design work sample. carolyn bickel

HOUSING SILVERLAKE sunset blvd. silverlake. city of los angeles. The project was to design a Multi-family residence as a social response to the urban fabric of Los Angeles. The program includes 36 single family units and a retail component at street level. My approach to this project was to take a standard unit and place it on the site in a way that would be beneficial to every unit and every resident. I wanted there to be a strong sense of privacy with a large amount of natural lighting. This idea became more complicated when I took further moves to secure both the privacy and lighting through terraces. Carolyn Bickel [email protected] 626.244..4368 Cal Poly Pomona

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Design Work Sample from my 5 years of Architecture school


Page 1: Design Work Sample. Carolyn Bickel

HOUSING SILVERLAKE sunset blvd. silverlake. city of los angeles.The project was to design a Multi-family residence as a social response to the urban fabric of Los Angeles. The program includes 36 single family units and a retail component at street level.

My approach to this project was to take a standard unit and place it on the site in a way that would be beneficial to every unit and every resident. I wanted there to be a strong sense of privacy with a large amount of natural lighting. This idea became more complicated when I took further moves to secure both the privacy and lighting through terraces.

Carolyn [email protected] 626.244..4368

Cal Poly Pomona

Page 2: Design Work Sample. Carolyn Bickel

KOREATOWN ELEMENTRY western ave and second st. koreatown. city of los angeles.The project was to design a new elementary school on the current site of Charles Kim Elementary School in Los Angeles Unified School District.

The program goals are to address the changing needs and the opportunity to design and build a new typology of school grounds. For my design I focused on a way to take the standard classroom unit and create sectional variety, as well as introduce more natural light, into the learning environment.

Carolyn [email protected] 626.244..4368

Cal Poly Pomona

Page 3: Design Work Sample. Carolyn Bickel

FALLING ARCHES claremont. calfornia.

The project was to design a new train station for the Los Angeles Metro Gold Line extension. The site is the actual location that the new Gold Line site will be placed.

Our inspiration for this project came from the idea of a traditional arcade. This idea was taken one step further in the decision to introduce an organic element and feel to the arches.

Carolyn [email protected] 626.244..4368

Cal Poly Pomona

Page 4: Design Work Sample. Carolyn Bickel

HOLLYWOOD COURTHOUSE sunset blvd. hollywood. city of los angeles.

The project was to design small community courthouse for the neighborhood of Hollywood.

Carolyn [email protected] 626.244..4368

Cal Poly Pomona