deped k12 english 7 fourth quarter module 1

1 English I Quarter 4 ESSAY Module 1 BASIC FEATURES AND ELEMENTS OF AN ESSAY Welcome to module 1! Before we start any discussion, we have to determine if you have background knowledge about the topic. Should we start exploring them? Let’s do a diagnostic test then! Activity 1: What Lies Beneath the Ink? Below are questions you have to answer. Each question represent a concept or an idea which is about to be discussed in this module. Don’t leave any unanswered item! In this part of the module, you are to demonstrate understanding of the basic features, parts, structures, pattern of development that make the tone and style of reflective and personal essays of the Philippines effective. You will also answer a diagnostic test to find out if you are familiar with any concepts related to Philippine Essays and to check your readiness and competence on the prerequisite skills to the tasks at hand. At the end of this module, you are expected to produce meaningful journal entries which will be graded based on the criteria presented at the latter part of the module. As you do the following tasks, you will be guided by the essential question “How can journal entries be meaningful?” EXPLORE Your Understanding

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Page 1: DepEd k12 English 7 fourth quarter module 1


English I

Quarter 4 ESSAY


Welcome to module 1! Before we start any discussion, we have to determine if you have background

knowledge about the topic. Should we start exploring them? Let’s do a diagnostic test then!

Activity 1: What Lies Beneath the Ink? Below are questions you have to answer. Each question represent a concept or an idea which is about to be discussed in this module. Don’t leave any unanswered item!

In this part of the module, you are to demonstrate understanding of the basic features, parts, structures, pattern of development that make the tone and style of reflective and personal essays of the Philippines effective.

You will also answer a diagnostic test to find out if you are familiar with any

concepts related to Philippine Essays and to check your readiness and competence on the prerequisite skills to the tasks at hand.

At the end of this module, you are expected to produce meaningful journal entries which will be graded based on the criteria presented at the latter part of the module. As you do the following tasks, you will be guided by the essential question “How can journal entries be meaningful?”

EXPLORE Your Understanding

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1. What is referred to in the title? A. jeepney B. taxi C. tricycle D. train

2. What makes it the “king of the road”?

A. It has a castle where it parks every day. B. It is visible everyday at the road. C. It has a driver in it. D. It is a special vehicle.

3. Where is the jeepney going?

A. Intramuros B. Quiapo C. Baclaran D. Makati

4. What modal is used in the text? A. Is B. that C. will D. calls

5. What is the source of the essay?

A. news report B. hearsay C. imagination D. personal experience

6. What style was used by the author in the text?

A. reflection B. quotation C. narration D. anecdote

7. What is the purpose of the author in writing the essay? A. to inform B. to entertain C. to convince D. to share an


8. How do you call the first paragraph of an essay which draws interest or hook the students’ attention to continue reading. A. introduction B. body C. conclusion D. editorial

9. Which part of the essay contains the “meat” which elaborates all important details

that support the main idea. A. introduction B. body C. conclusion D. editorial

From “ The King of the Road” , Anonymous

Take an ordinary school day. You stand by the roadside, on the alert for the

first jeepney that will take you to school. Any slight move on your part is like an

invitation to a driver. He stops his jeepney, and calls out, “Quiapo!” That should take

you right to your school’s steps, so you hurriedly board the jeepney. It then swings

back into the traffic, swerving from lane to lane. It tries to beat the red light corner, you

are thrown hard against your seatmate. You get elbowed as a result.

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10. Which part of the essay sums up the whole idea of the written text and provides a perfect end for the reader to validate an understanding, confirm a stand, influence to act or ponder more about the topic. A. introduction B. body C. conclusion D. editorial


Reflect on the meaning of ETHOS, LOGOS, PATHOS. Write random thoughts about each word. Do webbing or mapping to extract concepts about the word.


Activity 3: Leave a Mark!

Incorporate concepts of an essay. Use the traffic light technique like the one below:

Think of what an essay is, how it looks, what it contains. (Red)

Explain how an essay differs from a narrative or a drama. (Yellow)

Write all the things you know about the essay. (Green)




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Activity 4: Punctuation Auction

Punctuation marks are in auction. As a form of bid, list as many ideas as


Processing points

� How will you rate yourself in essay writing? Justify your answer.






Aspects of Philippine

Essays you have questions


Aspects of Philippine

Essays you have little

knowledge on

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Activity 5: Write Right!

Study the photos below. Write sub-topics which represent dominant themes in Philippine essays.




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Processing points:

� What have you noticed in the photos? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

� What conclusion can you draw out of it? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Activity 6: Pen and Paper

Below are questions written on pens. Arrange the questions according to


What are the basic

parts of an essay?

How can journal entries

be meaningful?

What are the themes

of most essays?

How is essay different

from narrative?

Who writes essays?

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Processing points:

� What are your bases in arranging the questions from the most important to the least important? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity 7: Check My Question!

You have selected the most important question in Activity 6. Now it is time to make an evaluation of your chosen question using the checklist below: Write your question here: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Start evaluating your chosen question


Characteristics of essential question




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g points:

Are all the characteristics expressed in your chosen question? If so, then your question is an essential question!

If not, try selecting another question and repeat the process enumerated in this

activity. The correct answer is “How can journal entries be meaningful?” Do we have the

same answer?

Very good!Very good!Very good!Very good! Let’s explore further and answer this question in the activity that follows:

Activity 6: My Tentative Responses Now it’s time to examine what comes in your mind if the question is posted for you to answer. Answer the question below using the diagram. Tentative answer 1: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tentative answer 2: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tentative answer 3: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1. It has no simple ‘right” answer.

2. It could be argued.

3. It provokes critical thinking.

4. It raises other important questions.

5. It is related to life.

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Processing Points: All your answers are accepted as of this moment. We need to study the

succeeding topics carefully to find out whether your tentative answers are valid or not.

Activity 7: Full Clue! What are your expectations in this topic? Are you curious to know what output is expected of you to accomplish at the end of this topic? Based on the clues presented, draw a circle on the output you are to accomplish in this module. . Processing points:

Good! The product you are expected to carry out are meaningful journal entries. You will be graded based on the following criteria:

� Focus/Content

� ·Unity

� ·Coherence

� ·Clarity

� ·Mechanics

� ·Language

• a colorful poster

• meaningful journal entries

• a meaningful reaction paper

• a music video

• a straight news recounts for a possible

reenactment using drama conventions.


� Written output

� Daily account of


� reflection

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Are you enjoying the activities so far? Are you excited to learn more? I am so glad to hear that! I am so glad to hear that! I am so glad to hear that! I am so glad to hear that!

But before we go further, let me remind you to bear in mind the ESSENTIAL


Bear in mind that this question will be your guide in FIRMING UP your understanding of the Philippine essays. Think of all your tentative answers to this question and have them validated as you go on with the next phase.

Good luck!

This part of the module will enable you to illustrate or crystallize your knowledge

of the basic features, parts, structures, pattern of development that make the tone and style of Philippine essays effective.

This also highlights grammar lessons on modals and their functions. You will have all these things contained in the varied activities you are to

accomplish. You will be engaged in meaningful and challenging activities that will enrich what you have learned.

Let’s start the discussion!

How can journal entries be meaningful?

FIRM UP Your Understanding

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Lesson 1: Parts of the Essay

Introduction is the part of the essay that presents your first ideas. Introductions are usually the first paragraph of the essay, in some cases, the first two or three paragraphs make up your introduction.

The body of the essay develops the ideas that you have presented in the introduction. Some people refer to this as “meat” of the essay and the process is known as "fleshing out" your ideas. It can be helpful to make a list of the ideas you want to present, along with any research to support those ideas.

The conclusion is sometime called the “finishing touches” of the essay. The conclusion is where you bring together all of the elements you previously mentioned in the introduction and body of the essay.

Activity 8: Enrich your Vocabulary

Give the synonyms of the following words.

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These words are your keys in

understanding the text you are about to


Are you a Filipino? What makes up a

Filipino? These are just two of the thousand

of questions we can ask ourselves after

reading the text below.

I Am A Filipino by Carlos P. Romulo

I am a Filipino – inheritor of a glorious past, hostage to the uncertain future. As such, I must prove equal to a two-fold task – the task of meeting my responsibility to the past, and the task of performing my obligation to the future.

I am sprung from a hardy race – child many generations removed of ancient Malayan pioneers. Across the centuries, the memory comes rushing back to me: of brown-skinned men putting out to sea in ships that were as frail as their hearts were stout. Over the sea I see them come, borne upon the billowing wave and the whistling wind, carried upon the mighty swell of hope – hope in the free abundance of the new land that was to be their home and their children’s forever.

This is the land they sought and found. Every inch of shore that their eyes first set upon, every hill and mountain that beckoned to them with a green and purple invitation, every mile of rolling plain that their view encompassed, every river and lake that promised a plentiful living and the fruitfulness of commerce, is a hollowed spot to me.

By the strength of their hearts and hands, by every right of law, human and divine, this land and all the appurtenances thereof – the black and fertile soil, the seas and lakes and rivers teeming with fish, the forests with their inexhaustible wealth in wild and timber, the mountains with their bowels swollen with minerals – the whole of this rich and happy land has

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been for centuries without number, the land of my fathers. This land I received in trust from them, and in trust will pass it to my children, and so on until the world is no more.

I am a Filipino. In my blood runs the immortal seed of heroes – seed that flowered down the centuries in deeds of courage and defiance. In my veins yet pulses the same hot blood that sent Lapulapu to battle against the alien foe, that drove Diego Silang and Dagohoy into rebellion against the foreign oppressor.

That seed is immortal. It is the self-same seed that flowered in the heart of Jose Rizal that morning in Bagumbayan when a volley of shots put an end to all that was mortal of him and made his spirit deathless forever; the same that flowered in the hearts of Bonifacio in Balintawak, of Gregorio del Pilar at Tirad Pass, of Antonio Luna at Calumpit, that bloomed in flowers of frustration in the sad heart of Emilio Aguinaldo at Palanan, and yet burst forth royally again in the proud heart of Manuel L. Quezon when he stood at last on the threshold of ancient Malacañang Palace, in the symbolic act of possession and racial vindication.

The seed I bear within me is an immortal seed. It is the mark of my manhood, the symbol of my dignity as a human being. Like the seeds that were once buried in the tomb of Tutankhamen many thousands of years ago, it shall grow and flower and bear fruit again. It is the insigne of my race, and my generation is but a stage in the unending search of my people for freedom and happiness.

I am a Filipino, child of the marriage of the East and the West. The East, with its languor and mysticism, its passivity and endurance, was my mother, and my sire was the West that came thundering across the seas with the Cross and Sword and the Machine. I am of the East, an eager participant in its struggles for liberation from the imperialist yoke. But I know also that the East must awake from its centuried sleep, shake off the lethargy that has bound its limbs, and start moving where destiny awaits.

For I, too, am of the West, and the vigorous peoples of the West have destroyed forever the peace and quiet that once were ours. I can no longer live, a being apart from those whose world now trembles to the roar of bomb and cannon shot. For no man and no nation is an island, but a part of the main, and there is no longer any East and West – only individuals and nations making those momentous choices that are the hinges upon which history revolves.

At the vanguard of progress in this part of the world I stand – a forlorn figure in the eyes of some, but not one defeated and lost. For through the thick, interlacing branches of habit and custom above me I have seen the light of the sun, and I know that it is good. I have seen the light of justice and equality and freedom, my heart has been lifted by the vision of democracy, and I shall not rest until my land and my people shall have been blessed by these, beyond the power of any man or nation to subvert or destroy.

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I am a Filipino, and this is my inheritance. What pledge shall I give that I may prove worthy of my inheritance? I shall give the pledge that has come ringing down the corridors of the centuries, and its hall be compounded of the joyous cries of my Malayan forebears when they first saw the contours of this land loom before their eyes, of the battle cries that have resounded in every field of combat from Mactan to Tirad Pass, of the voices of my people when they sing:

Land of the morning.

Child of the sun returning . . .

Ne’er shall invaders

Trample thy sacred shore.

Out of the lush green of these seven thousand isles, out of the heart-strings of sixteen million people all vibrating to one song, I shall weave the mighty fabric of my pledge. Out of the songs of the farmers at sunrise when they go to labor in the fields; out the sweat of the hard-bitten pioneers in Mal-ig and Koronadal; out of the silent endurance of stevedores at the piers and the ominous grumbling of peasants in Pampanga; out of the first cries of babies newly born and the lullabies that mothers sing; out of crashing of gears and the whine of turbines in the factories; out of the crunch of ploughs upturning the earth; out of the limitless patience of teachers in the classrooms and doctors in the clinics; out of the tramp of soldiers marching, I shall make the pattern of my pledge:

I am a Filipino born of freedom, and I shall not rest until freedom shall have been added unto my inheritance – for myself and my children’s children – forever.

Did you enjoy reading the essay? I’m sure you did! Activity 9: Understanding the Text

1. Who is the author of the essay?




2. What are the characteristics of the Filipino as mentioned by the




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3. How can you prove the claim of the author that the Philippines has rich




4. What is the two fold task of a Filipino? Expound your answer.



Activity 10: Interpreting the Text

1. What does the “seed” symbolize?



2. Why is the Filipino a child of the marriage of the East and the West?




3. Differentiate the culture of the East from the West.



Activity 11: Challenging the Text

1. What could be the other title for the essay?



2. What other details about the Filipino can you add?



3. What other conclusion can you provide?

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Activity 12: Crossing Author’s Mind

1. What does the essay reveal about the author?



2. What is his purpose in writing the essay?



Activity 13: Thought Outline The essay is about ______________________________________________________ The essay is introduced by the following interesting statement: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ The essay is introduced with the following idea: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Main point of paragraph 1: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Main point of paragraph 2: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Main point of paragraph 3: ______________________________________________________________________

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___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Main point of paragraph 4: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Activity 14: Who is the Real Filipino?

Below are pictures of known personalities. Who is the most Filipino-looking icon?

Identify each one of them and describe their physical features on the space provided

opposite each photo.













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Processing points

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� Who among the personalities above is the most Filipino-looking?




� What is your basis for choosing?




Activity 15: Form and Style

Style is a unique way of expressing ideas or a special approach employed by a

writer. Word choices and sentence structure are important elements of style. Revisit the

essay “I am a Filipino” by Carlos P. Romulo and complete the table below.

Imagery Sense Symbolism Meaning

Critic the essay and accomplish the table provided below:

Purpose Audience Pattern of Development What is the purpose of the writer in writing the essay?

Who are the target audience of the essay?

How did the author develop the essay? Was there any particular pattern of development evident?

Dissect the essay into its basic parts and accomplish the sheet below:

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Why is it entitled “I am a Filipino?”



Writer: ________________________________________________________________

What do you know about the writer?




____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are the strengths of the introduction used by the writer?

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Body: (Point out the best details included in the essay that support the introduction)

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What can you say about the conclusion?

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

In what way does it support the introduction?

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Processing points:

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� How does style affect reader’s interest in reading the whole text?




� How does style provide identity to an essayist?




Activity 16 : “Pinoy Ako”

How can you show the world the Filipino in you?

In words In thoughts In actions

Processing points:

� How does it feel to be a Filipino?



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� Are you as proud as Carlos P. Romulo?



Lesson 2: Functions of Modals

Modals or modal auxiliaries are helping verbs. Some quick rules about modals follow.

• Modals are always accompanied by other verbs. • Modals are never conjugated. • Modals are followed by the simple form of the verb.

Uses of Modals

Modals are used to convey many different kinds of meaning. Most modals have

more than one meaning.

Modals are used to show the following meanings.

• ability • possibility • probability • permission • advisability • necessity • requesting assistance • making conclusions • giving instructions • making suggestions • showing preference • making offers • making promises or predictions

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Image source:

Activity 17: Modal Model

Highlight each modal used and explain its function in the text.

Like the seeds that were once buried in the

tomb of Tutankhamen many thousands of

years ago, it shall grow and flower and

bear fruit again.

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Activity 18: Plan of Action

Make a midterm plan of action about the activities enumerated below. Using the

appropriate modal as your guide, complete the open-ended questions below.

But I know also that the East must awake

from its centuried sleep, shake off the

lethargy that has bound its limbs. . .

. . . I shall not rest until my land and my

people shall have been blest by these. . .

This land I received in trust from them, and

in trust will pass it into my children. . .

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I shall


I will


I must



I shall


I will


I must


C. ON WORKING (If applicable)

I shall


I will


I must



I shall


I will


I must


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Processing points:

� What UNDERSTANDING can you draw out of the activities you have accomplished, the learning you have gained and the realities about life represented by the essay you have read?


That’s fantastic! How about making your UNDERSTANDING more ESSENTIAL? Rearrange the

words in the box to reveal the hidden understanding. Write your Essential Understanding here: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

That’s impressive!

You have completed the FIRM UP phase! I’m sure the next phase will be a lot more fun and exciting!

about personal views, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, judgments and observations can lead to meaningful journal entries. Free and effective communication of reflections and insights

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Always bear the ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDING in mind as you answer the

succeeding activities.

Good luck!

Activity 19: Jingle All the Way

Extract lines from the essay, “I am a Filipino” by Carlos P. Romulo”, rearrange or

modify the lines and compose a jingle out of it.

Welcome to the Deepen Phase! In this phase, you are provided with thought-provoking questions that will make

you reflect, revisit, rethink, and revise your earlier assumptions about Philippine

personal and reflective essays.

You are also expected to deal with authentic situations to highlight the grammar structure of the dramatic texts discussed herein. The differentiated instruction will address your uniqueness, strengths and weaknesses and will reinforce what you have learned.

At the end of the phase, you will be engaged in meaningful self –evaluation of learning through a short summative test.

Are you ready to deepen your understanding further? What are you waiting for? Start at once!








DEEPEN Your Understanding

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Activity 20: Draw Pinoy

Select lines from the essay of Carlos P. Romulo, “I am a Filipino”. Sketch or draw

a “Filipino” based on how he is described by Romulo in his essay.




Activity 21: Strips of Comics

Make a comic strip showing that you are talking to a foreigner about how proud

you are to be a Filipino.

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Processing points:

� How did you feel while drawing the strip?



� With reference to the comic strip you have drawn, is this possible to happen in

real life? Do you see yourself in the same situation?



Activity 22: Dear Essayist

Write a letter to Carlos P. Romulo expressing how you feel about his essay.

Detail the lines that struck you the most and how his essay changed your perspective.

Date: _____________

Dear Mr. Romulo,

















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Processing points:

� How do you think Mr. Romulo would react on your letter?




� In what other ways can you show your appreciation to Mr. Romulo for writing his





Activity 23: Quota on Quote

“I am a Filipino, inheritor of a glorious past, hostage to uncertain future”.

Explain this quotation in your own words.





Processing points:

� What similarities between your life and the Filipino as described by Romulo have

you discovered? How did you feel about it?




� What realities about life have you realized from the activities in this phase?




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� Do you see any connection between your life and how themes and ideas

expressed in most of Philippine essays?




Congratulations for completing the DEEPEN phase! But to ensure your

understanding, try answering the test below:


For 1-6 Recognize the modals used in the text and indicate their functions:

(1)Modal ________ (2) function ____________________

(3)Modal ________ (4) function ____________________

(5)Modal ________ (6) function ____________________

Remember your Essential Understanding:

YÜxx tÇw xyyxvà|äx vÉÅÅâÇ|vtà|ÉÇ Éy ÜxyÄxvà|ÉÇá tÇw |Çá|z{àá tuÉâà ÑxÜáÉÇtÄ ä|xãá? à{Éâz{àá? yxxÄ|Çzá? tàà|àâwxá? }âwzÅxÇàá tÇw ÉuáxÜätà|ÉÇá vtÇ Äxtw àÉ ÅxtÇ|ÇzyâÄ }ÉâÜÇtÄ xÇàÜ|xáA

From Feeling the Rain by Visitacion de la Torre

In case one is a homebody, he can listen to the rain fall.

In neighborhoods where rooftops and windows cannot as much have a

breathing space, the children rush out to play in the rain.

It is equally true that rain will replenish whatever reservoir of water is needed by

man and his world.

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7. What is the function of the modal “would” in the first statement? A. possibility B. probability C. ability D. necessity

8. What is the essay all about?

A. love B. family C. activism D. study

9. How is this essay similar to “I am a Filipino” by Carlos P. Romulo.

A. Both talks about change.

B. Both talks about love of country and citizenship.

C. Both talks about vacation.

D. both talks about Australia.

10. Summit is a form of _________.

A. rally B. party C. conference D. training

11. Which part of the essay presents a general overview of the topic to be discussed?

A. conclusion B. introduction C. body D. title

12. In what pattern or style did the Carlos P. Romulo develop his essay?

A. logical B. spiral C. argumentative D. narrative

13. Which of the following categorizes “I am A Filipino” a reflective essay?

a. It presents ideas.

b. It presents ideas and criticisms.

c. It presents ideas and supporting facts.

d. It presents the writer’s ideas, supporting facts and contemplation.

From The October 24 Movement by Jose L. Lacaba

The nation, they pointed out, would be embarrassed no end if some boors

decided to follow the example of those Australians who had hurled paint bombs at

Lyndon Baines Johnson’s famed bubbletop and thereby marred that country’s warm


A rally supporting the seven-nation meeting was another thing and presumably

a permit was issued to a group of about 200 students who marched to Malacanang

three days before the opening of the Summit with a manifesto claiming that “a bigger

group of youth and students”.

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Processing point: Congratulations! You have made it to the last phase.

Activity 24: Write-A-Thon

Produce a series of meaningful journals that focus on a particular activity, such as

participating in basketball game or any athletic endeavor. The journal entries may also include a learning log, which is a personal learning tool

that freely explore your thoughts and feelings about basketball game or any athletic endeavor. The journal entries may also include a learning log, which is a personal tool that examines your thoughts and feelings about the activity.


Day 1: ___________________

What happened today? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Welcome to the Transfer Phase!

This part of the module will allow you to make independent applications of the various processes (autobiographical collections, portfolio production, writing dialog journals, making a specialized journal which focuses on a specific activity) they have learned.

This will enable you to do independent performance or project using varied and

complex assessment procedures and most importantly, see the connections between tasks in this module and the real world.

Are you ready to transfer your understanding?

TRANSFER Your Understanding

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What have you learned from this experience? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Activity 25: Engraved Thoughts

Write your own journals for a week. These journals are a way to freely explore your thoughts and feelings. Your journals should contain the details that may seem unimportant at first, but which add to the reader's appreciation and understanding.

Resources: Books, Internet, Multimedia materials, Computer, DVD, CD, Graphic Organizer, pictures, drawings, art materials, film clips,e-journals, Philippine Drama books


1. Dr. Nilda Sunga for the indicators used to evaluate an essential question which appeared in activity 5 of explore phase.

2. Mr. Larry T. Diaz for providing the graphics/visuals in this module.

3. Mr. Lito A. Palomar for researching the text used in this module.

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