design of millimeter-wave sige frequency doubler and ...23172/fulltext01.pdf · design of...

Design of Millimeter-wave SiGe Frequency Doubler and Output Buffer for Automotive Radar Applications Master thesis performed at Acreo AB in collaboration with Division of Electronic Devices, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University by Amjad Altaf Report number: LiTH-ISY-EX--07/3978--SE February 2007

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Design of Millimeter-wave SiGe Frequency Doubler and Output Buffer for Automotive Radar Applications

Master thesis performed at Acreo AB

in collaboration with Division of Electronic Devices,

Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University


Amjad Altaf

Report number: LiTH-ISY-EX--07/3978--SE February 2007

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Title Design of Millimeter-wave SiGe Frequency Doubler and

Output Buffer for Automotive Radar Applications

Master thesis in Division of Devices

Department of Electrical Engineering

Linköping University, Sweden


Amjad Altaf


Supervisor: Darius Jakonis (Acreo AB, Norrköping)

Examiner: Jerzy Dabrowski (ISY)

Linköping: February 2007

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Presentation Date 2007-02-08

Publishing Date (Electronic version) 2007-02-15

Division of Electronics Systems Department of Electrical Engineering

Abstract Automotive Radars have introduced various functions on automobiles for driver’s safety and comfort, as part of the Intelligent

Transportation System (ITS) including Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), collision warning or avoidance, blind spot surveillance

and parking assistance. Although such radar systems with 24 GHz carrier frequency are already in use but due to some regulatory

issues, recently a permanent band has been allocated at 77-81 GHz, allowing for long-term development of the radar service. In

fact, switchover to the new band is mandatory by 2014.

A frequency multiplier will be one of the key components for such a millimeter wave automotive radar system because there are

limitations in direct implementation of low phase noise oscillators at high frequencies. A practical way to build a cost-effective and

stable source at higher frequency is to use an active multiplier preceded by a high spectral purity VCO operating at a lower

frequency. Recent improvements in the performance of SiGe technology allow the silicon microelectronics to advance into areas

previously restricted to compound semiconductor devices and make it a strong competitor for automotive radar applications at 79


This thesis presents the design of active frequency doubler circuits at 20 GHz in a commercially available SiGe BiCMOS

technology and at 40GHz in SiGe bipolar technology (Infineon-B7h200 design). Buffer/amplifier circuits are included at output

VWDJHV�WR�GULYH���� �ORDG��7KH�IUHTXHQF\�GRXEOHU�DW����*+]�LV�EDVHG�on an emitter-coupled pair operating in class-B configuration

at 1.8 V supply voltage. Pre-layout simulations show its conversion gain of 10 dB at -5 dBm input, fundamental suppression of

��G%�DQG�1)�RI���G%��,QSXW�DQG�RXWSXW�LPSHGDQFH�PDWFKLQJ�QHWZRUNV�DUH�GHVLJQHG�WR�PDWFK���� �DW�ERWK�VLGHV� The millimeter wave frequency doubler is designed for 5 V supply voltage and has the Gilbert cell-based differential architecture

where both RF and LO ports are tied together to act as a frequency doubler. Both pre-layout and post-layout simulation results are

presented and compared together. The extracted circuit has a conversion gain of 8 dB at -8 dB input, fundamental suppression of

20 dB, NF of 12 dB and it consumes 42 mA current from supply. The layout occupies an area of 0.12 mm2 without pads and baluns

at both input and output ports. The frequency multiplier circuits have been designed using Cadence Design Tool.

Number of pages: 88

ISBN (Licentiate thesis) ISRN: LiTH-ISY-EX--07/3978—SE

Title of series (Licentiate thesis) Series number/ISSN (Licentiate thesis)


English Number of Pages


Type of Publication Licentiate thesis � Degree thesis Thesis C-level Thesis D-level Report Other (specify below)

Publication Title Design of millimeter-wave SiGe frequency doubler and output buffer for automotive radar applications

Author Amjad Altaf

URL, Electronic Version

Keywords Automotive Radar, VCO, Frequency Multiplier, SiGE, ACC, Millimeter-wave

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Abstract Automotive Radars have introduced various functions on automobiles for driver’s safety and comfort, as part of the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) including Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), collision warning or avoidance, blind spot surveillance and parking assistance. Although such radar systems with 24 GHz carrier frequency are already in use but due to some regulatory issues, recently a permanent band has been allocated at 77-81 GHz, allowing for long-term development of the radar service. In fact, switchover to the new band is mandatory by 2014. A frequency multiplier will be one of the key components for such a millimeter wave automotive radar system because there are limitations in direct implementation of low phase noise oscillators at high frequencies. A practical way to build a cost-effective and stable source at higher frequency is to use an active multiplier preceded by a high spectral purity VCO operating at a lower frequency. Recent improvements in the performance of SiGe technology allow the silicon microelectronics to advance into areas previously restricted to compound semiconductor devices and make it a strong competitor for automotive radar applications at 79 GHz. This thesis presents the design of active frequency doubler circuits at 20 GHz in a commercially available SiGe BiCMOS technology and at 40GHz in SiGe bipolar technology (Infineon-B7h200 design). Buffer/amplLILHU�FLUFXLWV�DUH�LQFOXGHG�DW�RXWSXW�VWDJHV�WR�GULYH���� �ORDG��The frequency doubler at 20 GHz is based on an emitter-coupled pair operating in class-B configuration at 1.8 V supply voltage. Pre-layout simulations show its conversion gain of 10 dB at -5 dBm input, fundamental suppression of 25dB and NF of 12dB. Input and output LPSHGDQFH�PDWFKLQJ�QHWZRUNV�DUH�GHVLJQHG�WR�PDWFK���� �DW�ERWK�VLGHV� The millimeter wave frequency doubler is designed for 5 V supply voltage and has the Gilbert cell-based differential architecture where both RF and LO ports are tied together to act as a frequency doubler. Both pre-layout and post-layout simulation results are presented and compared together. The extracted circuit has a conversion gain of 8 dB at -8 dB input, fundamental suppression of 20 dB, NF of 12 dB and it consumes 42 mA current from supply. The layout occupies an area of 0.12 mm2

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without pads and baluns at both input and output ports. The frequency multiplier circuits have been designed using Cadence Design Tool.

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I am thankful to my God for providing me health and energy for this thesis work and other uncountable blessings throughout my life. I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me in completing this thesis work. I am deeply indebted to my academic supervisor Prof. Jerzy from Electronic Devices division of Linköping University whose technical help, valuable suggestions and encouragement assisted me through out the entire thesis work and writing this report.

I am obliged to Acreo AB, Norrköping for giving me chance to use their technical resources required for this thesis work. I am deeply grateful to Dr. Darius Jakonis, my supervisor at Acreo, for his detailed and constructive comments, and for his important support throughout this work at Acreo. I warmly thank Joacim Olsson and Berthold Panznerthe for their valuable advices and friendly assistance. I wish to thank Patrick Blomqvist for his administrative help in keeping my stay at Acreo more comfortable.

I am grateful to my parents for their constant encouragement and prays on which I have relied throughout my life. I have been much supported by my wife Beenish and daughter Maham for accommodating my busy schedule in my study program.

My parents and my family, it is to them that I dedicate this work.

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Preface This master thesis work describes the design of frequency doubler circuits at 20 GHz and 40 GHz for automotive radar application. Frequency multiplier circuits facilitate building a cost-effective and stable source at higher frequency. Low-frequency, high spectral purity VCO’s are followed by frequency multiplier circuits because there are limitations to achieve low phase noise oscillator directly at high frequencies. SiGe BiCMOS technology is used for design of the frequency doubler at 20 GHz and SiGe bipolar technology for the frequency doubler at 40 GHz. Chapter-1 starts with an introduction to automotive radar systems, their working principle and current development status. Low-cost stable signal source for automotive radars at 77 GHz can be built using VCO at low frequency followed by some frequency multiplier circuit. This architecture has a few attractions over direct implementation of VCO at higher frequency and is the motivation to this thesis work. Chapter-2 is an introduction to frequency multipliers, their types and working principle. Theory of some basic cells used in common frequency multiplier circuits have been discussed followed by an overview of research work carried on frequency multiplier circuits. Chapter-3 describes design of frequency doubler circuits at 20 GHz in the commercially avaialable SiGe BiCMOS technology. Schematic design of single-ended and differential circuit is provided followed by simulation results of both architectures. Chapter-4 represents design of frequency doubler at 40 GHz in Infineon’s B7HF200 SiGe bipolar technology (fT=200GHz). Gilbert mixer is used for frequency doubling by feeding same signal to LO and RF ports. Schematic and layout design describing each step of balanced circuit architecture is provided. Chapter-5 is dedicated to the performance evaluation of 40 GHz frequency doubler circuit designed in Chapter-4. Simulations are carried out using Cadence Spectra RF environment tool. Circuit’s basic parameters like conversion gain, fundamental suppression, dc power consumption and NF for both schematic and layout are evaluated and compared together.

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Chapter-6 concludes the work presented in this thesis report. The chapter also summarizes the key-points learned during the whole process followed by some recommendations for the future work.

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List of Abbreviations Balun Balanced Unbalanced

BiCMOS Bipolar and CMOS technology on one chip

BJT Bipolar Junction Transistor

dB Decibels dBm Power level in dB (decibels) with respect to 1 mW DRC Design Check Rules ETSI European Telecommunication Standards Institute

FDD Frequency Division Duplex

FCC Federal Communications Commission

FET Field Effect transistor

FM Frequency Modulation

FMCW Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave FSK Frequency Shift Keying CG Power / Voltage Conversion Gain

HBT Hetero Junction Bipolar Transistor HEMT High Electron-Mobility Transistors IF Intermediate Frequency

IIP3 Input Referred 3rd Order Intercept Point

I/O Input/Output ITS Intelligent Transport System LO Local Oscillator

LRR Long Range Radar MMIC Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor PA Power Amplifier

PAC Periodic PLL Phase Lock Loop PNoise Periodic Noise PSK Phase Shift Keying

PSP Periodic Scattering Parameters PSS Periodic Steady State

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QPAC Quasi Periodic

QPSS Quasi Periodic Steady State RF Radio Frequency RFIC Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Rx Receiver

SRR Short Range Radar SSB NF Single Side Band Noise Figure Tx Transmitter

VCO Voltage control Oscillator

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Table of Contents ABSTRACT................................................................................................................ VII

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...........................................................................................IX


LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS...................................................................................XIII

TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................... XV

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................ XVII

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................XIX


OVERVIEW OF AUTOMOTIVE RADAR SYSTEMS............................................. 1

1.1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 3 1.2. NEED FOR AUTOMOTIVE RADAR ................................................................... 3 1.3. CURRENT STATUS OF AUTOMOTIVE RADARS ................................................ 5

1.3.1. Regulatory Aspects in US......................................................................... 5 1.3.2. Regulatory Aspects in Europe .................................................................. 5

1.4. FUTURE CHALLENGES ................................................................................... 8 1.5. SIGE: COMPETITOR TECHNOLOGY FOR AUTOMOTIVE RADAR APPLICATIONS . 9 1.6. AUTOMOTIVE RADAR TYPES AND MODULATION SCHEMES......................... 10

1.6.1. FM-CW................................................................................................... 10 1.6.2. FSK......................................................................................................... 12 1.6.3. Pulse Doppler Radar.............................................................................. 13



FREQUENCY MULTIPLIER ARCHITECTURES ................................................ 17

2.1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 19 2.2. PASSIVE MULTIPLIERS.................................................................................. 19 2.3. ACTIVE MULTIPLIERS................................................................................... 20

2.3.1. Emitter Coupled Pair as Simple BJT multiplier..................................... 21 2.3.2. Gilbert Multiplier Cell ........................................................................... 24 2.3.3. Common Frequency Doubler Circuits ................................................... 27


THE DESIGN OF 20-GHZ FREQUENCY DOUBLER AND OUTPUT AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT............................................................................................... 29

3.1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 31 3.2. CIRCUIT SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................. 31 3.3. PROPOSED SINGLE-ENDED CIRCUIT ............................................................. 32

3.3.1. Design Methodology .............................................................................. 33 3.3.2. Improvement by Second Harmonic Reflector......................................... 34

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3.3.3. Simulation Results .................................................................................. 35 3.4. PROPOSED DIFFERENTIAL CIRCUIT .............................................................. 38

3.4.1. Circuit Description................................................................................. 39 3.4.2. Optimum value of size ratio K................................................................ 41 3.4.3. Simulation Results .................................................................................. 42


THE DESIGN OF 40-GHZ FREQUENCY DOUBLER AND OUTPUT AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT............................................................................................... 45

4.1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 47 4.2. TECHNOLOGY DETAILS................................................................................ 47 4.3. CIRCUIT SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................. 48 4.4. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................... 48 4.5. PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE .......................................................................... 50 4.6. DESIGN DESCRIPTION .................................................................................. 50

4.6.1. Input Buffer Stage................................................................................... 50 4.6.2. Gilbert Cell............................................................................................. 52 4.6.3. Filter....................................................................................................... 55 4.6.4. Differential Amplifier ............................................................................. 56 4.6.5. Integrated Circuit................................................................................... 58

4.7. LAYOUT OF THE FREQUENCY DOUBLER CIRCUIT ........................................ 60 4.7.1. Layout Design Considerations ............................................................... 60 4.7.2. Pad Frame.............................................................................................. 61 4.7.3. Emitter-Follower Layout........................................................................ 62 4.7.4. Gilbert Cell and Filter Layout................................................................ 63 4.7.5. Frequency Doubler Core Layout............................................................ 64 4.7.6. Complete Layout .................................................................................... 65 4.7.7. Layout Verification................................................................................. 65


SCHEMATIC AND LAYOUT SIMULATION RESULTS OF 40-GHZ FREQUENCY DOUBLER CIRCUIT ....................................................................... 67

5.1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 69 5.2. CONVERSION GAIN AND NF......................................................................... 69 5.3. OUTPUT SPECTRUM AND FUNDAMENTAL SUPPRESSION .............................. 71 5.4. S11 AND S22................................................................................................ 72 5.5. CORNER ANALYSIS ...................................................................................... 74


CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK.................................................................... 77

6.1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 79 6.2. KEY POINTS LEARNED ................................................................................. 79 6.3. FUTURE WORK ............................................................................................ 80

REFERENCES............................................................................................................. 83

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List of Figures Figure 1: Installation of Automotive Radar and its different kind of applications [9] .......................................................................................... 4 Figure 2: The ‘Package Solution’ [9] ........................................................ 7 Figure 3: Time schedule for the development and rollout of 79 GHz SRR sensors [9].................................................................................................. 7 Figure 4: Prediction of the evaluation of automotive radar application [11] ............................................................................................................ 8 Figure 5: Typical FMCW Radar [17]...................................................... 11 Figure 6: Typical FSK Radar [17]........................................................... 12 Figure 7: Typical Pulse Radar [17] ......................................................... 13 Figure 8: RF-front end of FMCW automotive radar............................... 15 Figure 9: Emitter-Coupled pair [26]........................................................ 21 Figure 10 : The dc transfer characteristics of emitter-coupled pair [26]. 22 Figure 11: Two quadrant analog multiplier [26] ..................................... 23 Figure 12: Gilbert multiplier circuit ........................................................ 25 Figure 13: Frequency doubler based on class-B configuration and output amplifier [37]........................................................................................... 32 Figure 14: Collector current modelled as a train of rectified cosine pulses [38] .......................................................................................................... 33 Figure 15: Plot of Conversion Gain and NF versus input power ........... 36 Figure 16: Plot of Conversion Gain and NF versus frequency .............. 36 Figure 17: Output frequency spectrum for input signal of -8dBm at 20 GHz ......................................................................................................... 37 Figure 18: Input impedance matching.................................................... 37 Figure 19: Output impedance matching ................................................. 38 Figure 20: Frequency doubler consists of two identical unbalanced emitter-coupled pairs with emitter area ratio K and differential amplifier................................................................................................................. 39 Figure 21: DC transfer curves of frequency doubler [43] ....................... 41 Figure 22: Relative size ratio K versus gain............................................ 41 Figure 23: Plot of Conversion Gain and NF versus input power ........... 42 Figure 24: Output frequency spectrum for input power -8dBm at 20 GHz................................................................................................................. 43 Figure 25: Pseudo-differential output signals ........................................ 43 Figure 26: Use of active mixer as frequency doubler ............................ 49 Figure 27: Proposed architecture for frequency doubler at 40 GHz ...... 50 Figure 28: Emitter-follower circuit (common-collector configuration) [26] .......................................................................................................... 51

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Figure 29: Small-signal equivalent circuit of emitter-follower circuit [26]................................................................................................................. 51 Figure 30 Gilbert mixer.......................................................................... 53 Figure 31: Variable gain of Gilbert mixer in frequency doubler circuit 54 Figure 32: Effective inductance of a lossless transmission line for l<λ/4................................................................................................................. 56 Figure 33: Differential Amplifier ........................................................... 57 Figure 34: Detailed circuit diagram for frequency doubler at 40 GHz .. 59 Figure 35: Pad Frame ............................................................................. 61 Figure 36: Layout of emitter-follower stage .......................................... 62 Figure 37: Layout of Gilbert cell and filter ............................................ 63 Figure 38: Layout of frequency doubler core......................................... 64 Figure 39: Layout of complete chip ....................................................... 65 Figure 40: Layout verification process................................................... 66 Figure 41: Test Bench ............................................................................ 69 Figure 42: Conversion gain versus input power..................................... 70 Figure 43: NF versus input power.......................................................... 70 Figure 44: Output spectrum of the schematic ........................................ 71 Figure 45: Output spectrum of the layout .............................................. 72 Figure 46: S11 plotted on Smith chart.................................................... 73 Figure 47: S22 plotted on Smith chart.................................................... 73 Figure 48: Conversion gain versus frequency at different temperatures 74 Figure 49: NF versus frequency at different temperatures..................... 75

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List of Tables Table-1: Specifications of LRR and SRR ................................................. 9 Table-2: Specifications of 20 GHz frequency doubler circuit ................ 31 Table-3: Design Parameters of 20 GHz frequency doubler circuit ......... 35 Table-4: Summary of simulation results for20 GHz frequency doubler circuits ..................................................................................................... 44 Table-5: Specifications of 40 GHz frequency doubler circuit ................ 48 Table-6: Design parameter values for 40 GHz frequency doubler circuit................................................................................................................. 58 Table-7: Circuit performance at different temperatures.......................... 76 Table-8: Comparison of frequency doubler circuits................................ 79

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Overview of Automotive Radar Systems

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1.1. Introduction

Automotive radar, as the name indicates, is any radar that has an application in automobiles and other autonomous ground vehicles. As a result, it represents a large and heterogeneous class of radars that are based on different technologies (e.g., laser, ultrasonic, microwave), perform different functions (e.g., obstacle and curb detection, collision anticipation, adaptive cruise control), and employ different operating principles (e.g., pulse radar, frequency-modulated continuous-wave [FMCW] radar, microwave impulse radar) [1]. The discussion here is limited to microwave radars that form a commercially significant subset of automotive radars and is a key technology especially due to its inherent advantages like weather independence and direct acquisition of range and velocity when compared to alternative sensors like video, laser, and ultrasonic [2]. Additionally radar offers the vehicle manufacturers the stylistic advantage of mounting behind a plastic bumper.

1.2. Need for Automotive Radar

The need for automotive radars can be understood at three different levels.

National level: The statistics on traffic fatalities, injuries, and property loss due to vehicle accidents, and estimates of their fractions that are preventable with technological aids, has encouraged the development of automotive radar. The economic value of those losses, when compared with the dropping cost of automotive radar, leads to a cost-benefit analysis that favours their widespread deployment. Automotive manufacturer level: Radar is another “feature” for the consumer to purchase that could be a possible source of revenue and competitive advantage. It is also a possible response to regulatory and public demands for safer vehicles. Vehicle owner’s level: Automotive radar has an appeal as a safety device, and as a convenient, affordable gadget. Of greater practical importance is the potential for radar to lower the stress in

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driving and decrease the sensory workload of the driver by taking over some of the tasks requiring attentiveness, judgment, and skill.

As a conclusion, automotive radar facilitates various functions that increase the driver’s safety and comfort. Some of significant functions are

• Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) support with stop and go functionality

• Collision warning or avoidance • Blind spot surveillance • Parking assistance (forward and reverse) • Lane change assistance • Rear crash collision warning

Fig. 1 shows the installation of automotive radar on front bumper of vehicle and the basic applications of automotive radar.

Figure 1: Installation of Automotive Radar and its different kind of applications [9]

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1.3. Current Status of Automotive Radars

Today many car manufacturers use 77 GHz radar for autonomous cruise control (ACC) and more recently for pre-crash or collision mitigation also. In 1999, ACC was first introduced to the market in the Mercedes S-Class under the name of “Distronic” [3]. In addition to 77 GHz long range ACC sensors short-range radar (SRR), operating at 24 GHz has been developed and is a key enabling technology for a number of novel driver assistance and safety systems[4]. The prediction of a possible collision requires reliable object tracking capability which means that SRR has to have sufficiently high resolution to detect smaller objects such as motor cyclists or pedestrians in vicinity of large objects [5]. Therefore, the range resolution has to be in the centimeter range, resulting in a required bandwidth of up to 5 GHz around the 24 GHz center frequency, which in fact is a so-called UWB application (Ultra Wide Band). Short-range radar emits low power signals within a typical detection range up to 30 m. The use of the 24 GHz band has been proposed worldwide to be very suitable for SRR [6] Compatibility studies with other services in this frequency band - Fixed Services, Radio Astronomy Services and Earth Exploration Satellites Services –were carried out successfully.

1.3.1. Regulatory Aspects in US

In summer 2002 the FCC adopted the 24 GHz radar sensor approach for the operation of vehicular radar in the 22-29 GHz band using directional antennas on terrestrial transportation vehicles. The center frequency of the emission and the frequency at which the highest radiated emission occurs are higher than 24.075 GHz. A corresponding approach would be favourable also for Region 3 countries [6].

1.3.2. Regulatory Aspects in Europe

The SRR concept has been strongly supported by the European Commission within its e-Safety initiative. In order to allow an early

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introduction of the SRR approach in Europe and to meet some of the requirements of the e-Safety initiative a temporary solution was developed accordingly. The implementation of SRR in Europe is based on the following frequency management considerations, adapted in a decision of the European Commission on January 17, 2005:

• Possible temporary use of 21.65-26.65 GHz (24 GHz) frequency band with limited number of equipment in the market place and only applicable for a limited time frame; from 07/2005 to 06/2013. Technical conditions on SRR implementation should be established in order to ensure protection of the existing services in the 24 GHz band, thus, the SSR system penetration rate is restricted to 7 percent of all cars in each country of the European Community.

• A permanent frequency band at 77-81 GHz range for short-range radar applications in Europe was established in parallel. This 79 GHz band has been made available reliably within EU member states and other CEPT countries in order to encourage industry development of components and technology for this frequency band.

According the output of the compatibility study [7] the introduction of Short Range Radars in Europe should be in accordance with the 2-phase plan shown in Fig. 2, the so-called ‘package solution’. To accomplish the long-term requirement, a new frequency band with 4 GHz bandwidth for automotive short range radars was designated around 79 GHz, in the band 77 to 81 GHz. This band was designated to be a stable and permanent frequency band for SRR employment only [8]. Such a reliable designation is important for the automotive components industry to provide the substantial investments necessary for the deployment of the 79 GHz equipment [9]. The most important obstacle today is that the necessary components for SRR, using the 77 or 79 GHz band, are not yet commercially available. The development will take at least 5-6 years. Thus, the automotive industry has fostered this two-fold approach using 24 GHz with a fixed deadline of 8 years to later migrate to a long-term frequency band. This will limit the number of vehicles on the road and thus prevent any aggregate interference potential, while allowing time for the development of the necessary components for exploitation of the technology at the

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higher frequency and for an early contribution to the enhancement of road safety.

Figure 2: The ‘Package Solution’ [9]

Already in the year 2009, a report has to be made about the development status of 79 GHz SRR technology [10]. The ECC frequency regulation forces the development of 79 GHz SRR sensors within a time frame of only 8.5 years. Considering the development cycles of automobiles this is a very short time period. The transition from 24 GHz to 79 GHz causes an increase in frequency and a reduction of wavelength by the factor 3.3. 7KH�VPDOOHU�ZDYHOHQJWK���HQDEOHV�UHGXFHG DQWHQQD�VL]H�DQG�VSDFLQJ��a���and lower effective antenna DUHD� �a�2). The higher frequency yields increased atmospheric and bumper losses. With higher frequencies semiconductor power output decreases (roughly 20 dB per decade), parasitic effects are more stringent, and packaging and testing are more difficult. The development plan towards the introduction of 79 GHz SRR sensors is shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 3: Time schedule for the development and rollout of 79 GHz SRR sensors [9]

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1.4. Future Challenges

Some of the most important challenges for the future in the development of automotive radar include

• Development of automotive radars at permanent allocated band (77-81 GHz) with multiple functions like long-range, short-range and precision ranging.

• Combined radar for ACC, pre-cash sensing and parking support • Implementation of 77-81 GHz automotive radar at low cost to

make it affordable for most of customers. The use of vehicle radar will become more widespread as prices drop and the technology proves its worth. As that happens, various technologies will compete to serve as vehicles' "eyes." and technology with low cost will have dominant edge over others.

• Development of more advanced human interface and meeting user expectations which are increasing with time as predicted in Fig. 4 and they will keep their stress in evaluation of technology that will eventually capable of providing a complete driving support with automated throttle, break and steering controls of vehicle.

Figure 4: Prediction of the evaluation of automotive radar application [11]

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1.5. SiGe: competitor technology for automotive radar applications

The historical path in the electronics industry for reducing cost, and improving and increasing functionality, has been to migrate toward IC-based solutions. Therefore, in the first phase an effective and powerful chip technology has to be developed. With the funding of the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) the joint research project “Automotive high frequency electronics – KOKON” [12] was started in September 2004. The KOKON consortium consists of two semiconductor companies (Atmel and Infineon), two automotive radar sensor manufacturers (Bosch and Continental Temic), and one automobile company (DaimlerChrysler) supported by institutes and universities. Silicon Germanium (SiGe) has been identified as the chip technology which may fulfil the technological requirements and the cost constraints and which might be an alternative to GaAs [13]. Within the KOKON project the development of both 77 GHz LRR and 79 GHz SRR radar chip technology is investigated. As spin-off cost reduction and performance improvement of 77 GHz LRR (long-range radar) sensors are expected. The specifications of the 76.5 GHz LRR and 79 GHz SRR systems are listed in Table-1.

Table-1: Specifications of LRR and SRR

Parameter LRR SRR No of sensors Single-sensor Multiple-sensors

Frequency 76.5 GHZ 79 GHz Bandwidth 200 MHz 4000 MHz

Maximum field of view 6.5°-10° 160° Range 200m 30 m

Range Accuracy 0.75 m 5 cm Angular Resolution 3° 5° Bearing Accuracy ±0.1°-0.4° 1°

With the allowed bandwidth B of 4 GHz in 79 GHZ SRR, the achievable UDQJH�UHVROXWLRQ�û5�LV�3.75 cm according to the range resolution equation



2=∆ (1)

In Equation (1) the factor ½ is due to the two-way travel time and c is the speed of light.

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With Silicon Germanium heterobipolar transistors (SiGe HBT) nowadays transit frequencies fT of 300 GHz and fmax of 350 GHz have been reported by an IBM research group [14]. Infineon which is partner of the KOKON consortium has achieved up to now fT of 225 GHz and fmax of 300 GHz [15]. Therefore, even very high frequency applications like wireless LANs at 60 GHz and 79 GHz radar MMICs, which can now only be realized in expensive 111-V technologies, seem to become feasible in a low cost silicon based technology in a highly integrated manner. One severe drawback of progress in SiGe technology is the avalanche breakdown voltages (BVCEO BVCBO) which are further and further reduced [16]. These technologies are not suitable for ICs with high output power, where the transistor output voltage must substantially exceed the supply. Still, for automotive radars application, SiGe HBT technology has the potential to realize cost effective “radar on chip” solutions.

1.6. Automotive Radar Types and Modulation Schemes

Most forward-looking automotive radar systems are being developed at 77 GHz frequency using FM-CW, Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), or Pulse Doppler modulation [17]. The operation principle of these types is briefly described below.

1.6.1. FM-CW

The operation of the FMCW can be explained using the block diagram in Fig. 5. The radar transmits a CW signal whose frequency is modulated as a function of time with a triangular waveform. For typical FM-CW radars the frequency deviation is on the order of 150 to 300 MHz with a period of approximately 1 millisecond. The typical automotive radar will transmit three to five beams (approximately 3" beamwidth), or use beam scanning, to illuminate the center lane and the traffic lanes to both the left and to the right of the automobile. Some radars will transmit a single wide beam (approximately 12" beamwidth) and use the monopulse receive techniques to locate vehicles off of boresight on the left and right of the automobile. The signal reflected by the target (radar echo) in the beam of the radar will be delayed by a time Td. Both the transmitted

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signal and the radar echo are demodulated in a mixer. If the target is moving relative to the radar transmitter, the demodulated I.F. frequency is as shown in figure. If the target is stationary (no Doppler) the I.F. frequency is constant and proportional to the range to the target. The I.F. output is sampled by an A/D converter and a Fourier Transform is applied. The average frequency (df) determines the range to the target, and the Doppler frequency contains the relative velocity information. This information is processed by the on board microprocessor used to control the ACC radar function.

Figure 5: Typical FMCW Radar [17]


FM Mod





IF Output



Transmitted wave Target Echo

RF Freq



TD Tddf

2 ( 2 1)c df Td

RangeF F

× ×=× −

IF Freq




FM Mod





IF Output



Transmitted wave Target Echo

RF Freq



TD Tddf

2 ( 2 1)c df Td

RangeF F

× ×=× −

IF Freq



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1.6.2. FSK

A second type of ACC radar utilizes a FSK mode of operation. This type of radar is a variant of the FM-CW radar. The radar transmits a CW signal whose frequency is changed by typically 150 to 500 KHz every microsecond as shown in Fig. 6. The I.F. output is processed in a similar manner to the FM-CW radar. The phase difference between the transmit and receive signals will contain the range information, and the Doppler information is contained in the I.F. Frequency. Due to the type of processing performed, FSK radars usually only respond to Doppler-shifted return signals (i.e. signals from targets moving relative to the radar).

Figure 6: Typical FSK Radar [17]






Range or time


timeSignal at mixer

Transmitted signalRadar return


Magnitude û-

Frequency f1

Frequency f2Phase difference gives range1 degree = 1.5 meters

Two radar signals with a difference frequency û& will have different phase delaydepending upon the range to the target. The phase difference û& = û-XR.nge/C






Range or time


timeSignal at mixer

Transmitted signalRadar return


Magnitude û-

Frequency f1

Frequency f2Phase difference gives range1 degree = 1.5 meters

Two radar signals with a difference frequency û& will have different phase delaydepending upon the range to the target. The phase difference û& = û-XR.nge/C

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1.6.3. Pulse Doppler Radar

The third type of radar used in the ACC application is the classic pulse Doppler radar shown in Fig. 7. A simplified version of the block diagram for five-beam radar is shown. The radar signal source alternates between two frequencies separated by 200 MHz (the I.F. frequency). At time t = 0 the radar is at frequency F1. At time t = z, the transmit frequency changes to F2 where it remains for a time period that is much greater than the twice the propagation time to the furthest potential target. The delayed echo from the target is demodulated in the mixer. The time delay between the transmitted pulse and the pulse echo determines the range to the target. The velocity can be determined from the rate of change of the target position or by using coherent pulse Doppler techniques.

Figure 7: Typical Pulse Radar [17]

76.5, 76.7 GHz


IF Output


Phase Lock Circuits




F2 F2




F1 F1


76.5, 76.7 GHz


IF Output


Phase Lock Circuits

76.5, 76.7 GHz


IF Output


Phase Lock Circuits




F2 F2




F1 F1


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1.7. Frequency Source for Millimeter-wave Automotive Radar

For automotive radar sensor applications in a FMCW system, a low cost wide-band voltage controlled oscillators (VCO) with a moderate tuning range and low phase noise are needed. Typically a tuning range of l GHz from 76-77 GHz with a phase noise of -80 dBc/Hz at the 100 kHz offset is required for a VCO used [18]. For a stable millimeter-wave signal source, the signal generation can be realized either directly by a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) or by multiplication from a lower frequency. For 77 GHz automotive radar systems, signals in the 77 GHz band must be stabilized with low phase noise. The first approach has poor phase noise, so a phase locked loop (PLL) is required. However, by using a PLL, usually the whole system becomes too complex. Nevertheless, Infineon has recently demonstrated encouraging results, by producing fully integrated SiGe VCOs with powerful output buffer for 77 GHz automotive radar system [16]. This VCO has the following features:

• Chip size: 0.8 x 1.2 mm2, • Center frequency: 77 GHz, • Tuning range: 6.7 GHz, • Phase noise: -97dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset frequency, • Output power (2 outputs): 18.5 dBm • Single power supply: -5.5 V • Power consumption: 1.2 W

However, for achieving maximum output power, the output transistors have been driven near to their practical limits, given by high-current effects and avalanche breakdown. This design was possible with deployment of adequate transistor models, which were capable of detecting potential worsening of circuit performance by avalanche breakdown. The second approach, which is based on frequency multiplication, increases the flexibility of the system design by using a low phase noise technology in realizing oscillators of high spectral purity at lower frequencies [19]. Frequency multipliers have been used in the past as well and still they have attraction in building cost-effective and stable

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sources at higher frequencies as long as technology allows comparable or better results using direct realization of oscillators at higher frequencies. Unfortunately, the phase noise performance is degraded during frequency multiplication at the rate of 20 log(N) where N is the multiplication factor. A doubler will degrade the phase noise by 6 dB, a tripler about 10 dB and 10-times multiplication will degrade phase noise by 20 dB equating to about 6 dB per octave. This thesis work is focused on design of frequency doubler circuits in SiGe technology at 20 GHz and 40 GHz frequencies targeting automotive radar application.

Figure 8: RF-front end of FMCW automotive radar

For a FM-CW modulation, a typical RF front-end of automotive radar is shown in Fig. 8. In the block diagram, VCO at 40 GHz followed by a frequency doubler is used to achieve the frequency source of 80 GHz.

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The frequency doubler and the following buffer are marked in the block diagram to emphasize scope of the presented thesis work

In fact, other frequency multiplier circuits e.g; frequency tripler or frequency quadrupler can also be used with corresponding low frequency oscillators. However, the use of frequency multiplier circuits with even higher multiplication factors is rare due to their low conversion gain and poor efficiency.

The following chapter includes discussion on basics of frequency multipliers and their common architectures.

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Frequency Multiplier Architectures

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2.1. Introduction

Nonlinear operations on continuous-valued analog signals are often required in instrumentation, communication, and control-system design. These operations include rectification, modulation, demodulation, frequency translation, multiplication and division. RF frequency multipliers are nonlinear devices that produce an output signal with a frequency that is larger than the frequency of a corresponding input signal by a predetermined factor. RF frequency multipliers operate over a specific input frequency range and are able to suppress or reduce unwanted harmonics from the output signal. There are two basic types of devices: active and passive. Passive RF multipliers produce an output signal with a power level that is smaller than that of the input signal. The difference in power levels between the output signal and the input signal is called conversion loss, an amount that is expressed in decibels. Conversion loss is a negative number, but usually specified as an absolute value. Active RF multipliers may produce an output signal with a power level that is larger than that of the input signal. The power level difference between the output signal and the input signal is called conversion gain, an amount that is measured in decibels (dB) and expressed as a positive number. Performance specifications for RF frequency multipliers include multiplying factor, input power, output power and spurious rejection. Frequency doublers, triplers, quadruplers and quintuplers are commonly available. The input power is the amount of RF power that must be applied to a device in order to multiply the frequency of the input signal. It is also the specified power range for the conversion loss. Both output power and input power are expressed in decibels relative to one milliwatt (dBm). Spurious rejection is the difference between the desired output harmonic and any other harmonic which can be seen at the RF multiplier’s output. It is usually expressed as a positive ratio in decibels relative to the carrier power (dBc).

2.2. Passive multipliers

Passive multipliers are popular for the simplicity of their structure (usually a diode), for the reliability of the nonlinear frequency-multiplying element, and for the very high maximum frequency of

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operations. Quite naturally, the frequency multiplication cannot yield any conversion gain, but only losses; which is partly compensated by the low or zero DC power consumption. The cascading of an amplification stage can balance the power budget, but requires two circuits for the complete treatment of the signal. Both the circuits are reasonably well established now, and a reliable design can be performed. However, compared to an active implementation, it adds complication to the circuitry. Passive multipliers can be classified as resistive or capacitive (or reactive, in general) types [20]. In the first case, the frequency-multiplying mechanism is the strong nonlinearity of the conduction current in the diode. In the second case, the frequency-multiplying mechanism is the nonlinear nature of the reactance of the diode, typically the junction capacitance. In this latter case, the depletion capacitance in reverse bias is used as nonlinear reactance in order to avoid the conduction current present when the diffusion capacitance is not negligible. However, especially at high frequency, both mechanisms are found to contribute to frequency multiplication [21]. A semiconductor junction device which has a nonlinear capacitance is known as a varactor. Such varactor-based frequency multiplier circuits are widely used in parametric amplification, mixing, detection, and voltage variable tuning. A great variety of diode structures have been developed, especially for very high frequencies, that can reach the THz range [22–23]. Many structures have a back-to-back arrangement and a symmetric C-V characteristic that allow zero-bias operations and efficient frequency tripling. Resistive multipliers, in principle, have infinite bandwidth, given the nonfrequency- dependent nature of resistive nonlinearities. However, the associated junction reactance and the reactive parasitic elements of the diode imply a frequency-dependent behaviour of the element. Moreover, matching networks will further limit the bandwidth.

2.3. Active multipliers

Active frequency multipliers are attracting a lot of attention as an alternative to gain more signal power at a desired frequency and as a way to implement frequency multipliers in integrated circuits. Frequency multiplication is usually performed by generation of upper harmonics of a fundamental frequency input signal. This is obtained by excitation of strong nonlinearities within the semiconductor device. Classical active frequency multipliers exploit the square-law characteristics of a FET or

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the exponential IC-versus-VBE law of a bipolar by driving it into compression and generating vast number of harmonics. In terms of design issues for active frequency multipliers, the choice of the bias point is critical for the efficiency and performance of the devices. While the input is matched to the fundamental frequency, the output is matched to the desired harmonic (e.g. 2nd harmonic for a doubler) with a short circuit for the fundamental frequency (e.g. an open �/2-stub). [24, 25]. A simple emitter coupled pair of bipolar transistors can also act as frequency multiplier.

2.3.1. Emitter Coupled Pair as Simple BJT multiplier

Emitter coupled pair as shown in Fig. 9 can be used as a simple multiplier.

Figure 9: Emitter-Coupled pair [26]

The output currents IC1 and IC2 depend on the input differential voltage Vid and their following relation can be proven [26]:








exp11 (2)

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+= (3)

where VT is the thermal voltage and IEE is tail current, while the base currents have been neglected.

Equations (2) and (3) can be combined to give the difference current.






VIIII ×=−=∆ (4)

The above relationship shows that the emitter-coupled pair by itself can be used as a simple multiplier (Fig. 10 ).

Figure 10 : The dc transfer characteristics of emitter-coupled pair [26]

With the assumption that the differential input voltage Vid is much less than VT we can utilize the following approximation










2tanh( ≈ 1





V (5)

and equation (4) becomes





VII ×≈∆ (6)

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The current IEE is the bias current of emitter-coupled pair. With the addition of more circuitry, we can make IEE proportional to second input voltage Vi2 as shown in Fig. 11.

Figure 11: Two quadrant analog multiplier [26]

Thus, we have

)( )(2 onBEioEE VVKI −= (7)

Putting equation (7) in (6)


()( )(2




VVVKI ×−≈∆ (8)

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Under the assumption Vid is small and Vi2 is greater than VBE(on) we have come up to a relation that shows the multiplier function. The latter restriction means that the multiplier functions in two quadrants of the Vid-Vi2 plane and this type of circuit is known as two-quadrant multiplier. The restriction to two quadrants of operation is a severe one for many communications applications, and most practical multipliers allow four-quadrant operation. The Gilbert multiplier cell is a modification of the emitter-coupled cell, which allows four-quadrant multiplication. It is the basis for most integrated-circuit balanced multiplier systems. The series connection of an emitter-coupled pair with two cross-coupled, emitter coupled pairs produces a useful transfer function as shown in the next section.

2.3.2. Gilbert Multiplier Cell

For the Gilbert cell shown in Fig. 12, we assume that all transistors are identical and output resistances of transistors and that of biasing current source can be neglected. The collector currents using equation (2) and (3) are as follows









exp1 −+= (9)









exp1+= (10)

Similarly for Q5 and Q6









exp1+= (11)









exp1 −+= (12)

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Figure 12: Gilbert multiplier circuit

Similarly, IC1 and IC2 are related to V2







exp1 −+= (13)







exp1+= (14)

Putting values of IC1 and IC2 into equations (9)-(12)

]exp1][exp1[ 213








−+−+= (15)

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]exp1][exp1[ 124








+−+= (16)

]exp1][exp1[ 215








++= (17)

]exp1][exp1[ 126








−++= (18)

The differential output current is then given by

)( 64536453 CCCCCC IIIIIII +−+=−=∆ −−

)()( 5463 CCCC IIIII −−−=∆ (19)



tanh( 21





VII ×=∆ (20)

The dc transfer characteristics, then, is the product of the hyperbolic tangent of the two input voltages. There are three main applications of the Gilbert cell depending of the V1 and V2 range compared to VT.

• If V1<VT and V2 < VT, the hyperbolic tangent function can be approximated as linear and the circuit behaves as a multiplier developing the product of V1 and V2.

• If one of the inputs of a signal that is large compared to VT. This effectively multiplies the applied small signal by a square wave, and acts as a modulator.

• If both inputs are large compared to VT, and all six transistors in the circuit behave as non-saturating switches. This is useful for the detection of phase differences between two amplitude-limited signals, as it is required in phase-locked loops, and is sometimes called the phase-detector mode.

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Thus, for small-amplitude signals, the circuit performs an analog multiplication. Unfortunately, the amplitudes of the input signals are often much larger than VT. An alternate approach is to introduce a nonlinearity that predicts the input signals to compensate for the hyperbolic tangent transfer characteristic of the basic cell. The required nonlinearity is an inverse hyperbolic tangent characteristic [26]. This technique is used in so-called four-quadrant analog multipliers.

2.3.3. Common Frequency Doubler Circuits

After describing some basics of active frequency multipliers, the following discussion will be focused on frequency doubler circuits (multiplication factor =2 for frequency multiplier). It is important to discuss research work, which has been carried out on frequency doublers by now. Bipolar frequency doublers often use a push-pull design, where both outputs of a balanced input buffer are connected together to drive a single common emitter HBT operated in class-B mode, where the output match again is optimized for the 2nd harmonic [27]. These designs provide a single ended output and good efficiency. The research presented in [28]–[32] all takes the same approach of using the nonlinearities of a transistor biased to operate in a class-B configuration. This generates an output current rich in harmonic content. The research in [31] is an unbalanced design that uses only a matching network at the second harmonic and has an output power of 3 dBm and a low fundamental suppression of 11 dB. In [28]–[30], the fundamental suppression is improved despite the unbalanced design with the use of an output resonant stub. A class-E unbalanced doubler was also presented in [33] with high conversion efficiency, but it was not a monolithic- microwave integrated-circuit (MMIC) or RF integrated-circuit (RFIC) design. In a balanced design, a higher output power can be obtained because of the additional swing that differential operation allows. However, differential operation requires a 3-dB increase in the input drive level and the dc power. The balanced topology also has the advantage of achieving broad-band fundamental suppression without the use of a resonator structure at the output [34] and it is easily integrated with a differential oscillator. An example of balanced operation is [35], where linear

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multiplication is used to achieve doubling by connecting the local oscillator (LO) and RF ports of a Gilbert cell together. The research in [32] is also a balanced design, but operates in a class-B configuration and good fundamental suppression is achieved due to the balanced topology. The performance of a doubler can be further improved by using a second harmonic reflector at the input of the transistors. This increases the conversion gain at the expense of a decrease in bandwidth and increase in circuit area. For this reason, input reflectors are seldom used in monolithic designs. However, with accurate electromagnetic design to account for parasitic coupling paths, miniaturized input reflectors can be used to improve the performance of a monolithic doubler without a significant increase in area. Depending on the topology used, there are tradeoffs between area, bandwidth, efficiency, and output power. Although the active doublers referenced above all achieve conversion gain, their power-added efficiencies (PAEs) are generally quite low. Frequency doublers have been implemented using field-effect transistor (FET) devices such as GaAs high electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) [28], pseudomorphic high electron-mobility transistors (pHEMTs) [29], InP HEMTs [30] or silicon-on-insulator (SOI) CMOS [31], while some designs are realized using HBT devices like InGaP [32] or SiGe [35]. SiGe HBT devices are more nonlinear than HEMT devices and result in excellent conversion gain and low-cost designs.

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The Design of 20-GHz Frequency Doubler and Output Amplifier Circuit

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3.1. Introduction

The frequency doubler circuits at 20 GHz have been designed using SiGe BiCMOS process that allows CMOS logic to be highly integrated with ultra high performance hetero-junction bipolar transistors (HBJT) on silicon germanium base making it optimal for mixed-signal and RF circuits. Hetero-junction bipolar transistors have significantly higher forward gain and lower reverse gain which translates into better high frequency performance than typically available from homo-junction or traditional bipolar transistors. With a hetero-junction technology, the opportunity for band gap tuning exists which has normally been available only to compound semiconductors. SiGe processes achieve costs that are similar to silicon CMOS manufacturing versus other more expensive hetero-junction technologies such as GaAs.

3.2. Circuit Specifications

Specifications for the frequency doubler and amplifier circuit at 20 GHz are given in Table-2. Parameters that have priority are conversion gain, fundamental suppression and NF. Input and output impedances should PDWFK�WR��� ��

Table-2: Specifications of 20 GHz frequency doubler circuit

Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Supply voltage 1.8 V Power supply current 50 mA Conversion gain 5 dB Fundamental suppression 20 dBc Noise figure 8 dB IIP3 6 dBm RF input power -8 -5 -2 dBm RF input frequency 19.25 20.25 GHz RF output power -3 0 3 dBm RF output frequency 38.5 40.5 GHz Input and output impedances 50 � S11, S22 -15 dB Temperature range -40 27 85 Co

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3.3. Proposed Single-ended Circuit

The 1.8 V supply voltage was one of the driving factor to select an appropriate architecture for frequency doubler. For example, Gilbert multiplier cell cannot be implemented here due to low supply voltage as it is not possible to stack more than two transistors. The proposed circuit has the classical approach of using the nonlinearities of a transistor pair biased to operate in a class-B configuration. As already discussed, biasing of transistors in such a case is very critical. The circuit shown in Fig. 13 is driven by a differential signal and produces single-ended output. A common-emitter amplifier is used at output stage, which will drive the load. Input and output impedance matching networks are also shown. Both CMOS and bipolar transistors have been used to take advantage of SiGe BiCMOS process.

Figure 13: Frequency doubler based on class-B configuration and output amplifier [37]

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3.3.1. Design Methodology

Q1 and Q2 operating closed to class-B configuration are serving as the doubling stage while Q3 is used to build common-emitter circuit required for amplification of the 2nd harmonic signal generated in previous stage. The use of a cascode amplifier as the output stage could have helped in reducing the Miller effect along with amplification of the signal from the doubling stage [37]. But the low supply voltage limits the number of transistors to be stacked precluding thereby a cascode amplifier from this design. M1, M2 and M3 are CMOS transistors used as active loads and they are controlling base currents of Q1, Q2 and Q3 respectively. M4, M5 and M6, M7 build current mirror circuits required for controlling currents ICM1 and ICM2 in doubling and amplification stages respectively. For dc biasing and dc current control, CMOS transistors are used due to their superior behavior over bipolar transistors in terms of power consumption. The doubling stage is biased close to class-B (VBE = 0.8 V). The size of the transistors can be determined by considering the relationship between the output power and dc power consumption. The harmonic component of collector current is a function of conduction angle, which can be controlled by the input driving power and the base bias point [37].

Figure 14: Collector current modelled as a train of rectified cosine pulses [38]

The collector current can be modelled as a train of rectified cosine pulses as shown in Fig. 14 and using the Fourier series expansion, it can be represented as [34]

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1 1 2 2( ) ( ) ( ) ....c o

I t I I cos w t I cos w t= + + + (21)

where In is the nth harmonic current component ()


o max

tI I

Tπ= (22)


nI = for odd n





on max


n t

t TI I

T nt




= −

, for even n (23)

and Imax is the maximum current, to is the length of the pulse, T and is the period corresponding to the fundamental frequency. To maximize the amplitude of the second harmonic, the conduction duty cycle for each transistor was chosen to be to/T = 0.32. All bipolar transistors were initially sized for optimum collector current density and their optimum size was used throughout the design with Cadence tools.

3.3.2. Improvement by Second Harmonic Reflector

The performance of a doubler is further improved by using a second harmonic reflector at the input of the transistors. This increases the conversion gain at the expense of a reduced bandwidth and larger circuit area [38]. For this reason, the input reflectors are seldom used in monolithic designs. However, when the parasitic coupling paths are carefully account for, miniaturized input reflectors can be used to improve the performance of a monolithic doubler without a significant increase in area. Parasitic feedback at the second harmonic is important to the doubler performance because the position of the reflector determines the phase of the reflected signal, which interferes either constructively or destructively with the desired output signal [39].

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For the current design, passive elements Lr and Cr have been used to act as a second harmonic reflector. Simulation shows an improvement of about 3dBm in conversion gain when second harmonic reflector circuit is optimized over Lr keeping Cr constant. Impedance matching at the input and output ports is also carried out using passive elements. The design values of all passive elements are given in Table-3.

Table-3: Design Parameters of 20 GHz frequency doubler circuit

Parameter Value Unit Lp1 476 pH Ls1 125 pH Cs1 400 pF Cs2 400 pF Cs3 400 pF Ls3 42 pH

Lchoke 100 pH Lr 46 pH Cr 125 fF

Physical sizes and shapes of inductors have been investigated using a built-in inductor modelling tool available with the process design kit. The MIM capacitors provided are between consecutive metal layers.

3.3.3. Simulation Results

For conversion gain (S21) and NF measurement, a combination of PSS (periodic steady-state) and PSP (periodic scattering parameters) analysis was used. Fig. 15 shows that the conversion gain varies with the input power and its maximum value is around 14 dB for -9 dBm at the input. Practically, the optimum operating input power would be between -10 dBm to -8 dBm. This operating range also ensures minimum NF, which is around 12 dB. PSS and PSP analysis were also used to estimate the conversion gain and NF at fixed input power = -8 dBm over the whole input frequency band (19.25 GHz – 20.25 GHz). The result shown in Fig. 16 indicates that NF remains almost constant throughout the band while conversion gain at the maximum frequency degrades by 1 dB as compared to the gain at minimum frequency.

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The output frequency spectrum is plotted in Fig. 17 by taking DFT of the signal. The fundamental suppression is around 32 dBc (the vertical scale of the plot is logarithmic. Another strong harmonic is the 4th harmonic at 80 GHz which is separated by 16 dBc.

S21 and NF Versus Input Power Input Frequency = 20 GHz








-15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0

Input Power (dB)

S21 (dB)

NF (dB)

Figure 15: Plot of Conversion Gain and NF versus input power





,,QQSSXXW�W�33RRZZHHU�U� � �������G%G%P







19.00 19.30 19.60 19.90 20.20 20.50

Frequency (GHz)

S21 (dB)

NF (dB)

Figure 16: Plot of Conversion Gain and NF versus frequency

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Figure 17: Output frequency spectrum for input signal of -8dBm at 20 GHz

S11 and S22 are plotted in Fig.18 and 19, respectively.

Input Impedance Matching

Input Power = -8 dBm








19.00 19.30 19.60 19.90 20.20 20.50

Frequency (GHz)

S11 (



Figure 18: Input impedance matching

Output Frequency Spectrum Input = 20 GHz @ -8 dBm








0 20 40 60 80 100 Frequency (GHz)


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Output Impedance Matching

Input Power = -8 dBm







38.00 38.60 39.20 39.80 40.40 41.00

Frequency (GHz)

S22 (



Figure 19: Output impedance matching

To summarize, the circuit consumes 54 mA average DC current at 1.8 V supply voltage, it has 14 dB conversion gain at -9 dBm input and keeps the fundamental tone 32 dBc apart from the desired harmonic.

3.4. Proposed Differential Circuit

The differential frequency doubler circuit as shown in Fig. 20 utilizes an emitter-coupled pair as its basic cell. This doubler circuit was first introduced by Ogawa and Kusakabe in 1978 [40]. This circuit consists of two identical unbalanced emitter-coupled pairs with emitter area ratio K.

A differential amplifier formed by Q5 and Q6 is used at the output stage to amplify the 2nd harmonic tone. One of emitter-coupled pairs is formed by Q1 and Q4 having unity size while Q2 and Q3 have larger size with relative ratio K and act as second emitter-coupled pair. M1 and M2 are active CMOS loads for biasing the bipolar transistors. There are three current control circuits placed at the bottom of the circuit to control current in two-emitter coupled pairs and the differential amplifier. For simplicity, impedance matching networks used at the input and output ports are not shown in the schematic.

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Figure 20: Frequency doubler consists of two identical unbalanced emitter-coupled pairs with emitter

area ratio K and differential amplifier

3.4.1. Circuit Description

Assuming bipolar devices are matched and that the base-width modulation is ignored, the differential output current of the frequency doubler can be expressed as [42, 43].

tanh tanh2 2

in K in KFD F O



V Vα

+ − ∆ = −


2 sinh

cosh cosh

KF o









α ∆ =





F o






α − ∆ =

+ +


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• VT is thermal voltage equal to kT/q, k is Boltzmann's constant, T is absolute temperature in degrees Kelvin, q is charge of an electron,

• aF is dc common-base current gain factor • Vk is offset voltage deriving from the unbalanced constitution and

defined as VK = VT ln ( K ) . • Vin is the differential input voltage

Using )1|||.....(11



X, expanding (26)

1cosh( )

2 1 ...1 1 1








− ∆ = − + +


Using 2 4

2cosh( ) 1 .....( )2 12

x xx x= + + + < ∞

( )( )

2 2 2

2 2 42

1 22 1 1 ... ...

1 2 121in in

FD F o




− ∆ = − + + + ++ (28)

( )( )

( )2 2 4


2 2 42

12 1 ...


in inFD F o




− ∆ = − − −

+ (29)

The differential output current is expressed as a function of the square of the differential input voltage. Fig. 21 shows dc transfer curves of the frequency doubler, calculated using (24) with various values of parameter K. For a small input voltage the transfer curve is approximately a parabola. Therefore, the input frequency is doubled by this circuit.

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Figure 21: DC transfer curves of frequency doubler [43]

3.4.2. Optimum value of size ratio K

Size of Q1 and Q4 was selected as 1 µm. The optimum value of size ratio K was found by simulations. The value selected for K is 6 as shown in Fig. 22 and the doubler conversion gain is maximum at that point. This determines the size of Q2 and Q3 as 6 µm.

Size ratio versus gain

Frequency = 20 GHz, Pin = -10dBm







0 2 4 6 8 10

K (relative size ratio)




Figure 22: Relative size ratio K versus gain

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3.4.3. Simulation Results

Again, PSS and PSP analysis were used to estimate the conversion gain (S21) and NF. Fig. 23 shows that conversion gain varies and its maximum value is around 11.5 dB when the input power reaches -6 dBm. So practically, the optimum operating input power would be between -8 dBm to -5 dBm. This operating range also ensures minimum NF, which is around 13 dB. The output frequency spectrum is plotted in Fig. 24 by taking DFT of the output signal. The fundamental suppression is at the lower side equal to 15 dBc (the vertical scale of the plot is logarithmic). Another strong harmonic is the 4th harmonic at 80 GHz which is separated by 13.5 dBc.

S21 and NF Versus Input Power Input Frequency = 20 GHz








-15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0

Input Power (dB)

S21 (dB)

NF (dB)

Figure 23: Plot of Conversion Gain and NF versus input power

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Output Frequency Spectram

Input = 20 GHz @ -6 dBm









0 20 40 60 80 100

Frequency (GHz)



Figure 24: Output frequency spectrum for input power -8dBm at 20 GHz

Another limitation of the differential circuit is that its output is pseudo-differential so it is not truly balanced. Fig. 25 indicates an offset present between differential output signals.

Differential Output Signals








0.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00

Time (psec)



e (


Figure 25: Pseudo-differential output signals

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Table-4 represents a summary of the simulation results for single-ended and differential frequency doubler circuit. As indicated, the differential architecture does not show promising results as compared to the single-ended. In fact, the reason for using the differential architecture is the requirement for the doubler circuit to be differential so that it can be connected to the output of a differential VCO directly.

Table-4: Summary of simulation results for20 GHz frequency doubler circuits

Input Range

Conversion Gain

Fundamental Suppression


Current Circuit

dBm dB dBc dB mA

Single-ended -10 to -8 14 32 12 54

Differential -8 to -5 11.5 15 13 75

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The Design of 40-GHz Frequency Doubler and Output Amplifier Circuit

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4.1. Introduction

With modern silicon technology, it is possible to build complete front-ends including antenna arrays in monolithic integrated silicon technology. The SiGe hetero-junction bipolar transistor enables the break-through in Si based MMIC (Monolithic Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuit) technology. The SiGe hetero-junction bipolar transistor technology with transit frequencies beyond 200 GHz allows realization of oscillators, mixers, modulators and demodulator circuits for 80 GHz operating frequencies [44]. The short wavelength allows integrating complete antenna arrays on one silicon substrate together with antenna feed, mixer and oscillator circuits. The complete front-end integration reduces costs and the requirements for fabrication tolerances. MMICs can be fabricated with high precision concerning geometric dimensions and material parameters. This minimizes phase errors and allows a precise beam forming in antenna arrays. Monolithic integration of solid-state devices provides the possibility of low-cost production, improved reliability, small size, light weight, and easy assembly. A broader application of millimeter-waves in sensors and communications has been hampered until now due to the high costs of millimeter-wave components. This situation may change in the future due to the availability of low-cost monolithic integrated components based on a silicon and SiGe technology. The frequency doubler circuit at 40 GHz has been designed using Infineon’s B7HF200 SiGe bipolar technology. Some technical details of this process are discussed below.

4.2. Technology Details

B7H200 is a SiGe bipolar process with copper metallization for mixed analog/digital HF applications which provides high performance at low power consumption. The process provides high speed HBT (fT=200GHz) as well as standard NPNs with a 4 metal (copper) layer interconnect. The maximum supply voltage is set by the open-base collector-emitter breakdown voltage and short-base collector-emitter breakdown voltage. The collector-emitter voltage over any transistor should observe this

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limitation. Compared with GaAs, power consumption in SiGe will be considerably smaller. This seems advantageous for mobile/automotive applications but also limits the maximum output power capability.

4.3. Circuit Specifications

Design specifications for the 40 GHz frequency doubler and amplifier circuit are tabulated in Table 5.

Table-5: Specifications of 40 GHz frequency doubler circuit

Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Chip area (doubler + amplifier) 1 mm2 Supply voltage 5 V Power supply current 30 mA Conversion gain 8 dB Fundamental suppression 20 dBc Noise figure 8 dB RF input power -10 -8 -5 dBm RF input frequency 38.5 40.5 GHz RF output power -2 0 3 dBm RF output frequency 77 81 GHz Input and output impedances 100 � S11, S22 -15 dB Temperature range -40 27 85 Co

The frequency doubler should have balanced architecture with differential input and differential output. The differential impedance should be 100 �� �HTXLYDOHQW� WR� �� ��EHWZHHQ� VLQJOH-ended circuit and ground).

4.4. Design Considerations

From the design point of view, there are three major changes in Infineon’s B7hF200 technology compared to SiGe BiCMOS process. First, the supply voltage rather than 1.8V is equal to 5V which facilitates to explore other architectures whose implementation was not possible with low supply voltage. Second, as of a pure bipolar process, CMOS transistors are no more available and third, with this process the inductors are not available which puts some restriction on using excess number of inductors in a design. However, the process

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supports design of transmission line implemented as a micro-strip line with the ground plane as a lower metallization layer. For designing a frequency doubler circuit at 40 GHz, let us first consider possibility of employing the same architectures which were used for 20 GHz circuit.

• The emitter-coupled pair followed by a common-emitter amplifier circuit (single-ended architecture) demonstrated promising results and with availability of 5V supply voltage. The common-emitter amplifier can be replaced by a cascode amplifier in order to reduce Miller’s effect and improve the performance further. However, the 40 GHz frequency doubler circuit needs to be balanced, so the single-ended circuit should be modified to make it differential. The most decisive factor is the presence of a few inductors which makes realization of this architecture difficult in B7HF200 process.

• The performance of the differential architecture is not as good as that of the single-ended circuit. The pseudo-differential output also does not match the requirement of being truly balanced.

The above factors give rise to explore some other balanced architectures suitable for a frequency doubler circuit at 40 GHz. One possible approach is in using an up-convertion active mixer, with the RF and LO ports fed by the same signal, i.e. the ports should be tied together [45]. If the undesired products of mixing are filtered out, the output provides the input frequency doubled. Gilbert active mixer, which is a balanced architecture is a suitable candidate for this application (Fig. 26).

Figure 26: Use of active mixer as frequency doubler







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4.5. Proposed Architecture

The proposed architecture for the frequency doubler at 40 GHz uses Gilbert cell with an additional buffer stage at the input and a differential amplifier at the output as shown in Fig. 25. The emitter-followers at the input stage act as buffer and will avoid loading of VCO which will drive this circuit.

Figure 27: Proposed architecture for frequency doubler at 40 GHz

The signal to RF port is connected through an extra emitter-follower stage as the arrangement helps controlling signal level at the RF port. The voltage gain of the emitter-follower being less than unity keeps the signal at RF port smaller than the signal at LO port for proper mixing operation.

4.6. Design Description

The circuit can be divided into four parts, input buffer stage, Gilbert mixer cell, filter and the output amplifier stage. The description of each part is as follows:

4.6.1. Input Buffer Stage

The purpose of this stage is to avoid loading of VCO. Emitter-follower (common-collector configuration) is well renowned circuit that has high input impedance, low output impedance and near-unity gain. It is most widely used as an impedance transformer to reduce loading effect between a signal source and a load. Characterization of the emitter follower circuit by the corresponding equivalent two-port network is not particularly useful for intuitive













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understanding as input resistance depends on the load resistance and output resistance depends on the source resistance [26]. An emitter-follower circuit that includes source resistance RS and load resistance RL is shown in Fig.27. From a large-signal point of view, the output voltage is equal to input voltage minus the base-emitter voltage.

Figure 28: Emitter-follower circuit (common-collector configuration) [26] For small-signal analysis, hybrid-��WUDQVLVWRU�PRGHO�LV�VKRZQ�LQ�)LJ��29.

Figure 29: Small-signal equivalent circuit of emitter-follower circuit [26] Small-signal gain of this circuit is given by following relation [26]:

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( )( )





o L o


R rv

R r




++ +


If 0 0, 1 and

S Lr R r Rπ β� � � then (30) can be approximated as

1o m L

s m L

v g R

v g R+� (31)

From (31) we infer that the emitter-follower gain is slightly less than unity. In the current design, two identical emitter-followers have been used one in each path for differential architecture. The RF port of Gilbert mixer is buffered by an additional emitter-follower stage that has one extra resistor between collector and supply voltage to control signal level at the RF port. Minimum transistor sizing for the emitter-follower circuit has been used to keep the input impedance high. RL has been selected to match the optimum density of the collector current and thereby to boost the Gilbert cell performance.

4.6.2. Gilbert Cell

A circuit representing the Gilbert bipolar mixer cell is shown is Fig. 30. Its application as the frequency multiplier has already been discussed in Chapter 2. The following relation for the differential output current holds:

tanh( ) tanh( )2 2




V V∆ = × (32)

Here, both RF and LO ports are fed by the same signal except for the additional emitter-follower stage in RF path. For simplicity, we assume the gain of the emitter-followers as unity and take VLO=VRF=Vin

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Figure 30 Gilbert mixer

2tanh ( )2




V∆ = × (33)

and the differential voltage across load RL is

2tanh ( )2

inEE L



V∆ = × (34)

Hence, the circuit gain is given by

2tanh ( )2

inEE L


in in





= (35)

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2tanh ( )2


inEE L






× =


For simplicity, we take IEERL = 1 and VT = 26 mV (at room temperature)

2tanh ( )0.05220log







The simplified gain expression can be plotted against the input voltage as shown in Fig. 31. We see that the Gilbert cell gain is nowhere constant but it has partly parabolic and partly hyperbolic shape. When this circuit is used in frequency doubler application, the parameters that define linearity of the circuit like 1dB compression point or IIP3 do not apply because the gain varies with the input signal level. The input voltage range over which circuit performance is optimum can be defined.

Figure 31: Variable gain of Gilbert mixer in frequency doubler circuit

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If we denote gain of the two emitter-follower stages as A1 and A2 then the differential output voltage across load RL is

1 1 2tanh( ) tanh( )2 2

in inL EE



V V∆ = × × (38)

4.6.3. Filter

To filter out undesired harmonics, a first order resonant circuit can be placed at the output of the Gilbert mixer. Its resonant frequency is matched to 2nd harmonic which is 80 GHz for the current design. The resonant frequency of LC tank is given by



LCπ= (39)

If we take C=50fF and L=80pH, approximate value of resonant frequency is 80 GHz. Due to non-availability of inductors in B7HF200 technology, the required inductive reactances can be realized by short microstrip lines with the signal line in the fourth metallization layer and the ground plane in the first or second layer. For lossless transmission lines with a real or virtual short at its end, the effective inductance is given by [46]

tan(2 )2


Z lL

π λ= (40)

where l is the line length, λ is the wavelength,

OZ the characteristic line

impedance, and f the frequency. A high value of Zo (i.e., a thick dielectric layer between the upper and lower metallization layers) is favourable due to the reduced line length at given Leff. Consequently, the parasitic series resistance is reduced, resulting in an increased quality factor of the inductance. The plot of the effective inductance of a lossless transmission line versus

its length (keeping 4

<< ) for different frequencies is shown in Fig. 32.

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Obviously, for πλ

<<l , Leff becomes independent of frequency and

proportional to l .

Transmission Line Effective Inductance








0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Length (um)




20 GHz

40 GHz

60 GHz

80 GHz

100 GHz

Figure 32: Effective inductance of a lossless transmission line for l<λλ/4

For the current design, differential transmission line used is formed by top metal (metal-4) and ground metal (metal-2) with Zo� �� �� $s a starting point, an approximate value for the length of transmission line was determined equal to 202 um using (41). Each capacitor in the resonant circuit has a value of 50 fF. The length of differential transmission line was varied and filtering effect of corresponding resonant circuit was observed with the help of CAD tool (Cadence). The transmission line length at which the maximum conversion gain for the current design was observed is 125 µm.

4.6.4. Differential Amplifier

At the output stage, a differential amplifier has been used which is probably the most often used type of an amplifier in integrated circuits. The large signal analysis of this circuit (emitter-coupled pair) has been discussed in Chapter 2. Here, our interest is in small signal behaviour when the DC differential input voltage is zero. In this case, Vdiff

represents the AC signal. In analyzing this circuit, we make the following assumptions:

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• The magnitude of the input signal Vdiff is small enough that the amplifier operates in the linear region.

• The equivalent resistance of the biasing circuitry is finite. • ro for the transistors is much larger than RC and can be ignored in

our analysis. It is convenient to define the input signal as a sum of two components, a DC common-mode voltage and an AC differential-mode voltage. We are interested in differential mode gain given by

odd m C


vA g R

v= = − (41)

Ideally, the differential gain is high while the common-mode gain is zero. We can get a feel for how close a practical circuit is to the ideal by evaluating the common-mode rejection ratio.

Figure 33: Differential Amplifier

The differential amplifier circuit used is shown in Fig. 33. A current mirror circuit is placed at the bottom for biasing. The current of this circuit is controlled by a limiting resistor RCM. Transistor sizes have been

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selected to match optimum collector current density. The capacitors at the input are a part of the preceding filter circuit. Due to AC coupling, the transistor bases are biased through RB.

4.6.5. Integrated Circuit

Fig. 34 shows the integrated circuit by connecting together all parts of the circuit and values of resistors and capacitors are given in Table 6.

Table-6: Design parameter values for 40 GHz frequency doubler circuit

Parameter Value Unit

RB1 300

RC1 200

RE1 100

RE2 200

RB2 10K

RC2 200

RCM1 400

RCM2 400

C1, C2 600 fF

C3, C4 50 fF

C5, C6 300 fF

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Figure 34: Detailed circuit diagram for frequency doubler at 40 GHz

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4.7. Layout of the Frequency Doubler Circuit

The layout of the circuit shown in Fig.33 was drawn in Cadence Layout Editor using Infineon’s B7HF200 technology with some modifications. The following modifications to the frequency doubler schematic were performed.

• Resistors RE1, RE2, RCM1 and RCM2 were first realized as poly resistors (tolerance 20%). Their poor performance was noted while running the corner analysis. For this reason each poly resistor was replaced by a combination of TAN resistor (tolerance 8%) and diode connected transistors.

• The both current mirror circuits would be externally controlled by implementing limiting resistor partly on-chip and partly by external variable resistor. Two pads per current-mirror circuit would be required for this arrangement.

• Recommended external variable resistor value is 0-500 ohm, (1% Tolerance); typical design value to be used is 200 ohm.

4.7.1. Layout Design Considerations

Following are some points which were considered while designing the circuit layout.

• Symmetry for differential design. • Power supply and ground paths routing in top metals (metal-03

and metal-04)). • Metal-01,metal-03 routing in one direction and metal-02,metal-04

in other direction. • Sizing of interconnects calculated depending upon current

densities of corresponding paths and maximum current flowing through them.

• Keeping RF interconnects as small as possible to reduce attenuation.

• Keeping minimum overlapping of consecutive metal layers to reduce parasitic capacitances.

• Used substrate connections on convenient places for isolation (Guard-Ring).

• Using decoupling capacitors at blank chip areas.

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For testability of the frequency doubler circuit, the corresponding baluns at the input and output are required for conversion of differential signals into single-ended. The design of baluns is not a part of thesis work however; some silicon area is left on chip for addition of baluns later on.

4.7.2. Pad Frame

The area used by chip is 728 X 928 um2 (0.68 mm2) including input and output baluns. Following is the detailed description of different pads used.

• Area used = 0.68 mm2 • Total number of pads = 16, RF pads = 06, DC pads = 10 • VCC Pads =02, GND pads = 04 • Each pad size = 68 um × 92 um

Pitch (center to the center distance between two consecutive pads) for RF and DC pads used is 150 um. This pitch is required for connectivity of RF-Probe on the chip at input and output RF pads. RF probe to be used has standard GSG (Ground-Signal-Ground) configuration. The arrangement of the pads is shown in Fig.35.

Figure 35: Pad Frame

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4.7.3. Emitter-Follower Layout

The layout of the input buffer stage is shown in Fig. 36. The length of RB1 (TAN resistor) is divided into three equivalent parts for efficient use of the chip area. For differential architecture, symmetry has been maintained.

Figure 36: Layout of emitter-follower stage

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4.7.4. Gilbert Cell and Filter Layout

The layout of the Gilbert cell and filter is shown in Fig. 37. The transmission line occupies a significant area of the chip. The L-shape of the transmission line is used for maintaining symmetry between differential RF signals.

Figure 37: Layout of Gilbert cell and filter

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4.7.5. Frequency Doubler Core Layout

The layout of the frequency doubler core is given in Fig. 38. This layout occupies 300 X 400 um2 (0.12 mm2) of the chip area without baluns and pads.

Figure 38: Layout of frequency doubler core

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4.7.6. Complete Layout

Fig. 39 displays the complete layout after adding substrate connections and decoupling capacitors. The blank area is left for the input and output baluns.

Figure 39: Layout of complete chip

4.7.7. Layout Verification

The layout was verified using Diva design rule checker (DRC) and layout versus schematic (LVS) tools provided in B7HF200 technology. The layout performance is evaluated by simulating its extracted analog model which includes all resistive and capacitive parasitics. The layout verification process is shown in Fig. 40.

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Figure 40: Layout verification process


DRCDiva-Design Rule Check No

ExtractionParasitic Extraction



NoDiva-Layout Versus Schematic Check


Build Analog Extracted View

Build Configuration View for Test Bench


Results notsatisfactory




DRCDiva-Design Rule Check No

ExtractionParasitic Extraction



NoDiva-Layout Versus Schematic Check


Build Analog Extracted View

Build Configuration View for Test Bench


Results notsatisfactory



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Schematic and Layout Simulation Results of 40-GHz Frequency Doubler Circuit

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5.1. Introduction

In this chapter, the performance of 40 GHz frequency doubler circuit discussed in Chapter 4 is evaluated. The test bench shown in Fig. 41 includes two external resistors to control current in the corresponding current-mirror circuits. With a little change the same test bench can be used for simulation of both schematic and layout. In case of layout, the schematic block is replaced by the analog extracted view.

Figure 41: Test Bench

5.2. Conversion Gain and NF

The analysis used a combination of PSS and PSP in Cadence Analog Environment. As already discussed, the gain of the circuit is variable and to determine the optimum operating input power range, the conversion gain and NF were plotted against input power for center frequency at

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room temperature. Plot for comparison of conversion gain for schematic and layout is presented in Fig. 42.

S21 Versus Input Power

Fin=39.5 GHz









-15 -12 -9 -6

Pin (dB)


1 (





Figure 42: Conversion gain versus input power

Fig. 43 shows comparison of NF for schematic and layout.

NF Versus Input Power

Fin=39.5 GHz











-15 -12 -9 -6

Pin (dB)






Figure 43: NF versus input power

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The conversion gain of layout achieves maximum (about 8 dB) when the input power is around -8 dBm, while the conversion gain of schematic has maximum (aboutt 12 dB) at -12 dBm input power. NF for schematic and layout is plotted in Fig. 42. The degradation of performance in gain and NF for layout is due to attenuation introduced by interconnects and other parasitic effects.

5.3. Output Spectrum and Fundamental Suppression

An important figure of merit for a frequency doubler is its fundamental suppression, usually expressed in dBc. A larger fundamental suppression indicates a better spectral purity at the output. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) analysis of the output signals for schematic and layout is presented in Fig. 44 and Fig. 45, respectively. Vertical scale used in these plots is logarithmic and the relative value at this axis between two components at different frequencies may be taken as dBc. As seen the fundamental suppression for schematic is 30 dBc which gets degraded to 25 dBc in layout due to coupling effects through interconnects and parasitic components.

Schematic Output Spectrum

Input 40 GHz@-8dBm








0.00 40.00 80.00 120.00 160.00 200.00

Frequency (GHz)

Figure 44: Output spectrum of the schematic

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Layout Output Spectrum

Input 40 GHz@-8dBm









0.00 40.00 80.00 120.00 160.00 200.00

Frequency (GHz)

Figure 45: Output spectrum of the layout

5.4. S11 and S22

Impedance matching networks at the input and output are not implemented for the current design. Baluns (which will be added later RQ�� PD\� EH� GHVLJQHG� WR� PDWFK� ��� � LPSHGDQFH� �RU� ���� � EHWZHHQ�differential signals) at the input and output ports of the frequency doubler circuit. S11 and S22 are plotted in Fig. 46 and Fig. 47 as a reference for future work on impedance matching.

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Figure 46: S11 plotted on Smith chart

Figure 47: S22 plotted on Smith chart

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5.5. Corner Analysis

Corner analysis is usually performed for integrated circuits to estimate sensitivity of the circuit performance with regards to process variation. At present, B7HF200 technology does not provide support for corner analysis. However, the circuit was also analyzed at extreme temperatures (-40C and 85C) other than room temperature (27C). The conversion gain and NF are also plotted in whole frequency band at different temperatures while keeping the input power constant at -8 dBm. The results are displayed in Fig. 48 and Fig. 49.

S21 Versus Frequency

(Pin = -8 dBm)












78.00 79.00 80.00 81.00

Frequency (GHz)




Schematic T=-40C

Schematic T=27C

Schematic T=85C

Layout T=-40C

Layout T=27C

Layout T=85C


Figure 48: Conversion gain versus frequency at different temperatures

The circuit performances (conversion gain and NF) degrade both when temperature goes high (85C) and very low (-40C), i.e. they are non-monotonic. However, the simulations performed on schematic only show

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a monotonic performance decrease with temperature. This deviation may be due to some parasitic effects.

NF Versus Frequency

(Pin = -8 dBm)






78.00 79.00 80.00 81.00

Frequency (GHz)




Schematic T=-40C

Schematic T=27C

Schematic T=85C

Layout T=-40C

Layout T=27C

Layout T=85C

Figure 49: NF versus frequency at different temperatures

Table 7 represents a summary of the performance for schematic and layout circuits at different temperatures. The maximum variations of conversion gain, NF and dc current within temperature range (-40C to 85C, as per specification) are also given. At normal room temperature the schematic draws 34 mA DC average current while the layout circuit draws 42 mA of DC average current.

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Table-7: Circuit performance at different temperatures

Nominal Resistances

VCC = 5.0V

Frequency = 40 GHz

Input power = -8 dBm

Temperature (degree)

Parameter Circuit

-40 27 85 Maximum Variation

Schematic 9.8 10.5 6.2 4.3 dB S21 (dB)

Layout 6.3 7 2.7 4.3 dB

Schematic 14.4 13.2 13.5 0.9 dB NF (dB)

Layout 13 11.7 14 2.3 dB

Schematic 33.2 34 35.1 1.9 mA Current (mA) Layout 43.1 42.2 45.5 3.3 mA

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Conclusion and Future Work

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6.1. Introduction

In this thesis work design of 20 GHz and 40 GHz frequency doubler circuits was presented. For the latter circuit, post-layout simulations were also provided. Table 8 represents comparison of this thesis work with other reported frequency doubler circuits.

Table-8: Comparison of frequency doubler circuits

Device /fT


Fout (GHz)

Pin (dB


Pout (dB)

C.G. (dB)

PDC (mW)

PAE (%)

F.S. (dB)

Chip Size without pads

(mm2) Ref

SiGe HBT / 150

38.5 - 40.5

-9 5 14 97 3.26 32 Schematic

Results This Work

SiGe HBT / 200

77-81 -8 2.5 10.5 210 0.85 25 0.4 ×0.3 (0.12)

This Work

SiGe HBT / 80

15.4-18 1.5 5-6 3.5-4.6 22-28 8-9.2 25 0.7 ×0.35 (0.245)


SiGe HBT / 80


6 9-10.5 3-4.5 95-114 4.2-6.4

35 0.7 ×0.5 (0.35)


SiGe HBT / 85

30 -12 -3.4 8.6 185 0.2 22 0.45 ×0.55

(0.248) [35]

GaAs HEMT / 95

56 5 6 1 275 0.3 23 1.6 × 1.2

(1.92) [28]

GaAs PHEMT / 95

56 0 4 4 70 2.2 29 1.4 × 0.64

(0.9) [29]


26.5 -

7.5 -2.5 5 26.5 1.7 16 - [30]

InGaP HBT / 60

16 -5 5 10 200 1.4 25 0.7 ×0.4 (0.28)



27 -

4.5 -3 1.5 10 7.4 11

0.37 ×0.27 (0.1)


6.2. Key Points Learned

Following are some key points which describe the outcome of the presented thesis work.

• Automotive radar facilitates various functions that increase the driver’s safety and comfort. Although, few modern vehicles are already equipped with this type of radar but once their production cost gets down, such automotive radars will be very common.

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• Due to regulatory issues, the shift of frequency band from 24 GHz to 77 GHz for automotive radars is due until 2014. Promising results in high frequency performance of SiGe technology may lead to the development of low-cost automotive radars at 77 GHz.

• The frequency multiplier circuit will be one of the key components used in combination with low a frequency oscillator for generating cost-effective and stable signal source having low phase noise.

• Frequency multiplier circuits fall in the category of non-linear circuits. Active devices should further be investigated for their non-linear behavior for efficient implementation of the frequency multiplier circuits.

• A frequency multiplier is usually characterized by its conversion gain, input power, fundamental suppression and dc power consumption.

• Emitter-coupled pair is a basic cell often used in a frequency doubler circuit. More often, class-B configuration has been used in many designs. Gilbert mixer cell can also be used as frequency doubler when both RF and LO ports of the mixer are tied together and fed by the same signal.

• For high frequency designs, special attention should be given to symmetry of layout, interconnects, optimum current densities of active devices, unnecessary crossing of metal lines carrying RF signal lines to avoid coupling, use of guard-rings (formed by substrate connections), impedance matching and grounding (EM shielding) of the circuit.

6.3. Future Work

Following are some recommendations for the future work.

• Single-ended circuit at 20 GHz (based on class-B configuration) is efficient but it involves a few inductors. This limits the use of this circuit in a technology where inductors are not supported. This design needs some modification to keep the use of passive elements at minimum.

• Differential circuit at 20 GHz has poor fundamental suppression. The circuit needs some filtering to keep the fundamental tone at the output as small as possible.

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• The gain of the Gilbert mixer when used in the frequency doubler application has strong dependence on thermal voltage when input signal level is low. The performance of the circuit degrades at high temperatures. The gain at two extreme temperatures (-40C and 85C) varies around 3-4 dB. The circuit needs an extra circuitry for temperature compensation to stabilize the circuit performance against temperature.

• As a high frequency design, the layout of frequency doubler circuits should be verified using a reliable 3-D planer EM simulator tool.

• For the testability purpose for frequency doubler circuits at 40 GHz, the design of baluns and impedance matching networks is required.

• The symmetry of layout in the frequency doubler circuit at 40 GHz is affected by presence of the differential transmission line. Some alternate routing plan may maintain symmetry and hence, it can minimize risk of amplitude and phase mismatch between two differential signals at the output.

• Once the frequency doubler circuit is integrated with a corresponding VCO (which makes a complete signal source) its performance should be evaluated by measuring the phase noise at the doubler circuit output.

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