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  • 8/17/2019 dessler_02.ppt


    © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc.© 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc.

     All rights reserved. All rights reserved.PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie CookPowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook

    The niversity o! "est Alaba#aThe niversity o! "est Alaba#a


    H%#an &eso%rceH%#an &eso%rce


    G A R Y D E S S L E R G A R Y D E S S L E R 

    ()%al *++ort%nity and the aw()%al *++ort%nity and the aw

    Chapter 2Chapter 2

    Part 1 | IntroductionPart 1 | Introduction

  • 8/17/2019 dessler_02.ppt


    © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All 2–2

     A!ter st%dying this cha+ter, yo% sho%ld be able to-

    $.$. Cite the #ain !eat%res o! at least !ive e#+loy#entCite the #ain !eat%res o! at least !ive e#+loy#ent

    discri#ination laws.discri#ination laws.

    2.2. e!inee!ine adverse impact adverse impact  and e/+lain how it is +rovedand e/+lain how it is +roved

    and what its signi!icance is.and what its signi!icance is.

    .. (/+lain and ill%strate two de!enses yo% can %se in the(/+lain and ill%strate two de!enses yo% can %se in theevent o! discri#inatory +ractice allegations.event o! discri#inatory +ractice allegations.

    1.1.  Avoid e#+loy#ent discri#ination +roble#s. Avoid e#+loy#ent discri#ination +roble#s.

    .. Cite s+eci!ic discri#inatory +ersonnel #anage#entCite s+eci!ic discri#inatory +ersonnel #anage#ent+ractices in recr%it#ent, selection, +ro#otion, trans!er,+ractices in recr%it#ent, selection, +ro#otion, trans!er,

    layo!!s, and bene!its.layo!!s, and bene!its.

    3.3. e!ine and disc%sse!ine and disc%ss diversity management diversity management ..

  • 8/17/2019 dessler_02.ppt


    © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All 2–3

    (arly Co%rt ecisions &egarding(arly Co%rt ecisions &egarding

    ()%al (#+loy#ent *++ort%nity 4cont5d6()%al (#+loy#ent *++ort%nity 4cont5d6

    7  Albemarle Paper Company v. Moody  Albemarle Paper Company v. Moody 

    I! a test is %sed to screen candidates, then the ob5sI! a test is %sed to screen candidates, then the ob5s

    s+eci!ic d%ties and res+onsibilities #%st be analy9eds+eci!ic d%ties and res+onsibilities #%st be analy9ed

    and doc%#ented.and doc%#ented.

    The +er!or#ance standards !or the ob sho%ld beThe +er!or#ance standards !or the ob sho%ld be

    clear and %na#big%o%s.clear and %na#big%o%s.

    :ederal g%idelines on validation are to be %sed !or:ederal g%idelines on validation are to be %sed !orvalidating e#+loy#ent +ractices.validating e#+loy#ent +ractices.

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    © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All 2–4

    (#+loyer *bligations nder AA(#+loyer *bligations nder AA

    7  An e#+loyer #%st #ake a reasonable acco##odation !or An e#+loyer #%st #ake a reasonable acco##odation !or

    a )%ali!ied disabled individ%al %nless doing so wo%ld res%lta )%ali!ied disabled individ%al %nless doing so wo%ld res%ltin %nd%e hardshi+.  in %nd%e hardshi+.

    7 (#+loyers are not re)%ired to lower e/isting +er!or#ance(#+loyers are not re)%ired to lower e/isting +er!or#ance

    standards or sto+ %sing tests !or a ob.standards or sto+ %sing tests !or a ob.

    7 (#+loyers #ay ask +re;e#+loy#ent )%estions abo%t essential(#+loyers #ay ask +re;e#+loy#ent )%estions abo%t essential ob !%nctions b%t can not #ake in)%iries abo%t disability. ob !%nctions b%t can not #ake in)%iries abo%t disability.

    7 'edical e/a#s 4or testing6 !or c%rrent e#+loyees #%st be'edical e/a#s 4or testing6 !or c%rrent e#+loyees #%st be

     ob;related. ob;related.

    7 (#+loyers sho%ld review ob a++lication !or#s, interview(#+loyers sho%ld review ob a++lication !or#s, interview

    +roced%res, and ob descri+tions !or illegal )%estions and+roced%res, and ob descri+tions !or illegal )%estions andstate#ents.state#ents.

    7 (#+loyers sho%ld have %+;to;date ob descri+tions that identi!y(#+loyers sho%ld have %+;to;date ob descri+tions that identi!y

    the c%rrent essential !%nctions o! the ob.the c%rrent essential !%nctions o! the ob.

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    © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All 2–5

    isabilities and AAisabilities and AA

    7 Co%rts will tend to de!ine

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    © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All 2–6

    >tate and ocal ()%al (#+loy#ent>tate and ocal ()%al (#+loy#ent

    *++ort%nity aws*++ort%nity aws

    7 >tate and ocal aws>tate and ocal aws

    Cannot con!lict with !ederal law b%t can e/tendCannot con!lict with !ederal law b%t can e/tend

    coverage to additional +rotected gro%+s.coverage to additional +rotected gro%+s.

    The ((*C can de!er a discri#ination charge to stateThe ((*C can de!er a discri#ination charge to state

    and local agencies that have co#+arable %risdiction.and local agencies that have co#+arable %risdiction.

  • 8/17/2019 dessler_02.ppt

    7/12© 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All 2–7

    *ther Considerations in iscri#inatory*ther Considerations in iscri#inatory

    Practice e!ensesPractice e!enses

    $.$. ?ood intentions are no e/c%se.?ood intentions are no e/c%se.

    2.2. (#+loyers cannot hide behind collective(#+loyers cannot hide behind collective

    bargaining agree#ents@e)%al o++ort%nitybargaining agree#ents@e)%al o++ort%nitylaws override %nion contract agree#ents.laws override %nion contract agree#ents.

    .. :ir#s sho%ld react by agreeing to eli#inate an:ir#s sho%ld react by agreeing to eli#inate an

    illegal +ractice and 4when re)%ired6 byillegal +ractice and 4when re)%ired6 by

    co#+ensating the +eo+le discri#inatedco#+ensating the +eo+le discri#inated


  • 8/17/2019 dessler_02.ppt

    8/12© 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All 2–8

    'andatory Arbitration'andatory Arbitration

    7 Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp.Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp.

    (#+loyers can co#+el e#+loyees to agree to(#+loyers can co#+el e#+loyees to agree to

    #andatory arbitration o! e#+loy#ent;related#andatory arbitration o! e#+loy#ent;related


    7 &eco##endations&eco##endations

    &e)%est +arty be co#+elled to arbitrate clai#.&e)%est +arty be co#+elled to arbitrate clai#.

    Insert arbitration cla%se in e#+loy#ent a++licationsInsert arbitration cla%se in e#+loy#ent a++lications

    and e#+loyee handbooks.and e#+loyee handbooks. Protect arbitration +rocess !ro# a++eal.Protect arbitration +rocess !ro# a++eal.

    7  Alternative is+%te &esol%tion 4A&6 Alternative is+%te &esol%tion 4A&6

  • 8/17/2019 dessler_02.ppt

    9/12© 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All 2–9

    iversity 'anage#ent Progra#iversity 'anage#ent Progra#






    Steps in a Diversity Management Program:

     Assess the sit%ation

    Provide strong leadershi+

    Provide diversity training and ed%cation

    Change c%lt%re and #anage#ent syste#s

    (val%ate the diversity #anage#ent +rogra#

  • 8/17/2019 dessler_02.ppt

    10/12© 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All 2–0

    esigning an A!!ir#ative Action Progra#esigning an A!!ir#ative Action Progra#

    7 ?ood :aith (!!ort >trategy?ood :aith (!!ort >trategy (li#inating the +resent e!!ects o! +ast +ractices(li#inating the +resent e!!ects o! +ast +ractices

    that e/cl%ded or %nder%tili9ed +rotected gro%+s.that e/cl%ded or %nder%tili9ed +rotected gro%+s.

    Identi!ication thro%gh n%#erical analysis.Identi!ication thro%gh n%#erical analysis.

    Proactive eli#ination o! e#+loy#ent barriers.Proactive eli#ination o! e#+loy#ent barriers. Increased #inority or !e#ale a++licant !low.Increased #inority or !e#ale a++licant !low.

    7 Increasing (#+loyee >%++ort !orIncreasing (#+loyee >%++ort !or

     A!!ir#ative Action A!!ir#ative Action

    Trans+arent selection +roced%resTrans+arent selection +roced%res



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    11/12© 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All 2–

    &everse iscri#ination&everse iscri#ination

    7 &everse iscri#ination&everse iscri#ination

    iscri#ination against non;#inority a++licants andiscri#ination against non;#inority a++licants and

    e#+loyees by )%ota;based syste#s.e#+loyees by )%ota;based syste#s.

    Bakke v. egents o! the "niversity o! Cali!orniaBakke v. egents o! the "niversity o! Cali!ornia

    #ygant v. Jackson Board o! $d%cation#ygant v. Jackson Board o! $d%cation

    ".&. v. Paradise".&. v. Paradise

    Johnson v. 'ransportation Agency( &anta ClaraJohnson v. 'ransportation Agency( &anta Clara

    Co%nty Co%nty 

  • 8/17/2019 dessler_02.ppt

    12/12© 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All 2–2

    B ( T ( & ' >

    Title DII o! the $E31 Civil &ights ActTitle DII o! the $E31 Civil &ights Act

    ()%al (#+loy#ent *++ort%nity()%al (#+loy#ent *++ort%nityCo##ission 4((*C6Co##ission 4((*C6

    a!!ir#ative actiona!!ir#ative action

    *!!ice o! :ederal Contract Co#+liance*!!ice o! :ederal Contract Co#+lianceProgra#s 4*:CCP6Progra#s 4*:CCP6

    ()%al Pay Act o! $E3()%al Pay Act o! $E3 Age iscri#ination in (#+loy#ent Act Age iscri#ination in (#+loy#ent Act

    o! $E3F 4A(A6o! $E3F 4A(A6

    Docational &ehabilitation Act o! $EFDocational &ehabilitation Act o! $EF

    Dietna# (ra Deterans5 &ead%st#ent ActDietna# (ra Deterans5 &ead%st#ent Acto! $EF1o! $EF1

    Pregnancy iscri#ination Act 4PA6Pregnancy iscri#ination Act 4PA6%ni!or# g%idelines%ni!or# g%idelines

    se/%al harass#entse/%al harass#ent

    :ederal Diolence Against "o#en Act:ederal Diolence Against "o#en Act

    o! $EE1o! $EE1

    +rotected class+rotected class

    Civil &ights Act o! $EE$ 4C&A $EE$6Civil &ights Act o! $EE$ 4C&A $EE$6

    #i/ed #otive case#i/ed #otive case

     A#ericans with isabilities Act 4AA6 A#ericans with isabilities Act 4AA6

    )%ali!ied individ%als)%ali!ied individ%als

    adverse i#+actadverse i#+act

    dis+arate reection ratesdis+arate reection rates

    restricted +olicyrestricted +olicy

    bona !ide occ%+ational )%ali!ication 4G:*6bona !ide occ%+ational )%ali!ication 4G:*6

    alternative dis+%te resol%tion or A&alternative dis+%te resol%tion or A&+rogra#+rogra#

    good !aith e!!ort strategygood !aith e!!ort strategy

    reverse discri#inationreverse discri#ination