delft university of technology stereological …colleagues that stereology was a powerful tool for...

Delft University of Technology Stereological Methods In Cement-Based Materials Technology A Survey Of My Research Group’s Activities During The Past Half Of A Century Stroeven, Piet DOI 10.5566/ias.2207 Publication date 2019 Document Version Final published version Published in Image Analysis and Stereology Citation (APA) Stroeven, P. (2019). Stereological Methods In Cement-Based Materials Technology: A Survey Of My Research Group’s Activities During The Past Half Of A Century. Image Analysis and Stereology, 38(3), 201- 211. Important note To cite this publication, please use the final published version (if applicable). Please check the document version above. Copyright Other than for strictly personal use, it is not permitted to download, forward or distribute the text or part of it, without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), unless the work is under an open content license such as Creative Commons. Takedown policy Please contact us and provide details if you believe this document breaches copyrights. We will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. This work is downloaded from Delft University of Technology. For technical reasons the number of authors shown on this cover page is limited to a maximum of 10.

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Page 1: Delft University of Technology Stereological …colleagues that stereology was a powerful tool for solving practical engineering problems in the field of concrete technology. A highly

Delft University of Technology

Stereological Methods In Cement-Based Materials TechnologyA Survey Of My Research Group’s Activities During The Past Half Of A CenturyStroeven, Piet

DOI10.5566/ias.2207Publication date2019Document VersionFinal published versionPublished inImage Analysis and Stereology

Citation (APA)Stroeven, P. (2019). Stereological Methods In Cement-Based Materials Technology: A Survey Of MyResearch Group’s Activities During The Past Half Of A Century. Image Analysis and Stereology, 38(3), 201-211.

Important noteTo cite this publication, please use the final published version (if applicable).Please check the document version above.

CopyrightOther than for strictly personal use, it is not permitted to download, forward or distribute the text or part of it, without the consentof the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), unless the work is under an open content license such as Creative Commons.

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This work is downloaded from Delft University of Technology.For technical reasons the number of authors shown on this cover page is limited to a maximum of 10.

Page 2: Delft University of Technology Stereological …colleagues that stereology was a powerful tool for solving practical engineering problems in the field of concrete technology. A highly

Image Anal Stereol 2019;38:201-211 doi: 105566/ias.2207 Communications


STEREOLOGICAL METHODS IN CEMENT-BASED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY A survey of my research group’s activities during the past half of a century 

PIET STROEVEN Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands e-mail: [email protected] (Received June 23, 2019; revised October 27, 2019; accepted October 27, 2019)


Four topics of high engineering relevance in which we were involved are introduced herein. Aggregate packing in concrete is of obvious relevance: denser packings lead to reduced cement demands, while modern developments in the (super) high performance range of cementitious materials are based on particle packing. Fiber reinforcement efficiency in concrete that we have studied extensively offers a relatively simple stereological problem for which Cauchy laid down the fundament. In the third problem of damage analysis the dispersion of small cracks in concrete is at issue. Insight into damage characteris-tics would be relevant in all (fracture) mechanical experiments. This topic can equally be linked to Cau-chy. In both cases, the data acquisition by stereological methods is indicated. The fourth topic is of high actual relevance. It involves porosimetry in computer-simulated (virtual) cementitious materials, ultimate-ly aiming permeability estimation. The stereological problems involved are indicated, and - again – Cauchy can be linked to finding solutions. Finally, new, mostly yet unpublished developments are indi-cated aiming for more economic procedures as well as improving reliability of permeability estimates by nano-packing of globules, so that ultimately this methodology could replace the laborious and expensive (and biased) experimental route.

Keywords: Cauchy, aggregates, fibers, cracks, pores


This paper is intended as a “farewell message” to my dear colleagues and friends in the ISS community, focusing on what I personally learned in this ISS community and showing to which engineering problems I applied it in the concrete technology world during the past half of a century. Hence, I herewith want to show my gratitude to the very community: it enriched my life, as a concrete technologist and as a human being!

I enjoyed my first experiences with STEREOLO-GISTS in the ISS community during the Bern conference in 1971. I was involved in an extensive study in the concrete materials field for my PhD study that I completed in 1973. For most PhD committee members out of “my” field, the 329 pages of my dissertation were probably outside their capabilities, and the stereological approach made this an even more serious problem. Although I received my PhD degree –yet not without some overt animosity– for my colleagues in Delft I was considered for the rest of my

active life an outsider who always knew better… As a consequence, the appointment in 1997 to professor was due to cooperation partner Beijing Jiaotong University in China, not to my home institution…

So, I figured that as a young Dr. I should convince colleagues that stereology was a powerful tool for solving practical engineering problems in the field of concrete technology. A highly relevant field was steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC), which presented the simplest stereological conditions I could imagine: dispersed lineal elements in space. This task was supposedly easier than doing so for the damage analysis problems I had faced earlier in my PhD study. Motivation to accept this mission was also coming from serious violations to stereological concepts I had discovered in both fields.

Looking backwards, the research efforts in the previous period involved four major engineering topics with stereological background. The two selected ‘promotion’ topics (SFRC and damage analysis) are nowadays quite established. Other contributions came from all over the world. The ‘French school’ can

Page 3: Delft University of Technology Stereological …colleagues that stereology was a powerful tool for solving practical engineering problems in the field of concrete technology. A highly




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evertheless bereological e989; Dequied989). The pan the series xperimenting fforts, the ossibilities anrazil Nut Effnd 2012). Th of recent date laid downtroeven and Seceiving majesearch instituenerally not articles.

Cauchy colid stereolognvestigations

Yet, additionatructuring (Detwork toponspired by a tyLaValle and ars is equally

n life sciencesconsequencef porosimetryan constitute echnology reheory!


The subjeoncrete in weplaced by mohat could easiheir shape anroduced as ontaining dardening, a emoved by saubes were serat least) visib

be mentioneexpertise (Cardt and Redonarticle packin

and elabora as well a

latter facnd assessmenfect (BNE), she permeabilite. Hence, no

n yet in majSłovik; Li andjor attention utions in the based on D

concepts (Cagical basis u(Li and Stroe

ally, the DouDRaMuTS) syology shouldypical stereolKuffner, 200

y inspired by s (Gundersen

e, we can safey and permea

an interestinesearchers f


ect matter of which the larg

ono-size 16 mly be distingund colour (F

250 mm ifferent am25 mm dist

awing. Thererially sectionble in two

ed here becrcassès, Ollivn, 2001; Granng problem isated by extes by compu

cilitating font of peculiasee Stroeven ity issue in v

ot all our achiajor publicatid Stroeven).

by a numbworld, altho

DEM packing

auchy, 1882)under the maeven*; Stroevuble Randomystem for assed be mentlogy-related r01). Also, pra stereologic

n, et al., 1988ely state that ability estimatng playgrounfamiliar with


part of my gest aggregamm ceramic uished in sect

Fig. 1). The cubic conc

mounts of turbed boundeupon, the resned, so that asuccessive s


cause of thvier and Ringnju and Rings the oldest oensive physiuter simulatior verificatiar effects (e.and He, 201

virtual materiievements couions (StroeveIt is a field aber of famo

ough studies ag of the bind

) constitutedajor part of oven and Słovi

m Multiple Tressment of potioned becaurobotics methrobing pores cal method us8; Stroeven).

various aspetion of concrnd for concrh stereologic


PhD study wte fraction w(‘steatite’) bations because‘realcrete’ wcrete samplsteatite. Afdary layer wsulting 200 mall spheres weections. On

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1. Section of

2. Represenand from cru

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recorded threain sectionsthe steatite sttite content od in this waydetection of imens with thoeven, 1999;

steatite concr

ntative particushed rock (b

nt-based mater

ee points on ps. This altructure in theon distributiony. Among thef the Brazil he largest steStroeven and


cles from flubottom).


perimeters of llowed 3D e specimens. n parameters e interesting

Nut Effect eatite content d He, 2011c;

uvial gravel

Page 4: Delft University of Technology Stereological …colleagues that stereology was a powerful tool for solving practical engineering problems in the field of concrete technology. A highly

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Fig. 3. Sim(right): ninin Fig. 2.

This computer-mnearest necompared depicted bthe inaccuStroeven e

Simulaggregate mechanica2011a andtypes of prespectivelproves thsimulated.

Fig. 4. FreΔ3, among“realcrete”concrete), Differenceserial secti

al Stereol 2019

mulation stratne regular pol

topic was made “steati

eighbour distrwith aforem

y Fig. 4. Majuracies in saet al., 2007; L

ating in cemeof fluvial o

al properties d 2011b; 2012particles werely, as demon

hat practical

equency distrig 16 mm cera” (Fig. 1) andrespectiv it i

es are mainlyioning of the


tegy of arbitralyhedra with

continued ite” concreteribution of t

mentioned exjor deviationsawing! (Stro

Le and Stroev

entitious matorigin or ofwas also p

2). Ellipsoid-te employed

nstrated by Fil mixes cou

ibutions of thamic balls in d “compucretis avoided i

y due to sawirealcrete.

ary shaped agfacet number

decades late. In doing sthe grains coxperimental ds were found

oeven, 1973, ven, 2012).

terials the efff crushed roossible (He, type or polyhfor the simuigs. 2 and 3. uld be acc

he nearest nei200 mm sam

te” (computerin this surving inaccurac


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Fig. 5. S-V cuof composite pGuo (1988) wget an even bfrom an exp2006).

Of coursento the (supeexceeding th

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y shaped ellipployed to rep

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SphereGR in ReferenceLS in referenceComposite polyhRevised compos

psoids represpresent river g

hed rock typend of the spheed as well aspondence withpproach by

grading of mrformance ranr steel qualit

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Page 5: Delft University of Technology Stereological …colleagues that stereology was a powerful tool for solving practical engineering problems in the field of concrete technology. A highly




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Buffon foroncrete technalled “needle2006). It coollowing exponcrete can b


f a line grid mage, such arojected lengtnit of area of

centuries lanalysis metho

Our firstmethod involv

ifferent fiberatios by weig

moduli of themployed, maxhe fineness

ig. 6. (bottompecimen of 70ne grids.

The steexperiments asrovided with y counting felated to the Che counting pecond perpenhe specimen. nisometry, ba

2'L AP L



rmulated in nology. The oe problem” isould readily pression by we analyzed

is the avera

and (steel) fias in Fig. 6th perpendicu

f the image. Sater his direodology that i

t applicationved the anar types in SFght (w/c=0.4 e aggregate ximum grainmodulus (FM

m) X-ray radio0x200x1000 m

el fiber reis well as theadditional fibfibers in orCauchy conce

planes is paralndicular to it a

It was foundased on the so



1770 a probloriginal states given in St

be transforwhich fiber

age number

fiber projectio6. Further, Lular to the grSaltikov propcted (and rais making use

n of the Balysis of theFRC. Two w

and 0.6) an(f=3.27 and

n size being 8M) is an em

ograph of a “mm (top). Co

inforced 3-e splitting tenber dispersionrthogonal seepts (Cauchyllel to the fraand parallel td, as an examo called Stroe



em relevant ement of the troeven and Hrmed into tdistributions


of intersectio

ons in an X-rL’A is the torid direction pposed more thandom) secae of eq. (1).

Buffon/Saltike dispersion water to cemend two finene

f=3.89), we8 mm. Note thmpirical figu

“vertical sliceompaction by

point bendinsile tests wn characteristctions. This

y, 1882). Oneacture plane, tto the bottommple, that fibeven concept

EVEN P: Stere


for so

Hu the in



ray otal per han ants

kov of

ment ess ere hat ure

obtainof ansievespecicontrremoa setresulttop).6, boapply(StroStroe1986Amonreinfoit rebehav


e” (totaling 10y gravitation w

ing ere tics

is e of the

m of ber (in

this cfiberstensil(Fig. See, otherreinfo

Nin sp

eological meth

ned by addinn aggregate rees, and dividimens, measurolled testedved from thet of about ted from eacVisualizationottom) of pying orthogoneven, 1979c

even and Da; Stroeven ang other thinorcement effindered possvior of the SF

The remainining experimegth tests in eiific informatiibution parameven, 1979c

even and Da).

0 in this case)was in vertica

case a mixturs), was directle strength at7) (Stroeven

e.g., Stroever relevant corcement in c

Note further tpace and in

hods in cemen

ng the total petained on eacing the sum

uring 70x200d to beyon

testing machequally size

ch full-size sn was by waypre-loaded cnal grids. For; 2009; Stro

alhuisen, andnd Słovik; Sngs, it proviiciency of theible to inte

FRC specimen

ng prisms weents and the cither one of oion on crack

meters of the ; 2009; Stro

alhuisen, 199

) of a test-loaal direction. A

re of 2D and tly reflected bt increasing vn and Babut,n (2009) for ontributions


that in SFRC n the forthco

nt-based mater

ercentages ofch of a specif

m by 100. A 0x1000 mm, nd ultimate,hine and sectied prismaticspecimen (Fy of X-rayingconcrete sper detailed infooeven and S

d Stroeven 1Stroeven andided informae different fiberpret phenoens in structur

ere subjectedcubes to spli

orthogonal dirk developmen

full-size speoeven and S

96; Stroeven

aded (and craAnalysis is by

3D “randomby anisotropyvolume fracti, 1986; Stroea large selecto the fie

C we deal withoming dama


f the samplefied series of

total of 48 were strain- thereupon ioned so that c specimens ig. 6 at the

g slices (Fig. cimens and ormation see Shah, 1978;996; Babut,

d Hu, 2007).ation on the ber types and menological ral terms.

d to 3-point itting tensile rections. For nt and fiber ecimens, see Shah, 1978;

and Babut,

acked) SFRC y orthogonal

mly” oriented y in splitting ion of fibers even, 1993). ction of also ld of fiber

h line length age analysis

Page 6: Delft University of Technology Stereological …colleagues that stereology was a powerful tool for solving practical engineering problems in the field of concrete technology. A highly

Image Anal Stereol 2019;38:201-211 


approach with surface area in space. Cauchy provided the relationships that are at the basis of counting observations and determination of total line length (SFRC) and total surface area (Damage analysis), respectively (Cauchy, 1882).

Fig. 7. Anisometry in steel fiber dispersion (top) and anisotropy of splitting tensile strength fs in N/mm2 of steel fiber reinforced cubes at increasing fiber volume fraction Vf (bottom).

For the fibre case of Fig. 6, upon application of the Stroeven concept of a mixture of 2D and 3D fibre portions, the following equation is obtained (Stroeven, 1979c; 2009)

' 1 2 1

2 2V VL L


where is the total length ratio of the 2D fibre portion over that of the total amount of fibres. Mono-size fibers are assumed in this case, however, also for multi-size and curved fibers, similar models have been expanded. In eq. (2), LV is the total fiber length per unit of volume and LV’ the component in the plane of the 2D portion; so, in the case of Fig. 6 oriented perpendicular to the compaction direction of the prismatic specimen. Consequently, it is the effective part of the fiber reinforcement because loading direction will be perpendicular to the plane of the X-ray image.


Buffon/Saltikov provided also the basis for quantitative analysis of cracks in concrete. By as well adopting the Stroeven concept for spatial crack development (combining at maximum, 1D, 2D and 3D portions), the orthogonal measurements of intersections of line grids with the cracks can be interpreted in spatial terms. Fig. 8 concerns the case of direct compression, requiring only a 3D and 1D portion, the latter having its axis of orientation coinciding with that of the loading. Hence, the solution for the spatial interpretation of cracking can be based on a section parallel to the loading direction in which the orthogonal observations LP Pand LP suffice (Fig. 8, at the left).

In mathematical terms, it is found that the crack surface area per unit of volume, SV, is related to orthogonal measurements in the mid-section of the compressed specimen by



P (3)

In tension testing, a combination of 3D and 2D portions is required. Again, an axial section can be sampled by an orthogonal line grid. For methodological details and results of applications, see (Stroeven, 1973; 1979b; Stroeven and Słovik; Stroeven and He, 2011a; 2011b). Of course, any (fracture) mechanical investigation on cementitious materials can profit from the structural research efforts discussed herein, since it will promote the understanding of the recorded phenomenological behavior.

Note that these labour-intensive contributions to the aforementioned topics had to be terminated at the end of last century, because physical experimenting became too expensive. Therefore, I figured we should instead use modern computer facilities. So, the last subject is hot, actual and highly relevant. My PhD student and son, Martijn, developed the first professional Discrete Element Method (DEM) - SPACE - in our group that became operational around the millennium break (Stroeven, M., 1999). During the next years, a series of my PhD students have used it (and an upgraded version, HADES) in studies on virtual cementitious materials (compucrete). Particle packing problems (as discussed earlier) and particularly permeability estimation were the issues of interest and engineering relevance.






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Page 7: Delft University of Technology Stereological …colleagues that stereology was a powerful tool for solving practical engineering problems in the field of concrete technology. A highly



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ig. 8 (right) Pmall cracks vcomplete, ce

or intersection

In Stroevlaborated onereological r

og”, hence, ithowing up ofeometric aver

more closely arting to emelds!


ApplicatioD problems ibre reinforce

hey found thmodels for pe

troeven, et amaterials are DEM) – desp

methods are echnology, lispersion chamulation by

Kinetics Modarticles yieldesult of the v

ereol 2019;38:

Part of the seisible under U

entrally locaten counting.

ven and Słn the Cauchreaders this it is avoided f the Cauchy raging operatreflects my

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ons of the Cis not limitedement or cracheir way in ermeability

al., 2015). Foproduced by

pite Random more freq

leading howaracteristics.

XIPKM (eXdel) that is bding also sphvector-based


ction image oUV light upoed axial secti

łowik we hhy concepts. is “as easy ain this surve

y constants oftions was dem

Aha Erlebnoncepts in o


auchy conced to the structck structures.porosimetry (Li and Stroor that purpoy Discrete E

Sequential Aquently usedwever to bThe next steXtended Intebased on sp

herical hydratapproach), ap

of a pre-loadeon applicationion (note agg

have expliciHowever,

as falling offey. Instead, tf 1/2 and 2/πmonstrated. Tis when I w

our engineeri


pts for 3D atural analysis. More recenand predicti

oeven 2017aose, our virtulement MethAddition (RSd in concrbiased partiep is hydratiegrated Partipherical cemeted grains (aspart from int


ed compressen of a fluoresgregate grain

itly for

ff a the

π in This was ing


and s of ntly tive a,b; ual

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Fig. 9

ed prismatic cent spray. (lsections). Or

cle interferenand Scrivene

9. Simulated

concrete specleft) Manuallyrthogonal line

nces (Navi aner, 2005) (Fig

hydrated blen

cimen reveally copied crace grids are su

nd Pignat, 1g. 9).

nded cement

s myriads of ck pattern of uperimposed

996; Pignat,


Page 8: Delft University of Technology Stereological …colleagues that stereology was a powerful tool for solving practical engineering problems in the field of concrete technology. A highly

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Fig. 10. (tpaste with300 m2/kgcomplex psystem afteM., 1999).

Pore tby DRaMStructuringdevelopmeand pore s(SVM), insalso the In

These ly” disperstrees frominput datayielding in2017; Strocomplexity10.

al Stereol 2019

top) All poreh w/c = 0.4. Porosity ispore structurer removal of

topology of thMuTS (Doug), see Fig. ents in robotiize is determspired by a m


investigationsed points in

m DRaMuTS a for a clasnformation onoeven et al.y of the pore


es in 90 day4 and Blains 19%. (bottre in the vecf the hydrate

he capillary nuble Random

10, an appcs (as stated

mined by Star methods used

ns are based n 100 μm cuand the pore

ssical networn permeabilit, 2015; Li e structure is

ys hydrated cne surface atom) Tortuouctor-based hystructure (Str

network is asm Multiple proach inspirin the IntroduVolume Meain life scienc

on 2x105 “raubes. The sme sizes by SVrk analysis, ty (Stroeven aet al., 2017s visualized


cement area of us and ydrated roeven,

ssessed Tree red by uction) asuring ces (see

andom-moothed VM are

finally and Li,

7). The in Fig.





New devapproach. Inshe network an

pore sections tars in about

find the pore he same poin

distribution fuare intimatelyareas in the constant ½ economizationortuosity infinear tortuos

expressed by

𝑅 1

Herein pand projectedimulated data

quite well prefirst part of itof the pore sywe additionalpore channeleduction facthe non-spher

determined bSignificant redpaper is in pre


The last esearch in the

2017), as afortudy of K. Lesulted in

hydration layhat causes the

have replacedpherical sur

packed nano-gnodules is estFrom the surfhey start clus

declining glob

The tradhydration simgrains that exaccounting fo

elopments fostead of assesnalysis, a simare used. T200 pore secthroat (=smant) (Stroevenunctions of ty related. Sptwo distribu(Stroeven

n effort is toformation. Inity index of

1 𝑝

is porosity ad pore lengtha based on theedicted by pot. For estimaystem by thisly require inls and theirtor expressinrically shapedby FET (Leductions in efeparation).


two decadese field of conrementioned.i (Li and Stronano-level er of cemente expansion o

d this outer hyface of hydglobules. In ttimated as 5 face of the sostering in fracbal density ov

ditional XIPmulation is bpand due to or interferenc

ocus on the ssing 2x 105

milar number This avoids pctions at eac

allest among n). It is founthroats and rpecifically, thutions differ

and Słoviko predict pen Stroeven f pores, Rl, i

and l and l’ h on a straige second halforosity data aating transpors so called h

nformation onr median 2Dng the actual d pore sectioe, 2015; Li fforts are exp


s we have bncrete permea. As a followoeven, 2019)explorations t particles. Tof the hydrati

hydration layedrated cemethe literature,

nm (Jenningo called innerctal-like “armver the outer l

PKM vectorbased on sphydration in ces). This is

economy of throat sizes of IUR orien

probing by 2h nodal poinpore sections

nd that the srandom sectihe median pby the Cau

k). A secormeability frand Słovik s approximat

are pore lenght line. So f of Eq. (4) seaccording to rt characterishybrid approan the numberD size, plusconductance

ons. The latteet al., 201

pected (a jour

been conductability (Li, et w up of the P

, this has finain the ou

This is the laing of the smont particles the size of sgs, 2000; 200r hydration lams”, leading tlayer (Fig. 11

r approachpherical cema spherical wshown in a 2

the for

nted 2-D

nt to s in size ions pore uchy ond rom the



ngth far,

eem the

stics ach, r of s a e of er is 17). rnal

ting al.,

PhD ally uter ayer We

ooth by

uch 08). ayer to a 1).

to ment way 2-D

Page 9: Delft University of Technology Stereological …colleagues that stereology was a powerful tool for solving practical engineering problems in the field of concrete technology. A highly






ow-density sebviously reduore surface iseduce the cection. Whenement to conco dilution anpproach in arameters canata on concretroeven). Hexpensive testncertainties apecimens), thpecimens, wome and moneeliability!

Problems ssessing size f the quasi-fropic of stereotudy!

ig. 11. The sionsisting of Dnder two omogenous erowth amongn outer layer i

et up in Fig. 1uces pore sizes roughened inonductance

n transferringcrete, we deand tortuosity

combination bring the

ete permeabilence, insteating (with a

as to the degrhe sketched ould not onley savings bu

arise in tand shape ch

fractal “arms”ological natu

implified struDEM-packeddifferent grexpansion byg mono-size gis similar in th

11 (top). Thee (and changn Fig. 11 (boof water th

g the informaal with additioy. It seems on with tsimulated anity on close d

ad of laboriaccepted shoree of water s

strategy, baly compete fut would be a

the nano-aphanges in 3D” in Fig. 11.ure suitable f

ucture of cemd mono-size crowth mechy XIPKM; (bglobules. Amhe two cases.


e nano-approaes shape) whttom). This whrough a poation of virtuonal effects dthat the nan

these maternd experimendistance (Li aious and thortcomings asaturation of tased on virtufavorably as at least of equ

pproach as D during grow

An interestifor a next Ph

ment paste in 2cylindrical dishanisms: (tobottom) fibro

mount of C-S.

EVEN P: Stere


ach hile will ore ual due no-rial ntal and hus and the

tual to


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Hplungexperon thanalyforeigmanyconfefield with and rlast PWuhaPhD in coto thedeterboth proje

SSFRCleadinLi, epublistatu mentof hglobustuff primepermconceStroe

Istereokept shoulto theprobaconcetechnrural particin theand suppoalthoucase cuts. partly

eological meth


Hence, my ged with fulrimenting in he very laboysis problemgn counter-py years in erence procee

(of the mathe ambition

reliable tool fPhD student oan Universitin 2001 (Shu

oncrete is intie fiber topic mining the l

in 3D spections).

Studies on alC - have reng journals set al., 2015ications, amonascendi. Brioned, such a

hardened cemules dispersed

for stereoloe attention

meability estimept, as mentioeven and Słov

It should finology-relatedme busy all ld be mentione impressionably rose fromerned with nology “avan

project in Scipation, whie framework

particularly orted by thugh political (as the last aMajor objec

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Page 10: Delft University of Technology Stereological …colleagues that stereology was a powerful tool for solving practical engineering problems in the field of concrete technology. A highly

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husk ash (Bui, 2001) or non-commercial metakaolin (Vu, 2002). Mind that this was significantly before such CO2 emissions were internationally declared leading to global warming, hence it was hard in our case to find moral and, particularly, financial support. Note that the given examples are particle packing-driven. This illustrates again the actual relevance of the first topic discussed herein!

At the final end of this paper it should be men-tioned that promotion of stereology in my field was also explicitly in my mind during the many years that I participated in the ISS community as “regional representative” and as Editorial Board member for Acta Stereologica and Image Analysis and Stereology.


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