desirable features of a grievance procedure

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Post on 30-Oct-2015




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Desirable features of a Grievance Procedure


Desirable features of a Grievance ProcedureA Grievance procedure should incorporate the following features:1) Conformity with existing legislation:The procedure should be designed to supplement the existing statutory provision. Where practicable, the procedure can make use of such machinery as the law might have already provided for.

2) Acceptability:The Grievance procedure must be accepted by everybody. In order to be generally acceptable if must ensure(a) A sense of fair-play and justice to the work(b) Reasonable exercise of authority to the manager, and(c) Adequate participation of the union 3) Simplicity:The procedure should be simple enough to be understood by every employee. The step should be as few as possible. Channels for handling Grievance should be carefully developed. Employees must know the authorities to be contacted at various levels. Information about the procedure can be thoroughly disseminated among all employees through pictures, charts, diagrams, etc.4) Promptness:Speedy settlement of a Grievance is the cornerstone of a sound personal policy. Justice delayed if justice denied. The procedure should aim at a rapid disposal of the Grievance. This can be achieve of by incorporating the following features in the procedure.a) As for as possible Grievance should be settled at the lowest levelb) No matter should ordinarily be taken up at more than two level i.e. normally there should be only one appealc) Different types of grievance may be referred to appropriate authorities. It may be useful to classify grievances as those arising from personnel relationship and others arising out of conditions of employment. In the former case, a grievance should be taken up, in the first instance, with the authority in the line management immediately above the officer against whom the complaint is made. Thereafter, the matter may go to the grievance committee comprising reprehensive of management and worker other grievance should be taken up in the first instance, with the authority designated by the management. Thereafter, a reference may be made to the grievance committee and finally to the top management.d) Time limit should be placed at each step and it should be rigidly followed at each level.5) Training:In order to ensure effective working of the grievance procedure it is necessary that supervisors and the union representatives are given training in grievance handling.6) Follow up:The working of the procedure should be reviewed periodically by the personnel department and necessary structural changes introduced to make it more effective.

Point to the remembered when handling a grievance:1) Every grievance must be considered important no matter how irrelevant or insignificant it is or seems.

2) A grievance should not be postponed in the hop that people will see the light themselves. If an executive is tired, in a bad temper, or otherwise feeling out of sorts, he may courteously, apologetically and with regret postpone a grievances hearing, but he should never say something that would never the distrust or enmity of the aggrieved employee.

3) All grievances should be put in writing. This is necessary to avoid ambiguity and to correctly determine the exact nature of a grievance writing about the ambiguous nature of most grievances, jacius observers that grievances of today often have their roots in the acts of yesterday and their branchy in the effects of tomorrow. The roots are sometimes difficult to locate, and how the branch will grow, difficult to forecast. But difficult though the task is, it must be tackled as best as one can, else grievance band ling becomes grievance fighting. A vague grievance will have to be solved over again.

4) All relevant facts about a grievance should be gathered by the management and their proper records maintained this will convince the employees about managements sincerity integrity and honesty of purpose fell facts will also help the management in reaching fair decision maintenance of records is essential for future reference.

5) The worker should be given free time off to pursue his grievance.

6) Management should make a list of all solutions and later evaluate them one by one interns of their total effect upon the organisation and not solely upon their immediate or individual effect tentative solutions.

7) Decision once reached should be communicated to the employee and acted upon by the management. If the decision is unfavourable its legitimate foundations should be well explained.

8) Follow up must be done by the management to determine whether action taken but it has favourable changed the employees attitude or not.