desktop support questiones

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  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    Ready yourself forReady yourself for

    Desktop Support InterviewDesktop Support Interview

    New Horizons India Ltd.

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    Pre-preparation for an interview

    Research about the company

    • Read the company’s recruitment literature and their annual report (if available.

    • Read relevant newspapers!professional "ournals and surf the web.

    •  #s$ friends% ac&uaintances about the or'anization.

    • ry and spea$ to an employee already wor$in' in the or'anization.

    Research about the job

    )hat does the "ob involve*

    )hat are the future 'rowth prospects*

    )hat s$ills will I need to perform*

    )hat s$ills do I have for this "ob*

    )hat e+amples can I 'ive to show that I am the perfect candidate*

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    Answering interview questions

    A few general rules:

    • ,pea$ up when answerin' &uestions.

    •  #void yes or no answers.• -nderstand the &uestion then answer Don't worry about pausing before you answer • e as honest.• e prepared for hypothetical situation &uestions.• e prepared for the une+pected &uestion• /ractice appropriate tone% pace% and correct pronunciation while spea$in'.

    • han$ the interviewers for their time when you leave


    • Do not forget to smile

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    Presentation and body language

     #ctions spea$ louder than word by 0arole 1artin 

    Some nonverbal pitfalls 

    he handsha$e 2our 0onfidence2our posture3ye contact

    2our hands4on5t fid'et

    What all interviewers want to hear  and don!t want to hear "

      # hi'hly motivated individual

    ne'ative about yourself

    criticizin' /revious employers and!or mana'ers! Institute. 

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    Making a good first impressionMaking a good first impression

    #ress Appropriately#ress Appropriately ,ee the dress for success flyer included,ee the dress for success flyer included

     # formal dress code is the safest.Have manicured nails.

    rush your teeth.

    0omb your hair neatly.

    )ear a dress that is properly ironed and that has no stains.

    /ut a dash of deodorant to avoid unpleasant odor.

    )ear minimal "ewelry.

    -se sober ma$e6up ( for women.

    ,have properly (for men.. 

    Stay $almStay $alm 7ive yourself the opportunity to do what ever rela+es you (within reason87ive yourself the opportunity to do what ever rela+es you (within reason8

    Arrive %arlyArrive %arly 7ive yourself time to 'et lost 6 but chec$ in no more than 9: minutes early7ive yourself time to 'et lost 6 but chec$ in no more than 9: minutes early

    &reet well&reet well ;irm% dry handsha$e;irm% dry handsha$e 7ood breath (no 'um7ood breath (no 'um  #lways stand when introduce #lways stand when introduce

    Positive 'ody (anguage)Positive 'ody (anguage)

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    Interview QuestionsInterview Questions

      *uestions in an interview can be categori+ed into the following:

      Non6echnical (7eneral &uestions

      echnical &uestions

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    Some examples ofSome examples of Non-Technical (eneral!"uestions

    ,ell me something about yourself ,ell me something about yourself .ow would you describe yourself  ? ? Answer:Answer:

       #ou need to cate$ori%e your answer in parts like&& #ou need to cate$ori%e your answer in parts like&&  -- 'ho are you'ho are you 

     #our )ull Name and *elon$s form& #our )ull Name and *elon$s form&

      --  #our +rofessional ,xperience #our +rofessional ,xperience 

    It includes your ompany pro.le (erti.cation/ Stren$th/ lients of the ompany!&It includes your ompany pro.le (erti.cation/ Stren$th/ lients of the ompany!&

      #our workin$ experience (0ow lon$ you are workin$ with them 1 +ositive thin$s #our workin$ experience (0ow lon$ you are workin$ with them 1 +ositive thin$swhile workin$ with them!&while workin$ with them!&

      0ow your present experience will help you for your future $rowth&0ow your present experience will help you for your future $rowth&

      -- ,ducation *ack$round,ducation *ack$round

      ive 2rief a2out ,ducation 1 erti.cation Details in chronolo$ical order&ive 2rief a2out ,ducation 1 erti.cation Details in chronolo$ical order&

      -- )amily *ack$round)amily *ack$round

      0ow many mem2ers in your family 1 their name with their pro.les whether they0ow many mem2ers in your family 1 their name with their pro.les whether theyare workin$ or not& (ourse3De$ree Name/ 4niversity 3 *oard/ percenta$e 3 radeare workin$ or not& (ourse3De$ree Name/ 4niversity 3 *oard/ percenta$e 3 radeyou5ve scored!&you5ve scored!&

    --  #our personal *elief 1 Interest #our personal *elief 1 Interest

      #our positive points ( ive them a $ood example that will proof your positive point #our positive points ( ive them a $ood example that will proof your positive point1 if you $ot any award or appreciation due that positive point!&1 if you $ot any award or appreciation due that positive point!&

     #our personal 2eliefs& (ive some thin$ related to the 6o2 2e prepare to proof it!& #our personal 2eliefs& (ive some thin$ related to the 6o2 2e prepare to proof it!&

      #our ho22ies& #our ho22ies&

     #our achievements& #our achievements&

      #our +rofessional 1 +ersonal 7im in 8ife (9ake it in a way that how this :o2 will help #our +rofessional 1 +ersonal 7im in 8ife (9ake it in a way that how this :o2 will helpyou out to achieve the same!you out to achieve the same!

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    Why should we hire you/

      6 ,ell your stron' points



  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    What is your greatest wea0ness/ 

    here are two ways to tac$le this &uestion=

    > ,tate a stren'th dis'uised as a wea$ness.

     3+amples=   ?I am fussy about details.@ ?I feel frustrated when tas$s are not completed in time.@

    > 4escribe your wea$ness briefly% and e+pand upon what strate'ies you

    use to overcome the wea$ness.

    Where do you see yourself ten years from now/ 

    Never admit that you are not sure.

    7ive 'oals related to the profession for which you are applyin'.

    /resent a realistic plan as per your present a'e and situation.

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    #escribe your dream job)

    7ive an answer related to the profession for which you are interviewin'.

    4escribe a realistic situation.

    4escribe your strate'ies for achievin' the "ob mentioned.

    #o you prefer wor0ing alone or in a team/

    7ive a middle6of6the6road answer.

    Reflect your interpersonal s$ills.

     #t the same time% reflect your ability to wor$ independently.

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    .ow do you react under pressure/

    4escribe strate'ies that you use to deal with pressure.

    4escribe an incident when you were under pressure and used these

    strate'ies effectively.

    What is your greatest achievement/ 

    4escribe an achievement that includes personal &ualities which would be

    important to the "ob.

    e honest.

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones




    1.1. Don't talk about salary too soonDon't talk about salary too soon

    It is best to discuss this after the have offered you the position and before you haveIt is best to discuss this after the have offered you the position and before you have

    accepted it.accepted it.

    2. If asked about salary right away, change the subject2. If asked about salary right away, change the subject

    ry% ?I don’t want to bo+ myself in terms of salary ri'ht now. If you don’t mind% I’d li$e tory% ?I don’t want to bo+ myself in terms of salary ri'ht now. If you don’t mind% I’d li$e to

    focus on the value I can produce for your company@focus on the value I can produce for your company@

    3. Do your research and reare to negotiate3. Do your research and reare to negotiate

    efore you 'o into the interview% $now the 'oin' rate for your e+perience and position.efore you 'o into the interview% $now the 'oin' rate for your e+perience and position.

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    !o"e #$a"les for Desk !uort %echnical &uestions!o"e #$a"les for Desk !uort %echnical &uestions

    What is the Active #irectory/What is the Active #irectory/

      Answer:Answer:  #n active directory is a directory structure used on 1icrosoft )indows based computers and servers to store #n active directory is a directory structure used on 1icrosoft )indows based computers and servers to store

    information and data about networ$s and domains. It is primarily used for online information and was ori'inallyinformation and data about networ$s and domains. It is primarily used for online information and was ori'inallycreated in 9AAB and first used with )indows C:::.created in 9AAB and first used with )indows C:::.

      #n active directory (sometimes referred to as an #4 does a variety of functions includin' the ability to provide #n active directory (sometimes referred to as an #4 does a variety of functions includin' the ability to provideinformation on ob"ects% helps or'anize these ob"ects for easy retrieval and access% allows access by end usersinformation on ob"ects% helps or'anize these ob"ects for easy retrieval and access% allows access by end usersand administrators and allows the administrator to set security up for the directory.and administrators and allows the administrator to set security up for the directory.

      #n active directory can be defined as a hierarchical structure and this structure is usually bro$en up into three #n active directory can be defined as a hierarchical structure and this structure is usually bro$en up into threemain cate'ories% the resources which mi'ht include hardware such as printers% services for end users such asmain cate'ories% the resources which mi'ht include hardware such as printers% services for end users such asweb email servers and ob"ects which are the main functions of the domain and networ$.web email servers and ob"ects which are the main functions of the domain and networ$.

      It is interestin' to note the framewor$ for the ob"ects. Remember that an ob"ect can be a piece of hardware suchIt is interestin' to note the framewor$ for the ob"ects. Remember that an ob"ect can be a piece of hardware suchas a printer% end user or security settin's set by the administrator. hese ob"ects can hold other ob"ects withinas a printer% end user or security settin's set by the administrator. hese ob"ects can hold other ob"ects withintheir file structure. #ll ob"ects have an I4% usually an ob"ect name (folder name. In addition to these ob"ects bein'their file structure. #ll ob"ects have an I4% usually an ob"ect name (folder name. In addition to these ob"ects bein'able to hold other ob"ects% every ob"ect has its own attributes which allows it to be characterized by theable to hold other ob"ects% every ob"ect has its own attributes which allows it to be characterized by theinformation which it contains. 1ost I professionals call these settin' or characterizations schemas.information which it contains. 1ost I professionals call these settin' or characterizations schemas.

    4ependin' on the type of schema created for a folder% will ultimately determine how these ob"ects are used. ;or4ependin' on the type of schema created for a folder% will ultimately determine how these ob"ects are used. ;orinstance% some ob"ects with certain schemas can not be deleted% they can only be deactivated. Dthers types ofinstance% some ob"ects with certain schemas can not be deleted% they can only be deactivated. Dthers types ofschemas with certain attributes can be deleted entirely. ;or instance% a user ob"ect can be deleted% but theschemas with certain attributes can be deleted entirely. ;or instance% a user ob"ect can be deleted% but theadministrator ob"ect can not be deleted.administrator ob"ect can not be deleted.

      )hen understandin' active directories% it is important to $now the framewor$ that ob"ects can be viewed at. In fact%)hen understandin' active directories% it is important to $now the framewor$ that ob"ects can be viewed at. In fact%an active directory can be viewed at either one of three levels% these levels are called forests% trees or active directory can be viewed at either one of three levels% these levels are called forests% trees or domains.he hi'hest structure is called the forest because you can see all ob"ects included within the active directory.he hi'hest structure is called the forest because you can see all ob"ects included within the active directory.

    )ithin the ;orest structure are trees% these structures usually hold one or more domains% 'oin' further down the)ithin the ;orest structure are trees% these structures usually hold one or more domains% 'oin' further down thestructure of an active directory are sin'le domains. o put the forest% trees and domains into perspective% considerstructure of an active directory are sin'le domains. o put the forest% trees and domains into perspective% considerthe followin' e+ample.the followin' e+ample.

     # lar'e or'anization has many dozens of users and processes. he forest mi'ht be the entire networ$ of end users # lar'e or'anization has many dozens of users and processes. he forest mi'ht be the entire networ$ of end usersand specific computers at a set location. )ithin this forest directory are now trees that hold information on specificand specific computers at a set location. )ithin this forest directory are now trees that hold information on specificob"ects such as domain controllers% pro'ram data% system% etc. )ithin these ob"ects are even more ob"ects whichob"ects such as domain controllers% pro'ram data% system% etc. )ithin these ob"ects are even more ob"ects whichcan then be controlled and cate'orized.can then be controlled and cate'orized.

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    What is the requirement and wor0 of active directory/What is the requirement and wor0 of active directory/  Answer:Answer:  Re&uirement for #ctive 4irectoryRe&uirement for #ctive 4irectory

    9N;, partition with enou'h ;ree space9N;, partition with enou'h ;ree spaceC#dministrator5s username and passwordC#dministrator5s username and password

    E0orrect Dperatin' system versionE0orrect Dperatin' system versionFNicFNicG/roperly confi'ured 0/!I/ (I/ address% subnet mas$ and 6 optional 6default 'atewayG/roperly confi'ured 0/!I/ (I/ address% subnet mas$ and 6 optional 6default 'atewayB Net )or$ 0onnection (hrou'h ,witch or ia #nother 0omputer with 0rossover cableB Net )or$ 0onnection (hrou'h ,witch or ia #nother 0omputer with 0rossover cable 4N, ,erver  4N, ,erver J4omain name that you want to useJ4omain name that you want to useAhe )indows C::: or )indows ,erver C::E 04 mediaAhe )indows C::: or )indows ,erver C::E 04 media

    )or$ Df #ctive 4irectory= #ctive 4irectory store information and data about networ$s and domains%)or$ Df #ctive 4irectory= #ctive 4irectory store information and data about networ$s and domains%Networ$ -sers.Networ$ -sers.

    What is the Windows Registry/What is the Windows Registry/  Answer:Answer:  hehe Windows registryWindows registry is a directory which stores settin's and options for the operatin' system foris a directory which stores settin's and options for the operatin' system for

    1icrosoft )indows EC6bit versions% BF6bit versions% and )indows 1obile. It contains information1icrosoft )indows EC6bit versions% BF6bit versions% and )indows 1obile. It contains informationand settin's for all the hardware% operatin' system software% most non6operatin' systemand settin's for all the hardware% operatin' system software% most non6operatin' systemsoftware% users% preferences of the /0% etc. )henever a user ma$es chan'es to 0ontrol /anelsoftware% users% preferences of the /0% etc. )henever a user ma$es chan'es to 0ontrol /anelsettin's% file associations% system policies% or most installed software% the chan'es are reflectedsettin's% file associations% system policies% or most installed software% the chan'es are reflectedand stored in the re'istry. he re'istry also provides a window into the operation of the $ernel%and stored in the re'istry. he re'istry also provides a window into the operation of the $ernel%e+posin' runtime information such as performance counters and currently active hardware. hise+posin' runtime information such as performance counters and currently active hardware. hisuse of re'istry mechanism is conceptually similar to the way that ,ysfs and procfs e+poseuse of re'istry mechanism is conceptually similar to the way that ,ysfs and procfs e+poseruntime information throu'h the file system (traditionally viewed as a place for permanentruntime information throu'h the file system (traditionally viewed as a place for permanentstora'e% thou'h the information made available by each of them differs tremendously.stora'e% thou'h the information made available by each of them differs tremendously.

      hehe Windows registry Windows registry  was introduced to tidy up the profusion of per6pro'ram INI files that hadwas introduced to tidy up the profusion of per6pro'ram INI files that hadpreviously been used to store confi'uration settin's for )indows pro'rams.previously been used to store confi'uration settin's for )indows pro'rams. K9K9 hese files tendedhese files tendedto be scattered all over the system% which made them difficult to trac$.to be scattered all over the system% which made them difficult to trac$.

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    What is the 'lue #ump %rror/What is the 'lue #ump %rror/  Answer:Answer:Windows 'lue Screen System #umpWindows 'lue Screen System #ump

    2ou e+perience the infamous Mblue screen of deathM or stop errors when you boot up your computer or while a windows application is2ou e+perience the infamous Mblue screen of deathM or stop errors when you boot up your computer or while a windows application isrunnin'.runnin'.

    Possible $ausesPossible $auses,top errors are basically application errors that occur when the )indows $ernel detect an error which it can not recover. here are many,top errors are basically application errors that occur when the )indows $ernel detect an error which it can not recover. here are many

    factors that would lead to these system han's or memory dumps. ypically% the computer halts and what follows throu'h is a set offactors that would lead to these system han's or memory dumps. ypically% the computer halts and what follows throu'h is a set ofdia'nostic information displayed on a blue screen. he contents of the /05s memory could be dumped to a file for later analysis. )hendia'nostic information displayed on a blue screen. he contents of the /05s memory could be dumped to a file for later analysis. )henstop errors occur% the only action the user can ta$e is to restart the computer and the same problem may come bac$ if the root cause isstop errors occur% the only action the user can ta$e is to restart the computer and the same problem may come bac$ if the root cause isnot resolved.not resolved.

    he followin' are the causes errors =he followin' are the causes errors =

    Software %rrors #uring Windows 1perationSoftware %rrors #uring Windows 1perationNewly installed software% device drivers or modified re'istry settin's may corrupt the system resultin' in a stop error% either constantly orNewly installed software% device drivers or modified re'istry settin's may corrupt the system resultin' in a stop error% either constantly ortri''ered under certain circumstances.tri''ered under certain circumstances.

    .ardware %rrors #uring Windows 1peration.ardware %rrors #uring Windows 1peration)hen a hardware device malfunctions% bein' removed or newly added durin' a windows operation or start up% a hardware stop error may)hen a hardware device malfunctions% bein' removed or newly added durin' a windows operation or start up% a hardware stop error mayoccur. his happens when the operatin' system detects a conflict between the hardware and device driver% or incompatible hardware andoccur. his happens when the operatin' system detects a conflict between the hardware and device driver% or incompatible hardware andincorrect ID, settin's.incorrect ID, settin's.

    2ntermittent %rrors2ntermittent %rrorsRandom physical and lo'ical errors such as a defective system memory% failed hard dis$ or over6heatin' processor may tri''er blueRandom physical and lo'ical errors such as a defective system memory% failed hard dis$ or over6heatin' processor may tri''er bluescreen dump.screen dump.

    ResolutionResolutionIt is difficult to come up with a precise set of instructions for every possible error. Nevertheless here are some 'eneric solutions =It is difficult to come up with a precise set of instructions for every possible error. Nevertheless here are some 'eneric solutions =

    #ealing with Software %rrors#ealing with Software %rrorsIf the blue screen occurs after you install a software application or device driver% it is li$ely that the software is incompatible with theIf the blue screen occurs after you install a software application or device driver% it is li$ely that the software is incompatible with thesystem. o fi+ this error% boot into safe mode from the )indows ,tartup menu and remove any unnecessary files and pro'rams that mi'htsystem. o fi+ this error% boot into safe mode from the )indows ,tartup menu and remove any unnecessary files and pro'rams that mi'htbe causin' the problem. If you have modified your re'istry% restore all settin's bac$ either manually or restore the re'istry from a bac$upbe causin' the problem. If you have modified your re'istry% restore all settin's bac$ either manually or restore the re'istry from a bac$uparchive. If you are runnin' on )indows /% you can alternatively attempt to perform a system restore to revert all settin's to a safe point.archive. If you are runnin' on )indows /% you can alternatively attempt to perform a system restore to revert all settin's to a safe point.

    #ealing with .ardware %rrors#ealing with .ardware %rrors

    If operatin' on a faulty hardware causes a blue screen to occur% ensure that the hardware is compatible with your system by readin' up onIf operatin' on a faulty hardware causes a blue screen to occur% ensure that the hardware is compatible with your system by readin' up onthe hardware and motherboard manual. ;irstly% try to trouble shoot and eliminate any faulty hardware. 2ou can also try to install the latestthe hardware and motherboard manual. ;irstly% try to trouble shoot and eliminate any faulty hardware. 2ou can also try to install the latestfi+es that your hardware and motherboard manufacturers provide. If the problem persist% remove or chan'e the hardware. If you havefi+es that your hardware and motherboard manufacturers provide. If the problem persist% remove or chan'e the hardware. If you havemade modifications to your ID, such as overcloc$in'% troubleshoot the ID, error by revert the settin's bac$ to ori'inal values or set itmade modifications to your ID, such as overcloc$in'% troubleshoot the ID, error by revert the sett in's bac$ to ori'inal values or set itto default.

    #ealing with 2ntermittent %rrors#ealing with 2ntermittent %rrorsIf you have received error messa'es or warnin's that your hardware such as the memory or hard dis$ mi'ht be defective% a commonIf you have received error messa'es or warnin's that your hardware such as the memory or hard dis$ mi'ht be defective% a commontechni&ue is to swap in new hardware components to replace the suspected parts until the faulty part is identified. ,ome hardwaretechni&ue is to swap in new hardware components to replace the suspected parts until the faulty part is identified. ,ome hardwaredia'nostic pro'ram may also help. #t time% you may need to test your hardware on other wor$stations to identify the source of thedia'nostic pro'ram may also help. #t time% you may need to test your hardware on other wor$stations to identify the source of theproblem. a$e note that an overheatin' computer can cause erratic behavior and ultimately lead to system failure.problem. a$e note that an overheatin' computer can cause erratic behavior and ultimately lead to system failure.

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    Read he ,i'nsRead he ,i'nsIf the blue screen persist% you may wish to tac$le the problem directly by readin' the error messa'e. Dn )indows /If the blue screen persist% you may wish to tac$le the problem directly by readin' the error messa'e. Dn )indows /when a stop error occurs% the system will reboot itself. o fully study this error messa'e% you have to disable your computerwhen a stop error occurs% the system will reboot itself. o fully study this error messa'e% you have to disable your computerfrom auto restartin' when this happens.from auto restartin' when this happens.o do this follows these steps=o do this follows these steps=

    0lic$0lic$ StartStart% point to% point to SettingsSettings% select% select $ontrol Panel$ontrol Panel4ouble clic$ on the4ouble clic$ on the SystemSystem iconicon

    0lic$ the0lic$ the AdvancedAdvanced tabtab 0lic$0lic$ SettingsSettings under theunder the Startup And RecoveryStartup And Recovery sectionsection

    .ow to ma0e the des0top icons smaller or lager/.ow to ma0e the des0top icons smaller or lager/Answer:Answer:  his is very simple on you main des$top "ust ri'ht clic$ the mouse button in a blan$ space% then scroll down and clic$his is very simple on you main des$top "ust ri'ht clic$ the mouse button in a blan$ space% then scroll down and clic$

    properties. 2ou are at the display settin's menu on the top bar you will see a tab that reads appearance% clic$ on this 2ou are at the display settin's menu on the top bar you will see a tab that reads appearance% clic$ on this tab.Dnce you are at the appearance tab clic$ the advanced button (it should be in the lower ri'ht corner once you are at theDnce you are at the appearance tab clic$ the advanced button (it should be in the lower ri'ht corner once you are at theadvanced window% you will see a scroll down menu that has des$top displayed% clic$ on this and scroll down to icons% nowadvanced window% you will see a scroll down menu that has des$top displayed% clic$ on this and scroll down to icons% nowsimply raise the font of the icon size and the icons will become lar'er% to raise the font of the te+t there is a bar underneathsimply raise the font of the icon size and the icons will become lar'er% to raise the font of the te+t there is a bar underneath

    that% it will list the format the te+t is displayed in% to the ri'ht of that will be the size% you can also bold the te+t with the boldthat% it will list the format the te+t is displayed in% to the ri'ht of that will be the size% you can also bold the te+t with the boldbutton on the ri'ht side of this bar.button on the ri'ht side of this bar.

    .ow to restore Windows 3P in $ommand 4ode/.ow to restore Windows 3P in $ommand 4ode/Answer:Answer:  0lic$ on start button% in /ro'ramme there is a accessories in this you will 'et system tool in system tool there is system0lic$ on start button% in /ro'ramme there is a accessories in this you will 'et system tool in system tool there is system

    restore point set it.restore point set it.

    Or Or 

      oot to safe mode with command prompt.oot to safe mode with command prompt.ype c=windowssystemECrestorerstrui.e+eype c=windowssystemECrestorerstrui.e+e

    ;ollow prompts.;ollow prompts.

    .ow do you reset the users password give the steps it too0 to get you to the user account/.ow do you reset the users password give the steps it too0 to get you to the user account/Answer:Answer:  If it’s a local account on an / machine or C::: you can enter control panel and local users icon to reset accounts. Dr enterIf it’s a local account on an / machine or C::: you can enter control panel and local users icon to reset accounts. Dr enter

    R-N from ,tart menu and type lusrm'r.msc to open the applet directly. If the account resides on an active directory serverR-N from ,tart menu and type lusrm'r.msc to open the applet directly. If the account resides on an active directory serverenvironment then you will need to open the #4-0. 2ou can do this by either drillin' down to it from the administration toolsenvironment then you will need to open the #4-0. 2ou can do this by either drillin' down to it from the administration toolsmenu off the start menu or via control panel or by 'oin' to R-N from ,#R menu and enterin' 4, off the start menu or via control panel or by 'oin' to R-N from ,#R menu and enterin' 4,#.

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    What is the difference between 4S 1utloo0 and 4S 1utloo0 %5press/ .ow we willWhat is the difference between 4S 1utloo0 and 4S 1utloo0 %5press/ .ow we will

    troubleshoot outloo0/ .ow we will configure ldap on outloo0/troubleshoot outloo0/ .ow we will configure ldap on outloo0/Answer:Answer:  Dutloo$ 3+press is a /D/E6 and I1#/6compatible mail client with a built6in newsreader. It is available with InternetDutloo$ 3+press is a /D/E6 and I1#/6compatible mail client with a built6in newsreader. It is available with Internet

    3+plorer for )indows or as a stand6alone client.3+plorer for )indows or as a stand6alone client.

      Dutloo$ is also an email client% but unli$e Dutloo$ 3+press% it is also a personal information mana'er. )e can use itDutloo$ is also an email client% but unli$e Dutloo$ 3+press% it is also a personal information mana'er. )e can use itfor viewin' and maintainin' calendars% or'anizin' contacts% and mana'in' tas$s. )hen we use it with anfor viewin' and maintainin' calendars% or'anizin' contacts% and mana'in' tas$s. )hen we use it with an3+chan'e server account% you can use it for 'roup schedulin' and sharin' your contacts and tas$s with others.3+chan'e server account% you can use it for 'roup schedulin' and sharin' your contacts and tas$s with others.

      3+press has limited ri'hts and use popE whereas outloo$ use ,1/ and has more ri'hts.3+press has limited ri'hts and use popE whereas outloo$ use ,1/ and has more ri'hts.

      Dutloo$ 3+press is a part of Internet 3+plorer.Dutloo$ 3+press is a part of Internet 3+plorer.

    Here are some features of outloo$ that outloo$ e+press does not have 6Here are some features of outloo$ that outloo$ e+press does not have 69 0alendar 9 0alendar C 36mail Rules O ;ilterC 36mail Rules O ;ilterE ,chedual as$E ,chedual as$F /ublic folder.F /ublic folder.

      $onfiguration Steps of (#AP on 1utloo0$onfiguration Steps of (#AP on 1utloo0 66open your outloo$ 6 'o to ool 6 'o to 36mail account 6 clic$ on 36 mail account than 36mail account prompt will beopen your outloo$ 6 'o to ool 6 'o to 36mail account 6 clic$ on 36 mail account than 36mail account prompt will beopen 6 'o to directory 6 clic$ chec$ bo+ of #dd a new directory or #ddress oo$ 6 clic$ ne+t 6 here you canopen 6 'o to directory 6 clic$ chec$ bo+ of #dd a new directory or #ddress oo$ 6 clic$ ne+t 6 here you canconfi'ure L4#/ ,ervice on your Dutloo$.confi'ure L4#/ ,ervice on your Dutloo$.

      ,roubleshoot,roubleshoot 2ou can troubleshoot outloo$ by ta$e Help on Dutloo$ tas$ bar.2ou can troubleshoot outloo$ by ta$e Help on Dutloo$ tas$ bar.

    What is the core files required to boot Windows 3P/What is the core files required to boot Windows 3P/Answer:Answer:

    ntldr% boot.ini% bootsect.dos% ntbootdd.sys% ntos$rnl.e+e% hal.dll% system% device drivers (s.sysntldr% boot.ini% bootsect.dos% ntbootdd.sys% ntos$rnl.e+e% hal.dll% system% device drivers (s.sys

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    What is the difference between windows 3P and windows 6777/What is the difference between windows 3P and windows 6777/

    Win) 3P8 has drivers that 9recogni+e9 hardware8 easier and faster8 with system set up)Win) 3P8 has drivers that 9recogni+e9 hardware8 easier and faster8 with system set up)3P is considerably faster and has a better 2) 2t also supports added features such as built in cd writing support;3P is considerably faster and has a better 2) 2t also supports added features such as built in cd writing support;system restore; and better networ0ing features)system restore; and better networ0ing features)

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    .ow would you create an email account for a user already in A#/.ow would you create an email account for a user already in A#/Answer:Answer:  Dpen 1icrosoft Dutloo$ if you are usin' office C:::% and clic$ on MoolsM tab. 7o to M3mail #ccountsM. here you canDpen 1icrosoft Dutloo$ if you are usin' office C:::% and clic$ on MoolsM tab. 7o to M3mail #ccountsM. here you can

    find two options li$e 3mail and 4irectory. 0lic$ on M#dd a new #ccountM and clic$ ne+t. If you are usin' 3+chan'efind two options li$e 3mail and 4irectory. 0lic$ on M#dd a new #ccountM and clic$ ne+t. If you are usin' 3+chan'e

    Or Or 

      Dpen 1icrosoft Dutloo$ if you are usin' office C:::% and clic$ on MoolsM tab. 7o to M3mail #ccountsM. here you canDpen 1icrosoft Dutloo$ if you are usin' office C:::% and clic$ on MoolsM tab. 7o to M3mail #ccountsM. here you can

    find two options li$e 3mail and 4irectory. 0lic$ on M#dd a new #ccountM and clic$ ne+t. If you are usin' 3+chan'efind two options li$e 3mail and 4irectory. 0lic$ on M#dd a new #ccountM and clic$ ne+t. If you are usin' 3+chan'e,erver then clic$ over there% this depends on that particular Dr'anization. #ccordin' to their setup you have to,erver then clic$ over there% this depends on that particular Dr'anization. #ccordin' to their setup you have tochoose. #nd if you are usin' /D/E server then ne+t popup will come alon' with your name% emailaddress /D/Echoose. #nd if you are usin' /D/E server then ne+t popup will come alon' with your name% emailaddress /D/Eand ,1/ I/ address% /assword etc. and after that clic$ on Ne+t and finish it.and ,1/ I/ address% /assword etc. and after that clic$ on Ne+t and finish it.

      .ow will you install 1perating System in more than =7 P$ at a time when the all Pcs.ow will you install 1perating System in more than =7 P$ at a time when the all Pcs

    having same configuration/having same configuration/Answer:Answer:

    it is very simple. "ust install the D, and all the drivers in one system and ma$e a 'host ima'e usin' norton 'host andit is very simple. "ust install the D, and all the drivers in one system and ma$e a 'host ima'e usin' norton 'host andrestore it in remainin' FA systems. Restorin' a 'host ta$es G6B mins while os and drivers will ta$e more than onerestore it in remainin' FA systems. Restorin' a 'host ta$es G6B mins while os and drivers will ta$e more than onehour for each.hour for each.

    What is bootloader/What is bootloader/Answer:Answer:  ootloader is called 1aster oot Record (1R% where our D, is loaded.ootloader is called 1aster oot Record (1R% where our D, is loaded.

    What is (#AP Server/What is (#AP Server/Answer:Answer:

    L4#/% Li'htwei'ht 4irectory #ccess /rotocol% is an Internet protocol that email and other pro'rams use to loo$ upL4#/% Li'htwei'ht 4irectory #ccess /rotocol% is an Internet protocol that email and other pro'rams use to loo$ upinformation from a server.information from a server.

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    What is the technical difference between #es0top Support > .elp #es0/What is the technical difference between #es0top Support > .elp #es0/Answer:Answer:

    he difference between des$top support and helpdes$ are the followin'=he difference between des$top support and helpdes$ are the followin'=

    9. 4es$top support is the one doin' the troubleshootin' on hand.9. 4es$top support is the one doin' the troubleshootin' on hand.

    C. Helpdes$ support is the one receivin' the call and troubleshoots it remotelyC. Helpdes$ support is the one receivin' the call and troubleshoots it remotely

    What is the difference between server 1S and des0top 1S/What is the difference between server 1S and des0top 1S/Answer:Answer:  )ith server D, we can mana'e des$top D,. ,erver Ds is hi'her version of 4es$top D,.)ith server D, we can mana'e des$top D,. ,erver Ds is hi'her version of 4es$top D,.

    .ow can i tell if the print spool in running and where is it located/ where does it store.ow can i tell if the print spool in running and where is it located/ where does it storespooled print jobs/spooled print jobs/ 

    Answer:Answer:  7o to start button and run prompt and type services.msc and open window and now 'o to printer spooler services7o to start button and run prompt and type services.msc and open window and now 'o to printer spooler services

    you can stop and start this service o$you can stop and start this service o$ 1r 1r   he /rint spool ,ervice appears in ,ervices. 7o to #dministrative tools then choosehe /rint spool ,ervice appears in ,ervices. 7o to #dministrative tools then choose

    ,ervices. ,croll down to /rint ,pooler and loo$ at the status. he files are stored in,ervices. ,croll down to /rint ,pooler and loo$ at the status. he files are stored in


    .ow do you install a pre e5isting printer on users des0top/.ow do you install a pre e5isting printer on users des0top/Answer:Answer:

    7o to control panel and then 'o to add hardware wizard after that read all the options carefully. )hen system7o to control panel and then 'o to add hardware wizard after that read all the options carefully. )hen system

    re&uires software for that% insert the software 04 otherwise system will install automatically. Restart the systemre&uires software for that% insert the software 04 otherwise system will install automatically. Restart the system

    ser has a home folder setup in A# when he logs in it maps the drive which point to theser has a home folder setup in A# when he logs in it maps the drive which point to theshare on the server)) he accidentally deleted it what is the fastest way to get it bac0 from ashare on the server)) he accidentally deleted it what is the fastest way to get it bac0 from acommand line/command line/

    Answer:Answer:  net use u= !homenet use u= !home

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    2f you have client in a different location and want to access that client from server; what is2f you have client in a different location and want to access that client from server; what isthe best way to access that client from server/the best way to access that client from server/

    Answer:Answer:2ou can find the client in #ctive 4irectory and use remote des$top from there or you can clic$ start then run and2ou can find the client in #ctive 4irectory and use remote des$top from there or you can clic$ start then run andtype the command MmstscM which opens the remote des$top pro'ram% type in the computer name or I/type the command MmstscM which opens the remote des$top pro'ram% type in the computer name or I/address you want to connect too and lo' in.address you want to connect too and lo' in.

    Or Or 

    he best way I thin$ so is to ta$e remote connections by M1,,0M or otherwise you can also use the softwarehe best way I thin$ so is to ta$e remote connections by M1,,0M or otherwise you can also use the softwareM4#13)#R3M which allows yourself and the client to use machine one at the same time i.e simultanously.M4#13)#R3M which allows yourself and the client to use machine one at the same time i.e simultanously.

    What will you do if you are unable to view deleted files in recycle bin Win3P"/What will you do if you are unable to view deleted files in recycle bin Win3P"/Answer:Answer: 

    Ri'ht clic$ on Recycle in and clic$ on /roperties% then unchec$ the option M4o not move files to Recycle in.......@Ri'ht clic$ on Recycle in and clic$ on /roperties% then unchec$ the option M4o not move files to Recycle in.......@

    y selectin' this option the deleted files will not be permanently deleted from the system. Dnly then the ne+ty selectin' this option the deleted files will not be permanently deleted from the system. Dnly then the ne+t

    deleted files could be viewed in the Recycle indeleted files could be viewed in the Recycle in

     ?ou are required to install a new printer on the Print Server what are your steps/ ?ou are required to install a new printer on the Print Server what are your steps/Remember this will be a shared printer/Remember this will be a shared printer/

    Answer:Answer: If you want to set up a networ$ printerIf you want to set up a networ$ printer Start @ Settings @ Printers @add printer)Start @ Settings @ Printers @add printer) after that you can confi'ure itafter that you can confi'ure itto your own your own preference.

    ser sent a job but it is stuc0 in the local cue how can you delete it/ name a couple waysser sent a job but it is stuc0 in the local cue how can you delete it/ name a couple ways

    Answer:Answer:0lic$ on the printer icon in the tas$bar located at the bottom ri'ht hand corner and you will be able to delete it%0lic$ on the printer icon in the tas$bar located at the bottom ri'ht hand corner and you will be able to delete it%restart%restart%

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    What does AP2PA stand for/What does AP2PA stand for/Answer:Answer:

     #/I/# 6 #utomatic /rivate I/ addressin'. #/I/# 6 #utomatic /rivate I/ addressin'.

    his is a dynamic service (I mentioned here dynamic means you have not need to start O stop this service%his is a dynamic service (I mentioned here dynamic means you have not need to start O stop this service%

    computer will automatically started this service when 4H0/ is down O stop this service when 4H0/ is up thatcomputer will automatically started this service when 4H0/ is down O stop this service when 4H0/ is up thatmeans this service is related with 4H0/.means this service is related with 4H0/.

     #/I/# assi'n private I/ address from 9BA.CGF.:.9 to 9BA.CGF.CGG.CGF. #/I/# assi'n private I/ address from 9BA.CGF.:.9 to 9BA.CGF.CGG.CGF.

     #/I/# also chec$ presence 4H0/ server every G minutes ( accordin' to 1icrosoft  #/I/# also chec$ presence 4H0/ server every G minutes ( accordin' to 1icrosoft

    What will you do if you have a virus that loaded several processes every time you stop theWhat will you do if you have a virus that loaded several processes every time you stop theprocess it restarts itself you tried going into safe mode but it does the same thing)))youprocess it restarts itself you tried going into safe mode but it does the same thing)))youfound the #(( files associated with it/found the #(( files associated with it/

    Answer:Answer: 0hec$ the default home pa'e settin' under options tab. Reset it to a $nown 'ood home pa'e (ie= 1,N% 7oo'le%0hec$ the default home pa'e settin' under options tab. Reset it to a $nown 'ood home pa'e (ie= 1,N% 7oo'le%etc. and run full antispyare scans. I5d recommend a freebie such as adaware se or spybot sOd.etc. and run full antispyare scans. I5d recommend a freebie such as adaware se or spybot sOd.

    What is 24AP/ .ow does it wor0/What is 24AP/ .ow does it wor0/Answer:Answer:

    I1#/ stands for ?Internet 1essa'e #003,, /rotocol@. I1#/ store your Dffline O Dnline mails on I1#/ serverI1#/ stands for ?Internet 1essa'e #003,, /rotocol@. I1#/ store your Dffline O Dnline mails on I1#/ serverfrom your )or$satation. 2ou not need to transfer your mails to your server. I1#/F this is latest version of I1#/.from your )or$satation. 2ou not need to transfer your mails to your server. I1#/F this is latest version of I1#/.I1#/ 6 this service help you to access your mail which is stored in server.I1#/ 6 this service help you to access your mail which is stored in server.

    I1#/ sync your stored (in ,erver1ail with your outloo$.I1#/ sync your stored (in ,erver1ail with your outloo$.

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    .andling #ifficult Situations

      4ifficult situations are unpredictable and can occur at any time. he followin'factors could ma$e interviews difficult=

    • 3mbarrassin' moments.

    •   Harassin' moments.

      %mbarrassing moments

      2ou could respond to embarrassin' moments in any of the followin' ways=

      I'nore the mishap% and carry on with the interview.

      Remember to $eep your cool and be as positive and confident as possible.

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    .andling #ifficult Situations

    Harassin' moments

    2ou may respond to harassment in any of the followin' ways=

    actfully steer the conversation away by chan'in' the topic.

    I'nore the remar$!'esture and continue the interview.

    0onfront the interviewer in a polite and mature manner.

    erminate the interview ri'ht away.

  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones



    7skin$ Questions of the interviewer7skin$ Questions of the interviewer

     #s$in' &uestions is a $ey part of the interview process. It is an #s$in' &uestions is a $ey part of the interview process. It is an

    opportunity to set yourself apart from the other intervieweesopportunity to set yourself apart from the other interviewees

     #s$ &uestions that show you have thou'ht about a lon' term career #s$ &uestions that show you have thou'ht about a lon' term careerwith the companywith the company

    culture and possible career pathsculture and possible career paths


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    han$ the interviewer for his or her timehan$ the interviewer for his or her time

    Mhan$ youM or MI would li$e to than$ youM at the be'innin' of theMhan$ youM or MI would li$e to than$ youM at the be'innin' of theletter.letter.

    Inte'rate an opportunity for continuin' communication with theInte'rate an opportunity for continuin' communication with the

    interviewer and!or the employer.interviewer and!or the employer. MI would be willin' to discuss my interest a'ain with you at yourMI would be willin' to discuss my interest a'ain with you at your


  • 8/19/2019 Desktop Support Questiones


     Thou$ht Thou$ht for the Dayfor the Day

    *efore everythin$ else/ ;ettin$ Ready