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Desert Hills Presbyterian Facebook: Connecting members connecting lives

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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Desert Hills PresbyterianFacebook: Connecting members connecting lives

What is Facebook? - Facebook is a hugely popular website that lets people connect with each other by sharing thoughts, ideas, photos and interests.

With over 1 Billion users, every single one of you probably knows somebody who uses Facebook. -Kids, grandkids, neighbors, friends, co-workers, organizations and clubs.

How do I start? Do you have an email address you use?

Do you already have a Facebook account? If not, create one, using your name and an email address.

Add as little or as much information as you feel comfortable with. (Settings allow you to control who gets to see what)

Most people add at least a profile picture, whether they are married, their birthday and a few personal interests.

I have a profile. Now how do I use this thing?

Tell your family, friends and loved ones you are now on Facebook. Yes, you’re being serious.

Use the search bar at the top-middle of the screen to find friends.

When you find somebody you want to “friend,” or connect with, send them a friend request. Next time they sign into Facebook, they’ll see the request.

The Newsfeed

Once you have a few Facebook friends, you’re ready to begin using the site.

Every time you go to Facebook, you will see your “newsfeed.” It lists all of the recent activity of your friends and the pages you’ve liked. Think of the newsfeed as window shopping.

Think of the newsfeed as window shopping or a chance to join a conversation between friends.

Your Timeline

Each person’s Facebook page is arranged so the most recent posts and photos appear at the top, like a vertical timeline.

You can add items by date as far back as you’d like. If you have photos from your childhood, you can add them with the date they were taken and friends will see your timeline all the way back to 19XX.

How to Keep Yourself Safe

1) Use your privacy settings to control who sees what

2) Be smart about what you’re sharing about yourself

3) Only “friend” people you know well and trust. This isn’t a popularity contest.

How to Keep Yourself Safe

1) Use your settings to decide who gets to see what.

There’s very little reason to have posts set to “public” instead of just

your friends and family.

If for some reason you don’t want any interaction with a specific person, you can block them.

There are also games and “apps” on Facebook. You might get invitations to use them. It’s all personal

preference. -Comment sections on news websites

Keeping Yourself Safe

2) Be smart about what you’re sharing about yourself

-Travel plans

-Home alone

-Daily routine

Same goes for travel or routines. “Heading out for 3 hours of shopping.”

“Cancun for a week of R&R! Can’t wait!”

Keeping Yourself Safe

3) Only “friend” people you know well and trust. This isn’t a popularity contest.

Whatever information you put out there can be seen by those you friend or can due to your settings.

Information safety starts at the source.

How Desert Hills Will Use Facebook

Church doesn’t have to just be on Sundays!

Facebook can be an extension of congregational life! -Prayer requests-Announcements-Photos and stories from church events

Bible study passages

Lets local friends and family see that DHPC is here and all the great things we do as a congregation

If we want new members to come to DHPC, they’ll only come if we invite them, or if they hear about us and want to look into us first.

Younger people are more likely to look to social media to find out more about our church.

First impressions count! Photos of fun events, warm, inviting comments and discussion all paint a welcoming, positive picture of who we are as a church family.

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