department of energy office of science yet another report from doe office of high energy physics...

Department of Energy Office of Science Yet Another Report from DOE Office Yet Another Report from DOE Office of High Energy Physics of High Energy Physics Presented to SLUO 2006 @SLAC September 10, 2006 Dr. Robin Staffin Associate Director of Science for High Energy Physics DOE

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Page 1: Department of Energy Office of Science Yet Another Report from DOE Office of High Energy Physics Presented to SLUO 2006 @SLAC September 10, 2006 Dr. Robin

Department of Energy

Office of Science

Yet Another Report from DOE Office Yet Another Report from DOE Office of High Energy Physicsof High Energy Physics

Presented to SLUO 2006@SLAC

September 10, 2006

Dr. Robin StaffinAssociate Director of Science for High Energy


Page 2: Department of Energy Office of Science Yet Another Report from DOE Office of High Energy Physics Presented to SLUO 2006 @SLAC September 10, 2006 Dr. Robin


Department of Energy

Office of Science

• As in human history, one cannot know the future with certainty, but it is important to know the Times, and its opportunities:– War or Peace; – Economic Boom or Depression; – Cultural Renaissance or Dark Ages…

• Particle Physics is entering the age of the Terascale– The reigning theory (standard model) is as precise

as it is incomplete.– How the weak and electromagnetic forces unify is a

mystery– …but the consequences are likely dramatic. We are

poised for great discovery.• Dark Energy & Dark Matter: what are they, and how (do?)

they relate to the Terascale?• Neutrinos – what are they telling us?

Context Context

Page 3: Department of Energy Office of Science Yet Another Report from DOE Office of High Energy Physics Presented to SLUO 2006 @SLAC September 10, 2006 Dr. Robin


Department of Energy

Office of Science

Today’s Major Tools:Today’s Major Tools:Currently Running U.S. HEP Currently Running U.S. HEP Accelerator ExperimentsAccelerator Experiments

B-factory at SLACB-factory at SLACNeutrinos @ MINOSNeutrinos @ MINOSTevatron at FermilabTevatron at Fermilab

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Department of Energy

Office of Science

Tomorrow’s Major ToolTomorrow’s Major ToolATLAS@CERNATLAS@CERN

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Department of Energy

Office of Science

The DOE HEP program request The DOE HEP program request for FY 2007for FY 2007

• Overall HEP budget and priorities in FY 2007:– Tevatron and B-factory supported for full scheduled Ops– LHC Support (Ops and Computing) up 8% as construction

completes– Core research program at the universities (6%) and

laboratories (2%) increased – Initiatives for the future of HEP:

• ILC R&D doubled ($30M$60M)• Dark Energy R&D significantly increased. • Start of new neutrino experiments

– Electron Neutrino Appearance Experiment (EvA) – Reactor Neutrino Detector

• Investment in long-term accelerator R&D increased +$5M

• Congressional Reaction to Administration request– House– Senate Appropriations Committee

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Department of Energy

Office of Science

Supporting the transition: HEP budget up 8% in the FY2007


• International Linear Collider R&D Request Doubled: ($30M to $60M)

• Full operations at Fermilab Tevatron and SLAC B Factory• Preparing for LHC operations

– Detector commissioning/computers/software up 5% in FY2007– US participation up: CMS at ~ 30% US. ATLAS ~ 25%.

• Dark Energy funding up significantly by ~ $10M from $3M.• Advanced Accelerator R&D $28M -> $33M• Core research program at the universities up ~5%.• Preliminary engineering design for an Electron Neutrino

Appearance experiment at Fermilab

• Congressional Reaction to Administration request– House– Senate Appropriations Committee

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Department of Energy

Office of Science

High Energy Physics High Energy Physics FY 2007 Budget RequestFY 2007 Budget Request

FY05 Actual

FY06 Approp.

FY07 Request

FY07 - FY06

Facility ops Tevatron 234 215 215 0B-factory 108 93 93 0LHC (construction+ops) 62 60 60 0LBNL and BNL infrastructure 6 6 6 0

Other Projects Construction and non-LHC MIEs 17 2 13 11Subtotal ops & projects 427 376 387 11

core research University physics research 104 104 110 6Laboratory physics research 85 83 85 2Accelerator Science (univ + lab) 28 28 33 5SciDAC & Lattice QCD 7 7 7 0

Subtotal core research 224 222 235 13

Accelerator Development 24 28 28 0Detector R&D 14 20 14 -6ILC R&D 24 30 60 30Dark Energy R&D 3 3 13 10Neutrino R&D 0 9 4 -5

Subtotal R&D and new initiatives 65 90 119 29

Others (incl. SBIR/STTR in 06 and 07) 7 29 34 5Total as shown in FY07 budget 723 717 775 58SBIR/STTR in FY 2005 17

Grand Total incl SBIR/STTR 740 717 775 58


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Department of Energy

Office of ScienceILC R&DILC R&D

• To support a U.S. leadership role in this coordinated international effort, DOE is requesting a doubling the ILC R&D budget in FY2007 Presidents Request ($30M$60M)– Would enables significant progress on all major

subsystems– Begins industrialization of key components so that U.S.

industry can get “up to speed” and successfully compete for contracts if ILC is built

– Includes detector R&D funding (a change from previous years)

• This is a major step forward for the ILC effort, although it is NOT yet– Approval of construction, or engineering design

• Our goal for the R&D program at this stage is to provide solid technical, cost and schedule information to governments for a decision on ILC construction around the end of the decade.

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Department of Energy

Office of ScienceCore ResearchCore Research

• We are supporting core experimental and theoretical research at labs and universities to maintain approximately the FY 2006 level-of-effort, or slightly above:

• University-based physics research up ~6% overall• Lab-based physics research up ~2% overall

• Goals:– To maintain strong participation in the Tevatron, B-

factory and LHC physics programs– To help support research activities associated with new

initiatives such as ILC R&D, neutrinos, dark energy, and dark matter.

– Also includes ongoing (unchanged from FY06) HEP contributions to the cross-cutting SciDAC program and the Lattice QCD IT investment, joint with Nuclear Physics.

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Department of Energy

Office of ScienceAccelerator R&DAccelerator R&D

• In addition to increases in ILC R&D, there is in the FY2007 request an additional significant increase (+$5M, or ~18%) in the long-range R&D program that supports fundamental research into the physics of beams and accelerator technologies (“accelerator science”)

• The goal is to enable the restoration of the accelerator science research program to the level needed to support long-term R&D on new particle acceleration techniques and technologies, such as:– Novel particle acceleration concepts– New superconductors and their application– Very high gradient accelerating structures– Advanced beam instrumentation– Theory and simulation of beams– User facilities to test these concepts

• Advice from the community (e.g., J. Marx AARD panel) provides needed input for developing this program

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Department of Energy

Office of Science

Advisory Committees -- Advisory Committees -- Our Scientific AnchorOur Scientific Anchor

• EPP2010 National Academy Study– Provides and broadly underpins a strategic future for US

High Energy Physics. This study broke real ground.• High Energy Physics Panel (HEPAP): reporting to DOE and NSF

– Expanded to 25 members, with members from Europe and Asia

• We’ve put HEPAP to work– P5 doing a budget-based roadmap, in the strategic

context of EPP2010. Awaiting the first roadmap report, due shortly.

– Scientific Assessment Groups (SAGs):• Neutrino SAG (NuSAGi)• Dark Matter SAG underway.

– Dark Energy Task Force reported out.– Advanced Accelerator R&D Subpanel reported out.– University Subpanel

• HEPAP ILC/LHC Synergy Study: Exploring the Quantum Universe, as well as key input to EPP2010

Our panels, as a matter of policy, now include as full members, leading scientists from Europe and Asia

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Department of Energy

Office of Science

US High Energy Physics at a US High Energy Physics at a CrossroadsCrossroads

• Is there, will there be, a community-wide vision?– EPP2010 and P5 roadmap as the basis for a broad vision.

• The stronger the consensus, the better chance we have at achieving our goals.

• If it business as usual, every experiment for itself, these chances will diminish significantly and rapidly.

• Most of these proposed experiments require significant, large resources; but the science can be exciting for a broad audience, and will likely be of great historical significance.

• What do you want the long-term future of US particle physics to be, and what are you willing to do to promote a common vision?

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Department of Energy

Office of Science

Secretary of Energy Bodman at Secretary of Energy Bodman at Fermilab, April 7 2006Fermilab, April 7 2006

• “Your work over the decades has led to great science, to breakthrough concepts, and to the United States’ unquestioned leadership in physics. And it has benefited our nation in many ways. The President recognizes the contribution that fundamental research makes to our nation, particularly to our economic competitiveness and to our quality of life as Americans.”

• “I fully support the possibility of bringing the International Linear Collider to this Lab. There are a great many difficult steps that will be needed for this to occur. This audience understands better than I just what those steps are and how difficult they will be. But it is a goal worth fighting for. This may turn out to be the most profound new science that we will be seeing in our lifetime.”