definitions and mcqs of ninth class chemistry

Chapter 1 Introduction to Chemistry (Tungsten is not illuminating until given voltage; you are not beautiful until skilled) Chemistry Def. & MCQs 1 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

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Page 1: Definitions and MCQs of Ninth Class Chemistry

Chapter 1 Introduction to Chemistry

(Tungsten is not illuminating until given voltage; you are not beautiful until skilled)

Chemistry Def. & MCQs 1 Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

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1. Chemistry: - It is the branch of science, which deals with the properties, composition, and the structure of matter. It also deals with the changes in matter and the principles, which govern these changes. OR

“The scientific study of matter is called chemistry”

2. Matter: - Anything having mass and volume is called matter.

3. Mass: - The quantity of matter contained in a body is called mass.

4. Volume: - Volume is the quantity of three dimensional space occupied by the matter. OR

Volume (also called capacity) is quantification of how much space an object occupies.

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5. Space: - The free area between two material objects is called space.

6. Hypothesis: - It is the intelligent guess of the scientist about any phenomenon.

7. Phenomenon: - Any observable event is called phenomenon.

8. Theory: -The scientifically acceptable idea or principle to explain a phenomenon is called theory.

9. Organic compounds:- Those compounds which contains carbon and hydrogen covalently bounded with each other are called organic compounds

10. Physical Chemistry: - The scientific study of the laws and the principles governing the combination of atoms and molecules in chemical reactions is called Physical Chemistry.

11. Organic Chemistry: - The scientific study of organic compounds is called organic chemistry.

12. Inorganic Chemistry: - The scientific study of inorganic compounds is called inorganic chemistry.

13. Analytical Chemistry: - The scientific study of kind, quantity and quality of various

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components in a given substance is called analytical chemistry.

14. Biochemistry: - The scientific study of the compounds and their reactions within the living organisms is called biochemistry.

15. Industrial Chemistry: - The scientific study of the chemical industries and the synthetic products like glass, cement, soap etc over there is called industrial chemistry.

16. Nuclear Chemistry: - The scientific study of the changes occurring in the nuclei of atoms, accompanied by the emission of invisible radiations is called nuclear chemistry.

17. Environmental Chemistry: - The scientific study of interaction of chemical materials and their effect on the environment is called environmental chemistry

18. Polymeric Chemistry: - The scientific study of polymerization and the products obtained through the process of polymerization such as plastics, synthetic fibers, papers etc is called polymeric chemistry.

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Multiple Choice Questions

1. Chemistry is the study of:a) matter b) energyc) both a & b d) lifee) N.O.T

2. The Muslim period ranges from:a) 347 – 428 B.C b) 600 – 1600 A.Dc) 600 – 1000 A.D d) 1600 to today

3. Known as the father of Al-Chemy.a) Jabir bin Hayan b) Al Razic) Ibne Sina d) Al Beruni

4. Known as the father of Modern Chemistrya) Jabir bin Hayan b) Robert Boyle c) Mendeleef d) Cavendish

5. First used opium as anaesthesia.

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a) Jabir Bin Hayan b) Al Razic) Ibne Sina d) Al Beruni

6. ____,____,and____discovered oxygen, chlorine and hydrogen respectively.a) J. Black, J.Priesly, Scheeleb) Scheele, J. Priesly, Cavendishc) Cavendish, Lavoiser, Scheeled) J.Priesly, Scheele, Cavendish

7. Introduced first the idea of symbols:a) Gay Lussac b) Mendeleefc) Faraday d) J.J. Berzilius

8. Cholera, Typhoid, and Desentry are the dangerous disease transmitted through the impure water drinking.a) true b) false

9. Al Razi divided chemical substances on the basis of living and non-living origin.a) true b) false

10. Biochemistry is the basis of medical sciences.a) true b) false

11. PVC stands for poly vinyl carbona) true b) false

12. Fluorine is the best disinfectant:a) true b) false

13. Periodic arrangement is the result of Mendeleef’s work:

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a) true b) false

Questions 14 – 19 Select from the terms below:

a) Organic Chemistry b) Inorganic chemistryc) Biochemistry d) Analytical Chemistrye) N.O.T

14. Wood is studied in:

15. Blood, urine, proteins are studied in:

16. Iron is studied in:17. Hydrocarbons and their derivatives are studied


18. It is the study of polymerization

19. It deals with the determination of kind, quality and quantity of various components in a given substance.

20. A wise guess of scientists is called hypothesisa) true b) false

Answer Key

1 A 2 C 3 A4 B 5 B 6 D7 B 8 A 9 A10 A 11 B 12 B13 A 14 A 15 C16 B 17 A 18 E

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19 D 20 A

Chapter 2 Chemical Combinations

(You can neither stop nor save the time but can make every moment historical if

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you know the value of time)


1. Atomic mass: - Atomic mass is defined as the mass of one atom of the element compared with the mass of one atom of C12 (the stable light isotope of carbon).

2. Molecular mass: - It is defined as the sum of atomic masses of the atoms of all the elements present in a molecule shown by its molecular formula.

3. Empirical formula mass/ formula mass: - It is the sum of atomic masses as given in the simplest (empirical) formula of ionic compound

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4. Molecular formula: - The expression, showing types and actual number of atoms present in a compound, using symbols for component elements and numerals for number of atoms of each element per molecule, like C6H6 for benzene.

5. Empirical formula: - A chemical formula that indicates the relative proportions of the elements in a compound rather than the actual number of the atoms of the elements.

6. Mole: - One mole is gram atomic mass, gram molecular mass or gram formula mass of any substance (atoms, ions, molecules), which contains 6.02*1023 elementary entities.

7. Molar mass: - The mass of one mole is called molar mass.

8. Avagadro’s number: - The number of basic quantities as present in 12 grams of C12 i.e 6.02*1023

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mass can not be created but can be destroyed.a) true b) false

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2. Landolt experiment is performed to verify:a) law of conservation of massb) law of definite proportionsc) law of multiple proportionsd) law of reciprocal proportions

3. The empirical formula of glucose is:a) CH b) CH2Oc) C3H6O6 d) C6H12O6

4. The empirical formula mass of benzene is:a) 12 a.m.u b) 13 a.m.uc) 78 a.m.u d) N.O.T

5. Molecular mass of sodium is:a) 11 a.m.u b) 12 a.m.uc) 23 a.m.u d) N.O.T

6. ______moles are there In 50 g of CaCO3.

a) 0.5 b) 1c) 1.5 d) 1.5

7. 3 moles of Carbon are equal to:a) 4g b) 36gc) 132g d) 18.06*1023

8. Zn + HCl → ZnCl2 + H2. The reaction is an example of:a) decomposition reactionb) addition reactionc) single displacement reactiond) double displacement reactione) combustion reaction

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9. Chemical equation is a short hand method for describing a compound.a) true b) false

10. Combustion reaction consumes heat:a) true b) false

The book MCQs

11. mass is neither created nor destroyed during a chemical reaction is the statement of:

a) law of conservation of mass b) law of definite proportions c) law of multiple proportions d) law of reciprocal proportions

12. a given compound always contains exactly the same proportion of elements by mass is the statement of:

a) law of conservation of mass b) law of definite proportions c) law of multiple proportions d) law of reciprocal proportions

13. the average mass of natural mixture of isotopes, which is compared to the mass of one atom of C-12 a.m.u is called:

a) atomic number b) atomic mass c) mass number d) molecular mass

14. a formula that gives only the relative number of each type of atoms in a molecule is called:

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a) empirical formula b) molecular formula c) molecular mass d) formula mass

15. a formula that indicates actual number and type of atoms in a molecule is called:

a) empirical formula b) molecular formula c) molecular mass d) formula mass

16. the sum of atomic masses of all atoms in a molecule is called:

a) empirical formula b) molecular formula c) molecular mass d) formula mass

17. the sum of atomic masses of all atoms in a formula unit:

a) empirical formula b) molecular formula c) molecular mass d) formula mass

18. the mass of one mole of a substance expressed in grams is called:

a) empirical formula b) molecular formula c) molecular mass d) molar mass

19. 44 a.m.u of CO2 is equal to: a) formula mass b) atomic mass c) molecular mass d) molar mass

20. 5 moles of H2O are equal to: a) 80g b) 90g c) 100g d) 90a.m.u

Answer Key

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1 B 2 A 3 B4 B 5 D 6 A7 B 8 C 9 B10 B 11 A 12 B13 B 14 A 15 B16 C 17 D 18 D19 C 20 D

Chapter 3Atomic Structure

(Neither take rest nor be the time waste,Because life is the test and only heaven is the rest)

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1. Atom: -The building block of the matter that takes part in the reaction.

OR The smallest component of an element having

the chemical properties of the element, consisting of a nucleus and surrounding shells.

2. Nucleus: -the central part of the atom comprising the mass of the atom conferred by protons and neutrons, initially discovered by RUTHERFORD.

3. Shell or energy level: -according to Bohr these are the circular orbits at certain distance from the nucleus where electrons exist.

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4. Atomic number (Z): -The number of protons in nucleus is called the atomic number of the element.

5. Atomic mass: - The total number of protons and neutrons in nucleus constitute its atomic mass.

6. Element: -The simplest matter whose all atoms have same atomic number and can not be further simplified is called element.

7. Crook’s discharge tube experiment: - indicates the existence of protons and electrons in the atom

8. Cathode rays: -the rays which consist of electrons and are produced when the current is passed through gases at low pressure are called cathode rays.

9. Properties of cathode rays (electrons): Discovered by J.J THOSMSON Carry a negative charge equal to 1.6*10-


Their e/m ratio is 1.76*108 C/g Their mass is 9.11*10-31 kg = 0.00055a.m.u They can be deflected by electromagnetic field. These don’t depend upon the material of which

the electrode is made nor of the gas which is enclosed inside the tube.

10. The properties of canal rays ( protons): GOLDSTIEN discovered them.

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These rays carry positive charge They travel in straight line The value of e/m depends upon the gas enclosed The mass is 1.67*10-27kg=1.0073amu They are composed of heavy particles than


11. The properties of neutrons: Discovered by CHADVICK. They are neutral, carrying no charge. The mass is same as that of proton but slightly

heavier. i.e. 1.0087 a.m.u. It is highly energetic particle.

12. Radioactivity: -the spontaneous emission of radiations by certain elements is called radioactivit

13. Isotopes: - Atoms of the same elements, having the same atomic number but the different atomic masses are called isotopes.

14. Spectrum: -the band of colors formed through the dispersion of light is called spectrum.

15. Electronic configuration: - the arrangement or distribution of electrons in the available orbitals is called electronic distribution.

16. Atomic radius: -the half of the bond length, taken between two homonuclear diatomic molecules. OR the distance from nucleus to the valence electron is called atomic radius.

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17. Ionic radius: -the radius of an ion.

18. ion: -the charged atom is called ion

19. Cation: -the positively charged ion is called cation.

20. Anion: -the negative charged ion is called anion.

21. Ionization potential: -the energy required to make an atom ion is called ionization potential.

22. Electron affinity: -the amount of energy released when an electron is added to a neutral gaseous atom to form a negative ion is called electron affinity.

23. Electronegativity: - the force with witch an atom attracts the shared pair towards itself is called electronegativity.

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Multiple Choice Questions

1. The first atomic theory was proposed by:a) Democritus b) Greek Philosophersc) both a & b d) John Dalton

2. According to modern theory, all elements are made up of small, indivisible, indestructible particles called atomsa) true b) false

3. Protons and neutrons were discovered by respectively:a) J.J Thomson, Chadwickb) Chadwick, J.J Thomsonc) Goldstein, Chadwickd) Chadwick, Goldstein

4. Electrons are the constituent of all matter.a) true b) false

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5. The incorrect statement regarding the cathode rays is:a) material particlesb) e/m ratio is differentc) possess K.E d) N.O.T

6. Electrons do not depend upon the the nature of the cathode and the gas inside the tube.a) true b) false

7. e/m ratio of electron is:a) 1.76*108 C/g b)1.76*1011C/gc) 1.602*10-19 C/g d) 1.672*10-27C/g

8. The Charge on electron is:a) 1.76*108 C b)1.76*1011Cc) 1.602*10-19 C d) 1.672*10-27C

9. The charge on proton is: a) 1.76*108 b)1.76*1011C

c) 1.602*10-19 C d) 1.672*10-27C

10. 1 a.m.u =?a) 1.76*108 g b)1.76*1011gc) 1.602*10-19 g d) 1.672*10-27g

11. Atom was proved divisible particle by:a) cathode rays b) radioactivityc) discharge tube exp. d) A.O.T

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12. Electron is 1836 times heavier than proton.a) true b) false

13. Radioactivity was discovered by:a) Henry Bequeral b) Rutherfordc) Bohor d) J.J Thomson

14. Rutherford used particles in his experiment.a) α – particles b) β – particlesc) γ – particles d) A.O.T

15. The α-particles deflected back by striking the atom because of the presence of:a) shells b) nucleusc) protons d) electrons

16. Energy is …… when an electron jumps from higher energy level to lower energy level.a) absorbed b) releasedc) neither absorbed nor releasedd) both a & b

17. This of the following particles takes part in the reaction.a) electron b) protonc) neutron d) A.O.T

18. The correct equation is:a) E2 - E1 = hυ b) E2 + E1 = hυ

c) E2 * E1 = hυ d) E2 / E1 = hυ

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19. Na has:a) 11 electrons b) 11 protonsc) 12 neutrons d) A.O.T

20. Mass number = a) protons + electronsb) protons + neutronsc) electrons + neutronsd) no. of protons.

21. Atomic number =a) protons + electronsb) protons + neutronsc) electrons + neutronsd) no. of protons.

22. The positively charged particles in radioactivity are protons.a) true b) false

23. Isotopes have different number of:a) electrons b) protonsc) neutrons d) A.O.T

24. Proteum has one proton and no neutron.a) true b) false

25. Isotopes are used in the treatment of diseases.a) true b) false

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26. The formula to find out max number of electrons is:a) n2 b) 2nc) 2n2 d) N.O.T

27. When n=3 the max electrons in a shell should be.a) 3 b) 6c) 9 d) 18

28. The max. number of electrons in 4th shell is:a) 4 b) 8c) 16 d) 32

29. Find the mis match a) electrons : J.J Thomson b) protons : nucleusc) neutrons : atomic massd) protons : atomic number

30. The correct statement is:a) A = Z+A b) A=Z-Nc) A=N-Z d) Z=A-N

31. Which isotope of oxygen forms ozonea) O16 b) O17c) O18 d) O19

Answer Key

1 D 2 B 3 C4 A 5 A 6 B7 A 8 C 9 C10 D 11 B 12 B

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13 A 14 B 15 A16 B 17 B 18 A19 D 20 B 21 D22 C 23 A 24 A25 A 26 C 27 D28 D 29 A 30 D31 C

Chapter 4Periodicity of Elements

(People are bad enough to tease you but I am sure you are good enough to forgive

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1. Periodicity: - The repetition of properties of elements after some interval is called periodicity.

2. Periods: - The horizontal rows in the periodic table are called periods.

3. Groups: - The vertical columns in the periodic table are called groups.

4. Metals: -Those elements which conduct heat and electricity and become positively charged by loosing electrons are called metals.

5. Non metals: -Those which do not conduct heat and electricity and become negatively charged by accepting electrons are called non metals

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6. Metalloids: - These have the mixed properties of metalloids.

7. Atomic radius: -the half of the bond length, taken between two homonuclear diatomic molecules. OR the distance from nucleus to the valence electron is called atomic radius.

8. Ionic radius: -the radius of an ion.

9. ion: -the charged atom is called ion

10. Cation: -the positively charged ion is called cation.

11. Anion: -the negative charged ion is called anion.

12. Ionization potential: -the energy required to make an atom ion is called ionization potential.

13. Electron affinity: -the amount of energy released when an electron is added to a neutral gaseous atom to form a negative ion is called electron affinity.

14. Electronegativity: - the force with witch an atom attracts the shared pair towards itself is called electronegativity.

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Multiple Choice Questions

1. Law of triads was proposed by:a) Doberinier b) Lother Mayerc) Newland d) Mendeleef

2. Modern classification is based on atomic number.a) true b) false

3. law of octaves was proposed by:a) Doberinier b) Lother Mayerc) Newland d) Mendeleef

4. Mg being eighth element from Be has the similar properties with it. The statement comes from:a) law of octaves b) law of triadsc) Lother Mayer’s classificationd) Mendeelev’s periodic table

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5. atomic volume = ?a) gram atomic Weight * densityb) gram atomic Weight / densityc) gram atomic weight + densityd) gram atomic weight – density

6. Mendeleev arranged the elements in order of increasing:a) atomic volume b) atomic massc) atomic number d) periodicity

7. Mendeleev’s periodic table was remarkable in having:a) columns b) rowsc) both d) gaps for unknown elements

8. Mendeleev’s periodic table failed to give the idea of atomic structure.a) true b) false

9. regarding the periodic table the incorrect statement is:a) rows have similar propertiesb) it does not contain isotopesc) shows the periodicity of elementsd) N.O.T

10. Eka boran was later termed as:a) boron b) scandiumc) gallium d) germanium

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11. …..proved atomic mass not as the fundamental property of elements:a) radioactivity b) isotopesc) electronic configurationd) periodicity

12. atomic number was discovered by:a) doberinier b) newlandc) baquerel d) mosely

13. the longest period is:a) first b) secondc) sixth d) seventh

14. the sixth period contains:a) 6 b) 8c) 16 d) 32

15. the elements of sub group A are called transition elements.a) true b) false

16. group 1A and 2A contain alkali metals:a) true b) false

17. the most stable of the following elements is:a) Na b) N2c) Ni d) Ne

18. the most reactive is:a) Na b) Mgc) Na+ d) F

19. The valency of seventh A group is :

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a) +1 b)-1c) +2 d)-2

20. boron is metalloid:a) true b) false.

21. it exists in tetameric form:a) K b) Pc) N d) Sb

22. inert or noble gases are placed in the group:a) 3A b) 4Ac) 7A d) 8A

23. electronegativity of fluorine is:a) 1 b) 2c) 3 d) 4

24. the minimum energy required to remove an electron from an atom in gaseous state is called:a) electronegativity b) electron affinityc) ionization potential d) P.E

25. 1Å = ?a)10-8 b) 10-9

c)10-7 d) 10-10

26. atomic number depends upon the number of shells but does not depend upon the nuclear charge.a) true b) false

27. the energy change that occurs when an electron is gained by an atom in gaseous state is called:

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a) electron affinity b) ionization potentialc) enthalpy d) electronegativity

28. the relative tendency of an atom in a molecule to attract shared pair of electrons towards itself is called:

a) electron affinity b) ionization potentialc) enthalpy d) electronegativity

29. electronegativity decreases down the group.a) true b) false

30. the incomplete period is:a) first b) fourthc) sixth d) seventh

31. which period contains only gasesa) first b) fourthc) sixth d) seventh

32. it is the radioactive element of 1A group.a) Li b) Rbc) Cs d) Fr

33. the valency of alkaline earth metals is:a) +1 b) +2c) -1 d) -2

34. N and P are non metals.a) true b) false

35. which pair of elements is chemically similar:

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a) K, Cr b) Cu, Cac) F, Cl d) N, O

Answer Key

1 A 2 A 3 C4 A 5 B 6 B7 D 8 A 9 A10 B 11 A 12 D13 C 14 D 15 B16 B 17 D 18 C19 B 20 A 21 B22 D 23 D 24 C25 A 26 B 27 A28 D 29 A 30 D31 A 32 D 33 B34 A 35 C

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Chapter 5Chemical Bonding

(The future will take revenge if you spoil the present)

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1. Chemical bond: - The attractive force that holds atoms together in a compound is called chemical bond.

2. Ionic or electrovalent bond: - It is defined as the electrostatic force of attraction between positive and negative ions.

3. Covalent bond: - Achemical bond that involves the sharing of electrons is called covalent bond.

4. Single covalent bond (—): -such a bond is formed when one electron is contributed from each atom making one shared pair. E.g. Cl2

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5. Double covalent bond: -in such a covalent bond each of the two atoms contribute two electrons as in O2

6. Triple covalent bond: -in triple covalent bond each atom contributes three electrons as in N2

7. Co-ordinate or dative covalent bond: -a covalent bond in witch one of the bonded atoms furnishes both of the shared electrons.

8. Hydrogen bond: - it is an electrostatic force of attraction between a partially positive hydrogen atom of one molecule and the electronegative atom of the other molecule

9. Metabolic Bond: - It is defined as the force of attraction between electrons and the positive nuclei of atoms.

10. Dispersion Forces: The dispersion forces are the weak attractive forces between temporarily polarized atoms (or molecules) caused by the varying positions of the electrons during their motion about the nuclei

11. Dipole moment: - the measure of the degree of the polarity of a polar compound is called dipole moment.

12. Electronegativity: - It is the power of an atom to attract shared pair of electrons towards itself.

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13. Bond pairs electrons: - also called active set of electrons they take part in bond formation and are incorporated as shared pair.

14. Lone pair of electrons: - also called non bonding pairs, are paired electrons but don’t take part in bonding.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. The force which holds atoms together in a molecule or crystal is called a) chemical bond b) covalent bondc) ionic bond d) co-ordinate covalent

2. the energy in a molecule is less than the atoms.a) true b) false

3. the electrons in the innermost shell are called valence electrons.a) true b) false

4. the bond formed by sharing of electrons is called:

a) chemical bond b) covalent bond

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c) ionic bond d) co-ordinate covalent

5. the bond formed by the complete transfer of electrons:a) chemical bond b) covalent bondc) ionic bond d) co-ordinate covalent

6. the gases like oxygen, nitrogen, are the result of:a) chemical bond b) covalent bondc) ionic bond d) co-ordinate covalent

7. MgO is an example of: a) chemical bond b) covalent bond

c) ionic bond d) co-ordinate covalent

8. the idea of chemical bond was introduced ina) 1808 b) 1910c) 1816 d) 1916

9. ionic compounds don’t possess molecular formula.a) true b) false

10. the atom that donates electrons becomes negatively charged:a) true b) false

11. which one is the stable:a) Na b) Na+

c) Na++ d) Na-

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12. ionic compounds are good conductors of electricity:a) true b) false

13. covalent compounds are soluble in water:a) true b) false

14. ionic compounds form the molecules of high molecular weight.a) true b) false

15. all are correct about ionic bond except:a) they conduct electricity in all the statesb) they are soluble in polar solventsc) ionic compounds do not form molecules

d) N.O.T

Questions 16 – 18 Select from the terms below: A) single covalent bond

B) double covalent bond C) triple covalent bond

D) ionic bond E) N.O.T

16. the bond in hydrogen molecule is:

17. the bond in nitrogen molecule is:

18. the bond in CaCl2 is:

19. HCl is an example of:a) ionic bond b) covalent bond

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c) polar covalent bond d) non-polar

20. Cl- contains electrons in it:a) 1 b) 2c) 7 d) 8

Questions 21 – 33 Select from the terms below

A) covalent bondB) polar covalent bondC) non polar covalent bondD) ionic bondE) co-ordinate covalent bondF) N.O.T

21. The bond in oxygen molecule is

22. both the electrons are shared by one electrons:

23. also called electrovalent bond:

24. the bond in the table salt

25. the bond in NH4Cl

26. e.n > 1.7

27. the e.n = 0

28. involves the sharing of electrons:

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29. formed by sharing of electrons between dissimilar atoms

30. formed by sharing of electrons between similar atoms.

31. lone pair of electrons is the indication of the bond

32. the attraction between electrons and nuclei.

33. the greatest electronegativity difference is present in:

34. metals are solids except brominea) true b) false

35. metals conduct heat and electricity because of the presence of:a) fixed electrons b) free electronsc) fixed protons d) free protons

36. inter molecular forces hold atoms together in a molecule:a) true b) false

37. all of the following are wander wall’s forces except:a) dispersion forces b) covalent bondc) dipole-dipole forces d) H-bonding

38. inter molecular forces are much weaker than intra molecular forces.

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a) true b) false

Answer Key

1 A 2 A 3 B4 B 5 C 6 B7 C 8 D 9 A10 B 11 B 12 B13 B 14 B 15 A16 A 17 C 18 D19 C 20 D 21 C22 E 23 D 24 D25 E 26 D 27 C28 A 29 B 30 C31 E 32 F 33 D34 B 35 B 36 B37 B 38 B 39

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Chapter 6States of matter

(Every action has reaction, yes exactly if you can not please your books how you

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will be pleased)


24. Matter: - Any thing having mass and volume is called matter.

25. Solid: - The state of matter having specific shape and volume

26. Liquid: - The state of matter having specific volume but not the shape.

27. Gas: - It is the state of matter having neither specific volume nor the shape

28. Diffusion: - the distribution or spreading of the gas molecules throughout the vessel is known as

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diffusion. OR the mixing and merging of the molecules with each other is called diffusion

29. Pressure: -force per unit area.

30. Temperature: - the degree of hotness or coldness of a body is called temperature.

31. Heat: - it is the form of energy that produces sense of warmth and flows from hot body to cold body.

32. Density: - the mass unit volume is called density. (d=M/V)

33. Vapour pressure: - it is the pressure exerted by the vapors on the surface of liquid when rate of condensation exceeds the rate of evaporation.

34. Boiling: - when vapour pressure of liquid equals the atmospheric pressure, the bubbles of vapour form easily and rise to the surface. The liquid is said to boil.

35. Boiling point: -it is the temperature at which boiling starts.

36. Melting: - conversion of a solid into liquid.

37. Melting point: - it is the temperature at which melting begins to take place.

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38. Sublimation: -the process of conversion of solids directly into gases form without passing through the liquid state is called sublimation.

39. Phenomenon: -an observable event.

40. The latent heat of fusion: - heat required during conversion of the state. OR the heat energy required converting 1g of a solid into liquid at its melting point.

41. Brownian motion: - A continuous, zigzag motion of suspended particles through the medium is called Brownian motion.

Multiple Choice Question

1. Any thing having mass and volume is not called calleda) power b) energyc) both a & b d) matter

2. The quantity of matter in a body is called a) mass b) energyc) matter d) volume

3. According to K.M.T all are true except:a) molecules are always in motion:b) they possess K.Ec) they possess P.Ed) molecules are very tiny particlese) N.O.T

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4. The space occupied by an object is calleda) mass b) energyc) volume d) matter

5. Regarding gases all are true except:a) K.E very lowb) intermolecular space very highc) neither shape nor volumed) molecules move in all directions.

6. The liquids have constant shape but not volume.a) true b) false

7. The spreading of a substance through a medium is called:a) diffusion b) Brownian motionc) effusion d) fusion

8. A continuous, rapid, zigzag motion of suspended particles through the medium is called Brownian motion.a) true b) false

9. Water can exist in all the three states of matter.a) true b) false

The Book MCQs

10. The number of common states of matter is:a) 3 b) 4c) 5 d) N.O.T

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11. Neither definite shape nor volume is the property of:a) solids b) liquidsc) gases d) N.O.T

12. The temperature at which the vapour pressure of a liquid becomes equal to its external pressure is called:a) melting point b) boiling pointc) triple point d) freezing point

13. The state of matter in which molecules are tightly packed and possess only vibratory motion is:a) solid state b) liquid state

c) gaseous state d) N.O.T

14. The process in which molecules escape from the surface of liquid is called:a) sublimation b) evaporationc) boiling d) melting

15. the process in which solid directly changes to gas is calleda) sublimation b) evaporationc) boiling d) melting

Answer Key

1 C 2 A 3 C4 C 5 A 6 B

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7 A 8 B 9 A10 A 11 C 12 B13 A 14 B 15 A

Chapter 7 Solution and Suspension

(Solving the problems is the solution of problems than increasing the problems

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by worrying on the problems…!)


1. Solution: -the homogeneous mixture of two or more things.

2. Solute: - It is the component of solution present in smaller amount and is dissolved by the solvent.

3. Solvent: - It is the component of solution present in greater amount and dissolves the solute.

4. Unsaturated solution: - It is that one solution which contains less solute than it has the capacity to dissolve.

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5. Saturated solution: - It is that one solution which contains maximum amount of solute and can not dissolve more solute at a given temperature

6. Super saturated solution: - It is that one solution which contains more solute than the normal capacity and this is done usually by increasing temperature.

7. Crystallization: - The process in which dissolved solute comes out of solution and forms crystals is called crystallization.

8. Molarity: - The number of moles of solute dissolved in 1 liter (1dm3) of a solution is called molarity. It is denoted by (M).

9. Molality : - The number of moles of solute dissolved in 1 kilogram of solution is called molality. It is denoted by (m).

10. Mole fraction: - Mole fraction of any component in a solution is the number of moles of the component divided by total number of moles making up solution. It is denoted by X.

11. Suspension: - It is defined as a heterogenous mixture consists of visible particles which remain suspended in the liquid.

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Multiple Choice Questions

1. A heterogeneous mixture of two or more substances is called solution:a) true b) false

2. there are types of solutionsa) 2 b) 3c) 5 d) 9

3. The composition of air is asa) 78% N2, 21% O2, 1% Ar.b) 78% N2, 15% O2, 5% CO2, 1 other gasesc) 78% N2, 21% O2, 1% other gasesd) all are possible

4. alloys are the mixture of:a) solid-solid b) solid-liquidc) liquid-gas d) solid-gas

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5. which of the following does not affect the solubility:a) temperature b) size of particlesc) pressure d) nature of solutee) nature of solvent

6. the solubility of gases increases with the increase in temperature.a) true b) false

7. Only the solubility of is affected by pressure.a) solids b) liquidc) gases d) plasma

8. ionic compounds are not dissolved in:a) polar solvent b) non-polar

c) water d) A.O.T

9. A solution which has the capacity to dissolve more solute is called:a) saturated solution b) unsaturated solutionc) super saturated d) N.O.T

10. the process in which the dissolved solute comes out of the solution is called:a) titration b) solubilityc) crystallization d) N.O.T

11. what is the molarity of a solution when 10 g NaOH are dissolved in 1 liter solution:a) 0.25M b) 0.5Mc) 1M d) 2M

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The Book MCQs

12. the suspended particles in the suspensions are generally of the size:a) 10nm b) 100nmc) 1000nm d) 1200nm

13. the sum of mole fraction of solute and solvent is equal to:a) 1 b) 2c) 3 d) 4

14. solubility is defined as the amount of solute in gram at a given temperature, dissolved in ……of the solvent.a) 10g b) 20gc) 100g d)1000g

15. the process in which solid directly changes to vapours is called.a) sublimation b) evaporationc) diffusion d) boiling

16. the solubility of gas …….with the rise in temperature.a) increase b) decrease

Answer Key

1 B 2 D 3 C4 A 5 B 6 B7 C 8 B 9 B

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10 C 11 A 12 C13 A 14 C 15 A16 B

Chapter 8Thermochemistry

(To shine your face make nimaz (salah) base because life is race and in this case to fasten the pace don’t create mess)

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12. Electrochemistry: - It is the branch of chemistry which deals with the relationship of electrical and chemical energies and their interconversion.

13. Electrolyte: -The substance capable of being dissociated into ions on the passage of electricity in the molten state.

14. Non-eclectrolytes: - The chemical compounds which do not conduct electricity in molten or aqueous solutions are called non electrolytes.

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15. Electrolysis: -The breakage of a solution on the passage of electric current.

16. Anode: -the positively charged electrode where oxidation occurs.

17. Cathode: -the negatively charged electrode where reduction takes place is called cathode.

18. Ampere: - It is the S.I unit of current which is defined as the current when passed through a circuit for one second.

19. Columb: - It is the S.I unit of electric charge and is defined as the quantity of charge when one ampere of current is passed for one second.

20. Electroplating: - It is the process of electrolysis which is used to coat one metal onto the other.

21. Electrochemical cell: - The cell which is used to convert electrical energy into chemical energy and vice versa is called electrochemical cell.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Chemical and electrical energies are inter convertible:a) true b) false

2. all acids, bases and salts are electrolytes in aqueous solutions or fused state.a) true b) false

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3. all the conductors are electrolytes.a) true b) false

4. which of the following does not conduct electricity.a) salt b) waterc) sugar d) N.O.T

5. all are true about cathode except:a) is negatively chargedb) positive ions move towards itc) oxidation takes place over itd) Na+ ions become Nae) N.O.T

6. all are true about anode except:a) is positively chargedb) oxidation takes placec) Cl becomes Cl-

d) negative ions moves towards ite) N.O.T

7. Columb= ?a) current * time b) current / timec) current + time d) current – time

8. 1F = ?a) 500C b) 6500Cc) 96500C d) 1000 C

9. What is the charge when 2 A current passes for 2 seconds:

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a) 1 b) 2c) 3 d) 4

10. electrolysis is used for the extraction of certain metals from their ores.a) true b) false

11. coating of metal by non metal is called platinga) true b) false

12. a cell which converts electrical energy into chemical energy is called voltaic cella) true b) false

13. lead storage battery is a reversible cell.a) true b) false Answer Key

1 A 2 A 3 B4 C 5 C 6 C7 A 8 C 9 D10 A 11 B 12 B13 A

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Chapter 9Acids, Bases and Salts

(I do not own any business but the entire world is my own where Almighty Allah is to be felt and Muhammad (s.a.w) to be followed)

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22. Acid: -A compound having usually sour taste and capable of neutralizing alkalis and reddening blue litmus paper, containing hydrogen that can be replaced by a metal or any other electropositive atom to form salt, or containing an atom that can accept electrons from a base.

23. Base: - A base is a substance that can accept hydrogen ions or more generally, donates electrons pairs.

24. Salt: -the ionic substance that result from the neutralization of an acid with a base.

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25. Ph: - A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, numerically equal to 7 for neutral solutions, increasing with increasing alkalinity and decreasing with increasing acidity.

26. Arrhenius Theory: It states that an acid can be defined as a substance that yields hydrogen ions when dissolved in water. A base can be defined as a substance which yields hydroxide ions when dissolved in water.

27. Bronsted Lowery Theory: It states that an acid is a substance having a tendency to donate one or more protons and a base is a substance having a tendency to accept protons.

28. Lewis Theory: It states that an acid is any species (molecule or ion) which can accept a pair of electrons and a base is any species (molecule or ion) which can donate a pair of electrons.

29. Titration: -titration is the quantitative measurement of an analyte in solution by completely reaction with reagent solution.

Indicators: -color showing organic compounds. OR for acid-base titrations, organic compounds that exhibit different colors in solution of different acidities; used to determine the point at which the reaction between two solutes is complete.

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30. Buffer: -any substance that prevents changes in pH is known as buffer.

31. Neutralization: -when the two substances (acid and base) having opposed properties are allowed to react, salt and water are produced. The reaction is known as neutralization.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Ascorbic acid is the other name of:a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin Bc) Vitamin C d) Vitamin D

2. all are the properties of acids except:a) sour in taste b) smooth in touchc) proton donor d) electrons acceptor

3. the common acid in stomach is:a) HCl b) H2SO4

c) HNO3 d) H3PO4

4. The consumption of …… is an index to the state of civilization and prosperity of a country:a) HCl b) H2SO4

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c) HNO3 d) H3PO4

5. the important acid for making explosive materials and fertilizers is:a) HCl b) H2SO4

c) HNO3 d) H3PO4

6. the souring of milk produces.a) citric acid b) lactic acidc) acetic acid d) fumaric acid

7. lemon, oranges, grape fruits contain: a) citric acid b) lactic acid

c) acetic acid d) fumaric acid

8. all are the properties of bases except:a) bitter in tasteb) aqueous solution conducts electricityc) undergo neutralization with acids

d) turn litmus paper to red.

Q 9 – 14 Select from the terms below: a) Arrhenius Theory b) Bronsted –lowery c) Lewis concept d) N.O.T

9. Bases are proton acceptors.

10. acids are sour in taste

11. acids are H+ ions donor

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12. bases turn litmus paper to blue

13. ammonia is base

14. bases are electron donors

15. all are weak acids except:a) sulphuric acid b ) acetic acidc) formic acid d) phosphoric acid

16. which one is the normal salt:a) NaCl b) NaHSO4

c) KHCO3 d) Mg(OH) Cl17. which one is not double salt:

a) potash alum b) chrome alumc) Mohor’s salt d) table salt

Q18 -22 Select from the terms below: a) Sodium carbonate b) backing soda c) copper sulphate d) Epsom salt e) potash alum f) N.O.T

18. it is a common double salt

19. used as antiacid and fire extinguishers

20. used as germicide, insecticide and in paint and varnish industry

21. it is used in softening of water, glass industry and as cleaning agent

22. used as anticeptic and mouth wash

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23. water is not:a) universal solvent b) liquidc) present in urine d) amphoteric moleculee) N.O.T

24. The number of moles of solute dissolved per liter of solution is:a) molarity b) molalityc) titration d) pH

25. negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration is:a) molarity b) molalityc) titration d) pH

26. it is important for an analytical chemista) molarity b) molalityc) titration d) pH

Q 27 – 32

Select from the terms belowa) 0 b) 5-7c) 7 d) 7.4e) 14

27. it is the neutral pH

28. the pH of water is :

29. it is the highly acidic Ph

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30. the pH of urine is:

31. the pH of blood is

32. pH + p OH = ?

33. Methyl orange produce…. Color in acidic solutiona) red b) greenc) yellow d) pink

34. a solution whose molarity or strength is known is called standard solution:a) true b) false

35. low p H of blood causes diabetes, diarrhea, vomiting.a) true b) false

36. water and CO2 are produced as a result of neutralization:a) true b) false

Answer Key

1 C 2 B 3 A4 B 5 C 6 B7 A 8 D 9 B10 D 11 A 12 D13 B 14 C 15 A16 A 17 D 18 E19 B 20 C 21 A22 E 23 E 24 C

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25 C 26 A 27 B28 D 29 E 30 A31 D 32 C 33 A34 A 35 B 36 B

Chapter 10Chemical Energetics

(The failure is the result of disobedience of first parents then teachers and finally of the Almighty Allah)

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1. Thermodynamics: -The study of conversion and conservation of heat and other forms of energy is called thermodynamics.

2. Thermochemistry: - it deals with the measurement or calculation of heat absorbed or abandoned in chemical reactions.

3. Thermo chemical reactions: - the chemical reactions which are accompanied by energy changes along with the material changes are generally known as thermochemical reactions.

4. Exothermic reactions: -the chemical reactions which are accompanied by the liberations or

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emission of energy are called exothermic reactions.

5. Endothermic reactions: -the chemical reactions which are accompanied by the absorption of energy are called endothermic reactions.

6. system: -the collection of matter having certain boundaries is called system

7. Surroundings:- the environment of a system or the thing that affect on a system are included in surroundings.

8. Heat of formation: - the change of enthalpy when one gram mole of a substance is formed from its elements

9. Standard heat of formation: -the change of enthalpy when one gram mole of a substance is formed from its elements at 25oC and 1 atm is called standard heat of formation.

10. Enthalpy: -the total heat content of a system is called enthalpy..

11. Heat of neutralization: - The amount of heat released during the neutralization process when one mole of water is produced by the reaction of acid and base.

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Multiple Choice Questions

1. Thermochemical reactions involve:a) material changes b) energy changesc) both a & b d) heat changes

2. EXO means:a) out of or to evolve b) into or to absorbc) outside d) heat

3. ∆H negative represents which reaction:a) thermochemical b) exothermic c) endothermic d) chemical

4. Formation of water from hydrogen and oxygen produces energy:a) -286 K.J/mole b) +286 K.J/molec) -393 K.J/mole d) +393 K.J/mole

5. ∆H positive represents neutralization:

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a) true b) false

6. Acid Base reaction is called neutralization reaction:a) true b) false

Questions 7 – 12 Select from the terms below:

A) endothermic reaction B)exothermic reaction

7. photosynthesis

8. respiration9. decomposition reaction

10. bond formation

11. combustion

12. melting of ice

The Book MCQs

13. in an exothermic reaction:a) heat energy is lost b) heat energy is gained

c) both a & b d) N.O.T

14. In an exothermic reaction:a) container becomes hotb) container becomes coldc) the temperature of container remains samed) N.O.T

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15. During an endothermic reaction:a) container becomes coldb) container becomes hotc) the temperature of container remains samed) N.O.T

Answer Key

1 C 2 A 3 B4 A 5 B 6 A7 A 8 B 9 A10 B 11 B 12 A13 A 14 A 15 ABy the same Author:

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