department of health and human services€¦ · the chiropractors and osteopaths registration board...

Department of Health and Human Services Board and Council Reports 0506

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Page 1: Department of Health and Human Services€¦ · The Chiropractors and osteopaths Registration Board of Tasmania is established under the provisions of the Chiropractors and Osteopaths

Department of Health and Human Services Board and Council Reports 0506

Page 2: Department of Health and Human Services€¦ · The Chiropractors and osteopaths Registration Board of Tasmania is established under the provisions of the Chiropractors and Osteopaths

The Health Professional Registration Boards and Councils are each established

under a particular Act to regulate the professionals who fall within their

jurisdiction. The Boards and Councils operate independently of the Department

of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and are responsible to Parliament for the

administration of their Act.

The objectives of each Board and Council may differ slightly but in general terms

a Board and Council must perform its functions and exercise its powers so it

ensures that services provided to the public by the professionals it regulates are

of the highest possible standard; that persons practice according to the highest

professional standard; and to guard against unsafe, incompetent and unethical

practices. The Department provides administrative support, including publication

of their Annual Report, to the Boards and Councils included here.


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Chiropractors and osteopaths Registration Board of Tasmania xx

Council of obstetric and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity xx

Dental Board of Tasmania xx

Dental Prosthetists Registration Board of Tasmania xx

Medical Radiation Science Professionals Registration Board of Tasmania xx

optometrists Registration Board of Tasmania xx

Pharmacy Board of Tasmania xx

Physiotherapists Registration Board of Tasmania xx

Podiatrists Registration Board of Tasmania xx

Psychologists Registration Board of Tasmania xx


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Chiropractors and Osteopaths Registration Board of TasmaniaFor the year ended 30 June 2006

1. Establishment of Board

The Chiropractors and osteopaths Registration Board of Tasmania is established

under the provisions of the Chiropractors and Osteopaths Registration Act 1997.

The Board is the Statutory Authority in Tasmania responsible to Parliament for the

administration of the Act which provides for the registration and regulation of

chiropractors and osteopaths.

2 Board roles and functions

2.1 Objectives of the Board

The Board must perform its functions and exercise its powers so as to:

a) ensure that chiropractic and osteopathic services provided to the public are

of the highest possible standard; and

b) ensure that persons practise chiropractic and osteopathy according to the

highest professional standard; and

c) guard against unsafe, incompetent and unethical practices.

2.2 Functions of the Board

The Board has the following functions conferred on it by Section 7 of the Act:

a) to administer the scheme of registration under Part 3 of the Act;

b) to investigate complaints and, as necessary undertake disciplinary action

against registered chiropractors and osteopaths;

c) to prosecute offences against this Act;

d) to monitor the standard and provision of chiropractic and osteopathic

services in this State;

e) to monitor standards of education and training in chiropractic and


f ) to advise the Minister on matters relating to this Act;

g) such other functions as are imposed on the Board by this or any other Act as

may be prescribed.

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2.3 Powers of the Board

The Board has power to do all things necessary or convenient to be done in

connection with the performance of its functions and, in particular, has power to

a) share information with practitioner registration authorities and other relevant

bodies ; and

b) support education and training in chiropractic and osteopathy; and

c) cause chiropractic and osteopathic premises to be inspected; and

d) be a member of any national or other body, program or forum concerned

with chiropractors or osteopaths or with general chiropractic or osteopathic

education or practice or a specific area of chiropractic or osteopathic

education or practice; and

e) participate in the establishment of a body, program or forum of the kind

referred to in paragraph (d); and

f ) hold or arrange examinations; and

g) do anything incidental to any of its powers.

3. Membership of the Board

Membership of the Board is prescribed under Section 6 of the Act:

The Board consists of 5 persons appointed by the Governor;

1) Three registered practitioners, at least one of whom is to be a chiropractor

and at least one of whom is to be an osteopath, nominated by the Minister

from a list of names submitted by such bodies representing the professional

interests of practitioners as the Minister determines;

2) Two persons, who are not practitioners, nominated by the Minister to

represent the interests of consumers of chiropractic and osteopathic services.

The Governor may appoint a member as Chairman.

As specified in Schedule 1 of the Act, the term of appointment for Board Members is

three years, except in the case of an appointment to fill a casual vacancy when the

appointment shall be for the residual period of the original appointment.

A member is eligible to serve any number of terms of office but may not serve more

than two of those terms in succession.

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Board membership 2005 - 2006

CHAIR Dr (osteo) H Pearson (until 22 August 2005)

Dr (Chiro) Stephen Crean (from 22 August 2005)

MEMBERS Dr (osteo) neil orr

Mrs E Barron (until 22 August 2005)

Mr David Paton (appointed 22 August 2005)

Mrs Allison Williams

Dr (Chiro) Michelle McCluskey (appointed 22 August 2005)

4. Board meetings

The Board met six times during the year and the number of meetings attended by

each Board member during their respective terms of office was as follows:

Board Members Meetings held whilst a Board Member

Meetings Attended

Dr (osteo) H Pearson 1 1

Dr (osteo) n orr 6 6

Mrs E Barron 1 1

Mrs A Williams 6 6

Dr (Chiro) S Crean 6 6

Dr (Chiro) M McCluskey 5 4

Mr David Paton 5 5

Fees paid to Members of the Board for attendance at each Board meeting during

the year were:

Chair $300

other members $150

5. Administration

Contact Details:

Registrar: Ms Jayne Wilson

Assistant Registrar: Mr Greg Luckman

Secretary: Ms Geraldine Frances

Business Address: Level 2/24 Murray Street

Hobart 7000

Postal Address: GPo Box 792

Hobart 7001

Telephone: (03) 6224 9331

Facsimile: (03) 6224 9700

E-mail: [email protected]


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6. Representation on national bodies

6.1 Council on Chiropractic Education (CCEA)

Dr (Chiro) S Crean is the Tasmanian nominee on the Council on Chiropractic Education

Australasia Inc., a body formed to undertake accreditation of chiropractic schools and

oversee assessment of overseas chiropractors wishing to register in Australia.

6.2 Australian Conference of Osteopaths Registration Boards (ACORB)

Dr (osteo) n orr and the Registrar attended a meeting of the Australian Conference

of ostoepathic Registration Boards held in Darwin on 11 September 2005.

The main topics of discussion were the development of national processes for

the accreditation of osteopathic schools and assessment of overseas registered

osteopaths seeking registration in an Australian jurisdiction. Dr orr also represented

the Board on two committees formed by ACoRB to progress these issues.

6.3 Australian Conference of Chiropractor Registration Boards (ACCRB)

Dr (Chiro) S Crean and the Registrar attended a meeting of the Australian Conference

of Chiropractic Registration Boards held in Darwin on 10 September 2005.

The main items of discussion included:

• The increase in complaints to Boards in relation to “corrective care plan


• The operation of CCEA.

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7. Registration

7. Registrations

1 July 2002

1 July 2003

1 July 2004

1 July 2005

1 July 2006


Full Registration 29 34 35 33 33

Short term locums 2 6 7 4 2

Total Chiropractors 31 40 42 37 35


Full Registration 19 23 22 25 24

Short term locums 3 3 6 2 5

Total Osteopaths 22 26 28 27 29


Full Registration 1 1 1 1 1

Total Registrations 54 67 71 65 65

7.2 Registration policy

7.2.1 Chiropractor

Regulation 6 (1) of the Chiropractors and osteopaths Regulations 2003 prescribes for

the purposes of Section 19 (1)(a) of the Chiropractors and osteopaths Registration Act,

the Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia Inc as a national chiropractic body.

Section 19 (1) states:

“A person may apply to the Board to be registered as a chiropractor if –

(a) the person has a qualification that is approved by, or obtained from an

institution that is accredited by, a prescribed national chiropractic body or

forum; or

(b) the person has passed a qualifying examination in chiropractic held by that

national chiropractic body or forum.”

7.2.2 Osteopath

Regulation 6 (2) of the Chiropractors and osteopaths Regulations 2003 prescribes

for the purposes of Section 19 (2) of the Chiropractors and Osteopaths Registration

Act 1997, the Australian Conference of osteopath Registration Boards as a national

osteopathic forum.

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Section 19 (1) states:

“A person may apply to the Board to be registered as an osteopath if –

(c) the person has a qualification that is approved by, or obtained from an

institution that is accredited by, a prescribed national osteopathic body or

forum; or

(d) the person has passed a qualifying examination in osteopathy held by that

national osteopathic body or forum.”

7.3 Fees

Fees applying to registration are (effective 1 July 2006):

Application fee $150

Full annual registration fee $510

The Board has formulated the following policy in relation to reduced fees for

practitioners wishing to register in Tasmania for periods less than one year:

• The minimum fee to be a six monthly fee of $300.

• All registrations expire on 30 June (even if a six monthly fee has

been paid on 1st June).

• Registrants can pay several consecutive six monthly registrations.

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8. Review of activities and operations in 2005-2006

8.1 Achievements

8.1.1 Development of Codes of Conduct and Practice

The Board’s Code of Professional Conduct and Practice was distributed to all

registered chiropractors and osteopaths with their 2005-2006 re-registration notices.

Seminars in relation to the Code of Conduct and Practice were held in Hobart on

21 July 2005 and Launceston on 21 August 2005, and attended by 16 practitioners.

Those meetings provided an opportunity for practitioners to meet with the Board.

8.1.2 Animal Chiropractors

During the year, a letter was forwarded to an individual advertising his services as an

“equine chiropractor” who had no qualification in animal chiropractic. The individual

changed the wording of the advertisement.

8.1.3 Student Placements

The Chiropractors and osteopaths Registration Regulations were amended in March

2006 to enable students to undertake clinical placements in Tasmania as part of their

undergraduate training in chiropractic or osteopathy. The Board adopted guidelines

for students and institutions wishing to take part in this program.

8.1.4 Conditional Registrations

During the year the Board conducted reviews of the practices of two chiropractors

who had been granted registration in Tasmania subject to conditions. Further

reviews of these practices are scheduled for 2006/2007 and one chiropractor is

receiving ongoing mentoring.

8.2 Legislation

8.2.1 Personal Information Protection Act 2004

The Board developed and adopted a Privacy Policy in accordance with the Personal

Information Protection Act in november 2005.

8.2.2 Public Interest Disclosure Act 2002

There were no matters raised under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2002 during the

year ended 30 June 2006.

8.2.3 Freedom of Information Act 1996

There were no requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act 1996

during the year ended 30 June 2006.

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8.3 Complaints and disciplinary activities

The Board has dealt with an increased number of complaints and disciplinary

matters during the year.

Investigation of a complaint regarding patient confidentiality against a registered

osteopath was completed. The osteopath was reprimanded and provided the Board

with the following undertakings:

a) not to discuss patient information without appropriate consent;

b) To ensure that other practitioners providing information have been given

consent to do so;

c) That the consent of the patient be obtained prior to the release of any

information to any parties, except as required by law;

d) That information from conversations held with other practitioners regarding a

patient is noted in that patient’s file;

e) That a new privacy and confidentiality policy be developed and


f ) That the practitioner’s standard of clinical procedures and judgement

should not be compromised by a patient’s personal circumstances or their

relationship (i.e. personal friend, relative etc) with a particular patient; and

g) That the practitioner abide by the Code of Professional Conduct and Practice

issued by the Board.

A complaint in relation to corrective care plans and contracts offered by a

chiropractor was investigated by the Board. As recommended by the Disciplinary

Committee appointed by the Board, the chiropractor was advised that while the

Board was of the view that admissions made in relation to contracts for corrective

care, advance payments and discounts could amount to breaches of the Board’s

Code of Professional Conduct and Practice, the Board did not intend to proceed

with any disciplinary action under Part 4 of the Chiropractors and Osteopaths

Registration Act 1997 on that occasion. If further complaints are received by the

Board appropriate action will be taken.

Complaints against two chiropractors related to advertising. These matters were

referred to the Director of Public Prosecutions and are still in progress.

A complaint relating to the services provided by a registered chiropractor was

referred to the Board by the Health Complaints Commission. Further information

has been sought on this matter.

The Board received a complaint regarding alleged spinal manipulation by a massage

therapist who was not registered under the Chiropractors and Osteopaths Registration

Act 1997. Advice received from the Solicitor General’s office indicated that this

matter was out of time for prosecution.

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Financial Statements

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Council of Obstetric and Paediatric Mortality and MorbidityFor the year ended 30 June 2006

1. Establishment of the Council

The Council of obstetric and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity was established

under the auspices of the Perinatal Registry Act of 1994 (the Act).

2. Council role and function

A summary of Council functions under the Act are:

a) To investigate the circumstances surrounding and the conditions that have, or

may have, caused:

(i) Maternal, late maternal and perinatal deaths in Tasmania;

(ii) Mortality and morbidity of children in Tasmania in the age group from 29

days to 17 years (inclusive);

(iii) Congenital abnormalities in children born in Tasmania; and

(iv) Injuries, illness or defects suffered by pregnant women or viable foetuses

in Tasmania at any time before or during childbirth;

b) To maintain a perinatal data collection

c) To provide information for the education and instruction in medical theory

and practice in obstetrics and paediatrics for legally qualified medical

practitioners and nurses.

3. Council membership

The membership of the Council is specified in the Perinatal Registry Act 1994 and

comprises the following nominees:

Professor Allan Carmichael, Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health

– university of Tasmania

Dr Simon Parsons, (re-elected Chair) Director of neonatal Services,

Royal Hobart Hospital

Dr Elizabeth Hallam, Royal Australasian College of Physicians – Paediatric Division

Dr Melwyn D’Mello, (resigned in March 2006) Royal Australian College of

obstetricians and Gynaecologists – Tasmanian Branch

Dr James Brodribb, (new representative) Royal Australian College of obstetricians

and Gynaecologists – Tasmanian Branch

Ms Rosalind Escott, nominee of Council

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Dr Thomas Shannon, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Ms Ruth Forrest, (resigned June 2005) Royal College of Midwifes Incorporated

Mr Peter Askey-Doran, (new representative) Royal College of Midwifes Incorporated

Mr nick Goddard, Department of Health and Human Services

Dr Peter Dargaville, neonatal Intensive Care unit, Royal Hobart Hospital

Mr David Fanning, (ex-officio member) Commissioner for Children

4. Council meetings

The Council meets four to six times per year.

5. Administration

The Council can be contacted in the following ways:


Dr Jo Jordan

Divisional Support unit

Acute Health Services

Department of Health and Human Services

Level 2, 10 Murray Street

Hobart TAS 7000

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: (03) 6233 3551

6. Representation on national bodies

The Council provides representation to the national Perinatal Data Development


7. Registration

not applicable.

8. Review of activities

The Council’s Annual Report for 2003 was released in August 2005. The report for

2004 is currently being prepared and should be released in late 2006.

The Council has highlighted several issues of concern, including:

• The continued need to educate the public on the risks of bed sharing

with adults;

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• The incidence of road trauma within Tasmania and recommended strategies

to reduce this risk (for example, the implementation of a dual divided

carriageway between our major cities; construction of better bicycle and

pedestrian trail systems, ensuring that they remain separate from our roads;

and the introduction of daytime running headlights on both two and four

wheeled vehicles); and

• The revision of the Perinatal Registry Act 1994 so as to be consistent with

national definitions whereby it has been proposed to redefine perinatal death

as “death of viable fetes >20 weeks and <28 days post due date” (not 28 days from

date of birth).

Perinatal Registry Act 1994

The Perinatal Registry Amendment Bill 2005 (The Bill) brings Tasmanian legislation

in line with that of other states and territories and with the relevant definitions for

‘child’ according to the Children, Young Persons and their Families Act 1977 and the

definitions for ‘maternal death’ and ‘late maternal death’ as defined by the World

Health organisation.

The Bill makes three major changes to the current Act:

• It amends the definition for a ‘maternal death’ to include deaths to 42 days

post pregnancy;

• It includes the definition of ‘late maternal death”; and

• It expands the function of the Council to include the investigation of late

maternal deaths and children aged 15-17 years.

The Bill ensures that there is consistency in data collection and investigation of

deaths of unborn children, mothers and children across the states and territories and

will result in the investigation of a wider range of maternal and child deaths and may

lead to measures to minimise risks and prevent unnecessary deaths.

Data Management

A new database has been developed for the collection and management of

perinatal statistics. The database will be installed in maternity units throughout the

State. This will enable direct data entry into the database and will provide clinicians

with timely access to data and information pertaining to their site.

9. Financial Statements as at 30 June 2006

not applicable.

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Dental Board of TasmaniaFor the year ended 30 June 2006

In accordance with the provisions of Section 19 of the Dental Practitioners

Registration Act 2001, the Dental Board of Tasmania presents its Annual Report for the

year ending 30 June 2006.

1. Establishment of the Board

The Dental Board of Tasmania is established under section five of the Dental

Practitioners Registration Act 2001 (the Act) as a body corporate with perpetual


2. Objectives of the Board

under section nine the Act the Board is required to perform its functions and

exercise its powers so as to:

• ensure that the dental services provided to the public are of the highest

possible standard; and

• ensure that persons who practise as dentists, dental therapists and dental

hygienists do so according to the highest professional standard; and

• guard against unsafe, incompetent and unethical practices in the provision of

dental services.

3. Functions of the Board

Pursuant to section seven the Board is required to:

• Administer the scheme of registration under part three as it relates to

registration of,

(i) dentists

(ii) dental therapists, and

(iii) dental hygienists

• Investigate complaints and, as necessary, undertake disciplinary action

against registered practitioners;

• Investigate and prosecute offences against the Act;

• Monitor the standard and provision of dental services;

• Monitor standards of education and training for dentists, dental therapists and

dental hygienists;

• Advise the Minister on matters relating to the Act; and

• Such other functions as are imposed on the Board by the Dental Practitioners

Registration Act 2001 or any other Act or as may be prescribed.

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3. Membership of the Board

Section six of the Dental Practitioners Registration Act 2001 provides that members of

the Dental Board of Tasmania be appointed by the Governor and that the Board be

comprised of eight members consisting,

• four registered dentists,

• one registered dental therapist,

• one registered dental hygienist, and

• two persons, who represent the interests of the consumers of dental health


Members of the Board during the year under review were:

Representative of dentists

Dr G S Ford BDS (otago) President

Dr S M Cooper BDS (Adel), MDS (Adel), FRACDS

Dr J P Crotty BDS (Adel)

Dr M W newman BDS (Adel)

Representative of dental therapists

Mrs M D Lennon Cert. Dent Therapy (Tas), Dip Dent Therapy (Adel)

Representative of dental hygienists

Mrs J Hill Certificate of Proficiency(GDC)

Representative of consumers

Mr D W Edwards

Mr J J Altimira

4. Access and administration

Registrar: Mr P R B Sealy

Business Address: 7 Stoke Street,

new Town TAS 7008

Postal Address: Po Box 47

new Town TAS 7008

Telephone: (03) 6278 9820

Facsimile: (03) 6278 8820

Email: [email protected]


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5. Representation on national bodies

The Dental Board of Tasmania is represented on the:

• Australian Dental Council (ADC), and the

• Conference of Australian and new Zealand Dental Board Presidents and


Australian Dental Council (ADC)

The Dental Board of Tasmania is represented on the ADC by former Board member,

Dr S T Wigmore.

In addition to its role as adviser to the Australian Health Ministers Conference

(AHMAC), the ADC is responsible for providing advice and recommendations to

state and territory Dental Boards in relation to:

• Accreditation of dental schools and of courses of training leading to

recognition of qualifications for dentists, dental therapists and dental


• Assessment and examination of the suitability for practise in Australia of

persons with overseas dental qualifications;

• uniform criteria for recognition of qualifications for registration; and

• The provision of advice on matters concerning the occupational regulation of

dental practitioners, including general and specialist registration and para-

dental personnel.

The Council meets at least twice yearly for general administrative purposes in

addition to conducting twice yearly assessments and examination of persons

holding overseas dental qualifications.

Conference of Australian and New Zealand Dental Boards

The Board President and Registrar participate in the biennial Conference of

Australian and new Zealand Board Presidents and Registrars. The Conference last

convened in Canberra in october 2004.

The Conferences are a particularly beneficial forum for establishing uniform

nationally acceptable guidelines involving a wide range of legislative and

administrative procedures, including:

• Agreement to work cooperatively in the development of regulations and/or

codes of practice to complement new and/or anticipated new legislation;

• Agreement to revise guidelines for national uniform standards for recognition

of categories of specialist titles and qualifications and procedures for specialist

recognition and/or registration; and

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• Acceptance and recognition by all Australian dental boards of the new

Zealand Dental Council’s procedures for assessing and/or examination of

overseas trained dentists.

The next Conference will be hosted by the Dental Board of Tasmania and will be

convening in Hobart in october 2006.

6. Registration

The Dental Practitioners Registration Act 2001 provides for registration of three

categories of dental practitioner, dentists, dental therapists and dental hygienists.

6.1 Entitlement to practitioner registration

The Dental Practitioners Registration Act 2001 provides that a person may apply to the

Board to be registered if the person:

• Is a citizen of or resides in an Australian state or territory; and

• Has a qualification that is approved by, or gained from an institution that is

accredited by a national body or forum that is prescribed for the purposes of

section 20 of the Act; or

• Passed a qualifying examination held by that national body or forum.

6.1.1 Inquiry into entitlement

The 2004–05 report foreshadowed conduct of a formal inquiry to determine

entitlement or otherwise to registration of an applicant who had not actively

practised dentistry for almost 11 years. The Committee of Inquiry in its report to

the Board concluded that it was not satisfied that the applicant has sufficient

skill to practise as a dentist and recommended that registration be refused. The

Committee’s recommendation was accepted and the applicant advised accordingly.

While the Board fully recognises the need to ensure procedural fairness in such

matters, it is nonetheless concerned, particularly in circumstances where an

applicant has not actively practised dentistry for five or more years, that the present

statutory requirements impose an unnecessary and extraordinary burden on Board

human and financial resources. The August 2005 Inquiry involved more than 60

person hours and legal expenses of some $6 523. A review of present statutory

entitlement procedures will be included among the wider schedule of legislative

amendments to be put forward early in the new reporting year.

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6.2 Registration fees

Currently prescribed fees, unchanged since 2003 are:

Fee Categories Dentist Dental Therapist Dental Hygienist

$ $ $

Initial Registration 125 125 125

Annual Practicing 350 100 100

Late Payment 50 25 25

Restoration to Register 100 63 63

The Board will be seeking to increase fees consistent with Consumer Price

Indexations since September 2003.

6.3 Registration numbers

Separate registers are required to be maintained for dentists, dental therapists and

dental hygienists. The following is a comparison of numbers of practitioner in each

category and as recorded as at 30 June in the years 2005 and 2006.

Registers 30 June

Non Renewals

New Registrations

Registers 30 June

2005 2006 2006 2006

Dentists 177 28 34 183

Dental Therapists 58 1 3 60

Dental Hygienists 9 2 0 7

7. Review of activities

7.1 Board meetings and achievements

The Board met formally on four occasions, once in each quarter of the year. In

periods between formal meetings the Board and sub-committees make extensive

use of electronic media for the purposes of keeping members informed of ongoing

and emerging issues. In addition to ensuring that progress on issues is effectively

maintained and communicated, utilisation of electronic media often achieves

resolution of a matter while simultaneously contributing to less frequent meetings

and consequential savings in member time and Board costs.

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At the first quarterly meeting and consistent with the provisions of section 12 of the

Act and to assist it in performing its functions or advising on matters relating to the

Act the Board established five sub-committees for the purposes of:

1. Drafting by-laws and/or guidelines with respect to:

• Continuing professional education;

• Making and maintaining dental records;

• Practise of dentistry by dental therapists and hygienists;

• Reviewing By-law no. 2003/1“Infection Control Guidelines”, particularly in

light of the Department of Health and Ageing’s published “infection control

guidelines for the prevention of transmission of infectious diseases in the health

care setting”, and

2. Reviewing already identified legislative shortcomings:

• Monitoring the efficiency and financial implications, if any, of ongoing

implementation of provisions of the Act;

• Managing such legal and other consultative processes necessary to assist

in determining the precise extent of legislative amendment that might be

required; and

• Periodically reporting recommended amendments that the Board may

consider submitting to Government for enactment.

Each sub-committee comprises a Board member as chair together with

representatives drawn from relevant professional bodies and from the State

Government oral Health Services. Each sub-committee has convened regularly since

establishment and the Board is particularly encouraged by the improved efficiencies

in “work load spread” and progress that have been derived from the sub-committee


At its last meeting for the year on 23 June the Board:

• Adopted and formally made a By-law entitled “Making and Maintaining

Dental Records”;

• Adopted for wider community consultation a draft entitled “Practise of

Dentistry by Dental Hygienists and Dental Therapists”; and

• noted progress in near completion of a review of By-law no. 2003/1 “Infection

Control Guidelines”.

Further consideration of “continuing professional education” requirements is in

abeyance pending any decision arising from the october 2006 Conference of

Australian and new Zealand Dental Boards.

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7.2 Infection control compliance

In november 2005 the Board initiated commencement of random inspections

of dental practices to measure levels of compliance with current Infection Control

Guidelines. of some 40 inspections carried out in the southern region none have

been found to warrant institution of disciplinary proceedings. Early in the new year

infection control compliance inspections will be extended to other regions of the


7.3 Relationships with government agencies

The Board is pleased to record its positive involvement in assisting the DHHS oral

Health Services (oHS) to implement two programs primarily designed to increase

practitioner numbers for the delivery of dental services in the public sector.

The first being a Student/undergraduate Placement Program whereby under an

agreement with the Adelaide university six dental students from that institution

were, with Board approval, able to undertake part of their final year clinical

placement in public sector facilities in Tasmania.

The second program is the Public Sector Dental Workforce Scheme (PSDWS). The

PSDWS is an Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council (AHMAC) initiated scheme

providing for:

• The Australian Dental Council (ADC) nominating certain overseas dental

schools the graduates of which will be exempted from the ADC’s preliminary

examination provided always that those graduates will be participating only

in the Public Sector Dental Workforce Scheme;

• Dental Boards registering those overseas trained dentists to work in the public

sector for up to three years;

• Requiring participants in the PSDWS to undertake and complete the ADC

final examinations within three years or have interim/temporary registration

cancelled; and

• Employing jurisdictions, in the case of Tasmania, oHS, determining in

consultation with Dental Boards conditions that might be placed on

registration such as, but not necessarily limited to, supervision and work


The Dental Board and oHS on 23 June concluded and ratified mutually agreed

conditions for implementation of the Scheme in Tasmania.

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7.4 Legislation

During the first quarter of the year the Board appointed a special sub-committee

to examine and report with recommendations on specific issues identified as

fundamental to review and reform of current dental legislation.

The Board at its last meeting on 23 June 2006 endorsed a schedule of legislative

items that the sub-committee will consolidate and as soon as practicable and

convenient to all parties arrange a consultative meeting/discussion with the DHHS

Legislation Project Manager.

It is reasonably expected that the sub-committee will be meeting with DHHS

officers early in the new year.

8. Complaints

During 2005–06 the Board received no complaints. of three complaints reported

as outstanding at 30 June 2005 two remain outstanding; both of which involve

complaints against practitioners no longer registered in Tasmania or in any other

Australian state or territory or in new Zealand.

In the matter of the only one of those three complaints that could be determined

the Dental Board found the complaint to be not substantiated and determined that

it be dismissed under Section 49 (1) (a) of the Act as a vexatious complaint.

With respect to outstanding complaints against practitioners no longer registered

in Australia or new Zealand the Board, in keeping with its section eight powers to

“share information with practitioners registration authorities and other relevant bodies”,

has requested other Australian dental registration authorities and the Dental Council

of new Zealand to notify Tasmania in the event either or both practitioners seek

registration in their jurisdiction.

G S Ford P R B Sealy


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Financial StatementsIndependent audit report

To The Dental Board of Tasmania, Hobart

Report on the Financial Report

I have audited the accompanying financial report of The Dental Board of Tasmania which comprises the Balance

Sheet as at 30 June 2006, the Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement for the year then ended, a Statement

by the President and Registrar and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes as

set out in the in the accompanying 5 pages.

The Financial Report and Board Members’ Responsibility

The Members of the Board are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial report in

accordance with the Australian Accounting Standards and the Dental Practitioners Registration Act 2001. This

responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair

presentation of the financial report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, selecting and

applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.

Audit Approach and Responsibility

My responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on my audit.

I have conducted my audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards which require compliance with

relevant ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial

report is free of material misstatement.

The audit involved performing procedures, on a test basis, to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and

disclosures in the financial report and the evaluation of accounting policies and significant accounting estimates.

While I considered the effectiveness of management’s internal controls over financial reporting when determining

the nature and extent of my procedures, my audit was not designed to provide assurance on internal controls.

I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my audit opinion.

Audit Opinion

In my opinion the financial report presents fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Dental Board of

Tasmania as at 30 June 2006 and of its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance

with Australian Accounting Standards and the requirements of the Dental Practitioners Registration Act 2001.

R Z Bogus FCPA

Registered Company Auditor


21 July 2006

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Statement by the President and the Registrar

In the opinion of the President and the Registrar:

a) The accompanying financial statements are drawn up to present a true and

fair view of the financial position of the Dental Board of Tasmania as at 30

June 2006 and the transactions for the year then ended.

b) The statements have been prepared in accordance with Australian

Accounting Standards and we are not aware of any circumstances which

would render them to be misleading or inaccurate.

c) There are reasonable grounds to believe that the board will be able to pay its

debts as and when they fall due.

G S Ford P R B Sealy


17th July 2006

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The Dental Board of Tasmania - Income Statement

For the year ended 30 June 2006

Note 2005 2006

$ $

Revenues from Ordinary Activities

Annual Registration Fees 2 67,900 70,663

new Registrations 3 875 1,500

Late Fees 250 525

Restoration of Registrations 300

Interest Earned 3,379 4,084

Sundry Receipts 68 0

$72,472 $77,071

Expenses from Ordinary Activities

Registrar Remuneration 9 26,325 40,467

Superannuation 2,369 2,832

Sitting Fees and Meeting Expenses 10 3,627 7,577

Audit Fees 1,000 1,000

Bank Charges and Duties 523 427

Printing, Stationery and office Requisites 1,083 1,058

Postage 800 751

Travel 594 0

Conferences 1,561 0

Telephone and Communications 2,364 1,928

Investigations 1,222 1,160

Compliance Inspections 0 816

Equipment Rental, Maintenance and Insurances 7 2,135 1,291

Australian Dental Council Levies 3,090 3,030

Depreciation 472 313

office Equipment 354 263

Legal Fees & Disciplinary Hearing & Inquiry Costs 8 21,841 6,523

Internet and Web site 672 1,225

other 227 155

$70,259 $70,813

Net Surplus (Deficit) 5 2,213 6,258

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The Dental Board of Tasmania - Balance Sheet

As at 30 June 2006

Note 2005 2006

$ $

Current Assets

Bank 34,148 44,919

Investments 4 51,985 57,805

Receivables 2,522 2,125

Total Current Assets 88,655 104,849

Non Current Assets

office Equipment 6 398 86

Total Non Current Assets 398 86

TOTAL ASSETS $89,053 $104,935

Current Liabilities

Payables 9 1,209 10,195

Annual Fees in Advance 2 34,412 35,050

TOTAL LIABILITIES $35,621 45,245

NET ASSETS $53,432 $59,690


opening Equity(Retained Surpluses) 1 51,219 53,432

operating Surplus (Deficit) for the Year 5 2213 6258

TOTAL EQUITY $53,432 $59,690

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Notes to the Financial StatementsNote 1 - Accounting Policies

These financial statements are a general purpose financial report prepared on an

accruals basis of accounting in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards

and other mandatory professional reporting requirements and the requirements

of the Dental Practitioners Registration Act 2001 (the Act). The Statements have been

prepared on an accruals basis of accounting and are based on historical costs and

do not take into account changing money values. The accounting policies are

consistent with the previous period.

Note 2 - Annual Registration Fees

The Act continues to provide for registration of dentists, dental therapists and dental

hygienists. Registration fees collected each year relate to the following calendar year

ending 31 December. Consequently at each financial year ending 30 June,

Fifty per cent of such fees collected are prepaid and are therefore recognised as

revenue in the next financial year.

Prescribed fees for both years to 31 December 2005 and 2006 were set at:

• Dentists $350

• Dental Therapists and Dental Hygienists $100

Annual registration fees, net of refunds collected in 2005/2006 for the registration

year ending 31 December 2006 were:

2005 2006

Dentists $62,125 $63,350

Dental therapists $5,800 $6,050

Dental hygienists $900 $700

$68,825 $70,100

Note 3 – New Registrations

under the Act the following prescribed Application (new Registration) fees were

applicable in both years to practitioners registering other than under the principles

of mutual recognition:

• Dentists $125

• Dental therapists $125

• Dental hygienists $125

During 2005/2006 11 dentists and two dental therapists applied for and were

granted registration. new (non-mutual recognition) registrations 2005–06 compares

with five dentists only during 2004–05.

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Note 4 - Investments

Investments are represented by deposit in a bank, an authorised trustee investment

as required by the Act.

Note 5 - Income Tax and GST

The Board is not liable to pay income tax and is not required to charge GST on fees

imposed under its Act. It is entitled to refunds of any GST paid.

Note 6 - Office Equipment and Depreciation

Equipment purchases over $300 are capitalised at original cost and depreciated over

their useful lives on the straight line method. The balance of office equipment as at

30 June is represented by:

2005 2006

office Equipment at cos $4,701 $4701

LESS Provision for Depreciation $4,303 $4615

$398 $86

Note 7 – Leases

The Board negotiated a 4 year leasing agreement (payable quarterly) for a new

photocopier and with an option to purchase at any stage. The current agreement

expires in november 2010.

Note 8 – Legal and Disciplinary Hearing and Inquiry Costs

During 2005/2006 the Board incurred legal and Committee costs of $6,523 in

conducting a S.25 Inquiry into an applicant’s entitlement or otherwise to be


Note 9 - Registrar Remuneration

Includes recognition of $9,000 unpaid CPI adjustments prior to 30 June 2005.

Note 10 - Sitting Fees and Meeting Expenses

Some Board members elect to forego receipt of sitting fees. Fees forfeited 2005–06

totalled $3,320.

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Note 11 - Cash Flow Statement

For the purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, cash includes cash at bank and investment deposits which are

readily convertible. Cash as at 30 June comprised the following:

2005 2006

$ $

Cash at Bank 34,148 44,919

Investment Deposits 51,985 57,805

$86,133 $102,724

Cash Flows from Operating Activities

Annual registration and other fees 70,368 73,625

Interest received 3,395 3,540

Payments to Registrar and suppliers (70466) (60574)

Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities 3,297 16,591

*Refer to reconciliation below

Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Payment for Equipment (0.00) (0.00)

Net increase in cash held 3,297 16,591

Cash at the beginning of the year 82,836 86,133

Cash at the end of the year $86,133 $102,724

* Reconciliation of operating Surplus to

Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities

operating surplus for the year 2,213 6,258

Plus(minus) non-cash items:

Depreciation 472 312

Change in Assets and Liabilities:

(Increase) decrease in Receivables (1071) 397

(Increase) decrease in Prepayments

Increase(decrease) in Payables 409 8986

Increase(decrease) in Annual Fees in advance 1,274 638

$3,297 $16,591

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Dental Prosthetists Registration Board of TasmaniaFor the year ended 30 June 2006

1. Constitution

The Dental Prosthetists Registration Board of Tasmania is established under the

provision of Section 6 of the Dental Prosthetists Registration Act 1996 (the Act) to

exercise the powers, authorities and functions imposed by the Act.

2. Aims and objectives

The Board will:

• Register dental prosthetists after assessment of qualifications;

• Maintain a register of legally qualified dental prosthetists; and

• Do any other act or exercise any other power or perform any other duty

necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act.

3. Structure and membership of the Board

Section 7 (1) of the Act provides that the Board shall consist of:

a) Three registered dental prosthetists nominated by the Minister from a list of

names submitted by such bodies representing the professional interests of

dental prosthetists as the Minister determines; and

b) Two persons, who are not dental prosthetists, nominated by the Minister to

represent the interests of consumers of dental prosthetic services.

The members of the Board for the 2005–06 financial year were:

Dental Prosthetists: Carolynne Smith (Chair)

nik Peacock

Terry Adams

Consumer Representatives: Robyn Priestley

Silvia Smith

Registrar: Vicki Martin

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4. Meetings of the Board

From 1 July 2005 to 30 June 2006, four Board meetings were held with attendance

of board members as follows:

27 July 2005, Hobart Carolynne Smith (Chair)

nik Peacock

Silvia Smith

Robyn Priestley

Terry Adams

9 november 2005, Launceston Carolynne Smith (Chair)

nik Peacock

Robyn Priestley

Terry Adams

Silvia Smith

15 February 2006, Hobart Carolynne Smith (Chair)

nik Peacock

Robyn Priestley

Terry Adams

Silvia Smith

17 May 2006, Launceston Carolynne Smith (Chair)

nik Peacock

Robyn Priestley

Terry Adams

Silvia Smith

5. Administration

Ms Vicki Martin is Registrar of the Dental Prosthetists Registration Board of Tasmania.

Contact with the Registrar: 2 Castray Esplanade

Battery Point Tas 7004

Telephone: (03) 6224 3444

Facsimile: (03) 6224 3711

Email: [email protected]

Board Fees: Regular Meetings: Chair $300

Member $150

Teleconferences: Chair $100

Member $ 50

Work for the Board: $ 30 per hour

Travel: Meals $ 30

Mileage $ .50/km

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6. Representation on national bodies

The Dental Prosthetists Registration Board of Tasmania (DPRB) is represented on

the Council of Regulating Authorities (CoRA), which meets annually to discuss

scope of practice, training and other items of national importance. The 2005

CoRA conference was held in Hobart on 16 and 17 June 2005 and the DPRB was

represented by the Chair, Carolynne Smith, and Registrar, Vicki Martin, with other

board members observing proceedings.


Registration of dental prosthetists covers the calendar year, from 1 January to

31 December.

numbers of dental prosthetists registered, and their movements over the last

seven years:

2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999

Registered dental prosthetists 48 52 53 54 55 55 52 53

new Applications 0 0 1 1 4 3 0 0

Renewal of old registrations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Deletions 4 1 1 1 4 0 1 7

Any person passing an approved education training package and requested

character references is eligible to apply for registration as a dental prosthetist in

Tasmania. Anyone applying for registration under the Mutual Recognition Act will

be accepted for registration if they are registered as a dental prosthetist in another

state or in new Zealand, but conditions may apply to their registration, dependent

on the scope of practice in their current registering jurisdiction.


Fees for the year were:

Application Fee $150 Change to Register $20

Annual Registration Fee $420 Copy of Register $5

Restoration Fee $150 Extract

Late Registration Penalty $150 Each Page Copy $5

Certificate Replacement $20 Additional

Certificates (ea) $20

Inspection of Register $10

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8. Activities during the year

8.1 Complaints

The Board liaised with the Health Complaints Commissioner on five complaints

against dental prosthetists during the year. All were resolved after investigation

and/or conciliation.

8.2 Freedom of Information

There were no requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act

during the year.

8.3 Continuing Professional Development

This year, the Board introduced continuing professional development requirements,

linked to registration renewal. This year was a trial year, and with a 30-hour, two-

year cycle established to start on 1 January 2006, all continuing professional

development hours accrued during 2005 will apply to that initial cycle.

8.4 Legislation

The Dental Prosthetists Registration Act 1996 is scheduled to be reviewed.

8.5 Inspection of Premises

The Board has continued a series of inspections at premises operated by registered

dental prosthetists in the State. Ten dental prosthetists’ premises were inspected

during the year.

8.6 Public Interest Disclosures Act

People entitled under the Public Interest Disclosures Act to apply to the Dental

Prosthetists Registration Board of Tasmania may access copies of its current

procedures by applying to the Registrar. no approaches have been made this year.

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Financial Statements

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DHHS Board and Council Reports 0506 �5

2006 2005Income $ $

Interest Income 110 133 Inspections - 215 Registration Fees 20,380 19,830

Total Income 20,490 20,178


Accounting & Bookkeeping 650 - Bank Charges 46 33 Confererences 700 2,133 CORA Expenses 400 120 Meals & Accomodation 1,121 304 Printing Costs 148 180 Professional Fees 10,150 7,242 Sitting Fee 3,450 3,600 Board Reimbursements 878 417 Travel Expenses 3,070 4,886

Total Expenditure 20,612 18,915

Net Surplus / (Deficit) for the year (122) 1,263

Dental Prosthetist Registration Board

For the Year Ended 30 June 2006

Statement of Income and Expediture

This Financial Statement is to be read in conjunction with the attached Notes to the Accounts.

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2006 2005Members Funds $ $

Members Funds at 1 July 2005 15,977 14,714 Surplus/(Deficit) for the Year (122) 1,263

Total Members Funds 15,855 15,977

Represented By:


Current AssetsCash at Bank 15,472 15,812 GST Debtor 383 186

Total Assets 15,855 15,999


Current LiabilitiesOther Creditors - 22

Total Liabilities - 22

Net Assets 15,855 15,977

Balance Sheet

As At 30 June 2006

Dental Prosthetist Registration Board

This Financial Statement is to be read in conjunction with the attached Notes to the Accounts.

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Dental Prosthetist Registration Board

Notes to and Forming Part of the Accounts For The Year Ended 30 June 2006

Note 1: Statement of Accounting Polices

This financial report is a special purpose financial report prepared in order to satisfy the financial reporting requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act (Tas.) 1964. The committee has determined that the association is not a reporting entity.

The financial report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act (Tas.) 1964 and the following Australian Accounting Standards:

AAS 1: Profit and Loss or other Operating Statements AAS 5: Materiality AAS 8: Events Occurring After Reporting Date

The financial report has been prepared on an accrual basis from the records of the association. They are based on historic costs and do not take into account changing money values.

The accounting policies have been consistently applied, unless otherwise stated.

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Medical Radiation Science Professionals Registration Board of Tasmania 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2005

Establishment of the Board

The Medical Radiation Science Professionals Registration Board of Tasmania is

established under Part 2 of the Medical Radiation Science Professionals Registration

Act 2000 (the Act).

The Board is concerned with the registration and regulation of medical radiation

science professionals namely Diagnostic Radiographers, nuclear Medicine

Technologists and Radiation Therapists. For the purpose of the Act, “medical

radiation science” means ionising radiation science as applied to the field of


Functions of the Board

The Board has the following functions:

(a) to administer the scheme of registration under Part 3;

(b) to investigate complaints and, as necessary undertake disciplinary action

against registered practitioners;

(c) to prosecute offences against this Act;

(d) to monitor the standards and provision of medical radiation science services

in this State;

(e) to monitor standards of education and training in medical radiation science;

(f ) to advise the Minister on matters relating to this Act;

(g) such functions as are imposed on the Board by this or any other Act or as may

be prescribed.”

Objectives of the Board

The Board must perform its functions and exercise its powers so as to

(a) ensure that the services medical radiation science professionals provide to the

public are of the highest possible standard; and

(b) ensure that medical radiation science professionals practise according to the

highest professional standard; and

(c) guard against unsafe, incompetent and unethical practices on the part of

medical radiation science professionals

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Membership of the Board

Membership of the Board is prescribed under Section 6 of the Act.

The Board consists of five persons appointed by the Governor:

1. Three practitioners, one being a registered radiation therapist, one being

a registered diagnostic radiographer and one being a registered nuclear

medicine technologist, nominated by the Minister from a list of names

submitted by such bodies representing the professional interests of

practitioners as the Minister determines.

2. Two persons who are not practitioners or registered medical practitioners,

nominated by the Minister to represent the Interests of the consumers of the

services that medical radiation science professionals provide.

3. The Governor may appoint a member as chairperson.

As specified in Schedule 1 of the Act, the terms of appointment for Board Members

is three years. A Member is eligible to serve any number of terms of office but may

not serve more than two of those terms in succession.

The Board met on six occasions during 2005.

Board membership for 2005 Meetings Attended

Mr Stuart Hamilton - Radiation Therapist (Chairperson) 6

Ms Lesa Hornsey - Diagnostic Radiographer 5

Ms Kate Watson - nuclear Medicine Technologist 6

(ended 20 December 2005)

Mr David Spence - Consumer Representative 4

(ended 20 December 2005)

Mr Leo Foley - Consumer Representative 6

Mr Mark Marcenko nuclear Medicine Technologist 0

(from 21 December 2005)

Ms Gillie Anderson Consumer Representative 0

(from 21 December 2005)

Brendan Hey - Registrar 6


Contact Details:

Registrar: Mr Brendan Hey

Postal Address: GPo Box 125


Telephone: (03) 6216 4302

Facsimile: (03) 6216 4326

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Schedule of fees

Application Fee: $50

Annual Registration Fee: $80

Late Fee: $20

Restoration fee: $35

Representation on national bodies

national Conference of Regulatory Authorities of Medical Radiation Technology

Registration Boards

Mr Stuart Hamilton and Mr Brendan Hey represented the Board at the annual

meeting. The meeting included discussions on the requirements of each Authority

for resumption of practice, Legislation and Registration updates, Mutual Recognition,

Competency Based Assessments and Continuing Professional Development. The

attendees determined that these meetings were a valuable forum for sharing common

issues and that there is a need to develop long term goals to clearly define the roles of

the Regulatory Authorities and their association with the Professional bodies.


Registration renewals

New Registrations

Diagnostic Radiographers 156 25

Diagnostic Radiographers Graduate Recruit 6 0

Diagnostic Radiographer Restricted Practice 1 0

Radiation Therapist 41 3

Radiation Therapist Graduate Recruit 4 0

nuclear Medicine Technologist 14 0

nuclear Medicine Technologist Graduate Recruit 0 1

222 29

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Activity Report for 2005

Recency of Practice

Discussion and further comments were made on the discussion paper produced

by the Medical Radiation Technologists Board of Queensland entitled ‘Recency of

Practice”. It is intended that the outcomes from this discussion paper will be directly

linked to the renewal of registration process to maintain the public’s confidence in

the profession by ensuring safe and competent practice.

Resumption of Practice

Discussions were held with the Department of Health and Human Services Senior

Allied Health Adviser dealing with an application for registration that was refused by

the Board for a diagnostic radiographer who had been absent from the workforce

for a considerable length of time.

The outcomes of these discussions was that the Board had dealt with the matter in

a respectful and professional manner and that the outcome was appropriate for the

application with support provided by the Board to help the applicant further their

career as a diagnostic radiographer.

The Board also discussed a draft training proposal presented by BreastScreen

Tasmania for breast imaging training of diagnostic radiographers wishing to return

to the workforce after extended leave who would work only in the breast imaging

speciality area. The Board agreed that encouragement should be provided to

proposals that help persons to re-enter the workforce and provided support in

principle to the training proposal.

Continuing Professional Development

The Board is continuing discussions on methods of encouraging and ensuring that

practitioners continue their professional development after gaining the relevant

qualifications. The Board has looked at and discussed the programs offered by the

professional bodies.

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Statement of Receipts and Payments for the year ended 31 December 20052005 2004


Registration Fee 20 080 16 875

Application Fee 2 200 2 680

Late/Restoration Fee 595 180

Bank Interest 381 274

23 256 20 009


Sitting Fee 4 950 4 200

Honorarium 0 0

Miscelaneous 308 1064

Travel 3 627 2 223

Audit Fees 0 0

Catering 0 0

Stationery 942 702

Assets 2563 0

Bank Fee 216 156

12 606 8 346

Excess receipts over payments 10 650 11 663

Balance from last account 62 105 50 442

72 755 62 105

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Bank Reconciliation Statement for the year ended 31 December 20052005

Opening balance 1 January 2005 62 514

Add Receipts 23 256

Less Payments -12 606

less unpresented cheques 2004


plus unpresented deposits 190

72 755

Balance as per Bank Statement 31 December 2005 73 599

less unpresented cheques

138495 -150

138501 -80

138502 -80

138507 -80

138510 -80

138511 -30

138545 -150

138549 -9

138557 -150

138561 -150

138564 -150

-1 109

plus unpresented Deposits



72 755

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Optometrists Registration Board of Tasmania 1. Establishment of Board

The optometrists Registration Board was established in April 1995 under the

Optometrists Registration Act 1994.

2. Board roles and functions

2.1 Objectives of the Board

In accordance with Section 9 of the Act, the Board must perform its functions and

exercise its powers so as to-

(a) ensure that optometrical services provided to the public are of the highest

possible standard; and

(b) ensure that persons practise optometry according to the highest professional

standard; and

(c) guard against unsafe, incompetent and unethical optometrical practices.

2.2 Functions of the Board

Section 7 of the Act defines the following functions for the Board:-

(a) to administer the scheme of registration under Part 3;

(b) to supervise the practice of optometry in this State;

(c) to investigate complaints and, as necessary, undertake disciplinary action

against registered optometrists;

(d) to prosecute offences against this Act;

(e) to monitor standards of optometrical education and training;

(f ) to advise the Minister on matters relating to this Act;

(g) such other functions as are imposed on the Board by this or any other Act or

as may be prescribed.

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3. Membership of the Board

Membership of the Board is prescribed under Section 6 of the Act.

The Board consists of-

(a) four registered optometrists nominated by the Minister from a list of

names submitted by such bodies representing the professional interests of

optometrists as the Minister determines; and

(b) two persons, neither of whom is an optometrist, optical dispenser or medical

practitioner, nominated by the Minister to represent the interests of the

consumers of optometrical services.

Members during 2005

The following persons served as members of the optometrists Registration Board

during the year ended 31 December 2005:

Chairman: Mr D Guest MSc(optom)

Members: Mr D Guest M Sc(optom)

Joan Fitz-nead AM Rn B.Ed

(Consumer Representative) until 8 April 2005

Ms K Garner B optom (Hons) from 1 november 2004

until 11 February 2005

Mr J Kingshott BSc (optom)

Mrs D Parkinson (Consumer Representative)

Ms S Sluce B optom (nSW)

Ms D McKee BA LLB from 17 June 2005

Mr D Fails BSc(Hons) M C optom from 16 December 2005

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4. Meetings of the Board

Meetings of the Board have been convened on an as required basis.

During the period 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2005, six Board meetings were

held with attendance by Board members as follows:

Board Members Meetings held whilst a Board Member

Meetings Attended

Mr D Guest 6 6

J Fitz-nead 2 1

Ms K Garner 1 1

Mr J Kingshott 6 6

Mrs D Parkinson 6 6

Ms S Sluce 6 6

Ms D McKee 4 4

Mr D Fails 1 1

The fees paid to members of the Board for attendance at Board meetings during the

year were:

Chairman $300

other Members $150

5. Administration

Contact Details:

Registrar: Ms Jayne Wilson

Assistant Registrar: Mr Greg Luckman

Secretary: Ms Geraldine Frances

Business Address: Level 2, 24 Murray Street, Hobart 7000

Postal Address: GPo Box 792, Hobart 7001

Telephone: (03) 6224 9331

Facsimile: (03) 6224 9700

E-mail: [email protected].


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6. Representation on national bodies

6.1 Council of optometry registration authorities

The Chairman and Registrar attended the annual meeting of the Australian and new

Zealand Council of optometry Registration Authorities (CoRA) in new South Wales

in november 2005.

Among items considered at the meeting were:

• The constitution and operating procedures of CoRA;

• Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition;

• Endorsement of optometrists to prescribe therapeutics;

• Accreditation of courses for therapeutics;

• national Registration of Health Practitioners.

7. Registration

7.1 Register of Optometrists

The movements in the number of optometrists registered with the Board during the

past five years have been as follows:

2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

optometrists registered at 1 January 115 100 95 97 80

Registered during the year 35 34 25 19 27

Removed from the Register* 36 19 20 21 10

Optometrists registered at 31 December 114 115 100 95 97

*Removed for non-payment of registration fee

7.2 Registration policy

A person may apply to the Board to be registered as an optometrist if he or she –

(a) is a graduate of an institution accredited by the Council of optometry

Registration Authorities; or

(b) has passed a qualifying examination held by the Council of optometry

Registration Authorities.

Persons who are registered in other Australian jurisdictions and new Zealand are

eligible for registration under the provisions of Mutual Recognition legislation.

7.3 Fees

Fees applying to registration are:

Application Fee $100

Annual Registration Fee $425

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8. Review of Activities and Operations 2005

8.1 Achievements

8.1.1 Code of Practice

The Board issued a Code of Practice for optometrists’ in April 2005 which was based

on the Code of Practice issued by the Queensland Board.

8.1.2 Guidelines and Protocols for Therapeutic Drug Use by Authorised Optometrists

The Board distributed Guidelines and Protocols for Therapeutic Drug use by

Authorised optometrists in April 2005. This document was based on a document

produced by the Victorian Board.

8.1.3 Privacy Policy

The Board developed and distributed a Privacy Policy in accordance with the

Personal Information Protection Act in november 2005.

8.1.4 Warnings on Hazards of Cosmetic Contact Lenses

Together with the Chief Health officer, Dr David Boadle, the Board issued a media

statement urging Tasmanians to make themselves aware of potential health hazards

before using or buying cosmetic contact lenses, in october 2005.

The Board continues to work towards finding ways of ensuring the public are better

informed and protected in this area.

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8.2 Legislation

8.2.1 Additional Substances Which May Be Prescribed Topically By Accredited

Optometrists (Amendments to Poisons Regulations 2002)

Amendments to the Poisons Regulations which gave effect to the listing of

additional schedule 4 (“Class 1”) substances which may be prescribed topically by

authorised optometrists for therapeutic purposes, were gazetted on 23 november

2006 and came into effect on that day.

8.2.2 Public Interest Disclosure Act

There were no disclosures made in accordance with the Public Interest Disclosures

Act 2002 during the year ended 31 December 2005.

8.2.3 Freedom of Information

There were no requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act

during the year ended 31 December 2005.

8.3 Complaints and disciplinary activities

There were no complaints received by the Board during the year ended 31

December 2005.

8.4 Financial statements

The Board achieved a surplus for the year ended 31 December 2005 of $19,091

(2004: $21,517) The audited Financial Statements of the optometrists Registration

Board for the year ended 31 December 2005 are attached.

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Financial Statements

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Pharmacy Board of Tasmania For the year ended 31 December 2005

1. Establishment of Board

The Pharmacy Board was established under the Pharmacy Act 1908. under

legislation, enacted in november 2001 with a commencement date of 1 April 2002,

this Act was replaced by the Pharmacists Registration Act 2001.

2. Board roles and functions

2.1 Objectives of the Board

Section 10 of the Pharmacists Registration Act 2001 (the Act) lists the objectives of the

Pharmacy Board as being to:

(a) ensure that the services that registered pharmacists provide to the public are

of the highest possible standard; and

(b) ensure that persons who practise as pharmacists do so according to the

highest professional standard; and

(c) guard against unsafe, incompetent and unethical practices by registered


2.2 Functions of the Board

Section 8 of the Act lists the following functions for the Board:

(a) to administer the scheme of registration under Part 3;

(b) to supervise the practice of pharmacists in this State;

(c) to investigate complaints and, as necessary, undertake disciplinary action

against registered pharmacists;

(d) to prosecute offences against this Act;

(e) to monitor the standard and provision of the services that pharmacists

provide in this State;

(f ) to monitor standards of education and training in pharmacy;

(g) to advise the Minister on matters relating to this Act;

(h) such other functions as are imposed on the Board by this or any other Act or

as may be prescribed.

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3. Membership of the Board

Membership of the Board is prescribed under Section 7 of the Act.

The Board consists of-

(a) five registered pharmacists nominated by the Minister from a list of names

submitted by such bodies representing the professional interests of

pharmacists as the Minister determines; and

(b) two persons, neither of whom is an pharmacist, nominated by the Minister

to represent the interests of the consumers of the services that pharmacists


Members during 2005

The following pharmacists were members of the Board during 2005, appointed

under the Pharmacists Registration Act 2001:

Chairman Mr I Huett – Dip.Pharm

Members: J Fitz-nead – AM, Rn, B.Ed - Consumer representative

Mrs J Liauw – B.Pharm

Mr R Jones – B.Pharm

Mrs J Taylor – B.Pharm, Dip HP

Mr G Butler – Dip Bus., APMA – Consumer representative

Mrs S Leitch – B. Pharm., until July 2005

Dr P Dettwiller – Dr.Pharm., from August 2005

4. Meetings of the Board

Meetings of the Board are held monthly.

During the period 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2005, 12````````````````````` ordinary

Board meetings were held with attendance by Board members as follows:

Board Members Meetings held whilst a Board Member Meetings Attended

Mr I Huett 12 12

J Fitz-nead 12 8

Mr R Jones 12 11

Mrs J Liauw 12 11

Mrs J Taylor 12 10

Mr G Butler 12 12

Mrs S Leitch (Retired 11 July 06) 6 6

Dr P. Dettwiller (Appointed 11 July 06) 6 5

Fees paid to Members of the Board for attendance at each Board meeting during

the year were:

President/Chairman: $300

other Members: $150

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5. Administration

The Registrar of the Board is Ms J Wilson.

The Assistant Registrar is Mr G Luckman.

The address of the Registrar’s office is:

Business: Level 2, 24 Murray Street

Hobart 7000

Postal: GPo Box 792

Hobart 7001

Telephone (03) 6224 9699

Facsimile (03) 6224 9700

Email [email protected]


6. Representation on national bodies

Mrs J Taylor was the Tasmanian representative on the Australian Pharmacy Examining

Council which is the body overseeing the entry of overseas pharmacists into Australia

and also represented the Board on the national Preceptor Training Committee.

The Chairman and Registrar attended meetings of the Council of Pharmacy

Registering Authorities (CoPRA).

CoPRA is an association of all pharmacy registering bodies in Australia and new

Zealand, attended also by representatives of the Australian Pharmacy Examining

Council (APEC) and the Committee of Heads of Pharmacy Schools in Australia and

new Zealand (CHPSAnZ).

Matters discussed by CoPRA in 2005 included:

• structure of CoPRA and APEC;

• registration of overseas trained pharmacists;

• reciprocal registration arrangements with Royal Pharmaceutical Society of

Great Britain;

• price Information Code of Practice;

• standards for accreditation of continuing education;

• internet and cross border pharmacy practice.

• standards for pharmacist and pharmacy only medicines

The Chairman, Mr Huett, is the Chairman of the Pharmacy Education Accreditation

Committee of CoPRA. Mr Huett and the Registrar attended a meeting of PEAC in 2005.

The Assistant Registrar, Mr Greg Luckman attended a meeting of CoPRA education

officers, held in Melbourne in September 2005.

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7. Register of pharmacists

The number of pharmacists registered with the Board during the past five years have

been as follows:

2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

550 529 505 471 482

Registration fees for 2005 were as follows:

Pharmacists: $300

owner Pharmacists: $425

Registration policy

Pharmacists in Tasmania are required to perform a self assessment of professional

competency and to complete a declaration attesting to their competency to be

returned with their application for re-registration. A simplified checklist is provided

which pharmacists can use together with professional standards as a guide to

assess their competency. A pro-forma Professional Portfolio is also available to

assist pharmacists to record their commitment to maintenance of competency.

The professional portfolio is required to provide evidence of continuing education

courses attended, self study undertaken, critical incidents identified and reviewed

in the pharmacy, peer discussions and any other activities that contribute to

enhancing the knowledge and skills of the pharmacist.

During 2005, a random sample of pharmacists participated in a review of their

professional portfolios. Ten percent of registered pharmacists were required to

submit evidence of the steps taken to maintain ongoing competency, in the form

of the professional portfolio. This review identified that there was a high degree of

compliance with the Board’s requirements and that all pharmacists were able to

demonstrate that they had maintained their competence to the satisfaction of the


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8. Review of activities and operations

8.1 Achievements

8.1.1 School of Pharmacy

The Board continued to work with the School of Pharmacy to assist in implementation

of recommendations of the review of the School which was held in 2002.

8.1.2 Pre-registration Training

The Board administers a program of pre-registration training for pharmacy graduates

pursuant to Section 21(1)(b) of the Pharmacists Registration Act 2001. Thirty four

graduates were enrolled in the Graduate Accreditation Program (GAP) during 2005

undertaking supervised practice and sitting the Board’s pre-registration examination

at the end of the year. The Board continued to seek an increase in the number of

positions available in Tasmanian hospitals for pre-registrants.

8.1.3 Australian Pharmacy Examining Council (APEC) Candidates

The Australian Pharmacy Examining Council is the national body which has been

established to assist overseas trained pharmacists to obtain registration in Australia

and thus enable them to practise their profession in Australia. During 2005 there

were no pharmacists undertaking the APEC program in Tasmania.

8.1.4 Examinations

Twenty nine candidates passed the Board examination held in november 2005.

Four candidates passed in February 2006 and one in April 2006. Successful

candidates at the november examination received a certificate from the Minister for

Health and Human Services at a function at Parliament House.

8.1.5 Relationship with Other Bodies

The Pharmacy Liaison Committee consisting of the Presidents/Chairs and Executive

officers/Registrar of the Pharmacy Board, Pharmacy Guild of Australia (Tasmanian

Branch), the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (Tasmanian Branch), the Society

of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (Tasmanian State Branch) and the Pharmacy

School, university of Tasmania, met during the year. This is a forum for the

consideration of issues of importance to the pharmacy profession in Tasmania.

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8.2 Legislation

8.2.1 Pharmacists Registration Amendment Act 2005

The Pharmacists Registration Amendment Act 2005 was passed by both Houses of

Parliament and received Royal assent on 15 December 2005. The effect of the Act

was to provide for the registration of pharmacy business premises and to prohibit

the establishment of pharmacies within supermarkets.

The amendments set out the requirements for the registration of pharmacy business

premises from 1 September 2006. The registration requirement applies to those

pharmacy premises which operate as a pharmacy business, premises wherein a

pharmacist compounds and dispenses medicines and drugs on the prescription of

a medical practitioner or other health professional. The amendments specifically

state that the Board must not approve an application if the premises are located

wholly or partly within a supermarket, and a ‘supermarket’ is further defined. The

Minister’s second reading speech noted that the rationale for this provision is that a

supermarket is not an environment conducive to the quality use of medicines or the

provision of primary health care.

During 2005 the Board also conferred with the Minister for Health and Humans

Services regarding the need for other changes to the Pharmacists Registration

Act 2001. The Board has identified matters within the Act relating to ownership

of pharmacies and disciplinary process which it believes require amendment to

remove ambiguities and to ensure compliance with principles of natural justice.

Discussion on these matters is continuing.

8.2.2 The Personal Information Protection Act

The Personal Information Protection Act 2004 came into effect on 5 September

2005. As required by the Act, the Board has developed a Personal Information

Protection Policy, which can be obtained from the Board website www.regboardstas.

com/pharmacy or by writing to the Registrar.

8.2.3 Public Interest Disclosure Act

People entitled under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2002 to apply to the

Pharmacy Board of Tasmania may access copies of its current procedures by

applying to the Registrar. no requests were received during 2005.

8.2.4 Freedom of Information

There were no requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act in the

year ended 31 December 2005.

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8.3 Complaints and disciplinary issues

under the Pharmacists Registration Act 2001, less serious complaints can be dealt

with in an informal hearing before the Board. For more serious matters, full formal

disciplinary hearings are held with the Board acting as a Tribunal. Many of the matters

before the Board are dealt with through the informal hearing process with the

pharmacists concerned appearing before the Board at a regular meeting of the Board.

During 2005, three complaints were dealt with by the Board by way of informal

hearings. Three pharmacists were formally cautioned under Section 50 of the Act

and were required to provide undertakings to the Board to review dispensing and

other procedures within their pharmacies to prevent re-occurrence of the errors that

had given rise to the complaints. one complaint was found not to be substantiated.

one complaint received by the Board was dealt with by way of formal disciplinary

proceedings. The Board, acting as a Disciplinary Tribunal made findings that

the pharmacist concerned had engaged in unprofessional conduct in respect

of three matters that were the subject of complaint. The Tribunal reprimanded

the pharmacist, imposed fines and invoked conditions on the registration of the

pharmacist concerned. The Board s findings in this matter are now the subject of an

appeal to the Supreme Court.

Two matters were still under consideration by the Board at the end of 2005. A

further complaint considered by the Investigating Committee was dismissed.

8.4 Financial statements

The attached Financial Statements show a deficit for the year ended 31 December

2005 of $43,733 (2004: deficit $2,108).

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Physiotherapists Registration Board of TasmaniaFor the year ended 31 December 2005

1. Establishment of the Board

The Physiotherapists Registration Board of Tasmania is established under the

provisions of the Physiotherapists Registration Act 1999 to exercise the powers,

authorities, duties and functions imposed by the Act.

2. Board role and function

Section nine of the Physiotherapists Registration Act 1999 lists the objectives of the

Board as being to:

• Ensure that the services that physiotherapists provide to the public are of the

highest possible standard;

• Ensure that physiotherapists practise according to the highest professional

standard; and

• Guard against unsafe, incompetent and unethical practices by


Section six of the Physiotherapists Registration Act 1999 states that the Board has the

following functions:

• To administer the scheme of registration under part three;

• To monitor the standard and provision of the services that physiotherapists

provide in the State;

• To investigate complaints and, as necessary, undertake disciplinary action

against physiotherapists;

• To prosecute offences against this Act;

• To monitor standards of education and training in physiotherapy;

• To advise the Minister on matters relating to this Act; and

• Such other functions as are imposed on the Board by this or any other Act or

as may be prescribed.

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3. Board membership in 2005

Membership of the Board is prescribed under Section 6 (1) of the Act. Three

members are registered physiotherapists nominated by the Minister from a list

of names provided by such bodies representing the professional interests of

physiotherapists as the Minister determines, and two members, who are not

physiotherapists, nominated by the Minister.

During 2005 the terms of Mr D Holzberger and Mr P Lloyd expired. They were

replaced on the Board by Mr Paul Shinkfield (physiotherapist) and Mr Malcolm

upston. The Board expressed its strong appreciation for the contributions of Mr

Holzberger and Mr Lloyd during their terms on the Board.

Mrs J Drew was appointed Chair of the Board by the Minister.

The members of the Board at the date of this report are as follows:

Mrs Julia Drew (Chair), physiotherapist

Ms Janet Millner, physiotherapist

Ms Margaret Murray, consumer representative

Mr Paul Shinkfield, physiotherapist

Mr Malcolm upston, consumer representative

4. Meetings

Meetings have been convened when required and attendance by the board is as


D. Holzberger 2 (eligible to attend 2)

Mrs J Millner 5 (5)

J Drew 5 (5)

M Murray 5 (5)

P Lloyd 2 (2)

P Shinkfield 3 (3)

M upston 3 (3)

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5. Administration

The Registrar of the Board is Mr G Luckman.

5.1 Contact details

Business: Level 2, 24 Murray Street

Hobart TAS 7000

Postal: GPo Box 792

Hobart TAS 7001

Telephone: (03) 6224 9331

Facsimile: (03) 6224 9700

Email: [email protected]


5.2 Fees of the Board

The sitting fees of members of the Board are as follows:

Chairman: $412.50 per quarter

Board Members: $312.50 per quarter

6. Representation on national bodies

Australian Council of Physiotherapy Regulating Authorities Limited (ACoPRA) is the

national administrative authority for the profession. It has the responsibility for:

• Maintaining and developing the level of competency for the profession

in Australia;

• Accrediting training institutions;

• Monitoring the assessment of graduates from the accredited institutes; and

• Assessing the competency levels of overseas applicants wishing to register in


The Board is represented on ACoPRA by the Chair Mrs J Drew.

During 2005 ACoPRA has commissioned a major review of the Australian

Physiotherapy Competency Standards.

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7. Registration

7.1 Registrations

The Board maintained a register of physiotherapists as required by the Act.

The register reported the following movements in registered physiotherapists

for the year:

31 Dec 2004 31 Dec 2005

Registered Physiotherapists 321 334

new Applications:

- Registered Physiotherapists 58 63

Renewal of old Registrations:

- Registered Physiotherapists 5 5


- Registered Physiotherapists 53 55

7.2 Registration policy

It is the policy of the Board to register applicants who are of good character and are:

• Qualified in a physiotherapy course from Australian education institution

that is fully accredited by the Australian Council of Physiotherapy Regulating

Authorities Limited (ACoPRA) or, are;

• overseas qualified physiotherapists who have passed the examination

process in Australia conducted by ACoPRA or are;

• Mutually accepted as having the required skills to practise physiotherapy in

Tasmania by way of the applicant being currently registered in another State

or Territory of Australia or registered to practise in new Zealand or are;

• Given temporary, restricted registration by being an overseas qualified

physiotherapist that has obtained a Department of Immigration working visa

to enable the applicant to work in Australia for a restricted period and whose

qualifications and experience meet requirements agreed to by ACoPRA as

being suitable for supervised practice.

7.3 Fees

As at 31 December 2005 the fee structure was as follows:

Application Fee $150

Full Registration Fee $150

Restoration Fee $50

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8. Review of activities and operations in 2005

A system of restricted temporary registration of some overseas qualified

physiotherapists was established by the Board in co-operation with the Australian

Council of Physiotherapy Registering Authorities. During 2005, temporary

registration of overseas qualified physiotherapists has assisted in relieving shortages

of physiotherapists in Tasmanian public hospitals.

Board members have participated in discussions leading to a review of the

Australian Physiotherapy Competency standards. The revised standards to be

released in March 2006 will be used by the Board to ensure that physiotherapy

services provided in Tasmania are of an appropriate standard.

The Board is required by the Physiotherapists Registration Act 1999 to investigate all

complaints received. In some situations, it is not possible for the Board recover all or

any of the costs of the investigation at its conclusion. The Board remains concerned

that it must build adequate reserves to allow it to carry out full and effective

investigations as and when required and if necessary, to allow it to be adequately

represented at appeal hearings before the Supreme Court.


The Board received one complaint during 2005. Consideration of matters raised by

this complaint is yet to be concluded by the Board.

Freedom of Information

There were no requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act 1996

during 2005.

Public Interest Disclosures

People entitled under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2002 to apply to the

Physiotherapists Registration Board of Tasmania may access copies of its current

procedures by applying to the Registrar. no requests were received during 2005.

Privacy Policy

In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 2005, the Board has

established a Privacy Policy.

Copies of the Privacy Policy can be accessed from the Board website or by writing to the Board.

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Financial StatementsIncome Statement for the year ended 31 December 2005

31 December 2005 31 December 2004

$ $


Application Fees 9,450 6,700

Annual Registration Fees 48,300 39,629

other Fees 1,756 740

other Income 766 -

Interest 236 227

TOTAL REVENUE 60,508 47,296


ACoPRA Capitalisation Fees 1,165 955

Audit Fees 850 2,000

Bank Charges 308 407

Complaint Resolution 2,328 33,730

Stationery & Postage 1,434 1,221

Registrars Remuneration 21,934 20,800

Sitting Fees 6,650 7,680

Telephone & Facsimile 1,572 1,432

Travelling & Meeting Expenses 1,914 2,867

Web/Internet 370 1,274


SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) 21,983 (25,070)

The Income Statement is to be read in conjunction with the notes to and forming part of the financial statements.

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Balance sheet as at 31 December 2005

31 December 2005 31 December 2004

$ $


Funds carried forward from previous year (4,591) 20,479

net Surplus/(Deficit) for year 21,983 (25,070)

TOTAL BOARD FUNDS 17,392 (4,591)



Deposit – Commonwealth Bank 49,431 41,410

Cash on Hand 300 -

GST Recoverable 836 2,682

50,567 44,092


Sundry Creditors 1,660 20,162

Registration Fees Paid in Advance 31,515 28,521

33,175 48,683

NET ASSETS 17,392 (4,591)

The Balance Sheet is to be read in conjunction with the notes to and forming part of the financial statements

Statement of cash flows for the financial year ended 31 December 2005

31 December 2005 31 December 2004

Note $ $

Cashflow from Operating Activities:

Cash receipts in the course of operations 68,176 61,944

Interest Received 236 227

Cash payments in the course of operations (60,091) (60,413)

Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 2(b) 8,321 1,758

net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash Held 8,321 1,758

Cash at the Beginning of the Financial Year 41,410 39,652

Cash at the End of the Financial Year 2(a) 49,731 41,410

The Statement of Cash Flows is to be read in conjunction with the notes to and forming part of the financial


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Notes to and forming part of the statement of accountsFor the year ended 31 December 2005

Note 1 – statement of significant accounting policies

The significant policies which have been adopted in the preparation of this financial

report are:

a) Basis of preparation

In the opinion of the Board, the Board is not a reporting entity. The financial

report of the Board has been drawn up as a special purpose financial report for

distribution to the members and the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of the

Physiotherapists’ Registration Act 1999.

The financial report has been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting as defined in

AASB 108, Accounting Policies, using the historical cost convention and going concern

assumption. The accounting policies have been consistently applied and, except where

there is a change in accounting policy, are consistent with those of the previous year.

The financial report has been prepared in accordance with the Physiotherapists’

Registration Act 1999, the recognition and measurement aspects of all applicable

Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional reporting requirements,

with the exception of:

· AASB 101 Presentation of financial Statements;

AASB 132 Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation

· AASB 1 First-time Adoption of Australian Equivalents to International

Financial Reporting Standards.

b) Revenue recognition

Revenues are recognised at fair value of consideration received, net of the amount

of goods and services tax (GST).

Registration fees

Registration fees are recognised in the year to which they relate. Registration fees

received for future years are recorded as a liability – Revenue received in advance.

Application fees

Application fees are recognised as revenue in the year to which they relate.

Interest income

Interest income is recognised when received.

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c) Expense recognition

Expenses are recognised at fair value of consideration paid, net of the amount of

goods and services tax (GST).

d) Goods and services tax

Revenue, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of goods and

services tax (GST), except where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from

the Australian Taxation office (ATo). In these circumstances the GST is recognised as

part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of an item of the expense.

Receivables and payables are stated with the amount of GST included.

The net amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the ATo is included as a

current asset or liability in the balance sheet.

Cash flows are included in the statement of cash flows on a gross basis. The GST

components of cash flows arising from investing and financing activities which are

recoverable from, or payable to, the ATo are classified as operating cash flows.

e) Taxation

The Physiotherapists Registration Board of Tasmania is a statutory body and is not

liable to pay income tax.

f) Cash

Cash is carried at face value of the amounts deposited or drawn.

g) Trade creditors

Trade creditors are recognised for amounts to be paid in the future for goods or

services received.

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Note 2 – Cashflow information

31 December 2005 31 December 2004

$ $

(a) Reconciliation of cashCash on Hand 300 -

Cash at Bank 49,431 41,410

49,731 41,410

(b) Reconciliation of net cash provided by operating activities

for the ending 31 December 2005

Surplus/(Deficit) for the period 21,983 (25,070)

Change in Assets and Liabilities

Increase/(Decrease) in creditors (18,502) 18,182

Increase/(Decrease) in Registrations in Advance 2,994 10,521

(Increase)/Decrease in GST Recoverable 1,846 (1,875)

Increase in Cash Held 8,321 1,758

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Podiatrists Registration Board of TasmaniaFor the year ended 30 June 2006

Membership of the Board

The current membership of the Board is:

Member Term

Ms Janice Mason (Chair), Podiatrist 3 years concluding 9 March 2009

Mr. David McKay, Podiatrist 3 years concluding 9 March 2009

Ms Toni nash, Podiatrist 3 years concluding 10 April 2008

Ms Sarah Piggott 3 years concluding 10 April 2008

Ms Kay Gunn 3 years concluding 9 March 2009

Board Meetings and Membership

The Board met four times during the year and the number of meetings attended by

each Board member were:

Number of Meetings Attended

Ms Kay Gunn 1

Mr. Julian Edwards 3

Ms Janice Mason 4

Mr. David McKay 4

Ms Toni nash 4

Ms Sarah Piggott 4

Role of the Board

The Board is responsible for administering the Podiatrists Registration Act 1995

including approving applications for registrations, maintaining a register of registered

podiatrists and investigating any complaints or possible offences under the Act.

The Act outlines the following functions of the Board:

• to administer the scheme of registration;

• to supervise the practice of podiatry in this State;

• to investigate complaints and, as necessary, undertake disciplinary action

against registered podiatrists;

• to prosecute offences against this Act;

• to monitor the standard and provision of podiatric services in this State;

• to monitor standards of education and training in podiatry;

• to advise the Minister on matters relating to this Act; and

• such other functions as are imposed on the Board by this or any other Act or

as may be prescribed.

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Registration Policy

An important role of the Board is to ensure that persons practising podiatry in

Tasmania have the appropriate training and qualifications. The categories of

podiatrists who meet these requirements are:

1. Podiatrists who have successfully completed a current undergraduate course

from an Australian School of Podiatry.

2. Podiatrists who are currently registered in another Australian State in

accordance with Mutual Recognition Legislation.

3. Podiatrists registered in new Zealand in accordance with Trans-Tasman

Mutual Recognition.

4. other overseas trained podiatrists who have completed requirements

prescribed by the Australian Podiatry Council.

Activity Report 2005-06

Footcare Assistants

The Board continued to monitor the employment of footcare assistants within

the Tasmanian public health system. A meeting was held with the Manager,

Community Podiatry to discuss the activities of footcare assistants and issues of

concern to the Board. Representations were made to the Industry Skills Council

about training competencies they are developing. The Board has also sought

information from independent providers of foot care services about their scope of

practice and training undertaken.

Australian and New Zealand Council of Podiatry Registration Boards

Julian Edwards represented the Board at the Joint meeting of Boards, Schools of

Podiatry and the Australasian Podiatry Council in new Zealand and the inaugural

meeting of the Australian and new Zealand Council of Podiatry Registration Boards

in Sydney. Tasmania will be hosting the 2nd meeting of the Council in August 2006.

Publication of national guidelines on infection control was a major achievement

during the year and the publication of agreed national occupational health and

safety guidelines is well advanced.

Policy Development

The following new policies were developed during the year

• Provision of names and addresses of registered podiatrists

• Recency of practice

• Personal information protection policy

• Advertising policy

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Board Website

The Board has developed a web page that provides detailed information about its

activities that is of interested to both podiatrists and the general public. The web

address is

Meeting of Tasmanian Health Registration Boards

The Board participated in a meeting of Tasmanian Health Registration Boards. A

viable option to provide induction training for Board members was identified

and will be implemented. Boards are also going to work together to develop a

consistent approach to the investigation and consideration of complaints including

the need for changes to existing legislation.


The Board initiated three investigations underway into activities of independent

providers of foot care, which are continuing.

Australasian Podiatry Council Accreditation Reference Committee

David McKay is the Board’s nominee on this Committee

Expansion in Access to S4 Drugs

At the moment podiatrists have access to a limited range of local anaesthetic drugs

provided they have the necessary skills and training in this area. The Board considers

that consideration should be given to expanding the range of S4 drugs that

podiatrists may use. This has been subject to discussion at national meetings with a

consistent approach across all jurisdictions favoured.

Registration Fees

During the year the Board agreed to increase registration fees for the 2006-07 year:

Current Revised

Application Fee $145 $150

Annual Fee $290 $300

Late Fee $58 $60

Restoration Fee $145 $150


A copy of the Annual Financial Statement is attached. A surplus of $5,000 was

achieved for the year, this being in line with the initial budget. The Board believes

that sitting fees should be revised to reflect to role undertaken by Board members

and has put a proposal to the Department of Health and Human Services.

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Register of Podiatrists

Reconciliation of Additions and Removals from the Register

Total on Register as at 1st July 2005 70


Applications Approved 16

Restorations - 16


non-payment of annual fees


Expiry of short-term registration 5 16

Total on Register as at 30th June, 2006 71

Profile of Registered Podiatrist

96/97 97/98 98/99 99/00 00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06

Applications & restorations approved

12 13 8 4 10 10 12 14 11 16

Podiatrists Registered as at 30 June

72 71 66 59 58 61 59 68 69 71

Demographic Profile

Gender: Male 24

Female 47

Age: 20-29 years 20

30-39 years 24

40-49 years 16

50-59 years 7

60 years an over 4

Region of Registered Address: Southern Tasmania 35

northern Tasmania 13

north Western Tasmania 16

Interstate 7

Contact Details of the Board

Tony Sansom


Po Box 240

Claremont TAS 7011

Phone 62 491377

Fax 62 494292

Email [email protected]


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Financial StatementsFor the year ended 30 June 2006

2005/06 2004/05

$ $

Cash Receipts

Balance from last Account 27,749.85 19,520.03

Application Fees 4,835.00 4,370.00

Renewal Fees 17,603.00 17,584.00

Infection Guidelines 68.19 0.00

GST Collected for ATo 6.81 0.00

GST Received from ATo 1,291.00 937.00

Interest 1,244.68 1,027.47

52,798.53 43,438.50

2005/06 2004/05

$ $

Cash Payments

Honorarium 9,000.00 8,250.00

Audit Fees 460.00 460.00

Sitting Fees 4,350.00 3,600.00

Infection Guidelines 202.86 0.00

Web Site Development 1,930.50 0.00

Travel, Accommodation, Meals 2,116.99 1,530.56

Bank Charges 153.15 124.50

other Expenses 0.00 280.00

GST paid to suppliers 1,300.15 964.64

Merchant Charges 533.81 478.95

Balance to next Account 32,751.07 27,749.85

52,798.53 43,438.50

Notes to and forming part of the Accounts1. The financial statement has been prepared on a cash receipts and disbursements basis.

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Psychologists Registration Board of TasmaniaFor the year ended 30 June 2006

1. Establishment of Board

The Psychologists Registration Board was first established by the Psychologists

Registration Act 1976. The 1976 Act was repealed by the Psychologists Registration Act

2000 and the Board has continued as a body corporate under the title Psychologists

Registration Board of Tasmania.

2. Board roles and functions

2.1 Objectives of the Board

In accordance with Section 9 of the Act, the Board must perform its functions and

exercise its powers so as to –

(a) ensure that the services psychologists provide to the public are of the highest

possible standard; and

(b) ensure that psychologists practise according to the highest professional

standard; and

(c) guard against unsafe, incompetent and unethical practices by psychologists.

2.2 Functions of the Board

Section 7 of the Act defines the following functions for the Board:

(a) to administer the scheme of registration;

(b) to monitor the standard and provision of the services that psychologists


(c) to investigate complaints and, as necessary, undertake disciplinary action

against registered psychologists;

(d) to prosecute offences under the Act;

(e) to monitor standards of education and training in psychology;

(f ) to advise the minister on matters relating to the Act; and

(g) such other functions as are imposed on the Board and by the Act or any other

Act or as may be prescribed.

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3. Membership of the Board

Membership of the Board is prescribed under Section 6 of the Act.

The Board consists of

(a) Three registered psychologists nominated by the Minister from a list of

names provided by such bodies representing the professional interests of

psychologists as the Minister determines; and

(b) Two persons, neither of whom is a psychologist, nominated by the Minister

to represent the interests of the consumers of the services that psychologists


Members during the year ended 30 June 2006

The following persons served as members of the Psychologists Registration Board

during the year ended 30 June 2006.

Chairperson: Mrs Ann Stark (Psychologist member)

Members: Mr Darren Stops (Psychologist member)

Dr Rosemary Dobber (Psychologist member)

Ms Antonia Dunnne (Consumer Representative)

Ms Christine Schokman (Consumer Representative)

re-appointed 10 March 2006

4. Meetings of the Board

Meetings of the Board have been convened on an as required basis.

During the period 1 July 2005 to 31 June 2006, six Board meetings were held with

attendance by Board members as follows:

Board Members Meetings held whilst a Board Member

Meetings Attended

Ms A Stark 6 6

Mr D Stops 6 6

Dr R Dobber 6 6

Ms A Dunne 6 6

Ms C Schokman 6 6

The fees paid to members of the Board for attendance at Board meetings during the

year were:

Chairperson: $300 per session

other Members: $150 per session

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5. Administration

Mr David Wills retired from the position of Registrar and Secretary of the Board on

2 May 2006. Ms Jayne Wilson commenced as Registrar of the Board from that date.

The Boards address and contact details also changed.

Contact Details:

Registrar: Ms Jayne Wilson

Assistant Registrar: Ms Yulia onsman

Secretary: Ms Geraldine Frances

Business Address: Level 2, 24 Murray Street, Hobart 7000

Postal Address: GPo Box 792, Hobart 7001

Telephone: (03) 6224 9331

Facsimile: (03) 6224 9700

E-mail: [email protected].

6. Representation on national bodies

6.1 Council of Psychologists Registration Boards (Australasia) Inc

The Chairperson and the then Registrar Mr David Wills, attended the annual

conference of the Council of Psychologists Registration Boards (Australasia) Inc

(CPRB) on 7 october 2005 in Wellington, new Zealand. All states and territories

together with new Zealand were represented at the conference.

Among items considered at the meeting were:

• The formal incorporation of the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council


• Endorsement of a six-year degree for registration by 2010

• A meeting between Prof Waring [Chairperson CPRB] and the Chief Justice

of the Family Court regarding the issue of a court protocol for psychological

reports and complaint procedure.

• Continuing professional development

• Assessment of overseas qualifications

• national code of ethics

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7. Registration

7.1 Register of psychologists

The movements in the number of psychologists registered with the Board during

the past four years have been as follows:

2006 2005 2004 2003

Psychologists registered at 1 July 406 359 340 328

Registered during the year 101 87 47 44

Removed from the Register* 59 40 27 32

Psychologists registered at 30 June 448 406 359 340

*Removed for non-payment of registration fee

7.2 Registration policy

• The Psychologists Registration Act 2000 requires persons undertaking supervised

practice leading to full registration to be provisionally registered. In order to gain

registration as a psychologist, an applicant with a four-year degree in psychology

must have two years experience under the supervision of an approved registered

psychologist. During this period, an applicant is provisionally registered. on

successful completion of the two years fulltime practice under supervision, the

applicant is eligible for full registration. The supervisor must have been registered

for at least three years and prepared to accept the serious responsibility of

supervising a colleague and the attendant legal ramifications.

• Applicants with an accredited Masters degree in psychology may be

registered without the need for further supervision. In certain situations, an

applicant with an accredited PhD in psychology may be registered; such

applicants are assessed on a case-by-case basis.

• Applicants from other Australian jurisdictions and new Zealand are eligible for

registration under the provisions of the Mutual Recognition legislation.

7.3 Fees

Fees applying to registration are:

Application for registration $50

Annual registration fee $200

Late fee $50

Restoration fee $50

Replacement certificate fee $20

Fee to inspect register $10

In accordance with S 37 [4] of the Psychologists Registration Act 2000 the Board has

determined the following fees to apply to students:

Application for registration $50

Annual registration fee $75

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8. Review of activities and operations

8.1 Achievements

The Board dealt with a number of difficult matters, particularly in relation to

disciplinary issues. The Board has relied on legal advice provided by the office of the

Solicitor-General and the Board acknowledges the valuable assistance given by the

Principal Crown Counsel.

The volume of activities of the Board has continued to increase and this is reflected

in the amount of time the members, and particularly the Registrar, devote to the

operations of the Board.

8.1.2 Change of Registrar

Registrar Mr David Wills retired on 2 May 2006 after 26 years of service to the Board.

The position of Registrar was taken up by Ms Jayne Wilson on 3 May 2006. The

Board acknowledges Mr Wills’ dedication and length of service to the Board and

wishes him well in his retirement.

8.1.3 Six Year Standard for Registration

The Board wrote to the Minister supporting the proposed introduction of a six

year qualification for registration as the national standard by 2010 as agreed at the

Council of Psychologists Registration Boards (Australasia) Inc Conference.

8.1.4 Supervision Review Committee

The Board established a Supervision Review Committee to review the Tasmanian

guidelines in light of contemporary changes. The Committee is examining current

practice in the supervision of trainee psychologists and related matters and will

report back to the Board in due course.

8.2 Legislation

8.2.1 Personal Information Protection Act 2004

A policy in common with all allied health Boards has been adopted and forms part

of the information provided to psychologists.

8.2.2 Public Interest Disclosure Act 2002

There were no disclosures made in accordance with the Public Interest Disclosures Act

2002 during the year ended 30 June 2006.

8.2.2 Freedom of Information

There were no requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act

during the year ended 30 June 2006

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8.3 Complaints and disciplinary activities

A major function of the Board is to monitor the standard and provision of the

services that psychologists provide, and to investigate complaints against registered


The role of providing protection to the public from practitioners who may be guilty

of professional misconduct, or are negligent or incompetent in the practice of

psychology, has again engaged the Board to a significant extent during this year.

Each complaint received is reviewed by two members of the Board, in accordance

with Sections 46, 47 and 48 of the Act, to establish whether a complaint is of a

serious or less serious nature.

Two complaints were considered to be of a serious nature and were referred to a

Disciplinary Committee for investigation. These were dealt with as follows:

• A psychologist was found guilty in the Supreme Court of five counts of

indecent assault on school boys during the course of his work as a Guidance

officer and sentenced to six months imprisonment. The Board accepted the

Disciplinary Committee’s recommendation that the psychologist’s name be

removed from the Register as he had committed a crime and was no longer

of good fame and character.

• A psychologist was alleged to have conducted an inappropriate relationship

with a minor through a series of emails and phone calls, the nature of

which were overtly romantic and intimate. The Disciplinary Committee

investigated the complaint and finding it to be robust, recommended that

the Board remove the psychologist’s name from the register of psychologists

for two years. The Board accepted the recommendation of the Committee

and removed the psychologist’s name from the register and placed strict

conditions on any application he may make for restoration to the register.

The Board accepted the Committee’s recommendation that a third complaint was

unsubstantial and should be dismissed under Section 47 of the Act.

There are four further matters currently under investigation by the Board.

8.4 Financial statements

The Board achieved a surplus for the year ended 30 June 2006 of $73 713. The

audited Financial Statements of the Psychologists Registration Board for the year

ended 30 June 2006 are attached.

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Financial Statements


Income Statement For the year ended 30 June 2006

Psychologists Registration Board of Tasmania

Notes 30/06/2006 30/06/2005 $ $

Revenue Revenue from registrations and renewals 140,378 81,750 Grant Received - 70,875

Interest 11,301 9,003

Other income 232 -

Total revenue 151,911 161,628


Audit fees 3,210 2,400 Bank fees and taxes 122 229 Board sitting fees 5,881 6,497 Consultancy expenses 400 125 CPRB levy 609 930 CPRB expense - 233 Depreciation 450 402 Insurance 1,132 1,155 Inquiry costs 150 2,773 Miscellaneous expenses 1,243 82Motor vehicle expenses 1,937 1,414 Office expense 8,400 8,000 Postage, telephone and fax 4,390 4,595 Registrars fees 7,500 Salary and wages 34,364 32,376 Stationery and printing 1,274 1,210 Travel 7,136 3,572

78,198 65,993

Operating profit/loss 73,713 95,635

Accumulated surplus at the beginning of the financial period 159,490 63,855

Accumulated surplus at the end of the financial period 233,203 159,490

Statement of Financial Performance is to be read in conjunction with the notes to and forming part of the financial statements.

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Balance Sheet As at 30 June 2006

Psychologists Registration Board of Tasmania

Notes 30/06/2006 30/06/2005 $ $

Current assets

Cash assets 3 237,419 205,416Receivables 4 1,412 755

Total current assets 238,831 206,171

Non-current assets

Plant and equipment 5 - 1,502

Total non-current assets - 1,502

TOTAL ASSETS 238,831 207,673

Current liabilities

Prepaid revenue - 45,183Creditors and accruals 6 5,628 3,000

Total current liabilities 5,628 48,183


NET ASSETS 233,203 159,490

Board funds

Opening accumulated surplus 159,490 63,855Current year profit 73,713 95,635

TOTAL BOARD FUNDS 233,203 159,490

Statement of Financial Position is to be read in conjunction with the notes to and forming part of the financial statements.

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Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended 30 June 2006

Psychologists Registration Board of Tasmania

Note 30/06/2006 30/06/2005 $ $

Cash flows from operating activities

Cash receipts in the course of operations 97,708 157,018

Cash payments in the course of operations (77,006) (132,216)

Interest 11,301 9,003

Net cash provided by operating activities 7 32,003 33,805

Cash flows from investing activities

Cash payments in the course of investing - (1,237)

Net cash provided by investing activities - (1,237)

Net increase(decrease) in cash held 32,003 32,586

Cash at the beginning of the financial period 205,416 172,848

Cash at the end of the financial period 237,419 205,416

Statement of Cash Flows is to be read in conjunction with the notes to and forming part of the financial statements.

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Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2006

Psychologists Registration Board of Tasmania

1. Statement of significant accounting policies

The following significant accounting policies have been adopted in the preparation and presentation of the financial report.

(a) Basis of preparation

The Psychologists Registration Board of Tasmania is a body corporate established under the Psychologists Registration Act 2000 and is not a reporting entity. The financial statements of the entity have been drawn up as special purpose financial statements to satisfy the requirements of the Psychologists Registration Act 2000.

The financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting as defined in AASB 108: Accounting Policies, using the historical cost convention and a going concern assumption. Except where stated, they do not take into account changing money values or current valuations of non-current assets. Except where noted, accounting policies have been consistently applied.

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with all applicable Australian Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional reporting requirements (Urgent Issues Group Consensus Views) that have a material effect.

(b) Acquisition of Assets

Assets acquired are recorded at the lower of the cost of acquisition, and their net recoverable amount.

(c) Cash

Cash is carried at face value of the amounts deposited or drawn. The carrying amount approximates net fair value. Interest revenue is accrued at the market rate and receivable monthly.

(d) Income Tax

The Registration Board is an income tax exempt organisation pursuant to the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.

(e) Goods and Services Tax

The entity is registered for GST. In accordance with Division 81 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999, the entity is not required to charge and collect GST in respect to application and registration fees. All other revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GST, except where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the Australian Tax Office (ATO). In these circumstances the GST is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of an item of the expense. Where applicable receivables and payables are stated with the amount of GST included.

The net amount of GST recoverable from or payable to the ATO is included as a current asset or liability in the statement of financial position.

Cash flows are included in the statement of cash flows on a gross basis. The GST components of cash flows arising from investing and financing activities which are recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO are classified as operating cash flows.

(f) Revenue recognition

Registration revenue is recognised when received in accordance with AASB118 Revenue. Registrations and renewals are paid on a calendar year and are not refundable. This is a change to the way registration revenue has been treated in previous years. It has had the effect of increasing revenue from registrations by $45,183 being the total of prepaid revenue which was included as a current liability in the Balance Sheet at 30 June 2005.

Interest revenue is recognised as it accrues.

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Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2006

Psychologists Registration Board of Tasmania

(g) Depreciation

Depreciation is provided on plant and equipment. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis so as to write off the netcost of each asset over its expected useful life. The following estimation of the useful life of the assets has been used in the calculation of depreciation.

Plant and equipment - 3-4 years (30% per annum using the straight line method).

Assets are depreciated from the date of acquisition.

(h) Recoverable amount of non-current assets

The entity has adopted the cost basis, being the original cost, for measuring all non-current assets. The carrying amounts of non-current assets, are reviewed to determine whether they are in excess of their recoverable amount at balance date. If the carrying amount of a non-current asset exceeds its recoverable amount, the asset is written down to the lower amount. The write-down is recognised as an expense in the net profit or loss in the reporting period in which it occurs.

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Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2006

Psychologists Registration Board of Tasmania

30/06/2006 30/06/2005 $ $

2. Revenue

Total revenue from application and registration fees 140,378 81,750

Other revenue from ordinary activities - Interest received 11,301 9,003 - Other 232 70,875

Total revenue from ordinary activities 151,911 161,628

3. Cash

Operating account 237,419 205,416

4. Receivables

GST refund 1,412 755

5. Plant and Equipment

Plant and equipment – at cost - 9,806 Accumulated depreciation - 8,304

- 1,502

Carrying Amount at:

Beginning of year 1,502 667

Additions - 1,237

Disposals (1,052) -

Depreciation (450) (402)

Carrying amount at end of year - 1,502

6. Accrued Expenses

Audit services : Auditors of the Board - KPMG 1,100 3,000 Other 4,528 -

5,628 3,000

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Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2006

Psychologists Registration Board of Tasmania

30/06/2006 30/06/2005 $ $

7. Notes to the Statement of Cash Flows

(a) Reconciliation of cash

For the purposes of the statements of cash flows, cash includes cash on hand and at bank and short term deposits at call, net of outstanding bank overdrafts. Cash as at the end of the financial year as shown in the statements of cash flows is reconciled to the related items in the statements of financial position as follows:

Cash 237,419 205,416

(b) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flows from operating activities:

Operating Profit 73,713 95,635

Add/(Less) non cash items: Depreciation 450 402 Loss on disposal of assets 1,053 -

Net cash provided by operating activities before changes in assets and liabilities. 75,216 96,037

Changes in assets and liabilities (Decrease)/Increase in prepaid revenue (45,183) 7,865 (Increase)/Decrease in prepaid expenditure - 1,963 (Decrease)/Increase in accrued expenses 2,627 (1,456) (Increase)/Decrease in receivables (657) 271 (Increase)/Decrease in Loan balance - (70,875)

Net cash flow from operating activities 32,003 33,805

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