this way– coined the teaching of the socialist creed, “From each according to his

capacity, to each according to his work”– work had highest value and workers would replace “thinkers” as leaders

• Charles Fourier (France)– problems of society result of unfavorable environment, therefore fix it– create self-sufficient agricultural communities– a majority of utopian communities were founded in his name (majority

in USA)– called for abolition of marriage replacing it with free unions based on

love and sexual freedom

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20th-century commune living

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Friedrich Engels (1820-1895)

• German, prosperous middle class family• friend and collaborator of Karl Marx• wrote “The Condition of the Working Class in England” in 1844• Industrial Revolution created a middle class and a lower working

class• middle class were property owners, working class were

propertyless• the term “class” had come into use to describe social categories

produced by industrialization• by the 19th century, social classes were identified by income and

occupation• Worked with Karl Marx in writing The Communist Manifesto

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Karl Marx (1818-1883)

• born a Jew, Marx’ father had family convert to Christianity when Karl was a young boy

• prosperous middle class family• studied at the Universities of Bonn and Berlin, took up journalism• his articles (an editor of a newspaper) caused him to be hated by Prussian

government• moved to Paris, renewing a friendship with Engels• Marx and Engels combined efforts to “diagnose the cause of society’s ills, and

to provide a prescription for their cure.”• Marx did not want to stop progress, greater productivity would improve the

lives of more people (a prophet of modernism, not an enemy)• it was the economics of society that needed to change • Das Capital (1st vol. appeared in 1867, Engels edited other 2 vols. after Marx’s


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Marxism• includes economic and revolutionary theories• Marxist Party within Socialism/Communism• their aim was to overturn over the capitalists• Capitalist system is filled with economic exploitation• exploited “wealth” of the workers• 80% of Marx’s writing dealt with a critique of Capitalism• society must go through feudalism, capitalism to get to

communism• Capitalism would collapse thanks to the inevitable

contradiction of system

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Capitalist Development Law• 1) entrepreneurs reinvest money• 2) they reinvest in technology• 3) they gain an edge over the others• 4) they become wealthier• 5) a maximum profit is sought

• This is the infant stage of capitalism, it was competitive

• As time went on, losers would drop out, winners would absorb markets of losers & grow

• Less competition forced lower prices

• Free open marker system would lead to monopolies

• Few would dominate many

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Capitalist Development Law

• Increasing misery of the workers grows out of laws of capitalism:– capitalist entrepreneurs in a position to lay off workers– wage level of worker who is able to keep job goes down– over time, an army of unemployed Proletariat (workers) grows by leaps and


• Collapse of Capitalism:– a handful of Capitalists control the wealth of society and the army of unemployed– Who will buy the goods? Unemployed cannot afford to.– Warehouses will become overstocked with society’s wealth– at the highest level of Capitalism (the apex), prices bottom out– Capitalism collapses and we enter the era of socialism

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Marx’s Economic Theory

• only Capitalists could build up industrial society• materialism would bring happiness, building up

plenty of goods• divide this up between proletariat (“Distribute

goods from each according to ability to each according to need.”)

• Marx believed 80% of the world was living in crushing poverty

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The Revolutionary Marx• 1848 revolutions throughout Europe• Marx not convinced economic theory’s time to fulfill itself• TURNS to REVOLUTION• scrap the economic theory and take over capitalists by force• before socialism emerged, only hope was through Church, wait for heavenly reward• But Marx said that man was here to improve the lives of the poor and oppressed

(NOW)• along with Engels, writes Communist Manifesto• “Workers of the World, UNITE!, a call to revolution• By the 1848 revolutions, socialism had taken a turn in France and Germany• Communism advocated abolition of private property• Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

– wanted to overthrow the middle class– used term communism to be distinguished from utopian socialists– revolution was inevitable– they outlined their ideas in “The Communist Manifesto”– There will be a great growth of socialism and communism in Europe

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The Communist Manifesto• this was done in response to and for the League of Communists

formed 1 year earlier in London• aim of the League (of Communists)

– overthrow of the bourgeoisie,– establish rule of the proletariat, – new social order with no classes and no private property

• The Communist Manifesto made little impression in 1848• Marx left for England and remained there the rest of his life• The Communist Manifesto:• work was to accomplish two ends• - explain contemporary society by looking at pattern of history• - provide a means to correct faults• therefore was both a philosophical statement and a handbook to


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SO……….• poor did not all get poorer• capitalism never collapsed

BUT…• The Communist Manifesto did (later) influence

others toward revolution

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International Communism• 1863 Poland • The International Workingmen’s Association founded in London in 1864 (1864-1876)• “The First International”: Anarchists vs. Socialists (the 2 extremes)• working class had a choice of two major revolutionary theories in their fight against

capitalism• two theories: Anarchism and Marxism (Scientific Socialism)• Anarchists led by Mikhail Bakunin, a Russian revolutionary exile• Marxists led by Karl Marx• other radical revolutionaries (Mazzini Italians, Proudhon French, trade unionists from

Britain and Belgium)– initially Mazzini (popular in England) was asked to draw up a program in the form of

an inaugural address and statutes– his writing showed he was more concerned with political than social problems– the general council committee rejected Mazzini’s draft and gave the task to Marx

• Marx, as with the Manifesto, ended his address with “Workers of the World, Unite”

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Marx versus Bakunin:West versus East

Industrial versus Pre-Industrial• Agreement between the two:• - no private property, but ownership of property by a community• - revolution was need to destroy Capitalism• Disagreement between the two:• Marx said that the aim of the revolution was to take power from the Bourgeoisie

and create a working class government (“the dictatorship of the proletariat”)• Anarchists wanted to eliminate the state and all forms of authority• Marx believed that the working class revolutionaries would come from a modern

industrial proletariat (workers in places like Britain and Germany), he saw these as the true revolutionary class

• But, at the same time Marx had said that those who could not discern their own interest could be led by a group of “intellectuals”

• Bakunin focused on the “proletariat in rags” from preindustrial societies• Marx tried to run the International, but Bakunin opposed him