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  • 8/16/2019 Deoxy


    From Prometheus Rising  by Robert Anton Wilson 

    The second, emotional-territorial circuit creates a two-dimensional social space in conjunction with first-circuit advance-retreat.



    Area of Hostile Strength(The Tyrant

    !"!m o#, you!re not o#!!" $ive the orders here%!

    Area of Friendly Strength(The &ood 'arent!"!m o#, you!re o#!!"t!s safe out here.!

    AdvanceArea of Hostile Weakness

    (The 'aranoid!"!m not o#, you!re not o#!!ommy ta#e me home!

    Area of Friendly Weakness(The )ependent *eurotic

    !"!m not o#, you!re o#!!'lease tell me what to do!


     *otice that +ostile tren$th (the tyrant is inclined toward paranoid withdrawal he must $overn, but he isalso afraid. *ote also that the )ependent *eurotic is not in retreat at all he or she advances upon you,demandin$ fulfillment of emotional !needs! (imprints.

    Of course Redfield's four control dramas resemble the four types identified by this model

    of the basic animal

    The Octave of Energyby Robert Anton Wilson

    The aw of /ctaves was first su$$ested by 'ytha$oras in ancient &reece.+avin$ observed that the ei$ht notes of the conventional /ccidental musicalscale were $overned by definite mathematical relationships, 'ytha$oras

     proceeded to create a whole cosmolo$y based on 0s. "n this octa$onalmodel 'ytha$oras made numerous mista#es, because he was $enerali1in$from insufficient data. +owever, his wor# was the first attempt in history tounify science, mathematics, art and mysticism into one comprehensiblesystem and as such is still influential. eary, 2rowley and 3uc#minsterFuller have all described themselves as modern 'ytha$oreans.

    "n 2hina, rou$hly contemporary with 'ytha$oras, the Taoists built up acosmolo$y based on the interplay of yan$ (positive and yin (ne$ative,which produced the ei$ht tri$rams of the " 2hin$, out of which are$enerated the 45 he6a$rams.

    "n "ndia, 3uddha announced, after his illumination under the 3odhi tree,the *oble 7i$htfold 'ath. 'atanjali subse8uently reduced the science of

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    yo$a to ei$ht 9limbs9 or, as we mi$ht say, ei$ht 9steps.9

    The $ame of chess appeared, somewhere in the 7ast, with a $rid basedon 060 (45 s8uares.

    :epler  discovered the laws of planetary motion serendipitously, whiletryin$ to ma#e the planets fit into the 'ytha$orean octave.

    "n the ;04. +alo$ens

    0. *oble &ases

    The first four families, eary ar$ues, are terrestrial that is, they are heavy

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    and tend to fall to 7arth. The second four familes are e6traterrestrial that is,they tend to float off into space. imilarly, he says, the first four circuits ofthe nervous system are terrestrial their function is to control survival andreproduction at the bottom of the 5,

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     parapsycholo$ists thin#, it is because we are now mutatin$ rapidly towarde6traterrestrial mi$ration.

    athematically, the first four circuits are 7uclidean-*ewtonian, orientin$ us to the

    C-dimensional space and ;-dimensional time of planetary life. The second four circuitsare Fullerian-7insteinian, orientin$ us to interstellar 1ero-$ravity.

    "t is possible to see the development of an individual (if sGhe evolves all the way to the0th circuit and the development of life itself as the wor#in$ out of this /ctave of7volution. ThusD





    infant bio-survival passivity

    uni-cellular life

    "ircuit !!9toddler9 emotional

     politics (e$overtebrate life,territoriality, hierarchy

    "ircuit !!! student ind hominid lan$ua$es andtool-ma#in$

    "ircuit !% post-pubescentdomesticity

    urbani1ed civili1ation

    "ircuit % neurosomatic rapture free-fall (e6traterrestrial mi$ration

    "ircuit %!neuroelectricmetapro$rammin$

    "ntelli$ence s8uared

    "ircuit %!! neuro$enetic consciousness immortality

    "ircuit %!!! satori 2osmic @nion

    3ut this isstri#in$lysimilar to theteachin$s of&urdjieff  (which may

     be, accordin$to many, thesecret innerteachin$s of

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    ufism. The&urdjieffvibrationnumbers andthe levels ofconsciousness,

    as named by&urdjieff, fitthe table asfollowsD

    C05 ovement center 2ircuit " "nvertebrate reality

    ;B False emotional center 2ircuit "" ammalian reality

    B4 False intellectual center 2ircuit """ 'aleolithic reality

    50 False personality 2ircuit "H 2ivili1ed reality

    5 a$netic 2enter 2ircuit H +edonic reality

    ; True 7motional center 2ircuit H" 'sionic reality

    4 True "ntellectual center 2ircuit H"" "mmortal reality

    C The 7ssence 2ircuit H""" 2osmic reality

    Timothy $eary0s Eight "ircuits of 

    "onsciousnessFrom Robert Anton Wilson0s

    Cosmic Trigger: Final Secret of the Illuminati 

    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 

    Tunnel.Realities and !m)rints

    et!s try )r. eary!s perspective on these mysteries.

    To understand neurolo$ical space, )r. eary assumes that the nervoussystem consists of ei$ht potential circuits, or 9$ears,9 or mini-brains. Fourof these brains are in the usually active left lobe and are concerned with ourterrestrial survival four are e6traterrestrial, reside in the 9silent9 or inactive

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    ri$ht lobe, and are for use in our future evolution. This e6plains why theri$ht lobe is usually inactive at this sta$e of our development, and why it

     becomes active when the person in$ests psychedelics.

    We will e6plain each of the ei$ht 9brains9 briefly.

    !9 THE #!O.S&R%!%A$ "!R"&!T

    This invertebrate brain was the first to evolve ( to C billion years a$o andis the first activated when a human infant is born. "t pro$rams perceptiononto an either-or $rid divided into nurturin$-helpful Thin$s (which itapproaches and no6ious-dan$erous Thin$s (which it flees, or attac#s. Theimprintin$ of this circuit sets up the basic attitude of trust or suspicion

    which will ever after tri$$er approach or avoidance.

    !!9 THE E/OT!O'A$ "!R"&!T

    This second, more advanced bio-computer formed when vertebratesappeared and be$an to compete for territory (perhaps E

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    Aristotle!s lo$ic and *ewton!s physics are meta-pro$rams synthesi1in$ and$enerali1in$ first brain forward-bac#, second brain up-down and third brainri$ht-left pro$rams.

    !%9 THE SO"!A$.SE,&A$


    The fourth brain, dealin$ with the transmission of tribal or ethnic cultureacross $enerations, introduces the fourth dimension, time.

    ince each of these tunnel-realities consists of biochemical imprints ormatrices in the nervous system, each of them is specifically tri$$ered by

    neuro-transmitters and other dru$s.

    'OT!"E how dru$s that stimulate the first four circuits,which are already activated, tend to be dan$erouslyaddictive, rou$hly ordered ascendin$ from the first circuit.-deo6y

    To activate the first brain ta#e an opiate. other /piumand ister orphine brin$ you down to cellular intelli$ence,

     bio-survival passivity, the floatin$ consciousness of the

    newborn. (This is why Freudians identify opiate addictionwith the desire to return to infancy.

    To activate the second tunnel.reality: ta#e an abundant8uantity of alcohol. Hertebrate territorial patterns andmammalian emotional politics immediately appear when the

     boo1e flows, as Thomas *ashe intuitively reali1ed when hecharacteri1ed the various alcohol states by animal labelsD9ass drun#,9 9$oat drun#,9 9swine drun#,9 9bear drun#,9 etc.

    To activate the third circuit: try coffee or tea, a hi$h-

     protein diet, speed or cocaine.

    The s)ecific neurotransmitter for circuit four has not beensynthesi1ed yet, but it is $enerated by the $lands after

     pubescence and flows volcanically throu$h the bloodstreamsof adolescents.

     */*7 /F T+77 T7RR7TR"A )R@& 2+A*&7 3A"2 3"/2+7"2A

    "'R"*T. The behaviors which they tri$$er are those which were wiredinto the nervous system durin$ the first sta$es of imprint vulnerability. Thecircuit "" drun# e6hibits the emotional $ames or cons learned from parents

    in infancy. The circuit """ 9mind9 never $ets beyond the permutations andcombinations of those tunnel-realities ori$inally imprinted, or abstractionsassociated with the imprints throu$h later conditionin$. And so forth.

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      3ut all this 'avlovian-#innerian robotism chan$es drastically anddramatically when we turn to the ri$ht lobe, the future circuits ande6traterrestrial chemicals.

    The four evolvin$ future !brains! areD 

    %9 THE 'E&ROSO/AT!"


    When this fifth 9body-brain9 is activated, flat 7uclidean fi$ure-$round

    confi$urations e6plode multi-dimensionally. &estalts shift, in cuhan!sterms, from linear H"@A 'A27 to all-encompassin$ 7*/R 'A27. Ahedonic turn-on occurs, a rapturous amusement, a detachment from the

     previously compulsive mechanism of the first four circuits. " turned thiscircuit on with pot and Tantra.

    This fifth brain be$an to appear about 5,

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    system and are more and more capable of acceleratin$ our own evolution.

    eary now symboli1es intelli$ence-studyin$-intelli$ence by themar#, "J. /n the lower levels, you see with one 9"9, so to spea#. /nthe hi$her levels, you see with many 9"9s, and space-time shifts

    from three 7uclidean dimensions to non-7uclidean multi-dimensionality. 

    Robert Anton Wilson, The Illuminati Papers, p.BC 

    The Eight #asic Winner Scri)ts loser;;;all

    ;. The biosurvival winnerD

    . The emotional-territorial winnerD you are free> =e can have our se)arate tri)s or =e can have the same tri)95. The sociose6ual winnerD

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    The Eight #asic $oser Scri)ts =inner;;;all

    ;. The biosurvival loserD

    . The emotional-territorial loserD

    E. The neurosomatic loserD

    4. The metapro$rammin$ loserD

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    All Together 'o= =inner;;;loser

    ;. The biosurvival


    . The emotional-territorial

    WinnerD you are free> =e can have our se)arate tri)s or =e can have the same tri)9<oserD 5. The sociose6ual
