designing a character profile

Charla Dilan Designing a Character Profile Name- This advert will be aimed at Kameron Rhys Morgan as it is about keeping fit for your own health. It is important that everyone gets at least 10 minutes of exercise every day and I believe that Kameron Rhys Morgan is an ideal person for the target audience. Age- The ages of people that my advert is going to be aimed at are people from the ages of 15 to 19, Kameron Rhys Morgan is a fifteen year old female. Therefore, if she listens and understands the message she will really benefit from it that could potentially change her lifestyle for the better. Occupation/studies- Typically, people from 15 to 19 are usually in school, sixth form/college or university which are three very different forms and levels of education. Therefore, these different types of education are what my target audience should be doing in terms of studies which means that they do not have a lot of time to be exercising or at least thinking about it. Interests- I believe that most people around the ages of 15-19 are only really interested in social media as it is what consumes most of their time, sometimes without even realising. Most teenagers go through phases where they are absolutely interested in fitness, but then they begin to get bored of it after a while and eventually forget or do not care enough. Ideologies- For some individuals they may have some strong beliefs; however, generally speaking I do not think that 15 to 19 year olds have very strong values.

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Post on 09-Nov-2015




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Character profile


Charla DilanDesigning a Character ProfileName- This advert will be aimed at Kameron Rhys Morgan as it is about keeping fit for your own health. It is important that everyone gets at least 10 minutes of exercise every day and I believe that Kameron Rhys Morgan is an ideal person for the target audience.Age- The ages of people that my advert is going to be aimed at are people from the ages of 15 to 19, Kameron Rhys Morgan is a fifteen year old female. Therefore, if she listens and understands the message she will really benefit from it that could potentially change her lifestyle for the better.Occupation/studies- Typically, people from 15 to 19 are usually in school, sixth form/college or university which are three very different forms and levels of education. Therefore, these different types of education are what my target audience should be doing in terms of studies which means that they do not have a lot of time to be exercising or at least thinking about it.Interests- I believe that most people around the ages of 15-19 are only really interested in social media as it is what consumes most of their time, sometimes without even realising. Most teenagers go through phases where they are absolutely interested in fitness, but then they begin to get bored of it after a while and eventually forget or do not care enough. Ideologies- For some individuals they may have some strong beliefs; however, generally speaking I do not think that 15 to 19 year olds have very strong values. Although, 15 to 19 tend to care more about appearance, especially in terms of females meaning that they value the way that they look.Lifestyle category- The typical lifestyle that a 15 to 19 year old have may just be going to school, sixth form or college and then studying afterwards, they might also have a part time job or activity but other than that their education should consume their time. I do believe that my target audiences lifestyle choices involves them being cynics as they will always find something negative, especially in terms of exercising.Social economic class- The social class will be E as 15 to 19 year olds should still be in education and possibly have a part time job to pay their way.