dental emergencies: what you need to know

Dental Emergencies: What You Need To Know

Upload: willienjerez

Post on 16-Jul-2021




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It is important to know what types of injuries require immediate dental care so you can ensure the dental health of your family members. Here is a presentation on things you need to know about dental emergencies. Please check this out:


Page 1: Dental Emergencies: What You Need To Know

Dental Emergencies: What You Need To Know

Page 2: Dental Emergencies: What You Need To Know


● Dental emergencies may not be obvious to

the average person because they can occur

in many different and subtle forms.

● Dental emergencies that are not quickly

recognized and treated will become more

serious over time.

Page 3: Dental Emergencies: What You Need To Know

1. If you found an abscessed tooth

○ It appears like a “pimple” on your gums,

with a red sore and white head.

○ If left untreated, the infection will spread to

nearby gums and teeth.

Situations that require emergency dental services

Page 4: Dental Emergencies: What You Need To Know

2. If you are experiencing sudden tooth pain○ Tooth pain is not always normal.

○ If you experience a sudden toothache, contact

your dentist immediately to find out what is

causing your pain, it could be an infection.

3. When a tooth is knocked out○ A knocked-out tooth can usually be saved.

○ Keep your teeth and take them to the dentist immediately.

○ Your dentist can reinsert your lost tooth and ensure that it regains its functionality.

Page 5: Dental Emergencies: What You Need To Know

● Properly brush and floss twice a day.

● Visit your dentist regularly.

● Wear a customized mouth guard if you

are an athlete.

● Always wear a seat belt when driving to reduce injuries.

Tips to Avoid Dental Problems

Page 6: Dental Emergencies: What You Need To Know


● With proper care and dental hygiene you

can prevent most dental emergencies.

● Visiting a dentist regularly or at least twice

a year is the best way to avoid dental

problems and prevent any you may have

from getting worse.

Page 7: Dental Emergencies: What You Need To Know