design theory 8 (cgd101)


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Post on 07-Mar-2016




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Design Theory book


Page 1: Design Theory 8 (cgd101)
Page 2: Design Theory 8 (cgd101)
Page 3: Design Theory 8 (cgd101)
Page 4: Design Theory 8 (cgd101)
Page 5: Design Theory 8 (cgd101)

What is the product or service being advertised?The product being sold in this ad is Farmers home insurance.

LINE is being used in the design to: ► Create a mood

► Create texture through illustration

Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/de-scribe how this advertisement or web-site uses LINE. Within this ad, line is being used to both cre-ate texture via the illustrations on the chalkboard, as well as to create a mood. The use of chalk sketches in the form of calculations on the chalk-board gives the viewer the sense that the company that this ad represents does not simply operate by the seat of its pants, it makes educated decisions based on a a carefully followed formula. The par-ticular formula shown, having to do with the sci-ence behind tornadoes and their effect on homes, creates an immediate mood of seriousness, though as your eye is drawn deeper into the formula on the board, the mood is quickly altered to one of humor, as the viewer soon realizes that, tucked into this “formula”, there is the comical image of a flying cow. These two seemingly conflicting moods show that , while the company is serious about its business, it is still run by humans with human emotions, not corporate drones who only care about the bottom line.

The very nature of chalk can not help but cre-ate texture in a design, as it is somewhat grainy innature. Lines created with chalk are not solid, but instead are inconsistent and this, even in print, does a good job of conveying a feeling of texture

to the viewer. If the lines drawn onto the chalk-board were computer generated solid lines, the whole feel of the line work would change and the organic textural feel on the ad would be lost.

Please describe the effectiveness of the use of LINE in this design. I feel that this ad is very effective. It shows the viewer, both the serious nature of the company, as well as the company’s more human side. The seri-ous side shown lets the viewer know that this is a company that takes its business seriously, while the addition of the flying cow shows the compa-ny’s human side. It is nice to know that the folks you are dealing with are not just gray men in gray suits. This ad give the viewer a sense that those who run this company are “one of us”, in that they are not emotionless robots doing their duty for the bot master.

Who is the primary audience of the ad-vertisement or website? The primary audience of this ad are home own-ers, or those who are in the process of becoming home owners.

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Behind the pillar is a massive window, allowing those on the outside unfettered access to the day to day activities of the institution. This window sym-bolizes transparency. As a patron/potential patron, it is comforting to know that you are dealing with a company that operates in a transparent fashion and that you are not kept in the dark regarding something as serious as your financial future.

Please describe the effectiveness of the use of SHAPE in this design. This ad is very effective, as immediately upon viewing, I was able to ascertain the concept and direction of the ad. It was clear, within seconds, that this is a company that takes its business very seriously and is stable, strong, and secure. The imagery within the ad definitely does a great job of conveying this message. The pillar, in my opin-ion, is a really nice touch. It definitely works well in bringing to mind images of strength and sup-port. I also think it was great idea to include the large window in the ad. Transparency among large banking institutions seems to be a pretty rare thing these days, so I feel that it’s a good idea to pro-mote this message, as most people, due to recent events, do not trust banks.

Who is the primary audience of the ad-vertisement or website? The primary audience of this ad are those that are old enough to be concerned with financial sta-bility and retirement planning.

What is the product or service being advertised? The services being offered is this ad are financial planning and banking, with a focus on retirement planning.

SHAPE is being used in the design in the following way(s):

► Shape is helping the viewer understand the concept

► Shape is leading the viewer’s eye through the design

Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/de-scribe in your own words how this ad-vertisement or website uses SHAPE. Within this ad, the shape that the eye is drawn to immediately, is the flag in the foreground. This brings to mind images of power and longevity, both of which are attributes that a financial institu-tion would very much like its patrons to associate with it. It is no coincidence that the flag is waving gently in the breeze, as opposed to limply hang-ing from its pole; this lends to the ad the sense that this company, like our great nation, is on the move and in no way stagnant.

Placed prominently beneath the flag, is a pillar, long recognized as a symbol of strength, longev-ity, and unwavering support. This image lets the viewer know that this is an institution that will al-ways be there for them and will protect them from the weight of the financial world. Beyond just conveying the visual messages mentioned above, the pillar also guides the viewer’s eye downward towards the company’s name and contact informa-tion.

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What is the product or service being advertised? The product being advertized is an environmen-tally friendly and unique printing option offered by The Yupo Corporation and Classic Color.

TEXTURE is being used in the design to:

► Reinforce or support the concept of the design

Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/de-scribe how this advertisement or web-site uses TEXTURE. The use of the tree within this ad is being uti-lized to promote an environmentally friendly alternative to the different types of paper com-monly used in today’s printing industry; who doesn’t think “green” when viewing a tree? While the image of the tree alone could easily convey to the viewer a sense that this is an environmentally friendly product, the use of tactile texture simulat-ing the rough feel of tree bark further reinforces this message. It gives the viewer a sense that the trees being saved by this non-paper based product are more than just an image on a page or just a concept. They are very real and this product was designed to help them.

Aside from lending to the ad a “green” message, the use of texture also informs the viewer that there are new and exciting print processes, such as the interesting texture displayed in the ad, avail-able to them through these two companies(Yupo and Classic Colors).

The ad continues on the reverse side of the page with the words ”Branch out with innovative print”. This, of course, informs the viewer that,

with this product, one can expand his/her printing options but it also brings the viewer back to the tree via the use of the word branch, thus remind-ing the potential customer, once again, of the “green” nature of the product.

Please describe the effectiveness of the use of TEXTURE in this design. I feel that the use of texture in this ad is very ef-fective. The message was very clear immediately upon viewing and, in my opinion, the delivery was just about perfect. I especially enjoyed the way that they went full circle regarding the environ-mentally safe message. The way they lead back to the original message on the first page via the use of the word branch on the second was very clever.

Who is the primary audience of the ad-vertisement or website? The primary audience of the ad are advertize-ment firms, printing companies, and anyone else in the market for innovative new print mediums/techniques.

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What is the name of the company, or-ganization or individual utilizing this website? The name of the company is Alienware.

BALANCE is being used in the design in the following way(s):

► Symmetrical balance is reinforcing the message—such as; serious, conservative, sophisticated, stable, elegant, etc.

► Asymmetrical balance is reinforcing the message—such as; relaxed, informal, freeform, creative, etc.

Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/de-scribe in your own words how this ad-vertisement or website uses BALANCE. This website, while not completely symmetrical, gives a strong sense of organization to the viewer. The use of an underlying grid structure plays a major role in the overall balanced feel of the site. Had the objects(various pcs and notebooks) within in the site been placed in a slightly more casual fashion, the sense that this is an organized, mod-ern, and technology based company may have been lost.

On the other hand, the fact that the objects placed within the site are not perfectly symmetri-cal adds to the site the feeling that the company, while professional, is not one that is without fluid-ity. This is not a company that is stuck in a box; this is not a stuffy, cold, and stagnant technology company that your parents would do business with. The use of asymmetry within this website definitely lends to the overall feel, a sense of

youthful professionalism. It has a “next genera-tion” technology feel that today’s younger con-sumers will find appealing and will likely relate to.

Please describe the effectiveness of the use of BALANCE in this design. I feel that the use of balance in this ad is very ef-fective. When viewing this site, the first thing that comes to mind is “clean”. The layout, in my opin-ion, is very neat and organized, while at the same time, not so neat as to convey an overly clinical message. There is a decent balance between orga-nization and structural leniency.

Who is the primary audience of the ad-vertisement or website? The primary audience of this website are young people(especially gamers), between the ages of 13 and 25, who are looking for an alternative to the average pc/notebook.

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Page 13: Design Theory 8 (cgd101)

What is the product or service being advertised? The product/services being advertized are unique printing options being offered by Solo Printing.

CONTRAST is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply)

► Strengthen an idea; support the message.

► Contrasting colors

► Contrasting texture

Please thoroughly explain your an-swer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses CON-TRAST. Within this ad, is the image of a large, smooth textured, bright yellow umbrella among a sea of smaller umbrellas in black and white. Beneath the bright yellow umbrella are the words “Stand out with Color and Texture”. These words pretty much sum up what is going on in this ad, as well as the intended message; the yellow umbrella does indeed stand out due to the use of the vibrant color chosen, as well as the shiny smooth texture used. The message could not be more clear; with Solo Printing and their unique print options, your work will stand out among the sea of drab offerings peddled the Solo Printing’s competitors.

The use of contrast within this ad does not end with the brightly colored umbrella. The emphasis on the words “Stand, Color, and Texture” via capi-talization and the use of the same vibrant yellow seen on the umbrella aids in further pushing the

message of standing out with these print options. This message is continued on the reverse page of the ad via use of the umbrella theme, as well as the use of the phrase, again in yellow, “separate yourself from the crowd”. There is no denying it, this ad does indeed stand out among other ads, as does the intended message.

Please describe the effectiveness of the use of CONTRAST in this design. I feel that this ad is very effective, in that the message is instantly clear to the viewer as to what the product/service being offered is, as well as how this product/service stands out from that of competing products. The use of the smooth re-flective texture and bright yellow used in this ad really does a good job of drawing the viewer into the ad and sustaining his/her interest, thus allow-ing the message to be fully absorbed.

Who is the primary audience of the ad-vertisement or website? The primary audience of this ad are those in the design and advertizing fields.

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What is the name of the company, or-ganization or individual utilizing this website? The name of the company utilizing the website is Movado. (

UNITY is being used in the design to: ► Provide consistency

► Unify the design with consistent elements (grouped/repeating elements)

Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/de-scribe how this advertisement or web-site uses UNITY. Throughout this website, from page to page, the viewer will notice that consistency is the order of the day. From the black background, to the repeti-tion of the Movado name and set of links placed in the upper left of the website, this design leaves the viewer with no doubt that this site was designed with a sense of purpose and not just cobbled to-gether hastily with no direction or semblance of a plan.

Aside from the unifying elements mentioned above, the viewer will also notice that, on each page of the site there are product shots, obviously since this is Movado’s website, these products shown are watches. Movado could have simply taken the path of least resistance and went with a single watch, or even two watches per page, but instead went the extra mile and included the watches from page to page in a rhythmic pat-tern, on one page showing one watch, on the next showing two, etc. The same sense of rhythm is found in the boxes at the bottom of the page. While one or two watches/boxes consistently

shown per page would have been just fine, the choice of introducing a sense of rhythm to the piece lets the viewer know that Movado is a company that cares about quality work; if Mova-do puts this much thought into the design of there website, how much more thought would Movado put into their watches?

Please describe the effectiveness of the use of UNITY in this design. I feel that the use of unity is very effective in this design, as it is about as unified as a design can get without going to far and becoming bor-ing. I like the fact that the designer used consis-tency throughout the site via strict repetition but also incorporated a bit of rhythm into the mix.

Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website? The primary audience of this website are those who are interested in high end, finely crafted timepieces.

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What is the name of the company, organi-zation or individual utilizing this website? The name of the organization utilizing this website is the San Diego Zoo. (

COLOR is being used in the design in the following way(s):

► Creates a mood or feeling

► Creates harmony

Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses COLOR. The use of color within this website, first and fore-most, is being used to create the feeling of cold. As this website is focused on polar bears and their habi-tat, this choice of feel via color makes perfect sense. The use of cool colors in this website, such as white and blue, are the primary vehicles used to create this feeling of cold. While the simple image of ice and water alone could have imparted this feeling upon the viewer, the use of cool colors elsewhere in the website really drive this feel home.

The use of cool colors, aside from being used to drive the message of cold, is also being used to create harmony within the site. The blue/white theme, aside from the more obvious uses, is also being utilized for the links and the majority of the text within the site thus creating a strong sense of harmony. Had the designer thrown in some reds or browns, the overall harmonious nature of the site likely would have been forfeited.

Please describe the effectiveness of the use of COLOR in this design.

I feel that the use of color within this website is very effective, in that it not only successfully creates a mood, but also does a great job of creating a strong sense of harmony within the site. I feel that the in-tended message of this site was very well thought out and executed.

Who is the primary audience of the adver-tisement or website? The primary audience of this website are parents and their children who are interested in the San Diego Zoo.

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What is the name of the company, organi-zation or individual utilizing this website? The name of the organization utilizing this website is the San Diego Zoo. (

COLOR is being used in the design in the following way(s):

► Creates a mood or feeling

► Creates harmony

Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses COLOR. The use of color within this website, first and fore-most, is being used to create the feeling of cold. As this website is focused on polar bears and their habi-tat, this choice of feel via color makes perfect sense. The use of cool colors in this website, such as white and blue, are the primary vehicles used to create this feeling of cold. While the simple image of ice and water alone could have imparted this feeling upon the viewer, the use of cool colors elsewhere in the website really drive this feel home.

The use of cool colors, aside from being used to drive the message of cold, is also being used to create harmony within the site. The blue/white theme, aside from the more obvious uses, is also being utilized for the links and the majority of the text within the site thus creating a strong sense of harmony. Had the designer thrown in some reds or browns, the overall harmonious nature of the site likely would have been forfeited.

Please describe the effectiveness of the use of COLOR in this design.

I feel that the use of color within this website is very effective, in that it not only successfully creates a mood, but also does a great job of creating a strong sense of harmony within the site. I feel that the intended message of this site was very well thought out and executed.

Who is the primary audience of the adver-tisement or website? The primary audience of this website are parents and their children who are interested in the San Diego Zoo.

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