democratic leadership


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Page 1: Democratic Leadership

To what extent do you agree that the democratic leadership style is most

appropriate for an educational institution? Provide specific examples.

All existing leadership style can be applied by anyone at the time he became a

leader in an organization. So that an organization of any kind must have and need a

leader who can lead the organization in achieving the goals set together, especially in

educational organizations. And in bringing the organization into a good direction,

then there are problems encountered, as well as differences of opinion. In the event

that unites these opinions need a leader who can unite every opinion in order to avoid

the things that will damage the organization.

Therefore, for me are democratic leadership style that can be used as

guidelines in solving the problem in terms of uniting the opinion of each subordinate

by consensus. And this type of leadership can be actualized by the students in the


Leadership comes from the word leader means people who do influence on

subordinates. So in the absence of a leader then the leadership will not happen. In

defining the meaning of leadership, there are several different opinions issued by the

respective experts.

According Wirawan (the Sagala 2000: 144) gives the notion of leadership as

process leaders create a vision, influence attitudes, behaviors, opinions, values, norms

and so on followers to realize the vision. On the other hand Koontz (the Sagala 2000:

145) defines leadership is "influence, tips (art), the process of influencing people so

that they want to try it wholeheartedly and enthusiastically to achieve the goal."

Leadership by Gary Yukl (the Sagala 2000: 146 ) is

"Leadership is defined broadly as influence processes affecting the

interpretation of events for followers, the choice of objectives for the group or

organization of work activities to Accomplish the objectives, the motivation of

followers to Achieve the objectives, the maintenance of Coorperative relationships

Page 2: Democratic Leadership

and teamwork, and the enlistment of support and coorporation.snow from people

outside the group or organization. "

That is, that leadership is the process of influencing the members that

emphasizes the goals and objectives of the organization through motivation,

maintaining a cooperative relationship with members, and giving good support to

groups from outside and inside the organization.

Then George Terry (the Sagala 2000: 144) defines leadership is "the

relationship between a leader in influencing others to cooperate consciously in

relation to the task of achieving the desire of leaders."

While the formulation of leadership by the West Point Military Academy (the

Sagala 2000: 145) leadership is the process of influencing the behavior of people in

achieving organizational goals. Stephen Robbins (in Wahab 2006: 82) also explains

that leadership is the ability to influence others to achieve its intended purpose. This

opinion considers that all members of the group / organization is a unified whole that

can do the job in order to achieve organizational goals.

Leadership also is a process of using the power or authority of the drive

system to achieve social goals social.

There is also some description of the meaning of leadership, including:

- According to Stogdill (in Wahab 2006: 132), "Leadership is the process of

influencing the activities of organized groups heading to the determination and

achievement of goals".

- According Siagian (in Wahab 2006: 132), "Leadership is the motor or the

driving force rather than all sources, plate available for an organization".

- According to Dubin (in Wahab 2006: 133), "Leadership in organizations

means the use of power and decision-making".

- According to Fiedler (in Wahab 2006: 133), "Leadership is a group of

individuals in the organization that provides guidance tasks that are relevant to the

activities of the group".

Page 3: Democratic Leadership

According to Wahab (2006: 133) the conclusion of the notion of leadership is

a quality and integrity activities in the educational situation. While educational

leadership is the ability to mobilize educational workers, so that the educational goals

that have been set can be achieved effectively and efficiently.

Based on some opinions can be concluded that leadership is an attempt by the

leader to influence others (subordinates) to cooperate or adhere to the orders issued in

order to achieve the intended purpose. Activities in a leadership involve giving

encouragement, motivation, and direction to subordinates to complete the job with a

vengeance. So that the components are in a leadership, namely:

- Behavior (activity) leader;

- The relationship of power with members;

- Interaction;

- Initiatives in influencing others.

According to Sagala (2000: 145) in his book Contemporary Educational

Administration explained that an educational organization declared a success or a

failure if applied leadership style is not able to influence each subordinate.

In terms of being a leader who can perform the task-tuganya and its role as a

good leader, then the leader of emotion education capable of meeting a number of

requirements, including:

- Being humble and modest;

- Characteristically prefer;

- Patience and have emotional stability;

- Believe in yourself;

- Honest, fair, and trustworthy; and

- Have expertise in office.

However, an educational leader must also have the skills to support its role as

a leader in an educational organization. According to Wahab (2006: 138) there are

some skills that must be owned by a leader of education, namely:

Page 4: Democratic Leadership

- Skills in the lead

That is a leader in an educational organization must master the ways of

applied leadership, especially democratic leadership. So that he may act in

accordance with the procedures good lead. For example, in terms of skill plan

together, invites all members of the organization to be able to participate, assign any

decisions by deliberation and consensus, and so on. And weeks to acquire the skills

necessary to an experience, and have a lot to communicate with all members of the


- Skills in human relations

This means that the Traffic in human relationships with all members of the

organization. Whether it's a formal relationship with regard to the task atupun work,

as well as a more informal relationship to the nature of kinship. In terms of running

this skill takes mutual respect to others, whether it subordinates to superiors, and

superiors to subordinates.

- Skills in group process

That is how the way a leader in increasing the participation of all members of

the organization as much as possible so that the potential possessed by the members

of the organization can be effected to the fullest anyway. A leader must be able to be

a mediator or moderator, not just as a judge pro.

- Skills in administration

That is an all-encompassing expertise and capabilities effectively and

efficiently. For example, the selection in terms of selecting the most appropriate to

the task and work, appointment, placement, assignment, orientation, supervision, and

guidance and development and welfare.

- Skill in assessing

That is an assessment of whether something fatherly mengetahuai been

fulfilled and enforceable in accordance with its intended purpose. In this case a leader

must be able to keep an eye on the work, how to work, and people who do it in a way:

Page 5: Democratic Leadership

define the purpose of the assessment, set the size of the assessment, so that corrective

action can be done if it is not in accordance with the plans or goals that have been set

previously. These control activities can be done at the time before the event, at the

time of the activity, as well as the time after the activity. So you will know what the

cause of the error is.

An effective leader is a leader who can give a good effect on subordinates,

where members may feel that their needs are met, both need work, motivation, health,

clothing, food, and other necessities.

Effective leadership can memeberikan base and putting an end to the most

important position to change the norms in the course of learning, increase

productivity, and develop creative approaches to achieve maximum results from the

program are educational organizations.

Leadership also determine the success of an organization. Because if not

applied leadership organizations can streamline the organizational goals will not be

achieved with either. Every leader must be able to have a personal picture of what

will be done in the organization.

According to Wahab in his book Anatomy of Leadership and Education

organization (2006: 128) explains there are four framework within the organization,


1) structural framework, which is a structure of formal rules and relationships

within the organization.

2) The framework of human resources, the skills and human limitations in

doing a job and have amsing individual needs that must be met.

3) the political framework, the organization saw a coalition forms that may be

changed in accordance with the evolving issues, as well as looking at the organization

as a place where power is always affecting placements of resources among members

of the organization.

Page 6: Democratic Leadership

4) symbolic framework, which puts together the organization as a venue or a

drama driven by things that ritual, which happens to a person's behavior settings, so

that if something goes wrong it can be improved through symbol, myth, and magic.

According to Wahab in his book Anatomy of Organization and Leadership

education are the main functions of an educational leader, among others:

1) A leader must be able to create a family atmosphere and cooperation.

2) Can help in terms of establishing and realizing the goals of the


3) Can help the organization in analyzing the situation to be prescribed

procedures are effective to use.

4) Responsible for all policies jointly determined and provide the opportunity

for the group to learn from an experience.

5) A leader can be responsible for developing and maintaining the

organization's existence.

On the other hand the leadership style adopted by a school principal is one of

the determinant factors create a conducive and harmonious atmosphere in the school

environment. In the context of leadership, force is defined as the relationship between

the leader and subordinates that menampilakan character, typical ssifat0sifat, skill,

and attention to individual tendencies through interaction.

In leadership also there are several styles or types that can be applied by any

leader, including authoritarian style, the style of transformational, charismatic and


Democratic leadership is a leadership in which a leader in dealing with the

various problems that arise in the organization of action shared decision-making

among leaders with all members of the organization in order to achieve

organizational goals.

In other words, a leader always gives an opportunity to all the members within

each issuing its opinion for the solution of problems faced terhapap. It could be

Page 7: Democratic Leadership

argued also that an organization will be able to succeed or fail depending on applied

leadership by a leader of the organization.

According to Big Indonesian Dictionary, 1996 (the Sagala 2000: 163) argues

democracy is an idea or way of life that has equal rights and obligations as a whole.

Any policy is determined by the leader carried deliberation.

In performing its duties, a democratic leader willing to accept and even expect

opinions and input from all members of the organization. But in any decision-making

leader must be able to refer to the organizational goals by optimizing all the potential

resources available.

Similarly, according to Wahab (2006: 135), the leader of the democratic type

of leadership not interprets as a dictator, but as a leader who is always in the middle

of the organization's members. This means that obtaining a democratic leader being

populist by all members of the organization.

His relationship with the members not like the relationship between an

employer and his subordinates, but rather a leader who has always been a family,

which can be a big brother to his siblings. In each performing its duties, a democratic

leader, to accept and even mengahrapkan all criticism and suggestions from all

members of the organization. Always try to give a fillip to stimulu or any of its

members to work diligently and responsibly.

Every action taken is always originating on the interests and needs along with

consideration and attention to the ability of each member of the organization. Add or

kritikkan Each of the members of the organization and the feedback is always used as

a material consideration in any decision-making in order to achieve organizational

goals. Thus the democratic leaders can dikatrakan give full confidence to his

subordinates that they possessed the ability to carry out any given task or job.

A democratic leader who can appreciate all its potential by its members and

will listen and take advantage of all the participation of members of the organization

as well as possible in order to achieve organizational goals.

Page 8: Democratic Leadership

There are four things that need to be considered by the followers or members

of a group in a democratic leadership, namely:

- Is a supporter of the leader

- Take responsibility for every action in the organization;

- Recognizing the ways or mechanisms of leadership within the organization;

- In cooperation with the leader.

In addition, a democratic leader always seeks to foster a sense of kinship,

unity and solidarity, as well as always giving encouragement and motivation to all

members of the organization in carrying out and developing his power. That every

member of the organization has the skills to lead, a democratic leader always gives an

opportunity to all members of the organization by way of delegating some of his

powers and some responsibility.