descriptive writing - describing people

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Descriptive Writing



Describing People


1) His eyes were screaming with intensity.

2) His brain was brimming with comedian cells.

3) She has a combination of clear, intense eyes fringed with lush lashes, lips set in a sensual pout and cheekbones so impossibly angled you can ski off them.

4) All brows were knitted.

5) His well-chiselled features, those intense eyes and rippling muscles simply made me melt.

6) He was an old man with a receding hairline.

7) She quivered, like shrivelled bootlace.

8) She flashed me an enchanting smile -- tantalising eyes, ruby lips, ivory teeth, pinchable cheeks and all.

Tantalising -- to make (someone) want something even more strongly by keeping it just out of reach. The tantalising smell of cooking wafted up from downstairs. We are tantalisingly close to finding the solution.

9) His fearsome eyes glistened. High on his forehead and almost hidden by his hair, a sinister birthmark curled out, serpent-like.

10) His eyeballs dilated in disbelief. His face turned dirty pale. His large jaw dropped, dislodged.

Dilated -- to become wider by stretching. His eyes dilated with terror.

Dislodged -- to force or knock out of position. The coughing dislodged the bone from his throat.

11) They were meticulously polite and well-behaved.

12) When no one was looking, he took a surreptitious puff on his cigarette.

Surreptitious -- done, gained, etc secretly, esp for dishonest reasons.13) He has a rather full, round face, florid across the nose and cheekbones, giving him the appearance of a hard drinker.

Florid -- having a red face. A florid complexion.

14) It was a cold, unflinching stare.

15) His hair was charmingly unkempt.

16) Age dripped from the hanging folds of her creased skin.

17) He grinned, widely and contemptuously, revealing blackened teeth filed to sharp points.

Contemptuous -- showing disdain. A contemptuous laugh.

18) He had a pensive, far-sighted gaze.

Pensive -- deeply or sadly thoughtful. A pensive smile.

19) He is tall, dark and blessed with a pair of deep brown eyes. He has a voice that is the texture of malt and a sunny boyish smile that can melt steel.

20) Diana erupted into girlish peals of laughter.

21) A pretty blush spread across her face.

22) Now with the beam of the battery lamp on his face, the shadows on it were washed away to reveal the mass of tiny wrinkled and deep creases which covered the red-clay complexion of his face like the myriad lines which indicate rivers, streams, roads and railways on a map. They wound around the ridges of his chin and climbed the sharp range of his nose and the peaks of chin and cheekbones, and his eyes were hard and blue like two frozen lakes.

Myriad -- a great and varied number (of). A myriad stars, Myriads of followers joined his cause.

23) I erupted into laughter the moment I saw Alice's new hairdo -- a crazy explosion of golliwog curls.

24) Her hair fell down her back in a wave of sunlight.

25) He had a smouldering red face with wide cheeks.

26) Like an executioner approaching his victim, the policeman came strolling slowly towards us.

27) Mrs Evans is a stunner. Large, lucid eyes, olive skin and a strong face framed by inky cascaading curls.

Lucid -- 1) clear. A lucid explanation. 2) able to understand clearly, but perhaps only for a short time. Lucid moments.

28) The face is a perfect structure of eminent cheekbones, prominent forehead, high-bridged nose and tiny ears encased within milky, opalescent skin.

Opalescent -- having softly, quickly-changing colours.

29) The lines on his face speak of age, wisdom and experience.

30) The dying soldier plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning, his white eyes writhing in his face.


1) Brilliant shards of lightning sheared the sky into halves.

2) Raindrops fell like shotgun pellets and the once-fresh breeze, now a menacing gale, raked my face.

3) There was a crescent moon, just a silver thread of it to illuminate the dark, forbidding town.

4) A labyrinth of derelict shophouses at solemnly.

Derelict -- isolated, falling into decay or ruin.

5) The thunder roared, like chariots being driven across the sky.

6) Daggers of lightning sliced the sky and ominous peals of thunder rumbled and echoed.

Ominous -- a warning that something bad is going to happen. An ominous silence.

7) The walls were the colour of dirty bedsheets.

8) Great black waves surged wildly up into the sky, as if charging upwards in a murderous assault.

9) He watched the pink cotton candy clouds drifting in the breeze.

10) I randomly toss a pebble that splinters the sheet of glassy water.

11) Neon lights graced the shopping malls, highlighting their names in big, bold words.

12) The lush meadows lay basking in the warm sunshine, like huge green cushions beckoning me to go over to relax.

13) The sun was blazing like an enormous fireball, its rays piercing into the hot afternoon air with merciless vigour.

14) Splatters of machine-gun kept the desperate wipers in a panic dance.15) Mount Meru's lower slopes are covered in a dense rain-forest of immense age -- a cool fairyland of ancient trees decked out in swathe upon swathe of hanging green moss.Deck -- to decorate, esp in colourful or pretty things. The streets were decked out in flags for the royal wedding. The Christmas tree was decked with gifts.

Swathe -- to wrap around. His head was swathed in bandages. Hills swathed in mist.

16) A riot of colour. Colour here was almost violent.

17) The sun had reddened and the buildings were bathed in a soporific glow. Soporific -- causing one to fall asleep. A soporific speech.

18) The moon was hidden behind long, high parallels of clouds which hung like suspended streamers of dirty cotton wool in the sky.

19) The dusk falls softly. As simply as a page turning, the sky grew dull grey near the rooftops.

20) There was the Baptist church with the poplar beside it, stabbing like a dagger into the watery sky. There was a school beside a green handkerchief of football field and there was a piece of river, doodling along as if someone had scribbled through the town with silver chalk.

21) Trees and mountains unfolded before our eyes in an never-ending vista; a pristine world in the bosom of Mother Nature, untainted by human beings.

22) A walk in the zoo is a ramble in Mother Nature's Eden. Concealed barriers draw the fine line between animal and visitor, dense vegetation frames expanses of water, and openness prevails in each dwelling.

23) By day it literally sizzles in the heat.

24) Singapore is hardly an entertainment desert; there s an oasis of nightlife waiting to be lapped up.

25) Striking orange bathes both the exterior and interior of this caf.

26) Nestled among woods, meadows and sparkling lakes, the world viewed from this tiny resort town is one huge tourist postcard.

27) A veritable floral wonderland with a staggering 1500 plant species that turn into a blaze of colour each spring.

Staggering -- very surprising and shocking.

28) It was a peaceful town of vineyards, valleys and streams nestling in folded mountain ranges.

29) Bright ripples run across the walls as the window blinds are drawn.

30) The very mention of Club Med throws up inviting images of sun-drenched beaches, frothy surf and young beautiful bodies cavorting in the sun, a picture totally removed from the tedium of the weekday grind.

31) With their sugar-white beaches, warm turquoise waters and easy-going lifestyle, these glittering gems are the perfect tonic for frayed nerves.

32) It is a truly soothing balm for the frayed nerves of stressed-out urbanites.

33) The hotel is a hive of energy and riotous hues.

34) It was a nippy winter morning.

Nippy -- 1) cold, chilly. 2) quick in movement. You have to be nippy if you want to catch the bus.

35) Old Trafford was transformed into a cauldron of tension.


1) There is venom in her tone.

2) She grinned, joy spilling over her like too much root beer in an ice-cream float.3) He threw his head back and laughed his machine-gun chuckle.

4) Like viewing the world through a piece of frosted glass, her impressions of her father are extremely blurred.

5) Nothing could erase the scars I left, buried in you.

6) Without her, I would have vanished into oblivion.

7) These memories would be embedded in my mind forever.

8) I broke into a fresh spring of tears.

9) A shft of fear drove right through my heart.10) I could see the smirk of triumph concealed in her straightened lips.

11) Winnie stood there, seeing little through the mist of tears.12) He is using Stanley as a sort of lightning conductor to release the electrical energy of his feelings.13) Jesse felt as though his mind was jammed among those loathesome figures, like a mouse caught in some diabolical trap that it did not understand.14) He wanted to let his thoughts sail off on a string, like a kite flying higher and higher. 15) A searing bolt of pain shot up through his leg and into his body.16) The contents of the envelope had been as explosive as a hand-grenade, and Chris' head was a firework display of excitement. Two periods of History passed fleetingly, as great rocket bursts of realisation and imagination fired in great arcs through his mind. 17) The very mention of racism made him froth at the mouth with rage.18) She was keyed up like a fiddle string. (very nervous)19) A paroxysm of pain shot through him.Paroxysm -- 1) a sudden uncontrollable expression of strong laughter. A paroxysm of rage/ laughter. 2) a sudden but passing attack of a sharp pain or a disease that comes regularly. A paroxysm of pain/coughing.

20) They stared at me as if I have got dirt on my face.

21) I was mesmerised like fireflies falling through a flame.22) I sensed a flicker of emotion on that seemingly impassive face.23) He said that with the glee of a id describing Walt Disney World.24) A tension like a wave of electricity filled the room.25) This self-profession, this indomitable spirit is the hallmark of a survivor.Indomitable -- too strong and brave to be discouraged. An indomitable spirit in the face of adversity.

26) Like the water that shapes crags into pebbles, Joe and the Flying Dutchman have seeped their way into the Singaporean psyche.

27) She told the unvarnished truth.28) Harry came through the door and launched himself like a projectile into his mother's arms.29) Their abhorrence had been brewing softly, simmering, ageing, until the moment came when both were ready to make their immense stores of hatred visible, tangible, explosive to themselves and to each other.30) In his mind, behind his blood-veined eyes, simmering beneath his haughty, dignified, rpoud demeanour, he hated Emmett every bit as Emmett hated him.31) It was that same supercilious, hateful glare.Supercilious -- haughty, thinking that others are of little importance. Supercilious manner.

32) He saw Josh's eyes gleaming at him as if there were little flashlight bulbs behind the lenses.

33) They love to hunt in this quary of knowledge.34) They offered a scrawl of slovenly work.Slovenly -- 1) (of habits) not clean, neat or orderly; untidy. Slovenly conditions. 2) Very carelessly done. A slovenly piece of work.

35) They are little pitchers to be filled o the brim with knowledge.

36) He seemed to be a kind of cannon loaded to the muzzle with facts, prepared to blow them clean out of the regions of childhood at one discharge.37) He was apoplectic with rage.Apoplectic -- violently excited and angry, often with a red face.

38) If he had a modicum of sense, he would not do such a thing.

Modicum -- a small amount, esp of a good quality like truth, respect, etc.

39) He hurled virulent abuse at her.

Virulent -- very bitter, full of hatred.


1) The soup was sparkling clear and flavourful with devilishly red chillis giving it a subtle kick.2) The fragrant smell of durians sent Julia into throes of rapturous delight.Throes -- 1) violent, sudden pains, esp caused by dying. Death throes. 2) In the thoes of struggling with (some difficulty). A nation in the throes of war.

3) The aroma that lingers on your fingers -- a constant reminder of one's encounter with heaven. (durians)

4) Nothing beats engaging our taste buds in a fiery tango of pain and pleasure with the spiciest fish head curry on Race Course Road.5) With the right dose of pepper and garlic, this packs a lethal punch!6) Scrumptious charcoal-smoked chicken wings that are best savoured with a squirt of lime. 7) Delectable snacks to pop into the mouth, whatever time of the day.Delectable -- very pleasing, delightful. Delectable food.

8) Rice, crab meat, prawn, egg, char siew (roasted pork) and spring onions all tossed into a heady concoction.

Heady -- 1) giddy (because of alcohol). 2) giving a feeling of lightness and excitement. Heady with success, a heady atmosphere of excitement and relief.

9) This sugarcane juice is salvation for a hot day!


1) Besides an underlying vulnerability, it also possesses an ethereal quality that washes over the listener like a cascade of sparkling water, pure and undefiled.

Ethereal -- of unearthly lightness and delicacy, like a spirit or fairy. She has an ethereal beauty.

Defile -- to destroy the purity of. Eg, disgusting video films that defile the minds of the young.

2) A multitude of screams threaten to pierce the ceiling.

3) I remembered the nerve-wrecking screech of brakes and the sickening impact of steel on steel as the car went berserk and smashed headlong into our car.4) Darren's voice was as soft and as oily as haircream.5) Our cheers for the national basketball team rose like smoke wisps to become a collective, resounding Singaporean cheer more sonorous than the Kallang roar.6) I sat down and listened to the music of Mother Nature. Music that soaks in plenty visions of a sunset, whispery tunes that would lull all into a gentle stupor of seasonal nostalgia.7) The lyrics succinctly captures the loneliness; the tune delivered with just the right degree of quivering pathos.Succinct -- clearly expressed in a few words. Succinct explanation.

Pathos --sympathy.