department of homeland security science & technology

Department of Homeland Security Science & Technology Update to NGAC: Geospatial Interoperability Reference Architecture DHS S&T Visionary Goals September 23, 2014 1

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Department of Homeland Security Science & Technology. Up date to NGAC: Geospatial Interoperability Reference Architecture DHS S&T Visionary Goals September 23 , 2014. Geospatial Interoperability Reference Architecture (GIRA): Overview. Background & Purpose Goals & Objectives Audience - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Department of Homeland Security Science & Technology

Update to NGAC:

Geospatial Interoperability Reference Architecture

DHS S&T Visionary Goals

September 23, 2014


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I. Background & Purpose

II. Goals & Objectives

III. Audience

IV. Structure & Approach

V. Next Steps


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National Strategy for Information Sharing and Safeguarding: Implementation Guidance

Led by DHS, deliver a joint, interoperable geospatial reference architecture for inclusion in the ISE-Enterprise Architecture Framework that can be used as a guide for federal geospatial systems and investments.

DHS as the lead for the interagency SBU Working Group for Assured Interoperability including geospatial; DOI as the lead for the GeoPlatform; National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) as the lead for the National System for Geospatial Intelligence; and Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, having the requisite experience and authority. 

The GIRA was developed under the auspices of the Program Manager-Information Sharing Environment (PM-ISE) and is intended to document geospatial and architecture policy alignment, references authoritative practices, and provides practical guidance tools including; templates, charters, exchange agreements, baseline requirements matrices, and architecture artifacts.


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OMB Collaborative Planning Methodology (CPM)

IC Architecture Community

Federal Enterprise Architecture Guidance

Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA)

ISE Architecture CommunityState, Local, Tribal

DOJ Global ReferenceArchitecture (GRA)

Mapped to…

Input for…Templates for…

Aligned with…

Compatible with…


Intent:GovernanceGuidancePractical Application

Audience: ExecutivesProgram Managers

Audience: ExecutivesProgram ManagersSolution Architects

Department of Defense Architecture Framework


FINAL30 September 2010

IC Reference Models

Information Interoperability Framework (I2F)

Data Aggregation Reference Architecture


IdAMReference Architecture


Geospatial Interoperability Reference Architecture



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The GIRA is intended to define a governance and oversight framework for executive leadership to manage program and acquisition decisions, and provide technical architecture guidance for managers and solution architects tasked to design and implement an interoperable geospatial solution.

INTEROPERABILITY is the ability to transfer and use information in a uniform and efficient manner across multiple organizations and information technology systems.1/2 It is the ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged. 3

1. Australian Information Interoperability Framework, 2006.2. U.S. Code, Title 44: Public Printing and Documents (2011) U.S.C. Title 44, Chap. 36, § 3601.3. IEEE Standard Computer Dictionary: A Compilation of IEEE Standard Computer Glossaries (New York, NY:



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• Define governance oversight considerations that should be taken to ensure consensus and responsible program management to meet mission objectives and drive cost efficiencies.

• Serve as a base-line target reference and identifies the necessary interoperability requirements within each of the key architecture elements (e.g., data, applications/services, infrastructure, security, standards and performance).

• Provide best practice implementation artifacts, interoperability standards, authoritative reference documentation, performance measures and procedural guidance.

• Provide sufficient technical details to serve as inputs for operational requirements documentation, engineering designs, contract and procurement language and related activities associated with implementing interoperable geospatial architectures.

• Align and conform to the Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework v2, and The Common Approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture.


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Different things to different audiences…GIRA IS: GIRA IS NOT: A descriptive, not prescriptive, guide to geospatial

interoperability investment considerations A reference for framing a governance structure for

geospatial investment coordination and collaboration A reference to prepare and perform a common baseline

assessment (As-Is) of geospatial capabilities and requirements across investments

A means to compare geospatial investments among and between agencies in order to exchange, reuse, and share investments

A reference for comparing several “best practice” geospatial architectures and artifacts

A reference for supporting planning and procurement activities for geospatial investments

A reference supporting Office of Management and Budget (OMB) reporting activities, such as Enterprise Architecture (EA) maturity model and Roadmap

• A dynamic, self-maintaining reference guide; but a snap shot in time that builds upon previous authoritative documentation

• A “how to” manual for building and maintaining geospatial architectures

• A government-wide all inclusive conceptual or physical geospatial model

• A replacement of existing geospatial architecture structures within the agencies

• An endorsement of any referenced document, organization, process, product, service or capability other than those required by government policy



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The GIRA is designed as an instructive guide for the three primary stakeholders; Executives, Program Managers, and Solution Architects.

• Executive Leadership: is the responsible authority for the Department or Agency’s policy, fiscal and human resource requirements for geospatial investments.

• Program Managers: are responsible for the operational implementation and oversight of geospatial capabilities to ensure they meet the functional mission requirements defined by the intended users.

• Solution Architects: are responsible for the integration, acquisition requirements, design/development of geospatial solutions in accordance with their respective organization’s enterprise architecture technical and management requirements.

…across Federal, State, Local, Territorial and Tribal governments and private sector stakeholders.


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CHAPTER 2 – GOVERNANCE Role Responsibility Approach Benefit






• Establish and/or Co-Chair to Chartered governance (ESC/IPT) body.

• Signatory to establish Investment Technology Acquisition Review (ITAR) framework.

• Signatory to ISAs for access or dissemination of data and/or services.

• Work with other Executives to frame Charter goals/objectives and commitment to level-of-effort support/involvement.

• Establish review board with CIO/CFO representation and consider policy to ensure participation and commitment.

• Establish or follow General Council process and review and maintain repository of Agreements.

• Signatory with defined responsibility and stated measurable results (e.g., ELAs with % cost reduction, shared services with defined Steward, etc.).

• Promotes interoperability, reduces redundant investments, and allows for cost share.

• Reduce cost for data acquisition and/or document need for establishing an Enterprise License Agreement.





• Coordinate across other internal Department/Agency investment PMs for recommendations to Execs for strategic and tactical objectives.

• Staff and perform Working Group tasks as defined within the ESC/IPT Charter.

• Develop performance measures and target end-state (To-Be) environment.

• Ensure geospatial (sub-system at a minimum) is identified within the CPIC submission process.

• PMs identify and prioritize capability gaps and planned investments to determine To-Be end-state vs. As-Is environment and prepared business plan and value proposition for Execs approval.

• Recommend Working Group priority, short-term/high-value tasks and deliver early results to demonstrate benefits.

• Within Charter define Working Group roles/responsibilities and prepare a work plan with Plan of Action & Milestones (POAM).

• Within the annual CPIC submission (e.g., 53/300) process, ensure geospatial capability is identified so that search and identification across system investments can be performed.

• Early adoption/visibility to strengthen long-term commitment from Executive Leadership.

• Working Group member awareness of multiple investments across enterprise promotes coordination resulting in leveraged investments.

• Results oriented for measurable and quantifiable results demonstrating value of collaboration.

• Facilitates the search and identification of geospatial investments (especially for smaller systems) across the entire enterprise to foster participation within the Executive Steering Committee and technical solution teams.





• SME and reach back for Working Group participation.

• Validate technical requirements for work plan.

• Develop baseline assessment and perform capability gap analysis for As-Is and To-Be environments.

• Develop technical approach for work plan tasks and POAM.

• Technical vetting and validation across investments for desired To-Be end-state environment.

• Ensure broadest possible technical review, adoption and acceptance.


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Authoritative Referencing

“The GIRA….advances the foundational work of several geospatial and architectural guidance initiatives. The GIRA is another in a series of geospatial and architecture guidance documents and will often direct the reader to elements of those foundational guidance materials that further geospatial system interoperability.”


GeospatialA Geospatial Interoperability Reference Model (GIRM), Version 1.1, December 2003.Geospatial Profile, Version 1.1, January 27, 2006. Geospatial Profile of the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA), Version 2.0, March 06, 2009.A Segment Architecture Analysis of the Geospatial Platform, Version 1.0, December 21, 2010.SDI Cookbook, Global Spatial Data Infrastructure, GSDIWiki, last modified June 5, 2014. Geospatial Concept of Operations (GeoCONOPS), Version 5.0, June 5, 2013.

ArchitectureThe Common Approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture, May 2, 2012.Federal Information Technology Shared Services Strategy, May 2, 2012.Digital Government: Building a 21st Century Platform to Better Serve the American People, May 23, 2012.Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework, Version 2.0, January 29, 2013.Federal Shared Services Implementation Guide, April 16, 2013.

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Approach: • Instructive as opposed to high-level general reference• FEAF & Collaborative Planning Methodology alignment• Practical guidance tools including:

- Templates - Charters - Exchange Agreements - Baseline Requirements Matrices - Architecture Artifacts- Performance Matrices  

Structure: 1. Executive Summary2. Overview3. Governance4. Business Reference Model5. Data Reference Model6. Application/Services Reference Model7. Infrastructure Reference Model8. Security Reference Model9. Appendices


Policy = 20% Process = 50% Products = 30%

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1. ODNI / PM-ISE Review:- Content accuracy- Comment Matrix – by August 15th

- 144 comments received

- Adjudication: ~ Fall

2. ODNI / PM-ISE Pre-Pub Review:• Across referenced Federal pre-pub offices

3. Public Release: Winter 2014• PM-ISE website• Federal CIO Council• FGDC / GeoPlatform• Others?


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S&T Visionary Goals

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Visionary Goals

Screening at Speed: Matching the Pace of Life Noninvasive screening at speed will provide for comprehensive threat protection while adapting security to the pace of life rather than life to security. Whether screening people, baggage or cargo, unobtrusive technologies and improved processes will enable the seamless detection of threats while respecting privacy, with minimal impact to the speed of travel and the pace of commerce.

A Trusted Cyber Future: Protecting Privacy, Commerce, and Community In a future of increasing cyber connections, users will trust that infrastructure is resilient, information is protected, illegal use is deterred, and privacy is not compromised. Frictionless security will operate seamlessly in the background, based on self-detecting, self-protecting, and self-healing cyber critical infrastructure – all without disruption.

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Visionary Goals

Enable the Decision Maker: Providing Actionable Information Ahead of Incident Speed The decision maker has improved situational awareness and is better able to understand risks, weigh options, and take action – literally experience the information. The essential element to making informed decisions is access to timely, accurate, context-based information. Supported by new decision support, modeling and simulation systems, critical decisions can be made based on relevant information, transforming disparate data into proactive wisdom and ultimately improving operational effectiveness.

Responder of the Future: Protected, Connected, and Fully Aware The responder of the future is threat-adaptive, able to respond to all dangers safely and effectively. Armed with comprehensive physical protection; interoperable, networked tools; technology-enhanced threat detection and mitigation capabilities; and timely, actionable information, the responder of the future will be able to serve more safely and effectively as an integral part of the nation’s resiliency.

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Summary of Findings

Overview of Areas of Comment Online Assessment of the Discussion Impact on Visionary Goal Language Other Takeaways

Responder of the Future: Protected, Connected, and Fully Aware

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Overview of Areas of Comment Online

Overall – 138 ideas posted, 308 comments, 1824 votes, 1297 users

Goal 4 – 33 ideas posted, 66 comments No changes to Visionary Goal proposed Data informs current project work, potential collaborations

“Given the advent of "smart watches“… S&T could develop applications of this technology for first

responders .”

“Create a device, set up quickly at the

incident scene, that projects important data into the sky

above first responders.”

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Assessment of the Discussion

Users gave feedback regardless of goal Vendors hawked their products Emerging themes:

• Analysis/Big Datao “There is a significant need to explore the use of technology in data

collection and analysis and then to use the findings in first responder training and operations…” - USFA Admin. Mitchell

• UAV/Light Aircraft• Mobile Data Access & Identification

o App development/standards• Protection from Wildfires • Use of 3D Printers• Sensors/Wearables

o Install RFID chips inside responderso LE officers could be monitored remotelyo Use to access intelligence informationo Mounted camera for photo/videoo Gyroscope/Compass/GIS

“If there had been

such a [sensor]

device during the

Michael Brown

shooting…. it may not

have happened.”

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Impact on Visionary Goal Language

Goal 3: Strengthen the Homeland Security Enterprise and First Responders’ capabilities to protect the homeland and respond to disasters

Feedback doesn’t suggest changes to Visionary language• Respondents focused on near-term R&D timeframe; did not

challenge Goals

• Outreach to Industry could better emphasize Visionary “future”

“It seems to me that… S&T should

have some overarching project

goals .”

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Other Takeaways

Opportunities for collaboration across S&T Opportunities to develop technology for multiple stakeholders /

purposes S&T Technology doesn’t always get filtered down to the

components Hard for respondents to look past 3-5 year R&D horizon Lack of understanding regarding S&T mission Vigorous conversation amongst commenters indicates

momentum for continued feedback on goals Ideascale is a good tool, with clear instructions, questions and

expected outcomes

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