democracy allows ordinary people to have a say in what the government do. it allows voters to decide...

Democracy allows ordinary people to have a say in what the government do. It allows voters to decide how their country /community is run. Democracy is also to do with hearing everyone's decisions (loud and clear). What is democracy?

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Democracy allows ordinary people to have a say in what the government do.

It allows voters to decide how their country /community is run.

Democracy is also to do with hearing everyone's decisions (loud and clear).

What is democracy?

May 7th is an important day for the people of England because they get to vote for a new political party that will become our government.

Anyone that is a British citizen (over 18) can vote in the election.They write down who they would like to pick on a piece of paper and post it – this is called a ballot paper.

What is happening on May 7th 2015?

Who can vote? How do they vote?

The people themselves should vote to choose their favourite political party and who they want in power.

How do they vote?

Why should they vote?

Most people vote in person at a Polling Station. However, if you are not able to go to the Polling Station in person on election day, you can apply to vote by post.

David Cameron Leader of Conservative Party.

Nick Clegg Leader of the Liberal Democrats

Ed Miliband Leader of the Labour Party

Political Parties and their Leaders.

Emily Pankhurst - women's votes - Suffragettes. * No women were allowed to vote before 1918.

*The women who took part to change this were the Suffragettes.

*The most famous suffragette was called Emily Pankhurst.

What has parliament got to do with the elections?

There are two houses in parliament… House of Commons and House of Lords. The House of Commons is the most powerful one this is where the laws and regulations are discussed and decided. A law is a rule made by Parliament, also laws tell us what we can and cannot do.

House of Commons

House of Lords

Healthy Environment.

Healthy environment are another party who will help support hospital expenses for sick adults and children who need our help now.How would you like it if you were in their shoes so please help them.We will be making a charity for them because we need to give them medicines to help stay alive.

By Hamaira Nazabit and Aleena Kauser