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Post on 12-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Denmark


Page 2: Denmark

The Basics

Denmark is a country on the Jutland Peninsula in Northern Europe.

The area of Denmark is about 16,600 square miles.

It is the smallest of the Nordic countries, which also include Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Denmark, and Norway.

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Physical Characteristics

Denmark borders the Baltic Sea to the north, east, and west, and Germany to the south.

The country is made up of about 400 islands, the largest being Zealand.

25% of the country’s population lives in the city of Copenhagen on Zealand.

The terrain of the mainland is mostly gently rolling plains.

Danish people, called Danes, experience mild winters and cool summers.

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Page 5: Denmark

Cultural Characteristics

Denmark has many religions, but the most significant is the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark.

Major languages of Denmark include English, Danish, and German.

The government is a constitutional monarchy.

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Danish Flag

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Many Danes ride bicycles to school or work, mainly because it is environmentally friendly.

Danish Christmas is called Jul, and it is celebrated on December 24th and 25th.

One Danish food that is particularly interesting is the open faced sandwich.

This is basically a sandwich, but with no top piece of bread; the food is just stacked on top.

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Denmark is a progressive country with many islands and rolling hills, and unique customs and people.