delivering a multi-engagement corporate work-based learning program


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Post on 06-Dec-2014




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Come learn about a model for a corporate work-based learning program spanning several student engagements during the course of the school year. The session will discuss recommendations on how to identify an academy for delivering the program, review the specific types of engagement and discuss feedback received with an initial work-based learning program.


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Delivering a Multi-Engagement Corporate Work-Based Learning Program


Samantha Yakal-Kremskisamantha.yakal-kremski

Jerry Passionejpassione

Pat Brownpbrown

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• WBL Pilot Program Objectives

• Academy Selection Process/Criteria

• Engagement Model and Details

• Program Feedback

• How to Get Engaged in Delivering a Comparable Program

• Questions and Answers

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Pilot Program Objectives


Design a “pre-configured” work-based learning (WBL) program, encompassing multiple educational/mentoring engagements for an entire academy year, that utilizes Verizon and Juniper employees. Preference is AOE/AOIT based on corporate partner focus.

Design pilot program whereby NAF and other corporate partners can implement as a prospective model for supporting and engaging with NAF academies.

Tightly integrate with and complement the current NAF curriculum and specific school program/assignments.

Enhance the WBL program model by including preparation and culminating in student internships and supporting NAF’s internship objectives.

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Initial Proposed Pilot Program Plan


Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May


(School or Skype)


(School or Skype)


(School or Skype)

Tech Event(School or


ClassVisit -


School Specific ProjectMake Verizon or Juniper volunteers available to support a school-defined project

Class Visit- Intro to Corp, Speed Networking, Community


Class Visit - Valuing




w/ NAFLeaders


Select in April






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Process and Timeline


Process: Timeline:

Planning Meeting (NAF Office)• Identified strategies and develop action plan • Developed scope collaborative WBL pilot project• Identified potential academies

July 7/24/13 3 hrs.

Planning Meeting (Juniper Office)• Defined WBL template that can be leveraged across schools • Reviewed academy curriculum as it relates to WBL plans• Outlined academy readiness parameters• Identified specific target markets

August 8/13/13 3 hrs.

Planning Meeting (NAF Office)• Reviewed profiles of recommended academies• Discussed process to develop menu WBL activities aligned to student

learning objectives• Planned kick-off meeting with academy leaders

September 9/4/13 3 hrs.

Kick-off Meeting (At Academy)• Academy leaders share interest, needs for WBL program• Review work-based Learning blueprint• Jointly craft action plan for WBL pilot initiative

October 10/18/13 1 hr.

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Manhattan Bridges High School


Theme AOIT & AOE Model AcademyAOE Model Academy

Program Length Grades 9 - 12

Inception School opened in 2003; NAF Academy opened in 2009

Students 560 Students

Location Midtown Manhattan, NYC

Educators • Skilled • Reflection of student body• Positive family culture• Philosophy “not one thing…everything makes a

difference”; Long school day—including Saturdays

Unique Characteristics • High expectations for all• Immigrant and Bilingual population (significant % not literate

in native language)• 4 year science and mathematics (AP calculus, AP

statistics, college level pre calculus) • Broad range of AP courses

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Engagements Review


6 engagements over 6 months, focused on preparing students for internships, college and STEM careers

December 2013: Introduction to Corporate Culture

January 2014: Networking 101

February 2014: Soft Skills Development

March 2014: A Day In The Life Of An Engineer

April 2014: Preparing for College

June 2014: Celebration of Student Achievement

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Engagement #1 – Introduction to Corporate Culture


OBJECTIVE: introduce students to corporate culture, Verizon and Juniper; provide introductory skills for meeting professionals

COMPONENTS:• Trivia Game

• Building Tour • Speed Networking• Community Service Project • Hands-on STEM Activity

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Engagement #1 – Introduction to Corporate Culture


Example Speed Networking Questions for Students

• What is your role with Juniper/Verizon?

• How did you first come to work for Juniper/Verizon?

• Have you held different positions with Juniper/Verizon? What were they?

• What do you like most about what you do? What do you like least?

• What skills/capabilities are important to do your job on a day-to-day basis?

• What motivates you to do a good job?

• What interesting things did you learn about working for a large company?

• What challenges did you face with the transition from school to an everyday job?

• How many different jobs/roles have you had in your career?

• What general guidance would you give to students pursuing secondary education and/or

entering the workforce for the first time?

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Engagement #1 – Introduction to Corporate Culture


Testing Engineering Skills via Buoyancy Project Kit

• Students worked in Teams of 3 to plan, design, and test the buoyancy of a small floating vessel using multiple materials.

• Juniper and Verizon engineering SMEs/volunteers assisted students with the project.

• Students collectively debriefed on the project in terms of what they learned.

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Engagement #2 – Networking 101


Lecture Overview• Introduction to Computer Networks• Network Dimension and Network Media• Overview of Networking Hardware• Routing – The 10,000 Foot View• Routing in the Internet: A Brief History

• Static Routing and the evolution of Dynamic Routing Protocols

• Interior Gateway Protocols• Exterior Gateway Protocols• Quality of Service• The Future of Internet Routing

OBJECTIVE: Verizon and Juniper employees supplement in-classroom student learnings by providing a deep-dive on the technical basics of networking

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Engagement #3 – Soft Skills Development


OBJECTIVE: prepare students for internship experiences and interviews and provide continued examples of corporate culture

COMPONENTS:• 1:1 Mock Interviews• 1:1 Resume Review and Feedback• How to Search for a Job/Internship• Dos and Don’ts of Resume Writing• Lab Tour• Video Conference with Employees Based in Latin America

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Engagement #3 – Soft Skills Development

• Have the student go outside the classroom door and then knock to enter.

• After the greeting, please ask the student to be seated.• Begin with the interview questions.• Ask the student if they have any questions.

Suggested interview questions:1. Tell me about yourself2. What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment(s)?3. How would your peers describe you? 4. What have you learned from your hobbies, interest, and outside activities?5. Describe a situation or event that demonstrated (or taught you something about) your work ethic.6. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?7. What are five words that describe you?8. Do you think your grades are a good indication of your future success? Why or why not?9. Give an example of a time that you had to work with someone you did not like and how you handled it.10. Who would you ask to provide a reference for you and why?

Sample Mock Interview Questions

If time permits, you may ask other questions that you may have prepared. Feel free to ask these questions in any order that you prefer.

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Engagement #3 – Soft Skills Development


Time Slot/Topic and Room

Job Search Discussion

Resume Review / Feedback

Lab TourResumeWriting

Tips One-on-One Mock Interviews and Feedback

Brigantine Pods OpenLab Sea Bright



Ocean City (3)

Deal (4)





10:00 – 10:15am Student Arrivals

10:15 – 10:30am Executive Welcome and Agenda Review (Multi-purpose Room)

10:30 – 10:45am Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E

10:50 – 11:05am Group B Group C Group D Group E Group A

11:10 –11:25am Group C Group D Group E Group A Group B

11:30 – 11:45am Group D Group E Group A Group B Group C

11:45 – 12:30pm Lunch (Cyber Café/Multipurpose Room)

12:30 – 12:45pm Group E Group A Group B Group C Group D

12:45pm – 1:30pm Video Conference with Verizon and Juniper Employees in Latin America (Multi-purpose Room)

1:30 – 2:00pm NAF and Executive Closing Comments (Multi-purpose Room)

2:00pm Student Departure

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10:00am – Executive Welcome

10:10am – Rotation

10:15am – Resume workshopsGroup 1: Resume Writing Dos and

Don’tsGroup 2: 1:1 Resume Feedback

10:40am – Rotation

10:45am – Resume workshopsGroup 2: Resume Writing Dos and

Don’tsGroup 1: 1:1 Resume Feedback

11:10am – Rotation

11:15am – Internship preparationGroup 2 : Mock InterviewsGroup 1: How To Search For An


11:40am – Rotation

Engagement #3 – Soft Skills Development

11:45am – Internship preparationGroup 1: Mock InterviewsGroup 2: How To Search For An


12:10pm – Return to Conference Room 2

12:15pm – Lunch

1pm – Corporate Culture Group 1: “A Day In The Life Of”

PresentationGroup 2: FSC Call Center Tour

1:25pm – Rotation

1:30pm - Corporate Culture Group 2: “A Day In The Life Of”

PresentationGroup 1: FSC Call Center Tour

1:55pm – Return to Conference Room 2

2pm – Closing Remarks and Program Close

Adapted Soft Skills Development Module

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Engagement #4 – A Day in the Life of Engineer


OBJECTIVE: provide students the opportunity to interact with employees and understand a typical day-in-the-life-of an engineer or IT Tech

Sample Guiding Questions for Presenters

• What is your title and specific role?

• What are the different engineering/IT roles (or functional specialties) within the company?

• What skill sets are needed to handle the day-to-day role – both technical and general personal skills?

• What types of problems are addressed and solved?

• What makes the job rewarding?

• What makes the job challenging?

• What is an appropriate career path beyond this role that seeks to utilize the acquired skills from this position?

• What does your typical day look like?

• Guidance to the students – you would most likely enjoy this role if you enjoy doing _____.

• What would you have done differently in your career?

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Engagement #5 – Preparing for College


OBJECTIVE: based on student feedback, provide information on admissions process and local colleges

COMPONENTS:• Panel presentation from 6 college representatives

• CUNY, Columbia, Cornell, NJIT, Rutgers, Stevens• Networking lunch• Student Experience• How to Succeed in the Classroom

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Engagement #5 – Preparing for College


Moderated Panel Topics:

Entry Requirements

Classroom Environment/



Campus Life

Student Services

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Engagement #6 – Celebration of Student Achievement


Embed year end video

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For each engagement, volunteers received:-Prep calls-Supporting documentation

Volunteers were surveyed following each engagement to garner feedback on experience and areas of improvement.

Each volunteer was invited back to participate in final, culminating celebration for students.

Engaging Volunteers

What our volunteers say:

• I feel like I may have helped to encourage a possible future Verizon engineer.• The event was well run - we all knew where to be and what to do and when!• Appreciated the opportunity to give back in a meaningful way.

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Strengthening the Program


• Establishing Best Practices• Set calendar of dates with academy at the beginning of the academic year• Periodically gather feedback from students as it related to content and

session themes and make adjustments as needed; survey student levels before program begins

• Work closely with school to understand student level for subject-based and experiential modules

• Provide school with a list of pre-work materials to enhance student understanding and preparation (eg, reviewing university websites)

• Enhancements• Establish class period or after-school club for selected students with

additional support for preparation and debriefing for events (ex: working with students to ensure each student has a draft resume)

• Advancing students become mentors for new class of participants• Engaging a few students in advance of each engagement to develop

appropriate questions/topics for the session

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“I would recommend the program due to all the experience that you

get from it and the chance of having a conversation with

professionals and such”

“You learn new things, have new experiences and know issues that

are not taught in school”

“This program helps student see what the future is like and what they might need to do to

pursue their desire for the future”

“I would definitely recommend this program to other students and schools because it is a very

helpful experience. It can be considered as an eye opening experience that can get you ready for what comes next”

What The Students Said

NAF and Academy/Student Feedback

“Definitely want to implement the program

next school year”“We saw the students

confidence increase over the course of the program”

“They benefitted from talking with adults professionals other than their teachers

What The Academy Leaders Said

“Program helped students to develop career goals and interest in college”

“Staff values youth development and are willing to put in extra


“Lots of follow up to ensure students

participate and gain full value, but worth it”

Overall Satisfaction = 3.8 out of 4.0 max Scale of 1=Not Valuable to 4=Exceptionally Valuable

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Corporate Engagement Cycle

How to Get Engaged


Academy1. Let us know of your interest ([email protected])2. Participate in briefing call with academy leaders,

CTE supports, NAF field staff, and others stakeholders who will be involve in program

3. Discuss potential local or national business partners to engage

4. Begin corporate engagement cycle

Business Partner1. Let us know of your interest ([email protected])2. Participate in briefing call with sponsor or site

lead, foundation staff, and others stakeholders who will be involve in program

3. NAF field staff to recommend ready academy4. Continue corporate engagement cycle

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Thank You!

Samantha Yakal-Kremskisamantha.yakal-kremski

Jerry Passionejpassione

Pat Brownpbrown