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    Variation and Variability: Key Words inHuman Motor DevelopmentMijna Hadders-Algra

    This article reviews developmental processes in the human brain and basic principles

    underlying typical and atypical motor development. The Neuronal Group Selection

    Theory is used as theoretical frame of reference. Evidence is accumulating that

    abundance in cerebral connectivity is the neural basis of human behavioral variability

    (ie, the ability to select, from a large repertoire of behavioral solutions, the one most

    appropriate for a specific situation). Indeed, typical human motor development is

    characterized by variation and the development of adaptive variability. Atypical

    motor development is characterized by a limited variation (a limited repertoire of

    motor strategies) and a limited ability to vary motor behavior according to the

    specifics of the situation (ie, limited variability). Limitations in variation are related

    to structural anomalies in which disturbances of cortical connectivity may play a

    prominent role, whereas limitations invariabilityare present in virtually all children

    with atypical motor development. The possible applications of variation and variabil-

    ity in diagnostics in children with or at risk for a developmental motor disorder are


    M. Hadders-Algra, MD, PhD, isProfessor of Developmental Neu-rology, Department of PediatricsDevelopmental Neurology, Uni-

    versity Medical Center Groningen,University of Groningen, Hanz-eplein 1, 9713 GZ Groningen, theNetherlands. Address all corre-spondence to Dr Hadders-Algraat: [email protected].

    [Hadders-Algra M. Variation andvariability: key words in humanmotor development. Phys Ther.2010;90:18231837.]

    2010 American Physical TherapyAssociation

    PediatricsSpecial Issue

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    December 2010 Volume 90 Number 12 Physical Therapy f 1823

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    Human behavior is character-ized by variation: each humanindividual has a large reper-

    toire of motor, cognitive, and socialactions that can be arranged in

    virtually endless combinations. Thisrepertoire allows for a flexible ad-justment to changing conditions,including the creation of newsolutions.

    The wealth of distinctly human be-

    havior is attributed to the neocortex,the part of the brain that expandedgreatly during evolution.1,2 For in-stance, in insectivores such as thehedgehog, the neocortex occupies10% to 20% of total brain volume,

    whereas this proportion has risen toabout 80% in humans.3 The enlarge-ment of the neocortex has been

    brought about mainly by expansionof the surface area and not so muchby an increase in cortical thickness.2

    The expansion of cortical surface al-lowed for the emergence of new ar-eas (eg, language-related areas) andthe extension of the prefrontal cor-tex and association areas. Interest-ingly, the volume of the white mat-

    termostly consisting of cortico-cortical connectionsincreased moreduring the evolutionary expansionof the cortex than the volume of graymatter.3,4

    The development of the humanbrain is an intricate and long-lasting

    process, which is mirrored by a mul-titude of developmental changes inbehavior. The latter include the

    changes involved in the transfor-mation of nongoal-directed fetal

    motility into the accurate and goal-directed movements of an adult per-son, such as those involved in writ-ing a letter or riding a bike. The aimof this article is to discuss putativemechanisms and principles underly-ing developmental changes in motor

    behavior. Particular attention is paidto the notions of variation andvariability. The article starts with ashort overview of the ontogeny ofthe human brain. Sections on theo-retical considerations and typical

    and atypical motor development fol-low. The emphasis is on the earlyphases of development and the Neu-

    ronal Group Selection Theory(NGST) is used as a frame of refer-ence. The NGST was chosen becauseit highlights that variation and vari-ability are key elements of typicaldevelopment. Variation implies thepresence and expression of a broadrepertoire of behaviors for a specificmotor function. Variability denotes

    the capacity to select from the rep-ertoire the motor strategy that fitsthe situation best. The article con-cludes with possible applications of

    variation and variability in diagnos-tics in infants with or at risk for adevelopmental motor disorder.

    Development of theHuman BrainThe development of the humanbrain, and in particular, that of theneocortical circuitries, lasts about 4decades.5 It starts during the earlyphases of gestation with the prolifer-ation of neurons. The majority of tel-encephalic neurons are produced inthe germinal layers near the ventri-

    cles.2,6 Once neurons have been gen-erated, they move from their place oforigin to their final destination, thecortical plate.6,7 Before the corticalplate is formed, however, neuronshalt in the subplate. The subplate is a

    temporary layer between the ven-tricular zones plus intermediate zone(the future white matter) and the

    cortical plate.8 The subplate emergesin early fetal life, is thickest at around

    29 weeks postmenstrual age (PMA),and disappears gradually until it isabsent at around 6 months post-term.9,10 The major proportion of itsafferent and efferent connectionsrun through the (future) periven-tricular white matter. The subplate

    mediates fetal behavior.

    Neurons start to differentiate duringmigration and during their stay inthe subplate. Neuronal differentia-tion includes the formation of den-

    drites and axons, the production ofneurotransmitters and synapses, andthe elaboration of the intracellular

    signaling machinery and complexneural membranes.11,12 The processof differentiation is particularly ac-tive in the few months prior to birthand the first postnatal months, but ittakes many years before the adultstate of differentiation is achieved.5

    Besides neural cells, glial cells aregenerated. The peak of glial cell pro-

    duction occurs in the second half ofgestation. Some of the glial cells takecare of axonal myelination. Myelina-tion takes place especially betweenthe second trimester of gestation andthe end of the first postnatal year.Thereafter, myelination continuestill the age of about 40 years, whenthe last intracortical connections

    complete myelination.13

    Brain development consists not onlyof creation of components, but alsoof an elimination of elements. Abouthalf of the created neurons die offby means of apoptosis. Apoptosis isbrought about by interaction be-tween endogenous programmed

    processes and chemical and electri-cal signals induced by experience14;it occurs in particular during mid-gestation.5 Similarly, axons and syn-apses are eliminated, the latter espe-cially between the onset of puberty

    Available WithThis Article

    Discussion Podcast: Special Issueauthors Linda Fetters, ReginaHarbourne, and Beatrix Vereijkendiscuss the clinical implications oftheir work. Moderator is James(Cole) Galloway.

    Audio Abstracts Podcast

    This article was published ahead ofprint on October 21, 2010,

    Variation and Variability in Human Motor Development

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    and early adulthood. As a result, the

    adult level of synaptic density in

    the cortex is reached first in early


    For a long time, it had been debatedwhether brain development is

    driven by endogenous processes or

    by external input. Gradually, how-

    ever, it became clear that genetic in-

    struction (nature) and environ-

    mental information (nurture) both

    play an important role, albeit with

    different weights during different

    phases of development. In the early

    phases, the role of the genome dom-

    inates; later on, environment and ex-

    perience become crucial. The impor-

    tance of genetic instruction in earlydevelopment is reflected by animal

    studies that indicated the primary

    cortical areas, their connections,

    their modular organization, and their

    size are largely determined by differ-

    ential gene expression in the neural

    stem cells.1,15 Thus, the genetically

    specified areas attract specific inputs

    instead of inputs specifying the ar-

    eas.2 This means that the functional

    topography of the brain is primarily

    driven by genetic instruction (ie, thefact that occipitally located neurons

    virtually always become involved in

    the processing of visual information

    and frontally located networks in ac-

    tivities such as planning and atten-

    tion). A primary genetic determina-

    tion, however, does not preclude

    variation, as each individual has his

    or her own sets of genes. Moreover,

    the primary genetic determination is

    only the starting point for epigenetic

    cascades, allowing for abundant in-

    teraction with the environment and

    activity-dependent processes.1618

    Note that the interaction is bidirec-

    tional: experience affects gene ex-

    pression, and genes affect how the

    environment is experienced.18

    Virtually all of the neurodevelop-

    mental processes described above

    are affected by experience, in-

    cluding motor experience. Animal

    studies have demonstrated that the

    effect depends on the type of expe-

    rience (eg, specific versus general-

    ized motor experience), the age at

    exposure, the individuals sex, and

    the neural area.18,19

    Experience mayaffect, for instance, apoptosis, axon

    retraction, synapse elimination, and

    synapse formation.1921 It may even

    affect the somatotopic organization

    of the primary motor cortex, as was

    indicated by the recent human study

    by Stoeckel et al.22 This imaging

    study revealed that the motor foot

    representation in individuals with

    congenitally compromised hand

    function and compensatory skillful

    foot use had extended beyond the

    classical foot area into the vicinity ofthe lateral hand area.

    Theoretical ConsiderationsVarious Theoretical FrameworksDespite increasing knowledge of the

    developmental processes in the hu-

    man brain, our understanding of the

    neural mechanisms underlying mo-

    tor development is limited. As a re-

    sult, multiple theories of motor de-

    velopment have been produced, all

    aiming to facilitate the understand-ing of typical and atypical motor de-

    velopment. During the major part of

    the previous century, motor devel-

    opment basically was regarded as an

    innate, maturational process,23,24 but

    during the centurys last 2 decades, it

    became increasingly clear that motor

    development is largely affected by


    Currently, 2 theoretical frameworks

    are most popular: dynamic systems

    theory2527 and NGST.28,29 The

    frameworks share the opinion that

    motor development is a nonlinear

    process with phases of transition

    that is affected by many factors. The

    factors may vary from features of the

    child to external influences such as

    housing conditions, the presence of

    stimulating caregivers, and the pres-

    ence of toys. In other words,

    both theories acknowledge the

    importance of experience and the

    relevance of context. The 2 theo-

    ries differ, however, in their opin-

    i on on the r ol e of genetically

    determined neurodevelopmental

    processes. Genetic factors playonly a limited role in dynamic sys-

    tems theory, whereas genetic en-

    dowment, epigenetic cascades, and

    experience play equally prominent

    roles in NGST.28,29 In the following

    paragraphs, I will use the NGST

    framework to discuss principles of

    typical and atypical motor


    NGST and Typical MotorDevelopment

    The NGST was developed by GeraldEdelman. He described motor devel-

    opment as characterized by 2 phases

    of variability: primary and second-

    ary.28,29 The borders of variability are

    determined by genetic instruc-

    tions.1,15 During the phase of pri-

    mary variability, motor behavior is

    characterized by abundant variation.

    The variation is brought about by

    explorative activity of the nervous

    system. The system explores all mo-

    tor possibilities. The explorationgenerates a wealth of self-produced

    afferent information, which, in turn,

    is used for further shaping of the

    nervous system. The exploration re-

    flects the continuous, dynamic inter-

    action between genes and experi-

    ence, including experience with

    changing body proportions. Initially,

    however, the afferent information

    is not used for adaptation of motor

    behavior to environmental con-

    straints. In other words, the phase of

    primary variability is characterized

    by variation in motor behavior and

    the absence of the ability to adapt

    the various movement possibilities

    to the specifics of the situation (ie,

    by the absence of variabilityin sensu

    strictu, as defined in the introduc-

    tion of the article).24

    At a certain point in time, the ner-

    vous system starts to use the afferent

    Variation and Variability in Human Motor Development

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    information produced by behaviorand experience for selection of themotor behavior that fits the situa-

    tion best: the phase of secondary oradaptive variability starts. Hitherto,

    the mechanisms underlying the shiftfrom primary variability to secondaryvariability are not understood. Theprocess of selection, which is char-acteristic of variability and thusthe phase of secondary variability,is based on active trial-and-error

    experiences that are unique to theindividual.3032 Indeed, evidence isaccumulating that self-produced sen-sorimotor experience plays a pivotalrole in motor development.31,3335

    To determine whether a movementis most adaptive, reference valuesare used that most likely are function

    specific. The solution that is selectedis specific for the situation and theinfants stage of development. Forinstance, in sitting infants whosebalance is perturbed, informationlinked to the stability of the head inspace is used to select the posturaladjustment in which most of theso-called direction-specific postural

    muscles are recruited (the en blocpattern).36 Selection of the en blocpattern depends on the degree ofbalance perturbationthe pattern isrecruited more often during largeperturbations than during smallperturbationsand the age of thechild.36,37 Children select the en blocpattern during marked perturbations

    of balance especially often betweenthe ages of 9 months and 212 years.Thereafter, similar perturbations ofbalance are associated with child-specific postural adaptations in

    which fewer direction-specific mus-cles are recruited.37

    The process of learning to select the

    most appropriate motor solutionin a specific situation is based onimplicit motor learning and does notinvolve conscious decision making.It occurs at various interdependentlevels of neural organization. Animal

    data indicate that at the cellular level,selection is mediated by changes insynaptic strength, in which the to-

    pology of the cells38 and the pres-ence or absence of coincident elec-

    trical activity in presynaptic andpostsynaptic neurons play a role.39,40

    In terms of the organization of motorcontrol, selection occurs at the levelof motor strategies and at the level oftemporal and quantitative tuning ofmotor output.36 Recent neurophysi-

    ological data indicated that the basalganglia might play a major role inthe selection of motor strategies (ie,in motor sequence learning),32,41

    whereas the cerebellum might bethe key structure involved in the se-

    lection of situation-specific temporaland quantitative parameters of mo-tor output (ie, accurate motor adap-

    tation).42,43 The idea that frontostria-tal circuitries play a role in theselection of motor strategies is sup-ported by a recent birth cohort studyby Murray et al.44 The study indi-cated that an earlier development ofthe ability to stand independently

    which might be interpreted as anearlier ability to select an appropri-

    ate strategy to keep balance in up-right stancewas associated withbetter executive functions in adult-hood. The association was specificfor executive functions, which aresubserved by frontostriatal circuit-ries; other cognitive functions suchas verbal and visual learning, whichare more closely related to temporal

    cortex function, were not related toan earlier development of standing.

    The transition from primary variabil-ity to secondary variability occurs atfunction-specific ages. For instance,in the development of sucking be-havior, the phase of secondary vari-ability starts prior to term age45; in

    the development of postural adjust-ment, it emerges after the age of 3months46,47; and in the developmentof foot placement during walking, itstarts between 12 and 18 months.48

    The age at which adaptive behavior

    first can be observed depends on themethod of investigation. For in-stance, with the application of elec-

    tromyographic recordings, the firstsigns of adaption in postural behav-

    ior during sitting may be observedat the age of 4 months,46 but whensimple behavioral observation isused, signs of adaptive sitting behav-ior are first detected from 6 monthsonward.49 Around the age of 18months, all basic motor functions,

    such as sucking, reaching, grasping,postural control, and locomotion,have reached the first stages of sec-ondary variability. Due to the in-genious interaction between self-produced motor activities with trial-

    and-error learning and the long-lasting developmental processes inthe brain, such as dendritic refine-

    ment, myelination, and extensivesynapse rearrangement,5 which fur-nish new neuromotor possibilities, ittakes until late adolescence beforethe secondary neural repertoire hasobtained its adult configuration. Inother words, the basic, variable mo-tor repertoire that is formed duringthe phase of primary variability con-

    tinues to develop during the phaseof secondary variability and tochange throughout life.

    The ongoing developmental changesin the nervous system, which arebased on a never-ending interactionbetween experience and genetic in-formation, allow for increasingly

    precise and complex motor skills,which may be regarded as refine-ments of the basic, variable reper-toire. As a result, adult human beingsare equipped with a variable move-ment repertoire with an efficientmotor solution for each specificsituation.

    NGST and Atypical MotorDevelopment

    Atypical motor development mayoriginate from genetic aberrationsor adversities occurring duringearly development. Both etiological

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    pathways may result in a structural

    anomaly or lesion of the developing

    brain or in a different setting of spe-

    cific neurotransmitter systems, such

    as the monoaminergic systems. Ac-

    cumulating evidence indicates thatstressful situations in the prenatal

    and perinatal periods may induce

    lifetime changes in dopaminergic, se-

    rotonergic, or noradrenergic circuit-

    ries.50 The monoaminergic systems

    are widespread systems involved in

    the modulation of behavior.51 The 2

    sequelaethe lesion of the brain and

    the different setting of the monoam-

    inergic systemswill be discussed

    as different entities, but it should be

    kept in mind that lesions of the im-

    mature brain often are associatedwith changes in specific neurotrans-

    mitter systems.52

    The best example of atypical motor

    development due to an early lesion

    of the brain is the motor develop-

    ment of children with cerebral palsy

    (CP). Other examples are some chil-

    dren with developmental coordina-

    tion disorder and some children with

    attention deficit hyperactivity disor-

    der. It is important to note, however,that in general developmental coor-

    dination disorder and attention defi-

    cit hyperactivity disorder cannot be

    attributed to a lesion of the brain.53

    In the following paragraphs, CP is

    used as a prototype to describe the

    motor sequelae of a lesion occurring

    in the fetal or infant brain.54

    NGST and an Early Lesion ofthe Brain

    According to NGST, an early lesion

    of the brain has 2 major consequenc-

    es.55 First, the repertoire of motor

    strategies is reduced.5659 This re-

    duced repertoire results in less vari-

    able and more stereotyped motor

    behavior (ie, in reduced variation

    during both phases of variability).

    The limited repertoire may result in

    the absence of a specific motor strat-

    egy, which would be available as the

    best solution in a specific situation

    for a child with typical development.

    As a consequence of the absence

    of the best solution, the child with

    CP may have to choose a motor so-

    lution that differs from that of the

    child with typical development.60

    This situation implies that the differ-

    ent motor behavior of a child with

    CP should not always be regarded as

    deviant (ie, as something that de-

    serves to be treated away), as it

    may be the childs best and most

    adaptive solution for the situation.61

    Second, in the phase of secondary

    variability, children with an early le-

    sion of the brain have problems with

    selection of the most appropriately

    adapted strategy out of the reper-

    toire. In other words, they have alimited capacity to vary motor behav-

    ior in relation to the specifics of the

    situation (ie, they have a limited


    The deficient capacity to select has a

    dual origin: it is related to deficits in

    the processing of sensory informa-

    tion that are virtually always present

    in children with an early lesion of

    the brain6267 and to the fact that the

    best solution may not be availabledue to repertoire reduction. The dif-

    ficulties in selection have 2 practical

    consequences. First, impaired selec-

    tion may give rise to the paradoxical

    finding that results of motor tests of

    children with CP often are more vari-

    able than those of children with typ-

    ical development.67,68 The variable

    test results are brought about by pro-

    longed periods of trial and error

    needed to explore the reduced rep-

    ertoire due to impaired selection.

    This consequence means that a re-

    duced repertoire may be associated

    with more variable motor output.

    Second, impaired selection induces

    the need of ten- to hundredfold more

    active motor experience than typi-

    cally needed to find the best strate-

    gy.69,70 Consequentially, children

    with CP need considerably more

    practice than their peers without CP

    to learn a specific motor task.

    Recall that exploratory drive is a fun-

    damental feature of the typically de-

    veloping nervous system. As a re-

    sult, young infants spontaneously

    generate a wealth of everyday motor


    The child with CP needsmuch more practice. In addition, the

    brain lesion responsible for CP may

    be associated with reduced explor-

    atory drive.54 This reduced explor-

    atory drive creates a challenging sit-

    uation for the child with CP and his

    or her environment. The need for

    much practice requires strong moti-

    vation, which is obtained most easily

    when tasks to be learned have func-

    tional significance or are enjoyable.

    NGST and an Altered Setting ofMonoaminergic Systems

    Adversities prior to term age, such as

    low-risk preterm birth, intrauterine

    growth retardation, or psychological

    stress of the pregnant woman, may

    give rise to a different setting of the

    monoaminergic systems in the ab-

    sence of a lesion of the brain. Most of

    our knowledge about the effect of

    stressful conditions during early life

    on the developing brain is based on

    animal data.50

    The animal data indi-cate that stress during early life gives

    rise to changes in serotonergic and

    noradrenergic activity in the cerebral

    cortex and alterations in dopaminer-

    gic activity in the striatum and pre-

    frontal cortex.71 These changes have

    been associated with impaired devel-

    opment of the maps of body repre-

    sentation in the primary somato-

    sensory cortex, inappropriately

    developed ocular dominance col-

    umns in the visual cortex, and mild

    motor problems.7274 In terms of

    NGST, this impaired development

    may reflect a situation in which the

    child has a typical movement reper-

    toire but has difficulties in selecting

    the best strategy in a specific situa-

    tion due to the deficits in processing

    of sensory information. In other

    words, the child has an impaired

    ability to vary motor behavioran

    impaired variabilityin relation to

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    task-specific requirements. As a re-sult, the child often exhibits more

    variable behavior during motor tests

    and needs more practiceand thusmore timeto learn new motor

    skills. Indeed, such mechanisms ap-pear to play a role in the frequentlyencountered impaired motor devel-opment of preterm children withoutcerebral palsy.59,75,76

    Early Phases of MotorDevelopmentTypical Motor DevelopmentNongoal-directed motility. Arecent, detailed ultrasound study onthe emergence of fetal motility re-

    vealed that the earliest movementscan be observed at the age of 7

    weeks 2 days PMA.77 The first move-ments are slow, small, sidewaysbending movements of head or

    trunk. A few days later, these simplemovements develop into move-ments in which 1 or 2 arms or legsalso participate, but the movementscontinue to be slow, small, simple,and stereotyped. At the age of 9 to 10

    weeks PMA, general movements(GMs) emerge (ie, movements in

    which all parts of the body partici-pate). Initially, GMs show little vari-ation in movement direction, ampli-tude, and speed. After a few days,however, the majority of GMs showa substantial degree of variation inspeed, amplitude, participating bodyparts, and movement direction. In-terestingly, the emergence of GMs

    with movement variation and com-

    plexity at 9 to 10 weeks PMA coin-cides with the emergence of synap-

    tic activity in the cortical subplate.78

    This coincidence and the findingthat the evolution and transient na-ture of the subplate match that ofGM development inspired the hy-pothesis that variable and complexGMs result from activity of the sub-

    plate modulating the basic activity ofGM networks in the spinal cord andbrain stem.79

    Soon after the emergence of the firstmovements, other movements areadded to the fetal repertoire, such as

    isolated arm and leg movements,startles, various movements of the

    head (rotations, anteflexion, andretroflexion), stretches, periodicbreathing movements, and suckingand swallowing movements.80 Theage at which the various movementsdevelop shows considerable inter-individual variation, but at about 16

    weeks PMA, all fetuses exhibit theentire fetal repertoire. The reper-toire continues to be presentthroughout gestation.

    At birth, be it term or preterm, only

    minor changes in the motor reper-toire occur. Breathing movementsbecome continuous instead of peri-

    odic, the Moro reaction can be elic-ited for the first time, and the infant,

    who is now hampered by the forcesof gravity, is no longer able to ante-flex the head in a supine position.81

    General movements continue to bethe most frequently observed motorpattern.

    Between 2 and 4 months postterm,infant behavior changes drastically.The infant is able to use smiles andpleasure vocalizations in social inter-action, the head can be stabilized onthe trunk, and a steady visual fixationand brisk visual orienting reactionshave been developed.81 Simulta-neously, GM activity is about to dis-

    appear and to be replaced graduallyby goal-directed activity of arms andlegs. Interestingly, the final phase ofGMs, which occurs at 2 to 4 monthspostterm, is characterized by a spe-cific movement property: the fidg-ety nature of GMs. The fidgety char-acter denotes the presence of acontinuous stream of tiny, elegant

    movements occurring irregularly allover the body.58 Functional neuroim-aging studies suggest that increasingactivity in the basal ganglia, thecerebellum, and the parietal, tempo-ral, and occipital cortices plays a

    prominent role in the behavioraltransition at 2 to 4 months.82

    Goal-directed motility. The de-velopment of goal-directed behavior

    during infancy is characterized byintraindividual and interindividualvariation.55,57,83,84 The variation oc-curs, for instance, as variation in theemergence of a function, variation inthe performance of a function (Figs.1 and 2), variation in the duration of

    specific developmental phases, andvariation in the disappearance of in-fantile reactions, such as the Mororeaction. The variation in develop-ment includes the co-occurrence ofdifferent developmental phases. For

    instance, infants of a certain age canalternate belly crawling with crawl-ing on hands and knees.83,85 Infants

    with typical development also mayexhibit a temporary regressionaninconsistencyin the develop-ment of a specific function.83As longas the regression is restricted to asingle function, it can be regarded asanother expression of developmen-tal variation. Large variation in theattainment of milestones in goal-

    directed motor behavior (Fig. 3) im-plies that the assessment of mile-stones has less clinical value thanpreviously was thought.86 Slow de-

    velopment of a single function usu-ally has no clinical significance, butthe finding of a general delay is clin-ically relevant.

    Infancy is the period of transitionfrom primary variability to secondary

    variability (ie, from motor behaviorthat cannot be adapted to task-specific conditions to adaptive mo-tor behavior). This transition occursat function-specific ages. A recentobservational study indicated thatthe transition in sitting behavior oc-

    curs between 6 and 10 months, thatin abdominal progression occurs be-tween 8 and 15 months, that inreaching movements occurs be-tween 6 and 12 months, and that ingrasping occurs between 15 and 18

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    months.49 These findings mean that

    after the transition, people observing

    the infants could notice a change in

    their motor behavior.

    A major accomplishment during in-

    fancy is the development of pos-

    tural control, resulting in the ability

    to stand and walk without sup-

    port.87 Postural control is aimed

    primarily at the maintenance of a

    vertical posture of head and trunk

    against the forces of gravity be-

    cause a vertical orientation of the

    proximal parts of the body provides

    an optimal condition for vision- and

    goal-directed motility.88 In the con-

    trol of posture, 2 functional levels

    can be distinguished. The basic level

    of control deals with the directional

    specificity of the adjustments: when

    the body sways forward, primarily

    the dorsal muscles are recruited;

    when the body sways backward, pri-

    marily the ventral muscles are acti-

    vated.89 A study by Hedberg et al90

    indicated that 1-month-old infants

    have direction-specific adjustments,

    which suggests that the basic level of

    postural control has an innate origin.

    Young infants show a variable reper-

    toire of direction-specific adjustments

    from which, from the age of 4 months

    onward, they learn to select by

    means of active trial and error the ad-

    justment that fits the situation best.46

    Meanwhile, the infant learns to sit in-

    dependently. With increasing age, the

    means to adapt postural activity be-

    come increasingly refined. A major de-

    velopmental change is the emergence

    of anticipatory postural activity be-

    tween 12 to 14 months, an ability that

    strongly promotes the development of

    independent walking.87

    Successful reaching is preceded by

    various forms of prereaching activi-

    ty.91 For instance, Von Hofsten92

    demonstrated that newborn infants

    move their hands closer to a nearby

    object when they visually fixate on

    it, than when they do not pay visual

    attention to the object. Reaching

    Figure 1.Variation in motor behavior in a supine position at 8 months postterm. The figure consists of frames selected from a videorecordingof about 3 minutes. Figure produced with permission of the parents.

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    results in actual grasping of an object

    from about 4 months onward.93 At

    this age, reaching movements have

    an irregular and fragmented trajec-

    tory consisting of multiple movement

    units. These characteristics under-

    line the probing nature of early

    reaches and the heavy reliance of the

    first reaching movements on feed-

    back control mechanisms.93 During

    the following months, the reaching

    movement becomes increasingly flu-

    ent and straight, and the orientation

    of the hand becomes increasingly

    adapted to the object.94 After their

    first birthday, infants increasingly

    use the pincer grasp to pick up tiny

    objects. This change in behavior

    implies that corticomotoneuronal

    pathways are being involved increas-

    ingly in fine motor control.95

    Figure 2.

    Variation in motor behavior in a sitting position at 11 months postterm. The figure consists of frames selected from a videorecordingof about 3 minutes. Figure produced with permission of the parents.

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    At birth, the infantlike the fetus

    shows locomotor-like behavior in

    the form of neonatal stepping move-

    ments.96 These movements probably

    are generated by spinal pattern gen-

    erators analogous to the locomotionin the hind limbs of kittens after a

    transection of the thoracic cord and

    the locomotor-like activity in people

    with a spinal cord injury.96 The in-

    fant stepping movements are rather

    primitive in character and differ from

    the flexible plantigrade gait of adult-

    hood.97 This non goal-directed neo-

    natal stepping is characterized by a

    lack of segment-specific movements,

    implying that the legs tend to flex

    and extend as a single unit; by the

    absence of a heel-strike; by a variablemuscle activation with a high degree

    of antagonistic coactivation; and by

    short-latency bursts of electromyo-

    graphic activity at the foot contact

    due to segmental reflex activity.96,97

    In the absence of specific training,

    the stepping movements can no

    longer be elicited after the age of 2 to

    3 months.83

    A period of locomotor silence fol-

    lows, which is succeeded in thethird quarter of the first postnatal

    year by goal-directed progression in

    the form of crawling and supported

    locomotion. When neonatal step-

    ping is trained daily, the stepping

    response can be elicited until it is

    replaced by supported locomo-

    tion.98 This progression is perhaps

    not so surprising in light of the fact

    that the locomotor pattern of sup-

    ported locomotion is reminiscent

    of that of neonatal steppingboth

    lacking the determinants of planti-

    grade gait.97 In addition, the mile-

    stone transition into independent

    walking is not associated with a ma-

    jor change in specific locomotor ac-

    tivity. This finding indicates that the

    emergence of independent locomo-

    tion is not primarily induced by

    changes in the locomotor networks.

    Presumably, the development of in-

    dependent walking is largely depen-

    dent on the development of postural

    control,99 which, in turn, is depen-

    dent in particular on developmental

    changes in the subcortical-cortical


    Motor development beyond infancy

    is characterized by a gradual increase

    in agility, adaptability, and the ability

    to make complex movement se-quences. It is the phase of secondary

    variability, during which matura-

    tional processes in continuous inter-

    action with changing body propor-

    tions and experience produce highly

    adaptive secondary neuronal reper-

    toires.24,28 The creation of secondary

    repertoires is associated with exten-

    sive synapse rearrangement, which

    is the net result of synapse formation

    and synapse elimination.5 It is facili-

    tated by increasingly shorter process-

    ing times, which can be attributed,

    in part, to ongoing myelination.100

    Atypical Motor DevelopmentDevelopmental changes in the

    young brain have a large impact on

    the expression of atypical motor be-

    havior. It may happen that a lesion of

    the developing brain results in neu-

    romotor dysfunction in infancy but

    is followed by a typical developmen-

    tal outcome. The reverse may also

    occur (ie, an apparently typical de-

    velopment in the early phases of

    infancy may be followed by the de-

    velopment of CP).58

    In infancy, atypical motor develop-

    ment may be expressed by a delay

    in the achievement of milestones

    (which may be related to impairedselection), by mild or major devia-

    tions in muscle tone (velocity-

    dependent resistance to stretch), by

    a persistence of infantile reactions

    (eg, the Moro reaction), and by a

    reduced variation in motor behavior.

    The latter sign may be the most spe-

    cific expression of an early lesion of

    the brain,55,58,101 whereas the other

    signs may be the result of a lesion of

    the brain but also may be related to

    other types of adversities during

    early development, such as low-risk

    preterm birth.102104 Reduced varia-

    tion in motor behavior is well ex-

    pressed in the quality of GMs: abnor-

    mal GMs are characterized by limited

    variation and limited complexity. In-

    terestingly, definitely abnormal GMs

    are related to white matter pathol-

    ogy and not to abnormalities of the

    brains gray matter.79,105 Further-

    more, beyond the age of 4 months,

    Figure 3.Schematic representation of the ages at which some motor skills emerge during infancy.The length of the bars reflect the interindividual variation. Adapted from Touwen.83

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    when GMs have disappeared, atypi-

    cal motor development is character-

    ized by reduced variation (Figs. 4 and

    5). Well-known stereotypies are fist-

    ing of the hands, extension of the

    legs, clawing of the toes, dominant

    asymmetrical tonic neck reflex pos-

    turing, hyperextension of the neck

    and trunk, or stereotyped asymme-

    tries.106 It has been postulated that

    the degree to which movement vari-

    ation is reduced may reflect the ex-

    tent to which cortical connectivity is


    Atypical motor development is asso-

    ciated with postural dysfunction.

    Children with a severe lesion of the

    brain who develop severe bilateral

    spastic CP or severe athetosis and

    function at Gross Motor Function

    Classification System level V108 pre-

    sumably lack the basic level of pos-

    tural control.109 In infants with less-

    severe forms of CP, the basic level of

    postural organization is more or less

    intact. However, their postural de-

    velopment is hamperedand, there-

    fore, delayedby a limited reper-

    toire of postural adjustments and a

    deficient capacity to adapt posture

    to the specifics of the situation.109

    Diagnostic Application ofVariation and VariabilityGradually, European clinicians work-

    ing in the field of developmental

    neurology realized that variation and

    variability may assist in the evalua-tion of motor development. How-

    ever, before addressing the value of

    these parameters, some general re-

    flections on the significance of the

    infant neuromotor assessment are

    necessary. Evaluation of neuromotor

    function in early life has 2 goals. First

    and foremost, it aims at assessing

    the infants current capacities and

    limitations, as the assessment offers

    Figure 4.Reduced variation in motor behavior in a supine position at 2 months postterm. The figure consists of frames selected from avideorecording of about 3 minutes. Figure produced with permission of the parents.

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    the basis for therapeutic guidance.

    Second, an assessment at an early

    age may assist in the prediction of

    the infants developmental pros-

    pects. However, as indicated in the

    preceding paragraphs, the develop-

    mental characteristics of the brain

    preclude precise prediction. Predic-

    tion of developmental outcome is

    best when multiple sources of infor-

    mation are used, such as the infants

    history, the results of neuroimaging,

    and neurophysiological assessments

    in combination with a neurological,

    developmental, and neuromotor as-

    sessment.110 Prediction also is largely

    facilitated when longitudinal series

    of assessments are used.104,111

    The various instruments available to

    evaluate the infants neuromotor and

    Figure 5.

    Reduced variation in motor behavior in sitting at 10 months postterm. The figure consists of frames selected from a videorecordingof about 3 minutes. Figure produced with permission of the parents.

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    developmental status have specific

    aims, advantages, and disadvantages.

    Most instruments provide informa-

    tion on the childs function in terms

    of age-adequate performance versus

    underachievement or delay. Exam-ples are the Bayley Scales of Infant

    Development112 and the Albert In-

    fant Motor Scales.113 Neurological as-

    sessments pair information on motor

    performance with specific details on

    sensorimotor function in terms of

    muscle tone and reflexes.110 The

    growing awareness that the quality

    of motor behavior may assist in the

    evaluation of the childs neuromotor

    condition inspired the development

    of 3 new assessment methods; the

    Test of Infant Motor Performance(TIMP),114 the GM method,58,115 and

    the Infant Motor Profile (IMP).116

    The TIMP and the GM method are

    applicable till the age of 4 months

    postterm, whereas the IMP is de-

    signed for infants aged 3 to 18

    months postterm. In contrast to the

    other 2 instruments, the TIMP does

    not use variation or variability as ex-

    plicit parameters of movement qual-

    ity. The TIMP has good reliability,

    and the limited data available suggestthat it is a valuable instrument in the

    prediction of CP.110 The 2 methods

    using the concepts of variation and

    variability are discussed below. Vari-

    ation (ie, the evaluation of the size of

    the repertoire) is a parameter that

    may be applied in the phase of pri-

    mary and secondary variability. Vari-

    ability (ie, the ability to make an

    adaptive selection) is particularly rel-

    evant from the emergence of second-

    ary variability onward.

    The examination of the quality of

    GMs is a reliable assessment based

    on the evaluation of movement vari-

    ation.58,115 General movement as-

    sessment does not include the eval-

    uation of variability, as the nongoal-

    directed GMs do not have a phase of

    secondary variability.24 In the GM

    method, 2 aspects of variation are

    assessed: (1) GM complexity, which

    denotes the spatial aspect of move-

    ment variation, and (2) GM variation,

    which represents the temporal vari-

    ation of movements. Definitely ab-

    normal GMs are characterized by a

    severely reduced movement com-plexity and variation; in mildly

    abnormal GMs, complexity and vari-

    ation are present, but to an insuffi-

    cient extent.58 The consistent pres-

    ence of definitely abnormal GMs

    during the first postnatal months is

    associated with a very high risk for

    the development of CP.58,115

    The predictive value of single assess-

    ments increases with age. Best pre-

    diction is achieved with an assess-

    ment in the final phase of GMs (ie, inthe phase of fidgety GMs at around

    3 months postterm). In populations

    of infants who are at risk for CP,

    definitely abnormal GMs at 3 months

    are associated with a risk of CP

    that varies between 25% and

    80%,79,115,117 whereas mildly abnor-

    mal GMs are associated with an in-

    creased risk of minor neurological

    dysfunction and psychiatric morbid-

    ity at school age.118,119 It should be

    noted, however, that the predictivepower of mildly abnormal GMs at 3

    months is so low that mildly abnor-

    mal GMs as a single sign have no

    clinical relevance. The recent finding

    that the predictive value of GM qual-

    ity is substantially higher in popula-

    tions of infants who are at risk for CP

    than in the general population120

    supports the idea that the quality of

    GMs reflects the integrity of cortical

    connectivity (ie, the integrity of the

    brains white matter), as large parts

    of the brains white matter are situ-

    ated in the periventricular area,

    which is the site of predilection for

    damage in the preterm period.121

    The IMP is a novel instrument that

    assesses infant motor behavior in 5

    domains. Two domains are based on

    the NGST: size of the repertoire

    (variation) and ability to select (vari-

    ability). The other 3 domains evalu-

    ate more traditional aspects of motor

    behavior: symmetry, fluency, and

    performance.76,116 The reliability and

    construct validity of the IMP are

    good, and its predictive and evalua-

    tive power is promising.76,116

    Concluding RemarksAccumulating evidence indicates

    that abundance in cerebral connec-

    tivity is the neural basis of human

    behavioral variability (ie, the ability

    to select from a large repertoire of

    behavioral solutions the one most

    appropriate for a specific situation).

    Indeed, typical human motor devel-

    opment is characterized by variation

    and the development of adaptive

    variability, and atypical motor devel-opment is characterized by limita-

    tions in variation and variability. Lim-

    itations in variation are based on

    structural anomalies, in which distur-

    bances of cortical connectivity may

    play a prominent role, whereas limi-

    tations in variability are present in

    virtually all children with atypical

    motor development. In infants with

    reduced variation, early intervention

    may aim to enlarge the limited move-

    ment repertoire, but animal data in-dicate that this aim is difficult to

    achieve.52 This situation implies

    thatdespite interventionreper-

    toire reduction most likely will re-

    main a feature of the motor behavior

    of the child with an early lesion of

    the brain. In such a situation, equip-

    ment may offer a proper means to

    facilitate functional activity and


    The limited variability of childrenwith atypical motor development is

    based on the limited ability to select

    a strategy out of the movement rep-

    ertoire due to deficiencies in the

    processing of sensory information

    brought about by self-produced ac-

    tions. This fact suggests that children

    with limited variability may profit

    from ample, variable, self-produced,

    trial-and-error activities.122,123

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