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Deputy of the Grand High Priest Handbook Revised 2012 1

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Deputy of the Grand High

Priest Handbook

Revised 2012


Table of Contents

Preface and Deputy Training 3Education and Training 4Leadership 6Leadership Notes 10Deputies of the Grand High Priest Code 12Duties and Responsibilities (Per Tradition) 15Suggestions 17Chapter Support of Symbolic Lodges 19A Proficient Chapter Has… 20Ritual and Floor Work 22Planning A District Meeting for the Reception of the Grand High Priest


Conducting a District Meeting and Reception for the Grand High Priest


Planning a Chapter Meeting for the Reception of the Grand High Priest


Conducting a Chapter Meeting and Reception of the Grand High Priest


Conducting the Official Reception of the Deputy of the Grand High Priest


Unofficial visits by the Grand High Priest 37Official Reception of the District Deputy at a Chapter Meeting 38Report of the Deputy of the Grand High Priest 41Suggested Chapter Budget Format 43General Thoughts 44Revisions 45



To be chosen for the responsible position of District Deputy of the Grand high Priest is a significant honor and one not to be taken lightly. A District Deputy of the Grand High Priest is the personal representative of the Grand High Priest in the District to which he is appointed. He is charged with certain obligations to maintain the honor and reputation of Royal Arch Masonry.


Note 1: By the end of this training session you will be able to efficiently lead your District, provide guidance for your Chapters and communicate with your superiors. Leadership is an earned status. A District Deputy should:

Obtain a “Proficiency in Chapter Management” document (card, certificate). Receive training in:

• Limitations established by Code. • Ideas that are not covered by Code restrictions. • Proficiency in Chapter Opening ritual. • Proficiency in Chapter Closing ritual. • Proficiency in introduction of visitors. • Proficiency in introduction of Officers. • Handling Officers and members (protocol).

Establish the role of proficient leader (setting a good example). Be innovative in thinking and operation.

Note 2: It is important that the Grand King meet and coordinate with each candidate he will select for District Deputy. Training should be scheduled prior to eventual appointment. Consider NOT appointing someone who has not obtained the above training. Note 3: Also see “Deputies and Responsibilities on pp. 15 & 16.



Conduct Annual Deputy Training (include the following): GUIDELINES:

• Confirm with new (or existing) Deputy what he CAN’T do. (Should be written in Code Book).

• Advise Deputy that he CAN recommend or suggest ideas and techniques to better the Chapter operation, as long as they are not prohibited by Code. NOTE: If it is not specifically prohibited—it may be OK.

• Demonstrate to Deputies what might be included in the 2nd bullet:

Brief Programs. Provide list of proposed speakers or subjects for programs. Structural (Line) innovations with officers (to motivate Line continuity). Techniques for seeking membership. Assure personal support for all of the above.

Establish an on-going Training Program for the Development of Line Officers Rationale: “On-Site” participation by more Line Officers who need assistance. GUIDELINES: Provide a basic or standard mode of learning for Chapter Officers:

• Request a commitment from each Officer to progress through Line. • Allow a grace period for learning Royal Arch work. • Encourage each Officer to (eventually) learn work of next Station. • Do not stress Degree Work until stability exists within the Chapter

Structure. • Stress seeking out Grand Chapter members to assist in Officer

development. • Stress the need for continuity of Chapter Officers. • Encourage Line Officers progression to begin at Master of the 1st Veil.


NOTE: Someone (or group) should be locally available for providing advice to a struggling Chapter on how to solve their many operational problems (don’t wait for an invitation). SUGGESTION: Grand Chapter could establish a local team of teachers to conduct sessions and provide administrative follow-through to provide Chapter Officers with “HOW TO” techniques. (Best done ‘on-site’ rather than at an annual gathering).


LEADERSHIP A leader is a person who influences and directs others. Leadership is the relationship in which one person tries to influence others to work together for a common task or goal. “It is the art of getting somebody else to do something you want accomplished, because he wants to do it.” It is a fact of life! No matter how intelligent you are, no matter how technically proficient, nearly everything you accomplish requires others’ support and cooperation. The people and fellow Masons you come in contact with make judgments about you and Royal Arch Masonry based on the image you project…By how you deal with people…by how you look and handle yourself…by your voice and mannerisms. Reading and understanding these pages on Leadership will give you insight on how to project a more competent, authoritative image. You will understand how to improve your relationships with your Companions; how to express needs and feelings more effectively; how to face uncomfortable situations in a straightforward way, and how to build your own self-confidence. There will always be people with whom you just do not click. People who resist you and your ideas. Often, they are the very ones most vital to your success. We all know those “special people” whose ideas and thoughts are listened to (and acted upon), who are recognized and rewarded for their contributions. What is their secret? No secret! They simply use the kinds of simple yet powerful leadership skills and techniques that are outlined as follows:

1. General Considerations a. All leaders will sometimes fail to observe rules of good leadership. b. Leaders are made, not born. c. Leaders can succeed in spite of obvious failures.

1. Good leaders are aware of their abilities and personalities. 2. They could do better as leaders if their faults were eliminated.

d. No one is—nor can be—a perfect leader. e. Three types of leadership:

1. Active


2. Inspirational 3. Influence or demand

f. A good leader recognizes the individual characteristics of other. 1. He knows his people and looks out for them. 2. He adjusts his leadership to fit the personalities of the

individuals of the group. 3. He directs or indirectly promotes teamwork.

g. A good leader knows his task. h. Good leaders will make sound and timely decisions. i. Good leaders take responsibility for their actions.

2. Establishing Good Leadership

a. Good leaders must have the respect of their subordinates. 1. Good leaders encourage free speech. 2. Good leaders establish and plan clear goals. 3. Good leaders finish projects.

a. Insure that the task is understood. b. Supervise the task. c. Evaluate the task after it is completed.

b. Good leaders do not take responsibility lightly. c. Good leaders are consistent.

1. They let others know exactly where they stand. 2. They let others know where they stand with them.

3. Good understanding of subordinates creates good morale.

a. Some of the most important facts of understanding people are often overlooked. 1. People want to do good work.

a. Expect good work and conduct. b. Acknowledge good work. c. Criticize constructively.

2. Morale is never a problem in an alert, progressive organization. a. High morale is never found in a slipshod, sub-standard

organization. b. High morale is impossible without high standards.

b. A leader must remember that all are not leaders. 1. He must encourage followers to be team players. 2. He should encourage those with leadership potential.

4. Your example is most important.


a. A good leader must do himself what he expects others to do. 1. He avoids mistakes. 2. He sets good examples. 3. He has good personal habits.

b. The good leader must develop good work habits.

5. A good leader opens the door for new ideas. a. One of the keys to opening ourselves to others is using “igniter”

phrases; that is, responses that make people want to talk to us. b. When we use “killer” phrases, we close off the channels of

communication. Below are two lists. One shows “igniter” phrases that make use approachable, and the other shows “killer” phrases that tend to close us off from other people. 1. “Igniter” Phrases

a. I like that b. Keep talking, you are on the right track. c. Go ahead—try it. d. We can do a lot with that idea. e. That is great, how can we do it? f. I think it will fly. g. WOW! Let’s try it. h. I know that will work. i. Why not? j. I agree. k. Let’s go. l. I’m glad you brought that up. m. That is an interesting idea. n. It is sure nice to have you with us.

2. “Killer” Phrases a. The problem with that idea is… b. No way will it work in Grand Chapter. c. Impossible under our current budget. d. It’s not a bad idea, but… e. We have never done it that way before. f. You have not considered… g. It won’t work. h. It is not in the budget. i. It needs more study. j. Let’s defer, and discuss some other items. k. Has anyone ever tried this?


l. Let’s be practical about it. m. Somebody would have suggested it before if it were any

good. n. Let us form a committee. o. We just are not going to do it.



The term “Officer” implies leadership. Leadership needs are the highest in history. From a comparison of the goals and program objectives of the General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International and our own accomplishments, it would seem that our need for responsible leadership is the number one need. We must be aware of the fact that it will take time and training for us to achieve a trained leadership. Much training for me, with the potential we have, should come from both study and discussion. You may wonder at times if you were cut out to be a leader. One thing is certain: you have the ability, and leadership traits and skill must be developed by conscientious effort…we are not “born” leaders. How do you rate yourself on the following list of skills for successful leadership?

LOYALTY to the organization: to the leaders above you in the organizational chart and to those who work on your committee. The surest way to get loyalty and respect is to be loyal to yourself. GENUINE INTEREST IN PEOPLE: This is doubly important in a

Masonic fellowship. Be warm, human, concerned in their opinions, families, problems, etc. But do not gossip.

INITIATIVE: Look for better ways to do things.

DECISIVENESS: If a problem takes study—arrange for the time

but don’t let it get lost. Don’t stall, put off or evade; accept the responsibility given you and act.

POSITIVE THINKING: Think how things CAN be done, not why

they CANNOT; try to look for the good in everyone and everything. Be ENTHUSIASTIC about your Chapter.

TACT AND COURTESY: Be thoughtful of others and have regard

for their feelings. Treat all members and coworkers with respect—always.


FAIRNESS: Be objective when considering an idea—ask, “Will it help the Chapter?”, not “What do you think?” QUIET AGGRESSIVENESS: Gently push for what you feel your

part of the program should be based on—the goals and objectives of the Grand Chapter Program and the needs of the Chapter. Do not be afraid to sell your ideas, but do not crush the other companions in the process.

HUMILITY: All of us should remember that no one is perfect and

we are all human. Most of our organizational successes depend on working together. Be free in showing recognition for what others do. We can learn from all ages at all times.

TEACHING ABILITY: Learn and practice the art of good public

speaking. Study carefully what the organization plan for your Chapter is and then instruct your members of the whole plan. Give each member a chance to help and help and help.

FRIENDLY PERSONALITY: A ready smile makes people feel at

home. Kindness and friendliness is contagious—this is the kind of epidemic worth starting. Give the other person direct knowledge of the fact you are glad they are a part of the organization and give him credit when credit is due. Think BEFORE you act.



The following sections of the Code describe the office and duties of a Deputy of the Grand High Priest for a given District. Sec. 38: The Grand High Priest shall appoint, at each annual convocation or as soon thereafter as possible, Deputy of the Grand High Priest for each district enumerated and set forth hereafter. Each such Deputy shall receive a certificate of his appointment signed by the Grand High Priest and attested to by the Grand Secretary under the seal of the Grand Chapter. Sec. 39: The jurisdiction of each deputy of the Grand High Priest shall be limited to his assigned district. Sec. 40: Such deputy shall be known as “Deputy of the Grand High Priest in District No. ___.” His style and title shall be “Very Excellent” and he shall take rank and precedence next to and immediately above the appointive Grand Officers. Sec. 41: Any deputy may be removed from office at any time by the Grand High Priest and any vacancy so occurring shall be filled by appointment by the Grand High Priest. If removed, he loses his title. Sec. 42:

1. Every deputy of the Grand High Priest shall be well-skilled in the work and lectures as adopted by this Grand Chapter and shall be knowledgeable in the customs, usages, and regulations of Royal Arch Masonry. He shall be a High Priest or Past High Priest of a Chapter in good standing and a member in the district to which he is assigned. He shall conduct at least one training session yearly for the Chapters within his district. He may conduct this training with another district if approved by the Grand High Priest. (Contact Grand Lecturer if assistance is needed).

2. He shall provide recommendations to the Grand High Priest for the General Grand Chapter Bronze Medal before January 15th annually.


Sec. 43: No one shall be eligible to hold office as Deputy of the Grand High Priest for more than two successive terms but he shall be eligible for reappointment after a lapse of one year. Sec. 44: Each Deputy of the Grand High Priest shall make one official visit, and as many other visits as would not make a hardship on him, to each chapter within his district during the year. At each official visit, he shall have the right to preside over the Chapter with the High Priest on his right. Sec. 45: He shall examine the books, records and property of each chapter on the occasion of his official visit and shall ascertain:

1. That the minutes of all meetings have been properly written and that they have been attested to by the High Priest and Secretary.

2. That all books of account are in proper order and bank accounts properly reconciled.

3. That all paraphernalia, including aprons, are clean and presentable.

4. That all candidates exalted and all affiliates elected during the past calendar year have signed the bylaws and in case no record is provided for that purpose he shall instruct the Chapter to establish and maintain such record.

5. That all officers appointed or elected to fill vacancies are properly installed.

6. That the Grand High Priest and Grand Secretary are informed of any important changes taking place in the Chapter, such as change of meeting place, meeting time, or death or removal of any elected personnel.

7. That a school of instruction consisting of the principal officers of each Chapter in his district, shall be conducted by him at least once a year, preferably in the spring, before the annual convocation of the Grand Chapter and after the newly elected officers have been installed (Contact the Grand Lecturer for assistance if required).

8. That the Book of Marks is complete and contains the marks of all candidates exalted and affiliated or elected within the past calendar year.


Sec. 46: He shall report to the Grand High Priest after each official visit on forms to be furnished by the Grand Secretary on the general condition of the Chapter visited and shall make recommendation in connection therewith he may deem proper. Duplicate copies shall be sent to the Deputy Grand High Priest, Grand King and Grand Scribe. He shall also perform such other duties as the Grand High Priest may elect. Sec. 336: A Certificate of Grand Chapter Proficiency shall be issued to Companions who shall pass a satisfactory examination in the following work: Remember: The permanency of the title of Very Excellent is dependent upon your performance in office. Sec. 22 states: “The title of a Deputy of the Grand High Priest, duly appointed, shall be “Very Excellent.” The permanent status of this title shall be acted upon only at the end of the appointment and shall be dependent upon his action while in office.”



The Deputy is charged to carry out his duties as defined in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Washington. The previous section is a transcript of those duties. The Deputy should remember, at all times, he does not represent the Chapters in his particular District (he is an appointed officer), but that he is the personal representative of the Grand High Priest in that district and is accountable to no one else. Although he cannot make rulings and decisions, he should be alert at all times to detect any infringement or abuse of our Laws and Customs, and that the Temples and meeting places are at all times secure. He should be an example of courtesy and decorum for the Officers and Companions in the Chapter with whom he comes in contact, and provide by precept and example a just observance of the courtesies and consideration that should prevail at all times when Companions of a common bond come together in peace, harmony and unity. The Deputy cannot exert regulatory authority; however, there are certain privileges of persuasion and diplomacy that may, with propriety, be exerted to correct any flagrant abuses of our Laws and Customs, always showing consideration for those customs and usages peculiar to certain Chapters and which have been handed down for a long period of time as memorial to their forefathers. The Deputy is, of course, primarily obligated to implement and bring fruition to the program the Grand High Priest has designed for his year. As soon as possible after the close of the Grand Chapter Annual Convocation, the Deputy should meet with the Officers of the Chapter(s) in his district to acquaint them with the program and desires of the Grand High Priest and to formulate plans for the implementation thereof. It is the duty of the Deputy to provide authoritative information on the Constitution and Bylaws of the Grand Chapter to the Chapters in his District, and the High Priest should be reminded of the Charge at their installation: “The High Priest of every Chapter has it in charge to see that the Bylaws of the Chapter and Constitution and General Regulations of the Grand Chapter of Washington…are duly observed.


The Deputy should be prepared to correct or stay any improper or un-Masonic act and inquire into and report to the Grand High Priest all Masonic offences not resolvable. He should be prepared to counsel Chapter officers in this respect and make every effort to resolve the problem on the Chapter level. He should report all District happenings of importance or interest which he thinks may be of relevance to the Grand High Priest, advise on all dispensation that may of necessity be needed from the Grand High Priest for meeting out of time, irregularities in the conferral of the degrees, return of fees, irregularities of election or installation of officers, and any other exigency that might arise. Many of these may be avoided by an alert and competent Deputy. The Deputy should instill the need for the observance of correct rules of Masonic protocol. He should point our indiscretions to the High Priest or with all the Chapter officers, privately, immediately, following the event. As the personal representative of the Grand High Priest, the Deputy should make himself thoroughly familiar with, and proficient in his knowledge of all aspects of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Washington, the Washington Royal Arch Monitor, the Ritual of the Order, and the Book of Essentials. He should be able to answer questions or correct errors in their use and interpretation to the end that the Grand High Priest is relieved of petty and unnecessary details.

NOTE: Also see “Preface” and “Deputy Training” on pp. 3.


SUGGESTIONS KNOW YOUR RITUAL: Be sufficiently informed so that you may be

able to detect errors. Then hold a short clinic with the officers and point out what was wrong. KNOW THE CODE: Be able to answer questions as to what can or

cannot be done. If you are unable to answer questions, find out the answer and write the inquiring Officer or Companion(s). KNOW THE MONITOR: Especially the correct order of introductions,

correct titles and ranks. Have a rehearsal of Chapter officers before the visit of the Grand High Priest. Discuss with your High Priests the list of suggestions in the Monitor. They are invaluable if put into practice. WORK WITH THE HIGH PRIESTS: Be present at rehearsals and

conferrals. Help them to plan their meetings. Work for short, snappy meetings. YOUR OFFICIAL VISIT: Write a formal letter to each Chapter in your

District, stating when you will make your Official Visit; that you will, at that time, inspect the work of the Chapter, examine the books of the Chapter so that you may make a proper report to the Grand elected officers. YOUR INTRODUCTION: Suggest to your Chapters that formal

introduction is required only on the occasion of your Official Visit to the Chapter. OFFICIAL VISIT OF THE GRAND HIGH PRIEST: Whenever and

wherever possible, be present at every Official Visit of the Grand High Priest. Your presence is an honor due him who appointed you; however, your first obligation is always to the Chapters in your District. VISITATION: As much as possible, visit other Chapters outside your

own District. As a representative of the Grand High Priest, although you are from another District, your presence will inspire the Officers


to do better work. You may also pick up ideas you can use in your own District. It also gives you a point of comparison. BE APPROACHABLE: This is one of the greatest qualities a leader

can possess. It opens the door for new ideas, deeper relationships, and better understanding. FINALLY—There are three kinds of people who work for fraternal


a. Those who make things happen b. Those who watch things happen c. Those who try to figure out what has happened.



The rise or fall of any organization is directly related to the time and energy members expend on its behalf. Thus, it is incumbent upon every Mason to give wholeheartedly of himself in support of his Lodge. The Royal Arch Mason, however, is doubly obligated to lend his strength and wisdom to his Symbolic Lodge. Royal Arch Masons are not just ordinary Masons. Ordinary Masons contribute little or nothing to their Lodges. Royal Arch Masons are exceptional Masons for they have invested additional time and money in search of more light. Having found more light—and more Truth—and the Lost Word—they are profoundly aware of their duty to the Craft. Thus Royal Arch Masonry is, or should be, the bulwark—the strong arm—of Craft Masonry. Royal Arch Masons, with their additional insight and knowledge of Masonic ideals and aims, have the greatest responsibility and deepest obligations to see that Masonry is a vital and everlasting force for good in the community and in the nation. This means Royal Arch Masons should be wholehearted and enthusiastic supporters of Symbolic Lodges in all their endeavors. Royal Arch Masons, and particularly Chapter officers, should be in regular attendance at their Symbolic Lodges. They should be present on degree nights, offering their help when needed. They should be active on Lodge committees, helping to make Lodge programs successful. They should assist in the coaching of candidates, and in general, assist the Master in all his endeavors. Sojourning Royal Arch Masons should, if possible, affiliate with local Lodges and thus lend their moral and financial support to the local brethren. Briefly, our Lodges, in this day of apathy and indifference, need the support of its members more than ever—and Royal Arch Masons are, or should be, the great source upon which every lodge can rely. Is this true in your District? It probably is, but if not, you are urged to discuss this matter with the officers in your Chapters. Perhaps the Chapters in your District can be the catalyst that will revitalize the Lodges, and yes, Masonry in your District.



Officers who have enthusiasm for their assignment, exemplified by an eagerness to learn ritual and the floor work, and who perform it with dignity, confidence, competency and pride. Ritual performed with an appropriate dramatic presentation including sound, lighting, props, staging, timing and delivery.

Ritual performed with a demonstrated understanding of the philosophy and lessons being imparted.

Officers accepting their responsibility to train and bring along the Officers behind them in line.

A shared vision of short-term and long-term goals leading to a broad-based ownership interest in the Chapter activities.

Genuine concern for each and every Companion exhibited in part as a sense of responsibility for the families, especially the widows, of deceased members.

Members who are involved and committed to involving new Companions.

Consensus management, which insures the High Priest does not perform all tasks without assistance of other Companions.

Exceptional attendance with an abundance of fellowship, friendliness and camaraderie. Perhaps early arrivals.

Well-planned and executed meetings which evidence effective pre-planning by the Grand Council.

Programs that are interesting and entertaining, some of which feature quality speakers from within the Fraternity and from the community at large.


A presiding officer who understands and effectively uses the techniques of meeting management, coupled with a well-skilled Secretary who handles the business of his desk with efficiency.

A well-written, readable, interesting and professional correspondence or bulletins with the membership.

A very real understanding of Masonic Charity and a commitment to its practice in the broadest terms.

Aggressive membership maintenance and growth programs.

Financial security and independence.

Training, educational and growth opportunity for the Companions.

A visitation schedule that encourages outreach by members and return visits by others.

Continuity of Officers.



An opera, or a marching band may sound good when recorded, but an actual performance would be ludicrous were it not for many hours of practice spent on the physical part of the production, the floor work. We, in this jurisdiction, are prone to ignore floor work and instead consider a letter-perfect opening, closing or degree work, as to what we should expect in our officers. With surprisingly little additional time or effort, a rehearsal of the floor work will give our esoteric work the polish and perfection it deserves. Direct officers’ attention to the Washington Royal Arch Monitor, as well as our ritual, then encourage them to conduct rehearsals. Some Chapter officers appear insensitive to the fact that to our candidates they represent Royal Arch Masonry. We have inherited a beautiful ritual, but it will only be meaningful to our candidates if spoken sincerely, from the heart, and not merely as a string of parroted words. There should be no horseplay or nonsense. As it states on p. 25 of the Monitor: “All officers are charged with the duty of maintaining order at all times in convocations for business or work, and extreme care should be taken to avoid any levity or undignified conduct during the conferral of a degree, as this is not only an injustice to the candidates, but marks the solemnity of the ceremonies.” The Chapter officers should strive to be proficient and the use of rituals during the degree conferrals is to be discouraged. The standard work of this Grand jurisdiction is defined and no variation as to its form is permitted, including word pronunciation. Precise, well thought out floor work complements our ritual and better imparts the inspirational messages we strive to present. Proficiency in our labors should be a constant goal; otherwise, complacency will enter our Chapters. Encourage the Chapter officers to do their work with quiet dignity.

Urge Companions to obtain “Chapter Management Proficiency”.




DATE: Set by the Grand High Priest. WHERE: Determined by the Deputy of the Grand High Priest and the

Officers of the Chapters of the District. DINNER: With the High Priests of the Chapters in the District or a

committee appointed or agreed to by the High Priest decide: Potluck or catered?

If the dinner will be a potluck, the Grand High Priest will normally not

be a providing participant. Who will prepare and serve dinner?

Time—allow one to one-and-a-half hours.

Who will handle the cleanup?

Table decorations and seating arrangements?

Normally, the Grand High Priest would desire there would not be a

head table. Grand Chapter Officers (team) are encouraged to disperse themselves among the Companions. If catered, what price? This should be moderate and not a profit-

making endeavor. If the dinner is catered, the Grand High Priest and his lady will normally be a guest of the District. If the dinner will be catered, tickets must be printed well in advance

and the Grand High Priest informed in order that the Grand Chapter Officers and other potential visitors will be apprised. Appoint a Toastmaster to perform the necessary introductions and


designate a Companion to offer the invocation. (If present, the Grand

Chaplain SHOULD be asked). A fully formal introduction of the visiting Companions is not

essential; however, the visiting ladies of the Grand Officers should be introduced.

Arrangements should be made for light refreshments after the

meeting. There should be a program for the ladies while the men are in

Chapter unless the Grand High Priest is inviting the ladies in to hear the

various messages.

Ensure that the Grand High Priest, if he retires, is not alone outside

the Chapter room.




As soon as the Grand High Priest has completed and made known his itinerary, plans should be instituted for the District Reception at the time set by him for his Official Visit to your District. A host Chapter should be named and the Officers for the stations identified. Some Districts will nominate High Priests of the Chapters to have the host chapter officers occupy the chairs. It is vitally important to the success of the reception that a complete program be developed and thoroughly coordinated. Publicity coverage should be planned for the District and neighboring Districts. Appropriate publicity should be submitted to local and Masonic newspapers, and in Chapter bulletins. If your District reception is planned for September or October, you must begin your presentation and planning immediately following the close of Grand Chapter.


Chapter is opened at a time specified in Host Chapter Bylaws. Flag ceremony is to be performed. The presiding High Priest is to conduct introductions immediately after opening as follows:

1. Visiting Companions, other than Past High Priests, High Priests or Grand Chapter Officers (from sidelines, with a hearty welcome).

2. Visiting Past High Priests (from sidelines, with a hearty welcome).

3. Chapter Past High Priests (from sidelines, with a hearty welcome).

4. Most Worshipful Grand Master, Most Illustrious Grand Master, Right

Eminent Grand Commander (if present) assemble West of the Altar,


escorted to the East by the Captain of Host to in front of the East, facing West. Introduced by High Priest and accorded the Public Grand Honors of Masonry.

5. Visiting High Priests, assemble West of the Altar, escorted to the East, facing west. Introduced by High Priest and accorded the Public Grand Honors of Masonry.


6. Deputy of the Grand High Priest for the District will be escorted into the Chapter room by the Captain of Host and after saluting, will be presented at the Altar by the Captain of Host to the High Priest. High Priest will raise the Chapter, descend and proceed to the altar where he will greet the Deputy. The High Priest will then escort the Deputy to the East and introduce him to those present. The Deputy will be accorded the Public Grand Honors of Masonry. The High Priest will then turn the gavel over to the District Deputy. At this point, the Deputy will cover himself.

7. The Deputy will direct the Captain of Host to retire and escort into the

Chapter Room the Grand Chapter Officers (team). The Captain of Host will retire and escort the Grand Chapter officers to the altar and after saluting, will present them to the District Deputy. The Deputy will direct the Captain of Host to escort the officers to the East, facing West, where they will form a line extending from North to South in order of rank (highest ranking officer in the North). The Deputy will then introduce the Grand Officers (team) beginning on the South end of the line. The Chapter will be raised and the officers (team) accorded the Public Grand Honors of Masonry. The highest ranking Grand Offices will acknowledge the greeting with appropriate remarks.

8. Grand High Priest. The Deputy will direct the Captain of Host or some other suitable Companion to retire and inform the Grand High Priest that the Companions await his will and pleasure. a. The Companions will rise without signal when the Grand High

Priest crosses the threshold of the Chapter Room. IN NO EVENT IS THE GAVEL TO BE USED.


b. The Captain of Host or other designated Companion will escort the

Grand High Priest west of the altar and, after saluting, will present the Grand High Priest to the Deputy of the Grand High Priest as follows: “Very Excellent Sir, it is an honor to present to you Most Excellent Companion ________________________, Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons in Washington on the occasion of his official visit to District No. ______. After which the Captain of Host will take one step backwards.

c. The Deputy advances to the altar, greets the Grand High Priest

and invites him to the East, preceding him up the steps only if necessary to take a position at the podium.

d. The Deputy will introduce the Grand High Priest to the

Companions as follows: “Companions, it is a distinct honor and pleasure for me to introduce to you, Most Excellent Companion ________________________, Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons in Washington on the occasion of his official visit to District No. ______. You will join with me in according him the Private Grand Honors of Royal Arch Masonry.”

e. The Deputy will uncover, tender the gavel to the Grand High Priest

and invite him to preside. The Grand High Priest will seat the Chapter and ask the Deputy to proceed.

f. The Deputy will in turn pass the gavel to the High Priest of the host

chapter. g. The High Priest will conduct the business of the host Chapter as

expeditiously as possible. On the High Priest’s conclusion, he will extend the gavel to the Deputy, who will at this time open a meeting of the District, then give his report on the condition of the Chapters in the District.

h. The Deputy will assemble the Past District Deputies of the district

West of the altar. When assembled, the deputy will have the Captain of Host present the Past District Deputies to the East,


facing West, and will introduce each in turn, giving the years of appointment.

i. After introducing the Past District Deputies, the deputy will ask the

Grand High Priest to accompany him and greet the Past District Deputies.

j. After he has accorded them the Public Grand Honors of Masonry,

the presiding Deputy of the Grand High Priest will have the Captain of Host return the Past District Deputies to their places in the Chapter room.

k. The Deputy will form the Companions in ranks, by Chapters, West

of the Altar. The Grand High Priest and the Elective Grand Chapter Officers will greet the Companions of the district.

l. After returning to the East, the Deputy will request that any

announcements be made at this time. m. The Deputy will tender the gavel to the Grand High Priest. The

Deputy will uncover. The Grand High Priest will acknowledge the report of the Deputy and make appropriate remarks. The Grand High Priest may, at this time, call upon other Companions to make a few remarks.

n. Following the remarks of the Grand High Priest, he will return the

gavel to the Deputy, who will close the District meeting, and then tender the gavel to the presiding High Priest.

o. NO opportunity is to be given for any other comments,

announcements or other speakers to follow the address of the Grand High Priest.

p. The presiding High Priest will invite the Grand High Priest to close

the Chapter. q. The Grand High Priest will close the Chapter in AMPLE FORM.




DATE: Set by the Grand High Priest. WHERE: At the Chapter selected by the Grand High Priest for his

Official Visit. DINNER: With the High Priest of the Chapter in the Chapter meeting

place or place selected by the Companions for a catered dinner.

Potluck or catered?

If the dinner will be a potluck, the Grand High Priest will normally not

be a providing participant. Who will prepare and serve dinner?

Time—allow one to one-and-a-half hours.

Who will handle the cleanup?

Table decorations and seating arrangements?

Normally, the Grand High Priest would desire there would not be a

head table. Grand Chapter Officers (team) are encouraged to disperse themselves among the Companions. If catered, what price? This should be moderate and not a profit-

making endeavor. If the dinner is catered, the Grand High Priest and his lady will normally be a guest of the Chapter. If the dinner will be catered, tickets must be printed well in advance

and the Grand High Priest informed in order that the Grand Chapter Officers and other potential visitors will be apprised. Appoint a Toastmaster to perform the necessary introductions and


designate a Companion to offer the invocation. (If present, the Grand

Chaplain SHOULD be asked). A fully formal introduction of the visiting Companions is not

essential; however, the visiting ladies of the Grand Officers should be introduced.

Arrangements should be made for light refreshments after the

meeting. There should be a program for the ladies while the men are in

Chapter unless the Grand High Priest is inviting the ladies in to hear the

various messages.

Ensure that the Grand High Priest, if he retires, is not alone outside

the Chapter room.




As soon as the Grand High Priest has completed and made known his itinerary, plans should be instituted for the Chapter Reception at the time set by him for his Official Visit to the Chapter. It is vitally important to the success of the reception that a complete program be developed and thoroughly coordinated. Publicity coverage should be planned for the District and neighboring Districts. Appropriate publicity should be submitted to local and Masonic newspapers, and in Chapter bulletins. If the Chapter reception is planned for September or October, you must begin your presentation and planning immediately following the close of Grand Chapter.


Chapter is opened at a time specified in Chapter Bylaws. Flag ceremony is to be performed. The presiding High Priest is to conduct introductions immediately after opening as follows: Visiting Companions, other than Past High Priests, High Priests or

Grand Chapter Officers (from sidelines, with a hearty welcome). Visiting Past High Priests (from sidelines, with a hearty welcome).

Chapter Past High Priests (from sidelines, with a hearty welcome).

Most Worshipful Grand Master, Most Illustrious Grand Master, Right

Eminent Grand Commander (if present) assemble West of the Altar, escorted to the East by the Captain of Host to in front of the East, facing West. Introduced by High Priest and accorded the Public Grand Honors of Masonry.


Visiting High Priests, assemble West of the Altar, escorted to the East by the Captain of Host to in front of the East, facing West. Introduced by High Priest and accorded the Public Grand Honors of Masonry.

GRAND HIGH PRIEST MAY RETIRE AT THIS TIME Grand Chapter Officers (team). The Deputy will direct the Captain of

Host to assemble the Grand Chapter team West of the altar. The High Priest will direct the Captain of Host to escort the officers to the East, facing West, where they will form a line extending from North to South in order of rank (Highest ranking officer in the North). The High Priest will then introduce the Grand Officers (team) beginning on the South end of the line. The Chapter will be raised and the officers (team) accorded the Public Grand Honors of Masonry. The highest ranking Grand Officer will acknowledge the greeting with appropriate remarks.

The High Priest will direct the Captain of Host or some other suitable

Companion to retire and inform the Grand High Priest that the Companions await his will and pleasure. The Companions will rise without signal when the Grand High Priest crosses the threshold of the Chapter Room. IN NO EVENT IS THE GAVEL TO BE USED.

The Captain of Host or other designated Companion will escort the Grand High Priest west of the altar and, after saluting, will present the Grand High Priest to the Deputy of the Grand High Priest as follows: “Very Excellent Sir, it is an honor to present to you Most Excellent Companion ________________________, Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons in Washington on the occasion of his official visit to District No. ______. After which the Captain of Host will take one step backwards.

The High Priest advances to the altar, greets the Grand High Priest and invites him to the East. Taking the Grand High Priest’s left arm, the High Priest escorts the Grand High Priest to the East, preceding him up the steps only if necessary to take a position at the podium.


The High Priest will introduce the Grand High Priest to the Companions as follows: “Companions, it is a distinct honor and pleasure for me to introduce to you, Most Excellent Companion ________________________, Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons in Washington on the occasion of his official visit to (Chapter Name) No. ______. You will join with me in according him the Private Grand Honors of Royal Arch Masonry.”

The High Priest will uncover, tender the gavel to the Grand High Priest and invite him to preside. The Grand High Priest will seat the Chapter and ask the High Priest to proceed.

The High Priest will conduct the business of the host Chapter as expeditiously as possible. The High Priest will request that any announcements be made at this time. On the High Priest’s conclusion, he will extend the gavel to the Grand High Priest.

The Grand High Priest will then make his remarks. Upon completion of his remarks, the Grand High Priest will return the gavel to the presiding High Priest.

NO opportunity is to be given for any other comments, announcements or other speakers to follow the address of the Grand High Priest.

The presiding High Priest will invite the Grand High Priest to close the Chapter.

The Grand High Priest will close the Chapter in AMPLE FORM.


Each Deputy of the Grand High Priest is his appointed personal representative in their respective district. Through regular visitations to the Chapters, the Deputy is able to maintain open communication and resolve


many questions and issues without necessitating the involvement of the Grand high Priest. As specified in the Grand Code, each Deputy will schedule an annual “Official Visit” to each Chapter of his district, at which time a review of matters relative to Chapter financial conditions, proper recording of proceedings, adherence to ritual and other points which the Grand High Priest may deem necessary, will be observed and recorded in the Deputy’s report. A copy of the report will be submitted to the Grand High Priest and other elected officers of the Grand Chapter. On an Official Visit to a Chapter, the Deputy will represent the Grand High Priest and be received with due honors. He may remain in the Chapter room during opening and introductions until the High Priest calls for the introduction of the Grand Chapter officers. At that point the Deputy may sign out and await his escort entrance and introduction. If the Chapter does not have a Sentinel present, the High Priest will ask the Captain of Host to retire, and invite the Deputy to enter the Chapter. The Captain of Host will sign out, give the proper alarm at the door and invite the Deputy to enter the Chapter. He will then be escorted to a position West of the altar where the Captain of Host and Deputy will sign in and the Captain of Host will make the following presentation: “Excellent High Priest, it is my please to present to you, Very Excellent Companion ____________, Deputy of the Grand High Priest for District No. ___ of the Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Washington, on the occasion of his official visit to __________ Chapter No. ____.” The High Priest tenders the gavel to the Deputy to seat the Chapter and he is invited to sit on the right of the King. At an official visit to a Royal Arch Chapter, the District Deputy shall be given the option of exercising his prerogative to preside over the Chapter. If he chooses not to preside, he will, at a minimum, be the last companion to speak and will be afforded enough time to deliver the message of the Grand High Priest. The Deputy should schedule his official visit well in advance and with the approval of the High Priest so there is no conflict with other programs or schedules. It should also be noted that the official visit of the Deputy not conflict with a visit of the Grand High Priest.


During all other visitations to a Chapter, the Deputy will be introduced under the usual protocol used for visiting Grand Chapter Officers. There are no additional honors followed. Publicity coverage should be planned for the District and neighboring Districts. If the Chapter reception is planned for September or October, you must begin your presentation and planning immediately following the close of Grand Chapter.




The Grand High Priest will be visiting Chapters to enjoy the fellowship and companionship of the Companions. The Grand High Priest does not desire to be the program at the Chapter, unless invited to do so well in advance, so he can prepare. The Grand High Priest may elect to be inside the Chapter when it is opened. The High Priest should confer with the Grand High Priest, prior to the opening, as to his will and pleasure. (Common courtesy)



As soon as the Deputy of the Grand High Priest has completed and made known his itinerary, plans should be instituted for the Chapter Reception at the time set by him for his Official Visit to the Chapter. It is vitally important to the success of the reception that a complete program be developed and thoroughly coordinated. Publicity coverage should be planned for the District and neighboring Districts. Appropriate publicity should be submitted to local and Masonic newspapers, and in Chapter bulletins. If the Chapter reception is planned for September or October, you must begin your presentation and planning immediately following the close of Grand Chapter.


Chapter is opened at a time specified in Chapter Bylaws. Flag ceremony is to be performed. The presiding High Priest is to conduct introductions immediately after opening as follows: Visiting Companions, other than Past High Priests, High Priests or

Grand Chapter Officers (from sidelines, with a hearty welcome). Visiting Past High Priests (from sidelines, with a hearty welcome).

Chapter Past High Priests (from sidelines, with a hearty welcome).

Most Worshipful Grand Master, Most Illustrious Grand Master, Right

Eminent Grand Commander (if present) assemble West of the Altar, escorted to the East by the Captain of Host to in front of the East, facing West. Introduced by High Priest and accorded the Public Grand Honors of Masonry.


Visiting High Priests, assemble West of the Altar, escorted to the East by the Captain of Host to in front of the East, facing West. Introduced by High Priest and accorded the Public Grand Honors of Masonry.

DEPUTY OF THE GRAND HIGH PRIEST MAY RETIRE AT THIS TIME Grand Chapter Officers (team). The Deputy will direct the Captain of

Host to assemble the Grand Chapter team West of the altar. The High Priest will direct the Captain of Host to escort the officers to the East, facing West, where they will form a line extending from North to South in order of rank (Highest ranking officer in the North). The High Priest will then introduce the Grand Officers (team) beginning on the South end of the line. The Chapter will be raised and the officers (team) accorded the Public Grand Honors of Masonry. The highest ranking Grand Officer will acknowledge the greeting with appropriate remarks.

The High Priest will direct the Captain of Host or some other suitable

Companion to retire and inform the Deputy of the Grand High Priest that the Companions await his will and pleasure. The Companions will rise when the High Priest raps three times when the Deputy enters the Chapter Room.

The Captain of Host or other designated Companion will escort the Deputy of the Grand High Priest west of the altar and, after saluting, will present the Deputy of the Grand High Priest to the High Priest as follows:

“Excellent Sir, it is an honor to present to you Very Excellent Companion ________________________, Deputy to the Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons in Washington on the occasion of his official visit to District No. ______. After which the Captain of Host will take one step backwards.

The High Priest advances to the altar, greets the Deputy of the Grand High Priest and invites him to the East. Taking the Deputy of the Grand High Priest’s left arm, the High Priest escorts the Deputy of the Grand High Priest to the East, preceding him up the steps only if necessary to take a position at the podium.


The High Priest will introduce the Deputy of the Grand High Priest to the Companions as follows: “Companions, it is a distinct honor and pleasure for me to introduce to you, Very Excellent Companion ________________________, Deputy of the Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons in Washington on the occasion of his official visit to (Chapter Name) No. ______. You will join with me in according him the Public Grand Honors of Royal Arch Masonry.”

The High Priest will uncover, tender the gavel to the Deputy of the Grand High Priest and invite him to preside. The Deputy of the Grand High Priest will seat the Chapter and ask the High Priest to proceed.

The High Priest will conduct the business of the host Chapter as expeditiously as possible. The High Priest will request that any announcements be made at this time. On the High Priest’s conclusion, he will extend the gavel to the Deputy of the Grand High Priest.

The Deputy of the Grand High Priest will then make his remarks. Upon completion of his remarks, the Deputy of the Grand High Priest will return the gavel to the presiding High Priest.

NO opportunity is to be given for any other comments, announcements or other speakers to follow the address of the Deputy of the Grand High Priest.

The presiding High Priest will invite the Deputy of the Grand High Priest to close the Chapter.

The Deputy of the Grand High Priest will close the Chapter in AMPLE FORM.



The report of the Deputy of the Grand High Priest will contain the following information and statistics and be submitted as per Code.

1. The District Number in which the Chapter resides.

2. The date on which the Official Visit was made

3. The name and number of the Chapter visited.

4. The quantity of officers present, members present and visitors present.

5. What was the weather condition?

6. Was any degree work conferred? Quality of work if any was conferred?

What degrees are they capable of conferring? When did they last confer any degrees?

7. What is the status of the Minutes Book? Are they properly

attested, both Secretary and High Priest? Are they properly written?

8. Are the Bylaws up to date? Amendments, candidates signed?

9. What is the status of the Book of Marks?

10. Are the Treasurer’s books up to date?

11. What is the general financial condition of the Chapter? Does the income

equal or exceed the expenditures? 12. Is paraphernalia clean and presentable?

13. Was the flag ceremony performed at the opening and



14. What time did the Chapter open and close?

15. How long was the business section of the meeting?

16. Are the banners properly displayed up, then down after Chapter is


17. How many rituals used to open and close Chapter? How many pro tems?

18. Is the Secretary efficient?

19. Do members visit other Chapters, in District or out of


20. How many new members in the last five years?

21. How many has the Chapter lost in the same five years?

22. Are they actively trying to recruit new members?

23. Is there a problem in the Chapter getting new officers?

24. Do the officers assist in setting up or taking down the Chapter room? Is assistance available to set up the dining room? Cleanup?

25. How is fellowship promoted?

Be as positive as possible. This is an opportunity to acknowledge outstanding contributions to Chapters or the District. When there are definite negative attitudes or activities these should also be noted if you are having difficulty in getting the situation corrected.



Receipts Actual for Actual For Estimated For ________ ________ ________ Dues: Current $ $ $ Back $ $ $ Assessments $ $ $ Fees $ $ $ From Life Membership Fund $ $ $ Interest on Investments $ $ $ Miscellaneous $ $ $ TOTAL: $ $ $ Disbursements Grand Chapter Payments $ $ $ Rent $ $ $ Insurance $ $ $ Taxes $ $ $ Bonds on Officers $ $ $ Salaries Secretary $ $ $ Treasurer $ $ $ Sentinel $ $ $ Organist $ $ $ Stationary & Printing $ $ $ Postage $ $ $ Telephone $ $ $ Relief (Charity) $ $ $ Donations $ $ $ Paraphernalia $ $ $ Supplies $ $ $ Refreshments $ $ $ Entertainment $ $ $ Presentations (PHP Apron) $ $ $ Miscellaneous $ $ $ TOTAL: $ $ $ Surplus (Deficit in Red) $ $ $



Remember in most Masonic bodies, the presiding officer does not have a vote unless it is either a tie or a secret ballot. The presiding officer is a moderator and cannot express opinions on any matter coming for a vote without first relinquishing the office to the King. Grand Officers are available to assist you in performing your duties if the need arises. They are available for consultation whenever you require assistance. Remember Grand Officers have very busy schedules and if you desire assistance on a specific date BE CERTAIN to make your request known well in advance (at least two months) of when you need them.



Revision Letter Date Revised Pages Revised Nature of Revision

A May 1, 2002 All Complete Rewrite